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Or, how I learned to stop worrying and actually do the readings
>Load your chart [EXACT BIRTH TIME]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general
Question of thread - how do you see yourself?
previous >>38818561
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I'm a fighter, need advice on my career path
Anything that stands out to you? I'll take any reading, career, love, whatever, I need help in general
>how do you see yourself
I have an extremely high verbal IQ but I relate to Alex Jones (fellow Aquarius) when he says "I'm kinda retarded". However I have an easy time making friends because I like everybody. I'm not picky when it comes to people. Now, what else can you tell me about myself? Whats in store for my future?
To answer the question of the thread, I see myself as a deeply flawed person, I try to reach my maximum potential regardless of the cacophony of mental illnesses and suffering, I'm lazy, flawed and deceitful and secretly very violent at the bottom of my soul, though I try my best to be a good person and try to project my negative emotions into something productive.
You have lead in your pipe water.
In psychology, they call that an anxious ambivalent attachment style.
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God fucking damn it I accidentally doxxed myself. Whatever.
I nearly did that shit too ngl, the site has an option to blur out your shit, it doesn't matter though as these threads are filled with decent people
Lately I've been trying to see deeper into myself. All I see is an anxious person, I try to calm myself by downplaying my discomfort saying it's just how I am. I think I'm undesirable as well, couldn't really tell you why
I'm using whole signs btw.

-NN almost exactly on the descendant. I think it's easiest for you to just be alone or focus on yourself (SN, sun in 1st house), but a relationship and learning to be with someone else would provide the most growth

-you have a lot going on in the 1st house. sun, merc, uranus, neptune - again kind of emphasizing the self over relationships. but this is all in aquarius which cares about the collective, which is kind of paradoxical

-moon in scorpio conjunct mars in 10th house. I also have a 10th house placement and sometimes it feels like my life is too public in ways I don't want - your lunar and martian nature is the most "seen" thing in your chart by others. moon in scorpio is a bit rough, to say the least. I feel like this is where you're getting tripped up, in your feelings, and anxious. the most constructive way for you to get out of this is the trine to venus in pisces (which is a good placement, and indicates you are attractive in some way). if you're feeling bad, you should channel the energy and pain into venusian activities - art, music?

-nice 2nd house in general, with venus (exalted) and jupiter (domicile) in pisces. seems like you have the potential to be set as far as material stuff goes

-saturn in aries (detriment), 3rd house. do you struggle with communication?

you're not just an anxious person - it's a self limiting belief, and the only way out is through. I would recommend therapy and/or psychedelic therapy (like ayahuasca or something) to help get out of the rut
Full harvest moon in pisces tonight tightly squaring jupiter in gemini, any theories on implications?
Why do the mods keep nuking all the astro threads???
why are you asking stupid questions? didn’t you just ask hOw pEoPle See thEmselVes last thread? who cares. why can’t anyone be creative
That was extremely precise, I do struggle with communication. I'm just not great at talking, or I'm always worried about what I say. I'll try therapy maybe
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What’s in store for me with this full moon / eclipse? Feels like a lot of things coming to a head, especially in my romantic life.
is it a good idea to start a family business?
I'm glad it resonated. I hope you start feeling better soon.

nice grand earth trine of Moon, Sun/Venus, and Uranus and Neptune. I like the supportive sextiles to Saturn and Pluto too.

my chart is sort of similarly configured, having a grand trine and a bunch of oppositions. So I can say you have been blessed with a lot of gifts but also some internal tensions and contradictions in your personality

Moon in Taurus (domicile) in the 1st house opposite Pluto in the 7th house - your unconscious mind and feelings undergo multiple transformations

Jupiter in Sag (8H) is a good placement. you could benefit from an inheritance or something of that nature

fallen Venus in Virgo in the 5th house is your chart ruler. not quite sure what to make of this one. how is your love life?

Mars and Pluto in the 7th house - best case scenario, your romantic relationships are passionate and transform your life in a positive way. worst case, you have turbulent, possibly jealous and possessive, mars-oriented relationships that are destructive

Sun opposite Saturn is kind of a vibe killer, but will get better with age. it means your ego expression may have been blocked in life - could have been by an older person or just general life circumstances

do you have any specific questions?
Aquarius dude.
What are my chances with this girl?
wow placidus synastry charts are a nightmare.

-her pluto on your ascendant - if you get together she'll change your appearance, self-image, how you present yourself, directly or indirectly

-your venus conjunct her neptune - you're definitely romanticizing her

-her mars and saturn within conjunction distance to your moon is a little yikes

-your saturns also oppose each other - interesting, idk

-your pluto on her MC - you could end up changing her career or public life in some way, again directly or indirectly

-your chiron on her moon - yikes again

I mean, it's not an ideal synastry. you have some saturn aspects which could provide some "glue," if they aren't just outright difficult-- but I'm not one to say don't do things because of the astrology. your moon being in her 7th house is good, just don't love her mars and saturn in the mix there. you're also lacking any real venus/mars aspects. your venus sextiles her mars by sign and vise versa, but no direct contacts which would ramp up the chemistry. no idea whether you have a chance or not tho
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Why do I hear and see ghosts?
How is Venus virgo + Venus Leo in synastry?
you can't totally isolate a placement/aspect like that, but on its own it's not great. the two signs have different values and don't make a major aspect.

arguably venus-venus aspects aren't super important anyway tho, it just says whether the two of you have the same tastes and preferences in enjoyable activities, love language and stuff
I know on its own it doesn't tell a lot, but it's still interesting to look at why it's not great and so what can be done. I think we focus too much on obvious things from readings rather than just signs as they are, thanks for the answer kind sir
your fucking ghosts are gemini, and they haunt your 8th house. maybe it's your grandmother
sorry, didn't mean to be dismissive. I can answer more in depth

virgo venus is particular about how things look - nitpicky and critical. cares about small details, acts of service. style might be kind of preppy. probably not the center of attention type but more behind the scenes (depending on the rest of the chart)

I dated a leo venus and he loved to show me off. wearing flashy clothing, impressing people. creative - he liked making music. protective

I don't think it would necessarily be bad or anything. it depends on the rest of the synastry cuz venus-venus just isn't enough to make or break a relationship on its own imo
>Using stat signs to guess chances with a woman
Holy fuck you retards are so fucking gay
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Someone who understands transits: please tell me if now is a good time to embark on a new schedule/habits. I was thinking Sunday this week when Mars conjuncts with natal Moon. Thank you in advance.
>inb4 your chart is crazy, u r a faggot, etc
Ok I'll talk to you in another post. This one is just for people who know what they are doing with transits.
nothing. 4-6 eclipses every year. nothing happens unless conjunction. stfu
You do not need astrology to tell you it’s always good to try new things. Also do you think we don’t remember you from the last thread replying to yourself that you have “the craziest chart you’ve ever seen” do you think that adding the misaligned nonsense attachment you’ve copy and pasted to this makes it cRaZy? you’re a fucking faggot with a subpar normal chart, absolutely nothing of interest or excitement here
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see myself as someone who has lot of mental hang ups that holds them back.
what is this "super moon lunar eclipse" and how does it affect us?
it doesnt
how can it be wrong when all I did was point out aspects and what's indicated astrologically if a relationship were to develop? it's just not a good synastry chart lol, accept it

not only are there a lot of concerning aspects but there's not much redeemable about it. sorry you don't like the answer

it affects people with mutable signs more. the other poster is a troll
I'm sorry about the cancer.
It’s beautiful. Especially when the leo venus is a virgo sun. The leo venus warms the virgo venus, the virgo venus teaches the leo venus. It’s harmonious and compatible on more than a surface level.
In my case we're both Leo suns, she's a Taurus moon and I'm a pisces. Im the Leo Venus. I don't feel like she's taught me anything but I'm older than her, I'm also constantly taking her out of her comfort zone so my Venus working overdrive to make her more comfortable, like this past week alone we did a 24 hour/mile swim and spent a week camping in a ferocious storm. We're both super compatible in that we never argue and have the same sense of humour, we rate people by their "spirit" and "body" and we both have very strong spirits in that you can put us in almost any situation and we can lead by example I've always heard that virgo Venus is shit but for me it's really cool so I wanted some more info. I feel like a virgo Venus couldn't teach a Leo Venus because Leo is just too proud to listen, thinks it already knows better and even if it doesn't, would probably still prefer to stick with it's original plan (which was Leo's idea) Or is that the lesson Leo needs to learn? Lol
I see myself as a loving and generous person. Sometimes I feel a bit callous when it comes to my relationship, though. I don't know what I want in life, I'm kind of jaded to everything as nothing every really feels how it used to. I miss being a kid and I hate working my ass off and feeling like I've got nothing to show for it, but I still try to serve my fellow man and live right by God.

Never had a reading and I don't have any specific questions, so I guess whatever jumps out at you will work. Thank you for your time.
bump ????????
been happening for months now
the amount of scorpio moons in these threads needs to be studied. again, I'm reading in whole sign.

gemini rising means that your mercury in aquarius in the 9th house rules your chart

aquarius is traditionally ruled by saturn, but your saturn is in detriment in aries. so I feel like this is the push pull you described between wanting to be responsible / work hard and hating it. aries is a "bad" sign for saturn because it's too impulsive and wants things now

moon square mercury (I have the opposition) means there's a conflict between your rational mind and your emotions / instinctual impulses. you may oscillate between being overly rational and overly emotionally driven. this square is happening with moon in the 6th and mercury in the 9th, which only further illustrates the conflict between real life discipline vs escapism

you do have pluto and chiron in your 7th house of relationships which indicates some hurt and transformation coming from that area of life - not sure what you mean by callous though. maybe you're not with the right person?
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I’d like to know where my love life is headed in future.

I feel I’ve had a string of bad luck relationship wise.
astrologers aren't psychics, but I can still analyze the birth chart which is your life overall. if you want to know when is a good time to seek out a relationship, you could check out transits. and your house sizes are crazy - try whole sign in the future

>sun and venus in the 7th whole sign house

you are definitely a relationship focused person.

>moon in the 1st (also your chart ruler with cancer rising)

I could imagine you sort of wear your emotions on your sleeve whether you know it or not. people probably know you to be a bit moody.

there aren't really negative signifiers in the chart as far as a relationship is concerned. but with sun/merc in the 7th I think you might get "lost" in relationships with other people. are your relationships ever co-dependent? with moon in 1st you need to learn to balance your own needs and those of a relationship. you probably take care of your loved ones
Chart with the dodecatemories.

Does my chart says "astrologer"?
You will have to work your ass off to get somewhere, but ya, you can become a fighter, Mars will rise and culminate first. Too bad your assets ruler is in the idle place (8th house). But you in general you can expand a lot if you focus on your Mars.
Thank you very much anon
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how do i heal from trauma?
A leo with a pisces moon is hilarious.

to heal from your trauma you first have to let go of a selfish woe is me type of attitude that most leo’s have, pisces moon also makes you take things incredibly personally. You’re also in the middle of your saturn return, naturally once that’s passed you’ll feel better. But healing trauma kind of depends specifically on what kind of trauma it is in the first place. Leo’s tend to make a mountain out of a molehill so there’s that factor too.
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Feeling stuck rn. Why is that? How do I move forward? Any beneficial transits or times ahead?
scorpio mars conjunct ascendant is crazy

are you hot or just nuts
Thanks, what do you think of my nodes In relation to trauma? I'm curious
North Node in the 12th, really uncomfortable dealing with yourself or sitting with your emotions, no real understanding of yourself. Basically in this life your main focus needs to be bouts of solitude, isolation, pay attention to your dreams, prioritize your sleep. Therapy is unlikely to help you as most of the answers in your life need to be found directly through self assessment.

However I will say there’s no immediate trauma placement in your chart. Pluto in the first along with jupiter + leo sun, you likely are dramatic, low self image, frequent changes to your appearance/outlook on life/don’t really know who you are. The combination of these placements make you melancholic, selfish, think your problems are deeper and worse than others or just in general deeper than they are. Probably issues with the father if he’s still alive.
How much astrology is in the Bible? Where?
The entire bible and all religions are based on astrology. Watch Zeitgiest.

here, it’s the clipped religion part, not very long

I'll add that to the list. Thoughts on Santos Bonacci?
hmm interesting i was more interested in the south node, i forgot which one it was. thanks for the read, i realised i was being a dick leaving no feedback, my feedback is like you say leo with a pisces moon, i think the saturn return thing is most interesting because it made me realise that i've been carrying some weight in my head about being creative and not releasing it and its always been something i've been too shy to do and its just been a long process of stopping caring, so thanks champ gonna do something about it. i kind of prefer mbti to talk about emotions, i think you're off with the north node, an mbti description would be the opposite of all of those things, thats actually why i was interested in the aries node because i actually think i need the opposite of self assessment, and being myself as you described in your first post, i'm struggling to define what that is
No one ever relates to their North Node. The fact that you say you don’t resonate with it is literally on par with how it manifests. It’s the most uncomfortable part of your life, the part you don’t want to deal with or move toward. Then the South Node, the exact opposite point of the north node, is what you’re already familiar with and what you focus on too much.

MTBI in my opinion is bullshit. You can take the same test a year or even six months from now and you’ll get a different result. It’s also almost always self induced, once people get interested in it they start adjusting their answers to try to fit the type they want to be.
can't be bothered to debate mbti vs astro because its about how you apply it, what you're saying about testing is true though, if what you were saying about my node wasn't completely contradicting mbti i'd agree with you, if i told you my mbti you'd be able to tell me more about how i process trauma as opposed to predicting issues about my father. i find the same self induced behaviour here, it's just people. thanks for the read, it's not to say i'm not taking into account everything you've said, i just wanted to feed back that just because no one ever relates to their north node doesn't mean every north node read is correct, shades of grey
Who rules Aquarius - Uranus or Saturn?
I think I know who this is but lets just leave it at that... lol. it's funny we're meeting here again

the pisces lunar eclipse last night hit your chart pretty directly. your natal saturn at 23 degrees pisces was conjunct the transit full moon at 25 degrees. plus the fact you're having your saturn return - transiting saturn is in pisces as well at 15 degrees. this is happening in the 5th whole sign house which is about stuff like creativity, sex, children, enjoyable activities-- maybe you're rethinking this area of your life. sounds like u are from another reply, or you feel blocked in expressing yourself in those ways right now. once some of the rough transits move out of pisces you'll feel better

my impartial reading on your chart though with fresh eyes:

mars sq venus - sex drive and what you need to feel loved are at odds with each other

I never realized we both have pluto in the 1st house

I would have to think more about ur question with the nodes. aries and the 12th house couldn't be more different so I'm not sure what fulfilling your north node would even look like.

I hope you're doing okay though
Both. Ruler and co ruler.
having a shit year thus far so I decided for the first time ever to check my solar return super early and this is what I see. how do I navigate this? I've basically stayed inside but I do have things I have to do. am I finished?
my star sign is god
Do people actually have evidence of this beyond hearing it in the mainstream modern astrology culture? Like, does Uranus rule the house that Aquarius is in like Saturn would? Like if someone was say, a Scorpio rising and Uranus was in their 8th house would you say that the ruler of the 4th house is in the 8th? Because that's how every ruler other works...

Actually I have so so many issues with this logic but I want to hear if there's any evidence for this or not.
Uranus makes more sense for Aquarius just like Neptune makes more sense for Pisces. Do you really feel like Saturn would rule the 11th and JUPITER would rule the 12th? It just doesn’t make sense
First of all signs are not equivalent to houses. That's another mistake of modern astrology. Also yes Saturn makes a lot of sense for Aquarius. Saturn is about decrease and negativity. Air moves around and universalizes. So Aquarius takes the Saturn energy and makes it universal, meaning it views socialization and community through a Saturnine lens. This doesn't make them evil (Saturn is not just "bad") it means that they focus on the negatives of everyone, and if they have a good heart that means that they are concerned with the suffering of a society. They will put their ego aside (sun is detrimented here) in order to work for the benefit of a group because they view things through this lens. This is why thy view everything equally, as thus are eclectic, and thus are considered "weird". But Aquarius isn't *about* being weird it's about being anti-Leo, decentralized. Do you see why Saturn + Air = decentralization?

Uranus on the other hand is only considered Aquarian because it's surprising, and Aquarius is surprising because it views all perspectives the same and thus appears "weird".

I also really hate when people say Pluto rules Scorpio. It's practically Scorpio slander. They're both very intense so people think they are the same, but the biggest difference is that Scorpio has a warm gooey lovey center that it fights to protect, while Pluto is cold all the way through. There is nothing warm within Pluto to protect, it just catalyzes destruction for the sake of spiritual transformation and karma. Scorpio only acts crazy and destructive to defend its delicate watery interests.
Also why do only some signs get co-rulers? Doesn't Virgo want a co-ruler? Or Libra? Why only a few? With the traditional thema mundi every planet gets two signs except the luminaries which are already a pair, so it's perfect. Why change something that's already perfect?

The outer planets are generational and impersonal, spiritual and transcendent. They don't have a flavor like the others do. The others get much more personality and are far more active in a chart, while the outer planets I find are only active in tighter orbs and in specific scenarios.
I think it's just taken a really long time to process what you did, I'm with someone now and I don't want it to affect her. I never read anything you sent me so I've never known how you felt about anything, which was a bad idea. The whole node thing is about how I think this is the only thing holding me back right now, and maybe rather than keep ignoring it like I have, i should just address it like an Aries would

Anyway for your feedback

People keep bringing up my transit but it hasn't been that bad, I feel like I got everything in place just in time, like how I always do, I'm now into really good habits and I'm the person I wanted but thought I never could be. You mention 5th house activities, this past 2 weeks have been exhausting as I've been non stop big activities
EPIC comment anon, lol! Have my upvote!
yeah the transit might not be bad, just turbulent and inspiring changes in that area of life

I haven't tried to reach out since it happened but I am willing to talk about it if you want, as long as there's no drama. there's more I want to say, just not here.
Ig, I really don't have anything to say. I just think knowing I can will make a big difference, it's all so weird and online it's like an Fi Si loop that exists only in imagination, how do you get closure from that?
You sent me messages on two occasions like 6 months after on like alt reddits and when I realised you had alt reddits I was just like wtf I'm never gonna get the truth so I just gave up on closure
Anyway I'm off to sleep, it's cool to see you still doing this, hope its going how you wanteed.cif you read all of the above of what I was asking and about needing the opposite of self reflectance, I think I've realised what I need is input from you, so thanks. If you have something to say, then send it on IG I've unblocked you. Maybe the whole thing about the Aries node is to confront but don't speak, listen. I don't really have anything to say I haven't already played over in my head like shoes in a dryer, but I think listening can help. Happy birthday
Respectfully if you’re asking this question then you don’t know enough to be saying half of this. Yes houses coincide with signs, and planets. That’s astrology 101, that has always been true, it’s not a modern astrology thing. The ONLY thing that separates modern astrology from “ancient” astrology is the discovery of the outer planets. That’s it. Hence “co rulers” for aquarius, pisces and scorpio. Their discovery and correlation better suited for specific signs. Venus also rules both Taurus and Libra. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo. Just study the basics and you’ll find the answer to all of these questions.
The outer planets are arguably the most influential. Generational is related to sign only. Not every person from the scorpio pluto generation will have pluto conjunct mars, the ascendant, sun etc or in the same house. I think you might be confused on what generational placement means. The outer planets are also the most important to use in transits and mundane astrology. I’ve said this before but it’s very juvenile to think that only ancient astrology is right. Consider it like medicine, if medicine didn’t evolve over time we would still be using lead paint and telling people cigarettes are good for pregnant women. Like all fields of knowledge, you need to adapt, learn more, apply new, etc.
>The outer planets are arguably the most influential.
Just as a counterpoint: How did ancient astrologers successfully scribe and read charts without accounting for the transpersonal planets, if they are as influential as you say they are?
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moon in Aquarius master race checking in.
So because we didn’t know about the nervous system for thousands of years that means it’s not influential on our bodies? I just don’t understand the notion that because they weren’t discovered yet that somehow means their existence is null in astrology
toledo is a shit hole and also i doubt you were born at 3:33
You have got to be the worst poster here. Have you ever straightforward answered a question, or do you just strawman everything that lies in contrary to what you think? Did I say that they weren't influential? No, you fucking nitwit. You said they
>are arguably the most influential.
Now I'm fucking arguing. How are they so incredibly influential? So influential, in fact, that ancient astrologers were able to read charts without their influence. Pray tell, or are you unable to actually defend your weaselly, nebulous positions?
Are you retarded? They couldn’t see them with the naked eye. That’s why they didn’t know they existed. You can read a chart without mars or the sun or any placement for that matter. I’m not your daddy and i’m not going to hold your hand through basic knowledge. If you want evidence for influence of the outer planets you can go back to comment one where i told you to look up historical transits for evidence of the power of the outer planets. Look at any personal chart for pluto. Must i spoon feed you and wipe your ass as well?
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I know you're not fortune tellers but seeking romantic advice with an ex and financial advice for my business i own (cliche i know, two most commonly asked things).
If anything important stands out i wouldn't mind that either.
You will live a long life.
What does a saturn return in the 8th house entail? What am I in for?
look it up
I already have and more than any other house it is vague.
What am I for? Am I just decoration?
You think I don't know the basic rulerships? That shows you don't understand my position. Yes every traditional planet gets 2 signs except the luminaries, that's what I said. The problem is that some signs get 2 rulers while Taurus only has Venus. Aries only gets mars. Why are some signs privileged above others? And let's remember that Pluto isn't even the only dwarf planet! There's at least five, if not nine! Where do they go? What does Quaoar rule?

Also if it was a true ruler it would actually ACT like a ruler. So a Scorpio rising with Uranus conjunct Mercury would be the 4th ruler conjunct the 11th & 8th ruler, yet I've never seen anyone do astrology with the outer planets like that.
Us not knowing about the nervous system meant we couldn't do *medicine* for thousands of years, yes. So if the outer planets are the most influential how could you do astrology? In reality its first the sun, then the moon, the moving outwards from the sun. Because the sun is the *center* and the outer planets are further away. Why would something be more influential the further it is? We don't even use Andromeda or the galactic center.

The outer planets are important for political changes, mass movements, and key figures in those movements. This is because they are the slowest. So of course you can look in history and maybe say they created the Reformation and maybe (just guessing here) Martin Luther had strong Uranus or Neptune placements. That's true. However for most individuals you'll get far more information out of their Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc.

The outer planets are slow, which is why they are like that. But even people born in the same year tend to have Saturn conjunctions in synastry. So the further a planet is from the sun the more it relates to masses of people, whereas the closer to the sun the more *personal* it is. The sun is an individual's identity after all. That's why you'll get far more information out of a person's sun, Mercury, and Venus. I don't doubt they have a strong effect, but a strong effect on what or who is the question.
Balance is important for your business. Meeting peoples needs and wants and being diplomatic are things you learned as strong values in childhood that you bring to your career. Although both Venus and Jupiter are retrograde, and a Jupiter opposition can mean "too much" so perhaps there is room for redress here (find balance with being balanced? :p) This also clashes with your emotional Mars and your Uranian and Neptunian way you deal with relationships with people.

The sun is the strongest planet in your chart, being exalted and in very good house for it, although it's ruler Mars is bad at emotional matters which is why it is in fall in Cancer. The sun rules your 2nd house of possessions and wealth, so you should lean on this sun in your career.

You have a fallen mercury, one that tends to be misunderstood but that can see many different perspectives at once, and in the 9th house this makes you very intellectual in a spiritual or ethereal way. Being the 3rd ruler, this can mean the way you carry yourself in conversation will come across perhaps scattered or confusing to people.

You probably love to travel with the 11th ruler conjunct sun and 9th ruler in the 4th. Travel will benefit your career.
No, not every scorpio rising has the same house set up. You’re drastically limiting astrology by only using inner planets and whole signs. You’re free to practice however you want but if it makes you this upset to even consider outer planets then maybe astrology isn’t for you. If you don’t understand them, all you can do is research and experiment and see for yourself.
Sigh. Again, this is a very juvenile take. No, it doesn’t get more personal the closer to the sun. Your sun sign is almost irrelevant to your personality and behavior. It’s arguably the most generic placement in a personal chart. This is again why whole signs is also incredibly generic. No, not every rising sign is going to have the same trauma because Pluto is placed in x house, same applies to all slow moving outer planets. An example would be Pluto in the 2nd via whole signs no unfortunately not all x rising sign will live in poverty or hold x problems with money because whole signs places all x rising signs pluto in the 2nd. Go for Neptune, some rising signs will have a prominent 12th house Neptune will debilitating mental health issues and drug problems while half of them won’t because Neptune is actually in their 1st house rather than the 12th like whole signs would tell you.

Again, instead of arguing and getting heated about it, you obviously are finding issues with the traditional and whole signs systems. The obvious next step would be to practice placidus and modern astrology. The evidence of its validity it’s simple and apparent as soon as you start actually practicing with it. I brought up transits because it’s the most obvious and simplistic way to note the importance of an outer planet. Absolutely nothing to do politics or the masses.
sorry to ask, but would you take a look at mine? you seem insightful and like you actually know your shit. I posted my chart a few days ago but there were no takers

I've been giving readings to others in these threads and will provide feedback
nta, but I was following you until you said the sun sign is irrelevant.

This entire disagreement you're having with the other anon is not even about astrology. It is about words. What something being "important" means. Take out astrology from what you are saying, and you will see what I mean.

>Your gender(sun sign) is almost irrelevant to your personality and behavior. It’s arguably the most generic determinant in a personality(personality chart). This is again why gender binary(whole signs) is also incredibly generic.
Here using the same form of your explaination, you are saying that gender is not important to your personality and behavior because it is generic, which is true in a sense because saying somebody is male or female(or which of the 12 sun signs they are) doesn't do much to define them specifically since that's like still half the population, but also false in the sense that in a vaccuum without considering how common other people having these traits are, all of the sun signs(and the two genders) indicate about one's personality a lot.

Also, on another note, the other anon did not say they are going to have the same trauma. They were saying they would have more similar traumas because pluto is very, very slow. Sure, a generation will have trauma in different houses and parts of their life, but it will be in just one sign for the next like 10 to 20 years. The other planets get to differ in both sign and house between people, while pluto only differs in house alone, hence why pluto would be more generic and less important to determining one's personality among many.

The discrepancy that you were saying with how Neptune would be in one's 12 house and also 1st house is also true right now for anybody any celestial body that just so happens to be around the same location in the sky as pluto was.

Pluto being important generationally is evidence that it is generic and impersonal in who it influences, so I'm with the other anon on that one.
I’m sorry that you put so much emphasis on the Sun. When looking at a personal birth chart it’s probably the last thing i look at or even consider. You cannot look at someone’s sun sign and determine how they are in love, how they treat their parents, what their childhood was like, what kind of music they like or hobbies that they have, etc. This is the definition of generic. Cancers are not thoroughly emotional or weak, Aries are not contractual seethers, Gemini’s are not air headed. These are all stereotypical surface level nothingness that aren’t a real indicator of anything besides maybe a breeze of insight into a person. This is why it’s so exhausting to even listen to people talk about astrology because they are so far into beginner levels of understanding that it makes every conversation like trying to explain physics to a 4 year old. Yes Tommy when you drop a ball it go down direction mmm yes. Guess Tommy understands gravity.
You can’t even try to teach anyone because the ego of these types of people they immediately get pissed off and defensive because they don’t actually want to learn, they just want someone to agree with them, no matter how superficial or retarded their opinion may be. This person is no different than the occasional idiot that pops in here and says PROVE astrology is real TO ME.
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Explain this astrotards
I'm not refusing to "even consider" the outer planets, that's a strawman. I do use them. My sun is conjunct Uranus and it has an obvious effect on my life. Again you are not listening to my arguments or my position. What I'm saying is essentially that just because you can use something in astrology doesn't mean that it *rules a sign*. North and South nodes of the moon have massive effects and yet they don't rule any sign.

I'm *not* arguing that you shouldn't use outer planets or that they have no effect. However that doesn't mean that they are rulers of any sign or house. Also you assume I never use Placidus based on merely an example I used. I use both house systems. I was using the example of Scorpio rising having Aquarius as the 4th house because, well, it's the simplest example for a Scorpio rising. I didn't think you use that to assume I never use Placidus. Again you keep on making these assumptions that I know nothing about this practice, when all I'm really trying to argue is for traditional rulerships.

Also, the sun sign is irrelevant? Seriously? When the *entire tropical zodiac* is based on the movement of the sun throughout the year? Like that other anon said this alone is completely discrediting. The sun is literally the basis for the zodiac. Also what you said about Pluto and Neptune could also be said of Jupiter and Saturn. Anyone born at a similar time will have the slow planets be the same, that's obvious.
>they don’t actually want to learn, they just want someone to agree with them, no matter how superficial or retarded their opinion may be.
NTA but this sounds like a textbook projection of your entire personality. You're clearly seething and malding over the fact people have different opinions in astrology. That's why women shouldn't have access to intellectual systems.
>determine how they are in love, how they treat their parents, what their childhood was like, what kind of music they like or hobbies that they have
This could be said of ANY planet! You obviously always have to look at the entire chart as whole, nothing will just tell you everything. Just because the sun doesn't tell you 100% about a person doesn't mean you can disregard it. And why would you when no other astrology does this? This comes across as contrarianism for contrarianism's sake.
>Cancers are not thoroughly emotional or weak
Yes... This is obviously because a cancer can have Venus in Leo and mercury in Gemini, and Jupiter in Capricorn maybe, and so on and so on... This doesn't mean the sun is useless at all! The sun is also the ruler of an entire house: where ever Leo is.

You're clearly determined to paint me as a beginner but it falls so flat because you're making these nonsense arguments. I'm not even going to read half this post because it's just baseless insults at this point.
As the cherry on top I'll add that you still haven't given a good reason for modern rulerships, which is what I originally started arguing against in the first place. Clearly modern rulerships are based on emotion and not on logic. It's always just "But Saturn can't rule Aquarius because Aquarius is quirky and Uranus is quirky too so it must be that instead! Saturn doesn't seem like the 11th house to me so it must be wrong!" No real underlying logic to it.
Yes it literally means they are rulers over houses. Are you really going to sit here and claim Jupiter rules the 12th house? Or is your argument that planets don’t rule houses? Either way both are wrong. Signs have rulers, in some cases co rulers. This means planets hold power over the signs, the signs are dominated by planets. You cannot have a sign rule a house and render the ruling planet of the sign obsolete. These are building blocks, you can’t have one without the other. Which circles back to why the outer planets are significantly more important than you’re giving them credit for. I assure you had ancient astrologers known of their existence they would have used them, which is my entire point in bringing up medical analogies. We also do in fact use the asteroids and even mathematical points like the lunar nodes. Eventually other points should and would be developed after reverse ephemeris testing them. All systems, all points of learning, would and should always be adapted as we grow as human beings. These planets and points exist without our knowledge of them, we are only human, our range of understanding is only as broad as our current abilities.
If anyone has the time could they tell me what my chart means? I am vey new to this so I am sorry if this is rude and against thread regulations.
>long winded speel about how sun signs are generic.
Yes, that is what I said. Sun signs are generic. Did you even read my post?

Sun signs can still be important, however, even though they are generic, just like race and gender are generic and still important to one's identity. Not all women are emotional or caring. Not all black people can play base guitar. Not all Asians are good at math. And yet, when other factors aren't present, where will you find women congregating? Where will you find black people? White people? Men?

Gemini are not air headed. They just tend to be when not influenced by other planets. Cancers are not weak and emotional, they just tend to be when there are no other special circumstances. Sun signs say a lot about a person unless there is a more specific planet in play. One need only look at empty houses to see the sun's powerful and generic influence.

Pluto, on the other hand, does not have this same omnipresent background presence in one's chart as the sun, and at the same time is also pretty generic when reading about people who are alive today and not various centuries ago.

>Autistic seething about Twitter astrologers and pseuds being pseuds.
I know. Don't even tell me about it.
The opposite actually. It’s not difference of opinion, I have respect for all systems but dismissing so many varying factors of astrology just because it wasn’t that way 2000 years ago is just insane. If someone only wants to use inner planets fine but you’re missing out on nearly 50% of astrology. Then to further argue that outer planets don’t matter or hold any weight in a personal chart is even worse. Take that again a step further and refuse to test this on your own shows inability to even use astrology properly. It shows you have no real intentions of understanding, learning or utilizing astrology, You Just Want To Be Right. There’s no other excuse to dismiss half of the system. The same applies to why sidereal vs western are BOTH valid and important to understanding astrology as a whole. You should be more than capable of understanding and utilizing and respecting all systems, if you can’t understand outer planets in a personal chart then what are you even doing.
If planets ruled houses, everyone would act like an Aries rising. Everyone's house rulerships would be that of an Aries rising. That makes no sense. Houses are *similar* to signs because the logical progression from Aries to Taurus to Gemini is similar to the logical progression of 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd. However, that does not mean that Mars rules the 1st and 8th houses in everyone's chart. That would make all readings for house rulers the same.

Pisces rising has Jupiter as their 1st house ruler. Virgo rising has Mercury as their 1st house ruler. It can't always be Mars. For all that talk about how I don't understand the basics it sounds like you are the one that doesn't understand. At this point I am beginning to question whether you can even read my posts...
Yes, I already agreed that we use lunar nodes and even said that they are extremely important! That doesn't mean that they rule a sign! Because that's not how sign rulerships work!

A house is ruled by the planetary ruler of the sign that has gone into that house. If you have Aries 4th house your 4th house ruler is Mars, not the moon. At this point I'm not sure if you even understand this much...
>how do you see yourself?
Bit of a loner, but it's mostly my own fault.
It’s like talking to a brick wall. Just because a sign has a co ruler doesn’t render the original ruler null. There is no grandiose explanation beyond ancient astrologers didn’t know these planets existed. Once they were discovered they were tracked for thousands of years in history and applied where they clearly fit and were meant to be all along. Pluto absolutely behaves as Scorpio and the 8th house, Neptune absolutely behaves as Pisces and the 12th house. Uranus is erratic, Saturn is not, Aquarius is not quirky. You even using these words to describe these placements shows your level of maturity. If you’re not willing to experiment yourself and even try to learn for yourself then stay stunted. It’s no one’s job to explain modern ruler ships to you when there are literally thousands of books, analysis, podcasts, pdfs, excerpts on the subject. You shouldn’t even need an entire dissertation to look at Scorpio and see ah yes clearly that is the realm of Pluto and Mars. You shouldn’t need a step by step bullet point dumbed down explanation to look at Neptune and see the correlation to Pisces. The ancient astrologers were using what they had available to them at the time and made the shoe fit accordingly. It’s not rocket science. It’s not hard to understand. You’re just arguing to argue because You Want To Be Right.
I do use them. Stop saying that I don't use these things. Again, I'm not sure you're even reading my posts at this point. The outer planets are active in everyone's chart but they are not the same as the planets within Saturn, just like Eris, and Quaoar, etc. Eris and Quaoar will have an effect based on house and sign, but not nearly to the extent that Mercury will. This is a very simple and easy to understand nuance that you are boiling down to this strawman of "You don't use anything except traditional planets". I do use them, they're just not rulers of signs and houses.

Aquarius isn't really all that erratic, especially since it is a fixed sign. But when it is erratic it's because it's an *air* sign. Think of it this way: you don't need anything more than triplicity, quadriplicity, and ruler to explain the behavior of a sign. You don't need Pluto to explain Scorpio, it's already 100% explained by being a fixed water sign ruled by Mars. Meanwhile much of the behavior of Scorpio is left out of Pluto, as if Pluto doesn't care at all for the emotional depth and hidden sensitivity of Scorpio. People just think "Scorpio is intense and dangerous and so is Pluto therefor Pluto is it's co-ruler". But that's completely redundant when that can be perfectly explained by being fixed and Mars. I know Aquarius isn't quirky, I'm making fun of people who don't understand why Aquarius is the way it is because they don't get the fundamentals.

Actually I understand the argument for modern rulerships quite well. Too well to believe it. I've never heard any argument of substance beyond "Well it seems like it should be there. Neptune feels similar to Pisces and the 12th house. Pluto seems like it should work with Scorpio" and I never hear any argument other than that.
Okay I don’t even know why I’m still entertaining this conversation I must just have the time today. Dismissing Pluto only shows that you’ve never actually considered him in a chart.

Pluto in the 10th house of career and public image usually shows up in the charts of very powerful leaders, people who can manipulate those around them, people who go through drastic changes of their reputation, people who can be chameleons of appearance/opinion/influence, people who are aware of their influence, those who suffer at the hands of slander as opposed to someone with say Venus in the 10th.
Putin, Aliester Crowley, Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian, Prince, Roman Polanski, Stephen Hawking, Franz Kafka, Ernest Hemingway, Howard Hughes, Nixon, David Icke

Pluto in the 3rd can represent dramatic and chaos in immediate environment, bullying severity in schools, changing schools, truancy, sexual abuse from cousins/uncles/grandparents, a deep voice, LIARS,
4th house even more severe, traumatic childhood, power dynamics from parents, frequent moving, sudden significant loss of the homestead, never feeling at home

Pluto in the 6th is disastrous for health and untrusting of doctors and medical field, if aspected represents the loss of limbs, bone disease, etc

To dismiss Pluto is just ignorance. It’s one of the most important parts of the chart and is a monolith for why whole signs is also a less advanced housing system because the placement of pluto is and should be individualized and cannot be applied to every rising sign having the exact same pluto placement via house.

Pluto represents the most dramatic and difficult area of your life, where you struggle, where you must adapt, where you must find and gain control over your life, where you are taken advantage of, where your blind spots are, things unseen to yourself.

We can dive into Neptune next if you still don’t understand.
Wrong again. There are natural rulers of every house. The Moon will always rule the 4th house, ALONG WITH which ever sign and planet personally rule your 4th house. This is why if your 4th house is empty, you look to your moon placement. This is why if your 4th house is empty and is ruled by Gemini, you then look to your Mercury placement. This proves my point that you’re missing out on more than half of astrology by dismissing not only outer placements but dismissing that houses are ruled by planets??? I mean that’s pretty base level understanding is that houses are absolutely ruled by planets and signs. I’m honestly shocked and think it’s almost funny that you’re trying to argue that houses aren’t ruled by planets???? If houses are not ruled by planets then how are you even pulling the information that the 4th house is ruled by the moon? How can you simultaneously admit that the 4th house has a natural planetary ruler but in the same breath claim that the personal sign/planet doesn’t also rule that house?

Again, these are building blocks. Astrology is not black and white, it is not simple, you do not get one singular aspect and then you’re done. You start with the base — 8th/pluto/scorpio/mars — then move on to which personal/current sign/planet is in or ruling the house — find those planets/signs to gain further understanding of the house. A chart is a map. There is not one way in and one way out to your destination.

By your logic you’re also implying an empty house means nothing because it has no planetary ruler beyond the base, and simultaneously saying that base house rulers aren’t real, do you even actually understand the points that you’re trying to make?
Well, no anon, I wouldn't go that far. They did say that astrology changes like medicine. We discovered these new planets, so they have to have control over SOME sign. They can't just rawdog the sky and have influence over history and be so massively sized without any sign they play into.
And medicine DID work back in the day. It is just that a lot of it didn't because they lacked information. Take exercise, for example. Doctors for a long time would tell you to get fit, and they weren't wrong.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that the invisible planets are the most significant planets in one's chart, but they can still be worthwhile.
Like, yes. Scorpio is co-ruled by pluto and Mars, but Mars gets like 90 percent of the sign and the rest goes to pluto in my mind.
Aquarius IS pretty surprising and aloof, even if that is a consequence of Saturn applied to the collective, so Uranus should get some of that sign because it needs a sign too. Saturn is still the majority owner of Aquarius, however, and it will always be the side of Saturn that those bleeding heart libtards will never talk about.

If it makes you feel any better about it, Chiron is said to be ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes more sense to me as what to do with these small asteroids and outer bodies. Pluto should be ruled by Mars and maybe Saturn in my mind.

But yeah, the biggest thing is that Neptune and Uranus are just too damned big to be forgotten. They can be seen with a naked eye under the right, albeit rare conditions, so they shouldn't be ignored completely even if pluto and chiron chuds should maybe be.
Oh jesus christ. Yes you do need Pluto because astrology is not simple and you don’t just stop at the element of the sign. Just like you don’t stop at the base house ruler to understand the house. Again, if you’re okay with limiting yourself and stopping at these base levels of interpretation then go for it. But just because that’s where you’re willing to stop doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to be found and understood. This is again what I mean, you are missing out on nearly 50% of astrology by telling yourself that you already have all the information you need by stopping at base rulerships, no outer planets, no planetary rulerships of houses. This is crazy i’ve literally never heard these arguments from anyone neither beginner and definitely not from experienced. Do you also not use decans or degrees???
I would say that Aquarius is defined as a bit quirky because 9/10 times it acts autistic or weird. I have yet to see an Aquarius placement that doesn't do something considered odd. Quirky is just a weird way of saying "wants to do everything like it's opposite day"

You are right in saying that wind placements in general are pretty funny, but Aquarius stands out because it's fixed wind. When does wind ever act consistently if not consistently goofy af?

T. Casual astronigger with Aquarius + wind placements who has read a lot of aquarian placements in his time.
Your 4th house may be empty of *planets* but it will always have a sign, and that sign will always have a ruler, and that ruler is the ruler of the 4th house. You can't not have a 4th house sign, unless you insist on using Placidus and never using WSH. I agree that both should be used, but that would mean that you will always have a certain zodiac sing in the 4th house no matter what, in which case why would you ever need to use the moon as the house ruler when you can just use the ruler of the 4th house sign? I've never argued that houses don't have rulers, I'm arguing they don't have the *same* rulers for *everyone*. Not everyone has 12th ruled by Jupiter, only Aries & Capricorn risings by WSH and a few others potentially by Placidus. But if you're a Leo rising then Jupiter is definitely *not* your 12th house ruler. This is because signs are not the exact same as houses.

Again, I don't think you even read my posts because I've never denied that houses have rules. I deny that they have *the same rulers for everyone*.
>implying an empty house means nothing because it has no planetary ruler beyond the base
You could only come to this conclusion by invalidating WSH and exclusively using Placidus, which I don't do. Do you understand the points I'm trying to make? Clearly not. Remember that we only went down this road of discussion because you implied that Aquarius and Pisces had to have co-rulers because Saturn doesn't *seem* like it should rule the 11th house and the same for Jupiter and the 12th.
>but Mars gets like 90 percent of the sign and the rest goes to pluto in my mind.
So not only is it still subjective, but now you agree it mostly seems like Mars and less so Pluto? Could that perhaps be because I'm right?
>Aquarius IS pretty surprising and aloof
This is because it is a fixed air sign. It opposes Leo. You don't need Uranus in the equation to explain it.
>because it needs a sign too
We give Pluto a sign because "it needs a sign". Ok, where does Eris go? Where do we put Ceres, doesn't it need a sign? Now do Huamea, Makemake, Sedna, etc. Why does Pluto have the privilege but not similar planets? I've never heard an argument for this one.

You keep strawmanning me. I use the outer planets. I use house rulerships as I describe here >>38854996. I am willing to use everything, just use them CORRECTLY.

I suppose this is the crux of the disagreement: what is the correct usage of these things? I use everything in the sky. I use fixed stars. I'd even use Andromeda if someone had an extremely tight conjunction or aspect. But that doesn't mean Andromeda is the ruler of a sign or a house. That would be an incorrect usage.
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>how do you see yourself?
I sway between a delusional schizophrenic and an enlightened mystic with close connection to god and spirits

i'm having an existential crisis and need guidance or knowing my future if you can do that
>Moon is ruled by the 4th house

What? This is why I hate modern astrology because it just thinks that houses are signs. They only say that because the moon is home in Cancer, the 4th sign, but the 4th house has absolutely nothing at all to do with the 4th house. None of the houses at all are related to signs. This is why people try to paint such a good rep on the 6th and 12th houses, which, while not as bad as they are in old Hellenistic texts, are certainly not good. They produce good people, but it usually results in the native suffering in some way. Neglect, abuse some way or another. There are aspects that can cancel this out of course and you find kings and politicians with a strong 12th house, but at no point in my time on this planet did I think that Pisces should be the king of emotional suffering and putting up with other people's bullshit.

The only contribution modern astrology has done to these houses is redefining "slavery" to "a job, but not your career (slavery)"
*the 4th house has nothing to do with Cancer

>When does wind ever act consistently if not consistently goofy af?
Good observation. Air signs are like this, which is a huge reason you don't need Uranus to explain it's behavior. But I'll explain futher.

Aquarius comes across as odd because it is eccentric. It takes many perspectives and views them all with some validity. At the same time it can be (*not always* because it depends on the placement, for example venus might not apply here) be ideological, because it finds some niche idea and sticks with it. This behavior is because it is a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn. Doesn't mean all fixed, air, or Saturn signs are like this. But when you combine all of these traits the result is someone who is intellectual and sticks to strange ideas as a result. Saturn is about service, decrease of ego, and the like, which is key in explaining why Aquarius has this flavor of intellect. It's not optimistic like Gemini or diplomatic like Libra, it's principally a cold sign and it's opposition to Leo should give a clue as to it's eccentricity. If Leo is the heart, Aquarius is the periphery. It views all things as equal, whereas Leo seeks the center and thus a sense of normalcy.
Also if this were the case then for every rising sign, every house would have 2 rulers, except Aries rising, where every house would have 1 ruler. Are you saying that when you do a reading you read for atleast 2 rulers for every house, and sometimes 3 rulers in a house because of co-rulers? That's insane. How do you interpret anything? Isn't that just too confusing anyway?
Yeah, I don't believe in this Uranus stuff, and honestly I don't see Uranus as having any traits resembling Aquarius. Uranus is more like the guy who shows up at the party and throws pie in your face. Might be good pie. Might make the party more lively. Might laced with LSD or have glass in it. You have to check the other transits to decipher wtf is going on. Mars was conjunct with Uranus by less than a degree when Trump was shot, and it was making some funny connections to the rest of his chart. I wouldn't really use it for natal charts unless the aspect is very small (like 2-3 difference) and even then I have to be cautious about what I say, because it has some play on the chart but it's still an intuitive game of figuring things out. Even with experience I'm not even sure how to interpret Uranus at times since it's a new planet and everything written on it isn't very good.

Either way the generational planets and their interpretations piss me off because I'll see a kite or some other interesting pattern and then have to throw it out the window because the window given was 9 degrees or some bullshit.
>pluto shows up in very powerful leaders
Okay, so like, for a handful of people, pluto matters. How many powerful leaders do you think there are?

>pluto is a monolith for why whole signs bad
No, that would be Uranus or maybe even chiron, or really just Saturn. Any slow occurance or transit would prove this.

>Pluto represents the most dramatic and difficult area of your life.
And yet most people struggle more from a combination of their second, third, fourth, and fifth most dramatic and difficult areas of their life, usually indicated by Saturn. They want to say "oh, if I just fix my drug problem then my life would be perfect" until it gets fixed and they realize they had tunnelvision on one thing and they have a LOT farther to climb.

I mean, I have pluto conjunct my sun in the 11th house for sag(I'm 24), and yes friends and community are my biggest issue, but I still have a life outside of that which needs attention.

I have no gf. I have no career. I have no parties. I smell bad, I have a bad relationship with my home, I have an embarrassing fetish, and yes, I have a very Fuck I hate caterpillars. I have a very pissed off view of friendship and my generation as a whole not living their life and testing their wacky beliefs for real. Living by my own beliefs and leavingand solving problems for myself is flipping my life upside-down for the better, but fuck if it didn't take a long ass time and a lot of tourment and degrading ways of existing mostly involving self-sabatoge and crippping psychedelic migraines with unknown cause to work up the nerve get here. 2016 to 2024 are ruined for me because of my cowardice and the stupid man on the internet and my own brain turning against me into an invalid, ripping my friends and life away from me.

But I would still be at square 1 if not for my family, good fortune, otherwise good health, and access to old literature and anime and fanfiction.
My terminally an outsider by choice thing is only so big a problem.
>Because I'm right
No. Because it is new and people don't agree on new things.
>You don't need Uranus in the equation to explain Aquarius.
No. But you do need Aquarius to explain Uranus.
>Why pluto?
Donno. I'm fine with pluto being ruled by other planets rather than it getting its own sign.

But Uranus and Neptune can't be ignored. They are massive. They can be seen with a naked eye sometimes.
Maybe we can just say that each of the gas giants are so big that they farted each their own planet to help delegate the higher frequency signs they already rule.
Mars and Venus and mercury are too small and too ungassious to fart their own planets, sadly.
>No. But you do need Aquarius to explain Uranus.
Why? Explain.
By either way this entire discussion is subjective and arbitrary if not grounded in the the broader system of logic of astrology. The traditional rulerships are symmetrical, already meaningful, already complete and do not need to be fixed by our arbitrary reasoning.
I think it's mostly safe to ignore them in charts, but that they do things in transits. My argument is the same as yours. You see them in the sky *sometimes.* Not all the time. Sometimes. Their influence is small, and only visible if you know where to look. You need to have knowledge or a working theory to even find them, and even with that knowledge the perception of it is illusory. There's a reason we didn't find them for so long. A good while back they were explained to me as the three unknowable attributes of god, and it kind of fits. Nothing that these planets cause is ever something you really have control over. One day you might wake up in complete and utter clarity and have a sort of realization that things aren't as they seem. You've been trapped inside a box your entire life and it's like the veil is being thrown back for you to see. It's fleeting though, like divine intervention that lasts for a few months. That's what the generational planets are like, and their influence can be mistaken for other planets like Saturn easily.
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Just posting my chart.
>how do you see yourself?
insignificant, a festering spiritual rot
As I said, we can't have a whole two planets rawdogging it in the sky without a sign of their own.
>but that's subjective
No it is not! You can fit four whole Earths in Uranus and still have a lot of room to spare! And don't get me started on the actual volume and surface wind speed! That fucker is huge!

Why should the other planets and the moon have signs but Neptune and Uranus be left out? And why assume traditional astrology was perfect just because it was symmetrical and meaningful?

Doctors were also symmetrical and meaningful in their work, but there was still more to be discovered in their profession. If you want to look at astrology like a science or medicine or however, then it needs to be tested and revised. And I would say that two whole new planets discovered that the ancients didn't know about warrants a little revision. The people who wrote astrology traditions did not write the night sky.

Right, except Pluto is not a planet and is also too chuddy small to see with a naked eye or even bonoculars, unlike Uranus and Neptune-ish. The two shouldn't be taken too seriously, but their motion is still visible and not fixed like the stars, and that demands at least some respect.

The asteroids and dwarfs matter too, as they have the motion which seperates them from stars, but in my mind less than and more situationally than Neptune and Uranus.
Like, sometimes asteroids/comits are visible too if they get close enough to the Sun or Earth, but they still don't appear like planets or have the size like Neptune and Uranus.
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Can I get a mommy gf?
am new. pls give me reading. gracias
Back to div with you, chud.

Aquarius — singularity, cyberpunk, progressiveness, unique, against the status quo/society, erratic, dry, technology

Uranus — chaos, society, electricity, technology, the unexpected, disruptions, riots, etc

Saturn — learning lessons the hard way, slow and steady, foundation, isolation, structure, stability

11th house — friend groups [society], aspirations, goals, moving forward

When you have Uranus in the 1st, 12th, conjunct ascendant, this makes for an unstable person, who behaves erratically, constantly changes their mind and doesn’t even realize it, mean, aggressive, wants to be unique, takes risks, makes split second decisions. These are not the behaviors of a Saturn person or behaviors of Saturn at all.

Neptune — delusion, lies, fantasy, perception, subconscious mind, creativity, drugs, deception, manipulation

Pisces — deluded, unable to think clearly, always moving on to the next thing, selfish, empathetic only in relation to themselves/their situation always worse

12th house — subconscious mind, mental state, sleeping patterns, isolation, mental illnesses, hidden enemies/hidden from self, illusion, drugs/altered mind state

Jupiter — success, expansion, over indulgence, taking things too far, abundance, loud, luck, perseverance

Traditional rulers of these signs, really the only one that even moderately makes sense is Mars and Scorpio. Again, forcing the shoe to fit with the planets they had available at the time, that’s why Aquarius and Pisces are two of the most stereotyped zodiac signs today, because their entire framework was misconstrued. Once the discovery of Neptune and Uranus, these houses and signs made more sense. The 11th house is still to this day considered a nullified house where planets go to die from wasted potential, “friends” and “goals” are too vague and empty of a rulership it’s almost as if they didn’t know what to make of the 11th house in the first place.
Bullshit. They're co-ruled, if not both signs belonging to the fart giants. Think more on the expanding of expansion(Pisces) and the harnessing of harnesses(Aquarius) and say it doesn't make sense. See how fucking schizoid a Sag heavy and Pisces heavy square combination of people in the same room ends up.

The soul does not retred old ground when it returns to another sign ruled by the same planet.
Aries : Mars : battler
Taurus : Venus : taster
Gemini : Mercury : thinker
Cancer : Moon : Feeler
Leo : Sun : personality
Virgo(first big boy) : thinker of thinking
Libra : Venus of Venus : taster of tastes
Scorpio : Mars of Mars : battler of battleings
Sagittarius : Jupiter : Grower
Capricorn : Saturn : Shrinker
Aquarius : Saturn of Saturn : Shrinker of shrinking
Pisces : Jupiter of Jupiter : Grower of growing

>Sun in Aries/Libra: A personality that moves like a battler(impersonal highest energy)/A personality that "moves" like a taster of tasting(self esteem issues)
>Moon in Taurus/Scorpio : a feeler that works like a taster(will drink other people)/ a feeler that moves like a battler of battlings.(suicidal - will not tolerate emotions)
>Mercury in Virgo/pisces : A yapper that works like the yapper of yappings and at the same time is also a yapper that works like a regular yapper(an autist of power)/ A yapper that works like the Grower of growing(a schizophrenic)
>Mars in Capricorn/Cancer : A battler that works like a shrinker(minimise the threat)/ A battler that works like a feeler(silly and stupid l temper)
>Venus in Pisces/Virgo : A taster that works like a Grower of growing(highest and most beyond of tastes)/ A taster that works like a yapper of yappings.(fetishist)
>Jupiter in Cancer/Capricorn : A Grower that works like a feeler(nurterer)/ A Grower that works like a shrinker(abusive parent)
>Saturn in Libra/Aries: A Shrinker that works like a taster of tastes(carefully questions shrinking)/A shrinker that works like a battler.(abusive police)
They aren't left out any more than the lunar nodes are "left out". They are beyond Saturn, the boundary of the material world. They are transcendent. Honestly I think this gives them an *elevated* position, not a degraded one. They are spiritual, impersonal, and transcendental. Within Saturn is material and personal.
>why assume traditional astrology was perfect just because it was symmetrical and meaningful?
This is a good question. I'm going to pivot if I may to another aspect of astrology to illustrate why it is important that it the rulerships be logical and simple.
Every zodiac sign has a perfect logic to it. The zodiac is based on very pure philosophical principles. For example, the cardinal signs are the cardinal directions and are related to the four elements; Water from the North, Fire from the East, Earth from the South, and Air from the West. Fire from the East should be self-explanatory: it is initiation and dharma or truth. Air, the other masculine sign, is where the Sun moves toward, and is associated with pleasure and sexual union as it is the meeting of day with night, where the sun sets. The planet revolves around the poles, which do not move (and thus they are feminine), and they are the spiritual purity of Water and the stability of Earth. This is NOT arbitrary and not made up. It is based on real metaphysical principles. From the cardinal signs follow the fixed signs, then the mutable signs, and it couldn't be any other way because that's just what "fixed" and "mutable" mean. So again it's not arbitrary.

So if BOTH the triplicity and quadriplicty are not arbitrary, then why should we be able to play with the rulerships as we please, and not expect to mess something up that we do not understand? Astrology not only comes from the mind of man as a science, but is also corroborated by spiritual powers. The ancients got this wisdom from the angels, among others. They didn't stumble upon this randomly. They didn't have anything like science
This is exactly what I'm talking about with people being like "See Pisces sounds like a stupid insane person sign and Neptune makes you confused and crazy therefore Neptune rules Pisces"... No, you don't understand the principles here. Pisces only appears delusional and selfish to YOU, or only if there are bad placements there. This is basic bitch white crystal girl astrology. George Washington was a Pisces! Do you think George Washington was delusional and insane, and ruled by Neptune? That's just ridiculous.

Everything you need to explain Pisces is in it's triplicity, quadriplicity, and ruler. It's a mutable water sign ruled by Jupiter. That's all you need to know to explain it. Everything flows logically from that specific combination. It's often "confused" because it is a water sign that is mutable, e.i. it cannot stay with one or the other perspective, sees both perspectives at once, and is fluid and emotional. Jupiter is expansive and often expands things even if that expansion is harmful! Thus Pisces is bad with boundaries, thinks emotionally, and is distracted by it's multiple perspectives due to being mutable. Neptune is not needed! (It's also one of the least selfish signs because it is ruled by Jupiter, btw)
While I'm at it I might as well explain why houses are not zodiac signs. People think that there are 12 signs and 12 houses so they must be related. Not true. As I already explained the Zodiac is created by first assigning an element to each cardinal direction, then progressing to the fixed signs then mutable signs. That's why the signs are the way that they are.

The houses are constructed very differently, but with a slight similarity so people get confused. The houses are constructed by the angles, the ascendant, the descendant, midheaven, and nadir, or in whole sign house system the 1st, 7th, 4th, and 10th houses. Then the other houses exist in relation to those houses, but not in the way the zodiac progresses from 1 to 2 to 3. This also isn't arbitrary. Below the ascendant and descendant is the Earth underneath the horizon, and above that is the sky. That creates the meaning of the houses.
>The 1st is supported by the 2nd and eroded by the 12th
>The 7th is supported by the 6th and eroded by the 8th
>Moving from the 4th toward the ascendant creates the 3rd, and moving away from it creates the 5th
>Moving from the 10th toward the ascendant creates the 11th, and moving away from it creates the 9th

Boom, from there we have all the meaning of all the houses! No relation to any zodiac signs needed!

It's honestly pretty sad that even most devout astrologers couldn't tell you this. Our discipline is in a really, really bad state right now so I'm quite passionate about getting these principles right. Without understanding this stuff we begin to think that the moon rules the 4th house and that Pluto rules Scorpio! Just awful! No wonder nobody believes us!
>>The 7th is supported by the 6th and eroded by the 8th

What does this mean precisely? Eroded. Does this mean that having a 7th+8th house placement ends in neutrality?
Yeah I should be more clear on this. If 7th house is other people, then the 8th house takes away from other people, and the 6th house serves or gives to others. It's easier to see in the relationship between the 1st and the 12th. The 12th house takes away from the person, which would be the 1st house. The 2nd house is the property or the direct benefits to the person. I'm not saying you should mix the interpretation of someone's 7th and 8th house, they are still separate houses. Rather that the 8th house gets its principled definition from it's relation to the 7th.
Interesting. So what would a saturn placement in both the 7th and 8th house imply? I apologise. I am a tyro at this.
My ex gf was Aquarius. She was stupid and a cunt.
Do you mean like on the cusp or in a different house in Placidus vs whole signs? If it's the former I would say you have to pick a sign and house, it can't be both. If you mean the latter, then interpret whole signs as more generic for that rising sign and Placidus as more personal to that individual.
nta but you sound like a dumbass
>Scorpio Moons are extremely vindictive if hurt but are otherwise extremely gentle.
Is this true?
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can you please tell me anything about my solar return? Cant understand shit.
The Tower
The Moon
The Star
>how do you see yourself?
For the bad, a failure, disgusting, rude, awful to be around, depressing
For the better, organized, bright, compassionate, kind, self- reflecting
The Moon is fickle and Scorpio is too intense and stubborn a sign for it so yes, Scorpio Moons' internal perceptions tend to be unrefined and overexaggerated in both directions. They can experience pleasant relationships as much closer and attached than they are and they can experience a mismatch between people as much more personal and offensive than it actually is.

Stupid people with Scorpio Moons can become very delusional and frustrating to deal with because of this while more mature and intelligent people with Scorpio Moons can come off ironically as detached, guarded or even lighthearted (if they have other signs) because they try to keep their proclivities at bay unless it's objectively deserved.

Personal observation: I have noticed that Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio placements in general are better handled by people who have multiple planets in this sign. It's the ones who have only one Scorpio placement that get oneshotted by it and have personality problems because they struggle to handle that energy, the worst being Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Venus.
Are you a virgin? Because if you are, that's about to change next year. Even if you're not, you're unlikely to care about anything besides intense emotional experiences and sex until your following birthday. You'll learn a lot of life lessons next year.
Love this description. Great post, anon.
Scorpio Moon is my only Scorpio sign :(
>Personal observation: I have noticed that Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio placements in general are better handled by people who have multiple planets in this sign. It's the ones who have only one Scorpio placement that get oneshotted by it and have personality problems because they struggle to handle that energy, the worst being Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Venus.
I've heard this multiple times here, but t's the exact opposite. Same case with any other sign. It's a similar concept with exaltation or domicile not always being a good thing, you're putting all your eggs in one basket.
The normal Scorpions are the ones with a singular placement, and the opposite are the stereotypical trainwrecks
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>How do you see yourself?
A mess of a person but slowly putting myself back together piece by piece
Hoping next year is better than this one
Can someone read mine?

I feel so fucking lost. I don't understand myself and don't understand what to do with my life.

Tried LoA but I all my mental strength goes into protecting myself from misery and selfhatred so I feel completely drained to put any efforts into reshaping my thoughts. Tried meditation but I have a tinnitus and there's always some noise outside my apartment. Looked for psychology advices but always feel like those are intended for someone else.
heres mine
replying to yourself kek
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been a while since last posted
this September sucks af, I've lost a job, my car is dying, anything I do at home ends in an argument with my family
what is the reason for all of this weird shit happening in my life lately?
If anything stands out please tell me. I can only describe myself as an angry hermit.
yes i'm virgin i hope that happens
Your Moon (Anima sensitiva) is copresent Saturn and is also in its domicile, that may make you detached and restrictive. Your Mercury (Anima rationalis) is in Mars domicile and conjoined it, that can cause fierceful and acid thoughts, and also a bit secretive (It's Scorpio after all). That makes a intense combination as they make a whole sign square along all these stars.

Interestingly, your Venus is also pretty strong, it's oriental to the Sun, in domicile, ruler of the Lot of Fortune and conjoined Jupiter. I wonder if you have any artistic inclinations, but as your Mars/Mercury are angular I'm not sure which one are your professional significator.
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I have been feeling kinda empty these past 2-3 months, like I'm apathetic but not in a sad way, I just don't feel like I care about anything. I do however feel lonely, like I just want someone to hold me and let me hold them back yet I have no desire to go out and meet anyone
Any reading appreciated
Any readings/insight would be appreciated.

How I see myself is logical to a fault maybe, I always up saying shit that offends the normies. Typical millennial overthinker. Smart and good at most things that I do, but lacking the discipline to really get expert level at anything. I kind of tune-out/ live in my own head a lot. Independent and kind of antisocial.
Thanks. I was attending piano class during school years but abandoned it. Last year bought myself an eletronic piano in hopes to restart the whole thing but barely do anything with it due to constant battle with apathy. Occasionaly will do shit like clay sculpting (on kiddy level) and experiment with cooking.
My job is boring office shit. And I would like to get out but don't know where to.
The lunar nodes are not planets. They are empty positions relative to the moon's orbit. I wouldn't ask for something like the ascendant to rule over a sign.
>astrology is written by angels
And also the whimsical interpretations of and hard sciences of men, to be used by mankind.
>Since astrology was made by spirits, we could mess it up by attempting to give Neptune and Uranus their own rulerships.
What if we're messing with rulerships more by applying Neptune and Uranus without a sign of their own? Nothing has been said about these planets. Neither that they have no signs of their own and somehow have a null rulership influence that we made up like how you imply nor was it said that they do have a sign and work like other planets and can somehow co-rule a sign with another planet. Further, as another solution a planet being ruled over by another planet is also unspoken of if you want to say that Neptune and Uranus aren't rulers but instead subjects in order to not mess with the other planet's rulership.

I mean, there's nothing we can do with these planets that isn't just molesting old systems for how shit works. We give them rulerships, it is assumption. We don't give them rulerships, it is assumption. We ignore them, it is assumption. We use them, it is assumption. They don't fit neatly into traditional astrology, and yet there they are in the night sky.

Knowing this, what would you have us do with them? It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation. So with no decision made by the ancients, the choice is science and practice related. I personally think they are planets so should intigrate as such with as few liberties taken from the old system.(that means no somehow null rulerships and no stripping of old rulerships that worked fine from Saturn and Jupiter. Co-rulership is an okay compromise for now that seems plausible enough. More plausible maybe would be the planets being underlings for other planets, like how moons are.)
what makes you think that though, is it the venus conjunct moon and moon in between vertex and pluto in the 9th?
Also, I've been planning to learn a new language, hope that jupiter transiting the 3rd house will help
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Can I unfuck my life?
after taking a shit ton of nicotine and caffeine I realized i must go back to college not learn a new language
some heavy epiphany shit happened today i mean it
probably will find someone there to fuck idk. if I find it will be fuck and leave, I dont want to bother with relationships
This is the chart of the most popular (with guys) girl I've ever known. Analyze this chart for me please.
jupiter 7th house obviously
Could you explain?
jupiter - luck
7th house - relationships
also its conjunct with mars (men)
I could try to analyze the rest but i dont guarantee anything I'm insecure as shit in reading other people's chart:

>sun conjunct venus
>mercury in libra
libra is relationships, she is good at communicating that way
>moon in 9th house
outgoing, light mooded, perfect for that

>saturn 11th house
going a bit further i'd say that she has trouble keeping/having friends despite being good with love related stuff
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Bitch. I'm the loneliest person I know of.
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You're god damn right, security to the point where I have isolated myself in my room for the past 15 years and refuse to let anyone get close to me because the few times I have they have hurt my soft insides. Borderline paranoia
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how we looking senpaitachi
about to go back to uni after my career reached a dead end
>So with no decision made by the ancients, the choice is science and practice related
It should ultimately come down to interpretative practice, then. After all, with no base knowledge, the only understanding we can come to is through trial and error, rectifying are understanding through experimentation, essentially. When you actually read peoples chart, I think you should find that using traditional rulers for their ascendant is a vastly more accurate representation of that person than their modern co-hort. I'm not suggesting that the modern ruled cohort of the sign won't be significant, because, even personally, as a Pisces asc, I feel both the sway of my Jupiter in the 9th and Neptune in the 11th. But that Neptune's pull towards community feels like background noise to my Jupiter and my obsessiveness around trying to learn, and understand the world around me. It also greatly bothers me to use such slow planets as chart rulers. Can you imagine, once Pluto enters Capricorn, to use it as the chart ruler for every Scorpio ascendant for the next 20 years? Even if you use placidus house division, the vast majority of Scorpio ascendants will find their Pluto in the 3rd house. Are we really okay with suggesting, for the next 20 years, every Scorpio ascendant's life direction will sway towards 3rd, and smidge of 2nd and 4th (and 1st and 5th depending on extreme birth latitudes) house topics-- and never any of the other houses? That doesn't sit well with me at all.
>sun aqua
>moon pisc
>asc aries
what am i in for anons?
also bumping
Asking the same question as well
>sun - aries
>moon - taurus
>asc - pisces
Every girl i fell in love with in my life i later find out they are always leo or sag never anything else, they destroy me every time

Im a libra
You're an artist at heart. Avant-garde, niche, forward thinking. You enjoy alternative spaces and lifestyles.


You're someone who actively seeks tranquil places. Mainstream life is too hectic and you're looking for ways to metaphorically live off-grid in your own little word.

Do you do modeling, marketing, managing, photography, graphic design, law, or local government work?
wild. you described me(>>38868014) in the post of >>38868245
now im even more confused lmao
I'm >245 and i feel like more of your description than what i was given lol.
yes haha i think 8884 mixed us two up
good thing you rechecked the thread
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I'm just so very, very tired of our dominance hierarchy..
I'm so directionless now, drifting, only growing through suffering of myself, living vicariously through loved ones.
Help me, notice me senpai.
lol yeah, i'm an art major and wanted to live in the city. but living off-grid sounds cool too.
I hope you're all well.
If you'd be so kind as to read my chart too, I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for any responses.

The main question on my mind at the moment, is, that I will be meeting a potential love interest (for me at least, I have no idea about her stance) and I would like to know if there is a chance.
It's something I can't stop thinking about, yet I feel very positive about this meeting.

I believe I have changed a lot, for the better, since we last met (approx 5 or 6 years ago) and since we met the first time (10 years ago).

>Question of thread - how do you see yourself?
I'm not so sure on this front, I like to believe I am quite charismatic, and can get along with everybody, although wishy-washy at times and prone to being forgetful. Boisterous and maybe not quite centered.
I can be quite lazy/without impetus and I am working to overcome it, slowly.
On the plus side I firmly believe once a goal moves me into action, for at least a period of time, I will use every possible avenue and advantage to reach that goal. I do try to make good choices though and not oppress my fellows.
I feel like there is more I can add here but cannot quite put it into words, and what I feel to add resonates with a feeling of shame.

If you feel to give any advice, again, it would be received with open arms.
Thank you in advance even if just for reading the post.
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I also have this snapshot if it makes it easier!
Your birth chart isn’t going to tell you if a potential love interest is going to work out.
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Been through cycles of abandonment and exclusion since like, 2016. Maybe of my own doing, I dunno. I feel like a victim, but that feeling has ruined my life the past two years. I really miss my friends but they fucking hate my guts now and see me as an abuser.

Is there anything in this shit that helps me make sense of it?

Am I just a fucking asshole? Are people right about me?
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Maybe I should jhave icluded these I dunno.
Saturn return. But yeah generally you are an unpredictable asshole who needs to learn how to control yourself and mature a little bit. You should be old enough now to understand who cares about “friends” or what anyone thinks of you. People come and go. Everyone has their own faults. Saturn is in your 2nd house so your morality is going to be a focal point of the hard changes in your life. You’ll be renewed when he leaves Pisces. Other focal points would be what/who you value, lessons in respect, monetary and financial lessons, loss of material gains, self respect, again — morals, etc
>I really miss my friends but they fucking hate my guts now and see me as an abuser.
what happened specifically
A mess that I'm honestly a bit ashamed to recount involving online communities (stupid, I know, but matters to me), my ego and my codependencies and anger going rampant.

Lots of people that meant the world to me see me as a bastard now and it's all my fault. I wanted to reconcile and have everything go back to normal before I made my mistakes but no one wanted that and the resentment drove me to do more stupid shit.

I'm ot 100% cognizant of everything that happened. Lots of things have been talked about me behind my back and I'm just not sure of aything else.

I just know I kinda ruined a good thing and have been difficult to move on.

Finally got some closure this week. In a painful form, but it has helped the healing process to start. But I'm left with ash and consequences and it sucks.
well that was far from specifics lol
but alright if you don't wanna talk about it

online communities can be legit important these days tho, it's just how life is now
some of my best friends and coworkers I only know online, and I do still have IRL friends so it's not like it's just out of necessity
I mean, what specifics you want?

If you have a throwaway email, probably easier than recounting here on 4chan where folks will call me a faggot for caring lol (and won't necessarily be wrong).
lol sure

but I'm not great at reading these things if that was what you were hoping for. I found it interesting because my chart is kinda similar and I also have long-term online communities

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