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Looking for occult/mystical rituals that might improve my otherwise failure of a life. Not looking for prayer, it never helped me. Meditation or other spiritual advice is also helpful, but I’m not sure where to start.
With the picture. Are you smoking mirrors it's all there
Well you're not being exactly clear. What failures do you have? What do you want?

It's like going to a doctor and sayin "give me a medicine" before telling any of the symptoms.
I do psy bullshit and for some reason making water psy and then making a water bed with it improves my sleep considerably.

if it is a placebo is a dam wierd one but it works so I keep doing it.

I can tell you the specifics if you want OP.
Unsatisfied with life. Lack of passion with current circumstances. Seeked meaning through psychedelics and saw my life through a vignette, was depressing. Seeked meaning through Christ and was disappointed. I felt more lonely in a church than I did at the office. Been sort of satisfied with occultism and mysticism but not as well versed in it. Need a starting point.

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Hello fren, when it comes to meditation there are many ways to do it depending on what you want to achieve and what you're comfortable with. No matter what type of meditation you chose the most important part is to stay consistent with your meditation.

The type of meditation that works the best for me is sitting with crossed legs while doing box breathing and avoiding thoughts or focusing on something that I desire to manifest. Box breathing is a breathing method where you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4, breathe out for 4 and hold it again for 4 (repeat after that for the whole meditation session)

Hopefully this helps in one way or another, good luck on your journey.
Thank you. I will incorporate this into my routine and see if I notice any changes.
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I usually do around 20 minutes of meditation, I started at 15 minutes and went for 2 hours daily for a period of time. Try yo find an amount of meditation time that fits your schedule and do it daily.
I'd also like to add that semen retention and generally abstaining from lustful activities will likely help with any (spiritual) practice.
>Not looking for prayer, it never helped me. Meditation or other spiritual advice is also helpful
Prayer is meditation
But your culture is that God is only there to provide you material comforts and if He doesnt, He's the bad guy
Start by being humble
I haven’t masturbated in maybe six or seven months? I still regularly have intercourse with my fiancé, though. Always a pleasure as it feels more love-induced than lust-induced.
nofap/noporn I changed into a different person. I later relapsed back but I could definitely feel the difference while doing it. >>38836326 works. I didn't even follow their protocols, just intentionally shut out all of that influence from my life for a while.
>Not looking for prayer, it never helped me
It's supposed to be followed by action for it to at least have a chance to work. Rituals done in honor of false gods and false doctrines are even less likely to help. Exercise, a healthy diet, and a healthy Christian mindset can do wonders. Weed also helps greatly.
Pornography did always seem like a corrupting force to me. Intercourse with somebody you love feels vastly different to stroking it to pixelated poon. Something very modern about pornography that upset me quite a lot.
>nofap/noporn I changed into a different person. I later relapsed back but I could definitely feel the difference while doing it.
this also helps. I too relapsed much later but it still helped me acquire a certain spirit of resistance and resilience that I have to this day despite all my other shortcomings.
My caffeine and sugar intake is pretty minimal. About 8 oz. of coffee a day. Minimal sugar, only about 1 or 2 grams apart from fruit sources which can be like 19 grams give or take. I still take a multivitamin, though.
alright so to add some context , all of this comes from recentish events and it comes from a period were I wanted funtional results fast without that much effort , I had some incline in beliving in the supernatural and real psychic but I didn't nesesarely want real pyschics I just wanted usefull psychics , fakes works for me.
I was basically asking to get scamed and I was awere of it , my main goal was just making the scam effective.

>everything fell down
>kind at rock bottom
> all progres of self discovery out the window.
>afraid of being stuck in a lowcow spiral
>get wierd experience with mummy ghost
>maybe real maybe not
>discover your well tuned imagination
could be used to trick your brain into working
> do a ton of different mental exercises for a week , example imagine very well a realistic simulation of a 3d ball irl
>kind of helps but to slow ,I don't have time for regular retard therapy , I need the premium
> search for books
> Find a good one
> "psy is the name of the substance that allows for wierd psychic stuff"
> "drawing it in might not feel like you want it to but it does feel like something , don't gaslight yourself , a feeling is a feeling"
> "just imaging psy comming out of your body and to form a ball , then shape that psy into a triangle and program it to move 20 steps to the right and then deactivate"
> rest of the book is kind of dumb
> to read minds just imagine a cone connecting your head to thiers?
>just do it a bunch until it works bro
> is not a bad book for what it is , but its either A)bullshit or B) they don't know how to guide you to the practical part.
>still do it just in case
> I do feel something , gonna give it to you autor I have imagined a ton of stuff but I have never felt something like that
> this is my only lead but I don't wanna do what it says in the book
>do the same mental exercises but with psy
> do a fun project to "collect psy"
> retard brain saw an iluminaty and I wanted to give it a gift
> make a "situation"
> by that I mean I little by little imagine with different objects until I soround the entire area.
>situatuon is just a lab embiroment filled with yugioh level psychic astetics
> it does make it collect more psy
> and it does make me feel something more
> but who cares I just want deal with this quickly
>make a key for the wierd triangle

> realise I have no leads and no use cases for my method
>collecting psy does make me feel something its and objective and consistent fact
>but the feeling isn't usefull its just like a tingle
> remeber that the book talked about how some people expirience psy differently , they visialise it as different things
> try to imagine how someome who sees psy as water might fare
>Very free flowing , never directly conected , imagine fountains everywere , its poring out of you constanly.
> it does work to make me verry relaxed , but not much else
> experiment with all whats had
> example make a fire using a "situation" to then mix it with watter within me to make me feel like I am in a suana
> make a figure and then energise it with psy to remenber it better to have some eye candy.
> and finnaly try to make a "situation" to make psy air
>litterally just a big fan that needs psy to move
> psy air is actually really efective
>makes me not a lazy piece of shit
>not a miracle cure since taking to much fucks me up but it is what I needed
> I need to mass produce this right now
> kind of not worried of the lolcow spiral anymore
> have a big break on uni
> last method to make psy air needed my school architekture
> need to make a new one for home
> make one for home
>this one can give both air and water for extremly arbritrary reasons
> have some extra air lying around so I decided to have some fun with water
>just make a water bed made of water within my normal bed
> don't expect much of it
> itstanly once on the bed
> its the best bed experience in a long time maybe ever
>sink deeper into the imaginary bed
>its wierd to get that instant gratification for a bed I didn't really care much for
>and it is instaint every time
> feel way better rested
> days were I slept at 1 feel like I slept at 10
> its at least real enough that it got me addicted
> haven't been making any air anymore since I have been using all the psy collecting into making a new water bed every night
> my retardation trully is devine

anyway OP I can give you a indept tutorial if you don't think this is retarded , which I don't mind if you do , this could all be a very in dept placebo but it is a consistent placebo and thats what I care about.

but I need to explain the overall situation if I wanna even close to explain this to you.

is not like its very complicated I am just bad at explaining.
I'm not OP, but please, please give a tutorial man, you can't keep us on hold like that, even if it's placebo.
I second the tutorial, this sounds super interesting.

I'll give you a psy kiss if you post tutorial ;3
devils trips confirmed, now you have to give us the guide anon
Praying to Allah five times a day
ive just tried doing all the things youve said whilst reading and i can very much feel the energy. probably thanks to the energy work i do already but pushing the energy (psy) out was something i wasnt used to. i had experience with this though, transforming my world into something of fantasy and immersing myself in it was amazing and felt refreshing. much like how you made your room. it takes alot of mental effort and i can definitely feel my body working.like some anon said, your own form of magick can be the most effective form of magick. i will incorporate this and further enhance my ability. thank you anon
Dunno what you mean by "ritualistic" but shadow work/journaling into the darkest parts of yourself helps a lot.
Elaborate on this shadow journaling process.
Regular exercise and a good diet are good for improving one's life, and quite easy.
The Goetia demons would love to have a relationship with you. Start practicing high magick AND GO OUTSIDE MORE. Good start is Spirit Work Primer by Naag Loki Shivanath. Other than millennial verbiage the book is a good, easy to read introduction into the occult. I also suggest working with La Santa Muerte. You can ask her for anything and is really easy to start worshipping. Start a dream/ritual journal as well. Good luck anon, we're all in this together and the occult is a great way out.
alright so before we get into this I want to get into I want to introduce 3 baseless assuptions that curretnly are nesesary to make all of this work

1st) when you are using your head for something your thoughts are naturally kind of foggy and unformed ,this can be great for other stuff but if you wanna use them for something usefull you gotta anquer them a little bit add rules and meaning into any thought or visualisation don't just let your head outofill the rest , try to be as strict about the qualities of your thoughts and mental objebts as you see resenable in how you whould experience this if it wad actually happening , doesn't have to be realistic more so than dynamic and self respectfull
2nd) thier is a substance that you can creat called psy , the difference between psy and just regular thinking , seems nebulos , the main thing seems to be that psy has intention of you actually creating something , it comes from within you at your own power and it makes you feel something.
try doing that sort of energy work and write down how you percive how it works , what are thier characteristics , this is your own psy signature (and I do want to add this is a big asumption) this step is very important.
3)everyone has thier own psy signature that they see differently , try to empatise as to why they whould see psy differently to then be able to see how you could change some of your behavior and mental enviroment to match what you think is the "personality" of that psy , try to respect this as much as posible but within variable context.
4) be as skeptical as ever and assume people have broken systems you need to fix up , try to work on whats practical and try expand on leads on how this works.
5) it doesn't matter if it is a larp if it works and you can depend on it

now that i have my 5 abritrary assuptions set up , I can start the guide.
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sorry for some broken inglish but I am slow writter and I am currently very sleepy

in difference between different energie systems , this one isn't the center of everything its more so that psy and mental controsts are both even and odds of this system both equally as important.

its a fuel with personalised characteristics for your important mental objects , although you could also just use it as a fuel for yourself depending on the psy.
it is also assumed that not all psy is created equally and that psy of similar signature might still behave different depending on the context that created it , this is especially important for the creation of the water bed.

the main thing is that psy as currently understand by this document on its own true neutral standpoint , is some kind of mental/spiritual energy ment to help you some kind of psychic ability if mastered, with the characteristic of being seen as very differently from person to person

like I said about the original grentext you are using your empathy to see how a hypotetical person might see and thus feel differently about psy than you , then changing the "situation" or your mindset enough were you could feel the same about psy and thus produce the same psy.

let me clarify with 2 examples
1) you realise that some people see psy as just an example of a great mistical force flowing through you towards harmony that can't be directly controled an impided they also see psy an inheretly inmaterialistic so gathering like a cheap resorces just won't work.
this is how I rationalise how some people whould see psy and what I consider the water psy , I talked before on the greentext.

the main thing with it as that since its free flowing while the process of gathering feels relaxing and I can even add a funtian here or there to make it even more so , its not actually suposed to be used as a resorce like that , I can only get working water to work on the water bed on something that I.
on something that I whould consider sufficiently care free and inmaterial enough for the psy water(which is extremly pedantic and arbritrary progress)and I also can't even use its relaxing properties if I am myself sort of relax , so outside of the water bed its more or a win more situation
although it does tend to mix well with other psy works

2) psy power needs sacrifice it needs preparations and it needs a understanding and disipline for beuty , as you are delving into a primordial fire of important implications that great men comprehended but you only understand, ritual and meaning are at the front of it.

thats how I see psy fire , its one of the ones I corretly can only do in a situation as thats how I think its the only way to honor it
its just the basic ritual more occult understanding of than most , set up the situation to gather a great mental fire and set yourself on it , then make psy to fuel that fire to creat more of that flame.
try to keep the situation as solid as posible , aside from the fact you are most likely having a lot of this made in mind , you are trying to keep this as clasical occult as posible since in theory the person who made it belives a lot in the power of occult tradition. also try to pretend as much as posible within normal human custums to be on fire , either a metaphysical one or a fisical one will sufice.
this one is a little bit underexplored mind , so not much in strenges I have only used it once with water to make a swuana , in regard to weakness the method of getting it is so solid you can't every twist on anything in regards to how you get it , the ritual most be made with extrict disipline , also maybe le demons idk, not hard evidence just it could be.
also as a final main take away do try to mix and match your psy , baring the context.
mental objects
tecnically all your thoughts and visuisation are mental objects (aside from the ones that are suposed to be psy) , but you need them to be solid in some way even if minor if you want them to be usefull.
by solid I mean that you are trying and using tecniques so whatever you are imagening has some kind of intention and personality , simplest example is that if you have a mental ball around instaid of teleporting it to make it move just make it bounce or only make it move if it is touching something and then just make a mental ghost hand move it by doing that you are making it solid , having it hang around makes it solid and even non realistic things that can make it solid like you always have eyes on it even when you aren't seeing it. basically its about anymating the object as a independent object even if the only reason it does that ilusion is because of your will.

solidity and respecting which solid characteristics and as such reality you gave your objects while also knowing what you didn't give to them so you know what you can manipulate is crusial.
I recomend having all your solid conponents have some kind of a porpuse vage as that advice sounds , you don't need to sweat ball psychics with a powerfull canon as you whould with a soccerball used in profetional soccer.
another note here , I am awere the writing is more wonky and imcomplete but I am afraid of the tread getting archived, I can always remake this with better cogerency and gramar later.

situations" and psy charged objects.

if mental objects are odds and psy is evens this is the convination of the two perfectly.

situations follow the same principles as normal mental objects , the main thing is that a part of thier solidness is not just being a hypotetical object but a whole situation , a bunch of the time is just cause its a bunch of different individual objects that are big enough together to be considered a space , like for example go to the park and then imagine its snowning purple winter , all the individual mental objects on how the park whould have looked if it was snowing purple whould have been part of the situation, but it doesn't have to be as direct as that , a giant fan can be consider a situation if you have to respect is mass and you can do silly mentall stuff like make it smaller for example , a situation can also be more esoteric , 3 objects convinded in a specific ritual for example.

basically "situations" are mental objects of high solidness generally as they are just a bunch of tiny mental objects forming your entire sorunding, the main thing is that they aren't seen as tools but as a context of mental objects you are creating.
a lot of the time they are used to get specific forms of psy.

and psy charged objects as the name implies are objects made/charged of psy ussually to make situations to get even more psy but not always , I honestly don't have much to say about this part yet, I do want to experiment and be more thematic with how I do psy objects but like most psy objects have been used for situations so thats my attention has been , if this guide ever gets remade I promise this segment is gonna have more in it.
ok so know that you know this how did I made the water bed

1) discover water psy
(this part is recomended to be more personalised by the viewer but if they feel they can copy world for world and it works its fine and stuff)
2) make 2 bells
3) feed them my normal electricity psy
4)make a quick bucket
5) imagine of the situation that a beutifull waterfall falls between a space between the bells and bucket ,bells moving lineraly and without sound
7) trow that water out
6)then imagine a reverse waterfull in the same spot while listening and daydreaming to music (this is like and extremly personal wierd habit ) having the bells maching the music , within movement and sound , even when not directly looking at them
8) repeat 5
9) allready set up its creating water so use that bucket
10) go to your bed make bed arounf that area
11)imagine you are making a very hard ice fundatiok for the matress first
12) make the matress with a transparent bubble like shape and texture
13) put a mental object in the matress whatch it sink deep within
14)fill with watter to regulate how deep it sinks
15)take mental object out get into the matress and imagine sinking in and presto you have your matress made

mine generally only last a day as they disolve into my body but maybe you could figure out a less wastefull model for your own matress.

I do also want to do a full on matress with all the gay bells and wisles to see if it changes anything.

don't be afraid to ask questions , I think thier might be some comunication cause a big part on how this works is based on a wierd mental quirk I have , but the tutorial was based with that in mind , its not nesesary information but it does create misunderstandings.
can I use psy to stop being a neurotic neet waste of life
fasting, it definitely has physical benefits and a lot of various cultures and beliefs seem to agree that it also has spiritual benefits as well.
I mean thats the reason I made it in the first place.
trdr: psy is a wierd energy work substance when you try to "draw it outthat can make you feel things and charge up mental objects in your head.

but your natural disposition is gonna make you make it so psy has some characteristics , try to imagine why someone whould see psy differently and then put yourself in a meta situation were you whould think the same as that person when drawing it out.

then use the psy to bluid / charge dumb shit.

Unbelievable, he actually delivered. Extremely based, thank you very much anon. Like I said, when I get this psy shit down I will send you a kiss
There are tons of stuff on the internet about it but in a few words: Isolate the things which make you hateful/scared in life and analyze them.

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