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share everything you have on this subject anons
i dunno, free masonry, golden ratio.

congrats on choosing the most mundane area of the occult
If you look around Paul Foster Case has some key literature on gematria and esoteric mathematics.
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no. can't do it. no time.

I've not read it but there's The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus by Guenon probably worth a look.
not books, but related
more of this?
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Go to the OG
thanks anon

Can be skipped IMO. It's a normie-tier book that offers a main-line historical viewpoint. If you're the same anon who was interested in >>38840850 then I wouldn't waste your time with >>38841156
Pythagoras? John dee?
Dunno, havent read em cause im retarded when it comes to math
>the most mundane area of the occult
>reccomending masonry
Im not good at math but i dont justify myself saying its mundane
What would be the least mundane in your opinion?
Serge Lang, Basic Mathematics
No one has the defined limits yet insist to know what it means when using it. They shorten it and imply there's a way to arrive to the shortened version but that's impossible without the defined limits which again they imply but don't have there's no reversal way to rhyme this.
Same. Realized this when i took discrete math. The way math is taught is retarded. They make it way more confusing than it should be.
Esoteric math bros, there some way I can learn maths in the "right way", preferably with out going to collage for it. I've always been quite bad at maths but it feels wrong to be into platonism without having at least a decent undertanding of mathematics.
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If you're starting from zero you'll need to relearn a lot of the annoying rote before getting into higher math. (mathematics beyond calculus)
Picrel gets recommended a lot, it's a bit of a tome and can be a bit dry in some places but it will get you up to speed.
This playlist is a good accompaniment to the book and helps demystify a lot of concepts that aren't immediately obvious.
>>38841549 (me)

I didn't mean to make it seem like i fully understand. I just realized that by omitting those concepts from early mathematics education, it makes the subject more confusing.

Math doesn't even really exist. Neither does any spoken language. Nature doesn't need language, things just are what they are. There are patterns, but an omniscient being would just understand. They may not even need the 5 senses. The best way i can describe this is when a person learns what a door is. Imagine being able to see all doors and intuitively know everything about the door. Which way it opens, which way the knob turns. We give things names to describe it, but it still exists without our description. A deer isn't really a deer, it just is what it is. A four leaf clover doesn't have four leaves, it just has leaves, we chose to describe it as four. Everything just exists as it is.

Mmm, blurry and unreadable. So cool. Thanks.

are they unreadable here? It's the same numbers. but with colors instead of arrows.
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Srinivasa Ramanujan's notebooks.
>Though he had almost no formal training in pure mathematics, he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems then considered unsolvable
>He credited his acumen to his family goddess, Namagiri Thayar (Goddess Mahalakshmi)
>"An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God."
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Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land
>don't waste your time with Pythagoras
I find this very interesting, what is the source of all of this? i didn't even know Enochian maths existed
it's from the other thread on here. same subject, really.


if plato says all forms of nature are made from the maths well..bobs your uncle.
>offers undeniable proof of God
You must be into funny diagrams and things like "belief".
Thank you for your post. Besides Aryabhatta and Varaha Mihira, i just remembered the more recent Shankaracarya Mahabhag Bharati Krsna Tirtha Maharaja. Computer literally owed to his book simply titled Vedic Mathematics
Donald is based
Old greeks
Numerology? Errmm...
147 258 369, just look at your keypad.
Greatest common factor among 147, 258 and 369 is 3.
49AD is a Rooster year the 10th sign
86AD is a Dog year the 11th sign
123AD is a Pig year the 12th sign
then there's 49 86 123
33 is embedded in the 147, 258 and 369 trines. The trinity, threes, 3rd dimension.
4/33=0.(12)1212... 1+2=3
5/33=0.(15)1515... 1+5=6
6/33=0.(18)1818... 1+8=9
look at the vowels for 369, thr55 s9x n9n5 adds up to 33
369 is a hidden 33.
As for 147 and 258, they are the other two master numbers.
147 is a hidden 22
258 is a hidden 11
this is interesting for Disney, its actually informative

Not what I said, brainlet.
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These. Especially the last, which is bigger and contains the first two.
Malcolm Bendall's Plasmoid Unification Model.
Where's the esoteric maths anon that's always talking about 369 and .999 fractions?
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>The Geometry of Art and Life
phi golden ratio platonic solids
> The Ten Books of Architecture
by Vitruvius as in the Vitruvian Man
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Its actually a suuuper short lecture

Every number is actually = ∞

∞, is a concept incomprehensible by the human mind

the most esoteric mathematics is that what you think you are is = zero, and zero = ∞

Good luck champ
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This isn't really a book but I remember a thread on here once about some guy that was studying super ancient & esoteric maths that I can't find again. He was really knee deep into it, but sadly the only thing I can remember him saying was something along the lines of "you have to study this for x amount of days straight before it will start to make sense". Too bad I can't find it anymore
Cool diagram, horrific misuse of colours
Infinity is the only math.
It's absolutely horrifying.
Templist Canon lets you feel mathematical truth rather than having you solve equations, through a initiatory process.

Click PDF under downlods.

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