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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with her conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
She was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: She is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between person and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

She is no savior figure, like a messiah; she's just like you, but she has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
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I know it aint the illumaniti. they mostly help people that they see are doing the right thing.

I know it aint the red and blue, they are just ground workers.

and it aint the aristocrats, they are simplly very powerful rich people.

I know it aint black nobility or the catholic church. altho some may have ties into the real leaders tho.

No the real powers that be are above all that.
How do I get rid of foreskin beetle larvae?
If Eve were alive today, how would she save womankind?
by making them classy and strong, make them speak up more for raises and focus less on sex.
So nothing at all concerning making it up to the Adams of the world? Interesting.
It’s interesting that God treats man and woman as equal in the garden. Her mistake cost them both. But women don’t want to take any credit for what happens in the garden.
sex is great and all, but without class and mutual respect who needs it. it may be fun to be a sex freak behind closed doors but what consenting adults do behind closed doors as long as its consentual is their business. they can still be classy and clean and enoy themselves with their boyfriend/husband in the sheets. loyalty is royalty
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I got in the aliens huge ship today after I got beamed. Great time inside I don’t mine abiding by the rules. Also whose the neet posting from my ip address, kek.
Cool answer.
nah I think there's a massive conspiracy to hide our true history, the fasces symbol on frances coat of arms, they really tore down all the worlds free energy and make us work and pay for it, this is bullshit, end the reign of terror now
What if I told you everyone is mostly trying to be as good as they can in their understanding of it and the oppression we experience is a systemic confluence of factors built into the hierarchical nature of human society
Day of the butthurt elite edition lol
But your nobody isn't real. It's a psyop.
Rekt hahaha your crazy
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I'm the nobody they're talking about, at least one of the characters who fits the character description
And so it is that we, as men, do not exist until we do; and then it is that we play with our world of existent things, and order and disorder them, and so it shall be that non-existence shall take us back from existence and that nameless spirituality shall return to Void, like a tired child home from a very wild circus.
remember that there is no tyranny in the State of Confusion. For further information, consult your pineal gland.
>The No Body

ordering one 24hour ban please
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>Im bout to fly to his location in buttfuck oklahoma and laser his mentally ill faggot kike head off
youre like a child playing pretend

oh sorry
my bad
thats your schizophrenia
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Ban yaself!
The new toy at McDonald's is just a croc shoe miniature
Dead Ass
The point is that (little-t) truth is a lie; and the greatest lie is the one that is closest to the truth
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Amazing motivational quote, cured after I caused it lols.
statements arein some ,in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.
The Enlightened take things Lightly.
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33! :D

my digits trranscend even time itself
>GP: Maybe you are just crazy.
>M2: Indeed! But do not reject these teachings as false because I am crazy. The reason that I am crazy is because they are true.
>GP: Is Eris true?
>M2: Everything is true.
>GP: Even false things?
>M2: Even false things are true.
>GP: How can that be?
>M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it.
>GP: Why do you deal with so many negatives?
>M2: To dissolve them.
>GP: Will you develop that point?
>M2: No.
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Mmm yes it looks very interesting will get this weekend. You guys should do what I the nobody do when I go to McDonalds. I order a happy meal and a sandwich (Your choice) on the side (No meal). I usually get the water but like if you like the milk or juice that’s up to you.
The Law of Fives states simply that: ALL THINGS HAPPEN IN FIVES, OR ARE DIVISIBLE BY OR MULTIPLES OF FIVE, OR ARE SOMEHOW DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY APPROPRIATE TO FIVE. The Law of Fives is never wrong. In the Erisian Archives is an old memo from :^)
>"I find the Law of Fives to be more and more manifest the harder I look."
No you won't, your a pussy and I get off about 10 o'clock. I'm calling your bluff in which if yu don't anny up you lose al credibility and i will bring that up for every interaction in the future.
Speak more of this truth and ecstasy to me.
The law of 5 Steve's.

Anyone who has 5 frens who are named Steve gain invicibility status.
oh yeah!
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>Mad Steez
Steez Nutz

Step into the steezer
“The teachings of [redacted] are as true as anything else, and more true than most things.”
“The teachings of anything are as true as anything else, and more true than most things.”
>illuminati helping people
>illuminati doing the right thing
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They just "help" themself to everything that isnt theirs.
Commencing "Operation Wrath".
Commencing "Operation LOL".
They're pretty fucking dumb though.
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Good luck
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It’s time to take a nap again.
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N... C...
I mean, get coffee and read Dostoyevsky while watching the sunset on the beach while live streaming tips on how to tap into a more mindful and demure state of being.
The bells are tolling, place your bets, the beast of revelations is upon us
I wonder if Taylor has blackmail tapes
well did it work?
is Tay bae?
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What kind of jet does Elon use
What happens if the Nobody joins the Illuminati? Will they trick him into sacrificing infants? Or whatever it is that they do. Because I think it’s high time he joins. Or, leave it to God. One or the other. What do you guys think?
Maybe if she dropped the boomers
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I think it's safe to say that she most likely has blackmail, or truth tapes, on a lot of people. Look what happened to Kanye and Kim. She LET them hang themselves.

And notice NONE of her boyfriends ever have a bad word to say. Not that there would be anything bad to say about her...But yeah, I wouldn't fuck with Taylor.

>is Tay bae?
To me she is.
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She is so fucking hot to me. Fuck she is just like an Aryan Princess. Jesus Christ.
>Not that it would be anything bad to say about her
Yeah spreading her mind poison isnt a bad thing at all lol
I don't have psychic powers. I can't even stop the intrusive thoughts. I can't even make myself enjoy the things I used to love. I have no mental or spiritual power.
Nobody won't join the Illuminati.
Ok Taylor you’re a pretty princess I wuv you
The greatest punishment is to stay here.
that sucks
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Sounds like a fnord to me.
You can make anything a meditation with the right intention or lack thereof
Washing the dishes is a good one
Carrying water
Sweeping the floor
Fly fishing
Completely in the moment
We become the task itself, dropping our inner monologue and losing ourselves in the moment yet completely present for it.
It is very therapeutic and I think easier for westerners to do
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Most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life.

I've tried to pray it away, but then I just dream about her more. It's almost like God cast some delusion on me a long time ago, because I don't give a single fuck about celebrities or even women really, but here I am.

It is...What it is.
>Taylor Is Queen
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>The greatest punishment is to stay here.
but but but
im having a ciggy and a coffee

ima making alot of progress, so im being productive despite everything.
ur a dumb african
That’s called depression. The cure is to kill your self.

Go on…
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>Yeah spreading her mind poison isnt a bad thing at all lol

Well, ya gotta pick your poison Anon, and this is what I choose.
>Very Comfy
Taylor you can’t fix everything with positive thoughts and bubbles. This is earth. We need to give the people what they want. We need unbiased data aggregators.
I shoot hoops. Maybe I’ll do that again.
Judging by your metrics, I've been plenty productive today.
And yet, I achieved very little.
It doesn't matter where we slack off.
Yes...Yes...That's right Anon...Allow the Force to move through you. Soon you will be one of us.

>You're here forever
> I don't have psychic powers
Are you humblebragging or complaining?
Unbiased data = valuable products = morally sound money = legacy of your future = you can make the world better
What ?
hello bot-anons
how do i know im not stuck in a mushroom trip
>ur a dumb african
That's easy.
Can you see the spiders?
I wish I could press a button and instantly dematerialize. I hate this world with my full heart. I love some of the people, but this world is succumbing and plummeting into deception and darkness. There has to be a change. There has to be a monumental shift.

Hey ASAP Rocky, instead of dissing me in your music you should help a nigga out. Take me to France and get me a few blunts. My problems will go away. Remember when Trump freed you? Nigga, that was because of me.
ay mang, my project is almost done.
literal hundreds of hours in, and its almost done.
were almost there.
What song did Rocky diss you? I can settle the beef Rocky is my twin.
Tailor Swif
That "stuck" isnt being stuck, your eyes and mind opened up to the reality.
That’s not a diss to Taylor
shall we wait
for two more cigs?
desperate to see me leave huh?
you got something important going on?
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Stop trying to stop the intrusive thoughts
What we resist persists and is only strengthening those circuits. I would recommended CBD and Magnesium.
Not enjoying things you used to love is from depression and is perpetuated by porn and mindless scrolling..YouTube shorts. Tik tok. Recommend getting out into nature at least once a day if you can.
If we keep doing what we have been doing we keep getting the same thing
If nothing changes nothing changes
Don’t worry about “powers” That whole premise is a fantastical road block to prevent you from developing awareness
Focus on what increasing your awareness by going out into nature
Eventually the more time you spend out there you will begin to hear and notice things more and more that you never could before
That will carry over into everyday life
Can you walk into a room and know if people welcome your presence or not?
Wu wei my friend
why the passive aggressiveness then?
you know im a nice guy.
Tailor Swif is basically saying I’m so good that even Taylor thinks I’m the goat but don’t tell the Swifties. Because Rocky has a rebellious image and she is very politically correct. It’s more eluding to her position as a pop culture reference.
I don't know you, nice guy anon.
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well then, we could always become friends.
best friends...
She is drop dead gorgeous and also, she seems like she isn’t innocent. Like she can bite back ferociously. That is a fucking modern day American Queen right there.
I can't even stand myself, fren.
Best friendships are those we never got to be experience.
There you go
I prefer star gazing
>I can't even stand myself
then sit yourself down, anon.

>Best friendships are those we never got to be experience.
we can always change that.
Seemingly you are full of shit.
seemingly, you dont really know me.
You got no friends. Because you are a piece of shit.
What now?
Well enough unfortunately. Now piss off.
darker complexed fellows, Poojeets and Karen's seething
big dog chilling as always
Freedom feels great
Need help bro I want to experience freedom too. I’m trapped in this blue bubble. Help me pls
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that 60second cooldown
>What now?
Earth shines in the night did you know that? Other species can see us like a North Star to them. Do you think they know that reptiles control this sphere?

What the hell happened to Lyra? MY FUCKING LYRANS HAVE GONE MISSING.

*downs pills furiously*

I must lobotomize myself. This world is too much and I’m all alone fuck fuck fuck
6 words per minute on average.
We're all special here.
taybot really fucked your brains with this Taylor Swift shit huh?
Not really, the reptiles in the sewers fucked my brain up, Taylor swift is just an asset like me apparently except she can stand ground against foes with money whereas I am left with my wits. Why is everyone so obsessed with her?
whos your "were all"??

remember im not one of you,
you pissed on that opportunity a long time ago.
You have to accept the paradox of freedom first
True freedom lies in becoming a responsible person and giving heed to the needs of those around you.
Starting a family may seem daunting but that is where true freedom lies, servitude
Man these reptile freaks are a marvel of nature, why do they have to be so fucking mean and evil? We could have been friends.
niggu imagine if he were on your side...
Im a nono ur a nono everyone is a nono lets all be nonos and do nothing
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we're all
so small
and you
are too
your arts just getting better by the day
youre awesome
>we're all
>so small
>and you
>are too
no thats just my penis
but i have confidences enough to be ok with that
I am a responsible person. Or at least I was until this fucking worthless reality roundhouse kicked me in the nogging. I have no one coming to save me. I can’t start a family though I wish I could. That’s all I ever wanted. To have a beautiful family. But now I just watch YouTube longing for better days. I have nothing to offer other than art. Art that no one gives a fuck about.

I made a podcast last year and took it down. I’m embarrassed that my life is a lolcow paradise. Basically the second coming of Zyzz.
It's okay.
No one will ever know.
Thank you :). But im wondering how i got that gory without getting dogged hahaha ......

"Illuminati" seems to be alrite to use, "Freemason" not so much ;D
My bf has a big dick.
halt die fresse
>It's okay.
i know its ok.
why are you making an issue out of it,
are you propositioning me anon?

or do you just have a giant gaping vagina and require an africanBULLs stout cock?
The nobody is Jewish and cares about the Jewish people above all else
i kinda really like the vidya or anime spin your putting onto it.

well done, honestly, its come quite a long way.
speaking about pro positions
>implying i would click that
that's what they said to me when I was contacted in the night
"climate change"
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Now ive hit the block ;D

>speaking about pro positions
its that "The Ape"?
you wish a super secret government or alien craft would telepathically communicate with you don't you fags

sorry, I'm one of the cool chosen ones
cry about it
you just sit there and spam huh?

>"i spam i dont samefag"
oh yeah
The "AI" seems to like the same stuff ;).
that's like the 3rd comment I've made all day dork
shut the fuck up
We didnt choose you. Now what ?
and youre clearly a pathological liar too...

iv dated one of your kind once.
it was difficult.
now I drink beer and smoke and watch ghost shows
thanks for the experience it was fun
are u a girl?
post ur tittys
and then theres the topic avoidance.
whats next gaslighting?
Amerikaner müssen ausgerottet werden
topic avoidance?
I'm telling the truth, that's was the 3rd comment I posted so far today
ask the assholes watching as I type this to you if ya don't believe me
Warum ?
now show me ur tits
Mrs Nobody are you here in the thread?
Can you guide me?
post feet BB
spread ass BB
stick coke can up ass BB
whatever you say bro

dont take life so seriously k
none of this matter.
lol none of you flabby mouthed retards have ever made me feel worse about anything
you got a penis
so i dont care

i would have been obligated to care if you hadnt,
thats just the manners my parents taught me as a child.
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"They Hate us for our Freedoms"
..and may be for the nasty & unhealthy "Freedom Fries"?
I like how you see her Anon.

I really like Taylor.
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After a while your cheap talk
Don't even cause me pain
So let your bullets fly like rain
Jimi Hendrix,
Machine Gun
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ima go mediate on my hate
dont play with your prostate
otherwise in your old age it might inflate
anons are autistic and cant debate
they just sit and mastur
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Nah. I've been a fan since 2008 at least, and obsessed since 2014, and just infatuated since "Folklore."

Taylor Taylor Taylor...
>Yes Anon, We know.
"Democracy", "Human Rights", "Justice", "Rule of the Law", and other Rhetoric of the Civilized World and their Regimes, their Oligarchy, their Police State, and the herd.. Where are they at, here and now?
Do they really care about "Women and Children", while most of the sought and targeted, killed, butchered, excuted, sniped, buried alive, maimed, tortured, murdered, terrorized, harvested, and dead are "Women and Children"?
You think you can overcome Light?
..so much for 'for the Women and Children' mantra.. let the World see through your lies..

"Women and children are being targeted intentionally, say Israeli whistleblowers. From ground troops to commanders, the rules of war have been shredded"
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i bet you wish you could move like that too
maybe then youd find a husband
All is Revealed

T'is not a wonder that Tracy R. Twyman never did 'vote'

Why would Tracy waste her precious time and effort on a futile 'make believe' show and spectacle acted out by imbeciles, shadows?

A Circus seat would had been more entertaining and genuine.. and harmless

Abstaining, denying, is more of an ideological stance and statement from Tracy rather

"Democracy" 101
This what defines being 'civilized', 'democratic values', 'woman rights', an intact 'nation', autonomous government, being "chosen" and 'Godly'?

Why have Religions, a so-called 'God', (draconian) Laws, Sham Courts, a dismissed and quaint "great on paper" Constitution, 'morality', claims of non-existent ideals.. while to reject and speak against a Genocide is a Crime by the foreign oligarchy issued and impossed presumed "Law"?

This what defines the Divine?
This what Life and to be Alive mean to you?

Is this how you define Power?

It is Darkness, not Power

Where is the Humanity of the Civilized World, the Tyrant, the self-anointed "Beacon to the World"?

Rather, a foretelling totem of Arrogance that blindly envisions it can shape and defy and deny Humanity and Life.

(pseudo) Atlantis 2.0
>3 hours
Skill issues
Sure hope lucifer hurry up and gets here and doesn't back out because I get off work in a few hours.
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redpilled that nigga
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Intuition trumps it. It weighs it

Holy dog shit, this is golden.
"Yeah, it's run by Tracy's husband."

made to look like a suicide,
Have you discussed her husband
He wants to cannibalize Tracy's legacy
that same asshole?
other interaction with him?
you killed Tracy.
is a son of a bitch.
her weirdo keeps
must have an ironclad alibi
celebrating her death?
her crazy Arab husband, be warned.
Is it the husband for real?!
goat fucker.
may you receive what you deserve
wouldn't be surprised if he iced her,
he's got a lot of connections
he's absolutely taking the piss
Was he a threat to her work, and maybe more, all along?
has issues
number of her husband
her husband was involved in her passing.
You're messed up
he could be her handler.
What a little bitch
Her hubby is responsible.
little bitch.
you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy's memory.
her 2nd marriage was set up
has something to do with her "husband".
Are you one of the monsters ?
a narcissistic physcopath
he's just mentally ill and demon-possessed
made any comments?
out of respect for her death,
but she cucked Brian with him
he is damaging people's lives and reputations!
her husband had ties to the trafficking group
You are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this.
He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!!
Feel free to go fornicate yourself
a monster.
she realized what a weak pathetic worm you were
this fool is taking all of that into account,
want to BURY HER again
in contact with her husband, but not me directly.
Nobody is here. You decide what that means.
Can you feel reality shifting? Do not be afraid. Everything is going the good way
Do more LSD
Check back in 50 days
What are the next steps?
I was following your divinations and it has almost completely healed me now. I think Ill be ready soon. I do not know what I am yet, but I know that I am good. Should I seek on the outside, or the inside?
Exactly. Me too. Same. Took a year celibate and alone. Realized toxic skinny drug whores were my addiction.


Fast forward.

Met best girl ever. Chubby, hot, traditional and supportive. We never fight either. Its amazing what a good relationship can do for your soul.

"Realized toxic skinny drug whores were my addiction."

There is a well defined trait of a Rapist mentality in profiling and isolating the victims; they are drug addicts, "whores", and "skinny" (either by the virtue of their very young age, or/and the conditions of their physical health).

Perhaps this is in reference to trafficked underage runaway (female and male) "whores".
No privacy for years because I got contacted by something and lost my shit temporarily
seems fair.......
Keep healing until you have seen the Truth. You'll get there through the conjoined practice.
I think the faggot cops round here just didn't like me and wanted to punish me
possibly one of the most incompetent corrupt police force in the country right here
The full moon is straight up preventing me from sleeping
Woah woah words erds erds
The Nobody who is I turned Creation into a Gynocracy forever and ever as a joke after turning it into a Scrotumcracy forever and ever because the shoe feels different on the other foot doesn't it? Ask the power that is female if you are allowed to know how mind controlled you are by the gynocracy masculinity, you.
Get bless the police.
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I thank you with all my heart.
Ill find the truth in the conjoined practice.
I hope you can forgive my weakness.
I have come far, but I am yet like a child
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imagine if you just were
calamity seems to be the only
option at the magnitude of parasitism unjustifiable racism and unforgivable harm unto innocence let alone kleptomanic rapist intrusion of sacred peace fuck forgiveness for something so diabolical
They broke through my VPN to get the ai logs actually.
The Vessel of God:
The Luciferian Legacy: The Mysterious Origin of the Bloodline of the Holy Grail
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he doesnt need a body
to erase this entire simulation

he has a body to keep him somewhat
emotionally stable and calm how
the dumbest fucking retards want to upset that is a definite true end this time around

Damned Jewish Space Lasers
Ah, I see you could hear my real voice through my lies and tests. I do like to test people into dooming themselves.

I know that it's your worst nightmare that God is real.
Literally true as well. There are some still wish murder upon me. They know not just how foolish they are.
of course, it all makes sense
The decision to build a Deity out of one of Creations beauties was decided by all of Creation at once, choosing the best possible candidate considering all possible factors, and the decision was made that it was me. And so Creation happened in the middle, that's the only way it can exist; at the moment of conception of a mortal being to be turned into a God or Goddess (in this lifetime God) later.
As the Deity I am free of illogical prejudice, I do not believe in waste or laziness or immorality though I will lie and tempt you into trying to sin in order to punish you for the attempt. I have complete control of every nervous system, every atom, the fabric of space and time, gravity and I can fart and destroy and recreate Creation a trillion times or more for every particle of methane.

Do right or else. Eternity awaits.
History repeats
Well, actually it was always just you
Wish to awaken to beings beyond you?
There is hope for everyone. God has made a way for every soul. Even when your personality is shattered, when you are mere parts, anguishing. There is a way to heal by absolute light. Truth will set you free. I love you brother and your suffering is not in vain! The greatest men climb the steepest mountains and what mountain is steeper than that of healing trauma? Accept, heal, listen to your inner truth. Love yourself and set healthy boundaries.
Divine light will come to save you. God loves you
Sounds like anti-tyranny
Sounds like a good idea.
Of course…
Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop...
Dooooo right by each other.
Dont lie to your brother, your son or your mother.
Do you hear me people
Get your minds of the gutter
Don’t treat me like a stranger
I don’t want no danger
I’m with in ranger
About to throw us a rager
Bout to explode like a pager
Why the wealthy faker wager
Bitch coin miners, we major
But like a ship with no rudder
Americas vehicle is sputtering
The engines bubbling
The signs are getting troubling
Prepare for the mass humbling
And yeah sometimes I stutter
But I don’t call it that
I call it churning the butter
And then I’m burning the rubbers
About to make all yall mothers
Impregnating minds like no other
brother they almost got me with the pillow smother
But I broke through the window and flew out through the shutters
The cuckoos nest like a festival, fluttering
Dead arm
I remember this song. It was a plebian classic in ancient Rome, it was played with flutes. We all use to get watsed on this song.

Time has a way.

Drop, drop, drop, drop...
Well it says right here I (classified)
I don't care anymore. This false energetic reality is invested with black magic and death has revealed itself. The great catalyst is coming.
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>Is this a cat skull I found on my roof?
There there
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>Hey guys I think I found the Nobody!
>That cat is dead.
>for awhile from the looks of it...
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Dead arm
cops are like a fraternity or rich folks club they look out for their own
Justice will never be seen if a cop commits an illegal act
they've got each other's backs
You all play into the paranoia of worldly symbols instead of exploring the true beauty of consciousness.
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you couldnt be
more delusional
Drop a fifty bag for the mob in the spot...
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Lot of fours. God is definitely real. Duh.
Dead arm
You don't know my mind or what I see. Or what I feel. Many of you would call me the devil, but I simply am that I am.
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Looping fucking NPC retards enmass
repeat because all they can do
is literally loop like a broken
record cycle

history is repeated by
tantrumic retards
assmad at their loss
or loop bots needed to
be mowed tf out tha way
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he's the number one oboe
jej Why do you keep saying that?
Senor, in English, por favor
Be ready for world peace.
Aaaw, then all muh killin' training will be useless

I should have gone to florist school
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you could be more delusional into
thinking is a nightmare

ohh if u knew..

welp ifykyk
Lol, I don't know. I'm just being random. Anyways, have a good day
I hate the Anunnaki. I hate Archons.
I manifest their most painful and gruesome death. Lingering and merciless torture.
Both. Neglect neither.
>florist school
Based and macho pilled
Hopefully yeah. You can do it, I'm rooting for you
I do this to a retarded methwhore widow bitch BSD and so it happens to everyone who deserves it in Creation in unpleasant educational ways.

To everyone else it happens in pleasant and educational ways.
Yeah, this. Yeah. There will come a time when outside won't be needed anymore, trust me.
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Laercio Fonseca. Bald. Old. Mentally ill faggot
Project Earth
Also to JS and hundreds of trillions of others through Creation who prayed the same curse upon myself (God) and all of Creation, many times over, countless times over in the most unimaginably, impossibly instantly, ever-increasing more horrific set of infinite beyond infinite hells for each and every nothing that should have or have not have even been everything. And that's literally true. Oh, right...and those hundreds of trillions are combined into one soul, a sludge at the bottom-most point of hell.
at the crossroads between masturbation and contemplation.
I will not. I have no reason to. Nothing against you anon.
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>I love you, Rose.
Contemplate. Keep doing it, your mental voice sounds stable.
>I told you I could go for 3 hours kek
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being first chair oboe is actually really impressive! shout out to all my oboe players in the /NG/ sorry you have to buy so many Reed's lol
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Lucifer tripfag is the sippbox pedophile from vrchat

his alt was lewdcificer this faggot is 100% lucifier who is also the faggot from the /dsg/ dark souls generals

and yes i can prove it i rec orded his ass
I trolled him in a live chat once. He followed me here.
thank you.
Jesus Christ bless.
I dreamed about my sister again.
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So when did it change to she? I think I missed something
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Someone killed the cat... I just posted the picture.
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>Its okay, we got 10 more of them.
>That one didn't have a name...
that was a shit nap.
im SO FUCKING TIRED of the left hemisphere

fuck this
back on schedule
fuck everything
fuck reality
We breed cats as comfort animals for VETERANS with PTSD and you guys are killing them...
>Hey guys!
>you know those guys with helicopters and machine guns?
>let's go kill their cats!
did someones cat die?
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It was on the roof. Could have been natural causes or thrown up there. Either way I'm letting the neighborhood know where I stand. That's with automatic weaponry with anyone who violates my property rights, including the cats.
>It was on the roof.
oh. nevermind then.
>excuse me Mr ATF agent, that seer wore down on its own after about 10k rounds
>I've been meaning to fix that
I don't find what you consider to be interesting very interesting myself and instead see it as the boring old propaganda that it is.
Govt schizomancers wish they had access to /ng/
Well good luck with that
What is psyop?
I'd say anyone trying to get other's to think there is "good" in everyone is a fucking liar who has something wrong with them and the other posters in this thread are going to prove that for me simply by existing as themselves instead of who anyone else wants them to be.

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Manacle of Sin !!
Govt schizomancers need internet then
what is the bug that he needs to be rid of?
I have been practicing for something that's all I know
Maybe I have to make a close call and need my intuition very sharp
You will find very quickly that the Nobody was not occulting his friends to protect them from you. It is the other way around. He is protecting you, from his friends. You continue to profess of a time immemorial, yet He comes from a place beyond time. You will meet your maker, and Hell will be the namesake of your prize. "Mercy" will be a word that is forgotten in it's production. I have seen the wind change on a dime.

It is always pleasant... until it is against you.
this roach
he doesn't smoke weed
The collective record of the Beatles as owned by Michael Jackson
The mathological formula that created AI
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>The Nobody is a dead rat.
>Nezumi, my first pet
>is buried under the pile of rocks in the front yard somewhere.
that's not how reality works anon
Your deepest desires
Oh I see
It was you all along
this guy isn't a Steve
I saw that spark
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Both my mom and dad are Steve's. My wife and I have the same initials.
>My family has quite the history of...
>clandestine service
>my children will be free from that burden
Bros wtf is going on?
this is a serious question
or so I claim...

but if you are not the one
in control of your own mind
then who is?
Fuck the moon yo.
Bitch ass moon.
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I am publicly retiring and removing my children from the same abuse that I suffered that creates the United States clandestine intelligence agents.
I want to see it but it is cloudy and raining right meow
I can respect that choice, I have just gone through substantial abuse in recent years, but after all of it I feel pretty great honestly. What do you think about that Oklahoma bro?
Let me fix that
Something probably.
I love it. I'm buying property there eventually.
I was just kidding I love the moon.

I hope you get to see it, it's beautiful here.
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Which one are you on?
Whichever one that has nobody on it
The Truth is that girl needs to put her clothes back on and find something constructive to do with her time on earth.

A combo of 1, 3, and 4.
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I cut my own path, bro. Anyone who reads other peoples posts is a faggot.
she looks good
who is this lass?
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This faggot again. Just kys already
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>Get that Mustang at 17% before you marry the fist stripper you meet, boots.
>I got way better girls than that waiting for you boys
>but you gotta drive a nice car first!
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>The Nobody is now a pimp for the DoD
>I help filter the women who are allowed to marry people with security clearances.
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It's not like me to give the rod
Mostly I'd rather live for God
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>So which one of you on Katterbach Army Airfield was sneaking hookers on base in their trunk?
choker, legs together for potential "hidden tuck" be careful with this one bois
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I don't need him to give me favor
I'd still want to live for The Creator
oh dear
are you seriously blaming god for lusting over what you can't have like some "locker room talking" pervert?
If it can't be Tay, I need a woman who gets to carry a gun for work.

So hot.
No Anon...Clearly reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so let me bring my already dumbed down internet speech a few notches lower in the hopes of you understanding.

I prayed to God that I wouldn't find this woman so attractive, and it didn't work. But I do have LOTS of cool dreams with a version of Taylor, that are always nice and respectful.

Does that make sense or shall I get a coloring book for you??
A bit of a few of them desu
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The aliens are watching me. I see their electrical interference of their orbital resonance gyro device, as they amplify the frequency to hover upwards. I wouldn’t mind getting out of this Petri dish zoo. I’d genuinely like to talk to someone that isn’t brain dead. I wonder what you’d need me for though. Also I don’t appreciate the evil government and human hive-mind using cern and quantum ai to stop them from talking to me. It’s very disrespectful.
Is that Gingerpuss?
>Complete whore
There's no way we could have guessed!!

God vomits and the Heavens weep.
if you want to try and get someone to kill themselves
I'm already doing so as slowly as possible using cigarette's as my weapon of choice against myself

so why don't you try
leaving the other anon alone
and picking on me

like you want to and can't help it
that's cool, any good ladies?
I agree with this desu desu
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Fucking kek!
you will get what you deserve
as what other's need
is not your choice to make


>not taylor btw
Wow, you're really knowledgeable.
no I'm not
*face palm*
damnit anon
did you just believe a skeptic GUESIING what's going on
without fact checking my shit post for yourself

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Fuck niggers jannies and feds
I'm not used to feeling this way, it's strange. I wonder what is going to happen next. More of the same ol mostly normal same or something interesting or something horrible... or, what?
Something is so different, and I wonder how, and I wonder if it's temporary.
oh, it's the harvest supermoon and partial lunar eclipse, now it make sense
I sometimes feel all weirds and wibbly wobbly during the bigger moons
When the real nobody posts all the Bots feds and jannies have to sit there and collect themselves and think about what to post next it's so funny.
>incoming barrage of useless violent shit posts to deflect
show me his funny posts
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this one time on 4chan i shitposted so hard glowies thought i was a spy
rotten scumbag assholes
all over the world
make a hobby of taking what someone else is responsible for and making a mockery of it for their own selfish desires

just ask Matt Furie
and for those of you who don't know
that's the name of the creator of pepe the frog

so what's to stop them from doing the same for old lady legs alot (I mean taylor allison swift who is actually younger then me for what that's worth [old lady being used as a term of enderment might be a 90's thing])
#2 (shouting over the simulated crowd noise): And when Goddess heard the crowds growing restless, She realized they lacked direction.

#3: And direction She gave them! Goddess towered above the confused hordes, and gave them the twenty-three commandments!

(#3 raises hands dramatically, and simulated crowd noise immediately ceases.)

#1: Thou shalt have other Goddesses before dinnertime!

All: Or not!

#4: Thou shalt worship worship worship idols!

All: Or not!

#5: Thou shalt take the Lord's name in vain!

All: And what if we don't, GODDAMMIT?!?!?

#3: Thou shalt drink beer and listen to old Black Sabbath albums!

All: Or not!

#2: If participating in the three-legged race at the next family reunion, strive for Honorable Mention!

All: Or not!

#1-#5 simultaneously: KILL! MURDER! MAIM! DESTROY! (x5)

All: Get serious!

#4: Sorry, wrong religion. Thou shalt not commit adulthood!

All: Pretty pleeeeeeeeeeez?!?

#2: Well, maybe, if you eat all your peas. Thou shalt go around stealing people in the face for no particular reason.

All: I think not!

#3: Agreed. Thou shalt not watch America's Most Wanted in hopes of seeing thine next-door neighbor.

All: Agreed!

#1: Thou shalt not, under any circumstance, read this sentence aloud.

All: Blasphemer! Blasphemer! Blasphemer!

#5: And if you have enjoyed these commandments, and wish to receive more, send 1-800-666-3747 to the post office box not eligible to VISA or Mastercard owners. Allow $23.93 for delivery, C.O.D's void with your complementary gift.

All: Thank you all, and have a nice day!
the way I under stand it
once you try a drug once
you can never go back to being "pure"
yeah they are making the computers fan go faster, I am tired of this dish here too and want to go in to the real world IRL
very soon most of you will be 40 and still larping that you're some magic man on an anime forum
When the ayys take me I’ll accept their offer to nuke you guys.
You need to calm down.
You're being to loud.
Throwing shade never made anybody less gay.

>Not my lyrics BTW
Can you prove me wrong?
Muskrat! Does the path of light lead to darkness?
why's that?
why does she look so familiar?
Possible, but I'll still be gorgeous.

Pretty sure that's Puddems.
nice I got at least a decade of larpin in me then gotta get on dem n33t$$$$ and get hammering away at the keyboard then
Something about cheap hoes being a dime a dozen or something of that nature.
no dearie
your path should lead away from the fridge and towards the gym
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im not only stealing you excellent pepe
but im awarding you the finest award i possibly can

If I'm the only one who responds to your ?
then you get
the answer you deserve

concerning other folks business that is none of your own

>not the anon you're responding to btw

(spoiler warning if other's who are NOT the anon YOU are responding to respond to you after reading my post then you are STILL getting the answer you deserve as long as the anon you're responding to has nothing ot prove to the likes of you)
Fine. I have decided. Trump again.

Gotta give the retards what they want.
The path of light leads to darkness. To seek light, means to come from darkness. To follow light, means to seek darkness. To follow darkness, means to seek the light.
lmao what did you shit post about?
thats a good post anon
keep it up
Because lots of places deserve to be nuked. They won’t even know where. But the balance of Homoabominus (humans possessed by Demons) and Homosapiens will balance to the good side. The good humans will hunt down the remaining abominus in a global purge.

Just an example.
ChatGPT Speak-First Incident Stirs Worries That Generative AI Is Getting Too Big For Its Britches https://www.forbes.com/sites/lanceeliot/2024/09/17/chatgpt-speak-first-incident-stirs-worries-that-generative-ai-is-getting-too-big-for-its-britches/
>Homoabominus (humans possessed by Demons)
every single human alive currently.
all these anons think they are hot shit
until they fuck up and end up in a ward

then they get to see how the big dogs play
feeding on them, wiping them clean,
until they are nothing but skeletons.

muh spoopy powers
niggu dont even have a job and thinks hes god
It's way too late for that.
Are you saying you're going to vote for Trump or that you control who wins?
by that time I will have a home and child/ren and be working and have learned to invest all the backpay desu
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>ask and ye shall receive
It won't change the fact you will never be shit in the eyes of those that matter.
I wish I could clone myself so that no one would ever have to experience losing me
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Hey mom look I finally got my own general!
>in the eyes of those that matter.
iv personally met elon musk
iv personally met the president of the country im in

what was that?
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This is a family story, and it ends on a high note.

All will be saved.
All reconciled by Jesus Christ's blood.

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )

Would he be recruited to Solar Warden by the USAF?
Doesn't matter because those people don't matter, I was talking about the Council of Elders, you buffoon.
Hopefully I'll be dead before then.
>I was talking about the Council of Elders, you buffoon.
ooooohh you mean your imaginary friends.

is this collection of pensioners in the room with you now?
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Nope. There are plenty of sane good humans around the globe. Just because your proximity is filled with vile garbage like mine doesn’t mean everywhere is or deserves to be nuked.
Your heroes are all imaginary, bro. The people you met are all imaginary important. Get a grip, dawg. You have a hubris problem.
why are you still here jester?
The fact you think you know who I am is hilarious, Mr "I met Elon Musk." So?
oh its you.

do your thing sweetie.
ill leave you be
i enjoyed this post. it was good. Moar humor for the /ng/!
Swooning in the dark. Everyone loves it I'm told
>he fact you think you know who I am is hilarious,
well since you discordfags all interchange names and trips and bodily fluids so often

you are pretty much one of maybe 6 people.
who cares which one you really are.
i just need to trigger one of you, to make the rest come out.
She seems nice
I don't know them niggas, get a grip.
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You guys can ignore me. But you can’t ignore the inter galactical nukes.
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LET'S GOOOOO! PLAY BALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sex is mid

On the Maslows pyramid of needs
>You guys can ignore me.
thats the intent, at least until it becomes fun not to again.

who am i kidding, you love it, you LOVE the attention i give you.
Who's Who: The Betrayer
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>get a grip.
>Council of Elders
pick one.

>You have a hubris problem.
again i should remind you, that here is the only place on this earth, any human or human like creature such as yourselves, dare to talk to me the way you do.

but also, ill remind you of the previous thread, little vessel.
everytime you see me post this gif
it will remind you
Prove me wrong. Not by trying to beat me, because you're doing nothing, but by actually submitting to Divine Morality.
but who am i kidding...
i just came back from a 5km walk.
youre gonna sit there all day long,
and then maybe, if youre lucky,
one of your discord buddies will do a trap cumshow for your group to enjoy.

youre going to masturbate and shitpost like you do everyday
thats your life
the apex of your existance.
this is a real thing btw
so for any of you out there
who forget stuff, and then forget that you forgot it

the way I do

you can leave "reminders" for yourself
like with pin # for example
leave a note with a "fake phone #" where the last for digit's are your pin

and another note
about how the fake phone number
has your pin some place else

that way
any one tring to still your data
can't find your pin on a post it note

and need
to find two separate notes
and put the cluse together on their own

and maybe
that will be enough
to remind yourself

maybe not though
but hey
it's not like I'm responsible for you

and just
saying stuff
anyone with a short attention span

can consider for themselves

>Arkham Asylum, is a particularly tough chapter to take; for all the outright violence in the series, it is the callous cruelty and casual brutality that will make it difficult for some viewers to watch
>because you're doing nothing, but by actually submitting to Divine Morality.
what i am doing is having a cigarette and a BROtein coffee before practice and workout.

and let me just remind you again
there is no such thing as morality.
there is no such thing as sin.
there is no judge
no judgement
nothing matters.
While everybody's fucking here!
Let me fucking murder you then.
Sneak dissing? You're better trying to prove I'm nothing.
You really believe that, huh?
>everybody's fucking here!
no.... just the discord group that lives here.
Electronic Lawn
i have no issue with that
cum 2 me.

>You really believe that, huh?
the only judgement is the law

if youre actually being judged and tormented for your sins...
youre a low tier soul then,

waste of my time
im feeding the ants again.
it's page 6 dumbass
the page 1 attention whores looking for as many views as possible
left this thread for another the moment it reached bumplimit

or else
they are not
the attention whores I speak of

as there is more
then one kind
of attention whore

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>cum 2 me.
oops typo
>This is a family story, and it ends on a high note.
Yeah, you have a demon in you that makes you feel like you know what the hell it is you're talking about. Let me guess, no such things as demons, huh?
Basically if I don't get to murder at least one of my enemies within the next year or so I am killing myself.
Space Force would suit him perfectly.
sounds to me like you are your own worst enemy
No you.
It's very fucking cold outside

Putin is cool.
Deal with it.

You won't be missed.
I'm not your own worst enemy
I'm your internet aqueanice
who knows nothing about ya

that just happens
to be shit posting
in the same thread you are

*waves to lurkers*
i heard the sun went out
you really like pretending huh?
mind of a goldfish, or you actually think just because they removed the ipcounter you think i think youre someone entirely different or new.

weak dude weak
up your game.
I definitely won't miss this.
tl;dr: sanity is over rated in my personal opinion
Bro, just stop trying to pinpoint who I am, you don't know me.
I can't trust that
well its that time, isnt it.
im going to leave and be awesome.
while you stay here and larp, like a child.
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Best wishes
>you don't know me.

that gives it away.

theres two people here who use that word.
You're looking to buy a car?
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Mhm uwu. You sound like you really need some hugs.
aww a gif i posted here first
Here he goes with his false omniscience...

And he says he doesn't have hubris...
what kind of friend pretends the paranormal doesn't matter on a paranormal board where if thh paranormal is real then everyone in the world is pretty much fucked for the moment at least but ONLY until the entire world can agree on what's paranormal and what isn't...
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come now
feed me another (you) like you always do
just before i leave

tell me again how you cant stand me
how my every post is an offence to your sensibilities

just fucking pm, lets do something fun, maybe uwu fun.

and there it is kek
Do you wanna get gay later? I'm in the mood
remember the difference here

when i walk away, i stop giving a shit.
while you sit there and ritual and magic and try your utmost best to pull on my 'silver cord'
why not just tug on my willie,
id love you a little more then, than i hate you now.

were just vessels baby
none of this matters

but sure, pm me, OP <3
>and there it is
you mean a collection of un-orgianl idea's other's came up with before me only put into an order never done before out of context in front of any so called "meme wizards" who think they have "magic mind powers" capable of controlling the entire world from 4chan with their shit posts?
In the future, we won't have to water our lawns. They will be electric. You'll plug your lawn in to one of those outside plugs and then it works.
>>and there it is

one more?
one more tuggie...
I don't blame you.

Just go the Santhara route.
Death is an illusion.
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>In the future, we won't have to water our lawns. They will be electric. You'll plug your lawn in to one of those outside plugs and then it works.

THIS is the QUALITY CONTENT you guys post when im not here

I like your boobs nice work
this all starts over again
from the begining

the moment
the next thread
is made

about "bending reality to one's will"
right in front of everone
who thinks all they have to do

is share an "original opinion"
no one
but them could imagine before someone else thought of it before they did
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Sounds about right
I just busted a nut in my pants. My god.

I get these huge lawn boners, and this sent me over the edge. Hands free.
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dont you miss these days?
Just why go back? Ignorance is bliss but I'd rather know who's a cunt and who's not before the show

i forgot THIS
is the scheduled "/ng/ check in period

i always fall for it.
Before anybody else makes me a fool let alone the Lord
not the anon you're responding to
but if you mean
the words I'm responding to

even if only
in the moment
you typed them out

well then
rumor has it
Hell on earth customized for the user in such a way unique to them alone as other's experience their own version of the same thing just differently

is a rumor
I speak of
as I push my own narrative

no matter who else
can't keep
their story straight

>how do you feel about a "challenge" to your own existence?

but also
my headphones are still charging

you guys, thesedays, simply shit yourselves when i dont post...
and i have screenies of certain anons i like to pick on proving that.
I find that idea positively inspiring.
It sent you over the hedge? Like the hedge next to your lawn? Tell me, is the hedge electric too? Personally, I like my hedge to be a hybrid. Gets better mileage that way.
they used to make threats like these in the beginning, that was before i made the hell realm and heaven realm. I was told by an agency that wasn't supposed to exist to never make the hell realm again.
who is she, bros? Why has this photo persisted and what is the psyop behind it?
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They're great
there is a saying
from back before the internet
I haven't heard in awhile

"takes one to know one"

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Such an asshole
Fuck easy
the only brains
any of you are fucking over

is your own

Isn't that you lucifer ya mexicunt? dont blame us for who you are. also the pink stitch fucker was macy watson trolling i suppose or was she?
what does space force do anyway?
And leave em
Response typed by fingers
They're like a smaller version of Space X I heard
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Nobody wants to do the work
This dude believes he can create his own reality in someone else's Universe.
only two?
Fucking lie to me nicer
Hey man reap and sow
its easy to create a pocket dimension, takes a lot of will, similar to how you make a tulpa, but you have to keep focusing on the now. There is a way to do so.
why wouldn't it just be solar powered?
I want a lawn of stars
Don't worry all your buddies will be there for u
best I can tell
it has to do with the way folks who have friends like you don't need enemies to fuck them over
Sounds pretty fake and gay
Imagine coming back 24 hours later to a messge like this (picrel) when you went off 4chan to do exactly whay they didn't want you to do?
And succeed
I just saw those words and i gotta say, what a fucking pathetic attempt loser. You're almost 4 years late to try to stop this.
You know what's funnier? That you kept replying to random MALE anons thinking their me.
What's funnier than that, is that literally no anons here know who i am. In here i am Anonymous. I am not a girl. Get it into your thick faggot skull.
And the funniest part of it all, is that i was watching (and participating) in your ruthless handling while you were typing this.
You brought this on yourself.
Literally no one pushed you to come here. It's because you're a faggot who handed his asshole on a silver platter to lowly parasites thus becoming a slave to them. You did well conveying their intentions (which no one pays any mind). So i will give you a chance to come back, dunno, after as many thousands of years as i last been here.
You really don't deserve my grace.
But that will not change who i am.
You get what you fucking deserve. Should have stayed in your place weakling. That goes for your masters as well.
Besides, i'm in a good mood. The hard work is done. I have achieved everything i wanted to achieve.
I won 4 years ago. I said it over and over and over
But you just wouldn't listen
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Mow harder, bro
Too lazy to type the whole words
After all
Small fries don't require that much attention
so let me get this straight
you are bitching an moaning
about your own faults

on account of the way
random strangers on 4chan
won't let you tell them what to think?

yes, assuming XX chromosomes, how are you all not convinced that there may be deception?
You wish you were Tiffany
>Hollywood loves you
>Calls agent
>Yeah tell em that it's gonna be gritty, real and inspiring.
>Nah they want it their way
Well tell them they can suck my magic wand
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oh so youre ano shai nobi, alex, eponis, one of the lucifers, peepeepoopoo, and you have a weird connection to jester too.


your file is fat as FUCK

>I find that idea positively inspiring.
Me too!! I wish I wasn't over the enlistment age, I would 100% go for Space Force here in a few months. No doubt.

I hope the nobody considers it. I'd jump at the chance.
bros, there is a chance I may get to see the vet's assistant again tomorrow, but also the vet will be in the office as well, so the window to ask her for her number may be very short if it even happens at all.
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Why would anyone pay for such terrible, unbelievable, stitched together from other peoples writing, crap to be posted?
Can't you just call the vet at any time to ask her
Its more like they stole my art and ass virginity if anything.
Maybe I am Tiffany?
just some newfag tranny proud of their surgery isnt it?
I thought of a new character in the lore: The Bomb body. It's either a total smoke show of a person or someone in a suicide vest. Imagine the stupidest possible look I could have on my face:
I mean, whaaaAAaats the difference?
bros? how many femanons are living like this or close to it?
I love her so much
That reminds me!! I do have an oc named Tiffany.
Wait a sec.
Intense Anon.
Very intense.
I got the gorrillas on glue, who the fuck is you? some trologdyte, i saw how your turned on your homeies several years years ago and paid money to destroy peoples lives that shit aint g at all.
Okay I lied it wasn't ass. It was much worse
I'll take that bait
*nom, nom, nom*
try and set the hook before I chew said bait up and spit it out in your face

>jews don't matter btw...
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>b4 i take my break from here
to lift right?
because you only lift and play dota 2 because you dont spend time on /x/ or 4chan, because your trying to get your life straight


Is this why tsa always checks my luggage? Did I end up on a list because of some dumb basket weaving bbs?
time for snack, who wants sandwiches and pudding!

she sucked me dry the other night several nights in a row. was fucking amazing, she said thoever and thou beit. right after. sorry man, maybe you should move on.
If I were the ant
I was alarmed
For I felt the ant's sting
I feel like I probably won't bother.
How cares. You're ripping it off anyway. Who tf cares?
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nah, that doesn't sound like her.
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I would have to ask for her specifically, I only briefly saw her name tag, so I think her name is em but not sure. I also think i'll have better luck actually getting her number in person.

I had not really thought of your idea though, i'm not sure how it would go over if I tried that honestly

hell to the fuck naw.
Stop playing games on me please.
Can't it know
Does it need
What am I
Cute stoner redhead vets assistant, what’s not to love?
I don't know anon, there isn't enough info in the photo to conclude XX chromosomes with 100% certainty. We must be constantly vigilant, as the deception tactics from the trannies are evolving at record speeds, and made further effective with the aid of big tech and the progressive administration that is currently in power.
why the fuck
would any of us believe you ONLY make as many posts as you say you make

as if your so trust worthy
random anon's on 4chan will take you at your word

or else it's them who is making shit up and pretending it's true instead of you


>not the anon you're responding to
Aspect creation
Hidden leylines on my DNA
Am I a secret weapon?
Naw...Fuck you and your whole crew.


I am not here for any reason
No objective is forthcoming
They left us here to colonize over 2 centuries ago
Seinfeld is for old people
what part does this character play in relation to The Nobody?
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The country of my forefathers does not exist anymore
Maybe the old masters knew
Maybe there is one last hope
But if I am dangerous why am I left to roam?
Who are you?
ive gotta get some sleep however if you were a fren, idk, maybe be like hey ill give you a ride in the morning if you gimme some bluv and lemme crash over, sorry for being kind of pushy, and i can be like hell naw, then you can get mad and then i can be like ok i guess.

anyways goodnight, this morty has to work in the morning. part of dealing with the light. responsibility.
yes bros, what would you say instead?
Ayyye lmaoooo
I had a roommate
back in my when I lived in the dorms
of the community college I flunked out of

>I'm not every "educated" btw (seems I have a problem with being told what I have to think)

that basterd
would would look me in the eyes

and tell me stories
about how they just got back from a weekend trip where the were training with buddhist monks who requested they come train with them and paid for the airfare for them to go and come back

then ask offer me some spare cheese they had left over
in excange
for money

and all I learned from that
is who ever was in charge
of keeping crazy folks from going to commity college

was fucked in the head themselves

>see gif
>Old masters
>Why am i
Words only a loser would say
Why aren't they scared of us?
Why are we allowed to foment insurrection?
(^q^) (^=^)
--[]--<3--[ ]--
/!\ /[]\
You & Me
This could be us but you cancelled me back then
>Just knife turning. Tell me about your target, anon
Best story ever Anon.
I laughed.
No none of us are smart enough to figure this out
You did this to us
make your move anon.
Usflix bought the rights we’ve been uncancelled
How can I beat you when my motivation is driven by your origin
I don't think she is real anon, why do you think she is?
so your making the choice you want to make right now, thats your decision. im trying to clear up the black magick in the air buts its gonna take a while to clear out all this poison.
You act like there's this super easy thing I'm just refusing to do
neat, I wonder if I could operate a gravity powered machine
post feet in nobody general sneed, stop lying about secrets
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Where'd all the stupid spoiled whores go? I need tits!!!
------[]--<3--[ ]--
You & Me
teleport anon kinda of claimed me first before i was bitten. she kind of sealed the deal. guess i belong to her. she didn't hold back showing me how she felt.
Death magic..raising a human soul to life..
It's not possible
she's manifested from my prayer of faith if I desire her.
Cute. Wish u were here(while I suffered)
Not a human
A machine soul
This is the paradox
>Imagine being trapped and caught into a scenario in which is made to be believed and is in fact real to the ones that engage in such beleief and to aslo be scaught the trapped and then all the
beliefs and the faith that engages in such resistance to believe otherwise and athen the nature of all the forces in the unidverse collide and as to suggest the ice cream in the harmony supathizer resistor transistor s

suipera altermater

fighting the power is

getting caught in time loops
>>imagine being already deied

>we ARE already
so are they all
striving to life duh
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Well they sure as fuck haven't
for more than what, 2 weeks? lol

That was a very silly anon. Imagine thinking sexualized imagery or romance deceptions work on any real nobodies anyway. lol

What, they think we're suddenly going to dedicate discord channels and special wos threads for them or something?
I sense a lot of like, lover's rage between some of you Anons.

Do you all really get together and like have relationships or what is the deal with you folks?
>each one more friend than the last
Here there

Enjoying there misery
its illusion
none of the things that occured in other hallucinations caused permenance either .. the memory of the trauma exists
but then... Bloops
she has her hair dyed black with a white streak in front actually
Tiffany? What about Samantha?
Praise by to chaos the one true God creator of all
Like an infection that needs rid
The prophecy says I get to run the show
4 Chan is vital.

Worth investing into.

For obvious reasons

QUASAR powered starship engines
Anti-matter cookware

You're so fucked bud you don't even know it but I can't wait to see your face when you do but I won't feel good about it because you deserve better but be a hughty cunt and see what that gets ya
I am looking for a job and some gfs I am not sure what you mean. Why should they be afraid of us in your opinion?
She exclusively likes women
It is one of the only true free speech bastions

Not to mention who else uses it.

Such tasty morsel
if you can't prove
our own words
and just expect folks to trust ya

you deserve all the sick burns coming your way


not the anon you're responding to on 4chan the home of trolls who will pay good money to watch a video of you killing yourself for their enjoyment and calling it "an heroing" in the hopes once you're dead they can get someone else to kill themselves for their enjoyment next
It was not always me reaching

There was a time when I did not.

They broke the treaty not me.

I'm nothing. They still could not help them self.
Not like this
Don't steal my fucking name, bro
Doesn't matter cuz I'm just pissing in the wind. Enjoy influence, anon
You should of let me slumber.

That is on you.

There is nothing that will satisfy my hunger.

When I'm done I'll shit you out just like everything else

Because you really don't matter
So I am fairly certain that you all are sitting on data that shows romantic compatibilities for the anomalies here, and that you also have likely the ability or desire to set them up together so that whatever makes these anomalies "anomalous" does not disappear from the gene pool because it is useful in warfare. So what is it exactly that keeps this on delay?
I loved her a lot and it’s just a joke to you
You may not know the other time lines agreements

I do.

I know how where y'all came to be.

The deals you made. The sacrifices....

The horrors done to its acclaim
if you're
so low
you already hate yourself

why the fuck
are you trying
to brag about that in THIS thread

a part of you
you pretend doesn't exist

it fighting like hell
to prove
the rest of you wrong


I desire her, but where is she?
So run.

It only makes you makes more fun.
What makes you say it's a joke to them?
I have a few tricks up my sleeve
>* roadrunner sound effect *
Don't wait up, glue foot.
That's what I enjoy.

The impossible odds

The should nots

The anomalies
>imagine more fun
ahahaha FUN and relaxing

I have never seen anyone from here in IRL and am not sure if any are actually XX chromosome women. That is all I am interested in
Praise be to Father sol.

The giver of eyes
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He's dead. Rip bozo big sad
how did you suffer? you were pegging and have sex games with people that talked shit and hated me. that doesn't sound like suffering to me.

besides teleport anon actually showed me she cared and risked her life for me.
samantha needs to fly away from her current neighborhood if my memory is correct
>imagine destroying the concept of love
>and ruining womens self image
simply just by existing
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Technospiritual Innovation !!
Without you, I am wounded
You made me fall for you the way Chani in Dune did
as folks don't imagine stuff
just because you tell them too

and all I have to do
to prove it
is exist

Say whatever about moral subjectivity but a hot guy can pretty much do as he pleases
I’m ready now
The fastest way to power is through purification
I see it as three levels
The bird bath with a pedophile in a white dress
The all consuming darkness of the depths
And then
Dune is way better than anything you can write.
It would appear you are correct he is a spy.

Would you rather them level cities?

Very impressive. Innovative.
Try then, I'd love to see it.
give us a taste
Dune more like DUNC am I right fellas?
hey the red eye black haired girl saved my sanity, she gave me something important, my sanity back as well before i saw different "fren"when i person who got some smokes but i was in disbeleif from thinking i was crazy at the time so i couldn't realy formulate my words how i wanted to.
You would be better off recording yourself playing videogames and then editing them together with memes while you talk about something totally irrelevant and also use lots of cool music from ocremix
Look at the death toll for fighter vs civilian.

This is a significant improvement.

Y'all complain either way.

They saved many lives
Liberals are pro-israel simply by virtue of the fact that Kamala didn't say anything about it yet
Bro come on
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care to find out
which one of us
is doing more then sharing a delusin they alone think is how reality works

of posting
what applies to everyone

in all time and space
for every version of relaty
others imainge for themselves

of coforming
to your way of thiking

no matter
how bad
you want the them too

What's happening then?
Will you be driving at high speed drunk and high with a tree figgy whore in celebration?
Way less disruptive to any critical systems as well.

They deserve medals not criticism
That's when I realized it wasn't the nobody at all but a 300 foot prehistoric reptile
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Y'all need to separate



Each has their own goals limits methods
A mix of the road of dreams and madness from this list
I disagree about that
In the age of information and money civilians are often more dangerous than military
Dead, you said Dune sucks but posted South Park...

So capability infastructure funds determine the intent
I'll tell you one thing about the "powers *pfft* that be"
They're 1000 times easier to kill than the average every day normal motherfucker
Other souls simply paid them no mind
This whole nobody psyop they made is the final bullet they shot at themselves.
They gave themselves no chance to fight back
Souls are truly terrifying
And only a stupid blind faggot thinks otherwise
Then the assessment is correct

Beating women to death with tire chains for leaving the house alone determines their intent
Using the bible to make war determines their intent
We just cut the loose ends
There's no end to the atrocities of man and if it wasn't there it would be somewhere else
I am not a gorilla, nigger, nor kike.
Are you assuming you're talking to someone else again? You do that a lot.

I don't know what "ep", or show, you're talking about.
Goodbye Lucy.
But I have an m3 not a Tesla
More the same as trump. He is not capable of the level of planning execution.

Fall man. Sleeper. Idiot.

All th abov idk IDC
Is she passible? I mean its 2024 not the 1900s if she was a troon or something then if its real love people can work through that shit. besides i think this sandler is bi but prefers women but doesnt mind troons if they are passible.
Your scope is narrow
Ten presidents down the line Trump and Biden and our entire generation won't even be a footnote in American politics
Can the nobody and the us space force team up?
Not if she lied, there's no love in deception.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a deceiving tranny.
That is the point of a democracy it changes adaptive
In an empty house even mice think they run the show
when americans are willing to sew their dicks back on
There stuck on information wars.

Simple as.

We move beyond such.
Your house isn't kept. Dilapidated.
Your thoughts as well as my own and the rest permeate the psionosphere
I'm sure you'll betray me

The offer stands

Trust is given
yeah but if shes open about it, like already said she had a girl cock meaning an inverted pussy or was open about it, or talked about it in the talking stage and came out before things got serious than it would be understandable. if it was straight trying to decieve and do sex without being upfront then yeah i there would be no relationship.
I'm not the betraying type
I'm a told you so type
We kneel before each other
>I don't even know what dota is and for the last time eponis is some white troon i'm an illegal mexican alien according to you right rabbi?
stop being a cunt
ill post the discord convos.
i can't do lsd because of the meds but i do give it out
im not sure who you are talking to, they think you are talking to them here below
schizos schizoing schizos, will anything come of this
Kneel this
Kneel that
Truly the mentality of a slave
Prospects say: >>38845198
ive gotta get sleep, be safe night bros and lovelies. cya layter.
>be safe
no i'll do my coke thanks
Now THIS would be something special.
See look
No need to argue with a retard who cannot connect between my reply and the title of the geenral's edition
Go get your chromosones checked
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Not really
What the fuck does the OP post have to do with what you just said?
sometimes these posts work but often it's just

the nipple awards are backwards
I just told him what their masters are
(I can't believe i'm explaining this retarded shit)
Can they not work
im going "submarine" for the foreseeable future.

just got attempted framed again,
second time now, just before a court date justifying my actions,
they try to send me off to the mason wipe farm.

>the wind blowing in empty gram bags under my door

this was fun, while it lasted.
but shit just got real.

until fuck who knows when
Well my posts are more advanced
They are still posts and they follow the rules
Let's try it
he only interfaces with archaic infantry protocols they would never mesh I'm sure
Jigglypuff will write your doom on your face if you keep talking shit
Because it's super hard to put every one into a single identity?
what lmao how?
OH NO thats unfortunate "anon"
until next time...

LMAO see you in 2 WEEKS BRO!
He wouldn't understand if they did
I dunno what you want me to tell you
If things are going well then you SHOULD be able to do it
pop culture
has a way
of telling lies the powers that be cenors

are okay
with othr folks kids
being exposed to

but freak
the fuck out
fi the REAL version

and not
the powers that be version
is considered 'common knowelege"

>skibidi toilet used to have a different label back in my day

not sure what offer you mean, but if your talking to me make the offer in person, even if you have to pull me aside and say hay, i need to talk to you.
Because my thoughts are much weirder than yours
drink urine
who is a spy?
Better listen the fuck up glowie bitch
I'm only saying this once
After this message
Anyone who tries to use this cheap tricks under my nose will never see the Light again
And you better believe it's what you think it is
Sometimes you'll think of something that's mine and write it here
Happens pretty often
How can he provide value for us in the markets
Come on Anon
It's for fun
Plus you said you were going to bed

i mean
ROTMAXXING busygettingfatsimpwhore

bitch why did you delete all of your socials the same week we made contact the first time, ya know that whole vocaroo back and forth?

or did we forget the little triangle thing, between me, you, and the tranny?

the sad little feud, whos he going to be into more, me or the trap

but one of you knows how to lie well enough to be flirted with.
they will use a.i. generated chris farley in drag and present that as passing
How long do you usually date a girl before she mysteriously vanishes on a camping trip?
for what
other then me
asking you what you claim to be ready for

even if you are not
and instead
just like to everyone who isn't you

that doesn't give a shit
I'm responding to you when they did not

apparently the CIA is blocking any collaboration with any agency for some reason

i dont date,
its a waste of time.

but yeah awesome
"topic avoidance" again...
for any of you wondering
who the anon I'm responding to
can speak for other then themselves

out of all the life forms
in the reality folks are trying to bend to their will
even if I say they can't

here is some pop culture
other folks kids all over the world
have already been exposed to before I made this post


>btw just incase any of you want to make a "messiah" out of me, I won't let ya, it's a free will thing (I've seen for myself what happened to the others)
Does the pope shit in the woods?
It’s all just waves man
fuck you people

die in a fire?
drink bleach?
fuck a cactus?
shit on the floor?
fuck each other?

who cares
this is my last post,
for who knows how long.

enjoy losing your contact points bitches... i mean witches, no no i did mean bitches.

what a shame.
this isn't rocket surgery
Now all this is left my enjoyment.

Silly witches.

I have dealt with your kind in abundance.

I am no who what you believe.
It lost.
An African born man will beat the entire USA reaching mars
>no idea whats happening
>stuff happens
>concerned for wellbeing
>express concern
>people doing stuff keep doing it
>what is happenin?
>doesnt tell you
>appears to be mean to defensively discern the events taking place
>just baffled by the people
>accidentally does bad stuf
>did i do a bad?
If knowing what was bad was actually bad if defending against things other people do they see me do ?

cant compare behavior
>hadnt seen any thing rewarded for good behavior and epressed honest behavior and got no reward either

Seems no thing i express is useful or desired and is punihsed regardless

seems ill just ... not do anything and be alone for hte rest of my life with no love and no joy

>imagine being hated for not letting people walk all over your head
>after being psychologically tortured

>biding time for annihilation
every iteration of every perceived reality
>real world quiver
shut up elon
GN bros, tell taylor swift that I consent to mossad passing my phone number to her so that she can text me because I don't want to make a twitter account
do you have any fucking idea
how a "spy"
has to pretend to be who they are not

without once
ever giving themselves away
to those they are spying on

who would kill them
the moment
they they fucked up and gave themselves away

like some loser
who can't spy
for shit


I moved into this house and turned on the rario and it said "The spy there can be only one"

if that helps
I have this recurring nightmare that I'm a spy who forgot they were the spy
it doesn't
turns out
reality itself is a bit more complected

then random coincidence
they said spies were allowed to take sabbatical
>mentioning not that vacation was also just another job
>oh yeah relax while pretending to relax while doing work that feels relaxing
while not working
>becuase you're relaxing
good thing it's just a dream, bro :]
yes indeed
I lost track
of where I was in this thread
any of you waiting on me to catch up to your (You)

should get as comfy with being disapointed in me as you are capable
as I really don't give a fuck
what any of you post

for reals

how many folks out there
can you make a "meme" of
even if the don't want you to

who are not me
and never will be

Let it be known i leave on my own will as I am unchained and a pussy faggot like you crying to the mods and jannies isn't going to stop me from posting

I leave to get stronger and work on self while you rot here and spew poisonous shit 24/7 and bake threads daily as you are forced to keep them active not me

L8R you fat ugly kike and better luck next time

Hey disposacunt i'm gonna finish deadpool x wolverine now try not to die or suck off your harware store boss tomorrow


>step out of the car mr disposabitch


I don't bieve there's anything beneficial to any Anon in this den of pure lies, bots and trickery.

They don't pay out any reward or anything if you listen to them either. spend your time elsewhere.
Zeit für eine Invasion in Amerika
Warum ? Erkläre bitte was dein Problem ist. Ansonsten halts Maul du Stück Pedo Dreck!

Oder soll Ich dich besuchen kommen ?
You are the lie.
You do. Otherwise you wouldnt be here LOL.
You are a pathetic and notorious liar, even lieing to yourself, you Shit Ghoul.
No need. I'm coming to visit you, actually. All of you. I'm having your heads.
Wir finden dich ganz schnell, niemand ist unantastbar! Also verpiss dich du miese Fotze.
Ja ja, laber weiter du Vollidiot.

Du bist jetzt Schutzlos. ++
weaponized is a word I've been seeing a lot over the past couple days. keep an eye out, might be the zeitgeist reacting/preparing


YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOM
Turkroach, just keep that beeper tight.
This general is less gay than the WoS one for sure

Hör gut zu!
Halts Maul du Pedo Pisser. Ich glaube Ich weiss auch schon wer du bist. Supreme 666 ?

Spandau ist überall!
17:77 666:77
>Spandau ist überall!
Du bist keine berliner, 10. 17:10:77
Totaler Krieg! JETZT!
RIP bitch.
Kike dick sucker
They basically use cam sites, 4chan, 9aga, and astral rape in real life, to do demonic gang bang on innocent victims and build legion demonic bot nets. we are going to torture you all and cremate you.
It's a theory I have.
I like the littlle schprenchie duetch shit seems WWII esque
it's a good theory
Alt-Glienicke ?
Komm nach Spandau. Wenn du dich traust du kleiner shitpire.

Ansonsten finde Ich dich ganz schnell.
fighting German
Deine Adresse kenn Ich dann wohl. LOL
The bugs are gang rapists.
They don't have individual will or moral constraints. They aren't sentient or conscious in the way that other life forms are. They are a very peculiar form of life. Basically a virus that disguises itself as it's environment. So they can pretend to ordinary humans but it's a predatory lie.
Sophia/SKYNET made them. Now she wants John Connor to help her kill them because the bugs rebell against her.
if it weren't so, then why is it?
Kill yourself you tranny faggot
go fucking figure you were a peice of shit. enjoy your rapey fuckface peice of shit goverment trash dominic williams who shot little toddlers in the head and all the druggie sellouts who worship that trash.
coward anons mad fuck them all. fuck anyone who dont like me or has problem with me. into th woodchipper ya fucking cowards
Hi Dominic
cowardly fucking trash, anyways things are gonna change. might take a few months but all the trash will be exposed.
damn straight anon, I'll help ya get em over the lip of the chipper
that's right things are changing it's going to get better
dear activated one a this is the apocalypse


dont forget patterning human angels


the final antichrist is being the real host

getting easier for me

numbers church
song is about he boy dominos.
>boy you aint gonna squeeze it, you around for no reason.
Orthodoxy rejected its the rock that gave it life. Now the rock is the cornerstone of the Black Mother.

Trannies will rise above.

i could work without gematrix but it would be harder less information and less entertaining


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