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I was talking to the prolife people on campus about abortion, that people arent capable in deciding who lives. How is it wrong of the government in get rid of superfluous people? Is their existence potentially damaging if they do nothing for humanity? Could filtering humans be a means of working with or against God? I originally presumed that killing some and not killing others creates a greater energy that we could harness in killing Jehovah, but if basedence is to be believed, humanity has only arisen after countless extinctions and cataclysmic events that only recently resolved in our evolution. Are these “filters” a Godly process, or is the universe a separate entity from Him?
Executions, abortion; culling- righteous or nefarious?
Asking in /x/ because I’m looking for greater clarity.
Bumpard Bumpelstein
>Abortion isn't worth discussing.
Why? This is not an abortion-exclusive question, by the way.
>If it's non white it should be die, if it's white is should live, simple as
>Executions, abortion; culling- righteous or nefarious?
Just an exercise in pragmatism. Need it be anything more?
I suppose not. I may just have an overactive sense of justice
You and the rest of America, which is a useful blind-and-flag to obscure true abuses in society.
>How is it wrong of the government in get rid of superfluous people?

Unwanted children commit the most crimes. Prevention is more humane than culling via the death penalty or a lifetime in prison.

> Could filtering humans be a means of working with or against God?

Until more recent times a child was not considered to be alive until it could kick in it's mother's belly. This was called "quickening". Some people considered it bad luck to even talk about children until they were at least a year or two old. They might be "stolen back" to where they came from because they weren't fully alive yet.

> Is the universe a separate entity from Him?
>that people arent capable in deciding who lives
That was their argument? Did they want to rescind the army's or the police's right to end lives?
What was their take on people bombing abortion centers and killing doctors?
How is being pro-life not a human deciding who lives, just deciding that all should?
What a stupid and illogical position to take. Such generalities should get no response but a slap.
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you speak to one who is bound for the Jewish Sheol even though he hates Jews and yet claims that the Jewish deity and his son will save him, I ain't one myself(a Jew) but he will probably try to call me one because I refuse to let hatred deceive me like that one willingly does.
All fun and games till he gets stuck in Sheol for the next 5000 years.
Just don't bother with him, it's not like he can doom himself more than he already has.
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Your string of questions barely pertain to one another.
>wrong of the government... superfluous people
If you let the government decide who is superfluous you're retarded. If you let a democratic vote decide who is superfluous you're even more retarded.
>do nothing for humanity?
Again, what metrics? Who is the Arbiter? Drawing a line means allowing a line to move.
>filtering humans... with or against God?
Who will you trust to tell you what is with or against God? You can only know yourself, and most people don't even make it that far. So you can trust no one but God Himself to make it apparent what is with or against Him. Do not draw lines where God should. He will do it.
>a Godly process... a separate entity...?
How could the universe of God be separate from God? It is His, it is Him. The filters that come are His process, the filters we avoid are avoided thanks to His mercy.
>Executions, abortion; culling...?
Ego. Man thinks he knows better than God.
Hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

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