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Welcome to Divination General!

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•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38836013
If you're here anon. Here's your read
>hierophant rev, 6 of wands rev, 8 of wands rev
One of you will be dealing with some types of authority figure/s. The other will see this and try to do something about it. Situation looks tense, almost like some kind of intervention. Could be something as mundane as a bus driver not letting her on a bus without a ticket and you getting one for her. Something along those lines
I'll trade you. My question is how does g feel about me?
What will M end up doing?
Who will I spend my life with?
Leave the bitch alone dude havent you asked about this m person multiple times already
Apologies if diff m
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Hello /div/
Doing some reading to pass the time.
Gender and sun signs of the people involved can help with interpretation.
I only ask for feedback in return.
ace of pentacles, page of wands, five of swords, M may encounter a new opportunity or venture that holds promise for prosperity, but it may involve some conflicts or power struggles along the way.

me i have a work general for the rest of this month?
Male Aries
Does she like me in a sexual way? Not sure what her sign is need to find that out.
yes I'm here!
Your next gf is someone who you do not know yet who was brown curly hair on the shorter side and she is kind of short herself. Very kind but seems hurt on the inside, early 20s most likely too. Average weight, very nurturing,
My life is boring. What’s next for me? I feel like everything is just the same shit over and over and over again.
male pisces
can I ask for a next gf/sex partner read?
trading occult
Male Gemini
What does A (Female Sagittarius) really think about me? Will I hear from her soon?
Queen of Wands 2 of Pentacles Rx 10 of Cups
They like you and think of you as a good long-time friend although you do come of as clumsy/messy

? Different M
Next job?
Female leo
Can i get a read for the next man/woman Ill be in a relationship with?
Ok thanks anon I hope my reading was adequate if you have another question I'd be more than happy to give another. Kind of killing time atm.
Pisces Male
How do I meet my next lover?
Female leo
Any advice? I'm currently suffering from bad anxiety
>Devil (R), Queen of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles (R)
You're at the beginning of a process of not feeling so dependent on work, or on anything related to work. A new feeling of freedom and confidence, your goals are closer, but be very careful not to lose your way. It seems that normally when you start to feel good you get off balance, you lose focus.

>Lovers, Queen of Wands, Knight of Wands
Yes, you seem to have a mutual attraction, but one thing to bear in mind is that neither you nor she seem to be interested in romance, only sex, even though there is a strong connection between you.

>Towers (R), Knight of Cup, 4 of Wands
You feel this way because you're trying your best to avoid the changes that life is trying to make in your life. Accept them, don't fear them, changes are often necessary for us to grow as people.
Try to be more in touch with your own feelings, you seem to be running away from yourself a lot too.
That's the way to find peace again.
Sure I’d trade again, the M I’m asking about is a friend of mine that I’ve been coaching sort of, I’d like to know what kind of work or opportunity it will entail for him
Different Anon here but M is a pretty common initial.

My initial is M too, some schizophrenic asswipe's initial is M too and I know too many Ms in my life.

But just like the "Next flesh dildo/fuckmeat?" querries they get repetitive and boring pretty quick.

Try to preserve a true esence of yourself and make
Thank you! Some feedback:
I don’t know what changes would be taking place in my life at the moment. It seems life is pretty stagnant, at a standstill. Just the same cycle of doing the same stuff everyday. My own feelings are mainly frustration, anger and sadness
Thank you so much. I got that vibe from her from how her eye contact with me was and some slight accidental touching that she let linger for a while. I know her from college and only met her a few weeks ago and although she is married (and I have a gf albeit I'm not very happy atm) I felt that way. So it makes perfect sense that the connection is purely sexual at the moment since we're both in relationships and I barely know her. It makes sense anon I think you did great thanks again.
Male Aquarius
I have two main goals related to my body/health which I would like to have achieved considerable progress in by this time next year. Will either of them come to fruition? Cheers.
When someone ask me of what I think about something. My mind goes blank, how do I stop that?
>9 of Pentacles (R), Fool, Wheel
It doesn't look like you're going to have one any time soon, until you change your immature behavior of thinking that in order to have any relationship you have to give up your own freedom.
You have to allow yourself to be freer, to live more. Hiding out for fear of getting involved with others or how they will affect you will get you nowhere.

"What does A (Female Sagittarius) really think about me?"
>Ace of Pentacles (R), 10 of Wands, 7 of Wands (R)
She believes that you were a good opportunity lost and this seems to be a burden for her, she seems to put a lot of the blame for this on herself, either because of her own insecurity or because she listened too much to pressure from other people.

"Will I hear from her soon?"
>Strength (R)
Perhaps her insecurity, even a certain shame, seems to be preventing this from happening.

>World, 10 of Wands, 4 of Cups (R)
It will be a place that will do you good, you won't feel as bored as you do, on the contrary this job will take up most of your life, at least in the beginning.
Death, Judgment, Strength. I feel like the opportunity will require some transformation on his part but it will mold him into a better worker and he'll be better off for it overall.
Male pisces
Will my mom get the refund back from booking the second place to stay?
>first one
I'm working on not being so afraid , thanks
Pisces Male
Next job?
Wow! Here's some feedback: A. is my latest ex girlfriend and she left me all of a sudden giving me little to no explanation. Your reading is very insightful and is really coherent with A.'s behaviour so I believe it to be really accurate. I'll try to find a way to work around her insecurities and make sure to give us the happy ending we deserve!
Thanks for the readings!
male gemini

the threat i just sent to patrick ogrady, will it help me to get money from him ? will he believe it and offer me money to settle?

he was my boss and fired me and owes me the last 2 months of my salary
>3 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles, Magician
The main characteristic of this person will be kindness and generosity, it seems that they will be a person who will support you deeply in what you want to do with your life, which seems to be something you really need at the moment.
It could be someone from your group of friends or it could be someone you meet through these friends and who enters your life as a friend.

>8 of Swords (R), Star, Lovers
You seem to be very close to meeting this person, you just need to keep feeling more confident, letting go of this anxiety and insecurity that seems to have accompanied you for a long time.

>10 of Cups, Temp (R), 9 of Pentacles
In your quest to get what your heart desires, you ended up losing yourself, which is why you feel the way you do. Now you seem to be close to achieving what you've always wanted, but you can't fully enjoy this moment because you feel lost about what to do from now on.
There is also a feeling that you need to take advantage of the good things that are happening in your life, to find moderation in your own desires and perhaps slow down a little.
anything you can tell me about her or what she looks like?
male, gemini
What does s(female) feel for me?
I don't know her sign, but she's someone I know and talk to.

I can trade.
Love general for the rest of the year
Would u mind giving yours first?
Okay? Next gf/lover appearance?
>Knight of Wands
If you don't lose focus and know how to work your energy in the right way, then yes, you seem to have everything to achieve.

>King of Cups (R), Chariot, King of Wands (R)
You're overwhelmed, you seem to be tired of the people around you and this leads you to be manipulative and self-centered.
But at the same time you don't seem to be wrong in feeling this way, this behavior or feeling seems to be necessary in a way for you to achieve something you want.
Just be careful not to deviate from your goal, whatever it may be.

>Ace of Swords
Maybe so, but it's going to be a fight that could lead to problems in the future.

What kind of relationship does she want?
General for the rest of the year?
same query, starting
First - thanks a lot.
last one, resonates, but what's the advice? to slow down?
I disagree with this, it’s more like someone ask you about something out of the blue. Like when a teacher calls on you even though you’re been paying attention in class
Libra female.
Who will I spend my life with?
Ace of Wands The Fool 8 of Wands, all upright
Pretty positive and busy end of the year for you, you’ll go through the first steps of making new major plans for your life, it mostly seems to be in theory so expect to make some good insights and breakthrough for the rest of your year
>King of Swords (R), 6 of Wands, 7 of Cups
You need to improve your motivation a lot and stop doubting yourself so much, you seem to have a few options, even if none of them are exactly what you want, you need to make a choice and commit to that choice until the end.

>9 of Swords (R)
I don't think that's a good idea, it looks like it could turn against you and make your situation worse. Your attempt to reverse this situation and get out of it is welcome, but perhaps there are other better ways of dealing with it.

>Star, 2 of Wands (R), 7 of Swords
She sees you in a good light, you seem to have come into her life at the right time to help her through a bad patch, but now doesn't seem to be a good time to make a romantic approach, she's still very hurt and you could end up being misunderstood.
Be a little more patient with her, she'll need some time to regain her confidence and be ready for a new relationship.
Seven of Swords RX
Heirophant RX
Ace of Coins
You'll learn the truth about something, maybe your job or a long standing relationship but this will open up the door for more opportunities.
Is S. just being really friendly or does she really like me? (S. is libra)
Dude your readings make no sense. You pull 1 card for important matters and 3 for shit that doesnt matter. Make it make sense. Also for relationships you should be pulling 5 cards not 3. Shit reads
Who sabotaged my car? Was it my upstairs neighbour?
Did he decide yet?
Feel free to do a better job anon.
this >>38842489

I do all the time. Im sick of being one of the only competent readers on here. I read for you shitheads all the time
appearance of the next woman I'm sexually involved with ? Starting yours
starting too brother
are you reading rn?
>I do all the time. Im sick of being one of the only competent readers on here. I read for you shitheads all the time
That has to be lousy.
queen of pents
high priestess
the star
4 of pents
6 of cups

way too many cards to get and idea about her but ...

first of all she will be super attractive, the kind of woman that turns all the heads around wherever she comes in

she will be in her early 20's
very pretty
fine facial features, possibly blonde or dark haired
hourglass clock body
very generous, giving, maternal in the way she loves, she will care for you a lot

she will be a woman that knows her worth, possibly only fucked 2 guys at most in her life and most likely a virgin

into sports like swimming, jogging or weightlifting

book rat definitely, very charming, beautiful smile
but ...

way too spoiled by her parents
if she does not get what she wants she will start a fucking tantrum no matter where she is or who she is with

when you two get sexually involved she will do it out of pain, she will be coming out of a very hurtful relationship, possibly because she did not budge to fuck so early in the relationship lol
women huh?

be careful she is as charming as dangerous, she is a very smart woman and wont take shit from anyone.
Knight of Swords (R) / Five of Wands / Hanged Man / Six of Coins (R) / Heirophant (R)
I think you may have moved too fast with the threat or whatever message you have sent to this person. This will cause conflict that will eventually lead to a stalemate. You won't be able to get any money out of this and in fact you may even lose some as a result, maybe in legal fees or in fighting the system somehow or even government help.
thank you , let me know if you wish to trade again.
Will i have children?
yes my next Q is
first context for it

we dont live in the same country, he is in the usa and im in mexico

it was a remote job setting appointments
he doesnt have my address or id or any shit like that
just my email to wire money from paypal

now that you know this details

my q is

will patrick ogrady decide to pay me or will he just ignore me ? honestly i dont think there is anything he can do at all

Did those guys at his job tell him to treat me badly?
sure, how do I meet her? staring when you confirm
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Just warning you all I'm going to fuck this place up later this evening so start thinking of some stuff and save it for later (if you respond to this post with a query I'm not going to do it though)
If still here, trade again? More clarity on what this truth may be?
starting too!
>fuck this place up later
What are you gonna do big boy
Have I got a future with G?
King of Swords (R)/Five of Coins/Nine of Cups (R)
Based on these cards, I don't think he will pay you. Seems like your message will piss him off a little and he'll decide that you shouldn't get anything at all.
Ignore you:
Ace of Swords (R) Four of Coins
You might get a nasty message back or sum bullshit as to why you won't get paid. He's someone quite cheap and will avoid paying when he can, like in this instance.
3 of cups
high priestess
2 of cups

could be a reunion with friends or people you know
you will be at the same venue
you will capture her attention due to your silver tongue, seeming quite interesting for her
she will behave flirty, sweet and very naive, all of this in order to catch you
she will be wearing blue or red clothes, most likely a dress, she will look super sexy but not slutty, she wont be even wearing heels or any slutty shit you know?
but you will still be able to appreciate fully her beautiful seductive bodyshape
>The main characteristic of this person will be kindness and generosity, it seems that they will be a person who will support you deeply in what you want to do with your life, which seems to be something you really need at the moment.
>It could be someone from your group of friends or it could be someone you meet through these friends and who enters your life as a friend.
This is sweet, tyvm.
Trading on this Full Moon
Okay has he decided about me yet?
wanna trade again ?
4os the fool pop
G needs some time to recuperate at this time but they will be back.
Knight of Cups 8 of Wands Page of Coins
Yes he has decided to go through with you, he’s being very careful with how he presents himself and his emotions and will be level headed over it but he’s decided to give you a chance
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Nothing bad.
I'm just going to fuck this place up more than a stoner fucks up waffle house.
Thank you :)
like evil satanic bad negative curses on silly ol’ anons or trolling
Should I focus on what I am currently studying or put my attention back into an artistic field?
Trading occult
a work general for the rest of this month

ill start yours as soon as you post it
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Again nothing bad or evil. Maybe trolling and dunking but it's probably more wholesome. No it will not be scary
What would working at SEAS be like for me? Starting
Nine of Cups (R) Eight of Swords Magician (R) Knight of Coins (R)
I think in this case, a lot of things might be mental here. It's possible that the sting of previous rejections from job offers may have left you feeling like you're not all that good professionally or that you won't find a job, however this is preventing you from finding better options and finding something that will truly satisfy you.
yo donk, whats up man
I've posted yours ...
Should I try to have sex with D?
im sorry ill start, i lost my internet connection abruptly and its still shitty, but ill deliver just gimme 5 min ok?
I appreciate your insight. Thanks!
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The amount of micro-blackpills that I've been swallowing in the last 15 years of my life (late 30s) is starting to poison my soul and being. I'm not talking about a single huge life-changing catastrophe, but a constant flow of challenges, disappointments and cynicism. I remain stoic but holy fuck I'm starting to feel tired bros...

How does the situation look? What can I do to regain some strength and positivity? Thanks to whoever wants to do a reading on this
stoicism is poison for the soul
8 of pents
9 of swords
5 of wands

looks like super tiring,lots of worries, lots of pressure,lots of gossip everywhere
lots of losses, lots of discussions with coworkers, and all for nothing it doesnt even seem like you will get a proper salary to withstand all that shit man
You're attracting it to yourself... try thinking positively.
Sounds childish but it's really that simple
M 20 sun pisces scorpio ascendant

will i live freely or will they keep me in their palm
Trading freaky query
As opposed to?
AQ (occult)

Why all of sudden I'm feeling like I should not do any ritual tonight? Why does He feel less present in the altar I made?

I feel like something is doing bad both of us, what can I do?
Who will I (F) spend my life with?
Am I like his mom at all?
Is it the mommy issues as to why he likes me?
Aoc 5oc 10oc
You have loved and you have lost, but do not worry you will find love again. I'm thinking through family or friends.
Your song was anthems by charli xcx so maybe in New york or another city like NY
Also some other cards are telling me to make sure you are healed from a past connection. Things happen for you not to you. Gl
Can you tell me what characteristics especially or just that I'm older?
Omg that's awesome
Nm I don't wanna know that anymore. If you want to trade again... how will the rest of sep go for me?
Ahhh okay let me see what I can find out
Qop 7op 7ow
Song was borns electric love
She's got money... maybe running club , gym, candy store lol asked if you will meet her through friends and got 2oc
Get together with friends tell them you're looking for a gf
Hope this helps
How's new york ?
Can I borrow some $ lol
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Hi doing quick lenormand reads
I need your
>a bit of your energy
Thanks for trading
Oh wait i wanted a sep gen...
25 female
Here's some energy
How will it go for me and j next couple months?
cross -> scythe
it looks like things will become too much to bear, and will fall apart and may or may not come back stronger

it didn't tell me how, but it did say that you have anchor -> house choice, which is a stable and homey gf or a fox -> snake a crazy bitch that will be only good for le sex
I'm a bit tired but have some
Money for the rest of the year?
Will I go on and enjoy the roadtrip?
Here is some energy
birchrod -> crossroads
your finances will take a toll and you will have to choose between a few options
garden -> cavalier

when you get up and do it
i-is that b-bad?
You're a spoiled brat
You can have all my energy mate

How can I help Q with what's troubling her?
You're a spoiled WHAT?
Div brat summer when?
Von Dutch wit me
birds -> flowers
converse with her about whatever makes/made her happy and how there's still a chance to relive that despite of her troubles
It's almost fall, brah
What kind of job will I get next?
Here's a bit of energy
Are you on drugs or are you just retarded?
Have a spoonful of energy

Big money drop in my bank account when?
that query is not ideal for lenormand, you can have your energy back
How soon until I eat some steak?
Take me energy
Drugs made me retarded bruv
I was bumpin that too hard
Can I ask how will march go for me instead?
Makes sense
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Anything about my next sexual encounter
there is no answer, there is no when.

in 2 more weeks

garden -> key
you will have a breakthrough within your social circles or will make new ones
Here you go.
Who will I spend my life with?
alright, I will hop off now. Cya
Have some energy
H's feelings about putting the boxes in that cavern?
>take what's left tof my energy today
What will happen in these coming months? Will my mom make it?
Ty ily take care
I always manage to find people just when they stop reading
birds -> mice -> flowers
a lovely but verbally abusive person from the looks of it. Maybe you enjoy that...

if those boxes or the contents of them last long in there or can be made to last long, then he won't be against it.
tree -> book
>verbally abusive
Are you kidding? How is this consistent?
I have your reading I was cucked before so I'll wait for you to post first

>Will I reach any of my goals next year?

I have not visited the United States and 2025 seems like it will be a good year to check it out!


>When should I propose to my girlfriend?
>the star
This is an amazing pull. You're going to find your dream girl this year. She's a baddie but a lil sad.
What's with all the flies in my house all of a sudden?
I shuffled a song
Concern was that they may think I'm hoarding crap. They are a bunch of light bulbs I got for free.
I pulled them.... are you dumb
I'll try to be better :(
Will he try to get back at me?
Will this longer interval without communicating with her have the effect I imagine? (No Occult)
Work for the rest of the year.
Good evening angels, I have returned after 2 years of slumber and constant transformation. I will do some readings, 3 cards.
I will do the readings after the Lunar Eclipse is over.

Give me:
1. Gender
2. Venus Sign
3. Your Query

Do not expect a truthful answer if your answers above are not truthful.
Who will be the love of my life?
My future is with V or C?
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Should I be worried about something going very wrong when I visit my home country in a few weeks?

Picof a cat in return
What kind of man will I marry?
What does Cancer think about me?
Will i meet the girl that will fall in love with me on saturday?
or should I still persue the girl With N in her last name?
6oc the moon wheel of fortunex
My friend, there's something about this situation or person you don't know, she might end up entertaining someone else in your absence...
Nah I can handle the both of you
II Swords
Queen Pentacles
IV Pentacles
Page Cups
Temperance Rev

I think you already know who it is, you just seem to be in doubt as to whether it's really that person.
Someone who is well-off, a bit miserly, impatient, a bit restless and confused, but also extremely loving and creative. Sometimes this person can even seem like a child.
Male. Aquarius
Will I be able to start working in the coming months?
Venus in Virgo
How does my financial/money situation look like for the rest of this year?
Oh that is a suprise if it's my current situationship...sounds like him desu.
Trade again?
>Venus in Aquarius
>How long will I live

or if you don’t want to answer that one

>Do I have a daughter i was not told about with K?

Thank you if you read these
How can I get rich?

How can I be comfortable being myself in social situations? Like for example, my mind goes blank if a professor asked me a question and I was paying attention to his class lol. How do I like let loose?
Does that mean she doesn't love me?
VI of Cups
IX of Swords
Knight of Pentacles

What's stopping you is just your lack of confidence and anxiety, you seem to have the knowledge and the means to make money, you just lack the willpower.
You seem a little lost with so many options, but you need to make a decision about what to do and stay focused until you reach your goal. Staying focused seems to be the most difficult point for you.
AQ - Outcome between S and E? Have recent events to E complicated things? Is S aware?
10ow 7ow 8os
Things between you guys were aloooot of work. You made her feel trapped.
I asked if she still loved you
I got the emperor
Which is a yes
I would suggest contacting her and having a deep heart to heart about how you can fix things, if it's her fault then maybe look for someone else
I'm one of the initials dumdum?
Sorry I got confused on who's reading I did already
Male gemini
did C (aries) ever care that they hurt me?
Ahhh yeah that makes sense tysm
Does J ever think of me as someone she could rely on or even like in the future?
Should I go to the place i thinking on saturday?
Do you see any love for on what remains of this year?
Thank you, you're an excellent reader, have a great evening and good luck.
>Venus Sign
>Your Query
Should I expect to see satisfactory justice in regards to what was done to me or should I just let it all go, despite how unfair it all feels?
Thank you :D
You're super accurate also ty

how's M for me
What will happen in these coming months? Will my mom make it?
1. Gender
2. Venus Sign
Libra/ scorpio i was born in between
3. Your Query
Can J love me or should let it go, should I go to the con so i can met someone
In the trash, where you belong.
im just wondering a lot what should I do
and if something good is going to happen around me
You'll meet someone tan or darker skinned, she's very very confident. You'll probably get her prgnant and then marry her.
Lol jeezus my guy I hope you can chill out otherwise I feel bad for any girl that gets involved with you. Are you a Capricorn?
I couldn't be bothered to list the cards you have problems
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Gaze upon thine self and witness.
Glad to hear it!

does the video game series I like comes back?
I dont want to wait more than 4 years
How does g feel about the dolphin conversation?
You sound like a stupid jew
What kind of future do I have now that I got struck with a tower? Is my dream lifestyle still on the table?
1. Male
2. Pisces
3. Are the insights I’ve gained from using THC actually accurate and insightful or were those just my ego/delusions/insecurities/weed Bs? For reference they were very self negative insights
Doing 10 pendulum reads. One query per post.
What I did with those boxes, was that what H wanted?
Is he taking me?
is E second-guessing his choices recently
Will she sell the house?
Does everyone have autism?
Does B want me to use that truck?
Is d bi?
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What is it that I’m supposed to do or become as a person? I feel like I can’t quite fit into anything
You're calling Hecate a demon? Hecate is a God.
Will my mom make it to October?
Will I get married before 2028?
Is G reading the posts in this thread?
Maybe yes
Seems like a no to me
I'm not the querent but it's well known that gman is a servant of hecate. We have no idea though if gman is even in this thread as I haven't seen him in a while.
Did I eat asparagus today?
thank you :D limited as the answer may be, it's incredibly insightful regardless
Maybe not
I'm not scared of demons
Yes, maybe and then yes again
No. Maybe not. Could be confused or something else.
Someone should ask the reader if gman is in this thread or not
I believe you need to "touch grass."
"Take a hike"
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Come join us in our new occult Discord server! We're an LGBTQI2SMAP+ BIPOC friendly server, complete with Pluralkit for DID systems and with plenty of talk on magic, fortune telling and mental illness galore!

Keeps changing between maybe and yes
Yes? They pendulum is not being clear anymore
Does he believe me about the dolphins?
Good to hear. I'm not ready to let her go yet. Maybe I will never be
That's sad, what's your mom's issue?
She's had a series of debilitating strokes. I've only been here for a few months but it's so crushing to see her fade away like this.
That's sad, it's she diabetic?
Yeah. I am too. Definitely makes me want to keep mine in check.
1. Female
2. Leo
3. Will any of the people in my current course remain my friend once the semester ends?
Low carb easiest way. If your type O blood type, your affinity for carbs is basically like crack.
Come join us in our new occult Discord server! We're an LGBTQI2SMAP+ BIPOC friendly server, complete with Pluralkit for DID systems and with plenty of talk on magic, fortune telling and mental illness galore!

Sorry brother my dog ran out the gate
Do I have a stalker?
Yes. His name is Martin
Trading occult
September general
Why would you need a reading about a schizophrenic hallucination?
>king of pentacles
>5 of wands
Looks like you're winning some sort of legal battle or getting money that is owed to you. Unfortunately this will still be something that will have to be fought over.
Please help me out.

I need a reading.

Will I get the [special] job?

What will the rest of the year look like for me professionally?

How about in terms of love?

I am down to the end of my wit.
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Fuck it, opening the floodgates for 1 hour.
Readings with tarot either 1 card or if its interesting enough you win a scry
>genders of everyone including yourself
>must post a character from any final fantasy game
Not doing occult queries, anything else is game on
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I got cucked
Will you take this one?
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at my apex could i defeat most adult men in a confrontation?
Asking about a male
Is it worth it to keep trying with this guy ?
We were supposed to travel together but got into a fight now it's called off
you finally take control of your life and stop being disappointed in yourself or disappointing others.
queen disk, indolence, emperor
no you're way too lazy, although you would have a decent "base" you wouldn't be able to tough it out against most males. although you would be older and more experienced. dont expect to have the same fitness level when you'll be 35-39 years old than when you're 20.
Thank you
I forgot to say, I won't be posting cards anymore, it takes too long to type them all out
see above
yes but only if its to hook up or not be serious. if you haven't even hooked up yet and planned to travel then you're just dumb.
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Will I find happiness in California or Mexico?
Yeah, no sex is great but will he be generous or stingy ykwim?
bro apex is assuming im at my peak, all boxes checked physically and mentally most importantly a strong proficiency in the martial arts i already know..
happiness can be found anywhere, its something you must build up inside yourself. exterior things won't change your level of happiness, not even money or people will do that.
and fyi the cards state that you'll study or research what im talking about. if you cant be happy where you are now, what makes you think you'll be any happier at other places?
learn biology, an apex of males is roughly 33-39 years old. you asked when you'd be in apex. that is apex. you didn't say in peak physical condition. you sound stupid or ignorant to be honest.
so all you care about is money? pfft. whatever
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what should be my life's focus atm?
How's my money situation looking for the rest of the year?
my mistake,i thought you had better comprehension.
Culture is very different in Mexico and other countries that does change things up. I think where you are can greatly impact your happiness.
If he's only trying to hook up why can't I get nice things out of it?
>you asked when you'd be in apex
i never asked that, re read my shit
i asked if at my apex could i fuck most guys up!
Am I being "monitored"
Crazy tiktoks today haha
making money or finding a good stable job, if its not working then going to school in order to have a better future, whichever one gives you more peace
It seems okay now but unless you tighten your budget and really go frugal you'll be in trouble. stop buying shit you dont need. buying alcohol drugs and cheeseburgers aren't a need.
its you who lacks the communication skills, too many blows to your head kiddo
its 3am fuckwad you think im putting thought into this
Coomer Q
Big tittie alt/goth gf when?
because that makes you a whore.
sure can, still happiness is something subjective. I pulled cards and honestly its a YOU problem, not a location problem
yeah and you won't be able to! learn to read. you don't work hard enough for that. you go tired way too easily. your stamina is shit
Yes you are, don't be surprised, everyone is at this point. its an AI who watches everything
thanks for the insight though, ill try not to be lazy.
>this is why we can't have nice things
this is what someone gets when we answer one of you shitheads. good job there moron. you really know how to make readers stay
after you begin to shine and show everyone the best version of you
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Can I get the career I want next year?
Ty for reading for us
>you don't work hard enough for that. you go tired way too easily. your stamina is shit
thats all correct, but my query was meant as a hypothetical. regardless your answer is contingent on current energy, something i will rectify moving forward.
I was spoiled growing up so thats just my love language I buy things for the people I love too but in the past I gave too much maybe it's just the poor guys who think this way...
Me(m) d(m)
Did d do everything I think he did?
Ok then, no more beers, ok maybe a six pack on discount that lasts me for a week
Thank you reader
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F asking about m
Will we become closer as the months go by?
Yes you 100% have everything needed NOW to get the career you want next year, even now if you'd want to.
also you're welcome, I read for good anons. not like the butthurt idiots who shit up the board
bro you come here to "sharpen" and practice right, other comes here to learn more about themselves and/or their prospects, perfect symbiosis brother ;)
It's not for any other reason?
I feel like I was "attacked" was it the AI?
Thanks so much
You'll be seeing me on the big screen soon!
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Is my online bff a short tranny?
F asking about F
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>Daddy cloud

I am F and wondering when the hell does my life start getting interesting? It’s stagnate right now and feels like I’m doing the same shit everyday. All I want to do is see my bf irl and be with him.
no asking for material things makes you at the same level as a prostitute. most millionaires dont marry bimbos who want shiny things. they mostly marry women when they were broke who stuck around. go see every billionaire big shot and you'll see
not answering nosy 3rd party queries
only if you propose opportunities to get closer
meh, there comes a point where sharpening no longer gets any sharper. I come here out of boredom mostly. there is no more challenge anymore in answering
if you were attacked then it wasn't an AI but someone who does occult knowledge. you are either a TI or someone of some minor importance at the very least. its entirely possible
haha yes, good call
it starts to get interesting when you realize you are failing in life or failing in making things the way you want them to be and you take life and do whatever you want with it, basically when you regain control of your life. stop sitting by the sidelines watching everything
Great, you'll be seeing me pop up here and there too. enjoy
What I see is a bunch of unfaithful men online and irl. At least if I get cheated on I'll have something nice as compensation.
But what if I already did all that self-improvement stuff?
are you famous?
What does A (female) think of me?
you need to pick better men. do you even into church, mosques and other facilities? if you look for fuckbois online or at school dont wonder why you cant find good men
self improvement is one thing. I said your BEST version. its aint just normal self improvements. the shining part is what matters the most.
>not answering nosy 3rd party queries
How is that a 3rd party query you retard. The question was about him backstabbing me.
you don't even have any clue who you're talking to? LMAO
dont you ask this every day? I always see some anons asking about some A woman. its pretty creepy if you ask every day btw. fucking weirdo
she thinks you're someone with potential though, potential doesn't mean shit if you squander it btw
well you despicable little shit, YOU know that. DID YOU STATE THAT IN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING QUERY?!?! NO , so stfu and kindly go jump off a bridge faggot
Nta but both Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos left their wives (who met them when they were brokefags and helped them build their empire btw) so that shit ain't true millionaires want dumb bimbos they can use their money on because no one else can stand them, if a man has a chance to change you for the bimbo with the big boobs and hot body he will
Why would I need to you dimwit there was nothing in that made it look like a "3rd party" query unless you are fucking retarded.
you're talking about the biggest jews and meta jews of everyone. at least compare some actual people. not a subhuman jew anon. sheesh
well you dumb nigger let me spell it out for you. you didnt write that in your post you little niglet. im not some fucking mind reader to bother reading every shitbag online
It wasn't needed in the post I asked if he did what I think he did. You are a dimwit.
go read your post idiot. you asked something hidden. next time dont be a vague faggot. fucking moron
The non Jews do it too, it's in men's biology wanting something better, even the republican non Jews says so even Andrew Tate says so. Men will seek out better and shiny new women once the ols one has run her course, even if she stuck by him when he was a nobody. Look at every single millionaire they are seen with hot women and the wives that were with them in the begining are no where to be seen. Give me some examples of millionaires with long marriages
No I only asked once before
I think my bf still likes her its his ex :(
Being vague keeps retarded shitty readers like yourself from having their reading biased.
I dunno... if I was famous I wouldn't spend my time on 4chan...
keep telling yourself that you fucking idiot
not giving you private names, wtf lol

im out of here, fuck you niggers. ya'll dont deserve shit. no more readings for you. your sub 100 IQ's are too low for me
>I'm not a shitty reader I just need everything spelled out for me like a retard.
Meh I've seen deadmau5, Taylor swift, Shane Dawson, Muta, Skrillex and Onision hanging on the threads not X exactly but around the chans
Female asking about male
Will I marry j?
You lost the game faggot, actual readers will not give a fuck. Nobody will miss you and your shit readings, even shitreader and 2mad have better readings than yours and they are low tier readers
Newfags these days
Bruh... They exposed themselves hanging on the chans (in tweets and videos)
I been here since like 2012 lol
Yall are like children on here....
Thanks it was very sus
Is abraham real?
The entities
Lol and you only found that out? this shit be like high school drama and stupidity ensue
Seems like it's always the men too...
Trading but I maybe suck
I'm kinda meh.
Did I do the right thing by blocking her? Will she fuck off?
What will the rest of september be like for me?
will i be able to achieve my financial goals in the near future
The fool Aoc the star ten of cups
I asked if she will fuck off and looks like she will be moving on
>10 of cups
>3 of swords rev
>strenght rev
Did you have a break up or things look crappy in your family? This will pass and things will look up for you after the initial disappointment you'll experience. You'll doubt that things will seem better, filled with doubt, but they will. Give it time
Good. I'm sick of being played with
I'm feeling pretty positive desu listening to law of attraction stuff
Trade again?
Sure Q?
Any casual hook ups for me till years end?
Will I be going on the trip soon?
>8 of cups rev, 3 of cups, fool
Yeah you will go on the trip. Not sure I'd anytime soon but you will. You might need help from amongst your friends to get things off the ground but you can go
3os 7os 6os
Not soon but you'll be moving away from this sad energy.
Tower 9ow the devil
Oh jeez
Things are not looking so good my guy... you're maybe stuck in a bad vibration being in this state is only going to attract to you more problems. I don't like giving readings that aren't positive but maybe you need a wake up call about this mindset. There's something you need to heal within yourself before looking for love . With the devil card here though I'm sure you could find something casual but things could get messy.
It was supposed to be with my ex. So we'll see how this plays out ty
Who will I spend my life with?
by the power of 369 posts is my ex miserable yet for being a repulsive person? air query. i just found out 10 years later he has a dirty secret: fucking kids. i don't know how long he's been that way. i'm going to authorities.
will trade when u do a reading on my ex suffering currently
Ill trade you
How will he react to me blocking him?
7os qow judgement
He thought he was getting away with it but you will bring justice to this situation by going to the authorities
i'll do a 9 card spread (the golden tarot, the search for the end spread)
1) the beginning: the devil
2) pros: ace of pentacles
3) cons: the empress
4) outside forces: knave of pentacles
5) pros ignored: the stars
6) cons ignored (bad habits): 3 of swords
7) possibilites: 6 of wands
8) test pass: 6 of pentacles
9) the outcome: 7 of swords

just block him, it's a relationship based on lust
are u able to expand on any of the motives he had to do that in the first place? when did he start going after and corrupting sexually mature children?
How does he feel about me?
Trading ridiculous questions
Go on, i have one weird too
Is phone sex work a viable career to make extra cash on the side for me?

i have some occult one i guess, tell me if you wan't answer that and then i'll start doing yours
Who i was in my previous life?
I can do previous life, I need your sun sign age and a tether (initial, initials of mother) your pick
okay so
>piscies, 24, AZ, KM (KP if you mean her maiden surname)
i'll start when you confirm
Starting now
It’s going to take me at least 20 minutes, keep that in mind it’s a long read with 2 decks.
Make mine funny
okay :D
Does he still hate me?
In a time long forgotten, he was born into a village nestled between mountains and rivers, a place where survival depended on both the land’s bounty and one’s own strength. From a young age, he proved himself as someone capable, someone destined for more than the simple life his ancestors had known. His hands became skilled at working with metal, forging weapons and tools that the people of his village revered, and eventually, he became known for creating objects of power items that farmers and warriors alike sought for protection and work.

His workshop was his sanctuary, filled with the hum of the forge and the glow of the fire. It was here that he found purpose, shaping the molten elements into something strong, unyielding, and lasting. His renown spread far beyond his village, and soon he was commissioned by kings and generals to craft their most prized weapons, tools for both conquest and protection.
wheel of fortune
ii of pentacles
vii of cups
viii of pentacles
ace of pentacles
the moon
Bear Fish
What did last night's dream mean?
Should I go to the party this Friday?
>page of swords, the devil, strenght, four of swords, five of pentacles
You are going to have lot of fun if you're take it. Taming other people with their sole desires never was so easy! Every most fuck up shit you come with, they do it, when you feel frustrated with you life, you just could play with expectations! But this five of pentacles, you could do it for the vibes not for the money, especially if you plan to go from some company.
Anyway besides this reading, friend of mine worked in this for some time and she also said how fun it was. She once ordered some customer to pin on the bed for few hours, in the meantime talkin how good doggie he was, so yeah very fun work go for it pal
interesting, thanks!
What does she think of me?
Starting when u confirm
> you could do it for the vibes not for the money
Just watched this and was curious if I would fail miserably lol
> She once ordered some customer to pin on the bed for few hours, in the meantime talkin how good doggie he was
I have heard it all lmao
>Ace of pents, 8 of wands, justice
Umm...no? If you two were on bad terms prior that time has now passed. He seems open to speak with you, maybe clarify some things from the past and to have another go at whatever the two of you were to one another. This all comes with the caveat that you're open to this as much as he is. Be hopeful anon, he's not mad
page of wands, two of wands r, six of pents, hermit

Extremely mixed feelings, this person feels generally positive about you and wants to be with you and give you everything they can but also they feel scared to rly move too fast with you as they fear this connection may not have a bright future, so they're holding themself back and wondering how much they should distance themselves in general, in doing so she might be going overboard in order to protect her heart.

Spread reads like classic disorganized attachment if you know what that is.
trade again?
I'm unaware of what disorganised attachment is, I should look up on it, since I'm an avoidant attachment type myself...
I'll trade with you again. What would you like to know?
It's a mix of both anxious and avoidant attachment. Make them feel safer, they switch on the anxious side, make them feel unsafe, they switch on the avoidant side.

I'd like to know what caused him to stop hating me? He BPD split me pitch black.
Sure...just one thing
>He BPD split me pitch black.
Wtf does that mean?
I'd like to know why does she care if I'm just a plaything for her? I blocked her ass cuz I'm tried of being played
BPD is a mental disorder in the same cluster as sociopathy and narcissism lol if they hate you they will go out of their way to destroy you and make sure you and everyone else knows you're a terrible person with no chance of redemption. It's black and white thinking, either youre all good or all bad to them
Hmm, I guess I have that too lmao
moon r, world, two of cups, eight of cups, four of cups r

It's not really you or your feelings she cares about, it's the loss of control she cares about. She liked the attention and validation she got from you, you're literally just a supply for her and the loss of that control over you has her internally freaking out and having a crisis about whether or not she's worth anything, she may think she means anything sweet she says to you, but its all really just to get back that control she feels shes lost, she's not really capable of loving anyone but herself and she views others as a means to an end. If you ignore her, she'll go away.
>5 of wands, 8 of wands
>2 of cups rev, Judgement
>knight of swords, Ace of cups
He maybe has done some inner work? Maybe he sees this as a common patern in his life and wishes to change that around? Maybe he's sick of cutting people off all the time and had an epiphany he's at least partially to blame for some of the conflicts in his life? Its as though he's slowed down and is more self concious of his own flaws rather than him just blaming those around him? I think he wishes to fix his mistakes and reach out an olive branch to you and those he treated similar from his past
Interesting, makes sense. She put out for some other dickwad while leaving me out to dry. Not cool. Trade again?
lel maybe
He seemed so sure I was the second coming of Lucifer himself so its hard to imagine
Sure, one more.
Will he actually reach out to me or nah?
When will I stop having bad luck in relationships and actually get the kind of romance that I want?

What does A (female) thinks of me
Lol, I think I know what he felt. Been there before myself. Emotions are a pain to deal with, not that I condone it. I just know it.
As to me...Will she reach out to me? Different girl fyi
Moon, 2 of Cups Rx, Lovers

They do really like you, although she feels there miscommunication and obstacles that need to be overcome before anything can happen. This makes her hesitant to approach you even though she wants to.

You need to sit down with her and talk through any communication problems.
Down to trade anon?
Emotions are a bitch but after what he did I would struggle to forgive him, but with people like him you kind of have to or else something worse is in store, I'm not querying about him bc I want him, I'm scared of him.

four of cups, sun r, the star, the fool

I think she'll go back and forth on it for a while before she actually reaches out, she's scared of a negative response from you and will overthink it a bit, but will ultimately decide that heck yeah, she wants to talk to you! She wants to have hope and faith in your connection and decides to take that leap bc she'll feel it's better than not doing it and regretting it later.
ty, im doing your's right now but it will take some more time
be patient
Sure. Q?
>death, 8 of wands, knight of wands, strenght, wheel of fortune
Okay, its going to be obvious if it is all in your head, but there are some things in you, some wounds and trauma that you don't wan't to look at, and whenewher you see an occasion to run away from it, you just doin this, making your wounds deeper and therefore, giving yourself more of this "bad luck". What you realy must do is give youself a break, break from love-relationship, break to look realy inside and tame anything is wrong inside you, creating completly diffrent view on love and your own needs. Only then anything worthy would came.
tldr there is something in you'r approach to love that sucks, and you must change it.
Anyway that's realy funny, because we had sex few years ago, and been friends since. But still there is some weird vibe between us that i cannot describe, vibe that stays even when we are in different relationships
>fool rev, lovers
>high preistess, 9 of swords rev
>king of swords, knight of swords rev
Not in the near future. Its on his mind, you seem to be too if this is romance yet he's still working on himself. Rn he's unstable mentally and kinda knows he might say something stupid or hurtful, even unintentionally so he prefers to have this "stay away! Don't look at me!" Aproach. In this silence tho, deep down he yearns to reconnect as where he is rn isn't good for him and he can tell
Tell me somethibg good that will happen to me before the year is out?
I'm male
why does Mu keep coming up in my dreams? anything to do this or I just need to get over her ?
*anything to this or do I just need to get over her
Starting yours
>7 of swords
>9 of cups
>fool rev
I think this is just a matter of getting over her. She's holding you back mentally. Like the idea of her and what you had is holding you back to move forward to a new chapter in yourlife. This may be harsh but it's as though your mind is fooling itself she hold more significance than she does I reality. Or that you two can turn the clock. You're lying to yourself about her, bluntly speaking. Maybe more on a self conscious level
thank you
Ace of Coins, Five of Wands Rx, Six of Swords
The rest of the year will see you seizing a crucial opportunity related to your academic or professional life most likely. You'll manage to put a lot of conflict to bed in addition to finally moving on to better pastures so to speak.
Anything about my future wife? like how I meet her? You?
Trade again?
Could I ask for more info regarding this opportunity?
Sure, anything you can tell me about how I meet the woman I marry? Starting
Wheel Eight of Swords Rx Page of Cups
Expect a favorable turn of events for you and a de restriction as to what you can do in your life. You'll have more agency and possibly the help of someone young and emotionally balanced who will help you.
>queen of swords, 10 of wands rev, 7 of wands
This seems like something further down the line depending on your age. She'll be a divorcee our just recently out of a relationship. Her life in that relationship and in general will be very hard and she'll be in survival mode. Defensive and tired but strong and resilient. She'll need a strong bedrock to stabilise her life and you could help her with that. This could be in your 30s or something, idk why I get that vibe
It'll be around when I'm 29/30. I know that much. Thank you.
What does DA(female) think about me(male)?

Outcome of following C’s advice and pursue music?
What does Se (f) think about me (male) these days ? starting yours
what would working at SEAS be like for me? starting next
Looks like there are some feelings of romance for her good tidings at the very least but she's going to hide them, most likely due to an external influence.
five of swords/lovers/emperor r
starting yours rn
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she feels like you are stuck, refuse to do what's necessary to improve your situation
there's nothing I can do in this situation. Thank you, let me know if you want to trade again the other trader seems to have left.
your q?
Just a love/sex gen for the rest of the year, yours?
Will my planned next year trip to japan succed?
give you'r Q and i start it in a few minutes, i must pick up a pizza from a local place first
this one >>38847191
I'll start when you post in that case
okay im back
it might to take a while but starting
Okay I'm here, starting yours
Is anyone offering readings?
In case you left, here are your cards, I'll post the interpretation when I see mine...
Ten of Wands Rev Two of Coins Nine of Cups
oh if finished it like this second
>the Hermit, 5 of swords, 4 of wands, queen of swords, 2 of cups, 10 of cups
You may not see a chance right now, and your eyes may be concentrated more on a pain then bliss, but as soon as you start to go out and see more blightful side of life, someone to romance may show. I see her as a person who will undestand problems that you bearing on your shoulders, person that had simmilar things in her life too. I think that she may be older and im almost sure that you will met her by just mere coincidence, not by friends or something like that
anyway i think thats it
I see your trip planning being exhausting at first, you may struggle to get a schedule or the ticket you want or the funds but you'll learn to balance what you need and eventually go on that trip. But I'm feeling it's more towards the latter half of the year.

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