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Redpill me on Woden/Odin
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The One and Only True God, the All-Father and Shaper of the Cosmos, Graver of Runes, and Lord of the Universe
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The Highest God, and the Breath of Life. His hidden All, the Wotanic Essence, is the Black Sun which gives us eternal renewal.
Was losing an eye worth it?
Anatolian wizard who journeyed north and tricked the snowniggers into thinking he was a god.
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Odin lost 1 eye, so now he only has 3. He had 2 before. Good for him for losing that eye.
>The Aesir were so radiant and white that they appeared like ivory in-laid against oak wood
what did the prose edda verse that describes the aesir coming from anatolia mean by this?
It was euhemerism so the church wouldn't burn Snorri alive. No one seriously considers the "they came from Turkey" as a serious thing.
Aesir being from Anatolia is from the Gesta Danorum. And ancient Anatolians were one of the earliest Aryan peoples, of course they were White.
To whoop demonic ass in the astral? Hell yeah it was dummy!
where have you seen somewhere say no references?
obviously snorris description of them being magic turks was euhemerism, but i dont think it should be totally discredited though. keep in mind that 'turkey' back then was not occupied by turks, but aryans, and it is likely that aryan culture saw its genesis somewhere in central asia, ukraine or anatolia. the ynglingatal is a better description of this, where Wotan was an avatar that led the aryans to europe, not just a wizard king
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Kill yourself.
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yeah there is you liar. its probably the only extant mantra or prayer that was preserved from norse pagan times

>Sun is the holy light of the world; I bow to the divine decree
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Maybe if you actually studied and got your information outside of Jackson Crawford and Wolf the Red you'd know, you swarthy retarded gorilla nigger.
I accept your surrender. : )
he was just connecting the gods to the Trojans so he could say "The gods of my ancestors were actually just people. Really incredibly awesome people. But people."
He's wrong, of course, as with many things. The evidence for his association is that "Aesir" sounds like "Asia"
>acks at ragnarok
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Baldr is Odin reincarnated. imagine thinking a god that died and came back one can just be killed again. was Odin's power of resurrection just a metaphor?
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>le silly monk dog meme
whats next, the christian anime girl? the one drawn by a horny mexican weeb? i am convinced all christian posters are underage and brown
Okay so here is the abstract philosophy
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lmao he deleted the post. the shame. the embarrassment. Oh God in Heaven, you test the veracity oft mine sides
no it was bait for me to post itt
>takes credit for something he didn't do
this is how you know christians on 4chan are mexican
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>"there's no black sun references in Norse religion" -the dumb motherfucker above (pic related-it's him)
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The cross is a perversion of the Fyrfos. Stagnate, dead energy with a humiliated corpse nailed to it. Grotesque.
Damn, now I want some Powerthirst...
Catholic here, your meme isn't funny
What is pic?
not that anon and you are right about Anatolia at that time, even North Africa has a long Germanic history
but I subscribe more to the idea that Woden has more shamanic roots from a tradition in the distant past of Scandinavia
It wasn't just the fly agaric. It was also the Amanita Muscara.
Odin/Wotan/Woden wasn't the only one who hanged from trees and his affiliation with trees is necessarily druidic.
Yggdrasil is the same as the Bodhi, the Banyan, the Evergreen, the Tree of Life or Knowledge and so on.
Wodan was more than just a shaman, more than just a psychopomp even: he was also a god of Divine Madness, Theia Mania, a Dionysian and even Jungian theme. This "madness", you'll find (his name literally meaning "frenzy"), translates to a psychedelic frenzy.
Godan had 12 companions and came from Asia Minor, maybe around Anatolia.
There was more than one Wotan.
He seems to have gotten his power not from Mimir, but also from Freya.
He isn't really the god of War because that's Tyr, who was actually the leader of the other gods, not Odin.
I do not recommend trying to blind yourself "for knowledge". Odin may respect it and all, but eye surgery is traumatizing. You probably don't want to hear about it. Most people don't.
Scythians. Scythians are the link. Odin is related to them and this is why both he and the Druids hang from Trees.
You know, like Jesus (also a Scythian, you'll find).
Did you know Budha was called "Shakamani"? Any idea what that means?
Berbers had blonde hair and light colored eyes. The Persians loved them. Some even revered them as gods.
What would you say if I told you that, like the Basque, the Berbers had a very unique genetic makeup? What if the Basque and the Berbers were among the most anomalous haplogroups alive today? Wouldn't that be wild?
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It's honestly difficult, for me at least, to articulate in words what he is on a fundamental level let alone do justice to his many, many other associations in way that would make sense to someone who doesn't already know.

But I'll try: Woden is Will and Divine Inspiration. And thus he is also the force which allows for manifestation through inspiration. In other words, magic. This is why he is also Death, as Death is Change. He manifested the cosmos by animating the potential that was the Ginnungagap.

To understand his sundering of Ymir, there are two other things you must understand: First, Woden is Time (Time is Change) and thus also of Space. Second, Ymir is Everything. The primordial, immaterial essence of all things. All people, all beasts, all lands, all gods.

Before Woden sundered Them (or perhaps I should say, Us), the distinct essences of all things were but an indistinct spiritual singularity that was Ymir. Spacetime (AKA Woden) sunders things both physically and immaterially. Time is the separation of distinct instants. Space of different geometric points. Woden sundered Ymir into the infinite souls of all things in existence.

But we are not completely separate from one another. We have connections to each other. You are connected to your father, mother and indeed all creatures on Earth through common ancestry. You may be connected through love. And this is because of Woden's role as the weaver.

Magic involves weaving, the weaving of spiritual ties between beings. This can be literal and physical or purely immaterial. And just as with all magic, this requires Divine Inspiration (also known as Woden).

Woden not only forged by cutting Ymir into fractal souls, but also by weaving those souls together into new myriads.
>He seems to have gotten his power not from Mimir, but also from Freya.
voluspa estbalishes that Odin practiced "vigsspa" (war prophecy magic) before even coming into contact with the Vanir.
>He isn't really the god of War because that's Tyr
Tyr is not the god of war. The Aesir have no domains like hellenic gods do, but if they did, Odin and Thor would definitely be the war gods. Tyr isn't the god of anything. He's barely present in heathen poetry
> who was actually the leader of the other gods, not Odin.
This has never been the case. This entire argument rests on the fact that Tyr is cognate with "Dyeus" as in Dyeus Pitar, the indoeuropean sky-father figure. But Tyr just means "god" in old norse. Tyr in poetry never presents with any sky-father characteristics, because, as I said, he doesn't really present with any characteristics at all. Odin, by contrast, exhibits numerous sky-father characteristics.
Consider white light traveling through a prism. The white light, Ymir, is split by the prism, Woden, into many colors. But even these colors are but the slimmest fraction of the millions of colors that can exist by mixing this small number of basic colors together. Just the few basic elementary particle can fuse to create the quadrillions of different forms of men, creatures, and objects that we see in our world.
Woden's role as Divine Inspiration and Magic makes him the heavenly patron of all who are gifted with that power. Kings and outlaws, artists and poets, and of course, warriors and berserkers. Kings rule through magic, that is creating change through Will (both their own will and those that they rule). Outlaws are driven by their own will to their own ends, and impose it on themselves and others, for good or ill. Artists and poets are driven to create beauty by Divine Inspiration. Warriors battle with Divinely Inspired fury. If you have ever felt rage, or love, or a desire to create something beautiful, that was Woden's power animating you. This is the Mead of Poetry, may you drink from it for all your days.
Freya taught Odin seiðr magick, anon. This isn't really disputable. I suppose I wasn't being very specific though. Check out Ynglinga Saga by Snorri Sturluson.
>Tyr is not the god of war
You got me here though. I definitely did mean to say Thor. Sky God guy in Norse is without question Thor. He's also Indra, it seems.
>The Aesir have no domains like hellenic gods do
That's very fair. I am approaching this from a comparative mythology standpoint.
>Odin, by contrast, exhibits numerous sky-father characteristics.
You lose me here for sure. I'm not really on board with equating him with Deus Prater.
Odin is the prototypical Priest-King.
Also, please keep in mind that when we talk about "frenzy" and "ferver" and "rage" and so on, we do not mean battle. We mean a Dionysian frenzy, anon. It is very clear the deeper you read. Odin may have been the psychopomp, but that doesn't really mean he was a war god exactly. He didn't really do battle himself (I'm sure there are exceptions I can't think of and I don't claim to be an expert anyway) based on what I recall, but his role would be more like leading people into battle, gathering forces and generally influencing. There's Ragnarok, sure, but I'm not exactly talking about that.
Still, I appreciate your esoteric extrapolations. I'm not completely on board exactly, but it's a fun change of pace either way.
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In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
Kalki returns next year.
Four if you count the big brown one
>Freya taught Odin seiðr magick, anon.
That's the narrative snorri is trying to peddle, yes, because he cooked up a whole bunch of fanfiction about the interactions between the aesir and the vanir.
However, Volsupa, which is a better and more authentic source regarding norse heathenism than snorri's edda, especially considering that snorri himself is just getting all of his info from voluspa, indicates that Odin was practicing seithr towards the very beginning of time, at least as early as the "first war ever in the world."
isn't that just Christian metaphor though?
what part do you think is christian?
The exact elements of voluspa, that explain how, after Balder is killed, he will be resurrected in the new world after ragnarok is verifiably part of prechristian germanic lore.
The other anon is correct that the gods reincarnate, as norse heathens definitively believed in reincarnation according to the prose closing of helgakvitha hundingsbana II. I tentatively disagree with him that Odin would specifically reincarnate as Balder, but all of the elements of what he said are reasonably sound and definitively prechristian in origin.
Reincarnation is explicitly mentioned in multiple poems and sagas. All native European religions knew it existed. Wotan hanging for nine nights is certainly representative of ninth months gestation in the womb; the runes being part of our inherited blood memory. Given to us by Wotan Himself.
Thanks for explaining. You make me want to revisit the stories. Any further suggested reading on Odin? I'm interested in all things Odin.
I think we have two different definitions of "Christian metaphor" playing out here. Wittingly or otherwise, I think what anon was aiming at was aligning the similarities between the resurrection of Baldr and being Odin's son. To answer his question, yes, the Christian dynamic mimics this same overlay, the same perennial theme.
To be very clear, the timelines are without question not facing that direction though. We shouldn't think of the Norse dynamic being Christian. Instead, we should suggest that they borrow from the same mythological dynamics.
It seems like anon just worded things poorly, heathenbro.
>Any further suggested reading on Odin? I'm interested in all things Odin.
the poetry is key
Voluspa, of course
Havamal (also another no-brainer)
then some of Odin's "cameo appearances" in other stories also tend to be really neat. Like when he creates a terrible storm so that he can invite himself onto Sigurd's ship in Reginsmal. Odin is the king of badass closing lines.
>They called me
>when young Volsung
>set a table for the ravens.
>You can call me
>'Man on the Rock,"
>or 'Burden' or 'Spellcaster.'
>I want a ride.
Odin's final lines in Grimnismal are also really cool
>53. Thy sword-pierced body | shall Ygg have soon,
>For thy life is ended at last;
>The maids are hostile; | now Othin behold!
>Now come to me if thou canst!
What do you mean Kalki will return? He will be born next year?
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the Heimskringla, the 9 Herbs Charm (very important and underrated) and the Dream of the Rood (technically christian but obviously influenced by pagan and animist ideas; the cross is literally alive in this poem and has a conversation with jesus) are all very important texts on Odin as well.

there are also other deities he can be compared to; the romans called wotan the 'mercury of the germans', and say that they hanged thieves and criminals on mercury's sacred trees, and put shrines of his on crossroads. this can be further supported by the mercurious cimbranius inscriptions found in germany, which were likely written by germanic mercenaries who could speak latin. this proves that mercury/hermes was accepted as a med equivalent to odin by the germanic tribes themselves; although there are obviously some imperfections in comparing the two, it does make studying the cult of mercury in rome invaluable. there was another deity compared to mercury by the romans; Esus, who was a gallic deity. the gauls would offer Esus thieves and criminals, who were hanged and scourged on trees. alot of this is from de gallo bellico, or the war of the gauls by julius caesar, and germania by tacitus. tacitus also called mercury 'the highest god of the germans', which further supports the equation of the roman mercury and the germanic wotan
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there is also the exeter riddle book; an anglo-saxon collection of riddles. one of the more interesting ones starts as:
>Woden wrought idols; but Christ wrought the world
although it is obviously a christian poem, emphasizing the superiority of christ to woden, there is still a hint of an old idea. Woden, wrought, idols. individually, each word can be compared to Odin, Villi and Ve. Villi, or Will, Willpower, can be translated as 'to wrought', 'to conjure', 'to will forth'. and 'Ve' is related to the latin word fane or vane, an archaic word for a shrine, idol or altar, oftentimes found at the wayside. the word 'profane' means literally 'things left outside the shrine', as in things you dont bring into a holy environment, like how japs dont wear sandals in houses. Ve can also be related to the word 'Way' or as 'Faith', not so much the emotion or act of Faith but more an actual religion, like A Faith. and Woden means Fury, Inspiration, Zeal. so together, Odin, Villi and Ve means 'Zeal conjures the Faiths', or something along the lines of this. personally I am of the theory that Villi and Ve are not truly Odin's 'brothers', but different aspects of himself, as Odin is obviously a triune deity (a concept found in many old aryan religions, see Hecate as an example, that predates the christian trinity)
for me its
>Thus Odin graved ere the world began;
>Then he rose from the deep, and lived again.
Codex Argentus, a Gothic Bible written in Gothic runes. one of the earliest instances of the word 'God' used in the world
Odin is Ea Enki
>Woden, wrought, idols. individually, each word can be compared to Odin, Villi and Ve. Villi, or Will, Willpower, can be translated as 'to wrought', 'to conjure', 'to will forth'. and 'Ve' is related to the latin word fane or vane, an archaic word for a shrine, idol or altar, oftentimes found at the wayside. the word 'profane' means literally 'things left outside the shrine', as in things you dont bring into a holy environment, like how japs dont wear sandals in houses. Ve can also be related to the word 'Way' or as 'Faith', not so much the emotion or act of Faith but more an actual religion, like A Faith. and Woden means Fury, Inspiration, Zeal. so together, Odin, Villi and Ve means 'Zeal conjures the Faiths', or something along the lines of this. personally I am of the theory that Villi and Ve are not truly Odin's 'brothers', but different aspects of himself, as Odin is obviously a triune deity
Great post.
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Was an Israelite. Stop trying to revive paganism.
Christ is still King
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you worship Saturn.
>Am I joke to you
One of the many avatars of Metatron.
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Good Wotan's Day.
>backwards ice savages
I bet your skin looks like the skin of a potato. Post your hand, mutt.
All things die, it’s the only truth we have.
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Which one of you fucking summoned Odin?? Elites are pissing themselves.
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Time is a flat circle.
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Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war
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Ask him yourself

I've been trying to reclaim it ever since, but the payoff is interesting at least.
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Jung in witnessing the mass resurgence of Germanic primeval passions, called the archetype from the ‘shadow’ or repressed aspect of the Germanics ‘Wotan’. To Jung this was of more relevance than a study of social, political and economic phenomena in understanding the sudden and often frenzied mass mobilisation of the Germans under Hitler. Of Wotan Jung stated to Serrano that:

When, for instance, belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but his name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy.

Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition in order to bring them back in full force. This condition is a situation in which a new orientation and adaptation is needed. If this question is not clearly understood and no proper answer is given, the archetype, which expresses this situation, steps in and brings back the reaction, which has always characterised such times, in this case Wotan.
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Triggering snowniggers is too easy. btw Your gods were slain and their corpses are paraded by Disney
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>Can you feel it, Anon?
Chill the fuck out nigger. btw I'd bet you're just a jew trying to stir up the pot between white pagans and Christians
lol, pic rel is divine providence telling me my hunch is right, mad 2 faced jew
Looks like madj2 to me
Here's one: "Woven"
this one too lol. Y mad JW?
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theres not even a D or an A in that one you retarded fag. heres one for you: you suck onions goy
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The Religion of the Sun
Craves knowledge never finds out the truth and hates life because of it. Strong character and fantastic general…. sadly gets eaten by a dog… take death like a god though knows it’s his time and leaves with no fear.
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cope and seethe
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Almost. Odin knows what the truth is. He's more than aware that he is fated to die at ragnarok and that he cannot do anything about it. His madness and anger (His name means "The Mod One." Mad in Old Norse carried the exact same double-meaning that it has in English as referring to both anger and insanity) stem from his futile attempts to oppose his fate.
>take death like a god though knows it’s his time and leaves with no fear.
This is a verg important point that people usually forget. Accepting your fate was considered an essential aspect of manhood in norse culture. Thor, the archetypal man, not only accepts his fate, but is eager to die. Loki, the cowardly transgender, by contrast, flees from his fate in Lokasenna, and hides in a waterfall disguised as a fish.
Odin is sort of in the middle of these 2 extremes. He spends eons searching for a way to undo his fate, but faces it with honor when it finally arrives, riding in full armor directly into the maw of the fenrisulfr.
you're stretching yours as much as I'm with mine faggot
Is Odin a Druid, anons?
Are both of them Druids?
Did you know that Jesus' movement was called by his contemporaries and even some more nuanced groups after his supposed death "The Way"?
Did you know Odin also had 12 companions when he traveled North from Asia (Anatolia)?
What's wrong with Saturn?
You don't need to summon him. He comes when he's needed.
This, while fun, isn't quite right either. Odin, like Osiris, isn't just the god of death, but overcoming Death. It's an nod to the concept of the Arhat, to escaping the cycle of Death, not just dying. So, if Odin (like Osiris) dies and comes back to life to help people and, even though he can just leave whenever he wants, having conquered death and all, he stays and continues to help humanity.
If he's not an Arhat then he's a Bodhisattva.
Did you know the Brahmins and the Druids were related?
>Brahmins and the Druids were related
you have my interest. More?

Where was Odin before he went North?
Where were the Galatians from?
How did the Scythians end up in the British Isles?
Who was Shakyamuni and who the hell were the "Shakya"?
What color hair did Genghis Khan have? What about Jesus? What about Thoth?
inb4 shitskins throw a fit
Baldr dies before Odin.
Sounds like you just nameswapped Plotinus's Ennead story, to be desu.
As far as what exists as the "Sky Father", which mostly refers to Zeus and Jupiter in absence of real other detailed examples, Odin doesn't fit the mold.
Especially because from our real world evidence, Thor/Donner was the biggest and most important God in Norse and Germanic religion.
Odin probably has an exaggerated importance in extant literature because he was the God of poets and writers. And he has some more unique cosmological influence. While Thor was the everyman's god who people actually cared the most about IRL, but wasn't a literary deity.

Otherwise Odin doesn't tonally fit.
He's not a god of control and isn't the one that maintains the order of the world. Again, it seems that Thor is the muscle of the Norse Pantheon. The one that fights monsters and keeps the order in the cosmos. Odin is more distant and is more interested in his own accrual of knowledge and resources for personal use.
>Where was Odin before he went North?
Less north.
>Where were the Galatians from?
>How did the Scythians end up in the British Isles?
They took a boat.
>Who was Shakyamuni and who the hell were the "Shakya"?
This I don't know, but I believe they had a treasure called the "shakya booty."
>What color hair did Genghis Khan have? What about Jesus? What about Thoth?
Trick question. Genghis Khan was bald (that's why he wore the cap), Jesus's hair was pulled out by the Romans and Thoth was a bird.
>Where was Odin before he went North?
>Where were the Galatians from?
>How did the Scythians end up in the British Isles?
>Who was Shakyamuni and who the hell were the "Shakya"?
>What color hair did Genghis Khan have? What about Jesus? What about Thoth?
Red, red, red? (or blonde?)

never read it
Odin is the king.
Zeus is the king.
He was a time-travelling fuckboi who fucked a bunch of monkeys to become the missing link.
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Keep his name out of your fucking mouth.
he's just Zalmoxis in da Norf.
Cry more snowmonkey.
Odin came from the same place all of the guys who became the Druids came from, Anatolia, which is where the Galatians moved to (from the British Isles). The Scythians (which the Galatians seem to be related to, mind you) later moved to the British Isles in waves. Shakyamuni was an Aryan Budha. He, like Jesus, like Genghis, like Thoth and, yes, like Quetzalcoatl, seemed to have red (or potentially blonde) hair.
It makes you wonder what color Odin's hair was. Osiris seemed to have red hair. The two of them are very similar.
The christcuck reveals his final (swarthy) form
Many thanks.
The Shakya or Sacae or Saka were Scythians. The Brahmins too were Scythians (see Soma).
Anon, have you ever wondered why the "Land of Milk and Honey" is occupied by a bunch of people who never talk about bees, who can't metabolize lactose and aren't known for exporting lots of honey? Well what if I told you Turkic bees were a staple in Galilee and that they were well known all around the area for being a place to get Turkic bee products.
>cool but who cares and why does this have anything to do with Odin
Just what was the Soma, anon? Remember how Odin's name means "frenzy" or "berserk"? Well the Soma, like the Kukeon, was likewise a shamanic agent, like what Odin was known for using (some say the fly agaric and some say the amanita muscara but it could be plenty more). Surely you're familiar with the Ayahuasca brew everyone talks about these days (remember how I mentioned Quetzalcoatl earlier?). Isn't it odd how all of these things have tremendous overlap?
I don't want to reduce the stories of Odin or anything by comparing him to other deities, but there is an underlying pattern here. The Vikings, the Scythians, were well known for their raids while frenzied.
I've actually heard before that the Soma contained milk and some have even said honey. Strange, right?
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What a strange and wonderful thing creation is.
this had me rolling
You do realize that amanita muscaria and fly agaric are the same thing. They are also not psychedelics in the truest sense of the word. They are deliriant
Hey good catch, anon. It wasn't Amanita Muscara and instead it was another mushroom in the Amanita family if I'm remembering correctly.
>not psychedelics
Sure, whichever word is fine by me.
>amanita muscaria and fly agaric
Was referring to the entirety of this existence, our near future and our ancient past, not these plants. But no I didn't know it!

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