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Undeniable evidence the vaxx killed and rendered disabled countless people.
Pic related is how you can detox from the effects of the vaccine and being exposed to mRNA shedding so you don't die. Be sure to take it all the time.
Based and simple pilled
Wrong board, earth-dweller.
I intended to post on /x/ if I remember, it's the primo board for conspiracy theories.
I’ve had identical symptoms to post-covid syndrome since around 2018. It’s likely due to iron deficiency which is actually very hard to get diagnosed if you don’t also have low RBC. It took me visiting multiple doctors and specialists for them to test ferritin levels specifically. There’s proof that covid (and probably the vaxx) can absolutely drain your ferritin/iron stores.
This is irrelevant to me as I never took it. Enjoy your aids or whatever I'm sure your pumpkin seeds will help LMAO
You still are exposed to the mRNA shedding from other vaxxed. also if you take it you can't smash vaxxed pussy as that also causes it to spread to you. If you want to fuck them they have to be fully detoxed as well. I forgot to mention this in the original post.
so you need to stay away from the bodily fluids of vaxxed
If this is true we are all absolutely fucked with no recourse. No amount of countermeasure could save us as the saturation would just be too high. Good thing it isn't true
Let's just say I'm confident this won't be a problem.
Based finally a virologist I can trust
Not after the three letter dweller election tourists were totally brainwashed and became a metastatic tumor on every other board with their political agendas and their fake christian cosplays.
No, is not a conspiracy theory just because your owner said so.
No, I'm not interested on whatever your owner told you to bark back when you're around people and not dogs.
Now lie down and shut up, little doggy.
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>Undeniable evidence
>full of fucking fallacies and half-asses, manipulated "facts" and "answers"
What about the graph an official source of the government on disabilities? Disabilities increased by 3,000,000 in the U.S, and it's even attributed in that video the data-analyzer is in that the people who were fired for refusing the vaxx their disability rate only increased a small amount, and the people who were employed but were made disabled their rate increased noticeably and significantly.

Wanna guess why?
You already know the reason.
Plus have you seen many cases of young people dying suddenly for no reason or from heart attacks before covid? I didn't think so, because anyone who has functioning eyes would be able to see the deaths that are being reported everywhere, in their high influx.
Here's the official website in case you want to see it:

Just ask them for a refund
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Read a book glowie
its a fact that laws were broken to get an untested, unapproved gene altering treatment an emergency authorization so that it could be given to everyone
in the fine print for EUAs it states that they cannot be approved if there is already some existing treatment
i.e. HCQ, proven since 2003, and Ivermectin, proven since before covid
its also a fact that HIV & tuberculosis is a deadly combo
its also a fact that wuhan, italy, and where was the 3rd place in the initial death wave...all had TB outbreaks before "covid" was introduced there with its HIV furin cleavage site
they didnt have much tb in the usa, so 5 governors helped inflate the death numbers by ordering the sick to be housed with the nursing home population
>Good thing it isn't true
it was proven true by ob-gyn clinics you absolute retard
they would not have had signs that said
>do not come in here at all period if you are vaxxed
I told everyone this would happen
Curcumin is in turmeric
Bromelain is in pineapples
None of the information in that article are "half-asses", "manipulated facts or answers" you retard. They're even from official sources.
All natural bros win again
Plant enzymes
Best medicine is nature made
Could be any number of things. For most people it’s intestinal parasites like SIBO or heavy metal toxicity
Who could have predicted this?
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>they gave the pussy microchip aids
Bill Gates must be stopped
Okay, riddle me this then
If conspiracy theories are retarded, then why do Anonymous hacking group which came from 4chan believe in it, and why does Endchan's /pol/ which is a hub for Nazism believe in it, and your favorite cartoonist Ben Garrison believes in it?
My point exactly anon
Just eat some pineapple curry and call it a day
Vaccine reversed
if I am gay and only top (both anal and oral never recip) then am I ok?
Any kind of exchange of bodily fluids from the vaxxed and non-detoxed people can cause the effects of the vaccine to spread to you.
It doesn't work that way. You have to continually take the vitamin listed by doctor Peter MCcoullough.
Continually eat pineapple and turmeric then
I never took it and still enjoy pumpkin seeds
They are yummy I am just being le epic 4chan troll

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