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How fucked are we really .

How come reptilians / archons or demiurge have a complete strangehold on this planet . I doubt they control all the galaxy or universe or at least this one . Anyway do they even fear anything at all or any other race ?

How come no other advanced races have even attempt to erradicate them .

Our planet is just a stupid prison / farm for them and maybe a somewhat interesing research field for other non intrusive beings .

how accurate is this


Maybe reptilians are good at war and other non human civilizations fear conflict with them ? wtf is going on are they actually omniscient or just pretend to be .

wtf happened to Chass anyway .
I'll have a chat with them.
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It's not that bad brah, there's a lot of entities that can help you, plus reality is jsut a game, habe fun ^:)
You came here for a soul mission. Yeah your soul memory was wiped, but you still hold the talents you’ve learned in previous lives.
Start praying for peace for all on earth
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The non-human intelligences are going to be cooked. Our Owner is coming back and the envious prisoners - we are His free children - will be finally exterminated, my sibling in Christ. Be happy! In less than 10 years we will witness the end of the world.
You can talk to the prisoners. You know, the ones who claims akchyually it's humans who are imprisoned on Earth, not the falsely so-called "archons". Tell them our Owner is coming back and they lose their cool, my sibling in Christ. Why? Without their prison they have nowhere else to go.
I love you anon
This story is more exciting than what boomers taught me in school.
>civilization is 4,000, no 6,000, no 10,000 years old
>ignore theories outside of accepted ones
>the world is boring, nothing ever happens
>go to college and you’ll get a good job
>go work for the same company for 40 years to get your pension/401k
It was all bullshit. Aliens and artifacts and magic giants is actually the truth of our situation? Oh let’s fuvking go. I got this schizo game of cosmic hot potato
Nothing we can do.
They were here before us, I wonder if they make post-equivalents to yours in their astral minds cape. Who the fuck let monkeys take over? Why don't we just summon another meteor? Wait I can't even walk around without some bitch pointing at me screaming I'm not real?
Damn bro
I never really thought of it like that. I’m sorry reptilians, I’m just really stressed out
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2 more weeks
Not as universal an answer as you'd think.
Some souls are here because they chose to come here, very true.
Others were stolen and are kept here for the entertainment of malicious entities.
Then there are souls who never noticed they're wandering too far from the spark.
There's also souls who don't care and do whatever the fuck they want wherever they want.
All these options co-exist. This coping mechanism for trauma wherein people say ALL souls chose to come here and suffer just like then couldn't be further from the truth.
>Others were stolen and are kept here for the entertainment of malicious entities.
Where did you learn this?
The video and sources given in it also match up astonishingly well with Carlos Castaneda (the flyers or el voladeros, as well as the Demiurge-like figure ruling it all called “the Eagle”, who “chews up our awareness and spits it back out upon our deaths to feed off our energy”), as well as Gurdjieff (claiming that undeveloped souls become “food for the moon”, and massive chaos and suffering on Earth is caused by cosmic forces who feed off the psychic/spiritual energy produced thereby).

As for “what do we do about it”? Find some way to spiritually develop ourselves and be on guard against being “eaten”, so to speak. This training of awareness and self-empowering can be found anywhere from authentic shamanic traditions, to Zen, to Vedanta/Yogic practice, to even Christian mysticism, Kabbalah, Sufism, and whatnot. Underlying shared or similar common themes, advice, messages, guidance, practices, etc., to many of these religious and spiritual traditions, include gaining a greater control over your own body and awareness, including emotions and thoughts (self-mastery), substitution of vices that enslave oneself with virtues that empower oneself, moving from a state of lower or semi-mechanical materialistic awareness to a higher one that’s more grounded in spiritual reality, and generally moving from a trancelike semiconscious state in one’s day-to-day life to a fully “awake” one (like in Gurdjieff’s teachings). Try to focus on saving yourself and developing yourself to the maximum, before you worry so much about saving others.
Such bullshit that’s why you haven’t answered
There is no control. This is a human thing.
The archons want food. Their food are emotions.
It's complex and takes highly intelligent mind to shit on archons. The most meta thing as of currently is Buddhism. I have thought deeply about what Buddha said and he was correct in everything like find middle path. Dude was tearing apart archons like mf so they ejected him from existence
Are humans who have been experimented on. Not an alien race.
Rich and powerful people became lizardmen because they were promised longer lives and a host of other benefits.
They drink human blood among other things. But at the end of the day they are only messed up humans, are not immortal, and paid for their hubris with psychosis. They are unstable and incapable of holding it together now that real alien visitors have shown up and chose normal humans over the abominations.
Many U.S. politicians are "reptilian" now, disclosure will be chaotic for this reason. What else could happen after the public realizes their leaders have literally chosen to become lizards and traitor to the species?
It's an all out war for the future of the human race.
there are some souls who always remained "off" for multiple cycles, not once ever "waking up" until some random time way late down the line. but if they've sold themselves off, they're screwed.
it's pretty tragic actually. some pretty sad and fucked up shit happens down here. the good news is, those who didn't screw themselves over do get a chance to "turn on" and start climbing out of the pit. while they still have time to do so.
i know some turbo cheapskate penny-pinching stingy reptos irl. guess where they ALWAYS go out to eat. mcgoyslop. mcdonald's, wendy's, only sometimes burger king or arby's if they're feeling fancy. seldom cook for themselves, but reptos always got mad connections. they always are a "pillar of the community", know tons of people, and have big get-togethers of various people around town.
so why do they like mcdonald's so much. hmmm what's REALLY in that "meat" because those "chicken tenders" and "beef patties" don't resemble the ones you can buy at a kroger...
I doubt it's every store in a chain just specific ones, otherwise the rich ones have their estates and clubs and orphanages etcetera.

they use us for food and entertainment

that is all

be tasty or fun or both and they will like you
Wendy's is still the best of the lot, except for the brisket sammies from Arby's.
I hope they like me, I get the feeling I'm delicious.
Not him but there are some religious texts and traditions based around that. One in certain somewhat secretive cult hailing from islamic world and one, much better known, belonging to gnosticism.

Either way, yeah, either many (most?) aren't here on any "soul mission" in any but the most vague terms (as in "oh, you got yourself stuck here but every being's goal is to experience and refine themselves so you can do it still somewhat!" copout) or even if they had one, they've got lost/trapped along the way.
And impatient, baiting anons like this are why I won't care to elaborate further.
So much retarded in your statement. You were raised Christian, right?
You’re just making shit up. You didn’t provide sources and you’re clearly posting your opinion as fact.
Not a single soul incarnates here without choosing despite anything you make up. There’s a spiritual hierarchy and everyone knows it, those angels or guardians enact laws for each planet. This one is a free will planet. Go read the law of one dumbass
Demons that are here are corrupted and deceived children of fallen angels with full obedience towards their "fathers" . Fallen angels themselves were supposed to be our watchers and caretakers but rebelled long ago. Spiritual middle-managers. The world belongs to Satan until the day where his right of governorship is taken away. Yet even now demonic and principalities are restrained by the Holy Spirit which indwells in every true believer.

Once Holy Spirit is removed in Rapture, great many people are fully overtaken by demonic influence, as restrainer that kept it at bay is gone.

Demons and fallen angels fear many things, but above all, name and person of Jesus Christ. His mere name causes them to flee. They know that Son of God will pass a judgement upon them in the future.
>the world belongs to Satan
Yeah and the universe belongs to god
Man the fuck up and stop fear mongering
Your cosmology is as much bullshit as your hypocrisy in trying to lord your opinions based in such bullshit while claiming others make shit up.
Not that anon but I didn't choose to be here. So I just proved you wrong.
>freewill planet
Strange, for a freewill planet there seems to be a lot of violation of freewill. Rape, murder, etc.
For a person who complains about lack of sources you have not provided any yourself. So tell me why do you think that everyone is here by choice and this is a freewill planet despite the fact many claim they are trapped here and the constant violation of people wills that happen.

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