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The Space Arks are activating.
Advanced Space Alien Technology can be YOURS.
>>38846809. (OP)
Caution: This is REAL information.
There are 7 Space Arks on Earth.
Plus there is one on the Space Station Moon.
There is another on a moon at Jupiter.
There is a whole cloud of new arks, here for us, stationed at Jupiter.
The 7 arks on Earth:
Pacific Ocean, from Lemuria.
Atlantic Ocean, from Atlantis.
Mt. Fuji
And the bonus ark: There are two locations with large burried Space craft that could be an ark, plus two known abandoned space alien colonies where an ark could be buried, plus an area where space alien technology is stored and guarded, and each of the known and active space alien bases, could conceal the 7th ark.
so THAT'S why russia went to war with ukraine.....they want its space ark
Do you want to play a game?
The Galactic Federation of Worlds has sent a coded message to you.
When you decipher the message, you will receive a reward, and the magical advanced space alien technology will be unlocked.
The coded message is contained in this video:
>>38846894 (OP)
America had control over the ark.
The most valuable item from the Soviet Union, and Putin did not have control over it.
*3 known abandoned space alien colonies.
China attempted to steal the Pacific Ark, and keep it all to themselves.
But the mighty Chinese super intellects couldn't do a single thing with the ark.
They asked America to please come and help them.
When you decipher the message, all you have to do is transmit your answer.
Every Earth transmission has been monitored since the 1950, and some monitoring occurred before the 1950's but it was not a program of total monitoring, which began in the 1950's.
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There are several active space alien colonies on Earth, and several colonies in this solar system, plus some abandoned colonies in the solar system.
The Moon is a space station, that is loaded full of technology.
There are additional space stations similar to our Moon, here in this solar system.
You will have access to it all, once you decipher the message and transmit the answer.
I also belive that they made it easy for you; they want you to pass this test.
They want you to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and become an active part of life in the Universe.
What is a space ark?
>>38847083. (OP)
Of course an ark is meant for evacuation and survival, like a lifeboat, but besides that:
An arc is like an entire city.
You could go into a ark and never come out, if you chose to stay.
An ark is housing, health, wellbeing, seeds to replenish the Earth, genetic samples, history, science, technology, and recreation.
They also say they are very beautiful and pleasant, so that you feel good being inside one.
A big group of Earthlings could decide to take off and explore the Milky Way Galaxy.
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I could literally make my own nigga. I don’t need hand outs. Also I’m betting someone crashes them into a densely populated city causing a nuclear explosion killing millions
I didn't know they would let you just take a test.
The other way that you can join the advanced races is to be a survivor; and that is what I have been expecting. If there was a HUGE planetary disaster, where most of the Earthlings did not survive, then the arks on Earth would be activated, and the few remaining survivors, could then be rescued.
That is what I have always expected to happen. I always expected to get on an ark, after a big terrible event.
Now it's "Just take this test". I'm good at tests too!
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that's an intergalactic mushroom, or as some of you people like to call it, the second coming of the christ
it's Vova
or Volodya
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It takes a lot of energy to run a portal, such as the amount of energy you need to run an entire city.
Because each ark is as large as a city, each ark produces enough energy to open a portal, and send you any place, and any time.
You get access to the portal, when you gain access to the ark.
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The Galactic Federation of Worlds is the local organization that has a lot of Human type member worlds.
They say "You are never alone, and you have never been alone".
The laws regarding the protection of primitive planets, such as Earth, originate with the Federation.
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Ayy lmao

It's all a sham, a dream within a dream.
Arks? Sure, you can get out, probably, eventually...
You came here for a reason cause the other side wasn't doing you too well either. There's something to be achieved, maybe, or nothing is to be achieved. If you think there's something more, you'll not find it elsewhere or in the future or past. So why bother? Why not just chill a little and let go? Surely there's more to life? Hmm? Life? Must be all in your mind. Do you have a mind? Who's there? Is it you? Is it whatever song you got stuck in there today? Is it the uncertain future and regretful past? Maybe that's the current you? But is the current you, the present you? Who the fuck are you?
Good take the jews blacks and spics and commie chinks with you.
Someone was abducting them, and selling them.
I don't know if that still goes on.
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I want to live on Earth.
I was taught some things about planets in general, and I know a little about our closest neighboring planet, outside our solar system, and I really like Earth.
I used to say that I would never get on a space ship, but an ark is different. The races that built these arcs, are the races who seeded life on our planet. When they return to Earth, they are saying "Our children have grown up".
They want to teach us things, and I want to learn.
I would like to visit some civilizations, but I still love Earth.
I plan on coming back home.
Earth technology is MACHINE technology. Space aliens consider machines to be children's toys.
The space alien colonies on Earth are CRYSTAL technology. The technology in the arks are also crystal technology.
Mystics know that EVERYTHING is alive, but crystals in particular will develop a (personality?) they feel your emotions.
Be kind to your crystals.
Some sort of a consciousness of some kind can be transferred into a crystal. It is simular to an AI that can assist you to pilot an ark.
You can speak to the main crystal, like it is a person, but it is really reading your thoughts. Decide what you want to say, and be clear with well defined thoughts.
space is fake tho
>And the bonus ark:
the Hopi are not sharing with you
There was something RIGHT THERE that the military already dug up and stole.
and it will do nothing at the moment they need it to do something for them
I knew it
They’ll probably learn how to activate them eventually
The answer is love. I can scientifically prove the existence of God/creator. I can scientifically describe to you how your spirit is real and how precisely consciousness meshes with the body. And I tell you this right now and forever. The final answer is to LOVE each other. You must LOVE each other, not simply say you LOVE. BE LOVE by your actions and your very being. Earth is a training ground to teach you how to LOVE. The bride of God (who lives inside your mind and your physical brain), is the heart, ie LOVE. People 2,000 years ago could not comprehend photons (God within us and in everything), EMF energy (spirit, soul and mind), and space technology beyond your wildest dreams that I can provide glimpse of proof for.

Earth = Heart

The celestial fire, the invisible light, photons and EMF that you can and also cannot percieve all around you. Enters into your eyes and is converted into EMF patterns by the structures of your brain, Neurons are electro-photo-sensitive and they are all over your nervous system and brain. Endogenous N, N DMT in the structures and tissues of the brain are crystalline and key to human consciousness (it is the interface of spirit and matter and God's light) and various other cells in your brain absorb light, some convert the light of God into electrical signals that your brain tries to interpret with a limited rectification bandwidth via crystalline structure filters. This causes you to only perceive a tiny fraction of the infinite light-EMF in reality, the infinite realities around you here and now. Through meditation and kundalini you can experience alternate tangible realities and beings here and now, and you can begin to control the rectification somewhat. However in the properly done kundalini you actually raise the energy-EMF up the spinal column through the 7 chakras, you bring it to the crown and move it to the right hemisphere of the brain and then into your pineal and pituitary glands.

You will feel the pituitary gland (the inner female moon eye, the pineal is the inner male sun eye). You will then experience GOD DIRECTLY, eternal light within. And your pituitary will open that night when you sleep and you will awaken when it opens, it will leak a HOT fluid inside your brain and you will feel amazing for 1 whole day. You will then feel the energy going so high that you start to go insane, you will actually see infinity and feel it and you WILL go insane. If you stop here YOU WILL FAIL the TRUE KUNDALINI. When you feel you losing grip and begin to suffer from the burden of eternity, you meditate and you ask God to bring you back down, ask him for forgiveness and surrender to God. Then take your kundalini energy-EMF pressure in your brain and move it into the left hemisphere and meditate with the intention of coming down. And the energy will gradually come down, persist in it, surrender to God, come down, forgive. And the energy will reach your heart and it will EXPLODE IN LOVE. You will feel the most intense love of your life and realize that we are all God TOGETHER. And that the true teaching was to LOVE EACH OTHER HERE AND NOW UNCONDITIONALLY. You will have the most intense spiritual experience of your life I guarantee it. This is the answer. Love. You will pass and be saved from yourself.

The beings who made you and isolated you here have done this on purpose FOR YOU, for US. To find LOVE is to FREE YOURSELF. The bride of God (who resides literally in your mind and brain), is the HEART, LOVE.

Find this, feel this, and know this. And they will come.
I aint gettin on no mfin fancy shmancy spinning dinner plate or inside of no mfin flying white porcelain dildo, bug eyes.

Keep your grabbers to themselfes, aight?
Only if there is lots of alien pussy like this for me to smash. I cant imagine any reason aliens want anything to do with earth except for sex.
Many alien races enjoy eating humans.
Thats why they spray chem trails, its the reptilians form of seasoning their meat
Be honest, you hate everyone, even whites and your family
There’s supposed to be one in Florida
it was the part of the land they were meant to leave alone. they damned themselves
I have always wondered if there was anything really special at Jekyll Island with there being giant tribes that the phoenicians traded with
These things are so big trees grow over top of them while theyre in the ground
Based. Can they arrest the shapeshifters causing damage?
Hopi on to my space ark
Based af
Fuck you freeloader
Elena buy an AD
JP here ese, we’re cooking tacos on the ark
that's because you're bound to your biological need to stick your dick in something dumbass, aliens might not even have dicks to stick into shit
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>do aliens have cootchies and peanids
So do, some don’t.
Alien life is incredibly diverse but we also have quite a few intergalactic cousins
Some aliens would look similar to animals or bugs and some will look like something you spilled on the floor.
Many say the annunaki or El in the Bible, made humans hyper sexualized when they adjusted our DNA and turned us into gold mining slaves and genetic material livestock. Humans are able to get hormy and pregnant any time, we have no mating season

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