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/x/ - Paranormal

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This freak is legit more terriffying than any creepypasta or LARP /x/ ever came up with
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Has anyone ever hit sbc9 with a 4 piece combo
/x/ is not about trying to be as creepy as possible.
I'm pretty sure it was what SSB9 was going for though.
Easily frightened people want to scare everyone else. Go figure.
>Le guy who pretends to be a child AHHHHHH SPOOOKY
Go outside faggot this is the most tamed shit ever
do you consider using ai on real pictures of children to make them suggestive to be "tame"
I prefer retardedschoolboy9
All I could find on it was some jeet swearing he himself isn't a nonce.
I don't consider it terrifying just socially weird. I'm not shaking in my boots about it. Now if he was wearing a body suit and he turned out to be bigfoot or something then I would be terrified
It’s a fucking demon from hell. Can assure you it’s Not just social weirdness
Actually right, if Bigfoot turned out to be a pedo that would be really scary i think
smart bhool choy 9
Compared to the average MSN and Yahoo groups? Yes.
Fuckin zoomers have no clue what creepy shit was during the internet golden years.
So you guys can’t see that it’s a demon mocking us?
I remember way back before this guy went mainstream, he was posted on /x/ and everyone was going WTF!!! But now because he's mainstream, gotta be a LE EPIC CONTRARIAN HIPSTER and HATE THE POPULAR THING!!!!
Only thing he did wrong was running after kids. But again. He wants to be a spooky guy.
True he should stop that . This investigation was terrible as he was tipped off pretty well , none of that was archived very well either. The Reddit investigation was TERRIBLE.
never saw him before and I lurked for years(pretrump)
Nah before people called it out for not being paranormal and threads died at 10 replies.
I'm so tired of the modern internet.
Zoomers have been so sheltered and that's why they all fear actual weirdos (not le quirky socially acceptable degenerates and trannies) and the "darkkkk webbbbb" because they literally cannot comprehend an internet that didn't coddle them and treat them like children from birth to adulthood.
In 1999-2003 all of us teenagers were using instant messengers and chat rooms to cybersex and share shock sites with people we never saw who claimed to be the same age as us. We were pushing others to do horrible things for the lulz and jacking off on webcams.
Heh. Yeah... We were assholes.
SSB9 did nothing wrong.
he's funny and my life is richer for this man's bold contribution to the vibrant culture of the world.
*tongue thing*
Just seems like a tryhard thing to me like skibi toilet.
>this skibiti thing is gay
>uh not really it's just some utubepoop shit from 20 years ago now in gmod
i get the same vibe from this.
It's not creepy and it's trying way too hard.
I'm also not ever going to watch it just like skibidi gaytroon
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>what tongue thing homie heh?
How can you look at this faggot and his face mask and not think anything but "what a goofy freak"
hes like 60 years old is 5'1 and talks in a baby voice whil dressing ina school uniform that is too small for him.
Also ARG from the Salad Finger guy and his friends
Anon, calm down, take your pills
He probably eats people
>thinks paranormal is "creepy" stuff
Tell me you are a kid without telling me you are a kid.
idiot underestimated how quickly people would make connections and is trying to keep his ARG alive as long as possible
Listen good newfag, just because le youtubers are sperging out about it doesn't mean you have to.
Normies get off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Then report the fat retard to the police.
>so if you're not interested get the fuck out of here
You're acting like fucking fanboys
>Look /x/, look how creepy it is, it's so hecking creepy, oooooooooo. Nothing compares AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Go back to YouTube, there's creepier shit than some fat pedo.
he's a pedophile
>>38848444 (checked)
>hey look at this weird pedo-
jesus christ
It’s just a meme to scare zooms zooms not a real pedo.
he's a fucking pedophile
guys like this don't even surprise me given what kind of weird perverted autistic shit terminally online 4channers are into
>Also ARG from the Salad Finger guy and his friends
do you really believe this? that they've been posting as him for years?
this isn't an arg you retards that's a fucking pedophile
lol if it is actually an ARG by David Firth I'll be extremely impressed - not necessary by the effort, but with the guts to straddle the line of what's acceptable. I've only seen the vid in the OP but didn't he say he edits kids to into weird sexualised positions and shit?
I wasnt not calm retard
Plus I'm not a tranny dont need pills
Make better threads
What did they say
>/x/ is not about trying to be as creepy as possible.
That is actually one of the things that /x/ is about. I'd rather read about weird creepy internet shit on here than fucking Bible verses.
Oh wow that's so cool!
it's just a pedo
'03 zoomer here.
I remember seeing pictures of decapitated children on Google+ when I was like 12 years old, I used to lurk encyclopedia dramatica and saw all of the shock images on there, saw lots of those old fluffy abuse threads on /b/, all kinds of weird-ass fetish stuff, etc. and none of that ever unsettled me half as much as this guy does.

To be clear, I'm not trying to brag about how I'm some tough badass Internet veteran or anything. What I'm trying to say here is that you can't really powerscale what's personally disturbing, since it's so subjective. Sure, most people would agree that Cannibal Holocaust is scarier than Scooby-Doo, but just because someone is creeped out by something that doesn't bother you doesn't necessarily mean that they're sheltered and soft-skinned.
Your a faggot.
*You're :)
>someone is creeped out by something that doesn't bother
things like this are fascinating, because everyone's inherently different and also shaped by personal life experiences, including past life memories. so when a person is indifferent to something most find hideous, but freaked out by something most see as harmless, it makes you wonder why someone ends up like that. that's where it's interesting.
If I had to pin down what makes this guy so disturbing to me, it would be a combination of:
1. He's supposedly abusing IRL children
2. He's been doing this for decades
3. He dresses like this in public unprompted (again, for decades)
If I hadn't known any of that, I would've just brushed it off as one of a million weird internet art projects. Mildly creepy, but nothing to write home about.
But those 3 details paint the picture of someone who's not only actually dangerous, but mentally and spiritually disturbed on a level almost never seen. He hardly even seems human to me.
Nuke the UK

not scary at all just bizarre especially since he's been at it for over 30 years kek
i've never bothered to look up what this is but I'm now guessing this is a govt opt to put the idea of what AI can do out there to gauge public response on future legislation/enforcement
It would be very fitting of Firth to do some creepy trolling like this.
well some have already speculated that his aesthetic imitates that of a drowned corpse, so that's a lovely addition to the list.
another is the clownish whiteface + red lips + tongue thing (someone dug up a photo of a black & white zigzag nephilim elf thing doing that tongue thing. or a figure of that.) is indicative that he's currently possessed by a clown ghost. as in the zebra-patterned ones with the weird jester hat heads.
Give me a way to find these photos. Tell me where to find them. I must see them immediately. Where are they? Respond as soon as possible with information that will assist me with this matter.
nigger you make this thread everyday. get over it
He's publically denounced it on twitter, stating he only passed him ONCE on the street in his whole life. Couldn't be him.
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the person just posted this one img whlie discussing the clown tongue thing with another anon, in a recent previous thread abt SSB9. for more info on these weird zebra clown guys, just search DMT jesters or nephilim clowns. but there's lots of overlap with side topics, like nephilim giants who aren't clownish, or other drug names associated with entities.
The worst thing I realized is that realistically, this old pervert has likely never actually violated a kid. He is so fucking repulsive that even tard kids should get the feel that something isn’t right,
As in there are literal child rapists from Brownistan that still come off as more decent than this guy, if only because they don’t broadcast to the world about all their sick fetishes.
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you need to take your anti-anxiety medication as soon as possible
the truth is always stranger than fiction.
Others have claimed it's a guerilla-style project from Harmony Korine, similar to Trash Humpers
Is that the same thing as dmt elves or machine elves or whatever? I've only heard stories of them but they sound creepy idk most people seem to trust them though
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And at the end of the day, after you wade through all the weird shit, it's just a guy who wanted friends and is probably traumatized by something that happened to him as a schoolboy and this whole act is some kind of way to deal with that trauma. This is what happens when you DON'T get help, the problem keeps building until it manifests into something like this. Mental health is important.
Schoolboy 9 is going to get himself stabbed to death. I'm in before it happens. And it's going to happen pretty soon.
>/x/ is not about trying to be as creepy as possible.
/x/ was literally created to discuss creepypasta which is about trying to be as creepy as possible. go away.
his edits are quite clearly not AI
According to the subreddit looking into him (inb4 go back), some of the stuff he's posted does actually qualify as CP under UK law, and the police are actually investigating him. They refuse to release his full doxx though, the given reason being that it's against Reddit rules and they don't want any would-be vigilantes fucking up efforts to actually convinct him.

Assuming they're telling the truth, and the fact that he's been up to this for 30 years, then that kneecaps any claims that it's David Firth. I've seen some pretty insane levels of commitment to the bit, but that would break records by a huge margin.

If he does get convicted then I really want to hear what an actual forensic psychologist has to say about this nutcase.
Have they ever actually done anything useful. Remember when we found that guy who killed some lady. Has pleddit investigations ever done anything like that
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Yeah, some fat, pedo cunt playing dressups - terrifying shit.
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wendigoon tier tranny slop like this is the cancer thats killing /x/
go back to your subreddit
>slop like this is the cancer thats killing /x/
bro, theres like 20 good threads a day, and they all get killed because you faggots in /NG/, this literally fits /x/, but your dumbass cant handle that. go back to /ng/ and cry about how /x/ is dead despite you posting in the same fucking thread everyday, and only leaving your hugbox soap opera to cry about how /x/ is dead
>the cancer that is killing
outdated statement. the up-to-date and more accurate statement would be "the cancer that has killed" because 4chan and by extension, the internet as a whole is fucking dead.
He's kino.
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fucking kek, mumsnet on smartschoolboy9 is so fucking funny.
kek Kombuchad absolutely ethered BeBopetty and her gay retarded son
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He could post a video to Instagram of him molesting a child while shouting his name and address, he won't be prosecuted.
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This and Chris Chan are two things I will never in my life give a fuck about in my life.

"The mentally ill guy is acting weird!"
Yeah no shit, wgaf
4plebs says you're lying
what does he eat
chippy for tea
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>lurked AIM and Yahoo chatrooms until they were closed in the mid 00's
>lurked IRC late 00s
>lurked pic related on weird tabs (stopped using cam when streaming started to catch on)
oh wow you have the mentality of a 12 year old but something tells me you're age is more than double that
he's a pedophile

KFC, but the C does not stand for chicken.
Thats not shit. By that time the internet was already getting neutered. I have seen some horrid shit, shit i dont even wanna say on 4chan, i grew up the real interent with no supervision, shit that scarred me forever.

>wow i saw someone decapitated it was like sooo bad, let me cruise around in my ricer that sounds like a queef

You zoomers should be hunted down and genocided, i hate yall more than boomers or gen x, and that is saying something
>all of us teenagers were using instant messengers and chat rooms to cybersex and share shock sites with people we never saw who claimed to be the same age as us. We were pushing others to do horrible things for the lulz and jacking off on webcams.

Talking about this shit like something to be proud of is sad.
> doesnt check digis
>is gay
>thinks stranger things is a good show

Zoomers are scum of the earth and should be hunted down for sport
You completely missed the point of my post retard.
I'm not saying that I'm some super hardened person who's seen all of the absolute worst things that can found on the Internet (Which I specifically took time to clarify). But I HAVE seen plenty of stuff that's "objectively" more grotesque than smartschoolboy9, but smartschoolboy9 still disturbs me much more personally.
My point was that the extent to which something creeps someone out on a personal level is largely subjective and doesn't necessarily have a 1:1 correlation with how fucked up those things are from a more objective standpoint. And so just because someone is unsettled by something that doesn't bother (You) doesn't mean they've never seen anything bad in their entire lives.
You know, I'm basically just repeating myself here since what I said in my original post was pretty simple and straightforward. Everything I've just said was already there. I don't know how you didn't understand it, I guess you just can't read.
.......I feel like the anons trying to be edgy and excuse this guy are either unaware of the actual story involved OR actual pedo weirdos, becasue this guy is doing some pretty weird shit that normal people dont do. It's not a good look.
Stop shilling your YT channel you fucking retard
hurr durr me on internet from 94 me see many bad thing stupid zoomer ruin life
what was the point of replying, phone fag.
Aw, why resort to name calling, did you get offended by someone shitting on your favorite shock site? I'm sorry, but go fuck yourself and your "muh zoomer" knee jerk reaction that has been deeply ingrained in your pigeon sized brain. You're a worthless good for nothing limp wristed cocksucker that yells at other cocksuckers, quite hypocritically so, and yet likes to pretend that isn't the case. Do me a favor and jump from the nearest bridge or tie a noose and be done with it. Or better yet, use that brain of yours for a change and stop being a retarded fuck.
I agree, millennials and zoomers are both subjected to crude things on the internet. It’s not a competition both generations are desensitized from violence by the internet. The anon from that comment acted like zoomers didn’t go on the now discontinued Omegle and saw a guy masturbating lol. Or zoomers killing themselves because of a sextortion scam.
and you need to take a bluechew just to jerk off
Looool zoomie is having a söyattack from being called out!
How sad it is that you as a millennial is still on 4chan, pathetic
the fuck is a bluechew,
why are you familiar with these things?
how embarrassing...
This is true. I can handle a lot of stuff no problem but I lose my shit over body horror.
>We were pushing others to do horrible things for the lulz and jacking off on webcams.
Lmao you sound like a loser
I don't think he's particularly frightening. He's just a sperg with a cringe jailbait fetish.
I only find it creepy because of the unnerving ai pics I couldn't sleep because of I couldnt get the fucking scary lipstick school boy fetish pics out of my mind
God wendigoon is such an annoying faggot why does everyone that covers cool shit act annoying as fuck
I can tell you are from the UK and young. You sound retarded. Don't post here again
idk, the AI images were kinda creepy, but ssb9 is mildly funny if anything
just some retard doing retarded stuff
are you scared of trannies too, instead of laughing at them?
great thread guys we were really able to delve deep into uncovering the mystery of ssb9
Suck my dick you fat, fat, fatty fuck
go eat mcdonalds and drink liquid sugar you waste of oxygen
Anyone have the clip of him chasing the kid around?
his doxx is out there, people have been throwing shit through his windows and kids have been recording him
>/x/ is not about trying to be as creepy as possible.
election tourists were a mistake
Reality is more terrible than any fiction.

Not because fiction is limited by the concepts it can take form as.

But because in reality an actual human being has had the want and need to commit to there actions.

Finding someone with such a perverse mind doing this for so many years. It's truly one of the darker sides of humanity.
lol. I could probably recognize you.
Of course I’m gonna sound young if I’m calling you a pathetic millennial, shit for brains.
Skanky stuff, really. While the taming of the internet has been objectively bad, if you're more worried about wanking your cock to gore and being evil than information censorship, you're ghetto
>this is the cancer thats killing /x/
>Not the endless succubus generals
>Not the nobody general
>Not the happening threads that change their tune every week because nothing fucking happens
Actual retard
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What's funnier is that Smartschoolboy9 is black.
the doxx are literally in this thread >>38853353
the videos of the kids recording him while he is getting windows boarded up, search the string "‘First Schoolboy 9 sighting’ since documentary emerges and it’s concerning" and click the link from Dexerto (not copping a ban for posting links again d e s u)
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>>38847485 >>38856075 >>38857437
trimmed the thread screencap from that deleted thread. WHAT ARE THE JANNIES TRYING TO HIDE????//
also SSB9 is refreshingly retro, good on him.
[makes obnoxious tongue noises]
I really hope this is some sort of elaborate art project or this guy is just seriously weird. To imagine he actually did something to some kid puts my stomach into knots.
I don't know wherever to be incredibily disturbed or to feel massive pity for this guy. He must've went through something horrible to end up like this.
>search the string "‘First Schoolboy 9 sighting’
Good try.
i too miss the real internet
He's mixed-race (aka a mutt), so this sort of psychotic behaviour he exhibits is actually to be expected.
A man possesed by demons. His expression is demonic. He has become a force of deamonism in the world, and his soul will be cast in the fire. It takes immense fortitude to have mercy on him, as I'm afraid He won't.
is that sexyschoolboy9?
I do think this thread is gay but i will say something. A bit of a secret. Those generals are a good thing. They keep those tards wrangled to them and out of everyone's way
Your moms a mutt and producing a jackass like you was actually to be expected. We don't know what race he is and it doesn't matter. But I can tell you in his head, he thinks he's white so he's more white then anything.
he's white
white people come get ya'll mans, he wanna be one of ya'll so he's your problem df ya'll created this weirdo
lmao anon is right, all fine with christians but /x is about spooky

cacha: wxkak
go to faggit "typo"
Is a guy From England
He's probably lurking this board laughing his ass off at this thread lol. Everyone's talking shit about him and doesn't realize that alone is exactly what he wanted and has made all his dreams come true. He's famous now and living legend and he'll die a legend now just off people talking shit about him. All exposure is good exposure.
smartschooloy9 SISSY CD EXPOSED
people are intrigued by him, but they'd never admit it
I aint no school boy but I'm smart with the 9.
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>Images created by outdated AI
>they look inherently demonic
What is the psychological or spiritual explanation of this?

>A man possesed by demons. His expression is demonic.
He looks creepy doing that tongue thing, but why would a demon possess a person just to be putting this crap on the internet?
Why are americans like this? Not defending pedophilia but I don't get why it became such an exaggerated taboo
It's bad, but bad as murder and rape, not some otherwordly shit that makes you crap your pants

Americans will literally get more scared about pedophiles than some eldrich abomination doing inhumanely gory stuff
>why do Americans freak out over anything tangentally sex-related.
circumcision. it always boils down to that and the creatures pushing it. mystery solved.
He's creepy in that he's a pedo and had sock accounts accusing himself of what he's doing (probably some humiliation fetish shit, check the kiwifarms thread). Seems like nothing new is going to come from it though since it got diluted by tiktok zoomers and he deleted everything once he blew up
I think americans are too sheltered, gore stuff doesn't scare them because they never felt something similar like an actual wound or fracture to properly imagine what they are seeing

The worst they have felt is social anxiety so pedophiles scare them because it's the biggest social taboo
I mean you're kinda right, without those generals this board would probably be over run by even more stupid shit.
people have no choice now rather than be scared about some basic drama aka a redditor's peak moment
invent something new already
You ever stop and realize you sound like your parents?
why is that a problem that americans are too sheltered? it's not a 3rd world country
its weird and this guy should be put into a woodchipper but its hardly creepy. Im not locking my door and shivering under the covers because of this guy.
Out of touch with reality
I remember this retard back in the golden days of gore/creepy repost blogs in tumblr, weird stuff back in those times. I'm surprised he is just showing up now on yt creepy/investigation channels, just like purple aki did a couple years ago
wasn't aware people knew of him in tumblr days/
yep im thinking bars
Do bongs really?
>using google+
Thats the real horrific part right there
Checked, but it depends on who you ask and specifically when and where they were first online. I'm a '99 zoomie and find SSB9 fucked up and weird but he's far from "terrifying", just some creepy nonce who should be locked up. I saw much, much fucking worse shit around 2007 - 2013 on /b/, the multitudes of shock-sites and on random forums.
I do find it funny how it seems to be the gen alphas who are just shitposting the fuck out of the guy though.
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>php bbs
I miss when the internet was just for entertainment instead of controlling all aspects of our lives. Social media really fucked things somehow.
poor guy probably regrets replying to that DM

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