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I fear hell..

It's a terrible feeling
Hell is just winter.
What if everyone goes to Hell, even good people because God is secretly sadistic? That's what I fear.
Just stop lying. Liars do go to hell.
There is nothing to be afraid. Our world resembles the higher levels of hell. It is not an eternal place of punishment, but an inevitability of divine law and justice that can be surpassed with an earnest change of heart.
..That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

There. Do this, keep the loyalty in your heart and literally NOTHING else can keep you from getting into Heaven (which means never going to Hell.)

As a fellow son of God, you will:

Receive a position in God's council, replacing the current rulers of the world (pagan gods/watchers, etc.)

Never feel this fear ever again (eternal security in Father means every existential dread is gone).

Never feel boredom.

Be hyped up by Jesus (now your brother) even though you were a scaredy pants in your first life.

Judging fallen sons of God and having authority over angels.

There is no other system out there that can guarantee you a 0,0001% of this.

And it's a fucking gift. One you do not have to work for. Your choice.

God wants a human family.
I was afraid too. The not knowing. What got me scared was the hellish nde experiences. But the best thing I can think of is they are divine experiences meant for growth. Read the book "The life beyond death" by yogi ramachakara. We exist to grow spiritually. So every experience we have we can grow from. Don't be afraid of hell, don't be afraid of death. Life is hell. Anxiety, sadness, all the negativity. The heaven we experience after this hell should be a comfort. You're not going to hell, your soul wont be in eternal damnation. You will go to the astral plane and experience peace. I've had an NDE, and it was very positive. Focus on growth and not the fear of what you cannot control. Everything will be okay.
Leave your sect, or even your religion, ASAP! Your mind is being being poisoned! For a Christian, Grace is Grace!! There isn't any reason to fear Right Christcuck Hell!
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I haven't RVd in a long time got some interesting ones though. I look through other's eyes check it out

1. Takes place in the past
>Be Egyptian slave woman
>Walk into dwelling that steps down
>Dude getting fucked in his ass but you see the back of his head
>He turns his head around and she sees her husbands face

2. Around the time people kneeled at NFL games around Superbowl
>High in the stadiums I'm looking through the brown eye of assy McGee
>Can barely see the field or players
>Be inside this drunken asshole
>"This ain't San Francisco"

I have a third one but I can't remember. Basically when you drift off to sleep your mind can leave your body. It's not astral projection, your looking through the eyes of someone else. It's not like a birds eye view of a military base. It's not the only way to get information out of the digital farce of a reality we live in.
It's all fake and gay. People are fake and gay. I did what He freaking wanted me to do but I'm still here. TF God, do I need to declare war against this mother fucker?
Can't force prophecy
Can't stop prophecy
Can prophecy be destroyed though?
Utterly completely obliterated

Then humanity can move on, explore space, and point our middle fingers towards the sky, no longer called heaven.
You see this guy, he's a dirty Jew rat. VERMIN. GOD, OKAY THIS FUCKING GOD, Wants us humans, to put up with this.

The Rabbi is right. We don't need God, he needs us.
He needs us
He needs us for his stupid plot he calls prophecy. He needs us. He needs Hitler to punish the Jews. He needs us.

The only thing preventing me from going TKD and FUCK GOD I'LL LOOK UP AT HEAVEN AND CHALLENGE HIS AUTHORITY.
Is Hell. I know that feel.
Baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit.
But man imagine this. You're a wow character that knows it's a wow character and can't get out of the screen. That's my life and I know it's like that. He's a kid on a computer that can press s button and make .mp3 files come out of your mouth.
Is this a voodoo totempole?
I'm just over it.
Why the fuck am I still here?
Get me out, I know this shit is a simulation.
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>I fear hell
That's basically just what Hell is, man. Unless we're talking the Norse Hel, then it's just... y'know... death.
Well, if you're christian you're supposed to, it means the machine is working well, so don't worry.
the beginning of wisdom...
You shouldn't, the afterlife really isn't as bad as religious dogma makes it to be. In my opinion what hell really is, is the hell we create for ourselves through selfish actions life gets progressively worse until we create hell for ourselves. "Going to hell" is having to watch and experience the negative results of our actions as a ghost. In my opinion it's not a burning lake of fire, hell is what we create for ourselves.
Hell is a real thing, eternity in eternal anguish, with no respite. Being tortured by demons. It is their kingdom and they will do everything to have us enter it.

So choose the narrow road that is given to us by Jesus, which leads to everlasting life.
Stop lying you stupid fuck

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