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/x/ - Paranormal

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Is there a legit catalog out there that could help me identify what kind of cryptids/demons infest my house and how to deal with them?
No, nothing legit.
If there is a paranormal event to make you think some entity is in your house, it is most likely misidentified psychic phenomena. Perhaps some examples could clear things up?
just ask them
>misidentified psychic phenomena
This, 100%. Psychic stuff is one of the only things on /x/ that can be reproduced by anyone at home, such as remote viewing for example. A lot of /x/ either comes from pre-scientific explanations of the world, like miasma, evil spirits that cause disease, or it comes from the different ways people experience psychic phenomena, which tends to be informed by culture. The rest is larp.
Exactly, from my experience at least.
Around a year and a half ago, something that looked like a pale, naked monkey was trying to kill my dog and I had to beat it to death with a shovel. It didn't have a tail though.
A few weeks ago, I started hearing whispering inside my walls, especially at night, it's very annoying. Food also often disappears from my fridge.
>beat it to death with a shovel
>to death
>it's dead
>dead, as in not moving
>dead body in custody
>dead body of a cryptid or entity of some kind
>no pictures
larp faggot
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>inb4 op whips up some ai slop after getting called out
Do you have a photo of this corpse, then?
>pale naked monkey, no tail
Hopkinsville Goblins?
>inb4 op comes up with some excuse for why he didn't take any pictures of a never-before-seen entity once it was dead and no longer trying to get away
>my camera was out of film and my phone was dead
>and I lost the charger
>then a pelican stole it when my phone was charging
>guys I'm not larping stop saying that
"Actually, the Tiger that you see is really just a collection of atoms!"
Based on your posts I can safely conclude that you are indeed haunted by a malevolent entity called schizophrenia.
Fortunately, you may be able to dispel this entity by consulting with a witch doctor or shaman who can be located in buildings marked with a specific configuration of glyphs: M E D I C A L C L I N I C.
Very likely they will give you some magical tablets that will cause the malevolent entity to flee in fear.
What did you do with the pale monkey corpse?
OP's...not returning is he?
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Anon here. Here is the pale, naked monkey
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Not really but here’s a favorite of mine by author Mac Tonnies. I think he died while writing this and was in his 30’s

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