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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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Previous thread:
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Will do some readings until I get tired.
Hoping that someone will be able to do one for me as well.
Kind of a debbie downer query, but does someone even like me at work? Been doing some self reflection to try improving as a person
For the reader in the past thread
I wanna know if he is cheating on me on discord or any other social media (or mobile game)?

Thank you and bless you
So just to confirm: Your question is about how your coworkers feel about you?
on it
Love reading for rest of year?
Just separated from my gf of almost 2 years, can't believe I stayed so long with such a toxic person
Thank you <3
What does he feel for me now?
Is it over?
The Queen of Cups, The Fool, The Ten of Pentacles.
No. They are not cheating. They are pulling away though because they are deciding whether or not they can see themselves taking things to the next level with you. I see them being torn between wanting to be free and alone to love whoever and weighing that up against the prospect of forging something more solid and with happy memories with you.
Advice card: Page of Cups reversed.
I would pull back your emotional investment until you are certain that there is reciprocity.
Will I be able to balance my next job with my life right now without feeling burnt out and stressed?
One card?
The Queen of Swords, The Queen of Wands in reverse and The King of Wands.
I wouldn't even worry about it man. It seems like there is some sort of strange feud going on between them so you don't even come up as a blip on their radar. Basically a lot of your coworkers don't like eachother or even hate one another so your efforts are viewed as peripheral neutral ground. I can totally see why being in this environment would make you paranoid though. But it really isn't you.
The Death Card, The Hangman in reverse and Temperance in reverse.
A lot of hurt and turmoil and don't be surprised if you hear about their rebound. All in all quite dark and shitty and possibly drowning your sorroes in what-have-yous
Advice card: Strength in reverse. Allow yourself to just feel bad. Don't hold it in. Be angry. Be sad. Be upset.
Resolution: The Magician. You will level your intuitive abilities and become an excellent judge of character.
Hang in there man. Sorry that this happened.
Shit happens man, shit happens
Thank you very much
I'm extremely disappointed and I'll probably die alone at this point
Can I get 1 card?
Thanks for the reading! Yeah, that sounds about right. It's one of those environments that is pleasant on a surface level, not overly toxic but not healthy either.

It's a competitive kind of job by nature and I'd worried that people resented me for asking for help, since I'm new and the systems we use have some intricacies.
Any help they give is time taken from their own tasks, and any mistake I make can ripple up, so there's no way to avoid asking. It's easy to feel their anger even if they hide it, and it's hard not to take it personally.

To complicate matters a lot of them mix personal life and work life together.... I don't think being friends with coworkers is wrong at all, but it also mixes energies in a way that is hard to describe. You're either in or out of the circle, and if something happens between them, it lingers in the air because of this overlap.

I'd initially tried to please, but have since come to realise that it's not worth it. Gonna leave as soon as possible.
Am I pregnant
>I'll probably die alone at this point
I see trust issues. I see someone dismantling these trust issues over time. I see them being in love with you but you holding a lot of yourself back because of this current (then old) wound. I see you recieving news of karmic justice. I see those barriers beginning to dissolve.

Hope that helps.
The Four of Cups in reverse, The Queen of Cups and The Ten of Cups in Reverse.
He feels guilt and pressure and great amounts of melancholy. Yes it is over. No it isn't your fault. It was simply written this way. Star crossed lovers. I'm sorry. That really sucks.
Will it receive good news today during the appointment?
Thanks anon
Maybe, we're all gonna make it
You get two.
The Page of Wands in reverse and The Four of Swords.
You really need some rest and alone time. This is an almost debilitating amount of stress to carry around with you. I would even suggest taking a small vacation to some nowhere town and just spending a few days wandering around with your thoughts. You need gusts, bitumen and wilderness.
The King of Pentacles, The Knight of Pentacles and The Death card in reverse.
Actually, yes! You will be able to handle it all and then some. I see you working out a perfect system for cultivating your future while also taking care to never neglect your past. Very good outcome. You have nothing to worry about and a lot to look forward to.
I feel all I do is rest, but yeah im stressed .
Thanks for this reading
>Gonna leave as soon as possible.
Nine of Cups. Have you ever thought about becoming self-employed? This might actually go very well for you and then you would start off social interactions with a feeling of sure-footed and mutual respect.
Thank you!! I’m finally booked and busy yay
will i get what i want
Should I go to the party tomorrow?
Will my first amateur fight go well?
Still there. What's your Q?
Trading occult
I'm here. My question is: What is my destiny and does it have something to do with my writing?
Am doing these now!
Who will I spend the remainder of my life with? Thank you.
Will I be able to fix things with S?
Hello friend thank you. My question is is she is attracted to me physically/sexually?
I can trade your Q.
What would you like to know?
I'd like to ask if I still have a chance to get with G if I take her seriously? Is it even a good idea to try with her?
Starting when u post ur Q
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Alight I haven’t read in a while
Reading for Sarah Andersen art
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will i get my wishes
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This one pls>>38852962
Thank you
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does g have hidden feelings for r? Thanks.
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Would S reply if I reach out?
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Would it be best for me to work only during weekends? I have a feeling working weekdays will get in the way of my classes
How's my money outlook for the rest of this year?
how will my gamedev career go over the next 30 days?
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Cutting reads here
Nothing below this line
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You aren’t working hard enough for them you are stuck in the past and expecting it all for nothing
Page S rev
Fool r
Knight S
There’s something you need to address within yourself before pursuing anything u see an argument and G putting you in your place for some old drama you haven’t hashed out yet.

Nope they seem pretty dry

Yes and they would be nice
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You need to work some hours during the week or you’ll struggle financially and that will kill your focus
You already know you should be working harder
I see you being more sober abut the whole career overall and focusing on your goals at the end of the 30 days you’ll achieve something
Idk what drama you're refering to? We didnt always get along but i dont recall anything major? Care to trade about this?
How will my boss react to me leaving the company when I tell him?
Both male, me taurus, him virgo
>Am I pregnant
The Six Of Cups in reverse. No or it will not come to fruition.
>Will it receive good news today during the appointment?
The Ace of Swors in reverse and The Sun card. Yes. Things are going to be just fine although you may recieve news of another health issue that you had not even considered. This will be manageable.
>will i get what i want
The Seven of Cups reversed and The Strength card. Yes, you will. But it will require a lot of determination and shedding of self-doubt. You WILL achieve this but you have to give it your all and be fervent and courageous. You will need to become a little mad during the process. But, yes. Keep going.
>Should I go to the party tomorrow?
The Three of Swords and The Ace of Cups. I would say not unless you want to interact with someone that has hurt you in the past (possibly an ex) and spend the whole night apologising and hearing them apologise. Up to you but it seems like kind of a downer.
>What would you like to know?
This one please >>38852914
I am >>38852553
That's kind of a big question for tarot. I'm afraid I can't answer something like that without fear of screwing something up or misleading you.... and however we look at it fate and destiny are redundant or even irrelevant since we have free will so we pick our path even if we can't see where it leads we're always in the choosing.

>Knight of Pents, Star Rx, 10 of Cups, 2 of Pents, Ace of Pents
Interesting. You're an artist through and through and much like everyone of your kin you pour your very heart and soul into your work.

These pentacles don't speak strictly about money but about your hard work, your dreams and your ability to make money from your craft, something that not every artist achieve.

And of course your true success will come after you pass away like all great artists.

I'm not telling you what you 'should' do with your life but it's better to maake good use of your talents in this lifetime. As long as you enjoy your creations then everything else should be fine.
last, thank you! i'm about to start my next project so hopefully you're right. it's for a game jam so it'll get more eyes than my last project at least
>You already know you should be working harder
Maaaan, I already wake up at 3 am every morning and get home at around 4 pm
First one thank you
Just needed a second opinion

>captcha: p0rn
Im On it
>Who will I spend the remainder of my life with?
A judgemental and possibly autistic homebody with a lot of homebrewed tenets
>Will I be able to fix things with S?
Yes but it could be many years
She acknowledges that you are physically attractive but this is not important to her much at all. She needs to be impressed by your character.
>I'd like to ask if I still have a chance to get with G if I take her seriously? Is it even a good idea to try with her?
Not before a significant amout of personal growth. You need to have many more lived experiences in order to meet her halfway in mutual understanding. If you attempt this before then I see many small arguments and sleepless nights revolving around "why would they say that?"
Thank you anon glad that she sees that and I will work to display my character more vigorously. I appreciate it.
>moon rev, 6 of swords, 8 of swords
Hmm, odd spread. I'd say your destiny is as of yet unrevealed to us as of now. I'd say your best bet would be to move away from where you are now towards greener pastures to find out. Your current place is blocking you from fuffling your destiny. Another way to see this is as of now your fear of the unknown is blocking you from finding out, like destiny isn't really set in stone and as such you can make of your life what you wish to do so as long as you move past the fear and break the shackles restraining you.

Does your destiny have something to do with writing?
>chariot, 10 of cups, fool
I mean...it's clear as day, you do have a "destiny" in writing. It's something you'll ofc wish for and love to take part in. Key is to get you there, leap of faith and a great deal of inner drive could get you to where you wanna be. It's very likely anon, just move yourself in that direction
Makes sense. She's far more mature than me despite the little age difference and I do already have these "why would she say that?" Moments already.

Would you say if I go through this growth we could have something in the future?
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>And of course your true success will come after you pass away like all great artists.
This is so encouraging. Thank you so much for this reading. Now I can just let go and keep on going.
you got this anon!
I find it hard to believe that I would meet anyone I know there, but my gut was telling me not to go anyway. Thanks for the read
Trading 3 queries
Will AG, KD, and CM get karma for what they've done to me? Yours?
>I'd say your best bet would be to move away from where you are now towards greener pastures to find out. Your current place is blocking you from fuffling your destiny.
Jesus. I have felt this being the case for quite a while now. Thank you. I will take this notion more seriously I think. Any clarification as to where or just "anywhere"? Very good read thank you.
1. What will A say about me to S tonight if anything? (both male)
2. Do I have any unfinished business with S or is he out of my path for good?
3. What should my next move be to achieve the life I want?

Starting yours
queries 1&2 are non-romantic, I'm f if it matters
aight starting thanks
>A judgemental and possibly autistic homebody with a lot of homebrewed tenets
What will our relationship be like?
>AD's karma
5 of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, 3 of Cups
4 of Cups

AD will likely suffer conseqeunces with his friends or supporters, it will happen slowly but what they did to you will alter their reputation in a way that rubs people around them in a bad way and AD will slowly lose a couple of connections over time, especially if they're strubborn of pretend they did nothing wrong.

>KD's karma
Knight of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, Page of Cups
9 of Swords, Queen of Wands
KD is likely to be eaten alive by guilt on the inside, they are likely to repent for what they did and maybe seek out an olive branch and ask for forgiveness in time so they don't feel like a bad person

>CM's karma
5 of Cups, 5 of Wands, 10 of Cups
Ace of Cups
CM will face backlash and is most likely to truly repent in an empathetic way for what they did, they will likely be depressed for a while and later be forgiven - either by you, or by themselves as a lesson
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Will my stupid, very persistent bacterial infection clear up soon? Will it clear up before November, at least?
feel free to reinterpret the cards I got

ace of coins, 3 of swords, temperance, world
1-think he's gonna mention a gift or an offer...that is going to be heartbreaking to hear or mentally painful, but it will bring balance to the situation and close or start a new chapter...or it is about travel
wheel, star rx, queen of cups
ace of cups rx, fool rx, ace of wands rx
2-the business is unfinished based on how you feel about things, but it seems the situation is hopeless, and it is reaching its logical conclusions, there is now a lack of drive or emotion or passion for things, and it might be foolish or risky to approach now
6 of pentacles, ace of wands rx, 4 of swords, 9 of cups
3- take or give offers to others, be valuable, gain or give support, seek help from others or help others, rest and relaxation and enjoying yourself is important too because you need a period of reflection and rejuvenation before you act
It's AG not AD, would the reading still be the same for them even though you wrote AD?

Thank you for your time and the readi
no third party
Yeah sorry, it was a typo on my part
>no third party
I don't get it
trading my q is should i do this
How’s she feeling about our relationship? Yours?
Was it really all my fault or she was to blame to? she never opened up or talked

starting yours
Should i do this?
is this occult? my query is just a love gen for october ?
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is the woman I'm interesting in open to me?
Love gen for October? I'm male, starting when you confirm
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she's fine with how the relationship is now, but she's having doubts about the future, you should both talk what you want out of the relationship and moving forward
confirm starting. Meant to say interested in half asleep lol
the real scissors were the friends we made along the way
7 of cups 2 of cups 4 of swords

I don’t think either party is particularly to blame for any serious fault but you need to communicate more and be open with eachother.
The issue you have now will pass but there’s a lot of empty space due to lack of communication

Thanks. Can we trade again? What doubts is she having about the future?
best you can do is talk to her dude
>Page of Cups
>Eight of Swords
October seems promising given the page of cups and the star, indicating that you may meet some new romantic interests or be more charming yourself. But the Eight of Swords reminds you to address any self-doubt or fear that may hold you back in these situations.
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Is that really the end of me and J?
Five of Swords Moon Queen of Wands
She is somewhat interested in you but she's holding herself back a little as she's not completely sure about you and who you are.
Ok and to be fair I don't know her that well. Any feeling/insight as to how I can assure her?
That's a different q , can I get a next gf/sex partner?
sure I'll start now
How to get inside D's pants?
starting yours
starting !
5 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles R, 9 of Pentacles R

yes, it seems it's over, too much hurt
>Seven of Pentacles
>King of Wands
>Five of Swords
Your next gf/sex partner may be hard working/enterprising in that they do well for themselves through a lot of work/hard work. With King of Wands I see them being charismatic and confident, maybe even being a leader amongst their friends and such. But with Five of Swords they may be prone to conflict/arguments, and that may be something you have to deal with.
Three of Cups Lovers Eight of Coins Knight of Coins
That first step is really getting to know her a lot better and continuing that work throughout your time together. If you can do that and maintain that effort there's a good chance that things will work out.
Awesome thank you so much!
trading dumb q

Mine is: what doubts is she having about our future together if any?
What did that girl wearing all black think of me last night? starting
Sure what's your question?
Mine is: Am I making the right decision karmically speaking in telling the person the truth when I break things off? I know it sounds like a no brainer but there is a chance the truth could do some unecessary damage.
Knight of air reversed
lots of fun and will whisk you for a ride, but his balloon is self-propelled. He's on his trip. If you want to be an anchor, don't try to stay on land.
Can I have a reading please?
i've left instructions kiddo
King of Cups Rev
Two of Swords Rev
Three of Wands
She's not quite sure how emotionally prepared you'll be for the future and when it comes to really planning ahead for things. She wants to see more emotional maturity from you and more of a plan.
bonus for lol x 2
vampire card: prey stalked invaded watched
you got a new secret admirer grrl
Trading, if anybody wants to do this one
I'll trade you for a next gf/lover. appearance if you can if not anything else is okay. Starting when you confirm.
where's my read??
Sure! deal.
starting but post first as I just got tradecucked....
Two of cups
Ace of cups

She clearly felt some type of spark toward you. She saw you as a solid prospect and someone she’d probably like to get to know more.
Good, positive feelings even if it was a short encounter or interaction.

Thanks. Trade again? Is this simply a matter of having a talk about the future?
sure, what did that girl in green think of me yesterday? starting
HP Reversed Seven of Coins Ace of Swords
Karmically? Tough to say but you are doing the right thing here.... this may not have a huge effect on you karmically at all but it is what you need to do.
>I'll trade you for a next gf/lover. appearance if you can if not anything else is okay.

>What are they like?
Impatient. Very, very impatient. Even with the most basic of things. Even waiting for the microwave will be an eternity to them. Incredibly generous as well. Will buy you things and actually not even see it as worth mentioning. Very non-confrontational and will choose to just dip out rather than argue
>Short term or long term?
I get on again off again energy but with potential for longtwrm after a few bruises and bounces
>What will they look like?
Either red hair or wears a lot of red. Tall. Skinny. Kind of a tomboy or at least that is what you will think on first impression.
>How will you know it's them?
They will like sleeping a lot and will fall asleep everywhere. They will be remarkably untroubled without being ignorant.

I hope this helps!
Temperance Knight of Cups Hermit R
Sorry I'm not even going to draw anymore haha. Big yes, you need to talk to her and be patient..... it's what you must do.
I kneel, big good read thank you
>as I just got tradecucked
Why do people do this? But actually.
Can somebody please answer?
Not only is this inconsiderate but it is obviously bad karma so it is dumb to do as well.
I have done readings for quite a few threads and a few people always pretend that they are me in order to get readings from somebody else and then they leave and I look like an asshole.
Want to trade?
Thank you fren! What is your question?
Sure! I wouldn't mind getting another reading on this desu >>38853732 always helps to get a few different perspectives.
np! I hope you meet them soon!
it was right here
you already answered me but lmk if you want to trade again
Oh I see! I was just making sure I didn't dip out on anyone.
did you get any idea of how I meet her?
How it's gonna be the meeting/party today? Yours?
Sure, I will read that one. If you also have a second query, please let me know. I would like to do 2 for 2.

My first query, if you're still in the mood: Next gf? I want something serious, so anything you can tell me about the girl and the relationship is welcome.

I will start in 5 minutes and I will try to provide an in-depth. If you want to wait a bit before you do mine too, that's ok.
Aww geez. By either dating one of her friends first or by being at the same mental hospital.
>If you also have a second query, please let me know

Sure! Is moving to T a good idea and how will it go for me if I do?

Starting on yours
wew lad this doesn't resonate but thanks ig
My second: next job or source of income?
Am i gonna be young forever?
How many more kids will i have?
I dont really want to be with just one (girl)
>My first query, if you're still in the mood: Next gf? I want something serious, so anything you can tell me about the girl and the relationship is welcome.

>What are they like?
Very non-plussed and a little arrogant. Cold but not intentionally. You will fall in love with them right away too. They will seem like "the one".
>Long term or short term
This really sucks to say and I even teied to pull different cards but they will most likely cheat on you which will leave you shattered and devastated
>What do they look like
Blond pseudo-goth. Lot's of death/dark imagery and will seem both burdened and unbothered. Also maybe lots of dark paisley. I would look out for that. Dark floral patterns almost imperceptible at first glance.
>How will you know it's them
They will be guarded and quietly agitated. Sort of a nervous and barely restrained energy about them. You will feel it in the edges of their eyes. They will be a loner and proud of it.
>How will you meet them
During some kind of conffict at a gathering or party. A fight or argument will break out and she will whisper something droll to you to break the tension. You will laugh and from that point the rest is future history.

Hope this helps man. I'm really sorry about the conclusion. The introduction and middle are wuite beautiful.
Well I am honestly hoping I am wrong about that part too
8 of Wands Rx, Fool Rx, Page of Swords Rx, 5 of Swords Rx, 4 of Swords, Queen of Pentacles

Page of cups fell off my deck 2x, so ir probably has some significance to your query.

Well, I'm not getting that mutch when it comes to "karma" here, but you can expect things to be as bad as they come once you break out the truth, and believe it or not, you're going to be seen as a bit "unfair" - unfairness is going to be in the air there. Anyway, you're going to either feel yourself trapped for a ehil or you're going to be unable to start new connection and severe the old threads - expect this period to be a period of mental blackout and blocks and the outcome might not be what you wanted to achieve in the end... I mean, other than the break up, things are looking a wee bad here. However, all in all, you're going to put things behind you and have your so desired rest one way or another. I'm not sure if you're going to come up with new plans or just cling onto the idea of enjoying your freedom, but I don't think it's going to be something planned due to how blocked youre going to feel after you tell this person the truth.
So I advise you to think a lot about the things you're going to say for karma won't really be in your favour here but maybe you're going to feel like you took a heavy load off your shoulders if you do say.

I will do the 2nd now.
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Manara for fun
First BF?
Anyone trading
>My second: next job or source of income?
I will do my best with this. It seems like you will start your own business/find a way to monetize a niche skill that you have cultivated over the years. It might even be tarot readings. If not then by making some very bold onvestments based on hunches as to what you posit people will be wanting in the future. I see a big emphasis on this being a male-orientated field or audience which I guess doesn't make much sense with that tarot speculation. It could even be giving people relationship/life advice. I'm sorry man maybe I'm not connecting but this is what I've got. Might even be that you are making money by giving financial advice. One thing that I can say for sure is that it is quite niche. I see it being a "whu didn't I think of that?" type situation when you unveil it.
Tower, 5 of cups, 6 of swords
Three of swords
Be careful with what you wish for, too much greed will make you lose your one true chance at love. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. One should be happy with the love they are given if it's by one person.
4 of Wands RX, Sun Rx, Death Rx, Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups

Well you're going to have some new perspective if you choose to move to T, but some things won't really change and that usually the baggage we carry along.
You're going to make new friends and you're going to give love a shot.. You're either going to find someone or the ace of cups is related to your friends - you will allow yourself to have new connections and that's going to do you good. You're going to feel a bit unhappy and looking back from time to time, but eventualy you'll do good.

>Chariot, 10 of Wands, King of Wands, Queen of Swords Rx

Life is going to be pretty fast that, way too fast for your liking and what you're suited for. Life at this new place is going to be a bit too heavy on your shoulders, but you're going to feel in control of your life and finally working towards the things you want, but again, you're going to have some mental problems.
You can have some weird thoughts patterns that are going to make you want to isolate yourself.
>other than the break up, things are looking a wee bad here.

How do you mean? Also thank you for this even if it is a hard truth I don't want to be afraid. I just want to do the right thing.
>but you're going to feel in control of your life and finally working towards the things you want, but again, you're going to have some mental problems.
>You can have some weird thoughts patterns that are going to make you want to isolate yourself.

Jesus this is so accurate. This is resonating like crazy with me. Let me do you another question. This has been very helpful.
I mean that the break up is something you want so that's going to go your way, but after the break up you're going to reach a stalemate, unfortunately.

Could the dark floral pattern you saw be a tattoo?
>Could the dark floral pattern you saw be a tattoo?
I don't see why not. I was picturing stygian vines and dark roses. It sure sounds like a tattoo. I just presumed fabric.
I know a girl with a similar tattoo on her forearm.
But it's a shame that she would cheat.. Well, I will just wait and see.

thank you!
I'll trade you
What's your q?
Why did she block me?
Should I do this or would I be making a mistake?
Or rather: What will happen if I do/don't do this?
Fool, hanged man, 10 of swords
It might feel like a good idea at first but if you proceed with it, especially with no proper reflection on the matter you'll end up hurt and regret it
>Why did she block me?
Depression/mental illness. Most likely BPD. Something "triggered" her and she freaked out and dipped completely. She will most likely reappear out of nowhere at some point like nothing even happened and then you might have sex/a fling and then she will dip out and block you again. She honestly just seems unstable. I don't get the notion that any of this is your fault honestly.
>It might feel like a good idea at first but if you proceed with it, especially with no proper reflection on the matter you'll end up hurt and regret it
Hmm. What is the best thing for me to do then regarding this situation? I will trade you again.
Trading occult
Makes sense, though we weren't dating or fucking which is why I got confused.
I can but if possible could you provide a bit more context? Its harder to interpret the cards without it. My query would be what can I do regarding my current situation? I feel frustrated, angry and with a feeling of emptiness inside me. How to get rid of it and improve myself? This is not related to the previous query, it's about my mental health and being as a whole.
>I can but if possible could you provide a bit more context?
I am thinking of ending things with someone because even though I am very fond of them and I enjoy spendong time together the spark simply isn't there and so now the entire relationship is tinhed by guilt that I am wasting her time and doing her wrong.

Starting btw
You sound weak and pathetic pull the plug already so she can find someone that makes her happy
Is he a sub or am I wasting my time
how does she feel about me/potentially being with me?
>You sound weak and pathetic pull the plug already so she can find someone that makes her happy
Yeah, I know. I've tried breaking up with her a few times now but she always seems to be having some sort of crisis whenever I find the courage. But you're right I should just do it.
The lovers (R), 8 of cups, 2 of swords
Clarified 4 of swords
That makes more sense now. It's clear your connection is gone and while breaking up is something you're really torn on about, the best you can do is to cut things off with them for real and move on. The issue is that you need to discuss this properly and carefully with them, because otherwise you'll end up missing them in the long term, especially if things end up in really bad terms. There might be some guilt tripping on their side too. So yes, breaking up is ideal, but make sure the conversation leading to it is properly handled so things dont turn sour later.
Meh that’s not bad to be honest. Everyone is figuring out as life goes on. What’s the meaning of 38?
>My query would be what can I do regarding my current situation? I feel frustrated, angry and with a feeling of emptiness inside me. How to get rid of it and improve myself?
The Tower, The Two of Wands, The Page of Cups, The Nine of Wands and The Four of cups.
You are going through a massive growth point atm. You are finding out that the place that you thought that you fit in amongst the world is now stifling and claustrophobic. You are finding out that things that used to make you feel better just aren't working anymore and they likely won't ever again at least in their current iterations. At it's core what you are feeling is afraid. Fear of fearing.
>What to do
You have to learn how to become your own best friend. You must imagine yourself from a third person perspective and treat yourself the same way you would a loved one that is going through turmoil. Dote on yourself
>Have you eaten today?
>Maybe you could try going for a walk
>It's okay man we all need to stare at the ceiling all day sometimes but maybe later you could try writing some of your thoughts down just for me
>You got this man it's just a rough patch these things will always be temporary

You will find your peace amongst nature and symbology and then channel this wisdom into a craft. This will bring others relief in moments of crisis similar to what you are experiencing now. You will suffer so that they may suffer less.
>So yes, breaking up is ideal, but make sure the conversation leading to it is properly handled so things dont turn sour later.
Very astute. They did mention that they would want to remain friends should things end (The first time I tried breaking up with them I decided to give ourselves another shot at working through this malaise) but I presume it would take some time, deep consideration and distance before that can happen. Thank you for your reading.
Just do it and tell her this no longer works. Wish her the best and go on your way, she will be better off in the long run and so will you
>Just do it and tell her this no longer works. Wish her the best and go on your way, she will be better off in the long run and so will you
That's the plan. I am just mentally preparing myself for her inevitable panic attack and feeling like a monster. But it must be done.
still there?
where's my read ??
still waiting unless you're a tradecucker...
If someone has tradcvcked you then I will answer your question. Which one?

xer made ye a cuck!
this one >>38853793
thank you
Trading demon
>what did that girl in green think of me yesterday?
She has a good opinion of you. She is not neutral towards you either but not exactly entertaining any thought beyond you being someone that would be nice to know. The reason being that she has very recently had her heartbroken and is in the middle of grieving this.
I'm >285 idk what your question is I didn't cuck you lmao
okay, this helps a lot, thank you!
Been pulling cards since the beginning of the year about 2025 predictions (like I usually do) and pulled some again recently that say it’s basically going to be super shit and hard. Same message I got at the start of the year. I already lost my job year this year which I didn’t expect so I’m wondering if anyone could trade a reading for me to try and predict what it is that is happening in 2025 that’s going to make every month so shitty for me.
your vampire attributes
I'll trade if you'll take mine which is >>38854285

What is something good that will happen to me soon?
File: 2025.jpg (2.32 MB, 3334x2048)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB JPG
>How will anons 2025 turn out?
it seems to be in your head anon, there's nothing coming to prevent 2025 to be a good year for you besides yourself
My(male) chances of sex with di(female)?
How do I meet my next gf/lover? starting
Odds and am all alone
> the fool, the moon, 6 of cups, the magician, the star
She sees it as a magical opportunity. However I’m seeing that you two may not know each other all that well or the conditions of your circumstances may be clouded and murky. On the outside it probably gives her some sort of hope to think she may have a chance with you and that it could be as magical as she dreamed. She could see it working too.

Get to know each other better first though. Not everything that looks like a good opportunity, is a good opportunity.
odds and dicine will revive
AQ: I feel like such a depresed pathetic piece of crap. Idk what my purpose is, but I just feel empty now. I'm stuck in school forced to study something I deeply dislike (computer science), and it's getting really hard, I don't have the same passion as my peers. I can't switch studies at all I tried. It turns out I found out way too late what my passions were, which is ornithology and working with wildlife.

Does it get better for me? I just want to be happy
oh my fricking fracking balls i said dubs too (in my mind) BOOM DIVINE IS RIVUVAL
File: nextgf.jpg (2.05 MB, 3326x1853)
2.05 MB
2.05 MB JPG
I don't think you'll meet anyone anytime soon anon, there's lots of issues, you need to work on yourself first or you'll just scare away any potential gf
It's not looking too good at the moment, seems like she has someone else in her life that's she keeping hidden.
knight of cups rx moon ten of swords
odds and Iwstmdr
>vampire attributes
What is that?
Are these attributes mines or his?
Ok I just did my own Celtic spread but idk what it means. If someone is willing to help me understand: (in order from 1-10) two of cups, ace of wands, five of swords, ace of cups, eight of wands, nine of pentacles, the magician, queen of pentacles, the lovers, seven of cups.
I'll trade with you.

I'm looking for a career reading. I'm looking for tech jobs and am hoping to land one in the next few months.

Let me know your query and your favorite word.
My readings are pretty detailed, I'll do a celtic cross for you.
Will I get to move to the countryside and live in that farm with V until the end of the year?

Favorite word is exquisite.
Immediate intuition said not until the end of the year, but a bulk of it. There will be a complication, or a draw elsewhere.

Recent past- 5/Pents
Current Situation- The World/The Tower
External influences - The Wheel
Internal - 9/swords
Next outcome- Justice
Environment- Devil
Hopes/fears - 7/swords
Advice- 8/wands
Overall outcome- The Moon

It seems to me you've gotten some new information about this life event that is making you insecure about actually going forward with it. Things are already in motion to where I see this happening for you, but there's some sort of lease or commitment that it will require of you. You're afraid of being bound to this commitment as this new information has you questioning whether or not you'll be able to stay for the entire lease.

The hierophant jumped out. If I had drawn the emperor, I would say that getting out of this lease or agreement would be much harder legally, or much more binding. But it seems this commitment is more under the table and traditional - a lot of trust and mutual gain is implied.

I drew the Queen of Wands to clarify 7/swords for your fears. I think you're gonna need to operate at face value here and not worry about the fears you have until you face them. The path you are on is the path you chose prior to this life for a soul lesson, and it's one in trust and human understanding. I don't get anything bad that is jumping out at me.

The advice is to stick to your guns and go for it. This is going to happen. The thing I intuited before pulling the cards is that I do see that later in the ordeal there will be some circumstance that gets you off of the farm, and you'll be with V.

Trust your gut and don't take the rules they are showing you upfront so seriously. It will be more lenient as you get to know it, and you'll have a better understanding of next steps from there. There is no premeditation here. You just gotta go for it and trust your gut more than you trust those involved. (The moon)

When move?
Second one. You were completely on the money. Thank you so much.
I did the reading below. Happy to do the same for you.

Would like another perspective for my career. Looking for tech jobs, hoping to get hired in the coming months.

Please give me your favorite word and your query
Fav word: basicly (I use it a lot(
I received a job offer/interview from company P. They deal with sales. I'd like to ask if I will get hired and if I should go for it or is there a better offer further down the line? Also how would my current boss react if I leave?
Today or tomorrow?
First pull:

Knight of wands --->Page of swords -->two of swords ---> 5 of pentacles

This new job promises more than it can give. I see you've been getting a lot of signs that you're growing and progressing in your career, which has made you look at alternative solutions. I don't see Company P being a good company for you in the long term.

Current boss:
The Artist-->9/swords--->7 of pentacles

This is telling me he has plans for you. He's caught up in his own bs at the moment and that's why these things haven't been as prevalent to you in your current position. It seems like they need you, though. I would talk to him and ask him about advancement opportunities, and if you already have, really present your case and belief in yourself. Look at roles that are higher than your current and have a serious conversation. They seem more successful in the future for your development.

Is there a better offer down the line?:
Yeah.. this is telling me you just gotta chill for a while. More money is more money. Yes. But there are better opportunities for you down the line where you're at.

If you get the interview then you should interview to practice.
>3 of swords, king of cups rev, star, magician
Well it seems that for now your chances at a tech job are low and this will come with a disappointment and make you kinda sulky and brooding, deflated if you will. Fear not however, if you keep at it and keep applying your faith and optimism will be restored as you'll recive an offer that you legit manifest onto your lap. That is when your fortunes will turn for you and you'll likely find a job you'll greatly like. Magician is a powerful card, only second to the fool so what you will get after the initial disappointment will be much better and more to your liking
Thank you for your insights :)
I'm getting new coworkers soon, almost everyone is getting replaced/fired. Can you tell me more about the new team I might have to work with? Someone told me there's a couple eyes on me already but I'm not sure if it's true or just a buff.

Well I work in fast food so that's why I'm considering changing my job, it's low status and kinda exhausting mentally.
Wanna trade again?
What plans does he have for me and what is his opinion of me? I thought he disliked me?
From personal experience... sales is even worse. You do not want to get a job as a SDR or door to door salesperson. They might seem like easy jobs to get if you have the right personality, but they're shit jobs that burn you out.

When I drew for what plans he has for you, again, I got the 4 of swords.

Boss thinks you've got a lot going on in your personal like and are a bit distracted (7 of cups) but I don't think they dislike you. They're just stressed. And they'll be stressed if you leave (9 of swords in previous reading).

Fast food sucks. I get it. You have transferable skills that don't have to be wasted on Sales.

I drew 6 of wands and queen of swords asking what direction you should go into. Customer service jobs in Hospitality would be killer. I'll draw a couple cards on if you went into Hospitality.

Would they like this direction? - Knight of swords

Would there be career progression? - The world

Overall outcome for this path - 8/pents

What do you think op?
Do it now.
Also, if you feel inclined to trade a reading back, would love to know more about this job that I manifest. Anything, really.

Happy to have clarified some things, however. Cheers
Ofc, I'll happily trade this
Cool :)

Focus on your transferable skills that include customer satisfaction, problem solving, organization, working in a fast paced environment, and teamwork. You could get a good paying job as a front desk agent with opportunities to advance into different types of careers. You won't need to stay in hotels, but it'll be good compound experience with the fast food background.

Sales is based on numbers. How many people can you get on board? Are you getting enough people? If you're not constantly motivated, finding tactics to create unnecessary needs for people, or even just in the mood to socialize, they'll fire you and find somebody else. The turnover rate is ridiculous. It's very stressful and demanding of your energy and time. And if your pay is based on commission, you're gonna burn out even faster.

In Hospitality, you can at least have a bad day and some mental rest. It isn't the perfect vocation by any means but it provides consistency and useful experience to take elsewhere in your career. If you want to stick with it, you can get 6 figure jobs by climbing the ladder and taking the time. Maybe even travel.
If the gossip is true and he’s banging dw I doubt he’s a pedo
Holy trips of truth! And your time stamp?

>tower, Ace of swords
>8 of wands, moon
>2 of swords, 8 of swords
>10 of pents, Ace of cups
Well it'll come out of nowhere. He'll you might not even see that it was offered to you somehow.
I clarified by spread, here's what I see.
You'll recive a messege from them almost out of nowhere. This will be bigger than I think we both realise. Like you'll have a serious "oh fuck!" Moment. Something about the offer or your situation at the time might make you do a double take, or to wait to see if this is legit, very odd situation. Like you won't quite know what to do with the offer at first. Maybe your life circumstances might make you think if you should take this job. Or maybe you'll think it's too high a caliber for you, or too demanding. You'll sort of sit in front of you phone on the desk or whatever and go back and forth if to reply or not. I do think uppon closer inspection the job and pay it'll provide will be too much to turn down for you. You'll reach out and things will go from there. I do really think this manifested job will be something quite special. Hell, I see a scenario where you pick the fist better job you apply for, become disappointed with it and then get a better off and maybe that will be why you'll debate if to take if?
Thank you for giving such a detailed reading, puts my mind at ease. I'm definitely firing down this path and looking for something stellar to accelerate my career.

We're sort of on the same boat. :)

You're gonna be okay OP. Cards say don't do sales, and I say don't do sales. You'll find something with much better career advancement and stable income.

I guess both of us need to be patient. Damn.
I have considered hospitality jobs too. What about my boss tho? His plans and opinion? Ill trade ofc. I'll read any Q
You did it
Eh she’s a weeb. Most weebs are like dat
Pulling cards on your boss..

What are his plans?
I think your boss is planning to quit. I saw 2 of cups and strength come out, I think they have things in their life that is causing them to consider going elsewhere. I saw Queen of Pentacles come up twice for your boss. Maybe a kid on the way, they need to reconsider their options.

What's his opinion of OP?
Pulled Judgment twice and King of Swords. Also for 4 of pents. They don't want to let you go, but they feel like you're on your way out too. That you're checked out and over it. I think they want to see you take more of an initiative... but they, again, have been too distracted to see you really work. They see the negatives.

Why do I keep drawing 7 of swords for my SO?
Oh shit they're really fucking? Damn!
…no way…
aq is gamer banging dw
Cease your vile insults against the fairest maiden in the land. You will never be an iota of darling’s beauty.
Gamers too retarded to know what an iota is
>knight of swords as gen energy

>chariot, Page of swords
>queen of swords, Ace of pents
>king of swords, 7 of pents

Lots and lots of swords here. Are you married? King and queen of swords paried are signs of divorce or separation of some sort. They stand opposite to one another, their swords drawn towards one another. I see there is something she wishes to propose to you, not marriage or anything nice I think. I think you might already have a feel for what it could be. She wishes to propose this to you but maybe hasn't processed how to put it towards you or how she wants to go about it as a whole, you waiting will eventually lead to the day you two will sit down and talk. It'll be a serious, blunt and emotionless convo, like a business deal of sorts. Tempers are unlikely to flair up but the air in the room will be so heavy and tense you could cut it with a sword (ironic). It could be an ultimatum of sorts. I sense separation or taking a break or whatever you call it
Anyone trading?
I think it's a proposal :)

We're doing well. Baby on the way, no proposal yet. Planning on that. He's probably just trying to think of how he's going to do it.

Maybe the ace of pents gives a timeline, that he'll propose around the time I get a job. I like the sound of that.

There has been some tenseness in communication recently. He's probably just nervous.

Or I could be wrong and hell goes loose we'll see lol but good pull and intuiting. The question was a bit vague without context, and the 7 of swords is generally negative. If it were more positive you'd think there would be some cups so it's not looking like a fairy-tale kinda thing

Trading this.
how/where do I meet my next lover? starting when you confirm

Why does M call me all the time?
Starting yours.
Three of Cups R/Hermit/Knight of Coins
waiting on you before I post my interpretation
Brown-reddish hair and blue eyes but they're probably contacts, light skin but not pale, I could see a defined jaw and they probably have a resting bitch face. There were air signs around.

Knight of Swords, Ten of Pentacles, Two of Cups
I am not sure if you're part of a collective, but it will probably be through colleagues (not friends), you'll meet in the middle of a conflict or tense situation where you're supposed to find an answer or an overall solution. This gives me academic or professional kind of vibes.

Maybe you'll have to partner up with this person and find out that you have good chemistry and communication, which ends up in a good result for you two. Maybe this relationship won't be very loving or romantic but it's not an important aspect because it looks like you two can talk almost everything out.

I hope this resonates and helps, anon.
No I'm not part of a collective.... and do you want another read? since you were so detailed compared to mine
I don't think they're going to hire anyone new for a while. You'll be part of a skeleton crew and be stuck with a fair amount of work. When they do hire someone it'll be good but I get the impression they won't want to get anyone new for a while.
No, it's fine, thank you. I hope it was good enough, friend. :( What do you mean by skeleton crew?
Anyone want to trade ?
as in you'll have the bare minimum of people needed to do anything, if that. You'll be overworked along with whoever is left on the team.
Will my boss give me a bonus that he is not contractually obligated to give but said he would but hasn't?
What does F think or feel about the ending of our situationship ? i'm F and he is M
nta but trade?
what does F(female) think of me? she's a milf
Sorry forgot to ask what is yours
Am I gonna get laid for the rest of 2024?
starting yours
>Moon, 6 of Pentacles R, Ace of Cups
Thinks it was a dick move, had other expectations of the "situationship" however already has someone else in sight
this one>>38856076
you ?
knight of sword clarif by moon + ermite clarif by 10 of pent + death clarif by knight of pent + back of the deck : queen of wand clarif by knight of cup
There seem to be an opportunity for a relationship but something less casual than you may expect and it may come slower than before the end of 2024 and will probably come after a phase of introspection and reflection leading to a desire for something meaningful or stable
Can u trade with you? I have the same Q as that anon.
I'm male
does that group ever discuss me still?
A dick move on my part ?
confusing but thanks
Congratulations. Last time I had this job I killed myself.
like I said, he had different expectations
ten of swords r - hierophant - eight of cups - ace of wands r

She definitely wants u anon but its the type of desire shes swallowing bc she has other things she needs to adhere to, she cant break her status quo too far and Im guessing its because her duties as a mother take precedent. Shes a good mom and gives up a lot for the sake of her kids and a more in depth social life is one of them so while she wants to know you more and get closer, she just cant do that rn.
They do occasionally, in quite good terms actually.
Blonde, medium length hair and pale. Somewhat shy, she made me cringe, probably younger than you.

Knight of Cups, The Hermit, Queen of Swords
I have a feeling that the first time you'll meet won't be in person, not sure if you use dating apps. But if you don't it will be in a rather isolated place, gives me silent library vibes.
Maybe is a bit naive and is overprotected by her family. Sweet yet short relationship.

If you want to trade, which you don't really have to, tell me if there any spirits or demons wanting me to contact them?
Do you feel like doing my Q?
If you do, sure.

I have no problem at all.
I also have a next gf query. Let me know if you're down.
Sorry anon, I don't do occult
Alright, starting.
It's okay, my friend. Hope the reading resonates and helps. Good luck.
Will we meet up again?
30 day gen
Trading ?
6 of Cups Ex, Empress, 8 of Swords, 6 of Pentacles RX, 3 of Cups Rx

I saw something wearing a black robe or dress and holding a staff with sigils. The whole scenery was pitch black.

There's is at least one entity wanting you to reach out to them right now. I might be wrong, but I believe it's someone you have dealt with in the past, if that's not the case, then you wanted to contact them long ago.
Probably a female or an entity capable of being very nurturing and helpful, someone with the power to give and take.
However, despite wanting to talk to you, they're not really that willing to have a connection going or a deal going right now - you're not going to get any freebies and if you want anything from them you will need to work your ass off.
Dark brown and wavy hair, olive skin, I can see piercings, probably facial ones or a belly button one. Gives me some sort of ethnic vibes from her family but not really from herself. She's proud of them but doesn't really show them off, I can't tell if she does that in order to fit in.

Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Cups, Five of wands
You'll probably meet her at her job, I definitely can see food and vanilla ice cream, maybe a waitress? She's a hard working woman and tries really hard to be self sufficient and this might create a bit of conflict between you and her. She doesn't like to be spoiled because it hurts her ego and pride but UGH the dates are fucking amazing. You give me amazing boyfriend vibes.
Was I any part of the reason why he cut his hair? U?
Does F regret loosing me ?
ten of pents - ten of swords - two of pents r - three of cups r

Yea but itll kind of be the end to your relationship, youll be really stoked to meet up again and feel on top of the world and like nothing could come between you two but something happens to make reality hit like a stack of bricks to the head off a 20 story building. Its just all too much and all hell breaks loose in your connection and its fucking over, you guys just cant get along anymore nor will you want to.
Trade again?
>the chariot
Examine your motivations and priorities abandon what is useless and petty. You're going to have to find the courage to get the ball rolling on what it is you wish to accomplish this month. No more slacking off!
Oh boy lol im scared
The 5 of Wands suggests there was some tension or conflict around it, but the Strength card shows that it was their choice in the end

The 4 of Swords indicates they might have needed some time to reflect, while the 9 of Swords points to stress they were dealing with. Overall it seems like the haircut was a way for them to reclaim their peace and strength during a tough time
Sorry forgot to precise the reading was 5 of wand clarif by strengh / back of the deck : 4 of sword clarif by 9 of sword
Nta but know that tarot is just a future you can make your relationship work no matter what happens it's up to you
Yeah thats true
But we have had really good times but I can see how it could all blow over since when we fight it gets really ugly
Oh no it didnt post let me type it out again wth
He does regret it and will try to get back into your life cause he wants something stable with you. He wants to work things out together.
You must find the source of the heavy arguments it could be a deep rooted issue that you are both over looking. Being together isn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows it implies working together as a team as you build a future together. If the love and the fundaments are strong enough you two will make it. Don't let this prophecy become truth
Doing the following (around 4 readings)
Intuition reading
Simple card reading
Will I find peace in Mexico?
Yeah , ty
Could you tell me something that would happen soon in my life? Intuition reading if that’s possible for that one.
Will any of them care if u leave W (job)?
Will f reach out to me ?
Thank you !
Will I ever be with E?
Next workplace? What are characteristics of it? Thanks.
Queen of cups
Ace of pentacles
Not only that if you're single you might find love as well but if you're with someone yeah chances are you both will make it there, also your economy will grow exponentially. You might either make a business or your field of work might make you good money there

Intuition says yes, but you do need to put in the effort to get with the locals learn the culture and the language. The country is very accepting of foreigners seems like whoever you meet might help you aclimate better

Peace and love coming your way

Ace of swords
Queen of swords
You must make a choice about something soon enough it could be well related to your job, it's going to be something that will impact you in a positive way if you're quick enough. Things will take place but only if you tell the truth and speak in a truthful manner

Intuition says that you need to confront someone or something that you've been putting aside, it will be for your own good and your own growth something to do with your anxiety maybe facing your fears about a desicion, the time to that is now and you will feel relieved once you do so.

Page of cups Rx
9 of wands
5 of swords
A female coworker will be very disappointed but she will understand and on the other hand a few other people will fight like hyenas for your job whatever position it is, they want it too and yeah it's going to be a mess

Intuition says that you have someone that cares about you at that job and they will let themselves known on the other hand there might be a few that are celebrating and salivating that you're leaving
Intuition if you are still taking any, please!
Also I forgot the query... Will I have good fortune abroad, or should I stay here?
Tysm, I'm very excited.
Peace and love to you too <3
Can we trade who this coworker is? Fuck the rest of them. I'm a grunt retail worker so idk why they'd want my job. Maybe they don't like me is all
Intuition says they might be thinking about it but they probably will hold back on doing so maybe something in their heart tells them not to do so for now. I do however see them asking about you or trying to stalk your socials

4 of cups
4 of swords
2 of swords
Probably they won't well not right now but there will a point where they might consider reaching out, two of swords has them thinking about it. It might be a long wait.

Intuition says there's a chance for you two be together, I can see you two patching things up from conflicts or the past you two will have to be patient with each other and be understanding with one another.

Ace of wands
3 of pentacles
Yeah the chance is there but you might need to be patient with this and really compromise to change for the better both of you need to let go of bad things that made things go sour in the past and find a common ground in order for things to flourish

Intuition says it's probably a loud place, but you will travel a lot and you might have to be very social or hang out with people could be something related to your field of work or career it's something where you might need to be charismatic

5 of swords
8 of wands
7 of pentacles
Very driven and cut throat at times very competitive you will have to figure things out and think above the rest, very shark like but you will learn and you will enjoy this environment, money is good too
First bf?
He's one of the nicer guys I've known.
Thank you
You'd be surprised, we all have different views of the world is all and they probably want something you have. Even due to the simplest fact that you hang out with a certain co worker or something

The page of cups rx speaks of a young woman with a child like wonder that is rather sad about your parture she probably watches you and she might from time to time say hi to you. Guess she will make her big appearance once you decide to leave, she is probably the youngest of the bunch
how will i stop being angry at everything and everyone constantly because i feel they will abandon me?
Get check out for BPD please
Wow that’s interesting. I traditionally don’t work in loud social places. I’m thinking how to interpret that one. That’s interesting. Also I say the 8 of wands there so hopefully it’s something that could happen soon? Haha thanks for the read.
Best of luck <3

Try to make things work then <3 he is really worth it


Gimme a few moments you three will be the last readings, no more readings only these three
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when i talk with the psychiatrists i am unable to communicate expressively and they never believe what i tell them because of how calm and relaxed i appear and they never help me
Sorry I'm being a pest.
Is it G? if so, why?
Also no trade?
Go to a different psychiatrist, ones that specializes in personality disorders
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Reading for cute hello kitty memes

>Put relevant genders pls and ty
>depending on ur q it'll either be tarot or a scry
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Welcome back weeby!
How do I start being comfortable in public? Lol when a professor called on me to answer a question, I just stared at him.
What does S(female) feel for me?
I'm male.
Hey darling
How Will I feel after the thing I look forward to happens? Feeling linda anxious about the outcome
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Hiii, if you take occult: would angels actually answer if I were to try working with them again? When I tried asking for help in the past they ghosted me!!!
What would be the outcome of renewing the lease on the place I’m currently at? Make. Thx.
ok anon, i will try my best. thankyou

Yeah I could sense you will get out of your comfort zone but it will be worth it. You might enjoy it even

One card for you
The star
Whoever this is they really look up to you I can see them admiring you from afar and being shy or quiet around you, they have a nice picture of you.

Intuition says that there's something in the past that you haven't faced yet or aren't at peace with and that's what's causing you to be this way, you might want to find out what this is either professionally or by meditation. You will have to face it one way or the other if you want to open up to new people

3 of cups
Cards advice you to seek council but not just from your local doctor try to find someone who specializes in what you're going through in order for you to achieve actual results, or the cycle will continue

Intuition says he is rather vain and loves making money he is successful and knows he is good but he is humble as well he is confident without being a douche he knows his worth but also knows that there's better people than him. He reminds me of a young Bruce Wayne but without the douchy behavior, he is pale, somewhat built strong but slim tall and might be in to running or some sport that requires speed, deep blue eyes and a sleepy like face

Queen of cups
King of pentacles
High priestess
Very smart individual, will love to learn and read might be a water sign (either pisces or cancer) might be good at divination, very sentimental as well. He's a catch, generous and has money.

You should leave, intuition says you will have a better chance of a better life else where, where you are at the current time isn't the healthiest of places, could be some time or hunger or employment issues something that will really hurt your growth

6 of swords
Wheel of fortune
Moving abroad will chance your fortune for the better.

No more readings
Same anon, but I knew two people with BPD. And they both have different reactions.
1. Is very angry and get into suicidal outbursts, they left social media and gotten a flip phone I believe. I hope the person is happy right now.
2. Reverts back into a childlike state, but she is very communicative. And she’s doing alright.

Get help anon, I don’t anything bad happen to you!
thx :3 nice meme

Well, as someone who was uncomfy in public something that helped me is realizing that nobody literally nobody gives enough of a shit to scrutinize you (unless they're close to you or hate you). Try coming up with something that helps with the anxiety of speaking in public or being in public places. It can be something like holding onto a pencil as a sort of comfort item or even twisting your ring underneath the desk. Another thing you can try is taking your favorite characters from books or movies and trying to emulate parts of their personality that you find attractive in public. Start off with something small such as saying hello to a stranger in passing and slowly build it up. Don't do it all at once or you'll get overwhelmed. Small steps will help you out a lot. It's okay to still feel a little uncomfy as most people do. baby steps. you got this <3

Pink hello kitty is best hello kitty

I got a black screen covered in black curtains. Looks like nothing at all at the moment, unless there is something behind those curtains you are not supposed to see...

This is a lil frightening lmfao the hooman forearms

It's like a bubble or balloon filled with too much air about to pop. It's tense at the moment but once it pops the tension will be released and you'll feel really relieved about it. It'll go better than you think.

bb kitty

You have some sort of blockage in your head that's cut off that frequency. Start vibing with a different frequency. Meditate and remove the blockage and they'll come again. Have you tried reading a few psalms out loud and then meditating? Could be helpful

where my meme at bro
Oh. I kind of resent God, and it's difficult to explain why without sounding extremely schizo, BUT. Would that possibly be the cause, or perhaps something else?
Thanks bro... yeah it kinda sucks around here but all my family is here, so it'll be rough. Gonna have to tough it out
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Ok here you go. May apologies.
Hi i'm f, whats causing the feeling of emptiness inside me?:( what should i do to make it gone
Hope he arrives soon <3

Yeah sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the betterment of our lives
Depends on the state, honestly.
Oh, such a BPD thingie.
mmm could be a possible cause as they are servants of God in a way lol might want to deal with that before calling out to them. don't be dissing boss man and expecting his managers to do you any favors

perfect lmfao

I see a plant with 8 green leaves and there is a dead withered one at the bottom of the pot. Renewing it could be good, if you do you may stay here around 8 months and then leave for another place

Do you feel rejected from a group of people or like an outsider? Like you may fit in externally but inwardly something is off? You might wanna try finding things that will serve you and not serve the perception of you that you give to other people. Furthering this thought I would also like to recommend taking a break from social stuff for a little bit even online. It seems like you're the cause for your emptiness at the moment and there's a few things that you've been doing that don't vibe well with you internally. Take a breather for now <3
Trading, please.

Nice to see you again weeb
Yeah it's complicated... Can't explain this eloquently but I feel like he has cast me out and won't let me go back home? I don't even know where home is, but I'm tired and wish he'd just listen ONCE. Kind of a weird cookie batch to bake
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Who will be the mother of my future children: S. (27 yo brunette) A. (30 yo blonde) or some other woman?

>I'm m, while S. and A. are f
Does F miss me?

I used to have a crush on her and I thought she liked me too but she chose a guy instead and we just stopped talking.
That’s interesting. Truly it could be as little as 8 weeks that’s more what is was thinking. Only as a temporary thing was more what I was thinking. Anyway thanks.
Thanks! I started to smile towards people and they smiled back! Only a few looked a way lol. Maybe next week I’ll try to compliment people.
This is my query, tell me yours so I can start. Thank you.
Will I like it? Starting
cheers :3

common theme for a lot of people really. sometimes there's a delay in reception and communication. maybe give it a break for a while... if ya want to really dig deep into it you can always try finding a bishop or preacher on youtube that resonates with you (although i cannot say this is my fav thing lol). u ever try bibliomancy? might help.

S -> no
A-> like 80% chance I wanna say
Other woman? I can't see another woman atm

good luck!

noice! yeah people can be a little weird irl but u good. keep it with the small steps proud of ya
may give bibliomancy a go, ty
if i go to my grandma 80th birthday bash will i be disrespected?
Maybe it’s my appearance lol
Eight of Cups, Five of Wands, Seven of Wands
Probably not, you had higher expectations or different plans for this experience. It won't be bad just not what you wanted. If I had to rate it, it would a 7/10. I can see a lot of misunderstandings and uncomfortable moments, maybe it was due to a lack of communication, a bit of negative tension.
The advice would be to just go with the flow, let it be, deep breaths and relax, the more you try to control it the less organic it will be and you wouldn't enjoy it at all. Maybe not lower your expectations but don't try to force them.

I hope this helps!
Thank you so much! You've just given me a huge confirmation right now with that 80%! That's my dream result!
Am I going to see F again before the end of 2024 ?
free my gorl rn

chariot rx, judgment rx, wheel rx

not in front of your face but behind closed doors there'll be a lil chit chat going on about u :/
happy bday to ur gma tho

if u frowning or smthn that may be it lol
994 im flaking last minute now, thank you weeb
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wanted to know where I’ll meet my next bf?
Im female and he is male *
I guess I've been tradecucked.
kingow rx
most likely a no :/

you know she bumpin bangers

open courtyard, looks like a college campus quad area but i don't see any students. it could be a park but it seems like a courtyard more than anything. doesn't seem like you'll talk to him really more like you both have random eye contact and then you end up bumping into him again later on near that area.
Hello, should I remove that girl out of my life completely?
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What city would be better for me at this point in my life: A or N? Or one that’s not neither of those? Only wondering what would come out.
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in what iq range do i fit?
male asking about female
F's feelings for me?
omg cutest hello kitty :3

magician and 2oc rx

yes do it. but also do it in a way that will not bring any backlash to you. a quick cut that leaves no residue seems to be your best bet in this situation

me at the club fr

Seems like N will be a better option, however the letter R also kept popping up but idk if that's relevant at all lol


interesting ive never been asked something like this before lol buttt i pulled queen of swords. i'm guessing this may be a little more above average type of deal but take it with a grain of salt idk anything about iq crap lol

7oc rx, 2oc

there's definitely some more flowery warm feelings towards you. eye contact, brush of the hand against hers makes her feel a certain type of way; dreamy almost.
>160 thx
142 thats reasonable, a Danish institute gave me 110
Thank you, I think of her a lot and I know she doesn't do the same despite my best efforts so I might just cut it all out.

Go out tonight? )I could also go out tomorrow and the day after too)
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ty for the memes <3
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Female asking about male
Will he still take me with him? Now or later on?
How can I make your reading come true? Is there a way to keep the same energy in order to make it true?
Nooo pls one more
Also happy to see you around
What should I know?
Oop I’ll do you and >>38857223
well honestly just forget about the read if you can. The more you think about it the more you’re trying to force it. Just go out and enjoy life let everything fall into place naturally

Good thing I refreshed before I closed out :3

Yeah he’ll take you but seems like lil bit later on. Not too long tho or not as long as you think!
Love gen for the next couple of weeks

There would be an option with R in it. It wouldn’t be the first letter of the name.. What was the source of N? Was it cards?
I think we will meet up later he will go first
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Male asking about a God

Does God want to have 1 or 2 of them ordered?
Same Starting
Fck you g man
Starting yours
Post in the new thread?
Butters is based. Do you know what I am saying?
Not even asking about G yet still shit on him. god you people are retarded

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