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schizos were right... again
what began in 2020 with covid psyop is ending in 2030 with CBDC, cashless system, carbon credits, social credit and all that shit.
>Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better

>Government-backed ‘digital IDs’ to let people open bank accounts
>The verification technology will let people use one method for everything from paying tax and buying alcohol to opening a bank account
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands (implanted RFID chips) or on their foreheads (Neuralink), 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.
>Swedish startup Epicenter unveils rice-sized microchip implant that stores your COVID vaccine passport under your skin and is read with technology used to take contactless payments
>My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city.
So much they deleted the article, and now you can only find it in the archive.
they deleted https://web.archive.org/web/20220302102418/https://www.weforum.org/projects/cyber-polygon as well.
crowdstrike helped them perform this
crowdstrike went from helping the DNC cover up their murder of seth rich
and having no market share
to all of a sudden huge gains and replacing symantec's real time protection at all WEF glownigger comped corpos
this directly means if your company got affected by the crowdstrike bullshit
your company is in bed with the WEF and their glowniggers
tech singularly, get ready for eternal life on earth via forced migration
makes me want to an hero to avoid permanent life on this planet
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>6 hours ago
wow, that's so recent
in the end all their efforts will amount to nothing, God will laugh at their arrogance.
2030 is 6 years, 6months and 6days aways from the april 8th eclipse.
2030 was the collapsing cumulous event predicted by looking glass devices in the 90s and in 2012
2030 is the projected technological singularity
2030 is the decent of Ganymede astrologically

2030 is when it all comes to a head. Regardless of prophecy or tradition or schizoid conspiracy and has been for like 60 years.

What does it mean? It means relax, you know u want the good. Just gotta stop paying attention to the bad.
>god is omnipotent
>let psycho megalomaniacs run rampant like it's none of his business
You okay fag?
If god is omnipotent he can do whatever the fuck he wants. If he wants this entire reality to be a physical, mental and spiritual test for these beings he created, then that's what it will be. Is that what it is? I'm not a christcuck myself so I don't know, but there's not necessarily a contradiction there.
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>2030 is 6 years, 6months and 6days aways from the april 8th eclipse.
>this eclipse is exactly 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months and 6 years since the last eclipse of 2017
>August 21st 2017+ 6 days = August 27th 2017
>August 27th 2017 + 6 weeks = October 8th 2017
>October 8th 2017 + 6 months = April 8th 2018
>April 8th 2019 + 6 years = April 8th 2024
We were given freedom of choice as a result of our ancestor Adam's fall, some of us make the right choices following God's commandments, some defy God, and at harvest time the wheat will be separated from the chaff.
>11 “I baptize you with[b] water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with[c] the Holy Spirit and fire. 12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
You should own as little as possible anyway.
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The opposer
anti Christos
Many names from Judea, they exist in Hindu and in other traditions.

On a cosmic scale two dualistic extremes are turning over. Both have heralds in the form of physical embodiments. Scattered here and there are minor incarnations or those more aligned to one then the other.

It's more complicated than any dogmatic narrative. But in the end it's happened before and will happen again. Those in the know on either side want to manipulate things. Gain notoriety. Others just watch inpartial and wait for the turn to complete itself.

It's all ordained. Therefore there is nothing to fear.
Lol I already know this plan fails.
You retards dont even need banks. Crypto has already won. CBDCs are cryptos with very shitty security. They all get robbed and it goes into crypto and gold. Crypto cannot be banned without literally destroying the internet, which also kills CBDCs. Also even rich people do not like CBDCs. Rich people prefer tax evasion.

Multiple US states are already creating their own cryptos and banning CBDCs.
>Crypto cannot be banned without literally destroying the internet
the plan is making a digital ID mandatory to access the Internet (already happening with porn sites "to protect minors") ISPs will be legally required to track your activity and cut your service if you use crypto.
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There's already a form of digital id. They do all kinds of shit with satellites.

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>have a chip that doesn't let you turn off parts of your nervous system 24/7, good luck finding God.
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Daily reminder that the globalist kikes are behind the EU and every other globalist, take over the world, dystopian future plan.
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Told you so. They are driven by fear which means no amount of control is enough for them to relax.
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Not just the vax.
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He isnt opposing anything. Just a gay front organization of DARPA
Not clicking a link with no description. Is this italian?
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Well we still have time to find workarounds. If they try this im gone and only use the darkweb in the future and if they destory this maybe geminiweb or one of the other alternatives.
If you dont kno0w what Im talking about.
And even if this one is downed there are many more similar alternatives. Dont get your ass probed.
"everything from paying tax to buying alcohol to opening a bank account"

wow it's all the chains of jew slavery. can it store vax booster records, credit score, and onlyfans profile too?
wordpress.com is a well known blogging site
google translation: https://saccsiv-wordpress-com.translate.goog/2024/09/19/nu-toate-sunt-ca-in-fotbal-sa-se-priceapa-toti-asa-ca-in-chestiunile-ce-tin-de-supravietuirea-in-vremurile-apocaliptice-ce-bat-la-usi-chiar-trebuie-sa-ascultam-de-realii-specialisti-in-domeniile-c/?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
You will also have a carbon credit score and if its over the limit you will not have access to certain things. BUT THE CLIMATE OMG
Make a screenshot, give a qrd or give a archived link if you want people to kick it? You put no effort, Im too lazy to click.
resistance is futile, if you cant beat them join them
Traitor. Also: Where is the fun in that?
>Well we still have time to find workarounds.
Use normal crypto like Bitcoin and when you need government currency, use alternative ways to get and use it. Without a bank account. Semi-difficult but currently doable.
Trade done purely involving crypto and without any government currency involved is not taxable, despite whatever the government says.
Refuse to use CBDCs, and avoid using government currency as much as possible.
Physical assets are better but I guess some of these are needed even tho Im really not interested in crypto and even avoid paying with card most of the time.
same, I'm paying with cash and avoid new technologies (typing on a decade old Windows 8.1 computer with Linux and FreeBSD virtual machines)
my car was made in 2003
Try dual boot instead of vms if you want to use it comfily. Vm is always slow and well Oracle... maybe tails instead of a vm? depends on the usecase.
New cars are horrific. A friend owns a telsa for whatever reason. Its surveillance dystopia. Other new cars arent much better.
Sounds like the average person in a non-first world country
>schizos were right
Hylic schizos are merely tools of Mammon. They are never 'right'.
Here come the bots anon…
OP seems to be one.
Why would you think so? This is the only actual interesting thread on /x/ rn.
All hylics are unwitting bots. Tools of the maker.
>File: C90FCD49-5B0B-4424-8C3C-C(...).png (1.02 MB, 1280x1600)
bot filename (hexadecimal sequence)
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The powers that be have a new system, that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be rolled out in the coming years. It will operate in parallel starting sometime next year and by the next decade it will be fully operational as the Agenda 2030 goals are slowly being implemented.
There will be no collapse, no violence, no uprising, no world war, no revolution, no killing of jews or politicians or other such fantasies. Instead there will be law & order, compliance and total surveillance until the very end. AI will be at the center of it all.

The Great Reset is inevitable.
Case in point.
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Keep on dreaming sucker. Demoralize someone else and dot forget to go to your deradicalisation training or bad things might happen.
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Or are you one of these poor fuckers? How much do they pay?
Imagine being this gullible.
no way, they want to turn Pepe the frog gay? Alex Jones was right.
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Of course he was.
He was just regurgitating what Al Gore had been warning about for decades.
Wasnt al gore only about climate change? I never listened to him.

> I never listened to him.
Yes, you prefer to get your information on a 25-year delay, like all 'populist' rightwingers.
Incorrect, I get my info at least 10 years previous to everyone else like every sane conspiracy theorist.
The delusion runs deep.
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Now back on topic to spite you even more.
>Trust mark
Oh they're going down that route are we
More salts on those burgers.
Or else lolz.
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What kind of salt would you like?
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Or classical one?
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Oh I nearly forgot but because I looked trough the folder...
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Or do you expect me to do OPs work and pot something like pic related instead of salt?
A lot of these are included in Project 2025. Why lie about opposing this if you'd back it when conservatives push it?
Schizos were never right about anything. Your fear mongering has no power over me. Everything will be ok and God will win
>File: 1668008373445355.png
WTF is that shit, it looks like it was made in MS Paint (no news site uses justified text since web pages don't display it correctly)
did you read the Revelation? God will prevail after the tribulation.
Salt anon, salt. The other anon didnt want facts but salt.
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You prefer stuff like that?
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Or maybe this? I can go on forever.
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Or this one?
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Maybe something from Microsoft?
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More about chipping and this patent >>38862868?
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And the last one I send if no one wants to see more: Their opinion about you and me and everyone but them.
Hurt the ones that try to do that to us and lets make a colony instead.
Rockefeller outright admitted that the goal is to chip everyone and have the chips attached to your bank account so that they can shut down your life if you do or say anything they don't like.

You don't need to be a schozo to recognize that the people running the world are completely insane and would gladly turn you into a mindless robot if they could.
>permanent life on this planet
Keeping your actual consciousness alive and transplanting it into a robot isn't really possible. It would just be an AI that acts like you based on its learning and resulting ability to predict how you would act/react. I don't care if there's an AI program out there based on my memories/experiences, but I don't know why anyone would want that.
It sounds horrific.
I have somewhere to be
Like hell I'm gonna let them trap me here!
Ever heard of Chainlink retard? All the banks are already working with them CBDC being the goal
>implying we dont already live in that reality
Only thing left is cash, rest is already monitored. You cant take a wank without the NSA knowing every fornicle on your foreskin, if you still have any
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It will not stop at a CBDC.
It is a lot better than being locked inside an android body, I'd bet.
Id simply pick neither. Im not going to let them scan my brain, I will make it as hard as possible for them to track me and I will not comply if its mandatory. Im so fed up with the parasites on top trying to control every aspect just because they are so scared because they know they behave like shit and someday they will hang.
low effort demoralization
>Make a screenshot, give a qrd or give a archived link if you want people to kick it? You put no effort, Im too lazy to click.
Turno nigger amerigoy
You wouldn't be locked because the real you would have died along with your biological body.
Someone draw Klaus as a tranny wojack crying over Apu shitting his pants.
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>Serving Israel fills me pride
Yeah bro, some major changes coming. We need to be as healthy and deadly as we can be in the coming years
You're implying we all aren't forced to reincarnate against our will already.
What if there was a way to take the electricity powering your nervous system and transfer it without any loss to a machine that then held onto that energy? If consciousness were electric something like that may work.
normies love this shit right up until its too late for them, look and open borders shit.
>implying you know that

Before you sperg out and activate your amerigolem conditioning and start calling everyone that challenges you "paco". What reasons do you have to think that souls reborn against their will? And I mean actual anecdotal first hand experience.
I paco the friendly version of spic? I have never read that here. Is it plebbit slang? Before you call me a mutt Im asking because Im not.
also Trump signed a UAE&Israel Abraham Accord Commemorative coin with all the 'schizo' crap discussed itt:

it aint 'conspiracy' and no theory anymore, just agenda and not even schizo.
>cashless system
you already have it
>carbon credits
you already have it, billionaires have been swindling people into thinking they're not destroying the environment by basically throwing some money at it for a while now
>social credit
you already have it, a credit score works in the SAME way
These all already exist in your daily life. It's funny how all of the schizo problems with the satanic cults ruling the world start and end with capitalism lmao
You want this to happen just because it's in the Bible?
None of us want it to happen (except the retards who believe in Rapture) but it will inevitably happen, we were warned ahead of time.
No, there are people planning these things to push a narrative. Like "The Bible is true." When it's not.
Look the fuck around you anon. All of us, here, we are a massive fucking blasphemy against the hegemon of evil that runs on this earth. Me slapping the keyboard with my fingers, marking down my words, and likewise with you, each keystroke wounds the beast like the sharpest of blades.

Even the normies, look at the Kendrick vs. Drake shit. The all-encompassing rejection of AI, it's all coming together, and it's beautiful.
>there are people planning these things to push a narrative. Like "The Bible is true."
you mean billionaires, Rothschild/Rockefeller jews and freemasons like Klaus Schwab actually believe the Bible is true and they're playing on the losing side? ok, that makes a lot of sense... I'll take Pascal's wager and play on the winning side.
we almost got this shit during covid.. thank god there was enough pushback from european people who value they liberty. it gives me some hope that there still exist people who value liberty more than security. without liberty, you can have neither.
more and more people are waking up, people who refused to get the vaccine but kept their opinions private, or even paid bribes to get vaccine certificates, are now finding the courage to express themselves given that it's increasingly obvious that "trust the experts" was bullshit.
Maybe we aren't schizo because of the patterns but because of the resistance and ridicule from our peers for "being so negative".
>give people a digital id
>they're doing so much illegal shit that investigating and following up on 10% would collapse the entire justice system
>sweep it all under the rug
Every single time.

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