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>6th planet from the sun
>6 letters
>saturday the 6th day of the common week
>has a hexagon on its north pole
>saturn very reminiscent of "satan"
Is Saturn actually Satan incarnate? Is it Hell? Is the Hexagonal North Pole Hell?
Saturday is the 7th day.
Sunday is the 1st.
Also, sun and moon were considered planets in the past, so Saturn was the 7th planet, in a geocentric view.
We don't know if the hexagon is real or just artistic expression. We would need a actual photo of it.
This thread will be hijacked by bots, board is being astroturfed
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Holy shit is that a gas giant?! How about this gas giant! I'm feeling incredibly gassy!
Sunday is part of the weekEND. It’s not rocket science. Also the moon is not a planet.
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You're onto something anon... Just keep the secret to yourself.
There are several actual photos of it.
No its a planet
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Reminds me of the math behind Michael Jordan.... Did he tap into the powers of Saturn?

6 championships, stands at 6"6, number 23 (2x3=6) or (2/3=0.66666), bulls started in 1966, won the 6th championship in the 6th game with a final shot at 0.06 seconds on the clock...

Sunday is the first day of the week unless you're a retarded latinx
>6 letters
Not in Spanish, Dutch, or Afrikaans, or Korean, or Chinese, or…
Saturn, the circumcised planet, is also the circumciser -- aka, the circumscriber, or delimiter, or constrainer. It is with his scythe that he limits the scope of human freedom and fulfillment. That's what makes him the god of the carnal world we are all imprisoned in.
English is the official world language.
This thread needs a hero
How do I contact Saturn?
There's a council on the rings.
Actually it’s not. The whole system was kiked like everything else we live under. Saturday is the real weeks end.
> moon is not a planet.
Non of them are “planets”.
How do I contact the council?
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Saturn makes those born under him petty, /2P/ malignant, care-worn, self-depreciating, solitary,
deceitful, secretive in their trickery, strict, downcast, with a hypocritical air, squalid, black-clad,
importunate, sad-looking, miserable, with a nautical bent, plying waterside trades. Saturn also causes
humblings, sluggishness, unemployment, obstacles in business, interminable lawsuits, subversion of
business, secrets, imprisonment, chains, griefs, accusations, tears, bereavement, capture, exposures of
children. Saturn makes serfs and farmers because of its rule over the land, and it causes men to be renters of
property, tax farmers, and violent in action. It puts into one’s hands great ranks and distinguished
positions, supervisions, management of others’ property, and the fathership of others’ children. Of
materials, it rules lead, wood, and stone. Of the limbs of the body, it rules the legs, the knees, the
tendons, the lymph, the phlegm, the bladder, the kidneys, and the internal, hidden organs. Saturn is
indicative of injuries arising from cold and moisture, such as dropsy, neuralgia, gout, cough, dysentery,
hernia, spasms. It is indicative of these syndromes: possession, homosexuality, and depravity. Saturn
makes bachelors and widows, bereavements, and childlessness. It causes violent deaths by water,
strangulation, imprisonment, or dysentery. It also causes falling on the face.
Jew nigger
soul building into light
soul farming into light
soul sacrificing for light
Lucifer teaches light no?
thats why you find him in dark places
If Saturday was the end of the week then it would have been the day THE LORD took rest after creating the world, but HE did that on SUNDAY because SUNDAY is THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK.
I'm not even a christfag and I understand this.
Speed Racer is filled with esoteric disclosures? I do like that movie
space is fake and this planet probably doesn't even exist, I say probably because I never had a telescope to check, and I would not trust the stinky masons and jesuits who called one of their telescopes "lucifer"
>speed racer is filled with esoteric disclosure
I don't think so, I just attached an image to my post because I had it to hand. I think the Wachowskis only made kino accidentally. I genuinely don't think they made any revelations with even The Matrix, they were just doing anime references, bondage fetishism, entry level philosophy and edge. I once tried watching Bound and the lesbian fetishism made it retroactively obvious to me that they turned into weirdo trannies.
sunday is considered the first day tho, check the calendars.
>>6th planet from the sun
>>6 letters
>>saturday the 6th day of the common week
So? That has nothing to do with the number of the beast, six hundred sixty-six (χξϛ), which must be computed from a name.
>has a hexagon on its north pole
>saturn very reminiscent of "satan"
Saturn is the Roman harvest god. Satan is a divine prosecutor.
>saturn very reminiscent of "satan"
>6 letters
Languages other than English exist
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Planets don't exist. God only made the sun, moon, and stars. Genesis 1:16 "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.". All people see with their eyes are the sun, moon, and stars. All people see through a normal telescope(not a digital ultra giga telescope that takes blurry images and "fixes" them into a planet, or a "telescope" by NASA) are the sun, moon, and stars. See attached picture: that's a star as seen through a regular telescope. Point a regular telescope up to the "planet mars" and see for yourself. It's just a massive red pulsating star th2at's far brighter than the stars surrounding it.
what the fuck does
/2p/ malignant mean?
sunday is the historical first day of the week.
the movement to accept Mknday as the first day of the week was done jn 1988 with ISO 8601
So what's the solution? There must be something beneficial here.
>noooo but my heckin star wars fantasy would be ruined if that was the case!
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it's ok bb
Your jew lore has no basis in reality.
Nasa in hebrew means deceive.
6 is restrictive, Saturn is restrictive.
6 is also the number of time.
60 seconds=6+0=6
60 minutes=6+0=6
24 hours=2+4=6
Saturn, the 6th planet, is Chronos God of Time
I wonder what it sounds like there.
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I wouldnt worry about it anon
It's unpleasant. Most people fear it.
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The screams of a billion souls.
Shut the fuck up bitch ass clown
It appear in the Tales of Chivalry as the Fisher King. Grievously wounded in the groin by Sir Balen and has retreated into the outer Seven Seas (southern party of the sky in northern hemisphere) to nurse his wounds.

Notice the connection with a groin wound.
>Sunday is part of the weekEND.
In common parliance but it is still the first day of the week.

> Also the moon is not a planet
The Moon is a planet that shares an orbit with Earth. We rotate around each other pivoting around the center of mass. It is more of a marriage than a satallite and if something bumped Earth we could be knocked away. We couldn't pull the Moon with us.
by modern astronomical definition. in classical astrology, there are 7 planets. the word planet means wanderer; any moving celestial body is considered a planet. sun is also a planet
>care-worn, solitary, miserable
>with a nautical bent, plying waterside trades
This is what I mean about being identical with the Fisher King of legend.
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>tfw youre high saturnine aquarius
>Sunday is the first day of the week unless you're a retarded latinx
sunday is the first day of the week for latinos, you fucking retard, remember this is a catholic continent
the brappest brap ever heard
Saturn is satan. It's essentially a giant projector keeping our shitty material world intact and keeping us trapped here. Any negative energy you generate with your life feeds saturn, idk about positive energy. Elites know about this and voluntarily play along for material benefits.
we are not 3rd planet, we are the inhabitants of 2nd planet
close to god, closer to satan
Second page probably, it's just weird formatting
Dude. Christianity comes from the seed of David who came from Abraham who "God" chose to be the man who would generate at least two people (Arabs and "Muslims"). Their God created the earth in seven days and on the seventh day their God rested. The seventh day was not "Sundat". The seventh day was "Sabbath". Jesus Christ worked on the Sabbath because God proclaimed him Lord of the Sabbath. This is key. Sunday becoming the first day of the week happened after the christian church fucked with Rome and they married each other. Now saturday becomes the sixth day of the week and the day of rest is sunday because Rome worships the sun so they made the day to worship God the sixth day and the first day of the week became the seventh. This was done to deceive those dummies christians. They are worshiping and resting in the sunday instead of worshiping and resting on the Sabbath which is teh day their God ordered them to rest and worship.
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>Born under Saturn
>Love being tricky and deceitful
>Sad and miserable
>Love forests AKA wood
>Unemployable despite always trying my best
>Feels like I am chained down and bereaved
>Always had an affiliation with water while paradoxically an extreme phobia of drowning in water, strangulation and being imprisoned both physical and metaphorical
>A strong moral compass is the only thing keeping me from being selfish and harmful towards others
I'm a incel and don't fuck pussy, so I have no use for Jupiter. I'm not jovial like him.
Can't say the same for Saturn, who welcomes the rejected ones. In our Cult of the Black Cube we find solace.
Satanists, though, are different. They are always fucking pussy in rituals. I see members of CoS and similar orgs drowing in pussy and never being rejected by womyn.
So how can you compare Saturn to Satan, OP? They are different.
The "lord" of the week is Saturn, hence Saturday it is the last day. Saturn is also the 7th sphere in the septenary.
You are a christfag. Larping as a armchair reconstructionist pagan will not save your skin, poltard.
Saturn devours existence. Everything decays.
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>No politics what so ever
>Nothing hateful
>Not even pro-Christianity and stating something as a matter of fact
>Muh pol! because I think you are a Christian!
Holy fuck you troons are absolutely mind broken
>if you don't agree with me you are a troon
>has a hexagon on its north pole
Probably does not any more. We've never gotten another picture, but Jupiter also has pentagonal arrangements of storms at the polls. We have more probes there, so we have more pictures, and the number of storms forming the vertices has changed there -- probably does the same everywhere.
Flappity flappity flappity flappity flappity flappity ploop ploop flappity flappity flappity whssssssssssssss...
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yes. Turn to Christ.
There's literally nothing about this image that makes one think this is anything but the true religion of God, show me something about Christianity that is even half as based
They always change patterns. The universe is dynamic, the forces are in constant motion.
Different from human religions which are static dogmas of hexagon=jew and pentagon=gentile, and you can't swap them at will.
That's why Chaos and tulpas are above your petty religions. Getting personal is being dynamic and changeable, like the universe is. That's how you dance on the spheres.
Your Christ can't do math, hence he is not real.

The planets, though, all of them knows math, else astrology would not exist.
Sunday is the first day of the week for Americans, who also notoriously practice circumcision like the good golems that they are. Sunday being the first day is another deception by the triple brackets tribe
>which is teh day their God ordered them to rest and worship.
Not the Christian god.
>Your Christ can't do math
What makes you say that?
If he is not a product of your mind, he would be doing math and sending you the results, like the planets do with their orbits.

If you can't make him do math for you, then it means he is just a product of your mind.

He is just a persona you created in your head, in order to justify the way you discriminate people.
Wrong. He's consciousness itself. The All reduced itself down to wear the garment of flesh so that we may be as He is. It fundamentally changed reality. We exist in Him and He in us. Christ is what gives you your very breath and awareness of being, your I Am. If you miss Him, you injured yourself. If you hate Him, you love death.
Delusional. He is just a character you projected in your life, in order to cope with a chaotic reality, and to cope with your loneliness.

You are lonely and should seek companionship outside. It is better to have real friends than imaginary friends such as your Christ.

You should see a doctor and come back to rationality, to the world of reason and logic. Without math, there is no reason to believe fictional characters are real. They are just constructs of your mind.
your perspective is sterile and lifeless, he already BTFOd any possible response you could come up with
>If you hate Him, you love death.
>If you hate Him, you love death.
You stated this, anon. Remember? Right above my post.

It was always you. It was never Christ. You can be a good person without this imaginary friend of yours.

And I don't hate your imaginary persona, because he is, well, a fictional character. Like a furry from a videogame, for instance. Why would I hate something that does not exist?

But if you insist, ask him to solve multiple basic arithmetic questions that would require you to use a calculator, and give it enough time to do so. Given enough time, anyone with a mind of their own can solve this without a calculator (3768+2876).

He will not be able to solve it, and will speak about parables and all the stuff you have been conditioned to.

Planets do math, they have constant orbits. Saturn is one of these planets.

Christ dont do math, he is just a fictional character inside you. It was always you all this time, you just didn't know it.

Get out of your comfort zone and face reality, anon. It is just you there, talking alone with yourself. But there is a solution, you just need to try. Get outside, talk to people, make friends. You can do it, anon.
no, what I mean is the other poster already BTFOd you.

my own response: math is fake, it's an abstraction we find utility in. in your case, a false idol. zero doesn't actually exist. sorry.

jesus christ is real. your false idols are not.
>math is fake
I accept your surrender.
Space is not even real
It's not about 'being a good person'.
It's about Christ atoning for us and then resurrecting us from the dead and having Divine Union with us.
Hell is on earth, hell is existence itself, the opposite of entropy, the natural state of the universe.
Is this coincidence
He is a nigger so it checks out also nice triple dubs
Wisdom to you.

Flee this thought from you mind and turn yourself from it forever more, this place you observe is the cage and it is a place that welcomes it's observers with grasping hands.
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If only you knew...
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you think thats all the 666s? read pic related then
the pic leaves out that Venus is "Lucifer, the morning star". anyway the reason all these numbers are like this, is because they made up the size/distance of celestial objects out of thin air. they do not know the size or distance of these things at all. they made up the numbers for religious purposes. Vatican owns all the telescopes. Vatican has a monopoly on astronomy.
Don't fall on your face, anon
>this is my existence
I will justify my existence thus Saturn's!
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>holy shit
Deceive is "lermot." I hate kikes as much as anyone but get your shit together Anon.

I denounce the Torah and Talmud, by the way, TKD, etc
Waw is the sixth letter in the hebrew alphabet and is historically the w sound in hebrew.
w = 6
w = 6
w = 6

Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose are types of sugars and are referred to as monomers. These monomers form carbohydrates which are organic polymers. They're being used to fatten up and poison people.

Like the world wide web it is a corruption of a thing not the thing itself that is the evil.
Then stop using it.
Planet and orbit worship is a literal /x/ meme, planeteers get absolutely ass blasted they can't compete with Christ and God, so they make shit up like "Christ can't do math" though Christ math'd up into existence much fish and bread and it kept multiplying until the masses were satiated lol
SAD blasphemers hide from Gods judgement any way they can rationalize
Like carbohydrates, knowledge is the key.
The www sits on top of the internet--it isn't the internet.
Fun fact: the NASA audio of Saturns EM waves sounds just like billions of souls wailing in agony.

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