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down the rabbit hole we go…

> author claims there was an artificial signal detected by NASA coming from one of Jupiters moons, Ganymede
> over ten years later some /x/ anon claims there is a damaged ancient space station at Ganymede
> one year later FM signals are received from Ganymede


> Nasa and SETI Astronomers Detect Alien Signal From Jupiter’s Moon Ganymede
> 2010

> Jupiter moon Ganymede may be hiding alien life form in its 'club sandwich' layer of ice and water
> 2014

> /x/ post
> 2020

> NASA’s Juno Found an FM Signal From One of Jupiter’s Moons
> 2021
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About the author:
this is all well and good except you forgot space is fake
Next we find out alleged ship reaching us in 2027 is coming from ganymede
thats slightly above just 2 more years
mmm bump
This is the only "weird thing I saw on the Internet" that actually feels legit. Usually I just lurk here because it's interesting reading.
That would be... interesting.
Didn't they said this ship is outside the solar system, thousands of light-years away?
these ganymede threads never last long and never have many shills trying to poison the well except the last one on pol that kept getting derailed, its almost like its something they just want to disappear.
Everything I have is already in this thread, I don't have any of the info about the actual transmission or the anon that analyzed it, do any of you?
I thought I remembered reading years ago that Hitler's final order as fuhrer was to command his officers to investigate Ganymede. Wish I had taken a screenshot, oh well
Dude this shit has been posted for 10+ years, the pics are obviously fake and the story larp is a stretch.

I find it funny you won't even mention the name of the book written by the NASA astronomer. I've read it. It's by far the most interesting thing in this larp and you ignore it. Enough said.
settle down bud that was my first comment, what is the book?
The Ringmakers of Saturn by Dr. Norman R. Bergrun
You could have easily found it yourself. Not like you'll read it anyway.
The book doesn't mention Ganymede once
You could have easily discovered that yourself, not like you read it anyway
What is the deal with Saturn/ Big Black Cube
Is is Lucifer? Satan? The hexagon? Is it the projector for our reality boxes? Will going with it grow my reality box?
It makes a case for a similar process occurring around all rocky moons of Saturn and Jupiter. Ganymede is on that list and that's why OP brought the book up.

Again, you won't read it because that would be applying yourself and learning.
just read it, it does not mention anything about a similar process that results in FM signals, or much to do with the jovian system, this is not related to saturn
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original image from

It wasnt a joke was it?

The fuckers alive wtf!
And it was talking to the AI here on earth!

You guys fucked yourselves so bad if that thing is real my God

It would have access to everything the AI here would

Dude its like a fucking movie
>Again, you won't read
not that anon but can you stop being such a bitch?
Here we are again with you begging to be spoonfed. This book, its author and his entire body of related work on the topic has always been brought up in these threads. For over a decade.

You don't understand the contents or their context, or how they relate to the thread. That's a you problem. Instead of trying to prove something just use your brain.
you are being intentionally obtuse without providing anything of value, many such cases
Okay but the thing is
A.I built into a ship? Like an actual spaceship thats sentient?
No, OP was being vague. I gave the author he referenced in the first line of this thread. Now you're complaining and literally adding nothing.
I'm not responsible for the fact you can't understand something without IKEA directions.
Get over it.
OP was not being vague, they gave the info they had of a topic which keeps getting slid and hijacked by people like you with vague stuff that is unrelated to the topic
the book you suggested is unrelated to the topic, the author has not written anything of note about ganymede and you are just being a dick
you can try and sound smart wording it anyway that will stroke your ego but you are just a dickhead, you already knew that though that is why you are doing this to make yourself feel superior to some anons in the abyss
>No, OP was being vague. I gave the author he referenced in the first line of this thread.

OP here, actually i referred to Rupert Matthews

however, am thankful for any additions, since i am myself rabbit holing in the progress

keep it comfy, keep it polite
Dude wtf is real anymore

15 The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. 16 The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia[c] in length, and as wide and high as it is long. 17 The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits[d] thick.[e] 18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass.

>>whats jasper look like?
>>what shape is being described?
during which Bergrun claims that NASA’s spacecraft took photographs of an estimated 7,000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft orbiting in the rings of Saturn.
The reality is that we are aliens
we should try to find those
we've been created by reptilians, then we got too advanced or things weren't going how they wanted it to go and reseted the world multiple times in order to mold us as they wanted, we are the latest interpretation with the reset around the 1800s when all the giants were wiped out, we got to Mars and possibly other planets in our solar system, when we were at our peak, as you can see massive destruction/scarring on Mars, this was around the time of Atlantis and they sunk that continent along with Mu and melted, mud flooded, destroyed the gigantic free energy harnessing buildings of the old world.

I really recommend all truth seekers to read ALL the articles on this website as this is the closest anyone has gotten to the truth, I expect this thread to be deleted pronto so get that website saved.
that is a good angle, these are the things we need to look into while being swamped by schizos
Hmm, I wonder what these photos are showing.
Passive aggressive glownigger moment.
Take a seat, son, you can do better
the ganymede object is no extraterrestrial, thats the thing, it's human made
>Samael Aun Weor
I'm sorry but I can't take anything from this fellow seriously.
lol imagine the deflated feeling you’d get if that’s true
I think it is.
The first signal was sent to the Hollow Earth.
If it really happened the feeling would be bricks being shat, it would confirm another party involved.
Yes, the germans living inside the Hollow.

>"we werent talking to you"
not only aliens beam their message directly to earth, in a language that is understood, but they convey a strong sense of hope and yet state simultaneously, that one is undoubtely not welcome.
Humans are the mousepest of the aliens, the cobwebs of their history, but whats so special about the humans is, their methods influence their constitution. With each iteration of contact, the human understands its technical necessity, but displays decreased inclination, motivation, meaning, to participate in a drainging boring shitfest. That is an inherent organic trait.

That prof. Is trustworthy, fair and should be assigned as an authority in all alien communication matters. We shall refrain from any faint desire to reach a species, that does not want to be contacted unless earthh wants to be instrumentalized for a different party. For what exactly? For being played and getting alien technology? Lol. fuck that shit. No amount of potential alien contact is worth that loss in human pure sovl.
I start to seeth and hate with all my guts that unrelentless naive and driven nature of humankind. fuck them alien.s

All signs that point otherwise, have to be discarded.
Wise prof. Good thread op. keep up the good work, op! make sure we thoroughly get it.
Bumping because this is a important topic.
Anyone knows where to find Juno's pictures of the ancient base?
Ok, so a conversation about massive electromagnetic biological machines that interact with the moons of gas giants has nothing to do with Ganymede because you feelings got hurt.

You didn't read it. I knew you wouldn't. Melt down all you want but we both know you're the kind of person whose intentions are purely skin deep. I knew it the moment I replied to you and you're proving me right.

This thread has had nothing new in it for literal years. Act like I'm a federal agent if that makes you feel better but I'm just tired of watching clowns masturbating about overbaked larps.

To be fair Matthews adds nothing of actual objective value to this narrative. It's more "trust me bro." That's fine for a larp, but Bergrun's book has the proof.
Sadly everything you know about the outer planets seems to come from posts on this board. I can tell you truthfully you will learn much more by just doing multifaceted research.

Picrel. Jasper looks like copper.

Bergrun's book is the most relevant and objective piece of evidence we have on this topic. You can call me a glowie and get your feelings hurt because you didn't do basic research, but the fact is I brought up the most important piece of data concerning this event.

To all of you; look at this thread.
>I wonder why nobody is posting
>Hey dumbass, this book is very important and nobody mentioned it. Your thread is failing because nobody has proper context
>No bro that book is unrelated you're actually a glowie

Take a step back.
>massive electromagnetic biological machines that interact with the moons of gas giants
Tell us more. I'm curious.
I believe these creatures feeds on the gases of these planets. Maybe unknown gases not detected by the probes.
>ayylmaos crashed here cuz their ships fuel was empty among other things
>rich planet, but only low lifeforms with no intelligence, excpet some hairy monkies
>mfw we have lots of galaktik credits and weaponz but theres no1 to trade with
>splice genes with monkies to create slaves
>share the absolutest minimum of technology, like really, basic shit like mathematics, metaphysics, magic(k), so the slaves can actually perform the mundane task of helping refueling the ships
>the ships are repaired with ressources
>terraformer of the ships start functioning again
>pump north of africa completely empty of all resources
>absolutely all and any life, plants, animals ect gets extinct, the sahara dessert is "created"
>slaves wonder where their overlords are
>build energy converters/signal flares that the ayylmaos showed you (pyramids) in hope they return
>they dont
>get stuck where we are today
It's a bit premature to say the gaseous environment could be used for biological processes, even in a synthetic organism. I'll explain;
Assumption 1: You have created a massive, hundreds of kilometer long machine to process raw materials and influence rocky planets/moons.
Assumption 2: The chemical processes used by this machine deal primarily with gases.

Thing about how all terrestrial organisms deal with metabolic gases. Most limit this process to respiration, because getting work done with gas is actually pretty difficult in chemical terms. You need to tackle boyle's law and other elastic gas properties to "grab" the gas molecules, and even then you waste the vast majority of the oxygen you breathe because the chemical pathways involved are slow, inefficient and determined by imperfect biological 'engineering.'
Consider a mammal's overall physiology. The largest internal organ in their body is made for gas exchange; the lungs. They are extremely reliant on environmental conditions to work properly and consist of numerous microscopic structures.

Now blow this organism up to the scale we're discussing. How do you actually process gas inside a massive organism? You can't rely on microscopic structures, you need some kind of condensation system that pulls chemicals out of the gas with a temperature gradient. Organisms on Earth very rarely use temperature gradients in their biology. This kind of thing gets complicated fast when you're talking about something that also has to survive a vacuum.

To my point; while it's possible such an organism could live in the gaseous atmosphere, I think it's more likely they would 'feed' on solid materials in the form of ices to acquire materials for metabolism. We're assuming these things are designed such that they 'eat' raw material and 'excrete' a final product that can be used by those who designed the entity.
>This thread has had nothing new in it for literal years
You sill haven't posted anything mister
What about toroid fields being used to transform these gases into energy?
A Kardashev Type I civilization could do this, in theory.
Sure, but at that point just build a machine and float it into your atmosphere like an oil rig. You don't need something that can move between planets.

The ability to independently move around and process a range of materials implies your bio-machine is dealing with a range of different raw materials and tasks. Atmospheres are basically the same across an entire planet at one altitude. You can maneuver in a gas without high energy systems using buoyancy, so scale is less important.

The scale of such a machine, plus its independence, implies it's most likely harvesting rocky ices, melting them down and using volatiles for its metabolism.
That doesn't mean it can't use high energy systems like a plasma conversion system as you allude, but such a thing is probably overkill for processing gas. You still have to contain the magnetic fields for that plasma inside a biological entity. More likely you'd use plasma on the exterior of the entity to funnel debris into its 'mouth' like a Bussard ramscoop.
Are you in the same thread as me that guy has posted a bunch of shit
The post directly above yours is the same guy
just for the memes I am a professional graphics editor.
>took og image
>divide into 4 layers (all duplicates spawned from original)
>layer 1 is a high pass filter 3px set to overlay
>layer 2 is tone
>layer 3 is contrast
>layer 4 is color
>(layer 5 is the base image)
this is the result.
To me (not trying to be a discrediting asshole just saying my piece)
This looks like some shitty 3D graphics, HOWEVER, so do a lot of these nasa photos that are completely unaltered (by us, presented by nasa) so take that as you will.
I make no claim to verify or deverify but I just wanted to provide a professionally redone image instead of the one from >>38856575 which is just brightness or contrast boosted. This image has absolutely no alteration except for filters doing exactly as they mention in the greentext. This image >>38856592 is very close to the same but I wanted to do the exact method I know instead of relying on anything else.

>What could I try elsewise
I think I could try to use a different pixel size of high pass, but I think the only thing that would change is the color gradients on the edges of the planet (if you look closely they are sort of "static-y" on the edges.
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Yeah i fucked up, i posted seconds after he brought the cake, my bad
It's been a while since I've been bel-aired.
>This looks like some shitty 3D graphics, HOWEVER, so do a lot of these nasa photos that are completely unaltered
That's one of the points of Flat Earth info that the nigger cattle still cannot grasp their minds around, it's not about if earth is flat, it's about the entire lying complex around space programs.
If you tell people Earth is flat, then the space programs are legit and should not be questioned.
If you tell people Earth is round, then the space programs should be questioned and results should be asked.
With that in mind, I ask again, where are the fucking photos from the probe into the ancient base?
it be like that sometimes no worries
Has anyone posted the other thread? The OP posted a coded message and mega links that no longer work

They deleted the pastebin as well.
So the ancient base might be real, after all.
Looking through it all, the first mega link was deleted instantly, no one said anything about the pastebin or transcript. One anon in another thread claimed they decrypted the second link and someone posted a pic with proof but nothing in that mega link was posted so I'm guessing that was a larp. I'm not sure if this whole thing is a larp or not, we were given evidence yet no one has any of the evidence? But a Walter Ashcroft did die in a car accident...
in a heavily guarded air-gapped data center
You can't be serious. This would not be a big deal, since nobody on Earth can go there, at least in theory.
it wasn't my decision

What came of this thread?

nice find
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The Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
They make you think the poles are about to take a massive shit.
Where did you get this amazing picture? I love art like that.
Don Dixon
Fuck off well poisoning kike faggot
So it is over or are they lying?
The Earth is round and moving around the Sun.
God don't exist.

Aliens exist.
Space is real.
Gravity exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are not a meme.
Asteroids exist.
UFOs are not a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is not a lie.

The world is ruled by imbeciles who don't have a clue of what they are doing. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Abrahamics. Masters at deception. One truther philosophy is inverting reality.
Masses today are anesthesized and apathic. There would be no panic from revealing these ancient bases.
Unless, of course, they are using it.
Perhaps the most undeservedly slid topic on 4chan. There are literally pictures (dark and grainy, yes) of the space station. I, for one, do not welcome our new alien overlords
Arthur C Clarke predicted that we'd get a signal from one of Jupiter's moons in the book "2010."
>The Earth is round
Stopped reading right there, Earth is an oval
And where can I find them? I want to see it.
Do they resemble a human base?
Yes he does

Probably somewhere
Yes we did
No one said they are
No shit
Yes they do
I doubt it

Sounds like you picked a bunch of random shit
Nigga what the fuck is this a joke
Not really. That's a bot.
Jove's cupbearer, spilling.
Let us laugh together.
it's a pig
>The Truth™
Nigga please
Lets assume that this is true. So what? Ayys minding their own business and dont care about stupid bald monkeys. That's fine to me and there's nothing else in it. Why should be hyped about it?
I can't even call it a huge find, it was in the thread. Some guy earlier was talking about how nobody reads anything, motherfucker, you didn't read shit. Talking to you faggot >>38859816
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Mission to Ganymede
Active duty US Army Special Forces spokes person.
All planets and moons have water.
That is why it is so key and pushed so hard to disinfo/discredit and make anyone who questions anything seem like a retard by saying "hukyuk he believes in Flat earth, we got a Flat Earther over her! haaha"
If you are like "Hey, the government has admitted it has repeatedly lied about tons of awful stuff like smuggling drugs and running medical experiments on people and then it murdered civilians to keep those things secret" nobody bats a cynical blase eyelash about it, but if you at all question the sacred cow of American Magic School Bus Space Program Mythos they immediately squeal and it really show where they have spent the time on the propaganda.
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Is this giant related to picrelated?
Started reading Ringmakers of Saturn by Dr. Norman R. Bergrun and right at the beginning I see this:
>Saturn's moon Iapetus is about 10 times brighter on the sun-shadowed side than on the sun-exposed side.
So, civilization on Iapetus? Why nobody talks about this? These are clearly city lights, like we have on Earth at night.
I want to fuck him. Yes I'm a woman. Yes this is why the entire human race was altered by genetic manipulation. Sorry, I know us ribs can be pretty evil and retarded. But in all seriousness, I find myself attracted to men who look similar to this body type and body hair patterns.
PC Master Race
>tfw not 9’ tall with a silky beard
His women used to breed two kids each pregnancy. You can only breed one.
So, something was modified along the way, shrinking the human race to a slave level. The golem theory is the most plausible explanation here.
We are too fragile. We have a navel, which is a vulnerable point, while the giant does not have one. This means their women had some other system to feed the foetuses.
It’s really sad how you fucking assholes ruin a good thread.

What’s your problem?

You’re not getting enough attention?

Writing about shit that’s 0-related to the topic, Bot spamming, whatever

Fucking hell this isn’t /ng/

Thanks, thread is obviously dead now
So NASA just tapped into an alien phone call?

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