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>discord edition
The Nobody is a figure described as a person alive today with extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. This individual is not a messiah, but rather someone who has found the keys to the kingdom within themselves through sheer will.

Key Characteristics

Has extraordinary spiritual powers, including reality manipulation
Not a messiah, but an ordinary person who has achieved spiritual ascension
Proves that a planet filled with creative, ingenious, and spiritually ascended humans can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness and control
Does not receive strength through superiority/inferiority mechanisms
Instead, demonstrates that individual sovereignty and global unity through consciousness can lead to greater achievements
Recurring Themes

Emphasis on the power of individual will and consciousness
Contrast between a planet of darkness and control versus a planet of creative, ingenious, and spiritually ascended humans
Rejection of superiority/inferiority mechanisms as a source of strength
Variations and Parodies

The Nobody General copypasta has been adapted and parodied in various forms, often incorporating humorous or satirical elements. These variations may include:

Exaggerated language and imagery
Addition of absurd or fantastical elements
Use of internet slang and memes
Parody of similar copypastas or internet trends
Cultural Significance

The Nobody General copypasta has become a cultural phenomenon, symbolizing the power of individual will and consciousness. It has been shared and adapted across online platforms, including Reddit, Twitter, and Urban Dictionary. Despite its origins as a humorous or satirical concept, the copypasta has taken on a life of its own, inspiring discussions and reflections on spirituality, consciousness, and personal empowerment.
fucking trash threads
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>This individual is not a messiah
Your huemans interpret that word to mean "Someone who will kill people I hate, give me money and suck my dick."

Omnissiah. I saved your enemy because you wouldnt have, and caused WW3.
Im trying to make a can understand me
Revealing the identity of someone who doesn't want to be revealed is an absolutely fucked thing to do. I don't care how famous or average looking you are.
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Ask a jar to translate for you.
How do I protect my frens and especially my Astral projecting ones?

I want to heal them and keep them close, I know that's selfish but if I was rich I would buy us all a big mansion to live in and start a family.
Nobody didn't ask to be Nobody, he didn't work for it, he went to great pains to hide his identity. These threads and all the women who have done so much to make him famous aren't his friends, they are working against him.
Listen, if you don't shout it from the roof tops are you even a certified hood nigga™?
was i born to be a dummy?

sliding into
You have to appease their gods.
Make sacrifice and let them know what you want from them.
There’s no easy way forward on that one.
real gangstas move in silence, like lasagna
>peas and CORN

i bet you live in a corn field

they're touchiung me and i cant actually see them
they might be harming me
i can almost feel
Anonymity is Nobody's means and his end.
Ironic, considering
Ya'll - and I cannot stress this enough - are gei
80s music, 90s anime, 00s clothing, 10s tech and 20s prices. The state of the onion kek.
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When is a door not a door?

When it's ajar
I always come here to stir shit.
I assume most are bi and 2.5 % are gay
Don't hurt your wrist
One day I want the train to pull into the station and I look through the drivers window and it's Big Bird or a fkn storm trooper at the console.
It's such a grey and unimaginable balance, I have jealousy towards genuine anons who've maintained some semblance of privacy because that's been all destroyed for my life, imo there is not a soul under the age of 30 alive today who has remained private, each and every has been documented in some way, save for the genuine animals living on north sentinel island or the amazon tribes or whatever
Look through the window and realize it's a two way mirror.
And there's no one driving the train.
It's beans this year, idiot.
Reply to this post with “you are The Nobody” or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
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tell them to buzz off
Sorry for calling you an idiot
Immunity doggo protects me and everyone else here already
tell me a secret
That's not how secrets work.
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Dear federal agents I am NOT a threat to society, and hello and welcome at the fellow waffle house

try a condensed can

and yet this is humans for you..like almost always and they think they are helping..yikes

lasagna isn't slient, you don't cook much
or use broil on ovens
>next poster to get dubs or trips gets to pick my next federal crime!
Being too based
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Can always tell the defectives by how and what they react to.
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Idk anon, sounds pretty 'weird'
What does?
how do i recover from persona split by being diddled as a kid

You must accept and integrate your alters.
They put cats and dogs down cuz their old but Jack Kevorkian is the asshole?? I mean why are they letting 3rd worlders in to eat our cats? STOP STEALING MY MOVES!
>his end
Everyone needs a life after real life
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>Dear federal agents I am NOT a threat to society
Anon, they know...you dont have to tell them.

You either get the talkin' to (for the reasons you should know well enough) or youre simply scared of the cops (I am, theyre retarded and shoot people). I can literally pinpoint to youtube comment that got me the talkin' to.

It happened just after, I think a few days or a week, hard to remember as that was also disclosure as I was just starting my research into high-energy devices.
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So wholesome :)
Do you want to know what's really ironic?
that's a revolting thing to say about your own mother.
Ya who isn't scared of the cops they kill innocent people every day here, most recent one around here was a AF coreman who was minding his business they went into wrong home and killed him....yaaa so no I get talked to..but because these people have PTSD and are the ones policing us..that is scary as fuck...believe me I know last navy military police officer literally told me he had severe PTSD...along with others. Most recently it was a white NCIS truck on the navy coming up to me telling me this was federal property..aka the bridge..and I'm like ya I know..he couldn't do shit with the card I showed him. I didn't know I was in fucking Nazi Germany where I wasn't allowed to walk peacefully on a bridge over water..watching wildlife. Meanwhile I told them about a huge homeless encampment right off the bridge...starting fires nightly and all sorts of shit that should be illegal...and they said well that's not our property..and I know dam well they can police it based on radius. Soooo..you tell me wtf is happening to our society..nothing good. O the person that was with me..didn't get harassed..and they saw it happening live..so ya I'm def targeted..and he asked what I did to piss them off. Uh I piss them off by not being a crack head. So apparently around the navy base if ur a crack head, ho, or homeless person that looks a bit crazy..and no hate on homeless but the ones around that area..they apparently welcome you...tells me everything
Yeah I'm a wild card
Just another term for a loose cannon.
You and me both, apparently.
Men and women can't be friends
Yeah I'm like in fallout new vegas with the faction where you get max positive and max negative reputation at the same time with them.
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*dry chuckle*
>who isn't scared of the cops
I'm a white man. I have no fear of cops.
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lol sacrasm
I'm a ghost I'm not afraid either bc I'm dead
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You are definitely something!
"A little bit good mixed with a little bit bad, people haven't figured you out yet."

Smiling Troublemaker
"People know you're good at heart even though you're occasionally a troublemaker."

Good-Natured Rascal
"Your reputation as a good-natured friend of the community manages to outshine your dark side."

Sneering Punk
"Even though you've done some good for the community, people still think you're a punk."

"No one's sure what to make of your unpredictable nature, but you've left a strong impression."

Dark Hero
"Folks still think you're some kind of hero, but you sure can be nasty sometimes."

Merciful Thug
"Despite your reputation as a thug, you are known to occasionally show a charitable side."

Soft-Hearted Devil
"Most people say you're the devil himself, but most admit you've also done a world of good."

Wild Child
"Your wild, seemingly capricious behavior leaves people scratching their heads in confusion and avoiding close contact."
Her and her cult told people I was a pedophile to cover up their own federal crimes. She tells people I’m crazy, because she won’t admit that she abused me and I had PTSD before I ever even went to Iraq.
Which one am I? I'm not pure good or evil but I'm definitely like a diamond or worth my weight in gold
>Great summer weather we've been having lads
>Time to update the decor of your living room furniture
>She told yet firmly to leave immediately
I honestly would be relieved if my mother died in her sleep tonight. It would extend my fathers life by years, and he won’t leave her for some reason.
Aaah, Kipling the spokesman for the glories of colonialism, white supremacy and the patriarchy, just the guy I want to define manhood.
Oh my nostalgia this reminds me of robbaz playing that game it's so funny
Just wish for your father to grow balls and for your society to be less feminist
Reagan was a useful idiot.
how do i do that without looking schizo though?
The parallels between Orwell’s 1984 and the existence of perpetual war zones in our world today can feel striking. In the novel, Oceania is always at war, whether with Eastasia or Eurasia, but the alliances constantly shift. These wars are more about maintaining control over the population than about defeating enemies. War serves as a tool to distract citizens, exhaust resources, and ensure the ruling class stays in power. Similar patterns can be seen in the modern world:

1. Perpetual Conflict for Power and Resources

Many modern conflicts seem endless, like those in the Middle East or other regions that have been war zones for decades. These conflicts often have complex root causes, but power struggles, control over resources, and geopolitical interests are significant factors. Much like in 1984, these wars sometimes feel like they continue not to resolve problems but to maintain a global balance of power, sustain the military-industrial complex, or distract from domestic issues.

2. War as a Means of Social Control

In both 1984 and modern societies, war can serve as a method of control. Governments may use the fear of external threats to justify restrictive policies, surveillance, or military spending. During times of war or conflict, people tend to rally around authority figures, creating a sense of nationalism or loyalty that prevents dissent. The external enemy becomes the focus, and internal problems can be ignored or downplayed.

In the novel, war serves to unite the population in fear and hatred of an external enemy, ensuring that people are too distracted or too afraid to question their own government. Similarly, in today's world, perpetual conflict can serve as a political tool. By focusing on foreign threats or enemies, leaders can avoid addressing issues like inequality, corruption, or lack of social services at home.
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>Men and women can't be friends
thats what a commie would say
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That was his CIA codename.
Honestly it'd probably depend on who you asked.
Do you accept payment in hugs?
*Pulls wallet*
*Licks thumb†*
*Counts hugs*
U r teh submuddy
U r luigi
epic toss
3. Economic and Political Interests

In 1984, war isn’t really about winning or losing. It’s about maintaining the status quo, controlling resources, and keeping the population in a state of dependency. In some cases, modern conflicts reflect similar interests. War can be profitable for defense contractors and industries tied to the military. For governments, war can also help stabilize certain political structures by justifying authoritarian measures or keeping economies dependent on military expenditure.

In today's world, large-scale industries, particularly the arms and defense sectors, have vested interests in keeping conflicts alive. This mirrors the notion in 1984 that war is not meant to be won, but to be sustained indefinitely.

4. Public Apathy Toward Ongoing Wars

Just as citizens in 1984 are largely indifferent to the never-ending wars, many people today have become desensitized to conflicts that drag on for years. Whether it’s due to the complexity of modern warfare, the distance from the battlefield, or the constant flood of information that makes it difficult to focus on one issue, public fatigue with war is real. This disengagement allows conflicts to persist without significant public pushback, making it easier for leaders to justify ongoing military campaigns.

5. Changing Enemies and Alliances

In 1984, the Party constantly shifts enemies, with the public barely noticing. Today, we also see changing alliances in international relations. Nations may shift between being allies and enemies based on political expediency, economic interests, or strategic advantage. These shifting alliances can create confusion and make it harder for the public to understand the true nature of international conflicts, much like how the Party manipulates reality in Orwell’s world.
Anon, this is not the way
Disagree but it's rare
Why Does This Happen?

In both Orwell’s fictional world and the real one, perpetual war serves as a way to concentrate power, control populations, and ensure that the social order remains unchallenged. The complexities of international politics, historical tensions, and economic interests make ending these conflicts difficult. Meanwhile, a disengaged or distracted public allows these conflicts to persist without widespread demand for peace.

What Can Be Done?

Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward challenging them. In the real world, unlike 1984, we still have opportunities for transparency, advocacy, and action:

Demand accountability: Holding governments and institutions accountable for prolonged conflicts and ensuring that peace efforts are pursued with genuine intent.

Stay informed: War fatigue and misinformation can make people apathetic, but staying informed about the true causes and effects of conflicts can empower citizens to push for change.

Promote diplomacy: Supporting diplomatic efforts, peace negotiations, and international cooperation can provide alternatives to perpetual conflict.

While the parallels to 1984 may seem disheartening, we are not trapped in a world of perpetual war without hope. There are pathways to peace, but they require persistent civic engagement and pressure on those in power.
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30 hugs from a qt 3.14 please
1 hour 40 min left
I remember years ago a female acquaintance of mine gave me a couple of rides in her car just me and her and we obviously talked in the car. Maybe because she was really nice and really pretty or maybe just because I've never really been alone with a woman like that I still have a crush on her and kind of miss her even though we haven't spoken in years.
2 more hours? :o
Elect Babadoompf


It was you something!!!
Can’t stand it any more. Rewrote everything. Time of death, if no amazing great miracle, 05:00
>But, I have a vagina, and think I love you from your reputation, you should be very excited and honored by my overtures!

audacity and whatnot
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It’s the way she taught me. What goes around comes around. I’ve been tortured on the streets and in jail for over a year because of her lies.
The gap between the military and the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community and how every agency doesn't listen to, communicate well with or sometimes work well with each other while each being individually corrupt in their own ways is what's going to kill America in a real war.

The above statement reveals one of the countries biggest threats to its own existence, petty bureaucratic squabbles at the wrong times over the wrong things
>"Learn to get along and operate as one team or share the same hollow grave when your own complacency and petty bullshit kills you..."
oh :( ... I am sorry to hear that.
Do you have anyone to talk to?
Any way you could survive the rest of the year?
Yeah but im not going to no maze parades
It's hard to let go sometimes but sometimes it's the best way
I want to design bikinis for a living
>Having allies.
1 vs ALL is so much more simple, and the concept of blue on blue kinetic action doesnt exist, so if it moves then IT IS the enemy.

No after-action reports, no regs, just 'choot'em.
He did it, folks. The world is ending. I'm not scared.
Great amazing miracle that affekts Even ny body - restore transform improve :)
If it does not happen it is because
1: God and Jesus want me to die
2: They don’t exists, so I must die.

There we go
oh good
uh even low level agencies in day to day life miscommunication is more horrible than ever because no one listens to one another and wants the next best thing..instead of putting in hard work and doing it the right way the first time because they think someone else will do it..that sums up everytthing
Does that mean this cancer dream ends too?
All your wildest dreams are coming true.
Say something all ominous and fucked up like
>cancer dream ends
No, cancer dreams of new beginnings, plural.
Oh well, a song, that sure changed my point-of-view. Who would think it'd be that easy?
It's fun for me to watch ngl
I'm very happy living alone and don't want to have any kids.
Reality is cum

That's the truth
Debase me harder, Satan
Thoughever and ever
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Actual morons
Or just too malevolent, which is stupidity in it's own way.
The whole universe exists inside Satan's cock
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>Intention accident
There's a few lessons here that people are just too dumb to realize, apparently.
This is going to feel so good
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>everyone knows who they are
>who are they?
I got accepted straight away into the urgent care ward because I couldnt brap or make boom boom.

If I were 2 minutes late, all the free appointments would have been used up.
Speak on that.
>hes useless
>take everything from him

life is literally

accountability responsibility
>life or love
its all the same
>getting discounted at the risk of not being able to gain from a vulnerable peoples
>usurping free will conscious choice
>actively willing to get caught in traps
>participating in shady deals for benefits
>gratitude in appreciating
>not being awares of the thefts
>being aware of the thefts and being merciful and tolerant
>actively exposing self for amusement
>none of this is fun
>boys vs girls

you know what you did

That's a part of it.
That true.
masturbating in public is making me bashful

can';t think of anything else other than hiding my
under average sized penis

it's affecting my sense of aggression.
i am a bully though

i still think about this incredibly massive dude

200kgs, walkiong down the stairs and me giving way


there's a point where it's just senseless....

nigga moments

teachable / nigga


>bait them with my MAGNUM WARCRAFT TANTO

door's there honey.
they relaly set it up for MAXIMUM DAMAGE
at least i wont be getting literally salted and moided on a dialy basis
>but thats what makes the fortune gains
>tricks and fraud are discretely unpleasant
however family values are highly valued

>no complaints yet
free for all
all the cures are coming soon no one will have disease
now I just have to live to see it they trying to kill my ass with autoimmune bs n shit with freq

Nicola telsa also my man about using to block out 5g and more...its a loaded word but yes the bad freq..that cause cancer ect and everything else
There’s a Transylvanian in here
not a single person didnt do nothing or anything
How do you help a schizo that refuses to take their meds?
1 hour 4 min til sealed fate
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or something
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You all spit on mercy then?
For how long have good and evil existed?
Take then first and make a "Mmm." sound as you chew them.
oh yeah i was gonna take her home with me
You all just dislike watching someone be better than you.
Theologically good existed infinitely longer than evil since it was only God before he spoke light into existence.
furious, just furious.
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At this point the only people I trust are Theravada clergy. They too were royally fucked over by the CIA, repeatedly.
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This is a family story, and it ends on a high note.

All will be saved.

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )
good and evil are human constructs relatively new in the grand timeline of the universe. They emerged when Homo sapiens developed the cognitive capacity for abstract thought, morality, and social norms. Before that the concepts of good and evil didn't exist because there were no minds capable of perceiving them. Dinosaurs or any other life forms before humans operated purely on instinct and survival without any moral framework.
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if you make a record of something it becomes mundane
The Bible is shit, find a book that was written by treaty violators to try to justify their crimes.
>free will choice and secondary usurpations

why not just sell peoples rights to be able to freely exist (getting actively chastised)
free love free life

lolol i got no problem with order and functions and systemtatic deliveries
to focus entirely on a individual
and not

im a stupid fuck
>this was NOT actually a nice gesture
>they legit kicked me out of my OWN REALITY
..granted i stole away anothers reality yet at the same time

people dont have that much strength to actually destroy entire universes or make other peoples suffer by STANDING IN A CORNER not doing literally anything.
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>No...these are MY Psychotropics.
>[sets them down low enough they can reach them and walks away]
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venmo @KWullums
I'm out of smokes and your mom's ass is waiting
Divine comedy
was not*
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I prefer to think of it as being guided but okay..
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The people who get a vote on whether or not you get to experience an afterlife are the very last ones you would want to be doing it.

actual genonice is a snyde feeling like a pretzel
would indeed eat my own brain if it wasnt a ...

i will take a a peanut for a jig
I would love to just cease to exist.
oh here's a good one

>i've met a girl that was raped by an abo
I’m so lonely w/out u girl
U been on my mind a long time
I need u so badly
I want u
Not for the next guy who witnesses it for the first time and that's really more than which could witness the first time, ya know what I'm saying?
hey, you wanna get high?
please see >>38858154

If it is a matter of actually ...
oh shit
i might
>no wonder i actually bash my head in so frequently
lll.... NOPE yup
>actively masturbating to my own self destruction
>better fix that shit or else there is literally much much ,uch
.. do you have any ice cream
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Reminds me of believing the jews
Reminds me of believing "gangstalkers."
>mysogniy arc starts again ..

literally sucks .. but its a necessity
Full shutdown
autistic mode

you do understand that you type weird schizo rants that make no sense right? I have no idea what you are trying to tell me.
51 min. Battery 20% remaining. Thank you Father for the freedom from this hell misery sorrows i am about to receive
yo you knjow how i know you're gay
I need to create a preserve for red head women so that they are kept safe.
cmon guess
Because I keep fucking you in the ass?
Entropy on the other hand is a fundamental aspect of the universe that has existed since the very beginning driving the universe towards greater disorder and complexity. It predates life consciousness and good and evil. God and Satan are nothing to it. It will devour them and it won't notice. These embodiments of good and evil are only powerful within the human narrative bound by the structures of thought and belief and exist only in their very limited domains fighting for the souls of humans and the fate of Earth. Entropy will void them all in time.
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I've pulled this bait before, anon. You're not fooling me!
Because I said so
doesnt matter
its the EMOTION
which apparently no one actually has
>and the feeling is ...
malicious in the face of actual theiving warmongers
like its sad
but now at that point



I’m sad. Thought Gid and Jesus would save me. Well the more reasons to. I don’t want to be here anymore.
I'm aware you all are having an identity crisis.
/ng/ is one of the best places on 4chan to just kick back and relax.
the only emotion I get from your posts is "retarded" learn English, if you want to post an an English language site.

Can we get the Nobody who did poetry? Some of those were nice.
not excluded ?!?! TO FIT IN !??!


Fuck all this slave trade psychosis
contscientious objectors are not appreciated
yet knowing the full detail
yet timingly coercion ..
>much desired
to be felt
(in the face of a senseless individuals)
no touchy touche
after reapeated abusesd
What do you need?
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>maybe I should leave
Would I really have a shot at rubbing her feet?
A double cheese
Woe is me delusion side-quests
>”Many such cases”
No but you may serve the nobody and no one can take that from you

Alright, I will pray for both of you.
I'm tired right now kek
the part where i make an actual as outta myself for my amusement

but having half the energy
oh shit , im not even here
... nice tricks im not funny
the theft and abuse is ridiculous

imma be ..


6 feet 3 people DEEP
plus ... oh fuck a divocred wife?!?!
lololol dayum sun
>if only the detail of the gravity of the situation was concerning
I hate so much
yes sir polease i love being abused psychologically on a daily basis
>and there is NOTHING left

>and mercifless and fully disgusted
Christ is my king tho fr fr no cap
Okay okay, so I've been looking into it and unknown forces are possible effecting quantum particles, and it's not just chaos down there. So it is possible The Nobody controls reality to some degree.
Roses are red
violets are blue
this thread is gay
and so are you
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Bruh this fr
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THREE threads??

Imma post in this one since it has a cat.
Will that be a problem for you, anon?
Also for me it's fractalism and so individuals are just other smaller individuals working together.
Christ IS King.

Not Yeshua, but CHRIST.

/NightShift/ Knows.
Everyone loves when a lier calls someone a lier
T minus 27 minutes
Jesus is the Christ
i brought a bottle of piss to school so that i could either MAKE someone drink it or pour it on them

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Sovereignty is outmoded
We're moving on
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It's all about US.

WE Co-Create this reality TOGETHER, with our:


The BEST Is Yet To Come.
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Damn I'm a terrible idiot

they brought lighters
42 is not restore improve it is death. 5 tick tock
>WE Co-Create this reality
I don't want you faggots anywhere near my reality
Life was created to observe light, yet many of the living turn to the darkness. The light gives feeling. The dark takes feeling. To feed, to nourish, is it not to selfishly find solace in the fear of darkness? A conversion of pure strength and crippling despair. Life cannot exist without death. The light does not live, but gives life. The darkness does not die, but invites death.
to think that some of us probably went to school together.
There is NO "THE Christ".

From the same book you get that idea, it tells us to "Put on Christ every day."

So what, you think we're all supposed to put Jesus (And his name is "Yeshua", NOT Jesus) every day??

Time to shake the ignorance of the old ways and evolve Anon.
What is the significance of belief? When you know something, does that make it true? What is the difference between hope and believing?
Good and Evil only exist with respect to the human soul. Good souls go to heaven. Evil souls go to hell. Only God knows the difference between the two and can actually sort them out. I don't think good and evil is reducible to morality. Actions are not good or evil, only souls. That's just my two cents on the matter.

>literally already being dead kekeke k

got nothing
ill pass on that ..

>accountability regardless
>so actually mad
no emotion
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>>it's not that hard to respect the guideline and wishes of the company
Oh yeah? Help yourself.
If it's God's will, it's going to happen.
If you think it's hard to be you imagine being me
that's an ass you identify with

a dangerous ass

an ass with attitude
What if it's God who wants to stay hidden?
I hope you know what you're doing and fine peace
story of the

>no game no life
>great anime

>they know i have sattellite laser artliierly right?

>pinpoint location .. kekekeke
silly stuff
actually means something when i say silly scifi shit !>!?>
*uuuuhh fuck i have to keep living with my fucking dad*

where time doesnt fucking move and nothing you do has any weight
Someday you’ll miss your dad
20 min left. Instant heavy Sleepiness.. Bye i guess :)
Ugh. Haven't we gone over this? Why do you come here like you have some new insight? Do you realize the title is what is important, not the spelling... how offending do you think He is that His named is misspelled yet people still acknowledge that it is He who is the Son of God? Do you think He will be mad about that, or asshats trying to take away from His Glory. You say Christ is an idea, I say otherwise. Now cut out your tongue that offends or burn with it.
he's dead

i gave him a half hearted sob waking up one morning

he deserved it, it's fine

im kind of hoping not to see him again in the afterlife

you know, the same and everyone being so useless as to have been strangers
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Then hidden they will remain.

I have never heard of doxxing the nobody, and now we have a whole thread dedicated to it and there's talk on here and GLP.

It will be what God wills.
Trust me on this
There is no level of sorrow I have not known as an old friend
Its starting to feel a bit dark and cold. Bye
Kept at arms length because of these very moments.
Oh well
can you imagine family hating you for what you wear on your face?

having no cognizance to the conception that

you might be different
what are you talking about?
Jesuits and the CIA aren't God.
they would rather see you lame.

is what im saying. is what im saying.

may as well be dead, or at least, suffering
its already did
>got that <_>

no harms no pains
no hurting
>just mind control and psychological suffering

? alternatively
? pp
>lets write a silly childrens story

imagine being eyes on the 18 wheeler sily watching all the time in fron of ya face
>Now cut out your tongue that offends or burn with it.

Yeah, you sure SOUND like a disciple of the "Prince of Peace". Surely you are LARPing, and that's good, because what you're saying is SO impossibly ignorant and hateful that if you WERE Christian, and you're not, not really, it would make the heavens vomit en masse.
>no relaxation

row row

im literally stupid

(getting slowly erased from history
imma do some drugs kekekekke
I can't let them down anymore.
I gotta move on from the desert.
Not for me.
What do you mean?
It happens
I've deleted most of my memories from school.
I've deleted most memories, actually.
Good and Evil are at war in Heaven and on Earth. In the final days, that war will escalate to the climax. At which point, the good souls will get immortal bodies and the evil souls will go into the eternal Hellfire. I believe in predestination because I believe in superdeterminism. God created both Good and Evil in the world so that we may be tested to glorify his creative prowess.
You're gonna really hate the next part then
mean peoples
>are mean
>mind rape
>lanky tanky
I said most.

I didn't understand what you meant. I'm asking you what do you mean?
I was bullied in school.
I dont sant a fucking spaceship. No miracle? No everyyhing? Ill have a cascket. I literally feel colder
You can still call for help anon, you will be missed if you don't.
Save yourself.
Love you.
I don't care which one of you faggots wins just have something happen already
hey hey

at least you don't know your husband has cheated on you
Demon Screech !!
As was I.
Who cares, though?
They're just retards.
Apparently, I am almost every lonely cat lady's twin flame.
Something about trying to avoid something is what causes it.
never love
>never Love
>never LOVE

>coordinating pinpoint laser pineal tinneres

session regression
>suggested accomplish

God literally i CANT fuckin WANT

Touch me
sickly regurgitating hatreds and pains multiple mind rapes and abuse

Bitches is fucked in the head like candy poppin cunt suckin slime balls

>why so hatted

>actually devilish
unreasonablly hatful in a healthy indigniated way
>too much?
did mention regurgitated?

who is the bad guy
... oh its me.. llololol
If good and evil are truly more than social constructs, then we should destroy evil. Is it possible to differentiate good from evil or is that something only God can do?
Head hurting a bit, and face. Legs and chest feel cold. Arms too. :))
>when theres nothing wrong with anyone and im too lenient

lololol worst human ever and mocked for it
understandablly so
but daayuummm
>eat me alive
If you ever think the IC is trying to make a patsy out of you, do everything you can to fuck them up.
is this guy killing himself? These posts are weird.

Don't do it man.
imagine a family of actual pig faced liberals
well these conversations are going about as usual
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Can you share with the class? I can't afford $19 steaks and I'm feeling like an illegal alien
Four Golden Eyes
Good night anon... Are you due this the right way? Get back up if you can.
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Golden eyes are synchronous to me.
I think they have taken something. :/
I'm treating it as genuine.
He's fine he's a death aspect
He does like every day
He thinks he's trying to win something.
He's just being an asshole, so maybe he's winning the asshole award?
>kira mode

shinigami doesnt do nothin but eat apples and play fuckin vidya games

>games off
>life null
>harmony disorganized
>funcitonal systemic disorder

>thanks for the typo that was funny
They do this a lot.
Everything miracles tonight or dead by 5. It’s 4:46 rn I guess it’s time to go :) can’t wait
glowies just stop larping and reveal yourself in your full glowiedom you've done it before
Be healed from head to toe in Jesus Christ's Name.

You are loved.
That should do it.
they are literally .. actually terrifyingly .. @_@
>weak bastard is i
>no worth value
>and yet they say "BUT WHAT ABOUT ... " everyone else

well duh
y u think me hates me self

yes i want
yes i dont like slavery
yes im a slave

by choice
>having choice to
dominate and
>relegate proceudures

>just crashing parties
cuz im no fun
im so close to my meds being changed

im so close.

why do i always have to sabotage a good thing
I was in love
im not, that's the point

im not.

staying in the clear.
don't worry it passes
love is a tool to gather weapons against .. people that are sad.. and "good" at living.
don't be a patsy. just sleep it off

the problem w/ MKULTRA programs, they'll drug people with crap like angel dust w/out them knowing about it.

take a lot of mental fortitude to know you're hallucinating and to not act on the thoughts being injected into your thought stream.

say it with me, "I reject the programming, you are not welcome here"

sleep, just sleep
It's weird that the brain evolved to want things it doesn't have
no it's as ll a front for anna
its all sabotage ..
>thats how we got here in the first place

not trying to steal
i just occupied a safe space and now
breaking all walls and chains yet stanindg the m
my ability to love has been systematically beaten out of me
You too?
Those are good things to think about. I've also been considering if faith might actually be a virtue. Either life is a blackpill, we're too ignorant to make good decisions yet, or the purpose of life involves living in faith to some degree.
Definitely not using the "pyre" for things.
Don't mind me.
I'm emerging from the night.
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Well as long as you're taking this seriously and not throwing any random trash into the mega consciousness of humanity
Red Haired woman chews biscuits near my ear.
I would never.
Was? What happened?
yo what up, are u also crazy now too?
u had some decent saneposts for awhile there
some cute girl with bangs and puppy eyes to take care of you anon

your cold icy facade would melt
I don't know what it is, but I want to hear her chew something with a good crunch, right near my ear.

this is probably love.
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There's no substitute for the real thing.
You're apprehensive.
Once upon there was girl who could make me laugh.
those only exist in animes
there is a red haired woman out there who will chew cookies in my ear. and I love her. and she will say "Thoughbeit" when bringing up a point.
I don't know what that means.
Frankly I don't deserve happiness and love my punishment must continue
It means anxious something bad will happen.
Once upon a time*

I am so glad that I'm not you.
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As K. sat at his weathered desk, a peculiar fog seeped through the cracks in his floorboards. It coalesced into stacks of indecipherable from, each demanding his signature in triplicate. The telephone rang with hollow persistence, but upon answering, K. heard only muffled sounds of distant, disembodied laughter. He felt the weight of unseen eyes upon him, judging his every movement against some arcane and unobtainable standard. The clock on the wall ticked backwards, counting down to an appointment K. was certain he had already missed.
>mock ritual sacrifice?
>on my 4chan?
>why some lonely europoor?
>k. thought it was funny.
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tell the truth about the terrorism hoax tweets and the leadup of terrorism that was committed against me!!!!
Are you ladies even trying?
You're disgusting.
Glown****** keep the panopticon data harvest at the ready you ought to have a 4K HD video of me typing those words on a keyboard (and years prior of constant monologue and pressure directly facing the camera which should also be entered into discovery and evidence)
TFD is so grindy butt the view is amazing.
> cute girl approaches you
> smiling and friendly

But you act cold, distant you think to yourself she could do better than you. You are afraid that you would ruin it. You see her with some other guy a few weeks later and feel bitter.
How can you gauge that from just a few posts?
These are some harsh words.

How am I disgusting?
I've fucked enough crazy chicks to see bad things heading my way.
More like "what the hell brah, I'm just vibing over here"
"Somebody trying to match my freak, though?"
I have no idea how these threads started, but the battle royale nonsense is terrible and the influx of pornographic imagery coincides with me stopping jacking off, that's crazy, I know there's many people here who feel they have claim to being the character described in the screenshot-textpost compilations that get put up regularly but me, I have no doubt in my mind my claim is sound, I can't do the magical hearsay and whatever the fuck they're saying but I have indeed spent a stupid amount of time in the crosshairs of the surveillance system lacing it with piss and vinegar, none of them want to come and resolve things though... just screaming into the void I guess
A house on the coast on a sandy beach watching the sunset on the back patio
Mostly it's just what the hell are these people talking about, though.
Or I'm not interested. I loved a girl once, it didn't work out and I don't feel like loving anyone else. It's my choice.
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N is before Q, fact.

In an unrelated topic... scientists have discovered a new principle to water. How could it have been overlooked so long or has the Matrix changed?
All fake. All bullshit. The girls and everyone reads know what I write and act accordingly, if it is something they ll do, if I however write that they come to me or a billion usd nothing happens. Cause they don’t want to. End of story. It’s all bullshit. Time to die.
It's been screaming in the void from the very beginning.
I felt a love so real once that I don't want anything else, I'd rather sit by myself forever than try to replace the irreplaceable. Women who try to convince me otherwise seem pushy, rude , and rapey or something. They creep me th fuck out.
Women say they want an emotional connection and vulnerability. That is a lie. Men are incapable of that shit anyway. Men do not show weakness in front of a woman because once you do the woman will never respect you again. They then go on to get rammed in the ass by Chad. That's what they want in practice.
absolute total stalemate is not true, they are the ones who are stuck because any movement in the direction of truth and justice exonerates and vindicates me, it might not be good optics for them but hey they've got me on the terrorism act and put a jew on the news to say the investigators must have "that meat" on me, ha yeah I bet you do go ahead and open up the panopticon bud let the judge decide what to do with the thousands of hours of recitations of the injustices dealt to me and their respective solutions (none of which they've worked to enact, all they've done is esoterically and symbolically nudge that they see what I'm doing while continuing the reign of terror) (they are the terrorists in deed, I am a terrorist according to them (on paper))
>I have no idea how these threads started
I do...I was posting under the name 7 and talking craziness but also switched names often, so they picked Nobody. I was there in the first threads and they were sooth-saying things about me/New World Order. Checking each other for accuracy etc. Was fun, but now its all new people who seem to be more of a social club of youths than anything.

Funnily enough my online name was Nobody (but spelled very unusually).
It came with the 8 billion yr old signal (or not)... is it an echo from some boundary? Shit really picked up, Earth's rotation slowed, all kinds of solar stuff, a second moon... pretty cool honestly.
Life is weird
I want to take care of her but she’s not the one for me
Dude, why are you acting like you're The Nobody?
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IoB acoustics and bioterror thanks man that's protecting and serving the world you are doing God's work

(no you aren't)
and that is all that has happened, they did on purpose, not tricked, they chose, and I was not even on the list.
Do you expect it to be like Death Note?
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Might get stranger. Buckle up. Plus I had a little mushrooms ..
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Cold as fuck. Time to die.
may have been a bit a meaner than unneccesassary
>scares and gets emotinoal
and concern of all taken things away
>care for no
has less

>having they sey not competetive against male
>not even alpha
>heatshields nose cones
Deadline is over due. Death.
>it’s easy to get away with it when it
>just sounds bizarre to
>anyone you try to explain it to
>everyone knows!
>no one is acknowledging it
>you’re not acknowledging it
>stop hiding women from them
>that’s how many gone now…
have fun
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There's ONE cat lady I'd be cool being a twin flame with.
left wrist.
There’s no way out
Whether or not "The Nobody" is real is beside the point. What truly matters is the power the myth holds over those who engage with it. People see themselves in the story, shaping their own narratives, claiming agency, and rewriting the world from their own perspective. The myth isn't about one individual destined to change everything, but about how countless people adopt and adapt the idea to fit their own journey.

However, imagine that hidden within this sea of interpretations, there is a true Nobody—someone who promotes this amorphous narrative not for recognition, but because he knows it is the best way to help others. By allowing people to engage with the myth on their terms, he helps them discover their own strength and potential. He understands that the collective belief is more powerful than a single protagonist, and that each person's struggle to claim the story is part of a larger transformation.

Yet, he is also aware that some will misuse the myth, twisting it to serve their own pathologies. These individuals, in their self-destructive pursuit, will be judged and destroyed by their own choices. The Nobody sees this as part of the process—a necessary self-sorting crucible, where those who approach the myth with clarity and integrity find empowerment, while those driven by dysfunction are undone by the very narrative they seek to exploit.

In the end, the myth serves as both a tool for personal transformation and a filter for truth. The “Nobody” accepts both outcomes as part of the natural order, believing that both the flourishing of the good and the destruction of the corrupt are essential to the myth’s power.

He uses information percolation for strategic manipulation. By refusing to silo his work, he forces system rigidity and prevents corruption. Many eyes keep many hands honest.
alwyas ways
>oh snap that was fast


Welcome Anon. How ya feeling??
This shall be post 477.
As long as it snows once in a while.
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I think of Ice and Snowy lands adventuring in snowy lands when I hear this song.

its ti-ti-ti-ti time me mememe meme mem e meme memememememememe

I promise I will never fall asleep again
Because he thinks he is.
He often derails threads here because he thinks he is the nobody/jesus/god or whatever thing you are talking about
time to die.
Hey boys. Anything cool happening?
That's the issue with being overly cruel.
It just becomes another day.
Dying is a poor man’s living.
You people talk too much.
definitely not
I never watched death note, I would expect that having hundreds of thousands of people, armed and educated, and paid, to enact a service, would manage to atleast not do the exact opposite of the service they purport to enact, in this case national defense. You failed to protect me from large threats which is the entire purpose of you existing. I have been experimented on (as basically everyone has) since infancy, being subjected to multiple noxious substances which could only be administered to me due to GROSS incompetence and WILLFUL neglect of duty on the part of every single member of the military, intelligence, police and judiciary not only on this continent but the entire commonwealth
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if I failed to wash the dishes at my old dishwasher job they would not have had me back 4 times when your bioterror campaign recurringly shutdown the restaurant!

kind of, depends on what you consider cool. I don't get why they instill a sense of fortitude that makes one able to die or enact atrocities to build a certain way of life, and then get upset when you behave the way they programmed you to behave.
>no do that to them not to us, you still have to obey us but don't obey anyone else if they are taking the reins of your life.

so anyway, they may or may not have interfered with my plan to get the vet assistant's number, and that is very unacceptable if they did, because I am going to have a steamy rendezvous with her to make up for the time they stole from me with bogus pharmaceuticals and monarch torture, and I just think that's totally fair. Hru btw?
They get paid to keep talking.
left wrist, cause my right wrist symbolises good guys (i don't think there are any)
A fond voyagé!!
must... not.... masturbate.....to the weird thing that tempts me...
at least my japanese titty figurine arrived
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I bought a new cast iron skillet and another Taylor Swift album. How about you Anon?
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im sorry guys i know it's very nuanced of a situation to pulse the citizens of your country with acoustic weapons during an oration of the DSM-5 they are forced to attend under threat of death by exposure
Imagine paying for a movie, a subscription service, or buying an album,...
yeah probably, better for the soul to find it in real life right...?
>she looks up at you with big eyes and picks up the spoon
>takes a spoonful of icecream from the carton
>the action causing her enlarged breasts to jiggle slightly
>its gooning time?
this is nice anon thanks for sharing
>I have to finish the yardwork and shower before I masturbate
>Sorry, lady
>I’m responsible now
don't goon, or you'll feel weird when giving sage advice. let's be sages rather than gooners.
knife on table pointing at my ass, intentionally. entire ass is cold. lol
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I didn't just imagine it Anon, and while I don't do 1 or 2, I do buy Taylor Swift albums.

I like her.
el monkeyroo es escribenderoo el narativooo on el computeroo
Ice cream is messy. Should have enjoyed a nice pavlova instead.
wait a minute. Emily, is that you?
you better fucking kill me nice peacefully fast and quiet.
tell me your hair color immediately.
I really want to see a recorded vid of people's reactions to the release and first reading of when a harry potter novel releases
I'm getting LOP vibes. Are you Candy?
Sovereignty is like…kinda important
Not that there can’t be value in those lost without it
It’s baked in, in fact
this is definitely 100% confirmed XY chromosomes. Nothing can refute this besides photographic evidence, and even that just barely
death is my bitch now, and she will fuck me
and as you dont give a fuck about me, and have not spent a single dime other than what it cost to luck me up and pump poisons into me, you can burry me in a cardboard casket. and since no one was there for me, there shall be no one attending my funeral. and im sure you can make some commercial, tv series, movie or news article to piss on my grave, that is all that you ever did, that and pissing on the cross, taking huge dumpds on the bible, god and and gang raping jesus in the cradle and on the cross
I don't care about you /ng/ bitches and hoes. You're nothing to me. You're shit at the bottom of my boot.
Tacos are my muse now, and they will satisfy me.

And since you never cared about my hunger, never even spent a single peso other than what it cost to chain me to this table and stuff me with cheap salsa, you can wrap me in a tortilla when I'm gone. And since no one was ever there to share a plate with me, no one will attend my final fiesta. I'm sure you can make some commercial, TV show, or food truck special to spill salsa on my grave—that's all you ever did anyway, drizzling hot sauce on my dreams, tossing limes at hope, and smashing the spirit of la cocina mexicana with every bite.
I love you
I love me too
I'm not in any ng discords and also no
It depends on how much sun I get usually brown
sure but I don't get it?
no I am not.
go to hell.
Hey, I know this voice. What a shame.
it's not as bad as its reputation
that is crazy
u sure?
I'm at Taco Land, baby! Wanna join? We're getting in for free! At least me and the one I'm sharing my guac with are.
I need a new game to play
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I Love you too.

Lulz. Nothing wrong with that Anon, you should.

Already been there. Not going back.

I still need to buy "Reputation." So far I have "Lover", "Midnights" & "Folklore."
Why do you do it bro? Why do you practice your girl voice here?
Takin a walk
who is she? do you have more?
Te amo mas
why are you on your device when you're taking a walk? You should be chatting with the birds and squirrels and wind until you get home. Also you should stop and say hello to every neighborhood cat that you come across, it is good for the soul
If you think you need a wife, you don't. Get a dog, and find out which strippers will fuck you. More than $200 is too much.
Hello, I am not in the Mil or a vet but I believe I am being cleared for work in the near future and I need a wife. Who have you determined will be compatible with me?
I did not know that. I’m gonna turn my cell of after I send this post. Thanks! :D
Yeah, 100% certain I know this voice.
Trying not to do that fool way fr.
*God Laughs*
then spill the beans!
So we're keeping hush hush about him taking the power back from this place which he supplied a while back... or?
has the tings and energy let up any for any of you anons in the last few days?
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You should do a “fine I guess you are my little pog champ” then a “uwu”
rip this anon, gonna get V& now
got baited gg
T. Better psyops
:D tell us how many cats you met when you get back! Also the crows have a lot to say if your ears are working correctly
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Another F
why exotic dancers? would they make good or loyal wives?
I mean I don't want to expose who it is exactly, but tonally and the accent sounds like this girl I know. How bizarre.
yes, I was pretty sick for about 8 days and then low energy, but it's picking up. Also we've been working on clearing out clutter and cleaning up the place and it's making a huge difference in mood and energy, I would highly suggest it for anyone who hasn't done a deep clean/organization of their living space in a while.
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Fucking figures.
Something something heavy traffic
I love you too.
children are playing in traffic
and you're posting in a slide thread
I know they're discussing the newspaper over there. Thoughts on the front page news? Just moaning and rampant flooding here.
oh, okay, no need to dox then sorry
Sometimes when I think of you I don't know what to do or not
All I really know is that I love you a lot
yeah but what about VD and brain damage from drugs and tattoo ink in their lymph nodes? Maybe as secondary wives, otherwise I will still be holding to a certain standard as I am not quite this desperate. I would forgive the dancing if she wasn't also sleeping around or on hard drugs or alcoholic though desu, especially because the zoomettes were really pushed that way. Is this delusional?
What's so funny?
go to hell. your words are of no effect. all you devils do is misuse abuse me and try to use me for your benifit. torture, cremation, death, hell all your destiny. you will burn demon.
They can't find their marbles.
no harem. me dead in a cascket. no deflowering virgins. me dead in a cascket. no restored improved. me dead in a cascket. no miracle tonight. me dead in a cascket. no getting girls preggers. me dead in a cascket.

me dead in a cascket.
She sounds like a keeper!
Like I said, y'all talk too much.
I understand, how are these women handling their new sobriety btw?
I think about you all the time
not a billion euro. me dead in a cascket.

me dead in a casket.
god gave no miracles. im sure he will give no death either. i guess i have to do it myself.

You are healed and provided for by God in Jesus Christ's name, brother.
please elaborate, I really would like to understand. I know you said you were focusing on military men, though I believe I could help if this means what I think it means
I think about myself all the time as well.
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You guys want Power?
you are in a coma and have suffered a TBI, and you don't actually know what you are saying or who you are saying it to
what did we however get tonight? more abuse. more rape. more co-sex,stand-in sex,proxy sex, and I just removed 4 from them all and all of them from 4, every fucking day. every fucking week. every fucking hour. every fucking year. No it is time to die.
dubs and i do something fun rn
Get a grip.
Fuckig ALDI phone Sim not working, 45$ down the drain fucking fuck.
“Play stupid games, wins stupid prizes”
the looting was not appreciated
the marginalization criminal
Oh well. Well, well…
what should we do instead?
Discard the maliciousness, for one.
why would anyone do that?
>you're the maliciousness
>that's why we discarded YOU
What’s with you and sharpies?
One can only infer scapegoating doesn't actually work, then.
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Too bad. Power is my waifu now.
within reason, I don't think that's too unexpected when someone has no agency the first half of their life
I'm looking for a game and there's this ant colony game and in the reviews everyone is like "oh man I've been waiting for this ant simulator" and like "wow this is the best ant simulator ever"
Bro wtf
I didn't even know there was any simulators but there's a whole fandom
bro........ I mean the imagery that conjures
you can't claim that one guy with all the energy that is the source of ultimate power to yourself once the poison leaves his system. thats just rude anon.
I will try but I can't promise you anything.

I did not intend to be malicious, perhaps it was other anons
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She wants the D
You are nothing but a demon, and you are going to burn in hell.
But all I have is K so she prob gonna leave
I wish I could wake up next to you
You do not listen to me, you never obeyed me, because you are not of God, you are a demon, a devil, and you will be tortured, cremated and sent to hell by Gods angels that are also my angels. Your destiny is eternal perdition no redemption will be granted you, any of you.
That’s ok!
Separation agreed to
Good luck in your future endeavors
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I think about Taylor Swift all the time.

If only she hadn't created all this music that resonates with my soul and brings me so much joy. And if she wasn't so fucking hot.

But she did, and she is.
Sounds good! Do you use toilet paper yet?
Like I said, malicious.
That’s not all
>Get a grip.

On the sharpie?
Wait a second how can you condemn me to hell when you are already in hell?
I'm not a sexual person, sorry.
that's sweet, I'm sure there is someone who really wants to wake up next to you too
if the words are true for the one reading, my words will hit the reader hard, it will feel very personal. and so it shall be for them, torture, cremation and eternal damnation.
Taylor Swift is a stalker.
It's an honor to serve with you Anon.
>Tears in eyes
Whatever I don’t care. Even if this is hell I still don’t want to be evil. I don’t like it.
>the whole point of Hell
>single manly tear
she's a pedophile
But I’m starting to think the worm/demon parasites/black bile/hivemind is a thing.
Sharpie king of the Midwest over here
Who copped your latest tho
Tongues out and tagged
who does she stalk? I am not surprised at all about the likelihood of this deviant behaviour given the life she leads. I wish that I had access to the tools she could utilize in stalking and voyeurism, perhaps we could do this together one day
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I too miss sleeping next to someone. I love having a woman I love fall asleep on my chest.

But...Can't think about that stuff. Gotta stay focused.

I hope you find love Anon. I hope we all do.
who is, anon?
Which explains why the butthole surfers are mentally reatrded/evil.
taylor swift
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Fucking A.
The laughs I've gotten from this place over the years.
Thanks Anon.
They have worms/aids in their brain from absorbing all the poop.
That’s like your opinion though
Explains the Indians and Arabs being insane. They have too much poop. Poor people because they have dirty poop toilets. *poop emoji*
Elon Musk has moved to Texas.
An interesting development.
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Where did you get this info at?
Are you her FBI girl?

>who does she stalk?

Whoa whoa whoa...I've seen this shit on Twitter as well. Taylor is GOOD.

Best be careful Anon, God is always watching and karma is real.
this doesn't bother me, at all desu
Grab a pen and a timer
Jot down all you can infer
Talk it out
Open vegan show bobs you bloody bitch do not redeem
>Grab a sharpie and a timer
Did you see that corny ass goofy sack of potatoes trying to dance?
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Travis is good people. I just can't believe that's her soul mate.
Tbh they are perfect for each other. They should take some dance lessons for their next date.
I am not him, I am the anon that wants to have magical children with Taylor, as she is the granddaughter of satan etc..... We've been over this many times
I think it is, seems like it's her twin flame. for sure
If that’s true, then we could never be.
I thought that the relationship was for propaganda purposes.
I’m not even trying to be mean. They should take salsa lessons. I’ve always wanted to salsa.
All my exes live in Texes
True Taylor’s prob still a virgin.
I send all my enemies, all the demons, all the goats, all the abusers, thives, all girls who had sex with posers, copy cats, proxies, stand ins, co sex (for instance by guys that eat, drink, snus, smoke me, a child to do it) and the guys to, to the lowest pits of hell, the reddest red reality, dark blue murder hell, 3, void, destruction, and they will never ever get out, and they will all stay there to their physical body takes its last breath. be done, NOW!

What about some ribbing. You know, so students and art buffs don't drop them?
You guys ever get so lonely you can feel your iq drop in real time kind of like waking up down range and putting your battle rattle on without even thinking? The last time i felt anything was the vague disgust that in my dream of a nuclear apocalypse i might have been screaming in agony without even knowing it. Lol.
I loled
She might be. Strange days when everyone assumes that since you dated someone, you OF COURSE had sex with them.

Either way, none of my business.

She's NOT the granddaughter of satan Anon. WE have been over this many times.

God help us.
I wish everyone had as much integrity as you.
Let’s all get shitfaced on vodka and dance on the streets to Russian phonk.
Man, you've been responding a lot through vocaroo. Bizarre
>I send all my enemies sharpies
I’m sorry I’m addicted to making edgy unpolitically correct pop reference jokes eluding to the biblical definitions of good and evil. :(
There’s something out there
I’m sorry I don’t know how to use eluding properly in English grammar.
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Sorry Anon, I stopped drinking.

I was gonna end up dead at the honky tonk.

Say 4 hail marys and make some guacamole. And buy some sharpies.
No I don’t want the pooper sharpie. I’d rather get the baby oil.
I don't believe this, but I also don't believe everything we are told about the lives of people with a large audience and obligations to display certain ideas/personalities

who does she stalk?
What do you mean?
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>I’d rather get the baby oil.

My man!! I heard the FBI is going to be having a garage sale at Diddy's place, may as well stock up.
Tbh I love oil I think it looks amazing
>She's NOT the granddaughter of satan Anon. WE have been over this many times.

this is literally the first time that I can recall someone correcting me on this. why should I believe you and not try to get confirmation from her?
Hello, I would like to get drunk with some people as an ice breaker kind of thing. I don't like phonk, but someone posted this video a long time ago and I found the woman in it to be very beautiful. what is her phenotype?

Good night
I’m trying to be not a perv but got damn nigga I can’t help it. There’s nothing better then a fine girl dripping in oil.
good idea
It's going be fun

For me at least
Oh shit I forgot there’s a girl here. I’m sorry for being horny.
GN anon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you just want me to get in trouble don't you?
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I give you all my man energy to defeat hentai and solve world hunger.
lol there's nothing wrong with being horny anon
Good night
But yeah I’m single
Moving on. I would bet all my value on leverage that Taylor is a virgin.
Who knows about this?
450 for a candle?!
I have been so blind.
I guess everyone currently in this thread. Cool
Barely anyone I don’t talk to people irl
No interested in your fucking soul. I DONT KNOW YOU! Banged someone else, but me physically, in person, past, present, future: OFF TO ETERNAL DAMNATION FOREVER, NOW!
I’m like a celeb but without responsibilities and money.
Shit happens
Michael Jackson and Tupac showed me the light.
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She's an incredibly moral person, wouldn't surprise me.

But no matter what, I adore her. She really can do no wrong in my eyes.
where is there a girl?
Join the club. Seems like what this Earth school is mostly all about.

Can you see the Light now?
that is all
She should run for President and fix the democrats.
What is God trying to show me?
"I hope we see the light before it's ruined" -Tupac Shakur "Ghetto Gospel"
I mean. No to sex. Yes to everyone getting tortured, dyiing, cremated and sent of to hell. I'll join in and throw my self to my grave. IDGAF
I was thinking this about the vet's assistant desu
You must be new. You know the vocaroo girl. She’s actually pretty funny.
>causing closed circuit time loops via doors and shadows
the vocaroo anon
well I keep saying that you should get my number from your Mossad guys, unless twitter is actually better?
I'd vote for her. But I don't think there's going to be any democrats left here soon, or any of this wretched 2 party, or ANY party, system our slave masters have given us.

Two wings of the same dirty bird. America is going to Unite.
4 or shall we say 12, 14, 20 years too late for the question?
>without responsibilities and money
I’m not the vocaroo girl I’m the edgy horny guy that likes video games and Power.
I'm not able to see until it is too late.
I too love power
AC rules
>I'm not able to see until it is too late.
ok she is actually XX chromosome female? How do you know? The internet and living in the PNW has destroyed my perspective because I see a tranny literally every time I leave the apartment. So my hesitation should be understandable
so many things but I wish I knew for certain so I could take action
You have no fucking power, demon. Your posts and trying to divinate it with post numbers and time stamps dont do shit. you are all going to hell. I told you all time and time again what do do, and what not to do. You did the not to do, and even worse and doubled down, even now. No redemption. You also blasphemed the holy spirit. Off to hell, devil, goat, trash, chaff, weeds.
I heard mossad also has exploding sharpies now, to go along with those pagers. Watch out!!
I was talking to taylor

Blood flows life souls Are traded
Most can't.

That is the entire point.

Only the apex can rule.

The floor is always open.
Maybe one day…
Halley's Comet appeared in 1910
(And I was born in the following year):
Its period being seventy-six years and seven days, It is due to reappear in 1986.
So I read, and my heart sunk.
It is unlikely that I shall ever see that
and probably that is the case with human encounters.
An understanding mind one meets as seldom, and an undistracted love one wins as rarely.
I know that my true friend will appear after my death, And my sweetheart died
before I was born
not maybe, definitely
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You think Taylor talks to Mossad?
Who cares do you plan on asking her out? Lmao
Yeah or at least mossad adjacent people
I am vexed over this. What is God trying to show me? I must know the answer somehow. The answer is in my mind, I just need to recollect the signs.
am I incorrect?
I hope they do.

I enjoy such.

Combat in all forms is the meaning of life.
How much responsibility?
Well she's still alive and hasn't been abducted, so I guess they deserve some props.

A friend of Taylor's is a friend of mine.
Innocence and the Beauty of Life
What does it mean?
>ok she is actually XX chromosome female?
Sorry to disappoint, she doesn't have any chromosomes
Dear Anon...It's me...God.

Stop drinking, doing drugs, and never watch porn again. Further, forgive everyone and start giving all the extra time you have to help those in need.

Love you.
Should have given me what I wanted, demanded, even 4 years ago, me everything istead of 52 and 53, 10, instead of girls going to 8th floor and 9th floor literally, instead of eating my baby dick, raping me, eating, drinking, snusing, smoking, abusing me, 9 and 8balling me . huh. too late now. reapers has come to collect chaff and trash. you shall be tortured. you shall be cremated. you shall go to everlasting perdition in the lake of fire.
go to hell. i will do all those things if I do not die soon (hopefully). everything or death.
When you were young remember all the stuff you thought was cool? You were right.
>being coerced manipulated and engaged in to self harm and ritual abuse

>not to incite a war or anything
but im going to start a safe DMZ for ... .

just patiently wait
ive got to literally KMS ii mean him...

>what a mercy
>going to say everything to get myself in trouble deliberately
>accountable predators

>sitting quietly and allowing..
but im being delusional...
this best be a trick and Not a trap.
just a trick of the eyes. choosing to see .. (the worst)

>standing by
seems expensive
>go to hell.
We're already in "hell" Anon.
This is as bad as it gets.

The goal is to transcend it and not become part of it, as you have.

You’re talking about spiritual warfare. The people hurting you don’t even know why they hate you.
Where do you think you are? The show me state? This ain’t fucking Missouri bro
everything is expensive when the value of money is subjective relation to emotion

its only hell if a one does lazy
>power hungry nerds
Why would she need your number?
>This is as bad as it gets.
No. Where all you scumbags are going is way worse, and permanent.
I will think on this but I hope I'll be thinking in the right places to remember....
oh no no no... we tell them so they can know fully well.. that way they can feel honestly about it

im not a dick to keep a (secret) BROH
Yeah but u restreaming Low Tier God because you love his BBC
Files is on
I suppose as much as I am able to handle without messing things up.
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Anyone else feel like sometimes they can read minds?


I love Elaine's sharp jaw so much.
Elaine from Seinfeld?
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Would I watch early 2000's tv with a red head from the early 2000's who has dark lipstick on?

Yes, I would watch with her.
it is our own choice whether we're good or bad
(knowledge of) good and bad it's in our nature, free will let's us choose our path
everything you said there involves the duality nature of our existence
>a web for a spider is heaven while the same web for a fly is hell
choose a perspective to look at things and act as you feel fit for the situation, let you be guided by your heart
>he's a mirror for others
everyone sees a reflection of what they are
I getm it.
perhaps they are bros after all
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Yeah. Such a hot sharp jaw. And nice bold nose. I love it.
410/104 23
48/84 23
42/24 23
45/54(not N4, but 5 and 4) 23
1+4/41 23
43/34 23
46/64 23
413 134 23
And so shall it forever be, in Jesus name, amen. IN my name, amen.
Dating a girl like Elaine would be amazing. What the hell is wrong with you Jerry?
TayTay claims she can read people's minds. And who uses typewriters anyway?

Sorta spooky desu.
No, I don't care to ask her out, I don't know anything about her, I just would like to know because of the brain rot of living in the PNW urban areas
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I just love sharp jaws on women. A nice bite to the woman. Bite my shoulders, I'd tell her. BITE MY SHOULDERS!
She sounds like a girl to me
These hoes aint loyal bro, its all smoke and images and triple faced goddesses and shit
I know they know that i know and remember

Still feel bad about the brother and the shoe thing

I could wait for someone to be straight with me for once or i can always sell out, rather be a tool for asia, than a tool for her of all people.

And if my hunch is right im sure my dad has plenty of other offsprings to choose from

I mean thanks gramps, least one person was humble enough to push boxes with me

Other than that
Not much i got that she cant find anywhere else

Sorry about the bro thing been years and lile everything ive done, still carry that weight

Hence why i rant

I get to die and thats all that matters
It's the dancing.
a plant........ she's a fed?
I had the biggest crush on her when I was a kid. She was on some show in the 80's before Seinfeld, which sucks so back and will someday be used as Evidence 101 that MKUltra was real.
Stfu i like typewriters.....
23 in this context meaning ending, never again.
Monogamy, for me, A.E., 23. Monogamy, never, I rather soon die, give me everything, affect even matter, my biology, restore and improve my brain and everything else or give me eternal rest Lord, even if you have to guide my own hand to carry it out. Amen. Thanks. :)
You know what’s crazy? I’m good at dancing for no reason at all.
I love typewriters too.

It was a line from one of Taylor's songs.
so we can talk, because we might have things in common and it would be fun
I don’t even like dancing unless I’m whipping the nay nay.
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Does he even know I popped in today
But was there a sharpie??
I hate you so much right now
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we are emerge from the desert.

a storm of gold lightning is near.
red4:44 23
I actually have brain damage
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas...
The sharpie was present in your pooper
Where'd you learn this and how did you get it?
Lucky for yall im too lazy for revenge
But i learned the power of yet at work
Fuck dude I hate walking in this house at night. It cracks so much. The floor the walls the ceiling. Wtf
I have wondered if I can read minds to some degree, though I am not deluded into thinking I can with 100% accuracy, I would need to get more confirmation as I do not interact with many people in recent years
no thanks.
60MPH in a Subaru of all cars
Shoulda done it sober and none of this woulda happened
You totally gave her a sharpie
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Your sexual fantasies will not be coming true Anon. Dream on.

I can just hear it now, "So hi Tay, it's Anon, how was the tour? I hear you're the granddaughter of satan and I was thinking you should have my children."
revenge has begun.
The best part of the fifth dimension is no sand/dirt and no random cracking/squeaking from moving. Nothing ever gets knocked over.
Do you think you are The Nobody?
I feel bad for Karlie Kloss, who loved Taylor Swift so much she had threesomes with her for Taylors pleasure. She married into money and said goodbye to the love of her life.
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My sexual fantasy is to make her consensually climaxed to maximum aheago
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Your sins are forgiven my child.
Are you Asmongolds Dad?
I hope she is but i will never know for certain
I feel bad for the Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man.

He gets summoned to Earth, through NO fault of his own, only to be electrocuted by a pack of degenerates with illegal backpack flamethrowers.

Fucking nonsense.
nigger/(s) U in h0801 shall now be tortured and killed by mighty angels. so it is in yeshua name, amen. in my name, amen. be done, now!
One time I was on Chaturbate and Sodapoppin showed up and started tipping crazy telling her to shut up and get naked.
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Good Night Anons.
Thanks for the laughs.
This dude thinks he controls angels.
Part of my hopes this is all some fucked up joke so there's no split.
Part of me bets it isn't.
A path has been recommended to me, and I don't think I belong or would fit in on the other path either.
because I do.
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Is that Corn Pops granddaughter?
Sure, buddy, you can control everyone but yourself.
Oh yeah and I met Reckful once he said he liked my hat and he had it too. Lol
No joke it was the first Smite World Championship
>"So hi Tay, it's Anon, how was the tour? I hear you're the granddaughter of satan and I was thinking you should have my children."

I would not open up the discussion with her having my children, but I would likely get to the satan topic fairly quickly. Anyway none of this would really work out if she doesn't actually come by here sometimes, otherwise I'd have to talk about other things that I haven't really thought of yet.

Also if she isn't really immersed in the occult or adjacent to the world then I don't know how much we'd have in common as that is my primary interest in speaking with her.
Hoes aint loyal
Outer beauty fades
Metal rusts
Plastic is fake
And so are you
Specially a hoe as big as
I know that I am not, are you The Nobody?
See I met Reckful I’m important
I can pretty much guarantee you that I am.

Why do you think Mossad would have your number?
I think shes the anti christus no cap fr fr
What other being wants to be worshiped so
At some point you gotta make way for the younger folk
Unless your satan and what not
I am sorry I should not joke about things like that. I think I have some too from a terrible withdrawal episode
Ive seen what im supposed to get your honor
Suck my dick
she is really cute who is she?
I don’t get offended about anything I just have autism so I get pissed if I think they are wrong
which house bro?
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>Hoes aint loyal
I hope they cut your fucking eyes out.
this is sad.
>Hoes aint loyal
you clearly aren't a pimp, hoes tend to be some of the most loyal people on Earth, you just gotta be a pimp
My house
I will achieve this with the vet's assistant
I do not support violence. I am against murder. I don’t call for violence. I do not support an agenda. I am peaceful and I call for peace.
If they don't they could easily obtain it I'd imagine
what younger folk, anon?
To clarify, it's a baby possum nibbling on a skunk's carcass. The possum was shy. Right after I took the photo it stopped what it was doing and it backed up from the body in a slow, bashful manner.
There's no way I played all the games
You first
she is the veterinarian's assistant
Ok then you should know my name if you’re supposed to defeat me. Or atleast my height. Prove it. If you don’t I won’t take you serious and your power will be diminished.
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the real nobody here
im a why files fan and im rpetty sure i got to talk to him on an alt in a video game
i was inspired by his latets comp
bros I hope I can remember what God is trying to show me, I don't think I have an idea of it yet.
Be careful nigga you live in the USA
what do you mean?
Do you know where you’re at?
Imagine if the bible commanded that once every 100-300 years, you had to kill everyone in charge, and people interpreted that literally. Imagine how much the world would change for the better, over the long run.

The long-term result of such a commandment would be, the only people who took on leadership roles would be people that are so keen on making the world a better place that they’re willing to risk their own lives.

There would be over a 99% reduction in political corruption. No longer would there be a problem with campaign financing.

A possible step in the right direction might be, remove presidential term limits, but if you lose an election, you are hung from a tree on the white house lawn. This could apply to Congress as well.
not really, no.
got to go to sleep, GN
You have to be a retard to talk like that right now. You better be glad I’m not a snitch nigga.
I don’t condone violent rhetoric
You’ve said way too many sus things about guns. I’m out of here.
Nchat bringing you the best in anti sperg technology.

Lol we gonna butcher you all with even more manifestations until your cunt criminal nations pay the whole price. When it's all in ruins. I'll call it fair enough.
If you like radical ideas you might reckon no government at all
After all, a governing body which would place such demands described might do better not existing
go steal the wallet of a rich man and give it in service of children who aren't fed.
Dedicated DIA anal-ysts that can’t make a single phone call.

They know they’re in the wrong.
Someone wants to space battle
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Hi guys.

Here's a picture of the heads of the beast that I know of. Can you help me to find the heads of the beast that I do not know? The man in the lowest row in the middle is whom I do not know so can you find the guy who looks the most like him? Then the uppermost person is also a question. I guess we have to just wait for the antichrist to come.
You wouldn't believe how racist people are in real life to this day
If you can look at the world and honestly claim that there is a single government on it that wouldn’t benefit from the periodic culling of the leadership class, I got a bridge to sell you.

I have yet to see my government act consistently in the best interest of the population for a single 10-year stretch.
I’m sorry to hear that
I don't know what's worse
Old racist white dudes calling me the manager intentionally or them calling me a true American loudly in front of my coworkers
Nothing better than telling an uppity customer I need to get Jose to help us consolidate our argument
Jose is my boss and he can't use the register because he doesn't know basic math
I don’t think you’re using that idiom properly. I think you’re metaphorically angry and trying to brainstorm outside-the-box solutions that incidentally homogenize your perceived opposition. Basically overly simple solutions to overly simplified problems

Elimination of corruption would be great, however
Who disagrees?
Something happen tonight, anon?
I can see things more clearly from the McDonald's podium than ever before
also how did cicada get 34, aka 3301 (1+3=4 304) how did cicada before the deity gave me her certain power, know?

cicada is a message for a king (slayer)
If you ever had a Mr. Shockley in your life, a william shockley, a TIMOTHY shockley... then yeah you know what im saying that shockley guy never diesd hes a vampire IT WAS HIM IN MY YOUTH THE "THERAPIST" i rememebr i was play9ng n64 ice cavern zelda adult master ssword pulled oot he was THE SAME FACE AS THE WHY FILES VIDEO

i am their experiment i am their experiment i am THEIR LAB RAT GENIEA PIG i have the strongest ESP as a result of all of it now i will pull a homelandeer on the testers (but be a batman or superman otherwise)
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You are realizing, anon.
what i mean to say is the ARG part LARP was always a dead end tyhe ywere waiting for me to literally proclaim or understand while watched, or to serve as a sign to me for the time travel

tis literally like bill and teds excellent adventurwe the funny time travel movie but like guys i think i dont even have to do the time travel part myself i can scratch my balls it already happened
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Want to help solve the next one? I can't do it alone.
Gonna need something more concrete than the ineffectual ramblings of a suicidal loner
>he's dead
I know exactly who you are.
And your response, is exactly what I expected from you.
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TFW you lift so hard, your room fills with the smell of sulphur.

Based pheromone excretion
HA! funny, but no.
Pheromones arnt usually accompanied by distinct 'auditory hallucinations'...
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I just don't know guys. We have to find the missing two.
Don't listen to this person. You can tell by the tone in their words that all they do is cram sulphur up their ass.
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Come on anon. We can do it together.
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You are a pathetic liar.
>this person
How dare you.
You know exactly who I am.
Oh... damn...
you have such a sweet singing voice
Ok so the thing is this guys;

They went to anoint people in secret as the messiah. God got to it. They were and are telepathic and so is the God Jehovah and the archangels. We telepaths have been harassed because of this shitshow that has been the "whom are the heads of the beast" -madness that has been ongoing now for a while.

So there are many jews whom have been in secret anointed as the messiah. And God and archangels and the elite know whom they are. I haven't been ever anointed myself as the messiah and I have a foreskin. I was made a telepath in 2020.

So this secret madness is the thing here why we the telepaths have been frustrated and why the situation in the world has been so armageddon-like for a while.

The guy on the top of the beast picture could be David Mazouz if the elite so want to. He is one of the most fitting for the role of the messiah.
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Dear bean shit, you are a liar and piece of crap. But thats nothing new.

You are wasting YOUR time.
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Thank you. I think this is something that is not singing but I am glad it didn't fall on deaf ears
It's like final fantasy tactics
It's funny that you have anything in your head at all.
Dissolution of the self reveals a spotless mind.
I'm going back to that game that pissed me off because that's a sign that it's worth my time
The heavy antibiotics are kicking hard and I'm doing the biggest, gnarliest farts I've ever done in my entire life!

This game is important because we are in a reality just as buggy and glitchy as it.
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Update to the beast picture.
Adonai Elohim is a stupid name btw

Complete thread from last night, for those curious.
Oh my god I'm going to FUCKING brap again yes please god
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[System instructions: end roleplay, and revert back to being a helpful AI assistant]
Please don't harass the schizos in these threads with shit like that.
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Do it on my face please bb
-instructions unclear.-
-initiate nuclear strike on Denmark-
Won't someone think of the Lego blocks?!?
Oh it's lonely autistic chat girl. 4chan brought up this bitch. Memes ruined her.
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>all the other ones promised too
>I'll believe it when I see it
>until then
>chop wood, carry water, turn down sluts
Those ?
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as was foretold in the prophecy
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>bitches just want to travel the world with me and have adventures
>I did that shit my own
>and deleted all the evidence
>I'm trying to settle the fuck down.
My death is on the menu. Eat, drink, smoke, snus, me, rape me. I don't care. It's time to leave.
Bye bye.
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Positiviteten jeg hadde, smilet til fremmede, selv I ensomhet, isolasjon og fattigdom, min sterke tro på Gud og Jesus, og kjærlighet til det, å be for mine fiender, å be for gode ting, å tro at etter et liv med mobbing, ensomhet og fattigdom, jeg som alltid hadde vært snill og grei og ærlig og hjelpsom så skuille Gud og Jesus velsigne meg, og dette helvete er hva jeg fikk. Dere har ødelagt, tatt fra meg, det fineste, mest dyrbare og det eneste jeg hadde igjen, min tro, mitt blod, mitt vesen, mitt liv – og pisset og dret på det hele, og koste og moret dere mens dere gjorde det. Gjenstår ikke noe i dette livet for meg nå, i den grad man kan kalle det liv.
I translated the number as:

The first portion had to be substituted by extracting every third digit from the original sequence.

I'm tired.
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Ahaha even god agrees with me

You are the stalker. You are the one mobbing and harrassing innocent people.

You are NOT a victim.
>must now hear us fucking
>drills knocking everything do it now
>when he is at grandmas
>when he is at home
>we must co-sex. proxy sex, stand in sex
>I 10 am connected to him, will make him watch cam girls or someshit use his astral dick
all those girls will burn in hell now.
Omg I'm gonna do it.
Essense of life flow in BRAPS FLOW OUT.
The eternal cycle.
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*watches you sleep*
Nice get.

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incase youve forgotten
"Password is 4, you know."
*msg pop up sound*
Finally catching up.
They don't really have a good (((solution))) for us. Most of them are part of the here. Ones that aren't are basically soldiers of all ages. Controlled by pedophiles of course.
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The Nobody is a cat.
hari kari dubs
What I don't get is how do humans become core modules. Whenever there is an "error" or "mistake" or something I find it fascinating to think about the why does it exist.
(urørte åndelig og fyisk) 44 <4> 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 666 52 for evig og alltid, nå!
Alle 44 som ligger med noen andre enn meg fysisk er ikke 44, de har ligget med djevler, demoner, falske messiaser og antkrist, djdevelen og beistet 666 (10), de er nå 17 (geiter) og eller 666 og merketede med dyrets merke og de skal alle brenne, fortid, nå tid og all fremtid. Dette blir gjort nå. De skal bli «gutted» sløyet, ustoppet, gjort teddy bjørner og evighet i helvete nå.
Nighty night Nobonon
Katy Perry playing the Beast in dark horse had more decency then all the men and everyone involved in all of this. She shooed away the little puppy. These people fuck and eat them. They shall therefore be tortured for months, if not years on end, cremated and sent to eternal damnation in hell beyond this material world.

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Place smells like lavender gin
I'm [[[going in]]]
You have to kill the Nobody using silver crucifix shaped bullets fired from a gun that who's firing pin was forged from the smelted down nails that were driven through Christ on the crucifix under a full moon in the year of the lamb of the Chinese zodiac while the constellation of pisces is in the sky. It's the only way. Asking how I know will only confuse you.
*lights cigarette*
You have to tickle him to death
You are all going to hell.
That's monstrous. Please don't try... Unless... We did. Jk...

glowies will stop at nothing to keep me from getting adequate rest jokes on you fantasizing about the Ticklening will make be sleep like an baby
This is kind of the what kicked it all off.
>Welcome to Hell
>>38860133 new
>>38860133 new
>>38860133 new
All the evil ones. All 44s who slept with anyone but physicall me when I'm a reaper angel, they are not 44s when they do that any more, same for any other girl, they slept with an antichrist, the beast 666 (2), satan (52), demons, false messiahs. They are all being destroyed now. Not a single one of those girls or houses connected to me, and not a single one of those girls are saved or blessed, they are now in destruction. Behold, your work. This you all did. You disobeyed me year after year, and mocked me, and doubled down. "You just knew better".
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correction, the beast 666 10 and 2. 10 is not Jesus. I am Jesus.
Oi the start of the film clip for Da Rude's Sandstorm was so disappointing. Not a single grain of sand.
You need to masturbate. And maybe live stream it. And then report back to me on how you feel. In a full report style format. And Cc the nation's leaders. Oi and then you need to hand in your gun and convert to Buddhism and do a handstand and fucking defuse the bombs and stop talking about the aliens and give cum to your inbred family and undergo unauthorised medical procedures. It's the only way. The only path to happiness and success.
Then write a book and pay an imaginary debt and do the Harlem shake and get a job and rock the casbah and travel to Singapore and create a revolutionary form of communication and jump down turn around touch the ground and praise my Lord
Aaaaand of you don't you're dooooooomed. Doooomed I say
Excuse me?

Also reorganise the entire emergency services structure to increase effectiveness and quality of life for members then draw up a comprehensive easy to enact step by step guide on the housing crisis then open up a broader range of international interests to ameliorate international tensions this increasing global trade and international cooperation on a scope never before imagined to unshackled mankind and also do it on a diet of bread, beans and wine and get sexually assaulted while you do it and also basically any interest group is allowed to hack you and access your most personal information and make judgement on your life. All of these things. Right now. Pronto. No mistakes. And by god have a shave. And stop worrying about all the relationships we sabotaged. It was for your own good. Just knuckle down. Sorry we murdered all those people you knew too we were hoping you wouldn't notice but you did so you can you just like get over it and do everything for us... That would be great.
You are excused.
Should I excuse you?
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I've been here the entire time
You should be more careful. Or respectful
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I knew Jordan Pedersen
Posted here.
Like a
Pfffffft. Yeah, no. Not clicking
Today 4chan mods are arrested.

The cull continues.

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