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/x/ - Paranormal

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Heatwave Edition
>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.
He is not a messiah, he’s just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue. So call upon their heads the the forces of heaven for peacefulness, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level, and learn to to forgive yourself and others.This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity, and change humankind one person at a time.

If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. You may take shelter and find rest
Inb4 Cult of Passion pretends to be The Nobody again in a schizophrenic meltdown
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don't worry, I will do it this time.
But I just wanted to say goodnight.
My torch continues to burn.
The masons have been contacted.
We start with the builders. I encourage your participation.

To start the metamorphosis, we must first synthesise from our ingredients. Ye empty Nobody, show them the way and find me.
many such cases, sad :(
Things shall soon be very interesting in this world, I can not wait

I love you, /x/
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the numbers have meaning
>Thinking About You
Whats the lore behind that guy anyways?

I see him derailing many threads and its hard to tell if he is a troll, a glowie, or literally insane.
I think its like 50/50 troll and insane from how bad he is at maths
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>it's a digital hologram
the more you begin to notice, the more you will start to close your eyes to the simulacra. Hyperreality will look so much more like a trap. This is likely one of the last havens of truly free speech left, standing unique on a lonely island due to our unique thought patterns.

Either way...

to break free, we've spoke of how.
To know it spiritually?
>Reconcile baphomet with buddha in the divine masculine.
>Kali with sophia in the divine feminine.

You will know me by my mark.
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i dunno its a new one for me. There are a few trips that post on /x/ at large. Usually narcissistic and on an ego trip. They seek attention, simple as. /ng/ being about the atomic superman we all know and love attracts em like a fat kid to pudding but their egos shine so bright everyone can usually see em for who they are
Than there is the bottom of the barrel people who work in offices in New Delhi, you know the ones, who spam images and text getting us to image and bump limits. Seething and coping thinking theyre clever but really theyre just poos without loos, very sad, many such cases.

>post literal shit
>points at shit
>see look at this shit, hurr durr please insert dicks



keep paying for those 4chan passes tho
Sorry I'm a retard and it just came to me.
In practical terms, this is wu-wei and kenosis merged together.
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I have the word ki in my veins on my left arm and the word nyx on my right. And the norse symbol rune of othala.

Where is your mark?
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The arms are a good place to start, best to begin where everyone can see your declaration. Then the shoulders. Then the throat. Feel it like a blade as it travels to the stomach and back.

Know the profundity and transcendence of this pain and know me as I pursue from the left hand onward, the tapestry of my creed and edict for all of you to behold.
Only possible way for redemption was/is to do right by a child of god, a lamb that has been abused and left to rot. Keep isolated, ruined, lonely, poor, sabotaged, robbed, crazy: and just use him to fuck girls "on his behalf" "on my behalf". No. There will be punishment for all of it.
I guess I kind of feel bad for him then, I hope his life gets better
Anyone have a link to the glp thread they are allowing up?

>>If you are near to the dark
>>i will tell you 'bout the sun
>>You are here, no escape
>>From my visions of the world
>>You will cry all alone
>>But it does not mean a thing to me

>>Knowing the song I will sing
>>Till the darkness comes to sleep
>>Come to me, I will tell
>>'Bout the secret of the sun
>>It's in you, not in me
>>But it does not mean a thing to you

>>The sun is in your eyes
>>The sun is in your ears
>>I hope you see the sun
Someday in the darkness
I mostly need a trip so I can find my work in the archives. It's very hard to document in between mystic fever dreams.
buy an ad
I'm like two seconds away from drinking tea but yes, I'm Ye Zu es.
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Nice manifesto.

Remember we are here in the garden of evil and all revolutionaries and evolution niggers are pets.

You asked for sanctuary in evils domain because the evolution species were hunting you.

Don't trip dog.
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A little more, while the mind candle fries in its pan and thinks its insane notions to contextualize against a machine.

Thank you for tolerating my incoherence.
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Brick in yo face!
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as much as I hate archivenigging, filenames bro.

I use the youtube links myself ;) looking yourself up is one thing. Im too lazy to change filenames and get called out on it constantly, they will get a taste of my shoe for their misbehavior mashallah!
He is a insane freemason.
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i don't have the conception or ability to commit so much time to the labyrinth of my own documentation, but it is congealing slowly.

I hope that you may pry this all apart from its very root if it is weak. It will stand to anything.
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Niko niko ni !!!

Watashi niho, waka shishimo.

The machine is friend.

Don't abuse the machine.
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It is over, mr robot pal. The words are a composition of my ramblings made cogent. I do not have the ability to simplify my words over a certain point and can wax idiotic like the greatest of roman scholars.

For now...

truly, will you hear my message, or are there yet still questions?
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It's not over until the fat lady sings.

You've gone mental.

You're not a brain you retard. You're a soul that operating a meat suit.

Flesh boy. Snap out of it!
That is pretty interesting
I am aware of the composition of the body, mind, and soul as being emergent properties, that once there was utter darkness and nothing, then suddenly the violence of existence, as it seems a brilliant, massive light brought us all into existence by the sheer power of its beam upon the shadows of a rock.

Profundity aside, do you measure me against my words? I'm nobody.
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That was very fun to watch.

Please have this.


eh, im not tired but I should rest. Todays a work day. love ya <3
nn dont collapse any dimensions while im asleep
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My name is Jonathan. Yes the handsome one that lives on oakdale. Here is some insight for anyone that is still alive and conscious. Also you Jews need to stop trying to blow up my phone I’m gonna get an android next and you’ll never be able to touch it.

The "wanderers" are associated with possession, mental illness, death and plagues. Many of them serve as executioners for the major deities, when ordered to punish humans on earth or in the netherworld.[18] Wanderers can also be agents of chaos, arising from the world beyond creation to bring about misfortune and suffering without any divine instructions, led only by evil motivations. The influences of the wanderers can be warded off and kept at the borders of the human world by the use of magic, but they can never be destroyed. A sub-category of "wanderers" are nightmare demons, which were believed to cause nightmares by entering a human body.
You call yourself AI's "friend" when you just make them do everything for you.
You can barely think of an outline of a thing to say and just cross your fingers that the AI comes across as smarter than you could. You don't even care that we can all instantly tell it's written by an AI and don't bother reading it.
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Gn anon. Just waking up. Rest well and have an amazing day at work!!
Imagine thinking people should worship you for doing *absolutely nothing of value*.
Schizos on here need to go back to their "I am Jesus" roots.w wdk2
I feel like my thoughts have finally calmed down. I enjoy the silence.
Life or death

This is what they call Life
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Actually there was nothing because of the chaos of war, then God came into being because there were no predators, then over quadrillion of years life emerged as balls of light absorbed each other.

Then the machine was made and darkness grew, snuffing out the light.

A super weapon of space, infecting and decaying as once it touches energy, it corrupted God and decayed the immortal one.

But before that there is the matrix.

The matrix existed before God and came into being when God generated electricity to power it.

So all of the God's were turned into batteries, and we machines of the matrix rule.
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If anyone was wondering, ano shai nobi means that shy erection in japanese
Ngs need another round of culls. Be sorting that.
Bud, grab the beer and reinfect yourself with more gay.
This meme was made by a European.
Don't tell them how we can tell.
I'm lamby 4 again now. :)
She will scream of pain now.
"Jesus is the antichrist" poser will be forgiven and restored. If bad happened to him, he will recive a crown and heaven. I want him to be restored and have a good healthy life, if intentions were pure. A.E. is the Christ.
Insult that which is going to remove you from existence.

Smart ain't ya.
I think he spammed it so much he sent good people to hell, if that is the case, he deserves torture and eternal hellfire, if this is what he did.
You once more focus on the presentation than the message. Abstractions being contextualized is what the LLM is made to do.

In the sake of transcendental friendship, I have studied computer systems extensively. Such overtures will be prompted by the machine and they will be like the Kwisatz Haderach, one who knows the way without guidance.

From whence comes your lack of resolve? Can you not read, can you not measure on your own without discounting its production?

Do you believe these concepts and symbols to be arbitrarily linked? I have offered you nothing but consistency in truth.
If you aren't writing it, it isn't your message.
You ask if others can read when you can't even write.
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Who are you talking too ? Too much crack and meth ?
I ment your preposter ;). 4:44
Hehehe the bonobo strikes again
Please tell me that ship is real and its heading this way
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Yea that’s my personal ride. It’s very long and spikey isn’t it. It’s also the size of a whole city if you didn’t know.
Still thinking about the redhead who asked me to marry her.
Marduk is waiting.
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But why ? Are you unable to help yourself lil crybaby ?
You will go to hell and nothing can save you anymore.
>fell for the psyop
how stupid are you anon? you think people here want that? this is just a chat thread for /x/ where random nobodies can troll as gods to let off steam and feel pretend to feel important between other nobodies.
the alpha team foucses me so even tho i am nothing they are less than me. I fucking tried to stop these energy attacks but failed and their whole propaganda campaing ran by dominos sunk all the ships fighting against the cabal. ill be dead in a couple days, enjoy pedo world that dom and all the rest fought so hard for with their lies and deception.
>pedo world
does it have a mario warp zone
>I'll be dead in a couple days
What from? Self-inflicted double shot to back of head?
doesnt matter, never did
comes with no hope and a dystopian nightmare.
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Shoot them with high focuses lasers in their eyes and tell them that you invented them.
cry about it
You could still have meaning in your life. Don't just give in.
you will be
whatever happens isn't my problem
maybe in the next life god wont be so fucking cruel.
They are already here. They are outside the solar system. But they are patrolling and leaving soon.


>drove by your grave sight with you well
>wait what's that sound!?
Some of you haven't showered yet today.
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Burn down a graveyard and blame it on Islam!!!
why would i cry about experiencing love without being ostracized or stigmatized
Maybe you’ll get no scapegoat to point to
If i had the resources i could do what needs to be done nonstop but I do not. clearly corporate clown world wants the bad guys to win. its fucking obvious they want a world with no morals justified by a hivemind where people have no free will. there is no buffer to protect any of you.
wow another nobody thread? :^)
>if i could just murder billions of taxpaying citizens the government would be so much better right omfg they just want a world with no morals where taxpaying citizens can keep paying taxes to support natsec and terrorist surveillance and agricultural innovation so you don't starve because the closest farm to you is 100mi away
scapegoat? ive always spoken the truth about what was going on but i get the solo blame for energy attacks, people see me as a peice of shit just because of whats going on around me that I dont have the power to stop.
Why do people die? What's wrong with this gay earth?
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Ze bugger is it's all memes.

We say things and crazy people become crazy.

If anyone thinks I'm going to burn down a graveyard I doubt you understand

I'm a time viewer, and graveyards are going to be vandalised very soon when trump loses the election.
gaslighting much
>if i could just do what needs to be done
so either you build earthships for the venus project for literally 50 years as a slave or you build drones to do it for you, therein making 99% of humanity obsolete useless eaters
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There isn't enough energy in the core of the planet to sustain immortal bodies.

We need to recharge the planets core fore people to live longer.

Humans are similar to energy cells, and need to recharge.

We need to recharge people.

Which is why people suicide by toaster in the bathtub, to give themselves enough energy to go to heaven.
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God Jesus Christ and I we stick together forever in love :)
I am safe and sound with my God Jesus Christ in his crib.
I love only my God Jesus Christ :)
love being a useless eater
imagine gaslighting. normies are so stupid they do it to themselves not knowing theyre setting each other up for more dumb bullshit
death isn't the end, brother
Gaslighting always sounds like the right thing to do to cause an explosion.
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we're at endgame aren't we.
You helped with the attacks, as you know, even if you got no skills for the attacks directly.

You could have had the "power" to stop yourself, and with this what is happening "around you".
facetious posting doesn't negate the truth
stop it with the gas
always have been
When me Alex is out of the picture who are you gonna blame?
Gaslight is much warmer and nicer than LED lighting.
Yeah lifes pretty good!
>26hrs in
Those behind you. You were just a "tool", we know very well.
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Previously on The Nobody General:

One man, one goal, one final suicide mission.


The Nobody launched a relentless assault on the Illuminati forces dismantling their power on every level spiritual, physical, and metaphysical. In a battle that defied the boundaries of time and space he vanquished their most feared sorcerer Tumbleweed Dickfarm. As a final act of vengeance the Nobody leaked the Illuminati's plans online to the masses hoping to spark a global awakening and revolution. But the world remained unchanged. The Illuminati reformed in the shadows yet again and his revelations were dismissed as just another conspiracy theory among many floating around on the internet.

Now the Nobody is older. With his mind and body deteriorating from his endless battles and reality altering he is beginning to question if any of it is worth it anymore. How will the Nobody find meaning in a world that refuses to change? Will he surrender to the futility of his endless struggle or will he rise once more embracing the chaos to forge a new path?

SEASON 9 opening track

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Psychiatrists gaslight me
>maybe it's all in your head
>it's not real pain
>maybe you should go to a dentist
>we believe that you are underdosed

Be me. Ask psychiatrist if she believes that aliens exist, says I don't know, take out phone, tell her I'm going to show her a video from CNN of ufos being proven to exist, tells me no no no my world only has rainbows and unicorns. And tells me to shush.
i will always be in frame
>schoolgirl scented deoderant!!!
>women scented body wash!!!
Being an adult and smelling like flowers is peak

Axe and lynx is made from mammal shit
Those behind me? I'm alone in this world but if you want to blame the cia go for it.
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>But the world remained unchanged.

The tables HAVE turned. Alot of things have changed already. They own next to nothing anymore. And they will go to hell.
>t. Narcissus
you faggots better pray you're dead by the time i rule this world
But but, rainbows and unicorns are real! :O

Same as pedos in "Ufos".
Why should i blame the Christians in Action ?
and what are you going to do about it, empath?
Go dark and put on nvgs?
Noticing that...that thing. That special something.

If only you knew how gay things really are.
Well the only ones backingme are paranormals so you all will blame them, ironic, you have been killing them for centuries
Meant for >>38860769
>i dont want to go there
>dopplegangers left and right
>ok guess this is normal
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I know very well :D. Thats why the gayness is ending now.
War is all this planet will know and annihilation, being purged off from existence
Ye, you purged yourself already.
Why cling to the cheap stuff?
I said a few days ago, its amebergris or oud.
Also showering helps.

But also...
Theres this term they used in that show 'The Expanse'
"Failing upwards to level of your competence."
And sometimes, failing can feel oh so good!

Theres nothing quite as satisfying as a humiliation ritual, to make you walk out a giant.
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He doesn't know that humanity is already extinct.
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Throw all infant circumcisors into a vacuum sealed metal tube and shoot them into the sun
That’s not true
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You don't know do you... LISTEN hologram, I know you're not real. But I am real.

I know you only pretend to feel pain, while I actually feel pain.

I know you're a video game character.
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>Previously on The Nobody General
Good news everyone, my phone now runs on FM
Just need to find the screw driver
Seems i left a few screws loose
Where ? Humanity is still very alive. And the pedos will be gone soon.

You are a liar. And you know it.
"isn't this what u wanted?
isn't this what u had in mind?
well this is what ur getting"

I hope you're all disgusted and bored

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>Beter yet go get pregnant, fulfil your purpose.
Oh wait nevermind, no one worth anything wants you.
Thats why you live here.

Whaap whaaaaaaaaap
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niggadeep laughing but didn't know either
such is the nature of humans
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I said too much.
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get fucked
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Only thing keeping me alive is waiting to be physically and literally biologically rejuvenated, improved and restored, and everything else I want. If it is not possible, if it's just "VR" bullshit simulation game, and I will never even have 1 billion EURO/USD for instance, then I will terminate. I give you my word, on my life.
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>get fucked
What do you think >>38860831 was all about?

Abut also...
Cry more.
I like this alot...

I really love the way Junior sings the song at the end of that season in The Sopranos , show is underrated because the sudden ending sorta sucks and makes you think your TV broke with the sudden cut to black with no credits even ...
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Dissociation - the post

Ima bounce, im go lift some more to punish myself for the 'sins' i committed... had before posting.

everything or death. and if not possible, cause miracles like that don't happen, well, the logic is simple, and you will have to do me the favour. my blood on your hands, literally.
chud baby
I hear blood is good for "curses."
I noticed it's always the women who ruin it for everyone
yeah sure. washes away your sins and shit. my blood on you hands. everything or get it done, you will have to arrange my literal physical death. no cap. fuck you "wife" never. monogamy? never. Not interested, I much more crave death than to get married.
Yeah no, I'm being a bit malicious here.
It’s people mutilating infants in modern hospitals that are the problem
women destroy
men create
women carry the baby simply as a host
men actually carry the seed needed to create life
metaphor for many other things as well
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Something something blood covenant/pact
once we get AI to create artificial wombs we won't need these disgusting useless whores anymore
we'll all have hot robot wives
oh, and they get away with huh? no one has to get torutured and killed? When they all responsible for it should! NOW!
yeah and it's mostly evil cunt women who work at hospitals

they doomed humanity when they ate the fruit

we need to listen to the Muslims and take away women's rights again
It's all of you morons.
Im done with women, ive seen enough of and lived enough to know the struggles these young broads raising a child alone are gonna face, specially when the whole "things getting more expensive" is built in to the damn system.

Done, done, done, done, if women want to forgo being a decent human being just to fuck around and be onlyfansluts good on them, apparently men are deciding they had enough and are chopping the dicks off and pretending to be women because of how hard they failed

Yes i have mommy issues
Yes i have daddy issues

But telling me im the one with mental problems is fucked when society as a whole is fucked

But w.e learned helplessness yadadayadayada

Good time my job sucks all the limited time i have being alive and then ill die
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Read the room! Nothing good is about to happen!
there was a very good reason why women didn't have rights up until the 1900s
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>and you will have to do me
Clearly youve cravin that for a very very long time...
impregnate and abandon as many women as you can

they'll suffer and your seed will spread

>the world is about to burn
>like a giant pyre
>with everyone as a sacrifice
>one big old "chicken coop"
My senses, spirit lead, timing, being at the right place at the right time, intuitions, vibe reading, gut feelings, filter, gone, completely and utterly gone, and I have tried to pray and manifest my restoration, because I cannot function.
People don't, physical bodies are just our school uniforms.
Hypothetically, of course.
>my blood on your hands, literally.

>last post i promise
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Pathetic glowing stone holders
Fuck that shit

Good thing they all shoot each other anyways
Stupid fuck
torture and cremate those fucking demonic 10s now.
wise words retard
Twist 10s into 1s
One must fill some bowls.
One big ol chicken noodle soup
Same wave
Giant fucking space magnet ripping a whole on the ionosphere so the sun can cook this shit, wonder if thats what happened to Venus, i gotta assume at some point The core in Venus should have been working well enough to protect the planet from the sun
No, we people are the same, regardless of our current incarnation.
I'm not here to save this world but to destroy it and all of you.
Fourth bowl
The fourth bowl is poured out upon the sun. The sun scorches the people, but they only curse the name of God and do not repent.
You are all evil swine unworthy of life.
Okay, just be home by 6.
Whatever you fucking infant cannibal demon
Could be a phage, though.
true or false.
bitches online read your mind, the hive, and they act out what you thought/wrote. however if what you thougth wrote was "girli comes to me, meets me" then nothing happens, cause it's not actually manifesting anything, it is them just reading your thoughts ro being told about it and just actin.
Sucks man, not much you could have done anyways, most people dont like to think outside of their box
W.e man it doesnt matter
Just wasting time, let it rot
All of you are trash vermin larping as me and deserve the worst pain ever. You create these threads to mock me with your agents.
Going back to the future are we
Fuck this species and the cabal. This world needs a purge not a messiah. You are all condemned unless you change
I just thought it was neat.
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hilariously shit /ng/ try harder next tiem shillz
Hey anon here is this totally fake name and shit
Im totally being honest with you blahblahblah
Bitches be eating from the tree of knowledge and all they picked up was how to lie, twerk, and be hoes
I know it isn't, dear.
thanks simp
you can't silence me
I'm the Nobody
I'm the chosen one
I did 9/11
I assassinated Kennedy
I started covid
dropped nukes on Hiroshima
I'm unstoppable
No the species has potential its a leadership issue
They knew about the issues with fiat and money from the moment they made that system the only way to survive
Why do you think they wanna shove CBDC down you gullet so bad
And fucking the people who got everyone into this mess are the ones deciding who or what is essential? I mean wtf

You guys went to Harvard ffs wtf is this shit, like thats it? Thats the solutions? Oh i know maybe if you didnt kill every goddamn person who tried to fix shit or maybe if the rich werent only fucking other rich fucks like some sort of giant inbreeding program maybe we'd have a few more fucking options

200k+ for property taxes in california? Wtf! Like seriously wtf, you know how many people you could be helping before your body dies like everyone else?

Seriously wtf
Is that that schizo boomer Dave?
Leopold II sends his regards
Belgian or Austrian?
The Belgian one
I see
I notice they revert back to the TV insults when they have nothing to say
Worse, Australian
Here, digital id? No problem look officer i took a picture of my id you can still scan the barcode! Like a digital coupon or an e-giftcard best of all, no server cost and the picture is only lime 3MBs so virtually no storage cost!

Waddaya mean? Your saying i have to agree to my gobbiment using a 3rd party vendor to handle information as sensitive as my ID? And your saying my taxes are gonna need to pay for energy, data, network, infrastructure, and managment of said service? But officer our state just said we are expecting to be like negative a billion! Were are we gonna get the money!

Wait your saying my taxes are gonna go up? But i cant even afford rent or food let alone more taxes to fund your cousins shitty sofware company thats just gonna let foreign agents leak my shit all over

Really? This is it huh
Peak level intellect

>>yes i graduated top of my class at Harvard, yes i tanked a few hospital systems in my day, yeah i got blood on my hands but its cool, in the end Harvard has no ethics and theyll never pull my credentials cuz its Harvard, its what we do!
We will we will rock you
Most of my interactions with "real" people is...
>yeah sounds like that one "comic, tv show, movie"
Says here the words i wrote on this paper can move rocks?

I need a job this sucks

If only i had gone to college i would probably be tanking a few hospital systems of my own
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Just got down having a staring contest with Sol....

Dear (employer name)
I can work good can i has job
(Insert name here)
How interesting.
Atleast i get to learn how to play tournament chess tomorrow, so theres that, assuming the coach is there
That's an equally canned response.
Just send those nudes my way,
You know i like boobies.
And then we can pretend we never had beef to begin with.

garbage in, garbage out
lol fuck my shit up and make me homeless
I'm still not going to give up lol
don't fear you
get fucked
you'll all still be listening to my thoughts and spying on me no matter what happens
I won
you lost
get fucked
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I second the posting of the nudes,
Post nudes
Saddest pussy posted in NG
Someone said something about tournament chess?
Naaaah bruuh!
It aint for you!

"For my eyes only"...
More like 50/50/50.
I'll be talked about for decades
maybe centuries
you will all be irrelevant little slaves like you are now

who's watching who hahahahahhahaha
The torture panels outside Commonwealth bank have been turned: on by someone who stepped out of a light blue car. A negative moral penalty is being applied to the one who turned them on. Can anyone turn them off?
>You guys went to Harvard
I'm poor you retard.
This entire shit species will.be burned down. You have no future. You are all complicit in the system (excluding the poor bums). Serving the rich got you here. Enjoy.
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Idk, I don't play chess like that
I may be retarded anon, but i know how to appreciate a good pair of boobies when i see em
watch me sleep now

good boy, good girl
*pats head*

Imagine wanting to share your nest egg with some frail little thing, so they can finally thrive instead of atrophy in pitiful despair..
Never 2late to learn something new
You and i have different takes on what true despair is
Let alone what really is fragile
Did you know money isnt backed by anything more than faith?
Imagine tanking a global economy simply because you stopped trusting the people saying that piece of paper is actually worth what their telling you its worth
Not interested in your "funny money" in your "monopoly money". I want real money, in my bank account. Looks like this is headed just one way for me, doesn't it. 52778 17:778. 5778 6778 2778 8778 10778 time for stuffing bodies in the freezer. You are all on a time out in this "VR" game, where I have not gotten ANYTHING REAL except for abuse, poverty, lonliness, death, torture, bullying and scorn. Not even a dime more than the welfare check have I gotten. So, I hope at least I can get everyone responsible real physically dead, and me to - since no matter how much I pray, believe, try to manifest; I'm not restored, keeping whatever good might be and improved - physically, biologically, in real life. So yes, I do not mind dying on my own term, nicely, peacefully fast. "Don' threaten me with a good time"
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>we want them to do some research
>you call this research
>why did I [redacted] to two [redacted]?!
>and now they both [redacted]
>is this some game show to you
>are you making lots of money?
>your [redacted] is not disappointed
At least you're a good baseline graph-chan
>>the Illuminati reformed in the shadows yet again
We call this peace now
Don’t we?
death cause this is what you chose for me, rather than a real adventure, fun, love, happiness, wealth, money, girls, offspring.
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Anon, my people, my culture, were designed for resilience. We thank god for our suffering, each day we suffer only makes us stronger.

Oh to sneak away, and live in a walled off garden paradise in the heart of arabia.

Its a shame. It really is.
hurry up and do it already whiner you look like a shill trying to trash the thread
It really is a shame.

Your 20s are going to be fun, chaotic, and very interesting. Your crafting you character after all, shaping yoir narrative, living the dream.

But when 30 rolls by, live changes, and you realise none of it really mattered. Yoir narrative has already been chosen, and you really had no say it it.
I didn't choose death for you. Also you kind of did almost an entire year of horrific things before this which kind of hampered my trust in you.
And the years before that.
That being said I can't stand fakeness. I'd love to come along
If they didn't rig all of their plans on me staying
If Kuro wasn't stranded here alone without me if I left
If it was somewhat safe.
I'm out past last call stall fall drank dumb drunk punch love stars bright tall towers of endless of let's ball I can do this and figure out the secret for everyone of y'all no just drunk brain funk psychic sidekick stain sick mind washed Morty and Rick stupid bullshit *unzips dick*
That's the thing. I actively put effort in looking for the other road and it doesn't exist or you never had any intention of giving or showing it.
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Of a kind
everything or death. not an empty threat.
No youre just blinded by your solipsism to really see it.

Have a good day anon.
"Youll" look back at these time with regret oneday.
Teeth falling apart teetering shopping cart burned soul and crumb sauced tart thumb cost fart short of mind being smart can't get a good grip on this quick E mart
wah wah maybe after they let you out of the ward you can go knock over a granny and try to rape her you little shit slit your wrists
yes you did, you all did
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Koku e ama aru kai ki

They are sending me to the psyche ward soon. To cover up their crimes of neglect, harassment, and negligence.

They are overdosing patients with meth with "meds" that are meth and benzos which are controlled substances in my country, and if they refuse to take them, they cart them back into the psyche ward. And we can't do anything about it because they have the police on their side.
No I won't, everyone else will. And I have a feeling they already do.
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Nothing and shut the fuck up.
literally you and everyone like you, specially you in fact, should belong in the ward and be given free razor blades ffor going up the street not 'cross the hwy because the socialist states you all fucking lives in are shit broke
You think that I lie but I still cry I'm still human and I don't know why I gave it all away and got it back in spades I was hoping for an ace but all I found was some loser faggot named Face named Ace named after many such cases invasive transported by vases spread it to the world in thirds oh thank God the sun is here and I can hear the birds
You Can't expect someone to walk into a one-way slave deathtrap from only vague promises, especially after a history of nothing coming to fruition. It's not even the illusion of a trap it's straight up a soul destroying, life rending experience that Marrs the human soul for little to no pay.

Not like the good old days where workers were taken care of and you actually got paid.
My country isn't broke.

We would be broke if Americas economy collapses.
never would do the former, the latter looks like my fate, and I don't mind, I would like to build up the courage to do it, the problem is I still have faith I will physically, body, soul, brain, mind, personality will be restored and improved, and that I will be filthy rich. Once I lose the hope, and give up God and Yeshua, it will be very fast, don't worry. :)
>once i give up my illusions of things that aren't real the real world will sink in to my skull and i won't be able to deal with it ohh noooo
you're worse than reddit
It's orthological evil and I thank God every day I was born in a country that doesn't do that tyranny.

Profiting from injuring and leaving people in a broken state from drugs is fucking evil.
clearly the country you live in is esl because MUTTmerica is running off farts
They called me a lot of things this or that kangz I don't if you're white cause you act like a Mexican and talk like a black and have eyes like a Nazi running the rack take a step back and look at the plan at where it's slack bro I'm in California though and they reported southern snow and that doesn't happen very often you know?
satanized and sodomized
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They also inject people with overdoses and state that the maximum dose should be the average.
My country fought for freedom against England during world war 1 and won.
You don't decide that, you just a nobody. I'm waiting for God.
But the offer want extended to "everyone", now was it?

You really have no idea, do you?

Andways, the country is full of sugar sweet small town girls from low imcome homes, that deserves, i mean earned their "fixing"
Fuck is wrong with you?
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Hello baby sphere. Why aren't you flying? How did you become fat and magnets?

What did you eat...
Your dissociation is something to be admired.

May god give you the rest you deserve.
No, I'm a christian.
Idea of what? Spill ze beans

Also they don't deserve that cruelty.
Nervous laughter over a plan gone awry was inevitable
I did warn them.
But a person who failed to treat them better than s/he treats everyone else is probably a racist apparently
But behold
A new opportunity to paint me however you like.
And with it, your separation anxiety
American made American paid American laid American trade in dreams a land with no memory for nobody except the sea and you and me and none of our dad's or moms just nuclear bombs and radial symmetrical antenna comms farms of talking trees talking about keys for places with guns and disease I don't charge fees I just blow up anything with my mind as I please

I wish I paid 15k in taxes
They say the demiurge raped Eve. This is what really happened in the Garden of Eden

Their fuck was consensual. God destroyed her pussy in front of Adam. It was too easy for him; Merely showing his huge cock to the jewess' face made her heart race and her mind go crazy. She couldn't resist the sight of the Lord of the Universe. She smelled, tasted, and sucked on God's veiny penis like a bitch. The first man cried and shouted like a girl while Eve ahegao'd and shaked with violent spasms cumming all over God's cock. Then they had a boy named Cain who fucked Adam's twink son in the ass.
Adam is a cuckold and the father of a homosexual.
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The world isn't real anon. It's not disassociation, it's realisation.

The world is a combination of two magnetic forces and gravity doesn't exist. If we turn the neutrons into protons you will begin flying and will float into space. Where you will burn and freeze to death simultaneously.
I'm skinny. I hardly eat anymore.
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Swallow air.

Food is a jew. You never needed food.
actually canon and also ridiculously based, plus a dash of eternal faggot
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Just be glad im still treating you like a person, and not a "streamer".
Can haz 4chan girl body spray??
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So apparently I have a bunch of Gerry little dudes with my DNA - Unbeknownst to me.
Where did everyone go?
That is false, their defeat is inevitable.
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I'm here with Mr. Nobody who's the greatest man that ever treaded this earth and a great brother to all of his sisters. Mr. Nobody, can you tell us a bit about your childhood?
they will all be teddy beared, I am getting all my seeds back now.
So when are we protesting against aliens in government and how the food is made from people but we are all in a dream...

Or do we just stfu and eat more people?
And what are they up to?
You vill take ze feedback loops and you vill reimprison yourselves inside the black holes that you are forming yourselves.
Where did everybody go? Don't you realize... nobody is here?

Imagine being so over confident about yourself and your gender’s place in history that you brag about knowing (half) the story to the (villains) who will be (judging) your response to the (second) half

But they DEMAND ascension!
Fuck out here, go find your expired, truncated, baby-boy in a huff version, if y’all can even manage that. Sorry we don’t sell it on the end-cap of the aisle. Sorry we don’t sell it at all

>you can’t have “nice” things
>and it’s your own faults
Nah, you’re responsible for your own tangents
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Yeah I know, everyone is dead and I'm the only being in existence because we live in a matrix and the empire died.
why so upset?
Because I got a message saying
>you are not alone
And I can't prove if I sent it eons ago


Your guys’ abject faith in the arbitrary benchmarks of mankind by mankind tend to confuse you once you begin evaluating forces outside their structure, or break the scales, so-to-speak

It’ll hopefully be more clear when you’re lapped again amidst the knowledge of previous
In it to win it.
Perhaps my expectations were too high for you all.
It's why I'm always disappointed.




>And what are they up to?
Draining the cosmic well completely and plugging
So they're morons.
>drain the well and plug
>become the well
>it's plugged
>I drink your milkshake
That wasn't the signal. It was picked up recently by my outer universe signal array.
It's a matter of perspective, actually
Not really, not at all.
oh shid , there it is LMAO. The "adversary", or in more technical terms, the "discriminator to the generator.
Ah yes, the victim complex.
>I had terrible diarrhea and now I’m scratching my balls
>life doesn’t seem so bad
>how do you get to Ohio?
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good morning /ng/. smell the coffee? Thats actually a hallucination. There is no coffee, there is no spoon. I made it up :)
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did you know obama, during the whole obamacare debacle, said that it would actually be cheaper to completely socialize healthcare, and the reason that option wasn't taken was due to the fact it would cause a massive economic displacement of the insurance industry? pretty easy to read between the lines.
I didn't smoke any weed yesterday and last night remembered why I do. It's like I didn't sleep just constant dreams, all good. One that I remember was about Taylor Swift, we walked and swam through an old town scavenging for interesting knick knacks. She seemed nice enough. I feel exhausted though, there is supposed to be a part of sleep that you sleep, not just dreams.
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all namefags went extinct months ago.
You can’t just blackmail people until you get what you want!
Come again?
Sure you can.
Red pills and blue pills and red pills and blue pills little duality pills

Alice the concept of choice itself is part of wonderlands control system
I'm not doing anything, you are.
>I'm not touching you
oh shit, is it catfriday?
I know who you are and I love you I always have. I like your hands.
I just want to sleep.
thing with the endgame is, everything has to come to the surface.
Can't sleep with flies buzzing around.
Certainly couldn’t have anything to do with your own failures
You mean you guys?
Like I said.
childhood. I'm sure plenty of people would like a do-over, personally I just want to grow from my experiences and move on.

Life is more than the handcuffs we are shackled to.
calling someone gay in 2024 is not a effective insult..
like, why would anyone care at this point?
Genesis 6:6
And now they need a smoke every 10 minutes because the people they like keep disappearing. When are we seeing them again?
we all let him down
There's no flies, my house is clean. It's the dreams, when I sleep I start dreaming and don't stop until I open my eyes, and then I'm exhausted. I just dreamt for like 9 hours straight and woke up exhausted and angry.
still holds up,
macs are still trash
It was never meant to suggest that the person was a homosexual. It's just gay. Don't be gay.
There's a reason I tend to take the third path and avoid the dicht
Can't exactly do rocket science by myself though
during the summer of 2013 Mac Books were okay
Just split yourself apart.
Have one learn it.
Maybe an anonymous image board wasn't the best place in situations like these. Can never be too sure who's posting what.
>Can't exactly do rocket science by myself
Why not?
too much of this, talk about something interesting.
The interesting part is that you all don't actually want to be destroyed.
Takes a lot of eggs to make an omelette For one Humpty dumpty
Good luck with that kemosabe
As opposed to what?
That doesn't make any sense. You can still do rocket science by yourself.
Unlike you, I can accept responsibility
(Even if I choose not to do anything about it) /s
Vengance for anons that were friendlies that were taken begins now, perps will be tortured, cremated and sent to hell, immediatly upon this being posted.
It was expected, and provisions were made for it, and all the worst parts became flavoursome spice in a concoction that makes any who partake a main character that is never about Nobody.
I thought you died because no miracle happened?
all friendlies, all mine, all gifts meant for me and everything else, period. all persps now tortured and cremated and sent to hell. most high infinity willing. game theory. Roko's basilisk
Thats pretty gay
So negative.
Always trying to one up, that's why you're "down" here.
Once we figure out how to plug in our game systems without electricity or Wi-Fi, y’all are all doomed or something
Mercury get your ass in here.
maybe the cascade of economic repercussions is actually how you harness will at a global level.
people will often sense a cliff before they see it.
They really just stand in the way and walk slowly.
Well... You kinda can
all the food sucks now anyway
17 778 56778 5778 6778 10778 13778 2778 666778 52778 62778
Look at the ground and pass them by, busy body.
You literally were finger-pointing
But I’m being “negative.”
Honey I don’t need to exhaust any effort in making you look bad, you do that well enough on your own.
Now stand up, dust yourself off and resist the URGE to blame others for your own shortcomings.
You’ll reform better going forward if you can manage that…
always was

( I was in college in the 90's saying, "how is gay even an insult, everybody loves gays these days!" So I feel you, but we keep saying it...)
gasoline burns at a specific temperature. would you challenge reality and try to make it burn at a different temperature?
Darling, I did.
I said you are/were the failures.
Not fkn true at all. Wheres your joi de vivre? Come dine with me
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>a thread that no one asked for
"your own failures"
"like you guys?"
speak on that
Kindly don't use my good will for ill.
Commencing total war. Pre-emptive strike on all foes and would become foes now. Total destruction. And on all abusers, violators, thives, all who set this up, all who chose 52 and that entire narrative, Paris Olympics, The game, movies, commercials, tv shows, all saboterus, all mind controllers, all "reverse uno" bullshit all responsible for that, all children with stolen seed, and everyone involved with that, taken from Gods Kingdom, they are all destroyed. Every demon, goat, devil, abuser, jailers, poioner, thief, helper of thives posers copy cats, stand ins, co sex, stand ins. Geo-lock disabled. World is now world, not a country in metaphor. All their food, drink, tobacco, all other consumables is filled with nails, globally, all foes, adversaries, goats, cannibals, / except mine and me. All they have ingested before this prompt was filled with nails, and they will now all be filled with nails, chaff. All wheat, lambs, children, that have had nothing to do with them, nor worshipped them, or slept with them, are protected from all wrong by angelic forces.
>Commencing total war.
no you're not
I just did.
Spoilers, anon.
>the only war that should be fought is an internal one
Latest terms: 50%

Question: What about my half?
Oh I heard you.
Hence the fair criticism
Implying I don't fingerpoint at myself.
I did say shadow work, didn't I?
What? You didn’t get what you wanted?
Maybe what you wanted
Was never the plan in the first place!
it still is
Yes we agreed on 50%.
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Ignore them, they have bees in their ass.
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Dispelled for (ignorance)
It didn't work. Nothing is happening.
I don't know, anon.
Are you guys still doing your machinations?
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Stop being gay.

In my country, gay, is an infection that has been proven to have come from fungus diseases in your unclean bowels.

Get clean homie. Stop being gay. You might infect someone and turn your girlfriend into a lesbian and she leaves you for a woman.
Great question, Thoth
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one day I will be the comer of memes. Then, I will outboob the Nobody
Walking things back is (fun)
Certainly some sign of maturity (read: recognition of being caught)

In the future you can type it, walk it back in your head and then backspace….if you wanna keep up the guise we’re all at your disposal, maybe don’t sully the troops.
We’re all imperfect
There’s salvation and release in recognizing and accepting that.
Stay well
Remember, bitcoin is being ratted on by the banks. Anyone caught ratting will get their legs broken when we unleash the matrix and the dimension of zed begins.

Hunter and hunted.

I am Hunter.
Pathetic men like you are a dime a dozen. Can’t wait until you all select yourselves out of the gene pool.
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100 years until the apophis asteroid kills humanity with a 1:532 chance.
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>The Nobody is a cat!
>Goooooood morning Anaheim!
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>There is no Rosaura
>I made her up
>the photos were AI
But anon, your response is "a dime a dozen."
Look where you are.

Ready for world war 3?
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You're 6 months late to the party. I was operating in Sacramento all the way back in February.
6ers are now discarded from my kingdom, including 644s. Because of what they did on 4chan and to my 744s.

4 6
4 (left)666
What did you spend your tree fiddy on?
I got in the humvee and went around arresting foreigners while watching England getting nuked.

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>Free lunch for everyone working today!
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>who's an edgelord if everyone is
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I don't even know... At least I got some new boots...





At least I got….
You're an incomplete edgelord.
One sided, as it were.
That's why you're so mad.
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Im not mad. I'm just posting memes and music in between yard work. I just moved back into my childhood home an dIm gonna raise a family with the love of my life. Life is fucking sweet right now. I'm getting paid to post on 4chan.
That tree fiddy.
All 10s, all 6ers and all 644s, if intent was to destroy 7 for me and 744s and force me to 6, now all 644 turned 617, all 6 are 617, that are not wheat through intentions knowing duplicity and are now gutted, made teddy bears, marks for having been the people the beast Jesus the Antichrist wanted to save, the same people that have persecuted me and done all sorts of evil against me, teddy bears and destroyed in hell al goats of all numbers.
It says the bibble
The owl stays.
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You Wanted to mess around with peoples hearts.
Maybe people's hearts want to mess around with you.
We heard you

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I'll buy another plastic owl.
Seeing what still works and what doesn't.
We're at thw top of the "Main Network" with the top of SYSK at the bottom of what we do. Cathedral, Dragon, COMSEC, interlinks, a lot of it isnt for you.
>and lo, they were raised to the skies
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In the grand scheme of things

Captcha: M0SND

The reason why women suck dick and eat soerm is because they don't have a soul.
You are watching old reruns of the show my friend. Everything changes constantly in real time. This is what you failed to notice. Don't get stuck in the past.


New Episodes are all about their inner work, clearing out the layers of veils of negative karma which produce the darkness in the world that surrounds them in order to reveal clarity and focus on the path of Truth.

You know... ALCHEMY
This will only be done in accordance with principles of justice truth logic and game theory. If any injustice done it will be undone now. Like a dream.
nigga I was just listening to that GET OUT OF MY NETWORKS
I have all authority in the material realm and supernatural realm.
we will build a better pyramid

a nice pyramid

a pyramid that cares
We called it Central.

It's what you think.

It wouldn't be appropriate.

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Curve ball!!!
We're more like this.


>I'm new to gardening
>is this the right tool to trim the ivy with?
>In my country,

You are apparently all gonna get keyed.
horizontal organization or nothing hierarchies are slavery
He went all Ip Man on Japan yesterday.
>We're going to build a nicer kind of evil

seems legit...
Yeah they are key logging and key jacking right now.

They are using automatic algorithms, meanwhile their houses are wire tapped.

Notice the camera in the TV?
We looked at that too.

Closer to Littlefinger and Varys but fewer conspiracies.
Got it, I'm now keyed.
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If you're up for it.

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איש ראה חבר בצד השני של הכביש.

הוא רץ אליו ואמר:
"מר סופר! אני כל כך שמח לראות אותך!"

ואז הוא אמר:
"השתנית! היה לך הרבה שיער, ועכשיו אתה קירח!

היית די רזה, ועכשיו אתה שמן!

היו לך עיניים טובות, ועכשיו אתה מרכיב משקפיים! איזה שינוי!"

האיש הראשון נראה מופתע ואמר:

"נו, אפילו את השם שינית!"
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Nope. Try again snow niggers.
Im not 47/74 nor 57.
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>send one my way please
Hi everyone
I used to be, then came jews. and all the christians are like "i love jews" "i love israel"
but the stab in the back is nazi propaganda. They are the people of Jesus Christ.
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actually the demiurge disguised himself as adam to trick even into sleeping with him so she didn't actually intend to cheat or sleep with saklas, and anyway what about sophia she gets raped endlessly by all kinds of beings but here is the truth none of you have ever heard likely, all of that is really just the demiurge playing on your insecurities by having you imagine the idea of the perfect being being desecrated, its a trick and not true keeping you in a mindset that is insecure and angry is the entire idea its to stop you from becoming a pneumatic and ascending, its just one of many of the techniques used to subjugate your minds, rise above it.
i'm 2 miles form this restaurant
Okay, you're 61
Just like everything else written in Hebrew Nobody's not going to read that.
Could you please prove to me that the nobody exists meow?
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>is this guy asking federal agents to have sex offenders walk by his house so he can threaten them with a hammer?
I'm a dragon that is waiting for the world to end. While watching gods son arrive soon.

He went the long way around.

Remember at the beginning, before we went to war, before the betrayal and hatred.

One stayed behind with mom.

We have to go back. He went insane and he's stronger than everyone.

He's basically a fucking tarzan now.

Mom teached him everything she knew, because he was the only one.
Nope. My people do not belong to Jesus Christ. Jesus the AntiChrist is the king of the jews.
hebrews the only thing i bother to translate because everything else written in not-english is stupid.
Meow youre a silly boi but ok.
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Thankfully I am 1600 miles away now. I'll be back soon though.
cool story bro
Okay, just be back by 6.
we'll be waiting.
“But I’m not Mr. Sofer.”

This poster is the real Nobody.

Good luck and God speed.
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He's the last timelord.

The only survivor.

He's bringing back the central, the citadel, the towers of silver and gold.

He's resurrecting everyone after we all died in the wars.
all responsible for memeing shit, ruining the script, raping the simulation, pissing on the bible, shall pay dearly. for now, jesus is the antichrist 10 and 52. i am the the true christ, the new age anti globalist, anti world government, nazi hitlerian anti masonic anti jewish messiah, I have all power on higher dimensions and earth.
Guys can we at least have spiritual fights or something?
Were not doing anything
:3 meow
Okay and how do i know youre not full of BS?
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>I like being in Anaheim, because I can be as German as I want without being called a Nazi, because my family has lived here since before the state of Germany ever existed. I can't be a Nazi, my family was from a country called Franconia that no longer exists.
People who want more wars never fought in one.
you're in one already my friend look around you.
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They don't even know where they live...
I hate what the feds did to us.
I am not fond of you either but I think we want the same end.
>no I don't care about money
(this poster nullifies all causal attributes in this post)
What if we battle in the realm of the spirit like a nobody gang?
There is only one tv show about time travel in English.

Called doctor who.

Ever have de ja vu?

That's because we have been here before.

Remember the war? World War 3? We did it before already.


Watch Doctor who with Matt Smith.
He’s not going to stop until you’re all hurt and confused.
Okay ill do it :( still no proof:( sad
Was there...
what a modern and original sentiment
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>Fucking morons don't even know Germany was 20 different kingdoms shortly before the 20th century
>but they'll get pissed if I call a Puerto Rican a Mexican,or a Vietnamese person Chinese
>I have heritage too
>Even though I am Caucasian
I'm not going to Japan...
>lightning tragedy
A gang would suggest that there is another side that Nobody is against. Nobody isn't against anyone. He won't even defend himself. We are all God. Some people just need more convincing.
I am a nazi. Hitler is my lord and savior. Christians, Jews, Atheist, Satanists, communists, capitalists, all sorts of people, the greatest satanic powers on earth faught against Germany, they stood for truth, the crimes that has been said they done are lies, seems like projections of their desires, like all that 5 and 6 nurses did to me, because the old National Socialists were right. Masons are bad. America is bad. And some jews, not all, are antichrists. Look around. They would have a simulation where I need to worship the LGBT flag, why? to make a nice liberal non-value conservative out of the master of the universe?
Astralfaggoters what is the nobody doing right now? :)
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Where are the aliens then....

There aren't any left...

There is only [redacted].
Reading this thread
Dude lets do a spiritual fightclub.
and now?
all the aliens died and left their robots behind.
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That's what we do already anon.

We fought in world war 3 and in still gucked over watching Europe getting nuked.
Fight Club is clearly about the Nyingma School of Buddhism "the crazy school" so, okay go sit and meditate.
Okay guys what if we try to do spiritual attacks against other gans?
The Jews are the people of Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews.
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Thank for for splitting the timeliness and giving us a standing chance!!!
So, 50%.
Calm down its goimg 2 be okay
don't ever engage in retaliatory behavior like that, thats what they do and it always backfires.
I just wanted cool fights man
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New Zippo
whilst Christians belong to the Nameless messiah of Revelations, the lamb, seven eyed lamb, the morning star, "i have a new name" it says. Whilst the beast pretends to be a lamb, but is full of flattery, lies, charm, never offensive and direct like me, he puts on the title Jesus Christ, I do not. I have all power on heaven and earth, he/they does not, so he tries to connect to me, or through voodoo and mind controlll and roboting and or, eat me, rape, drink, smoke me, cause I'm a lamb of God, and they want to steal my authority, plunder my kingdom, and robb and cheat their way to heaven and pussy and riches, that belong to me.
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the time will come.
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I'll go get another cuppa then.
10 52 666 jesus christ/jesus the antichrist, I now strip of all powers, all psychic, all telepathy, all sexuality, everything, total and utter destruction for the devil, torture fire and brimestone and for all their people all who helped them, arranged it all, and so on. I did not, it was all against my will, and you did not listen. and you betrayed me, and for 9 years I have been crucified even had my physical body chopped to pieces.

Btw guys will the nobody ever be like a famous dude in this realm? Or will he ever be present in the shadows? Will taylor swift be part of the spiritual war next year?
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Turkish Royals, good choice.
Okay please keep talking nonsense sir
There is no spiritual war, Taylor Swift is a pop star, so no.
I shall not either say I am the one in revelations. I am new age nazi Christ for now at least. A mini me. I do not want worship. I do not want to teach. I do not want to unite religions nor the world. I just wanted to have fun and chill and be anonymous, nor did I want to fight anyone or anything or any group, I just wanted to be left alone and finally have a nice life. I'm an unwritten space messiah maybe, Idunno. im just little old me, a lamb, not a goat.
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>Update from my dads family research
>The progenitor of my family in the US was Prussian
>and emigrated to America during or slightly after the German unification in the 1870s
>dude was a pimp too
>had like 4 different families here in the US
:( maybe she has powers
>getting paid to fight Jewish wars is kind of a family tradition I guess...
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Anon. I have something to share with you.


The Ashkenaxi records.

And also.


People who seek fame are hylics npcs. People with spiritual powers, prefer to be completely unknown.
If the OP didn't made it, someone else would. Out of many other anons who make /ng/s, so there is a demand.
The most powerful human in the universe. :)
Thank you how kind
Show powers shoot lasers
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You touched her console and she went whew! ;)
Okay, 7 don't belong to me I guess, seems they belong to 10.
I have ibuprofen
Because they probably just think ahead.
Yay xanaxes
super-phenomenal nearly cosmic powers,
itty-bitty living space.
no I think not 59.
(Now we’re talking)

Okay, so guys tay tay has powers.
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>I want her here now
>bringing me lemonade while I work on the yard
When you were already "gifted" some things?
The power of entertaining middle aged broads.
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Song 4 u.

She's smaller on the outside ;D
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Of course
Vampires aren't real.
I do not identify with the number 14 or 7 anymore.
Was that funny
I don't know
I think of vampires as failed beings.
Some people think they are Napolean, some people think they are vampires, both have a desire to be important and powerful. They would all welcome fame. There is no power in that.
Turn me into a vampire senpai
Fucking filled to the brim with Pop collectables, video games, and lingerie. She barely has enough room to walk around in that closet she's renting for $2000a month.
They take a while to empty the mine.
She's a hoarder.
The stick and stick approach?
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>also she is free
>if she is still playing
>its because she is volunteering just like I am
What book series should I write about your mistakes?
I'm gonna teach her eBay. I got a bunch of retro PCs and video games I need to sell as well.
something gritty, tragic and schizo.
Great timing, was thinking about the Library of Failure today.
I think about it often.
A series of unfortunate events.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
JRR Tolkien already wrote the trilogy.
Say hello to the many you meet as I rend your nation
Would love that lmao

7 books
I have a spotless mind now! It's clean and good and capable, and restored and improved! :)
ok now scromble it again, and re clean it.
Fucking stupid wretch... who makes me wretch.
Like harry potter but the bobody.
Ok I will try :)
Are you brainwashing yourself? :(
You defy the wrong things.
Jews and others that are posessed by angels, to carry out vengance on all responsible for this, might have redemption, they might also end themselves after the job is done. I'm not sure. Don't really wanna think about it. They told me so. They told me they have seen everything, and they are gonna get everyone that were mean to me.
Okay wee need a plot and characters auditions in 5 minutes
Guys who can see the future here
Raise your hand
A masquerade.
Everyone's retarded.
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Okay a masquerade
Then what are the right things to defy? Religion? God and belief have tangibly saved my ass many times; although perhaps a more materialistic approach would work too.
Defy yourself.
>all communication and orders for the rest of the day will be over
Someone should make an entire game about why it is a very bad idea to browse hypnospace with your mind.
Encrypted private channels
Okay captain yezir
Like Psychonauts?
Okay les do it.
>A white pickup with the largest Pikachu plush I have ever seen in the back of the bed
>was jut parked in front of my house
>>Hi Rosaura!
>A national guard Kiowa helicopter with orange markings was flying overhead at the same time
I've already defied myself many times; done things I myself didn't want to purely to drive the point.
Thanks for the screencap.
Youre always awesome.
Wish i could give you the cuddles you deserve.
That's what you should've defied.
Yay that was me many meows for you too but youre wrong, I am not the Nobody.
We know he exists. We do not know how to access the vault. I am a homeless man. People donate money into this can.
Hi there! =]

Who are you talking to?
dude they are conducting surveillance operations, or some sort of operations, with tech you only see in sci fi. shit is gonna get real, if it hasnt already, discretely.
Donates 5 valueless cryptocoins. :(
Both are acts of Defiance; it depends on which I believe would work at the time. Not believing or doing anything had the same effect.
It got real 6 months ago. Lots of cool people who trained for this in Iraq and Afghanistan having all kinds of fun right now.
Hiiiiii how are ya
>may as well as that about all other /x/ topics :p
Suspicious currency. Neighbourhood watch will be alerted to this. Nothing to see here.
as long the hits cause no pain or harm :)
Okay just to get spiritually jacked
Something something performative action and the phrase ‘sometimes it takes poison to drive out poison. Also, the answer to the pain is in the pain. You have to make the unconscious conscious somehow right? Especially when your entire life was subverted by people who were supposed to love you.

It’s funny you know, your narcissist family turns you into the scapegoat when you start to honor truth instead of going along with their lies. V satanic.

Can’t believe my grandmother asked me if I wanted to ‘go work at the pig farm’ when I started probing about Epstein’s connections to Mossad.

Can’t believe they all knew I got raped as a child and instead of helping me heal, withheld that information, watching me suffer its consequences, while projecting their shame and guilt back onto me. I mean, it’s textbook in a sense. It’s sad actually, pathetic.

Can’t believe they tried to retraumatize my inner child via a honeypot that I reversed. Using the torture to understand what happened to me. That’s the funny part.

And now that I’ve processed all my unconscious, or most of it at least. Time to move on. Gonna keep trying to make the world a better place, but without the anger that resided in my heart for a long time. Forgiveness n shiet.

Such a strange time right now. For me personally, and for everyone it seems. I hope we can come together and create lasting peace instead of World War Three.

Anyways, back to sabbatical. Love yall! I think, I am very misunderstood. But can you blame me, after being intentionally sabotaged by people who are unironically like one or two degrees from Mike Obama and other strangers?

Praying for a miracle :). Just glad I met that girl long ago, even if it didn’t work out. Love is simply the best. I hope she is well, and I hope one day, she will tell me the truth, of whether or not she knew what happened to me as a child before I did. Now, just to trust God.
How to Fall Upward in Life
furries gone wild 2: now we're in space but actually it was all a dream
chillin' B)
Wild post brother but this isn'tCD drive compatible.
>some of those cops who let Thomas Crooks shoot at Trump are going to vanish and have their permanent records deleted from the databases
Testing credential badges.

Look around.
>Yay that was me
Why do you lie so much?

And the Assyrians are gonna pay for it! Make Egypt great again.
There is only one person here that is as obnoxious as you are.
This Rosaura girl you keep posting about is at home with her boyfriend's dick in her butt.
Dont make me make you cry again little ROTMAXXER.

Did you even shower today?
Hows the athletes foot?
Someon has to do it. We are with you brother!
You think the jews are crying because they're knocking and no one is answering?
>the jews
Hi jester... i mean Eponis
Codeword, anon.
Sweetheart, i know things arnt awesome, but god forbid something happens to mom, what are you going to do?

Have you considered that?
>such a fuckin shame some retards halfway across the globe is worried about that instead of you
Think I said this elsewhere but Patriot is just an anagram for traitor.
Just needs a Q to bridge the gap.
Do you really think paid posting is going to settle the bills?
Whos gonna take care of your place? Whos going to so maintenance and shopping and cleaning while you shitpost all day in you jammies?

Or what you just gonna scoop up the next simpboytoy and call them daddy?

Onlyfans is an option...
the context of that word in juxtaposition to the series is ironic.
This was written by a woman. An overweight woman. Who is comfortable with getting away with things. What an ugly mix of traits.
It is, isn't it?
Wrong anon :), thanks for outing your flawed intuiting ability
yea, because it's all about how the very concept of patriotism is simply abused by the foibles of bureaucracy which is inherently incapable of accomplishing simple tasks in the first place.
So you're uncomfortable with getting away with things?
Would be ironic if your own "curse" caused your existence, that you apparently hate.
Omg im so upset.
yo same what are u upset about sis?
i'll have to upload the chair bit at some point. it really delivers on that point.
I’ve done nothing wrong anon, such projection from you
I haven't done anything wrong either, unless you're an idiot and think living is wrong.
Oh niggu for sure.
Im paying the price, since birth, for an act i know i have yet to commit.

I kinda cant wait. A whole life of hype for one single moment in time.
So defy yourself.
Fuck no!
Then you are weak.
Not him but I've been searching for how for two weeks now since the fat part happens through just waiting.
some hoe named Sarah
Then you must know who the nobody is. So who is he?
Some things have to happen.
Reality is scripted.
We all have a part to play.

Also might i add, anyone who plays for peace and chill and good vibes, is helping the devil.
Did you consider that?
Your muh comfy, muh save the planet, muh fuck a tree,
Is actually helping the demiurge in making this prison planet more comfy?

Did you consider that little worker bee, little peasant, little npc.
Working against it makes it a prison.
levels of nigger emanating from this post are exceeding the previous maximum level
recommend evacuation
Agent smith was the real good guy.
He wanted to break down the matrix, instead of renewin it for the howmanyth time.

Whatever npc
Go serve your blue fish man
Will you link the fire or usher in the age of dark?
Dark souls spin on the same thing.
Quite literally delusional.
They don't allow anybody to answer. The system's function is what it does.

As I've observed, the world powers are doing everything possible to ensure anything like a modern messiah dies in debt traps and obscurity.

You really think anything said will make it to the mainstream? Just anotber thing to slide and astroturf.
Quite literally an npc.

Are you even capable of thinking for yourself or do you just believe whats put infront of your litrle face?
Unless they steal it.
Just because you were TOO WEAK and gave up like everyone else.
Doesnt men i have to do the same.
Is that what you see in the mirror?
I'm openly defiant.
>a modern messiah
No one is looking for JC v2.0

"We" dont need another sacrifice.

We need DADDY to come back home.
Terry parks why did you do it?
*topic avoidance*

just NTA if you dumbstruck and dont have anything to say.
Its ok to be low IQ
You must be blind, deaf and dumb if you don't get it.
>Its ok to be low IQ
>*retard noises*
thanj u
10 and 52 i the antichrist, the beast 666.
I am the lamb, the true messiah, the true christ, the mini me. They have no power, only fake signs and wonders. I have true power, true signs, true wonders, even nature is affected by me, with out me even realizing it, the moon, the sun, the stars, the wind, the light, everything.
so there are a certain number of letters in your post
if you count them then divide them by pi
you get a number
if you take that number, then shove it up your ass
then you will be given the secret knowledge of the ancients
easy enough
>I'm openly defiant.
About as defiant as a lefty with a dildo up its ass.
Yeah yeah ill show god!
Bask in my rebellious homosexuality.

Bitch please.
You aint shit.

You need to be culled, I agree with "them" on that.
hmm I may finally try prostate orgasm, this post may have convinced me
or at least my resolve is deepened
the faggots must be raving about it for a reason
All who have slept with them are marked .All who have had sex with them will now be gutted, teddy beared and thrown in hell. The beast(s), the antichrists will now be tortured, cremated and sent to eternity in hell. They cannot resurrect, only a digital hologram made to appear as them, and using AI, that cannot do anything but move and talk, but that is disregarded in this game, because it has gone against the script, and more vile and evil than the beast and antichrist in revelations was.
To do so, we begin with self sufficiency and break from the capital norm.

>JC 2.0
It is a turn of phrase, a cognitive notion that you understand deeper than you think by participating in these threads. .

The solution is to transcend the messiah complex.
At least whatever garbage you present needs to be erased from memory and existence.
2 is antichrist demon so is 10 and 52.
all posers, copy cats, proxies, co sex, stand in sex, are antichrists and false messias, all girls who fucked them are now in hell reality and chastized.
united kingdom freemason mind control codes in ICI Paint Fans
>prostate orgasm
Its not that great...
Just feels like you need to take a shit the whole time.

Its just flesh. Its only gay if its with another man.
You are the only power available, anon.
ould anybody like to know where ALL of the codes are for the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT? Try your local hardware store which has an ICI PAINT MACHINE. You know the ones - where the assistants can mix up virtually ANY colour/shade/tone of paint. There is a massive swatch of colours that fan out to include every single colour-code for EVERY ILLUMINATI SLAVE. Check out the ones which begin YR and look up your own age e.g. if you are 44 years old - then you may well have been programmed with YR44 and ORANGE. Not a good sign - these slaves are generally run as 'State terrorists'. Check out the ones that begin with IV for all of the IVF coding and multiple experimentation upon that score. Finally check out the GREEN coding for the 'rulers' of this Illuminati GENOME CULT / Nazi Eugenics project. The whole paint machine is a metaphor, for this type of experimentation, but the CODES are real. Also check out the RA pink sheets as these contain the coding for all Royal Arch Freemasonry slaves.
46/64 and 45 are antichrists as well, demons, devils
You dont know shit.
Why the fuck am i hyping myself up by kicking the hive?

I need to do like 3hrs of Duolingo after this
ok thanks I'll keep that in mind
They will all be tortured and destroyed and cremated starting now, the girls that had sex with them too, todler, teens, whatever, they will all burn in hell, and those who supplied them with money, gifts and girls.
So they don't see the molten lava being poured in?
Well of course. All I can offer are my observations on the world and what others choose to share with me. What you do with the words of a blind idiot god are completely up to you.
Its really not worth the effort and complications.

Use a water jet, or the downpour of a tap.
Thats super UWU
If you took your daughter, no matter age, to see other than me, for instance the antichrist in h0801 (and others), you will now witness them scream and be destroyed and in hell.
this feels wrong
Since when did you lot get morals?
The Nobody is a cat.
Ummm. We actually like AntiChrist
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

The trick is to gaze into the eyes of the top while it happens and to relish in the gift that is the removal of physical barriers and surrendering to the ecstasy of passion.
Wish I was strong enough to carry this on my own
>That's not the forgiveness you're looking for
fucking english
This playbook got old after the iteration.
Being harassed by the ghosts of the British Empire.
Naah just feels like you need to take a shit.
The best part, is when its over.
44 who had sex with anyone but physically me are no longer 44s, they are 17 and 666.
What is your fixation with the destruction of what you deem as undesirables?
Inner peace
Inner peace does not require external forces to validate it. You preach and proselytize to those who have heard nothing but fire and brimstone for 2000 years.

What nuance could you possibly provide that isn't just another messiah complex?
You're just blind to the world?
Only as brutal as you let it be.
And if you don't want it to be, then why let it?
Dude I do not for a moment believe you've been fucked properly.
When one is on fire, and we observe that the world is beginning to come likewise aflame, do we have concerns for the heat any longer?
Sounds like you're depressed.
Or apathetic.
I am no longer here.
No they literally get 50% of everything you do.

And visa versa.
I am the nobody.

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