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/x/ - Paranormal

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Think about it

There was no oxygen on earth until we appeared, there was sulphur. Reptilians (dinosaurs) were the dominating species, until something (nobody knows what) wiped it out. Nowadays, the few remaining reptilians try to have revenge on humankind for genociding them.

We cannot find the missing link, the best we could find were chimpanzees, but nothing on earth is like human.

Mars used to have life - it's proven scientifically, something bad happened (nuclear war?) that made it uninhabitable. It's not a wide stretch that Mars colony send people to Earth. We lost technology, but then again, how many of you can build a computer?

Day on mars was 25 hours - don't you feel like 1 hour more on Earth would feel more satisfying and okay with your biological clock?

Really, the more I think about it, the more I realize is that we are martians and we conquered earth and made it our bitch. It explains everything

Except god, you can't explain god. He's a faggot
makes sense
You get it anon
*zaps you with a raybeam*
>only skeleton remains
im definitely not feeling lethargic after considering all this lunacy
But you do feel different?
no, you're feeling cathartic after all this knowledge that you realized is true
nobody even wants to shitpost in this thread nor even discussing. meanwhile threads like "give me the truth" gain posts. Is all /x/ shitposting? or is it a glowiegame? My thread is organic, the other threads are not
>There was no oxygen on earth until we appeared, there was sulphur.
You don't know what water is made up of or how plants breathe, do you?
nigga, it's a scientific fact - no oxygen 8000 years ago. for millions of years there was sulphur in atmosphere.

first humans
dinosaurs no more
Imagine the shitflinging when one day Mars is colonised and there's air or whatever and a bunch of people move there and it's like Earth 2
Fucking marsoids
Imagine it will happen in your lifetime

We are this close
AckAck AckACK!
All based and true
Give me the truth isn't shit posting. Not barebones. If people would constructively participate with eachother and actively try to get to the bottom of things then we would have better forums. Alas.
The truth is in your reach. We need 25 hours, we get 24 hours. We defeated reptilians, reptilians are our enemy. What more proof do you need?
Yes, we are from Mars.

But I am from before matter.
Nuclear war, it restes anything
What are the atoms that compose a molecule of water?
What do plants breathe?
Mars has a disproportionate distribution of xenon isotopes. It's consistent in the entire solar system except for 2 places. Mars and Earth. On earth it only changed after the atomic bombs.
So, yeah. Mars got nuked at some point.
and we ended up here
Okay....and maybe some ended up going farther away....i mean if venus was once earth like....assuming a lot of shit....maybe the sun eats planets.....my concern is Apophis being a giant magnet
Cuz that would fuck us up

An advance civ would have had options
Maybe we came to earth in hopes we get out shit together before some other group arrived at another destination way farther

Or maybe we assume to much
Ask to much of each other
And well never get out of here
Let alone muster enough "unity" to fight an existential threat to the planet

Fucking sucks
Nothing matters cant wait till WW3 starts since that seems the only thing that is gonna fix the global economic climate

Fucking stupid
All this is fucking stupid
This disinfo does more harm than good anyways
Just launch the unmanned ufos already
All these people think about is money and power and evs and carbon credits and fucking who is or isnt essential
You know what isnt essential a failing ruling class that kills the traitors that helped them maintain power once their no longer useful

Wtf how much longer are we all gonna keep doing this shit for? How much longer do you think we even have on this planet? Ever thought about that? Maybe we dont have as much time as some think ?
And the solution is to bunker down and blow shit up?
Fuck dude wtf
wow, you basicalyl caonfirm amartians
awhy don''t you fight bacj
this russian kid claims to have lived on Mars in a past life.
the war in heaven supposedly speaks of the destruction of mars.
Dinosaurs need to breathe, there was oxygen before dinosaurs.
OP is a definitely a plebbit poster. Cringe and retarded.
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The Thracians believed they were Martians in the sense that they were the sons and daughters of the god Mars. For example, Aesop was Thracian though he livedin Samos. Thrace allegedly invented the double-headed war axe, later used as the symbol of the Odryssian empire.
Humans as we know it were created after they got here. Those "human" souls who lived on Mars before this were, technically, not human then anymore than they are now after the Fall.
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Already happened, we already genocided the natives too, look up Aries Prime, Mars Colony Corporation, Solar Warden
what the fuck
Shills trying to slide this thread
Martians go home for fuck sake
DAMN. Meanwhile, they will pretend that there is other truth
Please stop using words you don't understand, retard.
Antonio Banderas explaining the origins of humans
oddly enough the current idea is sulfur nodes underwater is where most of earth's oxygen originates from. Google dark oxygen.
don't be so cheeky, you bitch
reality hurts

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