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/x/ - Paranormal

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previous thread >>38840678

>History of Halloween
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDbz6heh6-w [Embed] [Embed]
>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns
>Pumpkin Festival game, servers not up yet
>Carnevil arcade cabinet working on Win10 and 11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR0d44xpTYE [Embed] [Embed]
>Bone Chillers
>AVGN visits Sleepy Hollow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7RGxtDxRF4 [Embed] [Embed]
>Are you afraid of the Dark - Full first season compilation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3gebvDfwB8 [Embed] [Embed]
>Retro Halloween commercials playlist
>John Carpenter playlist
>Spooky Ambience Videos
>Vintage Halloween Music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdKjlZRkGS0 [Embed] [Embed]

>Happy Halloween /x/
>Over the Garden Wall
>Huge collection of Halloween and Horror related YouTube videos
>Fun Halloween MEGA

*Thread Prompt* What are your plans for the equinox?

>Family / friends coming over
>Ghost shaped meat pie
>Projector outside with Scooby-Doo and Pooh Bear Halloween Movies
>Putting up lights
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Nothing specific, I'll probably just watch some horror movies and set up a fall-esque projector in my room. I need to start decorating the yard.
i've got movies lined up for every weekend in october. thinking of popcorn and candy.

>fall-esque projector
man that sounds real comfy
I enjoy reading scary stores...

How children played slaughter with each other.

>There once was a father who slaughtered a pig, and his children saw that. In the afternoon, when they began playing, one child said to the other, "you be the little pig, and I'll be the butcher." He then took a shiny knife and slit his little brother's throat. Their mother was upstairs in a room bathing another child, and when she heard the cries of her son, she immediately ran downstairs. Upon seeing what had happened, she took the knife out of her son's throat and was so enraged that she stabbed the heart of the other boy, who had been playing the butcher. Then she quickly ran back to the room to tend to her child in the bathtub, but while she was gone, he had drowned in the tub. Now the woman became so frightened and desperate that she did not allow the neighbors to comfort her and finally hung herself. When her husband came back from the fields and saw everything, he became so despondent that he died soon after.
nice. sauce?
It's one of the stories that was omitted from Grimm's fairy tales...

Here is the other version.

>In a city named Frannecker, located in West Friesland, some young boys and girls between the ages of five and six happened to be playing with one another. They chose one boy to play a butcher, another boy was to be a cook, and a third boy was to be a pig. Then they chose one girl to be a cook and another girl her assistant. The assistant was to catch the blood of the pig in a little bowl so they could make sausages. As agreed, the butcher now fell upon the little boy playing the pig, threw him to the ground, and slit his throat open with a knife, while the assistant cook caught the blood in her little bowl.
>A councilman was walking nearby and saw this wretched act. He immediately took the butcher with him and led him into the house of the mayor, who instantly summoned the entire council. They deliberated about this incident, and they did not know what to do to the boy, for they realized that it had all been part of a children's game. One of the councilmen, an old wise man, advised the chief judge to take a beautiful red apple in one hand and a Rhenish gulden in the other. Then he was to call the boy and stretch out his hands to him. If he took the gulden, he was to be killed. The judge took the wise man's advice, and the boy grabbed the apple with a laugh. Then he was set free without any punishment.
Almost everything I have planned to do in October:
>5 local haunted houses
>4 local farms/pumpkin patches
>1 movie each day
>lanterning once a week in random spots
>making a time capsule for 2026~
>cooking rattlesnake with pig's blood
>making my wife read classic creepy pasta like dogscape
>getting every Halloween promo item from fast food restaurants
>night walks, especially on the 17th when its a full moon
>exploring an abandoned building that's rumored to be haunted
Among a few other smaller things. I already showed off my goodie bags.
How to select movies for the season? I usually just watch the same half-dozen or so classics, and while I'd like to branch out, I'm picky about and largely disdainful of modern horror.
I watch AVGN's monster madness. He covers so many gems. Or if there's an old flick I want to check out, I see if MST3K covered it- that's basically the only way to watch The Brain That Wouldn't Die.

I hear that. I tend to go for more kid friendly. October 1st and on Halloween I watch Trick r' Treat and the rest of the time I mainly watch things like Scooby-Doo etc. If something peaks my interest in a thread or on TV I'll watch it. Not too big into standard horror, it doesn't really fit the reason to me really. But, I will watch the OG Halloween 1 and II.
I do love AVGN.
I'm largely the same way. I'd love to join /co/'s Spooktober streams but the timing never works out.
>What are your plans for the equinox?
No plans for equinox but we are going to have a big holiday style dinner for Halloween night.
I like the term “lanterning” for placing Jack-o-lanterns about town. Catchy and sounds like a fun way to celebrate the season.
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The early Monster Madness series are some of the best seasonal watches out there. They introduced me to a lot of horror movies I probably wouldn't have checked out otherwise.
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Got a little fireplace display action setup.
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Bought a bunch of K-mart paper treat bags from the 90's off Ebay like a month ago. The modern ones are all shitty plastic and bad artwork.
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decent coupon this year at spirithalloween, spending 65 on the dot with this nets you a whopping 23% off. Their regular 20% is available online too.
>sounds shady, possibly makes toxic gas
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Nice Satanic trips. Best vampire design, the Salem's Lot movie vampire design. Wasted on a non-character who does nothing because the director was an absolute retard who couldn't comprehend a vampire speaking because he couldn't imagine an appropriate voice for one, so he reduced the story's villain to a bit role at the end and gave all his lines to his henchman. Fucking moron.
>Verification not required.
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>September 20
>97F outside
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Making an impression is important. The people in the cull de sac across the street have every shitty Lowes skeleton prop from the last couple years. The display is shit + their candy game is weak.
I watched the movie right after I read the book and that pissed me off too. I bet the new one is going to be such fucking trash
I feel you.
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I can't find it but there's a schizo couch meme about just needing it to get cooler outside.
Halloween is the ancient festival of my people, the Gaels
Samhain, an ancient pagan festival of the underworld, after Christianisation it was to represent dead ancestors who have went to heaven and to honour the dead saints
I read an article implying Samhain is mostly a modern fantasy made up wholecloth but it made me so upset I didn't remember anything identifiable about it to run it by a Gaelic person for fact checking.
>mom's birthday
>last swim of the year
>college football
>relaxing with the waning moon
Vincent Price
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>>last swim of the year
This makes me wonder... what is the best way to decorate for Halloween? Weatherproofing, clear walk ways, proper lighting, and age-appropriate are all pretty big limiters if you're looking to make your front yard into anything fun for the kids.
I'd like to someday set up some tarps into a type of maze-like arrangement people have to walk through but I can't justify killing my yard just yet.
I want to fake being a spooky occult person to freak out some new acquaintances for this Halloween season. Any tips from the schizos here on how to really sell it?
you need to have overtly occult stuff scattered around your home when they come over and just act oblivious/gaslight them whenever they ask about the giant pentagram of salt on your floor.
loooove it. the creature from the black lagoon is uuuunderrated
similar design to nosferatu 1979 - love that film, and the original (no interest in ever watching this year's remake)
different anon, but load of shite, my parents and their parents (etc etc) have always celebrated it, waaaay before mainstream americanisation. still a huge part of my childhood (and the present day) - again before the massive influence of us media - but with more emphasis on apples, coconuts and peanuts, rather than pumpkins and corn. present day is a little more influenced by america though, i have to admit, but it was always there.
Good to know. Love apples, though I have the same problem with coconuts and peanuts in that I have a ton of trouble swallowing the little bits of them after chewing them, and just get stuck chewing them forever. Hell knows what kind of hangup this is or why I've got it.
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Hey guys I got a hold of some spooky comics from the 1950s called EERIE. I haven't read them yet but did I do a spooky good?
you did a spooky EXCELLENT, I hope you enjoy them! I got a few in a fangoria lot around a year ago, great material especially for the season.
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that was amazing
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very nice
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this one looks promising
It is a mystery
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Yeah, those are classic
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this one made me really scared and sad as a kid, especially finding it nested in the middle of the funny ones in a book
>They introduced me to a lot of horror movies I probably wouldn't have checked out otherwise.
Any in particular you'd recommend?
>frankenhooker if you're a filthy coomer
>the monster squad for your sissy friends and family
>fright night for date night
>vampire's kiss for you and your stoner friend
>evil dead series for parties
rate my recommends and don't hold back
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I built a stone calander in my yard using only granite rocks. I have a flat focal stone in the front and the sun sets behind a beautiful piece of granite with a massive quartz vein.

I usually try to do some meditation or prayer around sunset on these holidays sitting by the focal stone. Any advice about harnessing and/or using the energy coming through the stones?
made me scared and sad as a 27 year old :(
love these sorts of gifs
Holy based, this sounds awesome. Would you be willing to post a picture of it?
Very enlightening really
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Pulled these yesterday from my patch
>Any advice about harnessing and/or using the energy coming through the stones?
That's not real.
Prove it
Burden of proof is on the claimant.
That’s you
How the hell do you grow these things? Do I really need to be constantly watering them?
That's not what energy is or how it works.
This was honestly my first year doing pumpkins. I think so, the ground is supposed to be moderately wet but not muddy. The types that actually produced were from my neighbor. I had some other starts from a store crap out on me. So type and strain might make a difference. I also didn’t do a cover mulch which I will next year. Because I limped them all along through the early season. That’s what Ive learned this year from them. It was a lot fun, and really different from anything else I’ve grown.
Again in your own words
>Burden of proof is on the claimant.
good haul
>the ground is supposed to be moderately wet but not muddy
oh snap, i wonder if that's part of what i've been doing wrong for years (not watering enough by far)
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>What are your plans for the equinox?
Gonna make a big pot of venison stew with meat from the deer my buddy shot, have a bonfire, drink apple cider, and put on some dark nordic folk, and maybe take a few magic mushrooms.
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Nice. Those paper hangers are nostalgic. I especially like seeing the creature. He was always a favorite of mine.
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I think also it’s advised to avoid walking in and around their area. Hardening the dirt. Which I didn’t really do. But will try next year. Hope you have some better luck!
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Spirit Halloween gets progressively worse each year for cool stuff worth buying. Barely any cool string lights this year and even a shitty hard plastic mask starts at 45$. Just snatched this beanie and a Friday the 13th cup and bounced.
>The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
>The Old Dark House
>Cat People
>Spanish version of the 1931 Dracula
I got a decent costume from them last year, the year before I picked up a cool little "snow globe" with Michael Meyers' face and red dust inside
They've had some cool knickknacks but nothing I can't live with. I really just appreciate having a halloween store to go to during this time.
Still fucking gay that a costume is $50 or an animationic starts at $330.
>Still fucking gay that a costume is $50
Yeah I spent about sixty bucks on mine last year. Fucking stupid. The one I got this year was $100 but that's because it's a giant towering inflatable costume with moving parts and shit that can double as a decoration if you don't want to wear it
I might get that Trick r Treat video collector VHS box that brings 2 stickers, iron patch, 2 button pins and lanyard.
Lol sick. Damn i wish i had a job and money
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Having a job sucks the life out of me most of the time but it does give me money which is pretty nice. At least when I'm not at work I can afford to do things that make me not miserable.
nice loot crate, there's not a whole lot of merch for that movie right? Maybe wait until the end of October when they're liquidating.
There's usually a bunch of Sam merch at Spirit.
They've got full-sized Sam dolls at the Spirit Halloween right down from my house. Way too expensive and I don't really have any room for it though
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>Retro Halloween commercials playlist
This is some good shit. Thanks OP
checked, it all feels like its priced FOR you to use the 20 percent off coupon on.
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Tales From The Crypt, The Haunt of Fear, and Vault of Horror: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/kirmfgu1oc289/Horror_Comics
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>implying I watch movies around other people
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If the anon who recommended Ghost Hound for spooky season anime is around, thanks bro. I'm on episode 11 and I'm really loving it
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If I were a woman, which I will never be, I would go around on Halloween in just a ghost sheet with nothing underneath. I wouldn't trick-or-treat, but I would be out late and walk as far from my home as possible in just my sheet hoping that no one sees me.
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Comfy /x/ Halloween thread. Thanks for keeping these alive bros.
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>valid through 9-22-2024
that sucks
you can do that even as a guy
Im lookin for good horror books to read this season,

Finished starve acre, it was ok
Ready little heaven, it was incredible
I have the croning on hand but i want somthing more like say, the fisherman
Yeah but he can't do that on his period so it looks like the ghost just ate someone
*tips fedora*

EC made a giant hard cover bible with a bunch of these together. I found it at a book store years ago.

The one by me didn't have much Trick r Treat stuff. It's all about Beetleguise 2 this year and Mars Attacks. Most the cool stuff you gotta buy off their site. Big gay.
I would also be arrested and wouldn't have massive tits if I did this as a man
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Ultimate cool costume checking in
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you like likely wouldn't have massive tits as a women. those are coveted for a reason.
ignore that like
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Oh this is great. I'm gonna use this as my phones lock and homescreen. Thank you.
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childhood me wanted this guy so bad
Wow, it's fall already.
Is there seriously somehow a trademark on 4Chan Man?
Well, duh. /v/ for /v/endetta Man™ and Occupy Scientology Man™ was already taken
But they don't own 4chan, unless Moot himself licensed the costume.
>not getting laid costume
We are anomalous
We are regional
Forgive and forget
Expecto patronum
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"Then who was phone" costume appears on the horizon...
A new challenger appears!
OMG, brillant
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Backroom Liminal Spaces costume stands there doing nothing in a menacing way
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The fact that this exists instills within me a deep, undying rage.
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The time has come for sensible costume laws
If I saw this on someone's yard I would slash their tires, egg the cars, and take a shit on the front lawn
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Costumes promoting God-fearing Made in America products are where it's at...
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But are you ready for SLENDERMAN??!
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kill normalfags kill normalfags kill normalfags kill normalfags
I bloody hate how they doubled down on that bitchy attitude in the Wednesday show to the point of it just trying to be woke.
Is it worth watching at all? I always thought it looked like overproduced sterilized slop.
from what i heard the writing got so bad the actress complained about it
Timothy had been trying to get a pitch about a girl going to a supernatural school greenlit for a long time and he finally got it through by slapping a marketable IP on top of it. It's not a real Addams series at all.
That explains why she felt so out of character and why she got power crept.
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Sure am. I don't come here everyday (just almost), but I'm still lurking around.
Glad one of my recommendations gave some joy to someone. If you remember, once you finish it, let me know what you thought.
That said, I should re-watch it, I just remember it was interesting, maybe even intriguing, but I don't remember much the details.

Pic related.
>I just remember it was interesting, maybe even intriguing,
That's how I'm feeling about it. I love the divergence into neurological stuff and while I didn't expect it I like how surprisingly well it goes with the more folklore-esque Japanese spirits motif. Horror anime is pretty sparse so I'm always excited when I find a new one.
And here a less lewd one.
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there is another Salems Lot with Rob Lowe 2004. i cant remember how the vamp is, I am just a huge fan of the 1978 version, literal Soul.

Just outside of normie Hot Topic range. It's an OK start, but you really should expand your horizons more outside of the mainstream.


Based old films enjoyer. That said, it may be worth looking into films that are less than 50 years old as well. There are still some decent films being made. Serious props for recognizing the superior Dracula version.


A few recommendations from me.

> Let the Right One In (2008, subtitled)
Sweedish child vampires in a realistic 1980's setting. A delightful film exploring the many faces of love ranging from first love, to love between friends, to love lost.

> Meandre (2020, subtitles optional)
What if Cube was a whole lot more claustrophobic with much better effects and acting? A tense and rather exciting film I don't want to spoil. If you can't get it subbed or dubbed, don't worry: the plot is mostly visual.

> Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985, Subtitled or dubbed)
A short (41 mins) but excellent entry point to the world of "extreme cinema" and Japanese horror. The best of the Guinea Pig series, by most people's standards. Very light on plot focusing mostly on aesthetics and metaphors. Free on the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/guinea-pig-2-flower-of-flesh-and-blood-1985-mondo

> Hatchet film series (2006-2017)
These films are actually made to be one long film. It makes for a great marathon. Start with Hatchet and go in order from there. A slasher made by and for people who actually watch slashers.

Old film guy already covered most of my "classics" recommendations, but I have one more to add:

> White Zombie (1932, silent)
A surprising amount of research and care was put into this one, especially considering the era. Ignore the blackface near the end.
>> Let the Right One In (2008, subtitled)
Based based based. It's crazy how much better it is than the shitty American remake.

100% agreed. Everything is better. The acting. The pacing. The shots. And that trapped in the ice scene is very chilling, no pun intended. The cat scene is super silly in the Swedish version, but the laughs help break the tension which I feel really helps the film breathe a little. So even the worst part of "Let the Right one In" is better than "Let Me In".

Another Americanized remake I don't understand is "The Grudge". It's basically a shot for shot remake of "Ju-On: the Grudge" only swapping in American actors for Japanese. It's not bad, just pointless.
they remade Ringu, they remade Ju-on... now they just need to make Sadako vs Kayako
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That would be a hell of a lot more entertaining than Freddy vs Jason. I swear.
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>they remade Ringu
The Ring remake was good, though. Literally the only good remake of a Japanese horror movie. Although, to be honest, Bojan Bazelli's cinematography does a lot of heavy lifting. But Verbinski's direction is very good.

Anyone who likes Verbinski's The Ring should check out his 2016 movie A Cure For Wellness. Bazelli was the cinematographer for that, too. I don't think it's as good as The Ring, but it's still pretty enjoyable.
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Unfortunately, you and I are the only people who liked A Cure for Wellness. I don't know why everyone hates it, I thought it was better than all of those 'slow burn A24' horror movies put together.
My only issue with the Ju-On remake was that they nerfed the apocalyptic ending of the original. The Dark Water remake with Jennifer Connelly was terrible through and through, imho.
I'd love to see a remake of Tokyo Gore Police with more practical effects or just updated CGI.
>A Cure for Wellness
That's been in my backlog for a long time now, guess I should get around to watching it.
>The Dark Water remake with Jennifer Connelly was terrible through and through
Awful fucking movie.
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I love fall so much bros. How can one season be so comfy?
They did make that. Or are you saying there needs to be an American version of it?
just bought a vintage camera and a bunch of 35mm black and white film to take a bunch of gay artsy photos of the spooky season bros. every punkin will be documented
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Find a way to post them.
Someone in one of these threads throughout the years recommended I watch A Dark Song saying it knew what it was talking about. That it showed occultism well and the magic made sense.
You are a liar. The movie sucked it fell apart completely in the end and barely brushed on the ritual. It knew surface level stuff at best and then did nothing with it.
Bad film.
will do, soon as i get stuff developed and scanned by the local sheeny alchemist i will share them
>gothfag has shit taste in movies
More news at 11
Yes, just to complete the trilogy in eigo
it's not like it can be much worse than the original JP film
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I expect Spirit this year to be nothing but Wednesday and Beetlejuice.
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There's three of them by me. The one I went to was probably the worse one. Their site has the Don Post Season of the Witch masks. Didn't have a single one of them in store. Just the same ol generic scary clown bullshit you can buy at Wal-mart for half the price.(Which I did for an outside display).
I can't even afford shit all. I might visit just because.
make your own!
make your own AND go visit

I want to get a bucket of liquid latex and make some horrible masks personally. dunno what i'm gonna do with them though
>White Zombie
That's a good one, which like the uncut pre-code versions of The Mummy and King Kong managed to be impressively brutal for the time. As for the "face" roles, I hold the Billy Dee Williams stance that it's funny in most cases and sometimes ignorable if well-acted (Alec Guinness and Laurence Olivier come to mind). I know the latter is more of a /tv/ discussion.
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>Unfortunately, you and I are the only people who liked A Cure for Wellness.
Seems like it. I think many people feel like it drags at points, and I heard a lot of complaints about the ending.

>The Dark Water remake with Jennifer Connelly was terrible through and through, imho.
JCon was literally the only reason to watch that. Love her.

Because the fall colors are nice, and when the weather starts getting cool you can wrap up in a light blanket while you watch horror kinos.

I hated A Dark Song too. No idea why so many people seem to like it. The main characters were unlikeable and the ending was laughable.
She was actually really good in Beetlejuice.
She's fine, she just can't save the awful writing in Wednesday. No one could. Crazy that Burton made both of them so close to each other. I hope he's cured now.
Taking a week long t break and then I'm going to smoke Halloween themed weed while watching Halloween themed content all month. Should be fun but so far the only Halloween themed strain I can find is phantom og and that's apparently a heavy, sleepy strain. Hopefully I can find something more cerebral
Take two weeks off before Halloween, then day off unzip your skull in the graveyard till you borderline green out from terror. If it’s worth doing it’s worth doing all the way.
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Can't wait for Thursday. I'll be going pumpkin picking for the first time this season

Picture is OC from a few Halloweens back. For the vibes
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very nice
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I can't feel the Halloween spirit
Is the weather not cooperating? I have found cooler weather is imperative to feeling the spirit. Without that crisp, autumn air, it's a struggle.
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went for a walk this evening and despite the temperature still being high it was nice, I can feel the autumn air
Yeah, you've got to go out, being a shut-in won't help you feel anything seasonal, or much of anything at all. The sights and sounds are imperative. Tastes and smells, too.
Oh good LORD I know that all too well. I live in the Northwestern Steppe, and during the past 3 El Nino years (2020 to 2023), the warm air caused extremely good weather - which lead me to my philosophy of "I don't want no damn blue skies in October."

It's been crisp and cool and gloomy and gray ever since :3 thanks La Nina

but yeah that could be whats going on - La Nina does heat the southeastern US.
unironically do it, ol Guy Fawks was just there to do a bit of trolling, all in good fun :3

also whats /x/'s take on last years costume (may or may not be mine)
>put on spooky movie
>carve one pumpkin
>leave your house, take pumpkin with you and don't turn off the movie
>place pumpkin outside somewhere eerie
>take pic and post to /hal/
>eat halloween candy while you do it
if you time it right, try to come back inside right before the slasher villains next kill
many of the houses around have already put up their decorations too, it's nice to go right as the sun is setting
Farm stands are great places to go. Plenty of pumpkins and apples to enjoy. Usually nicely decorated, too.
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Have you decorated yet? I've found that if you have some halloween content playing while decorating it helps get in the mood.
>creepshow (1982)
>cat's eye
>dark night of the scarecrow (1981)
>spider baby
>the blob (1988)
If you want another good Halloween cartoon I will rec Halloween is Grinch Night.
NTA but the only one on that list i haven't seen is 'deadstream' and based on the rest I'll have to prioritize watching it
It's a much more recent movie than the others but I figured I should throw something modern in. For a recent horror movie I really enjoyed it, the horror general on /tv/ recommended it to me.
Watch comfy horror movies to get in the mood.
Yeah my AC has been out for a week and it's still in the 90sF out. It's basically killed my wife and I's soul. She was supposed to make pumpkin bread yesterday, goddamn it!
Don’t fight it just feel it
I have no plans because I have no one to spend time with.
Halloween is based on a true story
shit, don't let that stop you from planning to do nice stuff for your own benefit.
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What's nice about Halloween is there are plenty of seasonal activities you can do even by yourself. You can watch movies, go for crisp autumn walks, go to a haunted location (or a "fake" haunted house), or even just decorate alone.
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Got this cookie jar from Goodwill today, but I need to bake some cookies to fill it.
Might I recommend pumpkin cookies? They're gooey and tasty
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I'll look for some next time I hit the store. Thanks anon!
fav recipe??
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I don't either so my plan is to make homemade pizza, watch scary movies, and eat a bunch of candy on Halloween. My place is already decorated and I'll start watching scary shows as soon as October gets here.
Favourite eerie - but not necessarily horror - films? Like Eraserhead, Carnival of Souls, Jacob's Ladder (tho I guess that leans a little more horror), Hour of the Wolf, etc. My fav type of film.
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Still one of my favorites from the old days.
david lynch definitely watched this as a kid or whatever. i'd bet money on it. the vibe is so similar to his work.
cool it with the anti-semitism
Nice bait Captain Ahab
Donnie Darko
I've experienced Halloween myself.
Post classic horror posters
I just watched Angels Egg.
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best i can do is VHS pics
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VHS art is based
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oops, i lied, i saved this one to remind people of the time that Jesus Franco and Joe D'Amato teamed up with Kinski and Lee to try and make the most book-accurate Dracula for its time.
And despite being from the makers of Emanuelle in America, it's family-friendly.
the movie itself has a lotta Halloween sovl
the made-for-TV aspect kind of works in its favor
Goodwill is the best, a good chunk of my decorations I've picked up from there. Found myself an old plug in pumpkin from '95 for six bucks last week, can't wait for the day after Halloween when everything is half off and see what cool stuff I can get for next year.
Very true.
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Anyone have something with this vibe I could use as a phone background?
Mulholland Drive
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This reminds me of how a lot of my dreams look.

Mothman Prophecies.
This isn't strictly a film, but if you like Carnival of Souls then there's an obscure old Twilight Zone-adjacent show called Way Out that I find to be very eerie in a similar way at times: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQDQPZ3HQdzKaIecvPVGVQVCswLT0Bphy&feature=shared

I especially recommend the episodes Side Show, The Overnight Case, and Dissolve to Black in that order.

Another less obscure Twilight Zone-adjacent show that has a few good eerie episodes is the original The Outer Limits: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl-w6y6B-BQ30ptmRBZvf1ABoi6a8rp3D&feature=shared

From it I recommend Don't Open Till Doomsday, The Hundred Days of the Dragon, A Feasibility Study, The Guests, and Demon with a Glass Hand.
>Don't Open Till Doomsday


The '80s Ghostbusters cartoon is way better than any of those new movies.
>hit the image limit
What's the actual bump limit on this board?

We'll go a few more posts and then I'll bake another in an hour or so to keep it going.


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