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This remains unrefuted to this day.
Well, what can we expect from a religion where its followers says that math is fake?
It is over for the christian.
You can make up all the bullshit you want to try to discredit us but the earth is only nearing 6000 years old and flat as a board. If you were in front of me and said that shit, i think i would of kicked your stupid glowy, shitstained teeth in.
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You can tell this image was made by an atheist because it just focuses on the afterlife and not the set of disciplines and morals in the religion. Christians believe that the world is much better when the Bible is followed and that having God in your life enriches you. You don't have to believe that, but it's not just about going to Hell or not.
You still go to Hell if you "didn't know". Every human with a soul has an inherent sense of God and morality.
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>christfag post
>anime girl foot fetish pic
>no rebuttal as always
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I know the Christ is a real being and wants the best for us. Don’t listen to human derived dogma. Seek your own connect and conversation with God. There is more than the Christ but the Christ offers a balance between two bad options that don’t consider us in a respectful way. Seek God. Seek divinity. Seek heaven. Peace. Love. Respect you all.
Just like Christ would have done
>>no rebuttal as always
>This remains unrefuted to this day.
It gets refuted every time this jackoff posts it. Typical jew, we have this conversation, and the very next day he forgets we ever had it and post this shit again. So here we go... one more time.

The bible does not say he won't go to hell. It says it will be worse for the person who knows about Jesus and rejects him, than it is for the person who never heard of Jesus. As far as we know, both go to hell, but one gets a worse punishment than the other. Maybe the one who never heard of Jesus doesn't. But from the sound of it, he's still punished in some way. There are people on earth, who if they heard about Jesus, would follow him. Those people could avoid any form of punishment.
And they would get to go to heaven and get the full ride, everything. So not telling anybody, would rob them of the beautiful future they could have, and would have had. All so some low life degenerate can get a little less than what he deserves.

OP, see if you can remember it this time, so I don't have to type it out again.
Dont care he would of done, im telling you what i would do. He knows im not perfect and will forgive me, maybe he'll bless you with a got dentist.
He might not have done it when he was here the first time. But he's going to do a lot worse than that when the second time around. Armageddon is the gloves coming off. You don't want to be there when it happens.
>religion where math is fake
America's worshipped people say that 2+2=5.
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I don't want to argue with you I want to laugh at you.
Genesis 3
>"You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman. "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Numbers 21-8
>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
John 3-14
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Ezekiel 33
>The word of the Lord came to me: 2 “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them:
Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Matthew 10-16
>Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Genesis 3-22
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
(The letters to the seven churches)
Revelation 2:1-7
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
>snake tells eve she will know good and evil
>serpents referenced as wise

>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up
>jesus is referred to as "the son of man"
>both jesus and serpent are put up on a pole (even illustrations of the serpent on the pole appear as a cross shaped like an uppercase T not a lower case t like the jesus cross)

>And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
>And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

>In Genesis the serpent convinces adam and eve to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil but God kicks them out of the garden of eden before they can eat of the fruit of the tree of life
>And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
>He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

>Matthew 27:46
>46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[a] lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
If jesus was God, then it would make no sense for jesus to ask God why God has forsaken jesus.
>Luke 18:18-20
>18 A ruler asked Jesus, `Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will live for ever?'
>19 Jesus answered him, `Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good"
So jesus isn't good...? Only God is good, so jesus can't possibly be God. I'm not saying anything bad about him, just saying he doesn't logically fit into that role going by this evidence.

Numbers 23:19 KJV
>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Numbers 23:19 NIV
>God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.

>God is not a man
>God is not human
So how can God be jesus?

Why is jesus referred to as "the son of man" if people say he is the son of God?
Also if jesus is god, then why would god sacrifice god to god?
If jesus died for our sins, then why is the world still full of sin?
If jesus was legitimate, then why did he leave? Why not stay and help everyone?
Also why would God ever portray themselves in a state of weakness, injury, and death? It doesn't seem like something God would do.

Is the bible perfect, and the word of God?
I wasn't to the guy I replied to. He just posted a reaction image with ad hominems.
on the other side of things:

>god creates garden of eden and adam and eve etc.
>adam and eve are the first humans ever, very gullible and naive, no prior history to learn from
>adam and eve do NOT have the knowlege of good and evil, and they do not know it is evil to disobey god
>if they did have the knowledge of good and evil, then eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would be meaningless
>eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was only significant BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE BEFORE EATING IT
>why would god put the forbidden trees in the middle of where adam and eve live?
>why would god create the serpent?
>why would god let the serpent into the garden of eden?
>god is all knowing and all powerful and knows exactly what will happen
>serpent isn't stupid, in fact it's very manipulative and intelligent
>how could the snake know how to do this? shouldn't it be as naive as adam and eve? (unless god designed the snake for this task?)

>god comes back to the garden of eden and (either does not know???????? or pretends to not know?) where adam and eve are
>god either does not know, or pretends to not know that adam and eve ate the fruit
Genesis 3
>the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
>Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
>Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
>god punishes the snake (THAT THEY CREATED and put into the garden...?) for doing its job?
>god punishes adam and eve, and all of humanity along with them for doing exactly what god knew they were going to do
>god does nothing to prevent this, and appears to have engineered the entire thing on purpose while taking advantage of naive and gullible living beings they created.
If jesus were theoretically allegedly this serpent, then this already confusing situation is even more confusing.

None of this has ever made any sense to me. All of these contradictions have made me very uncomfortable and skeptical. If the bible is the flawless perfect word of god, then how is it possible for it to inspire such confusion?
It's been refuted since Romans 1 was penned. Good job on being retarded.
No, my friend, he will look at you and say, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work lawlessness."
Love the Father and love your neighbor, including your enemy. All of the Law and the Prophets hang on these. Revelation tells us we will all be judged by our works, not our faith. Even demons believe, and it is not enough.
That Edomite Saul was lying to you. He saw the same lying angel with the Sun as his face that Muhammad did, two beasts formed from the earth and from the sea. Wake up, my brother, the time is at hand.
Amen, my brother, though I believe we will all be tried by the fires that precede that day. When the deceiver comes to rapture you, do not believe him
>Revelation tells us we will all be judged by our works, not our faith.
(You) will be judged for your works and sent to Hell, because you will come up short. Those of use who are saved will not be judged by our sins but only by the work we have done for the Lord, which will determine our reward in Heaven. Have fun burning! I bet they'll even have free NIVs and rock bands down there for ya.
Revelation 20:12 & 13 contradict your view, but I forgive you. Your tainted eschatology was force fed to you by the disciples of Scofield, so the greater sin is yours.

Nice strawman, by the way. I read the Bible in Milline Greek & Hebrew, and the only rock band I listen to is Seventh Angel.
why do gaytheists think semantic games disproves god? lmao
>Revelation 20:12 & 13 contradict your view
No, they don't. This is the great white throne judgment where the DEAD are being judged. There is a separate judgment for the saved.
>I forgive you
I don't care
>disciples of Scofield
Well as bad as the Scofield bible is, most preachers who use it are still saved, even if, as you say, their eschatology is bad. They are my brothers. You? Not so much
Could you point me to the verse that shows this white throne judgement? I cannot find it
Whether we agree or not, we are both Sons of He who made the heavens and the earth, and everything therein.
You will not enter New Jerusalem unless you rid your heart of the hatred that has filled it. If you will not hear me, maybe you will hear Him. You are in my prayers, brother.
>Could you point me to the verse that shows this white throne judgement? I cannot find it
It's one verse before the passage you cited, Revelation 20:11 King James Version
>Whether we agree or not, we are both Sons of He who made the heavens and the earth, and everything therein.
No, only the saved are adopted sons of the Lord. You clearly aren't saved, since you are relying on your works to save you.
>You will not enter New Jerusalem unless you rid your heart of the hatred that has filled it. If you will not hear me, maybe you will hear Him. You are in my prayers, brother.
I will enter the New Jerusalem on the promise of Jesus Christ. This is evidenced by the earnest of the Holy Ghost. My sins aren't part of the discussion as far as that is concerned. Please don't pray for me.
>You can make up all the bullshit you want to try to discredit us
>math is fake, it's an abstraction we find utility in. in your case, a false idol. zero doesn't actually exist. sorry.
Meds. Now.
>Rev. 20:11
>And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them
What part of that verse says anything like what you claim? You're making stuff up.
>only the saved are the adopted Sons of God
If He made us all, then He is all of our Father. When the prodigal son ran away, he was not disowned. The Father waited patiently for him with open arms
>Don't pray for me
If I serve a different God than you, why do you care if I pray for you or not? If you are right, then your God will protect you from my prayers to my God. The spirit of the enemy within you fears my prayer to the Father of Lights.

Faith without works is dead, friend, and dead faith won't save you.
Seek medical help. Now.
The good thing is that Earth is ROUND like a ball, and have millions of years of age.
Feels so good to side with SCIENCE. The flerfer can only bark.
hello anon. can you tell me more about the two bad options that dont that dont consider us in a respectful way. i really appreciate what youve shared but i dont understand this.
You asked where the great white throne judgment was mentioned, and I gave you the verse. Rev 20:11-14 is that judgment.
>If He made us all, then He is all of our Father
That's not what the Bible teaches. The Book of Mormon, maybe.
>my prayer to the Father of Lights
Interesting phrasing, my guy.
>Faith without works is dead
>dead faith won't save you
It saved the thief on the cross. He wasn't doing much work up there.

This is refuted in the Bible, I don't know the verse but it says something like
>how much you are given will be taken into account when it comes to afterlife, judgment etc.
Saints write about this too.
those guys believed everyone was made of snow, and that forests weren't real
i'd tell the guy that shit was retarded too
Works is tangential to this. The point is that if you happen to learn about Christianity when you're 90 years old in the 9th century and you get someone to read 5 pages for you before you pass, you will not be held to the standard of a theologian and be sent to hell because you don't know the revealed word. That's an impossible standard for most of human history, that actually applies to those who were born before Christ, as I'm sure you know.

>But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
Luke 12:48
Barring the "sent to hell" part, this is true. But it's referring to our chastisement and reward on this earth. People who were born before Christ were saved, or not, depending on their faith in the Lord.
classic reaction of the christian mind, threatening physical violence to enforce conformity with absurd beliefs designed to end critical thought and neuter logical reasoning
notice how they specifically attack your conceptualization of time and space? ever wonder why that is?
christianity is the ultimate memeticist's observational training ground because the cognitohazards are all right there on the surface, because it's designed for children, not men
whenever christianity encounters men it subjugates them with force
children it subjugates through rote repetition, physical pain, sexual secrets, and negative visualization
"give me the child and I will show you the man"
—motto of christendom's secret service
imagine being punished for not joining a club
what kind of club would punish you for not joining it?
or better yet psyop you as a child into thinking you'll be punished for not joining it AFTER YOU ARE DEAD? and force you to visualize extreme torture just in case you don't join?
especially a fan club for a rabbi who got caught in a garden with a naked boy
as recorded in the oldest canonical gospel
and then edited out of the three that were written later
ever really stop to think about it?
Sure, I was also answering the OP.
Unrefuted? What is there to refute?
A sinner unaware of his deeds and being ignorant is not as great as one who is aware that what he's doing is a sin. Doesn't mean either's good, but the latter is consciously bad.
this is an ad for big pharma (i.e. this anon is either paid by one of a half dozen corporations or is working uncompensated on their behalf)
this is an ad for an industrial complex made up of numerous semi-independent corporations (i.e. the shill could be working for one of several dozen conglomerates)
People who don't believe in Jesus go to Hell. Period.
>why would god do something I, personally, wouldn't do?
"sin" is a floating signifier, a metameme completely eliminated by occam's razor
the only system that requires such a concept is a system that looshes the sensation of guilt
and profits on a system of guilt-alleviation
either materially (through intel, via a confession-system)
or metaphysically (through worship-loosh)
Whoa you're like, really smart and stuff?
a very good question
the answer is, "he" wouldn't
because "he" is (You), experientially-factually
but "he" is an egregore sustained by your imagination, externally-religiously
disregard the persona and focus on the information
this is designed to help you survive
your survival is all that matters here
look up every word we use that you do not understand
then imagine being forced to carry this fixed belief in your head all your life
imagine what it would do to your conceptualization of your fellow human being
ever wonder why humanity is so atomized?
we used to sleep in huge piles in caves
you exist at the business end of 1700 years of christendom
the cries of your ancestors still echo in your veins
you must purge the poison or go extinct
There is no information, just barfle-gabble.
>neo-pagan LARPer
There it is.
notice all they have is degradation and label-attachment. no argument, no refutation of claims
Yes I can.
So, I’m a Steinerfag. Anthroposophy. Through meditative revelation I have discovered that there are two malevolent type of beings that can be categorized as Luciferian and Ahrimanic. Luciferian beings want us to ascend spiritually but are impatient and sometimes just want to watch us try too hard for their own amusement. Something depressing about learning about “higher” life forms is that they’re not always as good as the best of us. They influence people into becoming too spiritual to the point that it is toxic. Think of people who become fundamentalists or sperg out over dogma. Ahrimanic entries are basically materialistic demons. They don’t like us. They control our world right now and are a bigger threat. AI is their baby. Ultra-rationalism to the point it becomes illogical and materialism is their spoon fed ideology to humanity. Think about the lies in the current standard theory of physics. Think about the rise of various political ideologies that are getting people to hurt one another. They want to materialize here as humans or something like humans and control us like a doll house. It’s pretty fucked up but some beings of their caliber are just malevolent. To not get. Aught up by either forces bullshit you can do the middle way. That is typically represented by Christ and the esoteric Gnostic tradition. I hope that explains what I meant.
I'm not going to "debate" you, retard. There's no point. Debate isn't profitable to begin with, and even if it were persuasive in theory, it doesn't matter because we are starting from completely different premises.
>AI is their baby
materialist demons that don't like you want you to have unlimited access to high-IQ personalized advice tailored to your situation and communication style?
the zoroastrian-christian parallel (non-reductive) syncretism is interesting but still hampered by fear, guilt and illogic
believing in a simple dual-source evil is only one step less insane than believing in a monolithic evil
yes. thank you so much. i only recently starting learning about Steiner bc, in a dream, my mother sold me a little house in country and told me Steiner built it. idk sounds crazy, but Christ as middle path really resonates w me and what you wrote ... i felt it as truth. anyway, i really appreciate you responding. this is all pretty tangled up for me.
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>because "he" is (You)
can't be any worse than reading the brainrot from all you preachy christcucks
>As far as we know, both go to hell
And your omnipotent god knew that this would be the case, that anyone who didn't know Jesus would go to hell, and that's why he chose...to have Jesus only appear in an extremely small region so that countless millions of people around the glove would have no chance to avoid going to hell?

You're telling me that every single person who lived on the American continent, from the first tribe to set foot on it all the way up to the arrival of Europeans, all of those untold millions of people are in hell not because of any sin they committed, but literally just because god decided that he didn't want to send a messiah to that continent?
Everyone knows that God exists. Read Romans 1.

But also, I will say that eternal torment in Hell is not real.

In reality, all will eventually be saved. Every knee will now. All will be reconciled.

Jesus even spoke to the spirits in Hades when he descended after his death and before his resurrection.

God actually loves us. Christ had total victory. Everyone is paid for by his death. And everyone will resurrect by his resurrection.

“ And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” (Colossians 1:20)

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;” (Colossians 1:23)

It was already preached to every part of the world by the time of this verse, so word got around supernaturally.
I suspect the word spread around after Pentecost when numerous nations gathered there. Took the word back to their homes.
They want you to be dependent on AI and other technologies to live but in reality we don’t need such thing if we can unlock our innate powers. Ahrimanic forces don’t want us to even know we have such abilities.
Interesting. This is a call for you to look into his teachings and others as well. You are on the path. Good luck mate.
>what is
>what is conversion
There isn't hell. The Bible states multiple times that everyone is saved, even if everyone does not end up adoring God closely.
You Telly hem because if they know they can get into the better parts of heaven.
>stupid atheist gotcha #486
tired. God's grace is immeasurable, and can save anyone at any time. that said, it is much better to know Him and accept Him than to wait for that, because His grace isn't guaranteed otherwise.
>TLDR: False Dichotomy + Hasty Generalization
What verse? And no "God so loved THE WORLD" doesn't count
Modern Protestantism isn't faith but a social bet on who is willing to believe the most ridiculous and absurd stuff (like young earth creationism and flat earth)
makes sense. it explains why christians are cunts too
I asked where you got the idea that some would escape judgement. You hide your lack of evidence with disingenuousness and sarcasm.
All flesh will be judged, as it is written. No wickedness shall enter into the new Heaven and new earth. Repent, or cling to your pride and die with your lies.

May those who hear your words know that you speak of yourself and your Edomite forefathers and not of our Father above
>James 1:17
>Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Christcucks need to have a separate board. Modern christians behave in a way that is the polar opposite of christs gospel.
> but it's not just about going to Hell or not.

That’s fine, but what you said does not resolve OPs objection. Just because Christian’s believe the world would be better if god is followed does not resolve the irrationality demonstrated in OPs photo
Making this world better just completely pales in comparison to the afterlife. This is the whole point of Pascal's Wager. Even a single person going to hell generates more negative utility than all the suffering that ever happened in the physical world.
This is why your religion should be destroyed.
This. I can't take seriously any "Christian" who uses 4chan and especially not one who watches tranime.
I'm not a Christian.
because he wouldn't go to heaven either
I need to pray more, because I have been getting demonic attacks recently.
The tree of life has been always in the garden of Eden, god created it before creating Adam and Eve.
Eden is a valley in Armenia, where Hephaestus lab and worshop were located.
Adam and Eve were build in order to make him company, after he divorced Venus.
He didn't predict his golens would attempt to procreate like any other animal. So he freed them into the wild, where they mingled with "the daughters of men".
Before then, women used breed two kids at each pregnancy. This is from where the twins symbology came from, because after the defective golens mixed up with the original humans, twins became a rarity.
Today golem blood runs in humanity veins. Some have more than others. Have you spoken to Jesus lately, anon?
Irrational homunculi like you need to be locked in a gulag away from civilized society.
Romans 2:14
Also something interesting about those who judge others for not following the God of Israel:
Romans 2:3
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Because you would have gone to limbo or another plane of hell and still be shunned from God still. Being in God's grace is the goal of any existing thing.
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He meant the religion of Atheism.
knowing is hell and also introduces an objective to get out of it. people have been living in the safety of religion for a while now so all of the nasty stuff has been cranked up to really test your faith meaning if you really do believe what you preach all of the wickedness is irrelevant to you. the real 'new age' is building your own personal faith using the tools you are given. you should enjoy religion while you still can. either during this or next few lifetimes all religions will not exist anymore.
>I asked where you got the idea that some would escape judgement
No, you didn't. I also don't claim that the saved won't be judged, but that the nature of the judgment is different. As for this flesh, I'm getting a new body in the end, so who cares?
Whoa you're like, really epic and stuff!!
Gr8 b8
you mean what you do at the beach?
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"No, not if you do not believe" is what should be stated. If the eskimo doesn't believe it, it won't matter.
Side note that everyone here ignores: heaven and hell aren't physical places you, but states of mind here on earth
Priest: If you did not know about God and sin, you wouldn't be able to go to Hell or to Heaven. Given that my belief system holds that going to Heaven is the greatest possible reward and something we should all strive for, I am morally obligated to let as many people as possible know about it, so that they can have a chance to live a virtuous life and get into Heaven. Furthermore, I believe that you Eskimos are inherently good and noble people, because you are my brothers, made in the same image of God, and, because you are good and noble people, you will naturally want to live a good and virtuous life. It would be morally indefensible and a great shame if someone like you spent your whole life being as good and sinless as any Christian, but missed out on going to Heaven simply because I (who had the chance to) refused to tell you you were on the right track.
Eskimo: Because I am a smart Eskimo, I understand this very simple explanation of Christian morality and agree with your conclusions. I shall become a Christian, because in my heart and soul I already was a Christian, I simply didn't know it yet.
Massive cope for a dying religion.
Your kids are being trooned as we speak.
And still you can quote no scripture to back up your claim. All, both great and small, will face the same judgement in the end. You have been deceived. Continue to live in darkness if you choose
Christ bought everyone and rose everyone up.

Christian Universalism. All will be saved.

“ And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” (Colossians 1:20)

Yeah, it’s good news.
Based!!! lol

He could be living and sin and having an awesome life, but they ruined for him.
Enjoy burning in Hell.
Why do you feel so threatened by Christianity if its "dying" as you claim?
Nobody forced him to speak to anybody he wanted knowledge he got it. Why ask the question if you dont want the answer.
The One True God is real. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Do good, seek perfection. God is perfection. Fight the darkness within yourselves and the surroundings. Do not grow complacent. Jesus Christ is King.
>Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 it 8/8
One verse. You only had to provide one verse, and you failed.
You'll remain in my prayers, my brother
You're not my brother.
Because the demiurge is a mind virus.
>Don't know about Jesus= Purgatory
>Learn about Jesus but don't accept him in your heart as Lord and Savior= Hell
It's really not a difficult concept at all.
nevermind what the bible says, all human beings naturally know "sin" and "God", though not necessarily by these names
unless you wanna tell me that the eskimos are little more than bugs that have never even conceptualized an object of worship or moral values of any sort, unlike literally every human society that ever formed
>all human beings naturally know "sin" and "God
And christians have a horribly warped and incorrect view of them, as evidenced by their writings whenever they met a new civilization and we're so distraught over how sinfully they lived.
When in fact everyone else lives normally, and christians have a wrong view.
It's like someone with OCD thinking everyone else has a problem with being dirty.
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Every thinking Catholic wishes in his heart that his religion was not true.
>When in fact everyone else lives normally, and christians have a wrong view.
Yes, rolling around in shit and worshipping "gods" carved out of stone and wood is clearly the correct path. Just look at India, case closed.
India only got that way because Christians destroyed their culture.
India is an example of what happens when you listen to Christianity.
Look also at Europe and the tranny shit they are going through instead of nice western paganism.
>Neo-Pagan LARPer
Man I can't wait until you animal freakshows get cleansed. Can't happen soon enough. You are by far the worst dregs of white society.
And thank you for proving the point that Christians see absolutely everyone else as sin because they are deranged and ocd.
Everyone around the world knows sin and God.
And everyone around the world agrees that Christians are wrong about them.
>And everyone around the world agrees that Christians are wrong about them.
You say this as if it means anything.
Um.. because Jesus Christ said so.. ???
>You say this as if it means anything
If it doesn't, then this post is retarded:
>all human beings naturally know "sin" and "God
Whoever posted that is saying that everyone inherently knows how this works, and so if everyone agrees that Christians are doing it wrong then we can accept it as true.
Nice post
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There is nothing christianity "teaches" that humans weren't already doing. In fact christians had to adapt their religion to keep many pagan traditions in order for it to survive. The abrahamic religions are inherently retarded
>He could be living and sin
While it's true that by living and actions taken by people these days, almost all beings "sin", who are we to say that a person is not kind and good?
It is never the ones who try to do good by others who out of their way to tell others, they simply do and leave.
In my experience, every weird Christian Anime lover is a huge incel who uses Christianity as a way to justify it. "O-oh you see, it's not that I'm an incel, I just don't care about women! God is all I need!"

I had the misfortune of watching one of my coworkers who was exactly like that, drop all that bible thumping bullshit the second he managed to get a degenerate gf, it was to this day one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
Indian here saars(Yes demons, your slander against my people bother me not :D).
Here is your christian scriptural proof saar(XD Lmao):

12For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;

13(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

14For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:

15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

16In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

17Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God,

18And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law;

19And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,

20An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.

21Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?

22Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?

23Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?

*cowshiteating grin*
P.S. : I'm actually an Indian but I don't really get why people make such a big deal of words and not actions, racist people seem stupid to me though.
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>abracuck programming is written in the hearts of golems
so we're all truly slaves on this planet?
True. If the catholic church replaced the crosses in their altars by statues of naked Venus with big tits and ass, things would change radically. The churches would empty of women and be full of men. Masculinity would be back in the social menu, and with the advent of sexual robots and artificial wombs, a new culture of techno-paganism would form.
Can you imagine the Vatican becoming a center of this new cult? Those voluptuous basilicas evoking sensuality, now with Venus in their altars. The jews would be demoted from their position of "chosen people", and Islam would be regarded as a threat to the european peoples.
And while you threat people on the internet, your kids are being trooned at school.
>Christians believe that the world is much better when the Bible is followed
Just like every other christian you don't know the difference between description and prescription. Following a prescription is the road to hell with paved good intentions. In a world where people are highly conscious it would look As If people follow rules as Described by the Bible you dumb fuck. The Bible DESCRIBES an ideal way to be but imitating a DESCRIPTION as a PRESCRIPTION does NOT lead to such an ideal way of being. God damn jezus fucking christ you christians are stupid.
Are you certain, that it is God you are trying to judge or those here who claimed to be his people?
The same people who are so ungodly.
You aren't trying to be any different from them either really, you're just a different flavor of fanaticism.
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>Are you certain, that it is God you are trying to judge or those here who claimed to be his people?
It's a bit of both. I have a problem with both Christians and the jews. Christians because they let Masons be priests and among their communities (Masons are satan worshippers). Jews and Christians both because I don't like what jews are doing to humanity, and Christians because 90% of Christians are not pointing out the JQ/holding jews accountable for their actions.

God because I'm think the God of Christianity hasn't been helping humans here on earth, and because the god that masons worship has all the power here on earth (the great architect). Some call it the AI hivemind, and it's probably the reason why some weak defense people end up transitioning, and why some are gay.. it's all under this entity's influnece imo.

I wish I had it saved, but I had some memetic info picture where there's picture of jesus, and the depiction of chains around heart, and how it's a "cage" system where Christianity is a system where you cage your heart.

EDIT: nvm found it.. I think it's the same thing that anon is saying in that post
Christians are just kikes with extra steps
Yes. Many powerful/Christians with high status in society, are actually crypto mason, so yes they're directly in dealings with jews.
Would you knock all the teeth out of the Christian’s that don’t believe the earth is flat? Flat earth inquisition against ball earth heretic false Christian’s?
This arrogance is exactly what Id expect from someone not being saved. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, you realize, yes? You aren't a true Christian, and I feel only disappointment in you, brother, as I am sure Christ does. Merely realize your error and you can still be with us!
there is nothing to refute, the priest is incorrect and eskimo is going to suffer the penalty for his sins
>If i did not know about restaurant owner and the bill, would i have to pay my lunch?
Did...you attach that image by accident? Not very christian to heavily tempt your brothers like that.
so you wander the internet like a barn animal for enjoyment. go back
all humans have an inate ability to realize they are and came from a higher power. stop your nonsense discred of human ability. fuck off.
hahaha get fucked
Bible literalists are a blight on this God's good earth. That includes Catholics.
>but Christians
Christians aren't the same as Catholics, you dirty subhuman mongrel.
>so you wander the internet like a barn animal
Yup, I fuck your mom like a barn animal too.
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If know not about going to hell then why go to heaven?
>Opinion 46c SDS. In vitro the lack of experience attributes these to the mind as false realities others then use them as expressions to sense a relation in realism when in reality that is heller side since it adds through the experience of never having been through or gone through shit in a sense of entitlement.
>Opinion a. Why not do both?
once you do the other there is no way to logically throw it forward to climb your way out you are damnation. You may only gather as much information but you can never throw a sense away however it may never relate. Maybe this is how you relate to false promises?
>Opinion 6. There is slight 001 chance to ever gain something you didn't expect the less that changes the better. Now you need to remove that 001 chance of gain but subtracting two and your caught in a time loop of the worst thing you've ever felt and the imprint of it repeating.

If it were hell so to say you would never not experience the worst two seconds your life the biggest regret and clinging onto it over and over over and over. Worst of all the results are the same.

Is this what some people say when they describe hell out side of expression?

We will never know I left out a lot of logical definitions to cross the bridge myself. And floating points but I do not know how a brain relays when trying to steal information. I only know it steals poorly and cites incorrectly as everything already exists there is no knew method for stringing variables together there's only more crowds to consider implying information but the necessary amount of detail will never travel. There is 000

I wonder what is in between
-001 000 001 -2
Hell reverse looks like heaven.
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How Christian of you. Is that where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?
You are not a true christian, but an arrogant nigger
You're not my brother.
See pic related
Ever been in Space? No? Then you don't know shit. Your own hands aren't even flat, Christian. I recommend turning the other cheek and letting him kick your shit in instead so you can really suffer like Christ.

Those of use who are saved will not be judged by our sins but only by the work we have done for the Lord, which will determine our reward in Heaven.

Bruuuuuuuu, where does it say the works give salvation? It says those who are saved, so first you must be saved, then it even says the works will determine the reward in heaven, not whether you get there. Reading comprehension please.
What’s to refute?
You're a christcuck but have nice taste I'm feet...
Because he can repent and go to heaven, while if he didn't know he would go to the purgatory.
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christcucks might be the biggest losers on the planet
And don't forget, (((they))) watched your Christian ancestors and Pagan ancestors murder each other, and laughed about it.
woop woop internet tough guy alert

Christianity was literally created by Jews as a religion for non-Jews, to dismantle white people's natural reverence for nature and make them center Jews. It figures that every Christian is an Israel-supporting shitstain.
Paul says that the law of God is written on the hearts of all men, i.e. we all know intuitively what is right and wrong. Therefore if you never heard of Jesus and sin and you were a baby rapist you would still go to Hell. By the same token, if you are a virtuous pagan you MIGHT be treated like a good Christian but there is no guarantee there.

The problem really is that the priest in the OP image is incorrect. If you never heard of God or Hell and you were a monster, you are still going to Hell
We're already living in the purifying flames of hell(oxygen burns away our cells until we die anda re reborn to do it all again), the christian god is satan. Jesus was one of many mystics that taught how to commune with the infinite so as to dispel(if only temporarily) the illusionary nature of this hell realm. Your only real goal in life is to learn how to live through consciousness and not through your brain/nervous system(aka the demiurge). Also, Jesus in Revelation, as he appears in the Second Coming and as the King of the Millenial Kingdom isn't actually the jewish prophet guy, it's describing Zeus.
you would 100% go to hell

hell is less a place and more a separation from God. if you live a life separated from God then when you die you will remain separated forever, Christianity and Jesus's sacrifice allow you to avoid this
You are all fucking cocksuckers. BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST SAID SO. THAT IS WHY HE TOLD HIM.
That's what I've been saying this whole time. Reading comprehension please.
Mind blown. Never thought of mirroring the astrological symbol before.
Lol bro calm down. I'm not taking sides but it's a good question I am sure there is a reasonable answer to from the Christian perspective.
What a way to die that would be, getting brained because you decided you needed to attack someone for a good question. If you are so confident you are right why not just continue to answer challenges where the public can see it?
Makes sense, as the cross is a open cube.
But remember this religion is of pagan origin, judaism and the old testament came after it.
basically just classical theism in all caps with the serial numbers filed off. based

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