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Welcome to Divination General!

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Previous thread: >>38857322
there havent been any readers since you guy try to tear martin down
AQ what does h think of m
Will T and B let me in?
What will my husband -- and by extension our relationship -- be like?
Does M has the same feelings for me?

Thanks in advance.
Twin paths reading based on your post No.

You are at a point where you are focused on a serious decision, trying to logically make sense of how to proceed.

The first path forward has you lamenting a lot on the lost potential in the future at the expense of the relationships that you have or will have. That path leads to a future where you are provided the things you need, though possibly only materially.

The second path has you harmoniously cooperating and pooling your strengths with someone. It leads you to a future that will fulfill your passions.

My interpretation:

If you've settled on who your husband is, I think the cards are telling you to focus on cooperation if you want a life that fulfills your passions. Otherwise you'll find material wealth but you'll be unfulfilled.

But if you have not already chosen your husband, I would interpret this quite differently: Stop wondering who he needs to be, or if he is the perfect choice because while that may lead you to material wealth that may be all you get, instead pick someone that can work and cooperate with you, and reciprocate that, and that will be more fulfilling and will bring the growth you expect from a good relationship.

Of course, if you think you want just material wealth, you can go towards that path instead.
Doing readings, all I need is a picture of soup delicious soup or a nice recipe but simple recipe of soup.

Doing three or four
blue soup
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A nice hearty stew, an autumnal treat, as we enter the Harvest season. What will befall me this fall?
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What does S think of me? Potential for sex?
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How will my next year be like?
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Miso soup, I hope you'll enjoy!

Should I pursue a relationship with A. or S.? (both of them are f I'm m)
That looks good actually!

Intuition says
It will be a time where you will be able to unwind and focus more on your goals, there might be someone who will invite you to some gathering or something fun you might be inclined to say no but you should accept going, I'm thinking caramel apples and the smell of pumpkin. It's going to be a nice season, work will pick up more or something new related to work is coming your way

Ace of pentacles
3 of cups
You will enjoy time with friends or get to know people better If you're invited somewhere you should definitely go it will be a good and fun experience for you. Money will pick up if you're having economic struggles

Intuition says
They aren't in the same frequency as you but they do like you but for now they want to get to know you better beware of their friends they might try to shit talk about you there's someone in their group that fancies you

7 of swords
6 of cups
Yeah there's a good base right now romance isn't in the cards but it could be but you should take your time if you want something serious with them, beware of someone that will try to squeeze in between you two.
Thank you very much.
>But if you have not already chosen your husband
I don't have anyone in mind.
>material wealth
How can I go about acquiring this? I live with my mom and aunt.
Healthy tomato egg drop soup! Please, I am dealing with a very persistent bacterial infection that won't go away and it's driving me up the wall. When will I finally find closure with this, when will I be healed? I hope I can be healed before November at least.
Meh that soup looks not so good, it looks like it will taste watered down and the fact that they just throw random spices around the plate... What a waste

Intuition says
It will be a year where things will be rather serious for you, you will mature and focus more on making money, might meet a few people but nothing too relevant, you might meet a rival that will push you in to becoming someone better (a frenemy?) you two will compete on everything but it's going to be healthy, it's what will lead you to become more economically stable. The main theme is money and finances. Love doesn't seem to be very important at least that's what you will feel down the line

5 of swords
Wheel of fortune
10 of pentacles
Financial independence, it will be a year where you finally feel like you are able to fly on your own and make a better life for yourself, there will be competition at your work place but that will motivate you more to leave them eating your dust.

Miso soup is good but it's easy to mess up. Delicious!

Intuition says
Go for the girl that has a soft and delicate smile she is small and is kind of soft spoken a bit shy but knows how to make herself heard, she is sweet and always worries for others. She has curly hair and beautiful eyes and is very petite. She will make a wholesome wife, very sweet and will care for your children, a long and prosperous marriage

10 of cups
Ace of cups
She is a water sign, very maternal and sweet. She is loving and is super giving, she might be a pisces or a cancer. Very emotional and loves being loved on and romanced, if you are willing to start a family do it with her

That's the girl you should go for
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Thank you for the reading that’s sort of what I was expecting/hoping for. Need to finally become financially independent and it feels like now it’ll be the time. Have another soup pic hopefully this one is better!
That looks fire!
I'm going to try making that, I'll add some shredded chicken or some noodles!

There will be a time where you will need to see a specialist, this infection will reveal a deeper issue, perhaps an autoimmune disorder like Lupus or something that is making you prone to infections, visit an endocrinologist (if you're able to afford it) something isn't right in your immune system that is causing the infection to come back. Try taking vitamins in the meantime (vitamin c)

Hanged man
8 of wands
You will definitely need to visit a specialist and someone that focuses more on your immune system, also my mind keeps saying endocrinologist. It's going to be an uphill battle anon but it can be solved it will just take time and patience on your side

Give me soup and I'll do your query
is my body and mind healing?
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Tomato soup

Do I break up with my boyfriend? I don’t think he loves me and I’m starting to feel negatively towards him.
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sorry i just woke up
I gib you soup.

Male, Gemini.
Next gf?
Thank you, I’m looking forward to the season! Enjoy your soup!
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What should I be focusing on right now?
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Does that group still discuss me?
That looks fire! I'm a sucker for dumpling soup!

You'll be fine financially next year, you might be very respected in your field of work as well. Good luck!

Intuition says
It is but it's a slow progress, your body is looking better but your heart will require more healing try not to fall in love for the time being, let your heart and emotional wounds heal for now. But of course don't close yourself to meeting others

3 of cups
4 of swords
6 of cups
Your body is healing faster than your heart for now only cultivate on making friends and learning how to interact with others, you will meet a few nice people that will help you with that.

Soup looks good!

That question tho?
Intuition says
No don't break up with him, seems like he is a lost puppy or an abused puppy that hasn't learned how to handle you, you should however communicate how you feel there has to be a deep conversation between you two. Where you state what you want from one another. Your partner does love you but he isn't capable of showing it I'm thinking he might be autistic or some sort of mental issue that makes him display love differently, think of Sheldon Cooper and Amy. You might need to teach him how to love you or be clear with what you want

High priestess
2 of cups
3 of pentacles
Don't break up with him but there needs to be a talk and a deep talk where you tell each other how you feel about certain aspects of your relationship, it's going to be messy but it will bring the relationship to a new level. Remember relationships aren't always meant to be perfect, we help each other and it needs to be reciprocal. Let him know anonette
Thanks <3 he is sort of autistic when it comes to my feelings. I’ve tried to talk to him about it but I also get really frustrated since I have a lot of baggage myself. I’ll talk to him soon when I can gather my thoughts and not yell at him lol thanks again
What the fuck does God mean by making me experience synchronicities for the last three or so weeks? A sign of good or bad things to come?
>I just love miso soup!
Interesting: you've perfectly described A. (she also has her moon in pisces!), but S. is the one with curly hair. I guess that means I should pursue a relationship with A.
Thanks for the reading!
Welcome to the temporal nexus, bitch boi.
Can ask other readers but usually it means you're on the "right" path, whatever that means.
If it's numerology then it's low level synchronities.

Why worry? The future is almost irrelevant because it hasn't happened yet. You must have far more important stuff to do today.
This soup looks like it might taste too funky or heavy. I'd try it anyway would make some modifications to the recipe.

She is someone who is a loner, she might be like a feral kitten at first. She is going to be on the defensive but your charm will make her open up to you, you will then discover a softer side to her. She might be in to eccentric things or she will be an eccentric herself, probably watches anime or is in to books. Her appearance she isn't very girly, she has long hair it looks reddish or brownish. She is small and pale doesn't seem like she goes out much, she is unkempt, typical nerdy girl.

Queen of wands Rx
Page of cups
High priestess
She is a big nerd she is really smart, she is pretty but is overshadowed by the way she dresses she is unkempt and dressed very nerdy, loved weird things. She is someone that you will really fall in love for regardless of all her eccentricities

Wish you the best anon thanks for the soup

Intuition says
Focus on those that actually care about you, you seem to be focused on being successful that you are somewhat neglecting those that cheer you on along the way try to spend more time with them, if you have someone special make time for them or let them know you are grateful for their presence in your life. Everything is setting in motion but don't forget to thank those who helped you along the way

4 of wands
6 of cups
Focus more on those that you care about and make time for them If you don't got anyone like that then try to make more connections this year not just romantic but in general, open up more anon

Intuition says
They don't, they have other things in their mind. One of them is more focused on their money issues and others seem to be moving along they haven't done so in a while

4 of cups
4 of swords
Hermit rx
Yeah cards seem to agree with me they have other things in their mind I don't see anything regarding you in their life.
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If you're still doing reading can I ask when I'll get into my next relationship? Will it be with a girl I already know?
If you're not doing readings I hope you enjoy this pic of hungarian goulash, my favourite stew/soup!
Be patient with him, he is a good person and only wants the best, most autistic people display their love differently if they enjoy being around you while they read or do something or don't mind when you touch him he is comfortable with you. Be patient with yourself and him. Remember love is a plant that takes time and patience, don't rush in to decisions that you may regret later.

If she fits the bill then she is the one anon, I wish you the best!

Alright no more readings
Fine you're the last! No more readings after this reading!
Not asking for a reading but how can I make a reading become true?
This soup looks good! I'd add some lemon to this delicious creation and would make some bread to eat it with! I'm making this!

Intuition says
It could be two people one you already had something in the past with and another from another country it could go very differently depending on your actions. She is somewhat snarky and she is very playful, not very romantic but is affectionate she loves displaying things in a physical way that's her love language she is intelligent probably makes more money than you or is somewhat financially better than you, she is humble, loves sports and has a great body, blondish hair (dyed) actual hair is light brown. Hazel eyes and she is tanned her original skin is pale but she loves to tan or hang around the sun a lot. Enjoys exercise hope you're an active person anon!

Queen of wands
She is in charge of what she wants, very ambitious and is someone that doesn't seem to give up easy she is very in shape and is attractive she is probably a fire sign aries or leo. I'm thinking leo with some capricorn placements on her. She will help you improve your life more, she will help you be more ambitious.

Easy, try to set in motion the events that will lead to that outcome and stop asking the same damn question all the time, people who keep asking the same question mess their outcome up and set themselves for failure.
Oop I am guilty of asking the same question lol. I’ll just move on with my life.
Just noticed the spices all over the table, hate when people do this for "aesthetic" shit what a waste of good spices...

No more readings
Autistic soup reader is out of the building
Thank you so much for your reading! I'll give you some feedback: your intuition is incredibly spot on: you've perfectly described my latest ex girlfriend (even the dyed hair color and her original color!). She's a fire sign sun with a capricorn rising so you're extremely correct even in this! I won't hide that I'd love to get back with her so I'll take this reading as a push to call her and catch up.

You're right, that's a waste of good spices! But that's an interesting soup and I think I'll soon try to add lemon and see what it happens! Thanks again!
Add the lemon after it's cooked like when you've served it and about to eat it sprinkle some lemon juice a little bit to add some yummy zest to it!

Oh things could work well with her this time then, she is someone you can make a lasting connection with, someone you mesh well with. Best of luck anon!
Materal wealth was quite a bit down the line in one of the two paths and it was something offered to you by someone specific and important (in the context of your question that would almost certainly be your husband). But it was the left path which in your case seemed to pass through you ignoring relationships while lamenting about lost potential or going through multiple relationships desperately searching for something. So, if you haven't chosen a husband yet, that may may mean either that you will find a wealthy one after a lot of searching or, a more pessimistic interpretation would be that you'll find one but you'll be lamenting the loss of potential from other relationships, so perhaps it won't be a very fulfilling partnership despite the wealth.

*IF* you have a way to turn your passions and creativity into wealth, it may be a better choice to go down the right path by focusing on harmonious cooperation and pooling together your strengths. This seemed to give you the ability to be creative and follow your dreams better. I didn't see material wealth on that path, but it seemed like a happier path. Hopefully you can create material wealth out of it.

The bright side is that neither path was particularly negative. They both lead to something good: passion and creation VS material wealth.
Roasted garlic and tomatoes, coome on. It can't be that bad, eh?

Thaks for the reading! Did you see anything about the meeting? I'm still willing to trade.
You’re right. It’s also LDR so it’s even worse lol thank you again
Yeah it sounds delicious but they probably went heavy with something on the picture, id give it a try with a few tweaks.

Intuition says
You'll meet at a park or somewhere like a convention or even here on this god forsaken site. She is an eccentric so it will make sense. Discord maybe? It's going to be eccentric for sure

As someone who is on a LDR myself I know the feel. Don't give up tho, you might need to relax and write everything down first before you talk to him and really think about the important points. Find ways to cut the distance play a game together, watch something together and call on the phone or video and if you're able to afford it fly out to meet them, be patient anonette your connection is worth the effort. Intuition says you two can make something very solid once you fully understand one another
Oh man yeah it’s the worst at times. I just need a hug from him but can’t even get that. We talk on the phone almost daily and either watch movies or listen to music. My problem is just jumping the gun and letting my emotions take over since I have lot of abandonment and anger issues from my parents lol
Ah that makes sense, that's something you need to keep in check but do let him know about this as well your issues and the things you go through as well and yeah so you can both speak the same language. If you feel anger just breathe or go outside for a bit tell him you'll go to the bathroom or something and let it out. If you both can afford it try meeting up. Physical is important I've been with my partner for over 3 years been thinking about moving in with them or them moving in with me we are checking which is easier, my country is more lax than hers when it comes to immigration. You know you could get yourselves those bracelets that vibrate and glow when one presses the button on the bracelet it's very cute I bought one for me and my gf. Whenever I'm at work and I receive vibes or the thing glows it feels nice, that they are thinking about me as I think about them. Since he is an autist like myself you need to really tell him what you want be literal with him but not over bearing, find ways to get your message across while being direct of course
>passions and creativity
I feel adrift as I haven't really honed in on my purpose (that is, if I even have one.)
Oh I’ve seen those bracelets. They’re really cute! I’ll pitch the idea to him. Thank you again for the advice I really needed to hear all of this
Good luck anonette!
Is my eye going to recover?
Thank you so much for the reading!
Yeah, a few tweaks are ok.
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where can I find these symbols in high quality vectors?
and does it matter if it has small variations? some like luxor and keiti can vary a lot depending on where you look
Currently dealing with a very intense internal conflict triggered by this girl I befriended not long ago - we bonded fast and there is mutual attraction but I am reluctant to go further due to my feelings about her past and how it contrasts with mine. I don’t even know what to ask about in particular - the whole thing has me questioning my whole character and I’m feeling really lost
aq: what will be the result of chanting Ipos' enn like I am currently doing?
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May I also request a reading? I'll be going to a wedding in a month and be meeting someone i keep thinking about. does your intuition think I have a chance?

For the trade: Garlic cream soup
1 onion
1 head garlic cloves
3 medium-size potatoes
4 cups vegetable stock
salt, pepper to taste
thyme (optional)
Personally I also like to add some celery and parsley root (1/3 celery root 1/2 parsley root) for 3 portions
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Looking for a reading about my job(s)/ finances in the spring. Will it be a lean time or will the wealth pour in?

Thanks anons, happy Saturday :)
What will happen to d next month?
Gender of d?

My q: should I stay with him?

Starting when confirm
D is male starting
repent demon
christ is lord

D is going to be celebrated by his family or celebrating something with his family. He might be recovering from an injury or he was someone his family was worried about. Thought he was a problem child or a lazy dickhead kind of deal. There is energy surrounding a strong female figure with him maybe his mother protecting him and trying to show him the world / give him something or a big gift.
I'd like to make an AQ too.

When will I finally make my breakthrough and live my full potential? It seems that there are always delays of which each one causes another year of not getting there. It's quite frustrating and I don't know how to stay strong much longer. Will I make it soon like in the next few days or maybe weeks or will there be one or more years added again?

Thank you in advance. (I'm new to 4chan and still need to get familiar with all the features.)

What is it I need to be doing at this stage in my life?
2ow 10os emperor
If it's an abusive situation emotionally or physically you should leave. It looks like he did something major leaving you feel really bad .
It’s not abusive at all and no nothing major. Doesn’t resonate sorry
Ty :)
You're not fighting or anything?
I wouldn’t say fighting no. More like I’m just upset at our situation cause it’s frustrating
The moon qoc magician
I really don't have enough information but looks like its in your power to make things work or change the situation.
Will he try to come back?
Yeah it’s pretty much up to me lol thanks anon I appreciate it
Trying out my scrying/intuition skills with a triparoni
>Please give feedback
Pls ty
What are my financial prospects? Ten or so years from now.
He will come back but either you or he will try to leave. When he comes back you will have cold feet or cold palms and that will make him leave again. Does he wear or have gold chains? I saw this as well as red clothing.

10 years? That sounds like a while... I see a small pearl and nothing more. There will be a small fortune for you but nothing grand. I don't think I'll be around in 10 years for feed back kek
But can you give feedback on this? Are you a ginger? LOL
How's the rest of the year gonna be for me?
What is going to happen in my near future?
Will anything nice happen to me soon?
Does my ethics professor get more cooperative?
Next gf?
>>38869249 #
>>38869106 #
If you feel like it. I can give more info if needed.
Do me and her meet again?
You’ll be alone and feel like a fool / jester. You give a lot to people but not for the karma but because you have enough to give. You’ll be making the rest of the year about yourself and feeling more confident.

Car break down or small accident. You’ll be annoyed but insurance will pay it.

A small child with blonde hair will make you feel really happy. Could be a family member’s kid I don’t think it’s your kid. You’ll learn about the wonders of life being simple as a child from them
LOL I forget my password already so I’m using this name now
What happened between me and G this morning?
Will my eye heal soon? Seems it got infected
Doesn't really resonate, certain things considered.
But I guess we'll see.
Bullshit. You dont know what will happen idiot
Appearance of my next gf?
Could I get this one? >>38868964
>Looking for a reading about my job(s)/ finances in the spring. Will it be a lean time or will the wealth pour in?

Thank you, have a blessed day
No. Is your professor male?

I’m not good at these sorry.

38 years old is what I got?

Yes and no. It won’t be in person.

Coffee spilt and a bitter meeting. At least on G’s end?

No not soon go see hospital. I don’t know why anons ask medical questions here.
Why are you so angry?
You're not even the scryer.
Butt out.
Can you scrub this yahoos intentions with me?
Thank you, what is really strange is something significant keeps coming up about children in my reads! I really have no idea what it's about but it sounds super exciting and refreshing. Thanks!
is this literally or metaphorically?
What is she hiding from me?
How’s my life looking? Where are we headed short term?
Will I surpass this summer's peak?

Where do I need to live next month?
What would my next address ideally be? Where located? I’ll give what feedback I can. Thanks.
They'll try to holla at you from the passenger side of their best friend's ride

Her true intentions and feelings towards you

Lean time

The same road with the same hills and the same trees. Nothing significant.

Summer is over?

Whatever has 374 in it
>Are you a ginger?
No. In five years' time then?
>>38869372 #
I'm >>38869334 #
38? I'm already a bit older, BUT when I was 38, I was in a high vibration for 2 weeks - until someone used black magic again. So maybe this is what you saw? Does this mean universe or whoever doesn't want me to know the answer?
Brown curly hair? I'm trying to see if I can scry someone's features without using my candle.
How about 1 year?
Can you scry me?
I mean, the part of the summer where I was really doing my best work, is, that's for sure.
What killed my last relationship, and will I find a love as strong again?
You asked about your break through and full potential and I saw your full potential was at the age of 38. You can probably get back to this if you remember how you had your breakthrough at this age.
>brown curly hair
One year sounds great. Thank you.
Continue living in my current apartment for a couple more months?
I’ll try to remember that number. I’ll find out if anything ever connects with it. Thank you.
AQ how do I fix my LPR/GERD? doctors can't
I wonder what's the intention... Thanks
Male? Light colored eyes? Looks amber or like green yellow.

Split screen on this one. One side of the screen shows a student in school with trickles of money. Another side shows a man behind a screen making more money than what you make now. You might not be thrilled doing the computer stuff but it makes enough money to get what you're trying to get.

Soft brown hair, small curls at the end, smaller eyes black or brown, cute nose and paler skin. Get some sun.

Communication killed it. Someone was hiding things from the other and not being honest with their feelings and intentions for the future.

Stay there, rent is going to be upped in about 4.5 months, that's when you'll leave.
Am I on the correct path to achieving my primary goal?
I'm done for now unless I answered your question and you have feedback or want clarification. My energy is being dwindled.
Just letting you know if it was literally, you're wrong, nothing like that occurred.
Begs a question, though.
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Wsg /x/
My name is Marcellus Williams and I'm due to be executed in 4 days for a crime I didn't do unless the governor or the supreme court steps in. I was initially convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death in 2003 for the 1998 murder of social worker and reporter Felicia Gayle in the suburbs of St. Louis. Prosecutors alleged that I robbed Gayle, then stabbed her to death, hiding her purse and husband’s laptop in the trunk of his car. His girlfriend testified that she discovered the damning evidence, and that I confessed the murder to her. The prosecution also alleged that I confessed to my cellmate, Henry Cole, while in jail for unrelated charges but I've never confessed to any of them. The defense argued that Cole and the girlfriend were felons who were just out for the $10,000 reward money. Regardless, I was found guilty and sentenced to die.

Rojo Bushnell says that while Gayle’s family isn't certain I'm innocent, they don’t want me to be executed. It’s actually a fallacy that most victims want those who harmed them — or their family members — dead. Even jurors recanted their past decision in the clemency petition.

Meanwhile, I'm faring the best I can while I wait for the governor to either put a halt to all this or usher me toward the chamber — or for the Supreme Court to stop it. “He's done other things in his past that he’s not proud of,” Rojo Bushnell said. “Who he is today though, is a kind person who cares about people, who wants to help people be the best version of themselves. He’s a great reminder that we get to decide. That we have the option to become who we want to be.”

No it was not literal. I didn't see this it got buried.
Macellus, this is a divination board. Unless you're asking for a spread kindly get the fuck out of here.
Do you eat late like before sleep? Do you have issues with constipation? Are you anemic? Do you consume lots of fruits and or it's juice? Do the symptoms go away if you fast?
Female. I'm not making any money right now.
As someone with a daddy who worked for the president. You're fucked unless you have a million dollar to piss away
Avoiding acidic fruits, greasy meats, alcohol, and adding royal jelly + herbal tinctures like this
Also maintaining good posture will help
Will I find a woman that I can truly love and start a family with?
I've tried everything any doctor, reddit, 4chan, facebook or myspace ever recommended in the history of the world. I'm looking for the for the hail mary like "eat 33g of japanese rice paper at full moon next week and you'll be cured"
Oh my god, thank you! Sometimes I'm so blind! I thought this is the way and even before 38 I had been there for a few days, but also there had been dragged back from ppl doing black magic on me. Problem is I tend to overthink and set myself a lot under pressure. The loop of delays is going on for years and desu I lost the hope and these delays make me feel unworthy of living my full potential. So your answer is like a reminder that I just need to get back there, easier said than done. Often my focus is wrong. But your answer also means that it's up to me and therefore I won't get a date, right? There is some pain in my heart (caused from the events of the black magic), of which some added to it after the 2 weeks of 38, and I don't seem to overcome or heal it. Afair I didn't do anything special to that time to get into that state. The only thing I did was saying goodbye to someone who did many bad things to me - and right after that, my vibration got up. But now... I'd need to forgive someone else who hurt me and caused the pain (who was manipulated to do that), but I'm afraid to do so because I'm afraid that this nightmare never ends and that the loop of delays and torture will continue. Also a few years ago a seer said he will never change. I know once I made it, my enemies won't be able to harm me anymore, but my fear is bigger than my confidence, much bigger. My confidence is close to zero.

If I could, I'd offer readings etc here too, but currently this ability is a bit blocked.

And sorry for being slow with replying. I always need to look for the numbers to add as tag and I have problems to read the captchas too.
do i meet hft again? how?
>No. Is your professor male?
Yeah he is.
You get acid reflux even if you go 24 hours without eating? You also didn't answer any of my questions.
>Yes and no. It won’t be in person.
What do you mean?

Is there any god guiding me? Just need a yes or no
No (to all questions). If I fast I get reflux but I'm pretty sure it's LPR. I eat one or two non acidic fruits a day. Tried stopping didn't help
If you only drink water and fast 3 days. what happens? Does caffeine have an effect? how long have you had this and anything that preceded this? are you overweight? Obese?

Am I possessed or cursed?
Fundraising and this needs more attention. Its either a million dollar or you getting viral before your execution. Those two will keep you alive

Either way you'll be famous even after your untimely demise
Next work when? Thanks.
it can take up to 3 days to see a change from a diet so you'd have to do whatever for 3 days in a row at least.
Can you tell me how to deal with this intense pressure I've been experiencing in my forehead? It's spiritual I believe. It's like a block of sorts. It's like I'm constantly locked on and I can't get back to the usual soothing feeling I have there.
The rent increase would be believable I think.
err 4chan is blocking my posts

I only tried to fast for 48 hours because it didn't felt good (dizzy, stomach pain). I don't drink caffeine, I'm fit not overweight. It started last year when I had to use antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. I've tried h pylori stuff, probiotics, gut healing. ATM doing lactose, gluten and sugar free diet
when you fast, try to do it with a high fat and protein diet and ease into it via calorie restriction. going from 1800 calories to zero calories over night is too dramatic. try gradually reducing calorie consumption to like 700 before initiating a fast.

try consuming like a redbull and see what if any effect it has.

you're not a vegetarian, right?

do eyelid test
>like 700
I'll try that!
now I'm curious
>you're not a vegetarian, right?
I'm non anemic. Blood tests are fine too
is your blood type O?
btw if I fast like that for 3 or more days and it solves the issue, what do I do next?
AB positive
It might resolve itself as it will help reset the body's acid production. ease into the diet with small amounts of food.
thank you!!
hope to see you here in 3-4 days from now.
I think I'll only start in a few days but if it works I'll come back here to thank you again.
Today I did a junk day to save my mental health. Pain inc.
The right-side path was all about a common purpose. The fulfillment of your passions and creativity was given to you, mirroring exactly the way that material wealth was given to you on the left-side path. It wasn't about just you giving out creativity and creation, it was about you getting it, and given how the path passed through cooperation and polling together strength, my interpretation is that it's given to you by your husband but always in collaboration with you.

Hmmm maybe the proper interpretation is a warning that on the left-side path you do find wealth but not a purpose, and you lament what you lost by being on the left path, what could have been, while on the right-side path you don't find wealth but you do find a purpose together with your husband.
Odds and I am God
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offering intuitive readings. ask your questions and give information as you're comfortable.
What does SM think of me? You?
Lets test, where in my house am I located rn?
Do I need to be at location A once more?
Been putting in a lot of effort into work, but it still seems like the place I work for isn't going where I want it to be. I do like the job overall and I find the work pleasant enough, but I would like for the business to be more successful as that is the only way I could possibly make more money and for myself to feel more accomplished and confident in myself. What is to come with this? Is there a way forward?
Should I invite A(m) to the event tomorrow?

Am I on the right track? I feel so scared. About many things.
What could you tell me about work?
am i slowly becoming more handsome?
23 male
Page of Pentacles, II of Cups

Yes do it. It will be an exciting new idea and you will actually enjoy their company. There won’t be any drama or tension - just good vibes and you will have a good connection.
which direction should i head to, to receive answers and clarity so i can resolve what that is burdening me

Extend by one day?
What's my (F) life's purpose?
>Page of Wands, Knight of Swords, Knight of Pentacles

SM has a positive opinion of you. It seems to me like they'd like to get to know you a bit better. They might be somewhat intimidated by your manner of speech, finding you a little brash sometimes and like it'd do you well to listen and learn more but overall they think your heart is in the right place.
Can you take this one?

Is J leading me on or just scared of reciprocating? I feel like theres a tinge of past heartbreaks too so I don’t know.
seven day gen. Yours?
I’m F

Will I be able to mend things with my bf?
Omg anon did not answer lol
Why does M (female) call me, T (male), all the time?

We used to be romantically involved but not anymore. Historically, we've had numerous periods where we did or didn't talk. Now we're just friends and we're only talking again by coincidence.
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I already have a reader but I just met a girl who is a reader as well. I've considered trying her out however she is friends with my cousin and few other people I know. Some of my questions are very personal. Can she be trusted? Or should I just stick with my reader?
>tower, Ace of pentacles
>8 of swords rev, Judgement
>knight of pentacles
Odd. So this week you might get an offer made to you in some way. Not something you'd expect as it'll shake you up a lot. You'll spend a day or two simmering down and Processing said offer. Once you finish processing you'll break free from this mental freeze it gave you and know what to do. Then you go and adress the thing.

So ill try to elaborate what that tower is since my read is too vague.
>8 of swords,
>queen of wands,
>7 of swords, 6 of wands
Hmm, could have something to do with dating or enjoying the finer things in life, having fun etc. There is that 7 of swords yet I don't see deception due to the positive outcome, could be more you using your head. Maybe someone you thought didn't like you will shock you that they do? It's very odd but I do think this will be a good week with a good overall outcome. Things are gonna change for the better me thinks.
Q? Mine is what will my next serious boyfriend be like OR can I just get general advice/advice that would help me the most right now?
These doubts that have lead to your query seem significant enough to suggest that you should not trust her.

Besides, you don't need to be getting reads like an addict.
Do my powers cause death?
Sure, mine is will i achieve my own apartment?

I'm just a paranoid person since I've been betrayed in the past. Was curious what the cards have to say about it
If you are a paranoid person then you shouldn't be divulging information to people you just met. You're going to stress yourself out over a "reading" which you probably don't even need. Stop using divination to look into obvious problems.
Where's my read?
this year, tower rx 7 of wands
there are forces beyond your control this year that will limit you and getting one would not be a wise decision
next year: sun 9 of wands rx 3 of pentacles rx death
next summer: wheel, temp rx
winter: 8 of wands x
in general: 9 of wands fool 6 of cups rx

do you really want an apartment? maybe you enjoy freewheeling about to much to settle down in one, either way, these cards aren't very straightforward, you'd need to settle in one place and have a stable job, but maybe you like moving around too much to stay in an apartment for long? maybe ask another reader I'm sorry mine is shitty, whatever gameplan you have going on right now needs to change because the results aren't as favorable as I'd like them to be for you
eight here
ten of coins rev/three of wands/king of swords/six of swords rev
You might face financial issues at the beginning of this period before coming f back strongly about things.....but you may end up a little more stuck than you had hoped
Trading 7 day gen since I go tradecucked
Can I trade you for an October general read?
Oh...I thought you cucked me lol.
Thanks. It resonates too, I'm broke af
Sure but anon did deliver afterall. Can I trade you for the same Q as you?
Yes sure, that is okay. Starting yours.
Heirophant/Eight of Wands/Knight of Coins Rev, Five of Swords Rev
Potentially a lot of time spent with family or a new found love, things will go well but you may find that something is holding you back professionally more so than you thought.
>3 of cups, knight of pentacles
>6 of swords
>4 of wands, queen of wands rev
>Death rev, 8 of pentacles rev
Hmm. Are you trying to change your job/home/friend group or just your general surroundings? Seems this month will be about you seeking help with some project you're working on about moving things forward in your life. This could be found amongst your friends as they'd lend a helping hand but do not turn to help from your family as they'd likely refuse and even criticise you. It seems this change will be harder to make than you expect, your friends will be willing to help but you must put in the work yourself as well
Fuck that! I'm getting out of this hell of a job, consequences be damned!
Trade again? My Q is a lil unconventional tho
just moved, trying to get a new job. I'm no single.
yes query? mine is just a love gen for october ? nothing occult pls
Nothing occult, it is weird tho.
Do my female coworkers think I'm gay/trans cuz I didn't bang any of them or they day it to take the piss? Or some other reason?
I'm male btw
okay, starting
> Besides, you don't need to be getting reads like an addict.

NTA but man isn’t that the truth
generic next bf
Am I on track to getting the kind of life I want?
Doing short tarot readings. It's kinda whatever.
>Ace of swords, 10 of cups, 4 of cups(5of wands rev), star
Well things can look really good for you love wise. Since you're actually in a relationship you might be getting more attention from your partner than usual. Thing is you might be ignoring your partner and their affection for one reason or another...maybe not ignoring but more so not appreciating them or noticing them enough? Especially since they'll be very happy and want you to be too while you might be too occupied working or with other matters rather than focusing on them primarily. This might vex them a bit but they'll say nothing to not ruin this moment. You'll do well to realise this and pay more attention to what they say, what they want and what they do etc. Overall the outcome is once again positive. Your relationship could have new life breathed into it and a hope for a future still standing.
its my birthday and my family made me cry today with their behavior, should i go to a restaurant tomorrow with them anyway? you?
Next fuck? Who and when?
And male
Can you do this one please. Thanks mighty master Dicks
Not looking for a reading but I've had prophetic dreams before, they are infrequent and rather mundane if you will forgive my hubris.

If anyone's has had experience with such dreams/ has any advice on how to improve the frequency. I'd be very grateful.

If I'm in the wrong thread lmk.

I'm happy to do "readings", though I won't garentee I'll get anything.

Most of my past visions have been about parcels not arriving.
This one please?
tower r - ten of pents r - ace of swords - queen of wands

This dudes life is falling apart literally all of the time, comes from a shit background and doesnt have much of a support network, yet somehow always manages to pull through at the last minute and keep things from completely going to shit. Hes different levels of resilient, he is not your average guy, hes always two steps ahead, even if it looks like hes about to be homeless or something, he always pulls through and always manages to find something to laugh about. He always looks on the bright side and brings a lot of joy to a room, and hes incredibly smart. He could probably be somewhere really high in life due to his intellect and wit if not for his shit life circumstances.
What action will N take towards me now?
can you tell me what i do to be less anxious and fearful around people
sry to be boring but may i ask if my finances will improve over the next 30 days?
Heyyyyy, that's me! Lmao
I'm single lol thanks
Three of Cups Moon Queen of Cups Rev
I don't think it's a big issue but you've spited someone who was into you amongst your coworkers who did want you.
What can I do to make my boyfriend happy?
im starting
how do I meet my next gf?
Next relationship?
four of cups, the hermit, ten of pentacles

resounding yes. you are doing the work to reflect on why youre dissatisfied and giving yourself the time and attention needed to amend this problem. it’ll be kind of difficult and lonely to get there but itll be worth it.
Meditation and magical work increases the chance of prophetic dreams in my experience. By magical work I mean things like theurgy, energy work and working with spirits, not random wicca spells and casting of cum sigils by the way.
Last trade?
Was it G, M or someone else?
Can you draw cards for how soon I can expect some form of non-one sided romance? Doesn't need to be a date, as I don't trust any hard predictions. I'm just craving some kind of connection and things haven't been that great lately.
Sure, how do I meet my next gf/lover? not currently in the relationship. starting
5 of wands 9 of cups rx page of cups rx page of pentacles

Maybe exposure therapy...bring more conflict and competition in your life. Take up a martial sport, fight more, be more competitive, there's people out there stupider and lamer and gayer and less deserving of things than you yet they take from you, despite being awful evil people, and they get what they want out of sheer audacity, despite not deserving it. You have to expose yourself to more conflict. You have to put people in their place. And sure it can be hard but sometimes you have no other choice. Reach a bottom where you are completely unsatisfied with how things are, when you're sick to your stomach, with how things are, even if they are good, you just are sick of it....maybe in how you deal with things, expose yourself more, fail more, lose more, and you will grow sick and want something different. Do not use drugs or liquor as a crutch. And if you try to be kind and sweet and whimsical and placating to people, stop it, it gives you no leverage or advantage. Gain social leverage and advantage with that page of pentacles instead of a page of cups. So that would be with money, material things, productive tangible things, investments, energy, time, value, become more valuable, and then you have advantage if you take it away. If you act like page of cups you will be hurt, if you lead yourself like page of cups you will be hurt. But with page of pentacles you will become more grounded, secure, and steady. I hope you get what I mean.
You need to relax. You realistically can't fuck your problems away.

Yes but it will take some time and some unexpected life events to change circumstances. A period of emotional distance and lethargy leads into better waters eventually.

Chilling. Maintain long-term, skill-based developments like working out or learning how to bake or learning a new language. But mostly chill.

N is seeking new resources. Strictly business for the time being.
Today is my birthday, and I cried because of how my family treated me. Can I please get any sort of advice to take into my heart for the rest of the year that would help me the most?
thank you nonna
Resonates as fuck. Thanks, Dicks
Ohhh, sorry. I read one of your replies and said "I'm not single" so I thought you were.
Well looking at the cards I pulled for your Gen you are very fucking likely to hit it off big in October. Key is to not miss your shot as that 4 of cups implied.

Now how do you meet them?
>9 of cups, Page of cups, Page of wands
Legit you'll just go about your daily life and then stumble upon them. You'll like what you see, they'll like what they see. Could be at a coffee shop, library etc, might just require you to go out of your comfort zone and explore a little. Given the previous spread I do see maybe a messege being involved so dating apps and social media are fair game...thing is, this spread and the previous one have such an overwhelming energy of positivity. I dead ass think you'll be bound to meet her in October regardless. You'll flirt quite quick me thinks but this isn't sex for sex's sake. It's more than that, maybe it'll start off with a fling but you two will vibe so well it could go further. Key to all of this is to be in your element and to be playful with people and have fun
next girlfriend?
How will I earn a living?
King of Wands Rev
Nine of Swords
Someone else?
Wheel Rev
G has someone in her life.
Could be M or someone else.... M doesn't seem to be in the best mood recently although wonder if that's about you or something else.
I mean yeah, you're right about both of these things...still tho
Will I get a large sum of money this or next year?
three of wands, four of cups, ten of wands

it seems like if you do youll be going through the motions, kind of waiting for it to be over which will become more exhausting and burdensome through the day. it’s up to you but it seems difficulty
Thank you dude, short n sweet
Based Dicks. Thanks
What's the cause of R's pain? Infection bacterial/fungal, muscle pain or is it emotional pain?
Feedback for weeby:
I met a woman who matches your description buuuuut idk if I’ll go for her. She’s way out of my league
Yo. I just lost the last post like an absolute jack ass. For sure have the next 4 in line coming. Hopefully another 4 after that.
Thanks. I haven't heard about theurgy but it seems like I've been heading down that path. Energy work sounds like a good path to go down too. I'm very hesitant about working with entity's tho I try and stay out of their business and hopefully they will reciprocate.

Thanks again fren
A strongly feminine source will provide help.

Stroke his weiner; stroke his ego.

Your goals are blocked for the time being. Give blood for change. A cute girl awaits the other side.

Lonely times for a bit followed by a change in perspective on your part. A new fling in due time.
I can't give blood, I pass out for some reason
Sounds right, thanks.
How old will I be when I reach my maximum fortitude and capabilities? Has that moment already passed?
trading occult
What does D(female) feel for me?
Sometime next year. Adjustments must be made. You have the capabilities to acquire the materials (skill, status, money, etc.) to attract people, but you do need to build yourself up more.

I'm sorry that they hurt your feelings. Most people are somewhat mindless as it comes to interacting with others. It's a story as old as time. Your heart can be used to help and nuture others. Some creatures out there do need care. Consider getting an outdoors job that involves maintaining an area like forestry or agriculture. You can acquire a bit thicker skin and you won't be so sensitive, too.

For the time being, you are too bitter and insecure. Shit sucks. Been there and back and again. Some harsh mental revaluations will need to take place.

Learn a skill and be a handyman like HVAC or electrician
What kind of person does C think i am? what are her feelings towards me?
Still here?
I'm a woman.
yeee, q?
Any message from the astral or my guides, yours?
Was my thinking of G the cause of R coming over?
What does the girl with the tattoo feels for me?
At least enough to maintain security.

A little bit of everything. Eat low processed foods and get proper rest. Mental pains will pass as all things pass. Also see a doctor.

No. You have quite a way to go to reach actualization. And some lows as well. There is a skill you have yet to encounter or consider that will help you immensely.

D has pleasant feeling towards you.
How will I meet my next romantic partner?
What does NR feel for me as of now?
How will the remainder of my vacation be?
How will the job search go once I begin searching next week?
Aight. I am finished for now. I am sorry if I did not reach you. I will lurk for a bit and respond to responses.

Same. I don't mean literally tho. Some of us only have blood to give, and sometimes it's all the universe wants as a price towards change.

Don't get me wrong. I am a horny guy as well. But the cards are cards sometimes. It seems like you can be quite charming at times, but I think any additional tension removes from that charm. So relaxation would help you.

Handywomans are a thing. I work with them quite a bit.
I generally work best with targeted queries rather than generals, but can tackle that. Give me a name or alias for yourself, something you strongly identify with.

Got two queries, so pick the one that best suits you:
>Are some of the spirits that have visited me recently ones that I used to know in my past life as G? If so, what relation did we have at that time? Was it as people or spirits?
>Where is "home", exactly? Vague one, bu it is occult in nature, trust me.
Roderick, starting.
Starting too. Will take a while to settle down, but will deliver.
What happened to all of the old readers?
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>Sometime next year

yeah im thinking its over
I am an old reader under a different name. I like switching names a lot because I don't like to get too much attention to myself, but I have been doing readings here on and off for damn near a decade. It's still a hobby of mine to come on here now and then.

People come and go a lot.
Nothing major like a warning, but advice from somebody with a cold energy: your boundaries need to be firmer. It isn't about giving too much as much as it is about taking in too much, which is actively hindering you right now.

>A full moon in a dark sky; purple tendrils emerge from the earth, rising and enveloping the moon in a violent vortex.
>Masks of comedy and tragedy fill the sky as far as eye can see; they stare and stare, mocking. Judging.

This seems to be specifically about your inner workings; the black sky and moon as the reflection of your consciousness, the subconscious, the void where things are shaped within.
Whatever defenses you think you have up are absolutely insufficient. You're vulnerable and it is slowly affecting you to the point it should not be ignored. If you don't already, shield moar. If you do, try other methods that may better keep things at bay.

Will W ever find out about A and I?

I ended a relationship earlier this year that I thought was the one. Have been back and forth in my head on whether it was a mistake or not. Finally feel like I may be moving past it, but I still wonder if I will ever find a woman I love like that again. So, will I find the real thing?
Thank you,mate.
He told me to kms did he mean it?
Have I been cucked.... Foiled again :(
Wth was his problem and is he going to seek revenge ? Lol
Trading love q
Will trade you this or a different one if you want
Nah, it's fine. My query is a dumb next gf q
Okay starting
>6 of pentacles rx, 5 of cups, page of pentacles rx, the tower rx, 2 of wands
It doesn't seem to me like he will seek Revenge. He may be feeling down because of what he perceives to be an injustice that was commited by you in some way. The offense doesn't seem to be serious, he's just overreacting because he percieved you to not be attentive or interested in something that is important to him. He's just gonna hold onto his feelings not knowing what to do about it. Even if he was angry with you I don't think he will do anything.
Pow 10ow pos
You feel inspired to find a gf and to take the steps to get one. It feels like it's going to be really hard and feels daunting but you just have to come up with different ways to communicate.
7oc 2ow the devil
Looks like you have a lot of options, perhaps you dont want just one gf.
Does this resonate?

Not that anon, but would you like to trade for a new query? I like how you read
It does. I do have options, but ironically I also have been struggling a lot for a long times to find love. I agree that it may have something to do with the way I communicate. I don't want more than one gf though.
Thanks, I hope my reading resonated with you as well.
trading a career/passion q
What do I need to do in order to get the confidence to finish my work/work on new material? I feel like I'm failing terribly and it's all for naught. Yours?
what will my life be like in three years? starting
>what will my life be like in three years? starting
Hermit, 2 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, The Empress, The Devil, Judgement

You're developing relationships, or will meet someone soon, that will catapult your professional career but you have to be aware that some of those closest to you will take advantage of your kind, caring nature and naive way of being, You have to get more confidence and not be swayed so easily in order to be in a better position without the drawbacks of social parasites. You will definitely be moving.
What is my rival G's friend group plotting, if anything?
Starting when you reply
Hmm This endeavor this path you are taking must come to an end quite soon. You have some deep introspection to do first before you can even begin t feel good about the fate of your work .
ten of swords eight of swords hermit empress r
Good afternoon, hope y’all are doing well.
I’ll do a few short reads, dealers choice. Just comfy Sunday arvo vibes. Been a while so might be a bit rusty
>colour shape combo
I had a falling out recently, was there a reason to all this madness was I able to defeat his demons and mine? Is this the end for us?
Black heart
Am I safe?
Blue Cube
Next date/hookup?
Purple Triangle
Gimme some deets on any big spirits keeping an eye on me if possible
Oh I forgot the color but we're past bump limit already so it's fine, golden pyramid
Greedy little thing, asking 3 questions in one.
The reason is because you’re trying to change something from who it is. You’re not trying to defeat his demons or yours, you’re trying to push opposing magnets together. Yes there’s some good to what you share, but to change him or you is to break what you are. Enjoy that it happened, but realise it’s not meant to be.
In the interim, yes. This isn’t a “you are safe, you can rest” but more of a “you can stop running for now, but don’t stop moving.”

Not exactly sure why, but you need keep your wits about you to maintain this safety. Don’t take unnecessary risks and it’s a good idea to be more reserved with where you engage.

Turtle up, keep moving, and you’ll be fine.
Pink heart

What’s the vibes between me and my bf looking like right now? I kind of want to marry him but idk if he’s feeling the same
Hurting people if you dont get your way is wrong I just hope he will be a better person and me too.
Will I get with my ex j again?
Red rose?
Blue waffle

Q: N's feelings about getting it this month vs. waiting.
Thank anon, have a peaceful night.
What are they saying about me?
Starting when you reply

Still here? Sorry, had to go out for a bit. Let me know if you're still around so I can start yours and send you mine
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Chris (another chris, its a very common name unfortunately)

L and I are planning to do molly together sometime. When we do and I discuss our relationship and the unspoken thing between us, how will she recieve it?

Blue circle

Will S(f) be down to fuck or be fwb with me(m) if I start hanging out with her in real life? Without me using magick

Starting yours, will post when you do
It was a fake name
stupid faggot
Am I pregnant?
Silver star
am i getting smarter?
red sphere
>Ace of Wands, 8 of Wands, 10 of Swords, 8 of Cups
Strong yes, but it may also progress extremely quickly and then end badly. Like a bunch of explosive energy at once. Be mindful of anything that might go wrong. I think based on the 8 of cups clarifying my initial 3 cards here, something kind of disagreement could happen that will be an instant dealbreaker. But you'll get laid.
How will the job search go once I begin searching in 2 weeks?

What are the saying about you
King of Pents, Temperance, 10 of Pents, 2 of Wands

Clarifier: 7 of swords rx

I don't think there is some real bad gossip here really. The KoP energy is a self sufficient one that needs no one or anything to get just fine through any events that may apply here. So they may think and you are ok being by yourself and don't really wanna blend in with the rest in harmony and cooperate with them.

Does it makes sense? That was a tough one

Thanks for the reading btw. Wanna trade again?
advice that would help me the most right now? you?
Will my ex j and I be together again?
thank u for your patience


wheel, 4 of pent rx, chariot, hanged man rx, ace of swords

things are going in that favor and success is at hand, letting go of what is necessary and making the necessary sacrifices and not waiting around anymore, a breakthrough will happen
The magician qoc koc
You need to put yourself as a priority. You need to be taking care of your health and learn to be more balanced emotionally and in practical matters as well.Because the magician is here I feel you are also well on your way to meeting thr person who you will be a really great match to or you have already met them.
Did the chubby cute girl thought of me properly, should I make move on her today

Did I lose my chance to fuck her back in 2015?
Are the songs telling me the truth?

What's the overall best approach I should take in regards to S(f)? friends, fwb or work for a serious thing

This is mine
I'm currently working part time as an EMT and recently got involved with my volunteer fire department. While I enjoy both, I'm beginning to feel it's imposing to much burden on my life as a whole. Was wondering if anyone would be willing to draw cards and determine if this is truly right for me and if not what my true purpose on this earth maybe. Tha k you and have a wonderful night
Hierophant 3op 8op
This person could really make a good long term partner for you. You guys will both be able to work together really well.you may have to be very patient at times but this will be well worth it in the end.
No one picked up my query so why should I read for all of you
Just trade then
yes because it's no longer 2015 and you didn't fuck her in 2015.
Why do you betray me?

It's funny because right now I'm trying to know the same as you. Funny how we were connected.

Page of cups, 9 of cups, Devil, 7 of cups

All cups like a truth that comes within. An absolute yes my friend.
Hey this is me >>38872628

I'm sorry I'm late. But I never tradecuck, don't worry
You're using music as a divination tool?
No worries sorry for getting upset

Yes, I'm a practicing magician and I've noticed the spirits also manifest from the internet a lot more than we think. The connection gets better if you use mind altering substances with caution as well.
I agree, it's fun.
Anybody able to read mine?

Is MP(f) gonna be stalking my(m) Pinterest all over this weekend?

advice that would help me the most right now? starting

Starting. Will post when you do
temperance RX, 4 of pentacles, 7 of swords, 10 of pentacles

viewing seems to cause too much discomfort for her, I don't think so
Q? mine is please describe future husband, or next boyfriend

Thanks. Your reading.

Hierophant, 5 of swords, 7 of pents, 5 of pentacles

Have you considered joining group based activities? That will ease your pain and will eventually lead to finding some really good friends, which is what you might need at this time.
yes I am constantly hurt by the ones closest to me and feel like I'm always prioritized last, I should go find people that will appreciate me. thank you
Outcome of contacting EA (female) about the house?
She's my mums friend who my mum says would be willing to rent me her house next month. I wanna contact her personally to find out how honest my mum is.
Lmao imagine needing a reading to find this out rofl
I just wanna know if I can trust what she says. So no read I imagine?
hope your next reader tradecucks you for being a rude dipshit that cant mind their business
I'm starting
Butthurt faggot. If you had any balls youd call the old bitch to ask her
king of wands rx knight of cups rx king of cups rx judgement

hermit rx temperance 7 of wands rx chariot heiro 9 of cups

okay so whatever you do, do not contact EA, it will cause a lot of issues and it just won't come across as diplomatic as you'd hope, but she is willing to rent out the house next month to you--second line of cards asking that does look promising, she has no resistances to doing this for you
She's not old. Anyone worth 2 cents on div would know that
you have no idea what is going on in these people's lives and the dynamics at play in between them to cast judgement on any question. you are an ignorant insolent retard
10 of cups, Judgement, king of swords, king of cups rev
So he will tick a lot of your boxes. He'll be a family man or if kids isn't something you want he'll be living with you and this will be a serious connection, he'll take it seriously too. He could be someone from your past but also could be that when you meet him you won't realise its him at first. A situation might occur that will make you aware of his significance and that's when things start. He could also work in a legal field or for the government but doesn't have to. He's intelligent and strong verbally, when he speaks people listen. He's knowledgeable, well read and wise, he'll make you feel safe. The downside is that this man could be colder than most, stern and stoic, you won't get much emotion out of him, maybe he's a bit on the spectrum lol? He won't be cold cuz he's scared of emotions or whatever, he might just not be about that.
I hold you by your word anon. I'll refrain from contacting her. I hope it works out
Interesting, thank you, I do really want a smart and strong individual, capable of doing what must be done in times of any sort of hardship, even if he lacks emotions, as long as he loves me :( my favorite thing is cuddling and watching war and history documentaries so a cool smart guy would be nice. thanks!
How will he react to the news?
Anyone willing to do a query on life purpose or whether I'm on the right path in life. 27 male gemini if that helps at all
It's too broad of a question, brother
Make it a little simpler
Should I start reading some Dostoyevsky, what impact will it have on my life?
Of course you should read it.
What about Kafka?
What did last night's dream mean?

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