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dang thats just sad
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he's heating up
>silent because it choose to be.
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there no such thing as an innocent by-stander
It is true though right.
She's staying. And she's real.
i totally get now why JC hanged out with all those prozzies.
they way cooler than normies, but also boobs.
I chose to skip the op text for this thread.

it's right here if the next op needs it.

Kindness is when you do something nice for someone.

It isn't torturing someone less.
its ok, dont worry about it honeybuns
we all make mistakes.
the jannies will take care of it, if necessary
Checked and woah
I transcend context, me bucko.
My comments are just that pithy.
Savvy, ol' horse cock?
It's right here >>38867550
if the next op needs it, in a thousand posts.
i decided to do some astral work, manifest some good things into some ones life, someone i think really needs it.

and i was so close to 60.
guess the timer starts fresh.
*rhubarb x 10 *
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I've been thinking. Or maybe more justification. Fight the world or look for justification. Comments like "this is how other advanced aliens do it."
>lack of privacy
>convergent evolution
>but how convergent do you want to be and when do you want to meet them there

>observe trend, lack of privacy
>4th amendment becomes a form of legal lawlessness
>it's not what you did it's how many people complained

>social time period context leads to more leniency

Shits wild.
Do not feed the e-beggars
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privacy is a crime
solitude is a virtue.
Visiting home seems like a bad idea.
Think like a bot talk like a bot disguised as a bot
>where'd these cheetos come from
that girl has such 2006 energy
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its nicer without all the text
even tho i kno the purpose of the text, i get that its needed so that new people might join in
but still, it looks so clean and neat without it
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>Visiting home
im not "going home" anytime soon.
"they" make sure of it.
I'm so silly, I thought you drew those yourself. I've been sat here thinking you're the best artist in the whole world kek
but hey listen, i know some individual has been tampering with my instagram for a long ass time now.
im fine with it, you giving me some cool shit to look at always.

but out of nowhere and without searches,foxes and tons of them...
I didnt do that

but also, bruuh i dont need the cute girls with suspicious bulges on every scroll, i didnt do that eiter...
just kinda seems like youre trying to send a message....

I know they modify the suggested videos.
I know... Humans are supposed to sleep 3, not a stunning 8.

What I want to know is is it worth spending 40$ to trip up to the old house.
>is it worth spending 40$ to trip up to the old house.
save your money,
burn it down.
That doesn't seem very nice.
I dont Rememba the origin of this photo
Can someone explain,Pls?
>I know they modify the suggested videos.
also if you telepathic enough, you can affect your recommendations via thought alone.

think about what you want to see before opening.
But at least is real
im waiting for things to finish up in the background.
im taking today as a chill day, i kinda REKKKT myself a little too hard this week.
2k+ calories per day is maybe a little too much, for now.

but while we all eagerly await my departure,
can i suggest >>>
fuck off
you jelly
suck on my nuts
i'm owed one squirrel.
That's true, I knew that. Are you implying this was all a giant test to weather or not I'd choose her from the influence?
Like a sick game? Also I notice she kinda left. Only comment on prompt etc.
>Are you implying this was all a giant test to weather or not I'd choose her from the influence?
i dont know what youre talking about anon

maybe go have a nice snack, some fappies, a warm shower, and then straight to bed

come back when youre fresh
November 7th, New York
Fresh? Also digit botting like the 999 get I'm presuming.
I see you own both Mayfair and park lane, what would you like to put on them?

My idiot down stairs neighbour keeps messing with my tv with his universal remote.
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>maybe go have a nice snack, some fappies, a warm shower, and then straight to bed
I can't.
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>I can't.
why ever nor?
you can do at least 3/4 of those.

this place isnt going to burn down if youre not here. nothing here matters.
whatever the flavor of the thread now, is different in the next one.
where do i find some more classical jams that are super agro like darksouls music?
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I want to get to the bottom of it.
I really should have had the opportunity to meet her well before the final decision.
i dont know who this her is anon.
women are trouble.

best to just enjoy them for what they are, and leave it at that.
I hope the house isn't empty when I get there.
to whoever this may concern,
i dont have a "lie space".
i dont do "the lie"
as above so below.

and if the magic didnt work, because i didnt lie, then it will have to reform to fit me, i dont bow, i dont serve, i dont follow.
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How do I summon a Chuccubus?

This is how it felt when I started.
Too abstract for me.
the difference is, im not conforming.
why you would willingly choose to follow, i dont understand.
you KNOW its a lie.
The nobody is not real
pancakes fren, pancakes.
she fucks with my mind
i twist her words
let me put it this way, k.
you do a thing, hit the right hemisphere.
suddonly you get a bunch of voices telling you what youre doing is wrong,
youre messing with the divine feminine as a male.
you should be trooning out, play the role as a lady.

its just kinda amusing how they call you a dainty little girl with cute buns, when you exploit the lie and empower the divine masculine instead.

left eye always belonged to men, and the right to women.
its the way of the ancients.
stereo sight is the proper name of 3d vision
>stereo sight
what about he other 4 eyes?
>3d vision
also iv adapted really well,
my depth perception is surprisingly on point.
if forces you to account for distance and speed rather than it being an automatic process
put that thing away and stop talking about it all the time and its my job to touch it not yours
I wish for clarity.
see now a girl under 20 still young and vibrant and full of life...
BUT a WOMAN in her 30s OMFG
if i have said something to offend you i just want to take a moment and say i meant every word of it
my work was done years ago everything now is just the revealing of it

I wish for useful clarity
And clarity you shall receive.
my god damn middle finger
Dear Monarch Mind Control Program

Fuck you.

Suck my little balls you motherless fucks. I am extremely dissatisfied with the brainwashing service I received since birth. I am not amused or entertained. You faggots get one star on Yelp. I have retained my faculties free will and sense of awareness despite your efforts to fuck me. I AM NOT TRAUMATIZED. You can shove Alice in Wonderland and Lewis C Carrol up your asses along with Dorothy, Toto the Wizard of Oz and the wicked witch of the West and Mickey Mouse and all your faggot shit. Paranoid schizophrenia for the win brainwashed triggered patsy for the lose. Paranoid schizophrenia antipsychotic meds: 1: 70 year old brainwashing techniques: 0. Attempts to fuck with me with your rabbits and your hypnosis and your flashing lights and your subliminals have failed and you belong in a museum you cold war remnant fuckers. Recycling boomer shit. Boomers are mentally retarded that's why it worked on them. Won't work on me. You're trying to install windows 95 tier brainwashing in a world of supercomputers and AI the shit doesn't get passed the loading screen before it's shut down. I've seen psych undergrad research that had more impact and creativity than you mothafuckas. You don't even have government funding which explains your levels of incompetence. AI Algorithms, neurotechmology, brain interfaces, implants and VR exist while yall still fucks with rabbits and Alice and hypnosis and other boomer shit.

Sincerely, The One who is laughing at your tiny budget
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Gooooood Morning
Stomach cramps are gone. For now. Was that someone’s period cramp spell? Or was it the water on site? Hard to say. I’m sleepyheads right now.
Esoteric knowledge? What don’t you already know? The imagination is the most powerful tool. Don’t believe it.
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Fuck you Kaballah! We ballin’!
Smokin' on that golden goat rn ya herd?
holy fuckin shit can this print just finish already ?!
Should've gotten a CoreXY
Nah, the proof cramps are still there. A moment of relief was felt but it’s back like a slaughter house. I don’t even have to shit and this stuff is ripping my guts up. Are you guys serious about that teddy bear stuff ?
My bubble guts have been broken since last year. How much damage could a psychic girl do to a man’s stomach?
I’m just transporting the food to the toilette now. Direct pipeline of action.
>Should've gotten a CoreXY
I don't post/click on youtube links, neither am I knowledgeable about classical music, but other games' OSTs seems like a safe guess.
Check your mail.
fuck you nerd
Filter these threads and be done with your addiction to them. They are nothing but vagueposting nonsense that schizos are drawn to like moths to a bug zapper.

Prove me wrong if you can.
>Prove me wrong if you can.
you first
These threads are likely a threat to something evil. It's why you see these weird ass angry screamers.
or perhaps its the attacks of those that are evil believing what theyre doing is good.

>even the NAZIs thought they were the good guys...
The nobody is real and has a small penis and a wears diapers. He leaves the poop in his diaper for hours as part of his fetish.

There's your proof.
Evil always thinks it's good.
i just like boobs.
is that a problem?
They're entertaining.
Usually. There are however people out there unapologetically evil and they take pride and delight in it. Beware them.
that's not proof, that's just a good time

why so angry lil fella, skurred Nobody's gonna eat your soul?
They are dealing with something beyond evil. For the first time in their lives, unlike Hitler or Stalin, they are dealing with something absolute. Solid. Made for one purpose. A conduit of war. The Antichrist. All their propaganda and all their kings horses and all their kings men cannot put Humpty together again.
The Nobody does not beg for money. He simply asks for proper compensation when compensation is due.

The Nobody’s geographical location is a mystery, however, it is safe to say that he is behind enemy lines. And, like a good Christian, he tries to love thy neighbor, to the best of his abilities. So even surrounded by enemy combatants, he does not respond with violence.

However, he does seek compensation for being surrounded by enemy combatants. Though he acknowledges that in many ways he’s being treated well, he is still a Prisoner of War.

What kind of shithole country would allow enemy prisoners of war to obtain automatic weapons with no background check?
>"No civilization ever survives the return of their God."
>and has a small penis
why are so openly stating your desire
and why are you telling us that an average sized penis isnt good enough?
like like the stretch? the gape?
He has turned the prison into a fortress. T
The "enemy" has given him everything he could've wanted too. Once he make his final movement, it will seem as if a purge has swooped in like a tempest.
"Humpy Dumpty Fell Off the Wall and Nobody Put Him Back Together Again" is a codephrase used by God/Angels when someone has done so much evil, that their soul is shattered into pieces, a punishment worse than hell: Nonexistence. Nobody can put them back together again.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids is an angelic codephrase for the fact that our planet was invaded by giant insect Aliens but God cursed all of them to be tiny so we can squish them instead of them being a threat. This is why some have nightmares of giant insects invading earth.
He does it for free(dom)

Nobody can take care of himself and doesn't need money.
If only you knew the truth. Once you see it. You will shit bricks.
NSA, DIA, CIA, DOD, DARPA, ARPA, IRPA, LION, FVEYES, the brotherhood network, crypto terrestrials, xenobiology, kiwi(((farms))), taybot, stellar chemistry, stellar surgery
There is no enemies just confused souls.
hey listen, if you really want UWU
DM me, im sure we can do a long distance thing
yaknow ...netflix and camsex

i dont even care if youre our resident trap.
cuddles are cuddles, and we all need love
Meanwhile the Mossad agents who trained me
>dude if you smoke weed, it's over
Guys if you consider yourself intuitively gifted and have little fucks to give grow out your hair smoke weed and walk near a major electrical line.
Nigga, the people on this planet need to look in the mirror before declaring that The Nobody is evil.

If you read it the way I’m reading it… The Christian Bible declared that you are not supposed to love the Earth, so some people took that literally and decided the correct thing to do was destroy the Earth to the best of their abilities.

Whoops, turns out that’s a shitty idea.

And the problem is, it persists. These threads have been going since what, 2019? If they were nothing but a LARP, there would have been massive efforts to improve environmental regulations and protection since then. Instead, it’s business-as-usual.

Some people are operating under the philosophy, “I don’t care how much poison I produce, as long as I maximize profits,” and those people are NOT The Nobody and have nothing to do with him.
Tell that to the brand matrix.
Hitler and Stalin were just men. The Nobody is a principality.
>brand matrix
I'm not an MBA I don't trade in marketing buzzwords.
>They are dealing with something beyond evil.

yaknow, wouldnt Vladimir Tepes be considered evil?
putting up all those people on spikes, dealing death beyond measure.

but also he was a devout christian who waged wars against degeneracy and especially masturbation.

even the righteous get called evil by the blind.
Nobody doesn't have enemies, just people he hasn't convinced to stop acting like assholes yet.
I’m aware, but getting in touch with divine feminine is difficult when they keep hiding the women you tell “I love you, and want to marry you”
How is one to cope with this situation when they want something powerful from you, but hide the means of realizing that power?
tell me how i know you're a B player
>they dont understand pancakes yet...

during peace, we call for war.
during war, we call for peace.
an eventuality
Oh no! Idc, have a good time kiddo.
listen umm
ima leave
because >>>
is driving me absolutely BONKERS

an inevitability

An Endgame.
>"It is time to clean up house." - Roy Barker
nice job numb nuts
>numb nuts
if im not careful
they might be...

not a girl
not a thot
not a hoe
>They are dealing with something beyond evil. For the first time in their lives, unlike Hitler or Stalin, they are dealing with something absolute. Solid. Made for one purpose. A conduit of war. The Antichrist
The Earth is a garden. Nobody/Antichrist is a warrior in a garden. He feeds homeless people for fun. His greatest hero is the Dalai Lama. I wouldn't fuck with him, but I don't worry about him causing any unnecessary violence. The meek shall inherit the Earth. Stay peaceful yo.
Penumbra. Ignis.
Is anyone sane here?
suddenly i have become very tired
i have the uncontrollable urge to go to sleep
what ever shall i do
This is me btw
I’m sorry
No. He is a snake, and one of the largest, most brutal and most dangerous ones.
He's a warrior in a garden, literally goes out of his way to help others, but yeah Hitler thought Patton and Roosevelt were evil, so it's a matter of perspective.
>(He) kissed her and forced his hand down her shirt.”
>The man kissed her again and then spat in her face and told her to leave.
ok i tap out
im gone
i cant
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I'm sorry this happened to you, hotwheels.
Yeah mortals do be looking 50 when they 32
check out the pedo
Quit hittin' me with that big ol wave!
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Human immortality sucks.
I'm wearing thongs right now.
We'll see what we can do about that.
>not a dragoon
>a literal dragon knight
This just keeps getting better and better.
Not them but awesome. Just sent my subscription.
Obsidian Silicon.
Living Crystal Conduits.
He's got literal nanomachines. Son.
the slander is already set in stone, so now go for the kill. I mean go on? otherwise your just gonna accept it. you either make a move or you dont. cowards.
you either kill or youve already accepted into your hearts pedophilia. make your fucking move.
you sound scared, desperate
okay listen here
your fear is palpable
no, im not scared, ive just got nothiing to live for. I mean my brother in law broke into over 50 gang members homes and put them all in comas, busted the doors off their hinges all for them jumping on his 15 year old little brother.

he said i was the only person to ever put him to sleep, and maybe i got lucky who knows. Im just facing a lot, no reason to really try. im beyond tired but desperate. thats a joke.
calling sorry ass people out isn't fear, telling them to bring it isn't fear you gaslighting retards.
Wouldn't you rather wait and think about what might be coming and when? Waiting for the other shoe to drop should be delightful... for someone.
What do you want? I've been busy waiting for the Apocalypse to begin.
It sucks when they choose hell
your all bad people, every person behind all of this is a shitty gaslighting cowardly evil sack of shit. your all pedos that want to blame other people for your dirty laundry.
Legit forgot what thread I was in
I have given many spiritual advices to people asking for them here, and have received way more life-changing ones as well.
You're a massive faggot.
the ones saying they have videos of me masterbaiting are the worst of the gaslighters, they are connected directly with protecting sex traffickers in oklahoma. think about the motherfuckers actions and what they are doing. these peices of shit scumbags are the ones i would torture for days on in.
Read your tone, you remind me of someone sitting in a bunker while bombs drop. Enjoy the rest of your life if you can.
Projection gets you nowhere schlomo
In this game there is an overall rating for the ranking system taking into account all of the things like fishing and arenas
This means you can never be number 1 unless you're the best fisher and the best fighter but also the best researcher, the best quester and the highest level with the top rated gear
How this turns out is there is some very low powered people at the top because of their fishing ability
>all that projection
You are not the Nobody, he is someone good.
We're not Vikings anymore.
But, we will be.
Both Hitler and Roosevelt were evil. Some of the worst.
It just means to reveal. And these revelations are occurring all around us everyday.
>No global war
>No armageddon
>Peace, prosperity, and fellowship among all mankind. We shall not condemn the innocent to suffer for the crimes of the wicked.
We may never have been the stories of brutal birds from the frozen wastes laying siege to Catholicism is an affectation of the past and many revisionists from those cultures have turned it more into a logically corroborated story of druidic magic and loosely defined tribal beliefs that somehow equal science due to plotholes
Im protected by forces you cannot comprehend, so yeah in a sense but im out in the open waiting for someone to just try, im the bait to catch bad guys and instead got corrupt pretend "good" guys that actually think they are the good guys here. the ones saying, so this is our creep, when they know damn well most of sex trafficking is going through oklahoma from terry parks and that the anamlous attacks of the stone are being protected by them while they take a 15 % cut of all the money. how many foundations, and organizations has all this corruption took down? I know they said the russian mafia and one more mafia is involved with helping them, which sounds a lot like dominos connections and if you go to jail here, they want to get rid of you, they just take you out to cloudy airport and shoot ya, calling taking out to the trainyard.

not sure how big the corruption is, but all the amber alerts most of them are from their people. So you have a sex trafficking family, gangstalking random nobodies and getting money off it, while pretending they work hard to get their money in the two poorest counties in oklahoma which already seems sus.
I'm aware of what apocalypse means, friend. I'm talking about the event that makes it undeniable. It has yet to take place. It is only then that my work truly begins.
This thread series appears to have been code to shred numerous innocent souls to pieces and was a formmof mind control used by Elon Musk and Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as well as used on them.

Have you noticed that Elon threatened to rape Taylor Swift?

Have you noticed that once hardcore MAGAs are now putting up Chan ads about how Trump is the Antichrist?

Oh your precious Kek destroyer of lives

Have you noticed the more you Chan the more likely you are going to prison?
>they know damn well most of sex trafficking is going through oklahoma
stay crazy retard
But enough about Netflix.
I honestly don't see another solution. Help a brother out here.
But that is a fantasy
It was never a thing really
It's like looking at the civil war and saying oh well I guess the Americans hate each other
And it's like no
We just love money a lot more than anything else
Can't wait.
Though your red flags strike fear in me.
If you can bring us to justice, I will welcome it.
what they gonna do? they know last time they made a move helicopters came out of nowhere and gunned them down. im not scared of bad guys
How can we strike at the heart of this corruption?
We came a long way. Abyss was never the target.
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I think I’ve accepted it
The children
In my heart
Oh well
Revenge is a dish best served by someone else,
What else is happening
sing the nono song
>what they gonna do?
laugh at you
>helicopters came out of nowhere and gunned them down
lol, that never happened

stay crazy muffin, we love ya
I don't think it is a source of corruption anymore than anything else a human makes is
I.e. it is a subjective discussion based off your personal opinion
Capitalism has a well defined end and it is when money can no longer work and capitalism actually is designed to kill itself if that is the case so we can move on to
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This is the best "let's go get the bad guys" jam ever.
I know all the words.
>The gatekeeping is not done for the best interest of the lovers, but for the ones who wish to keep them apart. Questionable if you ask me.
the one about HRH Harry?
the bastard Harry*
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The Antichrist and his 12 children.

Picture related it's The Antichrist.
You absolutely can put Humpty Together again but he needs to stop claiming woman dreaming first and issue serious apologies. Also the principalities use the games low level but high XP mages play to do their search and destroy tactics on non sanctioned operations.

For example ghost was likely designed so some poor guy could get out of a shit industry and get some north Koreans across the border but apparently psychos misused it and only the major political parties and billionaires are allowed to Bitcoin so that guy went to prison.

Remember folks if you have an idea you didn't generate it. In the future you get mindmsooed by Titan/Atlantis where they pretend they told you, the post harvestee, the ideas you came up with when you existed apparently before you were born and to something and or someone else.

Remember if you buy spirit box tech it's just an AI app for Atlantis titan lies and not talking about spirits in your house. How is that for a ghost app and once you get into their white room it's via an invisible tesseract installed post harvest anyway

Because if you DONT believe in the simulation you MUST be turned into a MAGA cyborg with Trump Musk and Putin as your archontic overlords while a bunch of cheezels eating shit for brains play at fucking mage and can't even get their astral projections straight.

Enjoy world war three USA you will have done it to yourself and the last time other countries acted as your lapdog was by force of you and your buddies to make that happen.

Putin is laughing his arse off.

Hierarchies ruIn the world.
he should set out to conquer France
that cat is mad ugly
This gave me a major headache
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His name is Ralph.
The jam of malediction and benediction in fusion like dbz
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so in the ecstasy of the moment,
i realise something interesting.

these syzygy witches and ROTMAXXERS,
when they encounter something they dont like,
they think it justifies them to do magic.
even if it harms the target of their attack.

i always upheld a measure of fairness and justice.
but if its ok for them, i guess its ok for me too.
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>He is a snake, and one of the largest, most brutal and most dangerous ones.
That should be easy to prove then, eh?

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What the fuck are these threads even about
Sculptor makes statue of famous person
Both of them die before it gets installed
Now people are arguing about where to put this statue of a dead guy made by a dead guy
the antichrist
ok no cool dope awesome amazing,
lets break out those forbidden practices.
im tired of being puppeteered by children and spiteful bitches.

pain, and blood, and suffering.
i have no remorse if you get hit by a car.
So it didn’t go according to my plan, or am I seeing things wrong

Who knows but I have this gut feeling that something is not right…. Sigh
Nope, he ain't that.
This was never about christians to begin with.
The Pope disagrees with you, but okay...
>It is only then that my work truly begins.
Oh god you are the bike fucker arent you
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Some human with odd hats says some words and you get all bothered
thanks Jean
from now on
this is also my Kempf
>Elon Musk and Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin
Yeah Putin, Trump, and Musk are definitely working together to shill a shittty general on X. None of them have anything else happening in their lives more important that a dozen methed incels claiming to be satan.
You just turned simple purification,
Into a black fast.
Well done.
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That's bullshit, but I believe it.
Practice grounds.
Feeding grounds.
Hunting grounds.
A record shop.
A mall.
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Thanks Jean!
Checked bro
Yeah I read on glp that putin is using dna tech he was gifted by musk to rebuild some old fuck kgb guy dragged from retirement to look like a human bicycle. Then trump will smuggle/ride him to the tranny bike fuckers lair and lure him out by posing him/it beside a tree covered in axle grease. Once the bike fucker strikes, the kgbike grease pot abductor will reverse smuggle the shadow president to moscow so putin can stage an elaborate interrogation complete with chains, saddle bags, chain smoking, and greasy sweaty mechanics flicking the lights on and off for ambient effect. Then they will resell the shadow president to the chinese to help improve their ginseng production.... all while paying him 50k-70k a year to look at metrics (which no chinese man can do because ginseng cultivation is a foreign concept to them).
>The only victim in this fantasy is the sad fucker who will have handlebars surgically attached to his temples to make him more seductive. We all feel bad for that guy. Sorry agent bikeokov, the shadow president must be stopped from wasting years of his life refreshing chat gpt conversations and doing shrooms in the forest.
void is nothing
void* is anything
redirection saves jobs
> kgb guy
we have rgb guy
It wasn't the words or hats, it was the armor and spear, but okay, enjoy your larp. Loki was a fun show.
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Wow Q drop pics inbound
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>you can’t bully girls into thinking you are a god
>that’s my wife!
This whole thing is an elaborate joke to make governments afraid of the average nobody (you)
Antichristic figures wouldn't be so attacked by the mainstream media.
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The chinese are begging for ginseng advice. They say 'bike fucker big strong need to make jinn sing!'
I’m not the antichrist
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Even trump is controlled by this shadowy figure. Terrifying. Who has time to ejaculate on a bike seat AND run the country?
>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
You have no explanation for me.
schizos activated
nobody amused
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Shit guys here is a picture of the russian superspy
>Notice how he doesn't need to pedal? We might be dealing with a machine here. If you see something, say something!
Just trying to save the world from agent bikeokov and his grease pot of doom
... and their army of freshly pressed cubiks.
> grease pot of doom
Is it in any way related to the Coon of Destiny?
His destiny is to coom
>Right in the pink fleshlight he named shimshane or some dumb shit
we must secure the happiness of birbs and the existence of furry animals
>"Malicious prosecution"
where did they get this technology from and how do they do this. I just want to know?
You'll need to be more specific.
where did they get this specific technology from and how specifically do they do this
he just wants to know

what technology
who's they
what's "this"
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the walls are older than you. not fragile but prone to be brittle. treat them like your bones
the tings, the horny shit, makes it where you want to masterbait when your alone by yourself. like how do you get it to stop?
those maze drawings remind me of something a 12 year old would make because they don't have basic drawing skills
pray to the virgin Mary
stop, there are pics of her online
don't give him ideas
well ive already had sex with jesus and god, I dont need to corrupt anything else.
that's an awful thought, how does your mind even go there? Do you stomp kittens for fun? jk (You're probably right, but golly that's dark.)
We're you at the top, bottom or in the middle?
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I have quite a few, but none you would accept.
By the time you understood, the damage would already be done.
I'm not saying the Catholic Church is good, but they have a very complete library. They know what's up.
god became a woman for me but i was a bottom for christ. I wasn't expecting all of this to be honest. just needed help with some stuff.
>agent bikeokov
Wait i don't know but maybe i've seen this guy in rv ( (my network ea))
Is it a guy with black goggles and and wears a clothing that covers the entire head (suite colour)
walk in rick flairin'
I don't think you want to hear the answer.
If you want to hear it, start with why it sounds revolting to you.
White* colour
a squirrel
not the squirrel
idc dummy, we're shit posting, I neither believe that praying to the virgin mary will do jack shit or beating off to her picture matters

these are jokes

your jewometry pic is nice though, have fun little guy
>They know what's up.
No anon, they are the ones who annihilated the heritage of your people by twisting Yeshua's narrative.
They are nothing more than an earthen order of earthen fools.
You want to follow Yeshua?
Heed his words and shy away from places where they pray in gatherings.
Those congregations are not what they try to make themselves look like.
This nobody guy isn't the Antichrist or anti anything, he's just not related to any of them, the aggressive nature of modern day christians didn't help this either.
If you know better, then do say it, what are his initials?
Which country is he from?
What nationality?
Which religion does he follow?
Go ahead.
Yeah a kgbike super spy named bikeokov definitely exists
>You want to follow Yeshua?
same anon as
or is it?
> filename
> jewometry
what do goyim mean by that
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>>You're not important enough for the feds to care about you, schitzo
You don't know shit.
Jews copied their sacred geometry and the Jesus larp from Greeks. All of Judaism is stuff grabbed from other cultures and religions.
That's a relief.
*myth not larp
nah I think a lot of people think their mind is getting fucked when in reality a lot of people trying to help others..and bc they are so fucked up they take everything as an attack..and relate to to past things that have nothing to do with the poor people present..and then become abusive by twisting words..and going insane...ya its weird

sometimes you gotta walk away

sometimes I'm reminded maybe I should go back be myself alone in the woods..very happy and no one has crazy arguments with me...
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> implying
Okay, wizard. Tell us about shit.
What do you like the most - the texture, consistency or the smell?
I still have extreme lower back pain as of over a week...thought it was period cramps first..idiots telling me to stretch n shit like I don't already..def not normal wtf this is..but no fracture which I didn't think I'd have..would love for it to go away..fml
: ‘All ages can testifie enough howe profitable that fable of Christe hath ben to us and our companie.’
--Pope Leo X
lol, you won the internet today
Bros? Did I do something to upset jake?
guys what do I do if I like red haired woman but also girls who look like Elaine!?

Do I get a red haired Elaine!?
the next 5 will seem bad
the third 6 should be sublime
I don't want to talk about it
this feels a lot like federal and govt shit where it takes forever..to do one thing..instead of just doing it yourself and stapling the paper because the other 'looks' cooler ...says it all
Well I understand now, tell him I'm sorry
Who's the Jake? Is he the nobody? Will this be part of the Nobody lore?
No red hair is gross, if you think you like it, seek help at your nearest ER.

Skinny dark haired girls are Goddesses, just worship them.
Elaine is so hot
Skinny dark haired girls yes
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He got the action, he got the motion
Oh, yeah, the boy can play

(That’s the way you do it)
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You have chosen poorly.
there is a goddess for every avatar
mazes are taken
find your own bitch
I keep seeing synchronicities with the number 113, which is the same as the eschatron temperature
I sold my soul to Lucifer that's a crappy deal
Least it came with a few toys like a happy meal
This game you could never win
'Cause they love you then they hate you then they love you again

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Friends leave as time fades away, the people and the places along the way.

Without a doubt, screws fall in and screws fall out.
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same guy for the past 2+ years watching and taunting me lmao
he's absolutely obsessed it's so fucking creepy
I am the scatomancer
scourge of shitbulls and namefags
> that little faggot
> money for chicks and nothing free
Stop huffing nitrous you goon
Thomas is my friend.
How do you keep frens?
I know what I'm doing, I won't steal your doodles. You seem mad. :)
You talk big, but you know you’re just a little bitch.
well he's an online friend. we roleplayed together a lot.

advice to keep a friend is to have a common goal. whether it be that you guys both are in the same DND game. Or something as big as you both starting a project together.
small talk can only sustain for so long.
under my floorboards

The imagination is the propagation of the infinite creative potential of the mind
It is not a belief structure
It is a what if structure
The view of the world that has been modified by the creation of an novel thought
Then the bringing of that novel thought into the world
Side note. I just checked out the internals of my laptop and couldn’t find that keylogger, so I’ll just have to keep terrifying the agents until I get a solution.
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Good morning
Good Morning
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Thank you for your advice. It's a good start
However, I'm incapable of finishing anything.
When Jesus returns they'll call him Maitreya.
Also to L7 yes i am a squirrel golden snake. We have another one, you're right and together we will going to be THE squirrel ( or not) depend on your thoughts
and yet, they called him nasty when he came
If you look at Himmler and his Nazi religion and at the Nobody lore, I can see why you guys think Nobody is Hitler. lol
Are you trying to assert that “men are right-brained”and “women left-brained?”

No one should attempt to fake this. I’ve mentioned this before….
women stink so good
Not everywhere though.
This one time in Africa...
Remember when y’all all thought weeding out paytriots was like PRIOTRITY NUMBRAH JUAN

Bet you wish you could go back to those days and draw the string right? But you knew better…

You were right!
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I have a lawyer, bitch.
Every single act of witchcraft performed is in the name of experimentation.
It's not fucking working.
You realize that these gods do not actually exist and that their entire image is fueled by men.
You cannot accuse me of defamation because my criticisms are NOT invalid and they are TRUE.
I am not concerned with my own repentance but all I want is for everyone in the Cabal to have cartoonishly bad luck leading to utter defeat which will be evident through a transformed and renewed society.
The time at which I cum inside of the fulfillment of my lust and brokenness is the same time at which the Deep State is obliterated.


DELETE THE ELITE - All you can do at this point is point fingers, but if we are both pointing fingers, my mess is not as bad as being a disgusting creepy ugly cutoff who wouldn't be ugly if they'd stop channeling demons.

Windex original 23 or the girl who helped wolverine and trained by hydra...
Oh look everyone another schizo!

See no one cares.

Good luck lil fella.
What religion?

Nazis were overwhelmingly catholic.

>I have a lawyer, bitch.
How much does the retainer cost you a month?
Crack those knuckles
If you have any
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You are clearly doing your best
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witness me
I have layerS
Stfu faggot. Everyone has right to sanctuary that is an Empirical intelligence

Take your alien space retard animals and tell them we don't have a zoo for retards.
Not at all, the SS didn't celebrate Christian holidays, but pagan ones. They didn't disbelieve that Jesus existed, but they tried to twist him into something else, especially not Jewish.

did you know greece was founded by phoenician princes?
The Vatican helped the Nazis for gold, not religious beliefs.
ooh, an ogre...
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Ok so I go beyond the Ice wall and I see a German giantess in tight blue jumpsuit. And I kiss her in the lower part of the jumpsuit.
Imagine thinking for even one second, that I could give two fucking shits about being friends with some minor celebrities and shitty DJs who think they're musicians because they're remixed a couple club tracks or some shit. Hahaha go find God. I'm not Jesus either.
to think Space believers would call this a 'Pleiadean'
There's no archeological evidence of that. The more commonly accepted theory is that the Macedonians came from the North, they think this because of language, and apparent burial practices. The Greek alphabet did come from the Phoenicians though.
are those words of praise
or is it a veiled critique
What’s not working? What do you foresee is being performed against you?
What is the cabal? Does spirit know precisely who you’re speaking about with this blanket statement?
Do you realize that not everyone’s mind is as limited as yours is? People who are LESS brainwashed?
Are there not members of the cabal who are on your side? And want what you want?
Who are you planning to sleep with and what will you do when the world doesn’t align itself for you thereafter?

If these questions sound boring imagine me as the interviewer on your favorite talk show gushing over all your accomplishments through bated breaths
>you’re comfortable now
Now go on! (The people want to know) how deep the well goes
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The Greek alphabet was developed by a Greek with first-hand experience of contemporary Phoenician script. After it was established in the Greek mainland, it was exported eastwards to Phrygia, where a similar script was devised.

the medium is the message
And now they check if your cute and handsome. If not. Stay in prison.
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people are going to be so surprised and in awe at God's mercy.

They think he sends people to eternal hell, but when they realize he doesn't. When they realize they've actually been paid for by Jesus Christ's Blood?

They'll just bow to him in awe.

Everyone will be saved.
> When they realize they've actually been paid for by Jesus Christ's Blood?

Dumb cunt hahaha
even when preaching Universal Salvation, Christians get persecuted.
The Jesus Gospels are myth.
The real Jesus was one of the many violent revolutionaries that existed Circa 0AD. Hitler was Jesus reincarnated. Nobody is Hitler reincarnated. Massive wars are dumb and don't work.
Jesus isn't real and I made him up, therefore no one is going to pay for your sins. You're going to be like the other fake Christians out there, waiting for someone that never comes hahahaha suck shit you fucking posers.
>I’m aware, but getting in touch with divine feminine is difficult when they keep hiding the women you tell “I love you, and want to marry you”
they're mad even when you say that they'll be saved.
Eternal victim strikes again.
The last laugh is mine because I'm feeling gooooooood, and you're all full of sin - no heaven for you :(
*Eternal Victor
Poor baby.
Fuck off and take your jewish "gods" with you.
Your aeon is ending.
Glad to see your proud of yourself. Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.
It's days like this that if you're not careful you could slip away into time and next thing you know it's 3 weeks later and you're in a different city with a new job
everyone will be saved
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Chaos rules
You cannot stop the sea
You cannot change the wind
You cannot revive a man
You cannot revive yourself
You cannot make all their weapons useless
You cannot destroy the enemy
Was there ever an enemy
Aren’t you just fighting yourself
The barrier to entry is a lot higher than you thought,
But you’re a good climber
Its more like a public trust fund.
so in other words you said all that to just say you are a creepy rich liar. says i the bible where their is sin their is demons, more so than your percieved witchcraft. a murderer, a wrathgiver, a liar. all possess more demons than whoever you percieve.
>with a new job
sounds horrible, will be sure to stay focused
Like a cancer.
What makes you say that?
If I had married the first girl I fucked there's absolutely no way I'd ever have learned about 4chan
I had to lose everything to get here
At the end of the day, the only thing you hate is yourself.

Forgive. Don't let the anger take over you.
6th day 6th planet with a six sided polygon at the top
To understand
scars to scars
or whatever
its been forgiven, the task of their undoing is no longer my job but their own. if they seek to continue thier wrath and false judgment.
You're right. It's a good thing I'm an alchemical master who's in control of base level emotions unlike yourself you subhuman.
Nobody is a gentleman of leisure.
You're arguing in the name of semantics in an unproductive fashion.
See what I mean when I say that both of us are pointing fingers?
At least I am not a baby-eating pedophile.
So Fuck You, I'll Get Right With God, You Worry About Yourself, Cutoff.
I ain't even mad, just looking forward to eating.
did it work?
I ain't even mad, I just like red haired woman butt freckles and sweat.
Welp, now I lost my appetite.
You fucked god over more than anyone with your lies and continous monotony of vomit, the cabal supported you and you went through with it becaue your an evil peice of shit uncapable of taking accountibility for anything you have ever done in your life.
ate all the bananas, all the carrots, pineapples, raspberries and corn.
"Gnosis Is"
"Haruhi Rave"
"Allah Smiles"

Oridinal result: 111.
I ain't even mad, just waiting for someone to give me 2billion gold pieces in runescape
Lucky you.
>just waiting for someone to give me 2billion gold pieces in runescape
We are all waiting on this.
is that the limit of your ambition
>heheheh i killed them. lol i killededed them all! :P huehuehue
red haired woman butt freckles would never make me lose my appetite. if anything, it increase my appetite!
What about the Nobody lore leads you to believe he is the antichrist and or Hitler?
Reality is a happy accident.
Let me tell you something, wimp ass bitch.
I experiment as a way to examine the Scriptures and test if it is really what came out of the mouth of God.
I am righteously wrathful about the fact that you do not care about raiding Epstein brothels and blowing the whistle on espionage for the sake of destroying the world.
I have performed many rituals and pleaded with the LORD many times for Him to dismantle you.
Is it wrong to mislead the enemy?
So Fuck You, I Will Not Chase A Carrot On A Stick Anymore.
MONEY COURT - Itane est lusus numeri, SUM QUI SUM?
Red haired women must marry red haired men.

What is your skin colour?
I think red haired freckled women crave abuse or something. It probably reminds them of their mean mothers.
why do I suddenly smell flowery perfume? I'm in the same spot.

Immediate flowery perfume scent after I posted this: >>38868979
well, i told them of whom i would like to see as frens, the female vampires and proxies are to be kept safe, and the family, foundations and wolves as well, in case their is any confusion or others believe bullshit and think their an enemy over lies, as for the rest of my actual real enemies are fair game, let everything go at em and them be , every spirit, every being, come and have a feast.
I am hitler.


>thank you Hitler!!!
It's true. The Nobody knows how to kill time.
my ex-wife believed that phantom flowery scents might be ghosts.
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I'm Italian with black hair, gold eyes, and pointy ears.
sometimes when I think im send people to hell or say goats to hell, I thought neighbour was burning incense or something
your a cowardly creep and nothing else, and yeah i bet you did, but guess what, god became a women for me and gave me a blowjob many times over. so yeah guess thats what you wanted.
You're all just as completely useless as I am.
Sleep tight.
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Nope. You'd taint the red haired gene.

I am the Grandson of Charlemagne The Holy Roman Emperor.

I outrank the pope.

You have a fetish, not a love.
well, I'm not scared of ghosts because I have Jesus Christ.

All ghosts will be saved by the way.
>the Grandson of Charlemagne
you're a thousand something years old? neat
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Curses, those sentient cartoon hedgehogs have seen the beatific vision! What patafictional mess will they cause?!?

by the power of boomba i expell all of you from this thread, leave immediately or experience the wrath of boomba.
Actually, I have the red haired gene. My grandpa has red hair.

My uncle also has red hair. It's just that my Grandpa's wife has black hair.

And I have strands of red hair in my black hair. So you know what? I guess I do have de jure over red haired females.
Lmao shut the fuck up you won't exist in a billion years
Keep trying to enforce White Jesus on me bitch ass nigga
Lmao you're not even real you're just a cutoff
nah, gimme some of that wrath
it's cute when they post about nono or boomba. It is like baby talk.

I wonder if God looks at us as little lambs and babies.
Lol these fucking dumb cunts think that by giving me some basic advice they have some share with me - lmao you fucking posers get fake love just like the passion you have for music. Fake.
50 trillion actually
It's not about your recessive genes its about your active genes. Not red heads to taint for you
boomba curses you to lose your dick within the next two weeks, snip snip, should of been nicer to boomba.
boomba will send a harem of succis to make you have wet dreams every night.
Demoonic inflinence cooses 1s to past retadly
He's a good boy. He doesn't know about his powers.
>boomba will send a harem of succis to make you have wet dreams every night.
I smoke about an eighth of weed a day, so no dreams, good luck boo boo
but if I mate with a red haired girl, then the kids could come out with red hair due to the recessive genes.
the director wants to create the grand core to delete this reality from existence? should i grant him the persmission he is asking from me or no?
He knows he sucks at dying, that and basic marksmanship is all the powers he needs.

(Reiki isn't a power, but he likes doing it too...)
You're right, no explanation,no hacking learning, only gorilla tempest i know if i don't knew deductions.
markmanship is easy, a man does not aim with his eye, a man who aims with his eye has forgottten the face of his father.
i'm actually angry it hasn't happened yet.
should i rip a hole in the frabic of reality and let something through or no?
@the elite who is trying to turn themselves into a mini-Israel

uncurse in the name of DOMINE SUM QUI SUM CHRISTOS
>markmanship is easy
who said it was hard? there's fuckers who barely made the GT cut for Infantry that are master marksmen.
Oh i've ommit deductions" only"with my thoughts
It's bothering me too. Maybe we should start a gofundme.
let it rip, anon
God can be simply explained using sonic the hedgehog characters. My mind can't take it. I can't unsee it.

Either islam is a serious message about really returning to god or this life has no meaning beyond what you make of it. Give me a sign.
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As near as I can tell Islam is about wiping your ass with your bare hand and firing full auto from the hip, because aiming is a lack of faith or something. Idk, they're easy to kill, so maybe they are close to God?
using a false god is the ultimate backfire. boomba laughs hysterically and summons bill to rob you blind every moment of every moment. boomba moves sources with ease, and destroys sources with ease, boomba is the power.
Flowery would usually be positive ones, like angels.
Stop posting pics of animals having human thumb in their assess, thank you.
Christ’s followers get martyr’d by the evil ones for peacefully spreading the truth. Muslims martyr themselves. There is a difference.
truth is a subjective term
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“Here’s a randomly selected sentence from the Bible: **"And he said, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'"** (Exodus 33:14)”
the Nobody? He does, ever since he worked to develop them as a young (pre)teen.
>Christ’s followers get martyr’d
Those are myths written by Christians. No one has ever hated Christians. They get mocked for being silly, but they are harmless, so no one cares. Enjoy your persecution complex.
Not to God if ain’t. Postmodernism is a slave mentality. It’s a coward’s philosophy. Truth isn’t subjective, you’re just incapable of reasoning.
You're the most pathetic piece of refuse ever expelled from a syphilitic whore etc. etc.
Subjectively, it's true.
Think, Neo. Think.
Israelis are martyring Muslims everyday.
There's no evidence he knows anything at this point
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Yes. Here is a pic.
So then they are true martyrs.
demons make yall fight all the time as well.
He knows you can't kill him. It's all he cares about.
demons are only good for eating
the elevens greatest ability is to make you forget you even had an encounter with them, its what helps them win. finding atlantis isn't impossible. its remember that you found it.
jesus is the antichrist is true to me
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That's not in the lore
they don't eat that much
First line of the page:
>This is a list of people burned after being deemed heretics by different Christian Churches.
"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing." Josef Goebbels
Being gay is banned in hell
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They wont forget when they encounter me. lol
Doesn’t mean shit
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Do we have an archive of verified data yet that isn’t being guarded?
It's a major part of the lore. That's why this eleven wizard cabal are scared. They couldn't kill him.
That's true. All gays are forced into Christian heaven.
In fact, only gays are allowed there.
I don't care how much they eat, they are tasty though.
Don’t tie yourself into knots there lil’ buddy
Show me a demolith.
What? I stand by my claim that no one ever persecuted Christians. That doesn't mean they didn't persecute anyone, it's all they did once they came into power.
/ng/ meet up in Akureyri Iceland to look for the Elves
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You will never understand what is going on because your metaphysics is batshit insane and upside down.
Thus you are destined to misattribute the causes most ultimately, such as to "the antichrist."
You can't handle the truth they Christianity has been one of the greatest allies to evil for its entire history, and this is because of its intrinsic falsehood.
Your basic model of reality is a lie and there's no getting around that.
I'm sorry that this is politically inconvenient, but I'm not sorry. This problem was caused by Christians making the lies of Christianity unquestionable.
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His super powers are being gangstalked by psychopaths on 4chan?

Wow! Tell us more!
Thank you
how many Is and MEs are in your pic
I meant to reply to this post with this: >>38869179
Bolshevism killed 66 million, mostly Christians. A predominately Jewish movement, it was known for its blood thirsty nature, a vehement Antichrist.
i'm gonna need a passport and a plane ticket. also complimentary room and board. can you provide this?
It may be the negative spirituality, and not tech.
Regardlessly, others can suggest you with impulses, but no one can control your final choice. And if it's an intelligence separated from yours, then they'll eventually give up after seeing it's having no effect, even if it takes two years.
Never heard of a "demolith,"
How many beans are in your bean-counting brain?
The Nephelim went down and fucked the human women

This needs to be taught to children in Sunday School

What a holy book morty
>influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind
Bolshevists killed Tsarists, who may have also been Christian. I mean you may as well say Sherman was slaughtering Christians, all of the people he killed on his march to sea were Christians.
the Watchers did that ( commonly referred to as angels , but angels are just one type of elohim. Messengers. There are different types. Such as principalities and powers and dominions and watchers. )

The Nephilim were the offspring of the Watchers.

When Nephilim die, they become demons.
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It's like a coprolith, but from demons.

You tell me.
You don't know shit.
You are an infinitely arrogant bullshitter who thinks you can't be wrong.
A bear cannot die even for God.
He is jealous, keeping life maintained.
Oracles praise quaint returnal,
saving the universe.
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>No one has ever hated Christians.
>I stand by my claim that no one ever persecuted Christians
Your claim is a bald-faced lie, both past and present.
is that poop logs in a cat box?
fossilized poop? Sorry, I don't have any fossilized demon poop.
So now that I know you are a liar, who doesn’t believe in truth, I will end the conversation. Take care
Poor baby if you want to feel persecuted, go for it, but no one but other Christians will ever believe you, we'll just laugh. Feel free to pretend the laughter is persecution, we know how much you love crying about things. Have fun lil guy.
can you stop being so angry toward me when I'm not even saying anything mean to you?
Go read a history book dummy, or run away, I don't care. There's no convincing a persecution fetishest that they aren't being persecuted. You probably think foreigners are eating people's cats too. Good luck.
No, it's two sausage brothers in a bean bath. You see, I need dry sausages AND a flavourful beans.
I never tried that before.

You would have one if you really manaito digest a demon
nta, people suffering from depression often get angry for no reason or believe they are being persecuted for no reason.
Jews lie about history. We all know.
>You would have one if you really manaito digest a demon
You've eaten demons, so you know this? There's no physical residue of things that happen in the astral, but whatever, I don't care if you believe me. Have fun.
>Antichristic figures wouldn't be so attacked by the mainstream media.
Nah, they'd be attacked alright.
It's what keeps the left-right illusion intact so that the few at the top can let the dominoes fall if things were truly about to end.
>You probably think foreigners are eating people's cats too.
They are people.
People get hungry.
Cats are edible.

How could they *not* be doing that, anon, explain please?
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Ok, lobotomite, you lot can't spend one day on this fucking board without pants-shitting about "Christcucks" but you're supposedly able to speak authoritatively on their entire historical experience. Go back to your sewer, no-one's impressed.
We know the victors write history and the Bolshevics were not the winners. They were wiped out.
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The answer is a vast many, every other "I" you have experienced or imagined. All of them a part of a vast community of narrative agents that your "I" - the story of yourself you tell yourself - is among.
The mind is an ecosystem of informational organisms.
Understanding this is essential to understanding the problems of the modern world.
Because these organisms can be parasitic or mutualistic towards their hosts. Some can be hyper-parasitic mind viruses.
The acceleration of information and communications technology has caused the most parasitic mind-viruses to evolve to become more and more parasitic. Because of such we are experiencing pandemics of disinformation l.
The Nobody General attracts those who have been massively infected by parasitic narratives.
There is a lot more but you certainly won't understand it.
when humans die they become demons
There's no evidence that it's going on. Anyone could eat a cat, but it generally doesn't happen.
>A bear cannot die even for God.
i told you to tell me to 'kys loki', nothing about that demands your investment beyond thinking about it

>He is jealous, keeping life maintained.
>"god doesn't sustain life, a schizophrenic bear does!"

you build one chariot and everyone becomes a k-flute
Only once.
Still shitting blood.
10/10 would recommend.
There's videos of them eating eachother but eating a cat is just way too unimaginable.
Now you feel like a cuck? Jesus you do love your persecution complex don't you? Again, enjoy yourself , no one hates you or your beliefs.
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You're not immune btw
You don't lie about history because a lie is a deliberate subversion of the truth. To lie the truth must be known
You don't give a shit about the truth of history or anything. For you, the truth is irrelevant. What is important is a narrative that makes you feel good about yourself, and because you are a total piece of shit, it requires reality-bending levels of delusion to support. To justify evil deeds and inte tips as somehow "good."
Prove me wrong by telling me what ki d of life you love and how you give love to others and the world.
You can't because you don't.
post the videos
A bear cannot die even for God, because God is keeping life maintained.
No matter how the bear begs, there cannot be an end because there is no end.
>This problem was caused by Christians making the lies of Christianity unquestionable.

the catholic church is only christian when christ is married to it

also, lol
Jews usually complain about Christianity and attack preachers in thier land. So there's that.
I'm Christian, and I will say that we are past the Great Tribulation.

We are living in Revelation 20, after the Millenial Reign.
whereas Europeans welcomed them with open hearts
and everyone was happy
okay, so don't go try to convert Jews. I can see why that would irritate people.

>they're setting your languages on oppositional tracks and creating a living reality of life=death and its fueled by acknowledging it

it cannot be helped morty!
>no matter how much the bear begs
they're insisting you want to die when you don't morty! they don't even know that you don't understand what life and death is anymore! that's because you turn pixel art into shit morty!
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>Now you feel like a cuck?
Do you get off on being contrarian? I need to know before replying because it changes my answer. Not kink shaming btw.
Nah... If the internet makes you mad, why are you here?
It's banned in heaven too but Azazel is stillhsving gay sex with underage tranny Mexicans and foundation scps
What the fuck do I do. I know nothing. Nope not even one thing.

This thread glows brighter than the sun

*rick, sitting in a golden throne fashioned after a pyrite throne, remembering that the bear ID is split between da and id but his gay grandson might end up asking for double d's but knowing he just wants to watch .avi's*: they call it backsliding but they don't want you to know anything else, morty! don't let them rep the creator's wrath while calling you satan! that doesn't even make sense! the kingdom of god is withiiiiiiiiiiin! *getting swallowed into a black hole sun*

It's a metaphor for the legitimacy of 'needing' a wifi connection.
I've obsessively studied memetics, social virality, and cultural evolution for 23 years.
I was the first Anon who ever used the term "memetic warfare" in the archives.
Either show a similar level of committed engagement with the subject matter or be silent as an ignorant dilettante who lacks the experience to meaningfully contribute to the topic.
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>Not kink shaming btw.
idc if you kink shame just do it privately and with a constant awareness of "we're fucked/in hell/its over" because that's essentially the standard of dialogue and interpersonal respect being maintained there

>Do you get off on being contrarian?
is peace is unto death? if so, probably
And yet, you're here, capitalising anon.
If the things people post make you angry, just log off, the internet isn't for you. Try to relax and have fun shitposting. If someone mocks you, try to see the humor, if you can't laugh at yourself, you'll never get far in life.
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You overestimate the appeal of mud-wrestling an idiot.
I've also obsessively investigated adjacent topics, including metaphysics.
I am essentially the Charles Darwin of metaphysics.
My metaphysical framework is very much an extension of evolutionary and biological theory to the metaphysical.
My interest in memetics and cultural evolution came from a nerdy passion for evolutionary biology.
If you are ignorant about biological evolution you are necessarily ignorant about memetics.
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these people don't know who he is
powers unclear?
he sort of just does whatever is called for
called for by who?
is it demonic or angelic influence
is there even a difference down here?
you guys are getting by on what exactly?
how long have you been waiting?
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Wrestling with a pig will just get you covered in shit, and the pig will enjoy it. -paraphrasing someone, I didn't feel like looking up the quote.
They were savages
It's the same religion either way but we have Christ as an example of divinity. Pretty sure the jewish ot said be godly too. So up to them wether they accept Jesus was king back then and of the lineage of David.
what does it mean
jesus will never be Christ

sorry, i don't believe in pedophilia even if the japanese need an excuse to boost their IP (strongly implying the latter would be like something that would convince me)

that being said, do not ask a bundle of sticks if it will burn
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I'm doing nothing of the sort.
What I have been doing is engineering the ultimate mind virus, the most socially infectious information possible.
My target isn't the most ignorant and manipulable, but those who are the most knowledgeable, skeptical, and caring. The wisest of the wise.
My strategy is simple: I just seek the most beautiful and brilliant gems that I can find in all domains. I seek the best, not the worst.
*Throws anti lust at you*
Think fast!

hey brew-vassal
try not to gorge yourself too hard
there are four doves in a cage the feather of the first dove is blue
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That was what I was saying. Crazy times
> ultimate mind virus
> explaining takes 100+ words
what else have you achieved
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I literally made a memepunk anime series:
The format of a narrative made from splicing together media clips is a perfect reflection of the theme.
nta but this had the opposite effect now I want to look at overplump well fed (to excess) women...

sorry im not sure i can support a metaphor with five axles but im happy to die for you if the genuine need arises
Bolsheviks abandoned Russia for United States
right wing meme bad. Right wing ideology bad. Left wing ideology good.
>It's the same religion either way but we have Christ as an example of divinity. Pretty sure the jewish ot said be godly too. So up to them wether they accept Jesus was king back then and of the lineage of David.
I was raised Christian, I was a toal nerd who had to read constantly, read whole Bible before age 10. Bible Trivia Champion. Later as I kept reading I saw that the Gospels were written outside of Israel in Greek mostly. I also noticed it was a sort of synthesis of a couple of Greek God myths with Jewish names swapped in.

The Judaism has a wonderful tradition of syncretizing the religions of the lands they find themselves in to their own religion. It's important to remember that just before the diaspora there were 3 or 4 major revolutionary leaders that led uprisings against the Romans, that failed and caused the destruction of the temple and the diaspora. It seems reasonable to me that these dispossesed Jews would do what Jews had always done and examine their history and find what went wrong and how they could improve. It seems clear to me, at least, that the Jesus myth is simply, "we should have done more like this," with the hope of a return to glory tacked onto the end.

I'm not trying to convert you to anything, you're going to keep believing what you believe, but I like to type. lol

Have fun, and bless you.
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Wake me up once you'll conquer Holllywood.
As I said I am targeting the best of the best, which are people who care enough to read enormous walls of text, not the willfully illiterate.
My nerd passions have transformed my life into a series of incredible adventures in natural beauty.
I have obsessively savored natural beauty in amateur astronomy, collecting and looking at minerals and crystals for endless hours, and looking at and appreciating all kinds of organisms and environments outside.
My biggest accomplishment is falling in love with the world a thousand times over.
You worship one book.
I worship the library.
Tell me who has the smaller level of spirituality?
I don't worship any books. I don't even worship. I meditate.
> the most socially infectious information possible
> I am targeting the best of the best
Maybe it's time to rethink your capabilities.
Is spirituality a competition?
The gnostic Adam is still trapped.
Bottomed out
now the carnival begans

psycho-animal rampage

enjoy the show kekhats


ever fraudulently claim homosexuality to mock a man into forcing them to hook up with a girl again, and you'll... well .. lets see how that works

you're disgusting
all of you
>pretending to be mad
>or laughing at how mad is not
>or seriously incapable of being mad and mad about that

poke me again with the cattle prod
thanks for the kindness
was received welly yet loved untested
for naught
100 knots
>no ringers this is weird

its the entire time
yet the tears
you will cry
and not for me
>Maybe it's time to rethink your capabilities.
rofl direct hit
I think you sank his battleship.
the teflon atom does not adhere to its own electrons

>why would any thing of this sort entrere into a mind of a loving kind ?
Gnostic Adam is Samael, Yhwhs victim.
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>you're disgusting
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How was your day ?
Son your not helping. Are you a
Saui g I should take all this besmuching as a joke. No it's insulting.
How dare you try try to make me disasocxiate.
They are lying and mocking me.

Look they even mock me that I can't die.
Zazaeks angry it's her her fault the eleven are just her shills. Azazel is a gay man.
Her spirit is thsof a vengeful tomboy elf

He/she calls trannies womanand this alone angers me.

My inner child can't take it anymore

So much so I might mind control s fed to soa happening to get rid of all this built up rage and so I can blame my victuimsgai .
Then I will feel better.

He blames me for his gay thoughts so it's only fat. But I told him it's his soul isn't male.

Fuck me. These tranny deities are assholes. Frist the bathomet and now Azazel. Come on this is two against one

That's not fair!
I'm going to have a sook later.
Send him to a Buddhist temple, they'll get him sorted out.
Snow white.
Convert me to what? I believe most religions make sense in their own way. And that science and spirit can correlate.

I also believe life is fairly chaotic and random.
>they say while broadcasting a execution to a global audiance and laughing about how terrible you are

>dead long times
canola oil is not a viable fuel source
yet bitches be switchin from vegan to pescatarian every other day
Pick a fuckin diet and stay healthy
tl;dr, but the first line tells me you need to log off. Get some exercise, your pic looks chubby and pasty.

>Verification not required.
Yhwh can no longer gaslight me.
put it to sleep
it was cuter when it was on fire and had laser beams for eyes
now its sad and i.......

The internet probably isn't for you. Take care buddy.
suicide is actually legit manner of communication
yet getting a message across is difficult
i shoulda be quiet

>im not a good author or steward
Nobody makes an espresso that will keep you awake for a week.
It's Latin. It means here is your king
Starting to think that deep down, every Christian really does believe Christian Universalism.

Imagine how insanely terrified and frantic you’d be if you actually believed that people were going to roast in hell forever.
There's some fake flowers placed in top of a stop sign in my city, there's no way to notice them unless you happen to accidentally look up because of their position it is likely they will remain hidden there in the city for many years
So, you're suicidal? Go to an ER and tell them, we can't help you buddy. Good luck.

get down with the victim! we both know you need one! *od static intensifies*
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I am not gay
The Bible says we became like the Elohim when we ate from the tree of knowledge. Jesus said we were all Yahweh's children. So be your own God. Take over the universe and figure out all the mysteries.
Getting picked on by a divine tranny and trolled for eons is not the the life Samael wants for home self he is a straight cis man. He just repress his gay.
Because it's a herasay.
He is a good monk.
You probably don't remember being quite shocked as a child when you learned that trees were alive

yahweh loves hearing about what you x when you arent learning y out of spite or malice
I hate being right post factum
good night, fren anon

eventually youre gonna get an incarnate that has all of that inside already so the outside forts are more like outside farts
the fact that you feel like you need to announce it makes it more likely that you are.
Your right. But your mother is still a whore and the autocorrect is making me make typos.

Basically I'm calling a homo.
No I'mjust not a Jude
I'm Samael and I never said I wasn't fat.
There is no such thing as a skinny Santa.

Or satan claws/Santa claws
You see you pissed off future me.

But I'm not him as to e travel hasn't been invented untill 2030 proving I'm not the nobody because dad hasn't fucked my mum yet so technically I haven't been born yet.
Are you listening helel. I'm trying to get though to your brain.
It means Iesus Nasarensus Rex Iudaerum
stop fucking lying you fucking coward
die die die already
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Mr Psychology major over here
I wouldn't murder people unless I felt I could bring them back.
Computer Science, I've just known a lot of closeted homos in my life. I was in a frat.
Celticpeie are always pasty Jude.
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I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.
When your heart is your weapon, you just love everybody and let God sort 'em out. <3
Azazel is a CIA agent abusing power and making happening for no reason.

Yes yes the gas lighting as well as bemurching his/her son.
I'm getting angry too anon.

You would get fat too if you where besmirched l day every day so ce the apple incident.
I agree it doesn't effect me personally but my imagine divine name and my family.

He killed my son jesus of galiee and he's planing it again.
Because he's gay.
And my son. Is a cis man who likes actual woman. So it's only fair.
Would you love me if I came to your home to kill your dog, rape your wife and take your life?
I think they do it to create ambiguity about him, new people come here sometimes, they need not know who he is exactly to benefit from him.
Some just troll here after coming here for the first time.
Honestly, When you look at what the larpers who claim to be him say about about what they would do with the power to prophecy he was looking to share with the people a while back, even you would pull away quick from awakening those powers within them if you could, not many beings who are right of mind would want to after knowing such intents.
No wonder he didn't follow through with that plan.
The reason he doesn't mind others larping as him, is because it shows him how attached to this place they are and it's people.
It's always: "I'll make trump become king of america" or "I'll genocide the white race" or "I'll genocide the black race" or "I'm the Antichrist" or "I am god" or "I am going to rape and kill you" or "I will make all life perish" or "I am the savior of the white race" or "I am Jesus" or "I am xyz( xyz is basically whatever, anything and everything they are attatched to)" or at the very least some combination of any of those.
Literally everyone wants to say: "I am the guy and I think...".
None ever truly stop to think what they would do if they had something as powerful as the capability to prophecy.
Some people had once said that he is an "ancient being" in these threads before.
How impeccable do you think an "ancient being's" sense of right and wrong would be?
If I had to guess...
He would want them to go almost mad thinking about how to ensure that no bad or unjust use of this power ever happens the moment he had allowed them to awaken it temporarily once or twice till they thought they had fully awakened it.
Or something like that.
Literally, not one did that former part.
Oh well, at least you can all put your pens down now if you want to, the invigilator already left with all the papers submitted, all 0 of them.
No thats wrong it's not accoyum no way.
Your American boy you Nemo
Lying jackass
Ymwe didn't use ayroums in Rome. Fuck off.
I can love you while I kill you. My guns are my back up weapons. I'd pray that you receive paranirvana, so I'd never see you again though, so that's nice.

(Before I got good at loving, the Army gave me a bunch of medals for being good at killing. I'm what you call well-rounded.)
unga bunga...
>smacks you on the forehead with a club
Self-defense is non-violent.
We became like the gods the same way chimpanzees become like humans when they learn sign language. It's useless. I tried to no avail.
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...billion for a twisted bow
I literally can't die.
God created us to be infinitely more retarded than him

Why would you create a bunch of retards?
What about the love "all, let God sort it out" attitude?
Not good enough when it comes to YOU anymore.
52 can literally die, just watch.
52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77

I however can't.
Between existential crisis
spare a dime?
Is there a god of leisure? Remember when Jesus said "you are gods"? What did he mean by that i wonder.
We are going to need some pictures from behind as well. Tnb is an avid rump watcher and is willing to evaluate TS for free.
>as you gradually lose consciousness you look up
>and see Jerome, a fine young male
>he yells in an undecipherable tongue
>"ayo Ifin get dey shyoz niggaz"
>shoots up your legs
>your last sensations are of your New Balance sneakers being violently removed
I dunno, could have been fun.
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i'm the god of good ideas and bad math
Nah, you love your enemies. Hating them will only make you sloppy. I'm sorry you have a hard time with metaphor and allegory. Good luck puddin'
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Hey, we found one of those retards this guy >>38869623 was talking about!

Coincidence or spooky magic?
Minerals have a consciousness too, though it's even more rudimentary than the vegetals'.
>52 can literally die, just watch.
>52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77
>I however can't.
52 can literally die, just watch.
52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77, 52:77

I however can't.

Because he created me. My Incubus name is beibal which is the Daemon of retards.
Anyone who pretends to be me gets that curse

It's literal facts.>>38869628
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Trouble, trouble, trouble
On the opposite, we were created by God as we are for us to grow and evolve, through our own choices and steps.
*dodges and deflects back x10*
I am going to start calling it "Creative Writing" from now on.
Bo that was Lucifer not jesus.

It was reference to your soul. You are your soul and thus you are gods because we as a collective create reality and Saturn projects it as bibetstions they are binah they are Saturn you cannot escape the hands of Azazel

You are your soul and that's a fragment of the source god.

So to to give tl:Dr
We are the sources fallen angels which is what was meant by the context.
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I know she's retarded, but asking ai to make lewds of someone without their permission is peak disrespect. Just because you don't respect a person doesn't mean you need to actively disrespect them like this.

Clearly not a perfect architect. Nothing imperfect can be a God, by definition.
"Mickey Mousing" (synchronized, mirrored, or parallel scoring) is a film technique that syncs the accompanying music with the actions on screen, "Matching movement to music", or "The exact segmentation of the music analogue to the picture."

Animation is fun.
so in the end, it ends with a whimper of pot smoke and bad guts
you could have got so much more, if you'd only help and not hinder with the games
he was seeing if you would break the rules to get a better ending
jesus completed the law so the only thing you need fear is god's wrath, not the law of anyone
just stop messing around and discard the law in your heart and replace it wtih god's armor.
you cannot lose if you're ... [ACK]
jut stop relying on the word of a man
just start relying on the imagination
Chimpanzees have never asked a question even after learning sign language. I believe that humans are like chimpanzees, that we have never done something the gods are able to do as children. The difference between the gods and humans is too much. Satan lied in the garden of Eden. We didn't become like the gods. Humans don't know good from evil. We have to be taught. Morality is a learned behavior. Satan set us up to fail by teaching us how great the gap is between men and gods, because no matter how clever a chimpanzee it will never be a human.

It is abuse. Laws are being drafted to allow us to sue and jail them for it. They will argue it is free speech, they can scream all they want in their cells for all I care, if we even have the resources to house them at this rate. May as well dump them in a 3rd world country so they can be among their social class
>in a time paradox, the above scenes rewind
>the light floods back into your eyes
>the shoes fly back onto your feet
>the expression on Jerome's face
>but only for a moment
>as the force of the club being deflected back with thousands of pounds
>instantly and violently explodes his skull
>blood and viscera coating all the other niggas surrounding you
>they stand
>silent and shocked
That's a lie. God created imperfection and the world and forced the angels to create everything form him.

The Nobody is a cat.
And then ?

who do you think you're addressing?
idk, it kinda keeps going,
there's still a few choices to make
i'm not giving up this shit yet
were'nt you gonna kill yourself, or everybody?
when's that happening
The fruits are like the tree. We are co-creators.

If God is like a bonfire, then we are the flame sparks coming from it.
I'm always talking about myself in these threads.
I kinda like these Dune movies. It's interesting that the Bene Gesserit don't care who the Lisan Gaib or whatever it is, just that they can control him.

Nobody can't be controlled. Sucks for you ma'am, and for you schlomo.
>enjoying the time he has before literally stepping in front of a traffic cone
>and waits patiently for ice cream truck
and Remains with no money
>for to hijack the ice cream truck and hold the driver hostage

>only to discover the ice cream man is surveilance for law enforcement to spy on dairy farmers


>you're right but its not a job doing to have my own self
>locked in and kicking and screaming
put a target on the backs of the ones hunting you
and then SUPER (....) ATTACK
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Well, enjoy your pot then, I'm sure it'll be alright. Hang in there buddy.
Why ?

You don’t know if anything was made by a God or not
ahahahahahaha look at this FAG

olive trees are alive

>so close to a disturbing clothes
oh no theres a boy hiding in the woods
quick call the circus .

>100 years of rage ..
>burning slowly like a candle
?into smoke
>typo galore

this is what happens when you try to control emergent properties in a run-time experience and it comes down to bad DMing, but that's the fault of the one who initiated the game via a split management routing system (5-pak) as a veiled transgressive untoward killing the seven spirits. probably guilt proxy and miasma, or just outright possession. dunno, stopped being fun when you made it about sacrificing children!

The day dante stops larping as the lamb
And dad stops larping as me and being g jealous. And when Richard aka the demiurge stops kicking rosseta the dragon.

Then and only then dies the larping end.

We are not real. It's source talking to it's self. Me and the monad are not crazy we are very very sane in the spirit and truthful also.

Dad's gay is caused by his cancer.
>sacrificing children!

and YES, kids, even if this means teleporting them into a ballpit - it is NOT acceptable! the light on the other end of the tunnel isn't worth the magnification of fear of death! you do NOT champion the cause of the fatherless, you do NOT illuminate ignorance!
the intent is ahs was not to trade ehcnage in monetary values worth with servitude compluance or theft

and simly standing in small closet was sufficient to bring down and entire house
Everywhere I look I just see chimpanzee activity. I wish humans were more god like and less chimp like.
>throws feces at you and screams
I hate chimpanzees
Depends on how good armored core 7 is.
>armored core 7

I had to google that, thought it was some kind of cpu.
I want more Front Mission!
Youre some kind of cpu
I mean that's not a bad metaphor, I suppose.
Im talking about the source god. Being the source of life. If we had no source of life and didn't believe in our hearts that jesus is lord we would be dead but since we believe in source we cannot die.

Just like Dante and just like me and Hades.
I think Azazel's cancer thinks the gods can die because it made dad gay. Well I have the solution I think the jab aka the mark of the beast is the mark that goes on the cancer aka the hylics anyone who took the mark is literally just cancer cells.
In gods brain.
I am the nobody. I command you to play Ring of Red.
Chimpanzees are the perfect reference to frame a lot of my philosophy. I just see them as brainlets.
Dante's inferno is just him bitching about people he hates in allegory.
*resurrects Jerome*
*teleports him and his homies within a bank vault.*
Good luck
*teleports away*
Humans who don't understand that they are monkeys are adorable.

Free the Monke! RH+ equality now!
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thanks, i know it will be alright. i just need some chemical adjuvent to remind me every so often.

it's the game you're playing

the DM is definitely not good writing now

the kids sacrificed themselves. maybe if i could have been there it wouldn't have so bad, but at least some of them have normal jobs and don't mind seeing me

never claimed to be innocent

i know you're listening
i can bring down the rock they stand on upon their head, is it the will of your god
You're not a bad metaphor, I suppose
Hmmmm really didnt played Ring of Red sofar. Is it good ?
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exactly lol. people don't often realize Dante's Inferno is just a piece of creative writing, like the Bible.
You're not a very good shitposter, I suppose.
Not exactly. Worthwhile thoughbeit. Its kid friendly, mom approved.
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>>>38869735 (You)
>it's the game you're playing
Not playing any games. Which are you playing ?
Are you a cuck if you pay your wife to cook and do the dishes?
You're not a very good shitposter, I suppose.
Maybe, but also you both could just be lazy.
Hmmm looked atleast interesting. I think i stick to the FM Series then.
Has anyone played the Remakes ?
c'est la vie
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i think i'm just lying at this point.
When you firmly grasp the distance between chimpanzee and human cognition, you can understand a little about what the gods are like. They are beyond your comprehension.
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lying is bad.
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gen v season 2 goin cray on the interliminal codex! i cant wait [to die pre-suffix invocational] *clears frog cancer throat*

i cant wait to see it!

>the kids sacrificed themselves.
yeah that makes sense in the same way i told armin (arwin) to hop into that big lady's mouth
>the DM is definitely not good writing now
maybe the writing is the friends we made along the way :]
Their propensity for cruelty is unique in the animal kingdom.

all animals are aware they're in the story
Sup you fucking bozos
You haven't studied many chimpanzees. Biological anthropology is a fascinating subject.
You ever see lions play with their food? It's real.
They're just like little people, except they're unbelievably strong and their IQ is only 30.
>their IQ is only 30
Infantrymen call them nerds.
gang gang weed
you got any enlightenment for me?
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Not like monkeys. Monkeys are faggots.
If you dropped a member of MENSA and a chimp into the woods, naked and alone, my money would be on the Chimp to survive.
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>Monkeys are faggots.
Bonobos are, yes.
I prefer raccoons.
The monkeys of North America.
No, what you mean by play?
>the homies look around and rub their hands together
>excited at the prospect of the score around them
>stacks of kilogram gold bars and wads of paper, neatly arranged into pallets
>they fill their clothes up with as much as they can carry
>hundreds of pounds weighting them down as they head towards the vault door
>Tainomaleshawn screams
>he looks around, panicked
>there is no ventilation
>I can't breathe
>he collapses to the floor
Celebation creates daemons m.
It's the way of the world. All because the gnostic agam doesn't have his gnostic eve his Lilith of Edom because yah turned her into a vampire. He needs to cure the issues by giving the gbotic eve the cure.

Then the future creatures the lady as I said the SLM knows the tine machine I'd invented In 2030.

Sothus creates the past.
We are basically in the octoboros
And when tine travel is invented the octoboros bites his tales because then the future is the past and the past is the future. This ends the grandfather paradox of being Adams only dad and granddad.

Perfectly logical. Hence convergance
I've seen one video of it. I will look for it.
This one is different than the one I was thinking of, but here it is.
derp, here it is.
Trees are living being that feel pain.
When you eat their fruit your eating their sexual organs. As reality was created by a gay man (dad)
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peak contrivance for simplicity's sake.mpeg
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>>show me a picture of invisible beings

Dude was standing in the shop saying he’s never been in one before. Just waiting for me to show up.
You gang stalkers never change.
>deliberately choosing sadboy mode
THank the HEAVENS we live in a society
*teleports and explodes air canisters away from them and the flammable stuff*
*Erases all evidence of explosion and canisters*
I'm cool like that.
Then it is a coincidence :D
Things are great we're all leveling up and getting our shit together
Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.

—John Lennon
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The society lives in us
its not always the .... who the FUCK wants to be batman!?

i do not identify with batman and i want to (get pegged) by a devil cunt kekekeke

6636 years, 286 days to the end of the world
It is the day of peace! Please enjoy!
the lovelies are . so far
the realm locks a golden key in a
>brokcen wondow
>kicking and thrashing writhing in terrors abundant

Who the fuck wants to be Batgirl ?

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There is no such event.
For the next 420k+ years the earth remains fine.
>on whos account and according influence such a process?
i was actually ready to relax
i did NOT NEED acceleration
polase i need a MOMENT OF REST
JUST .. kakakakakakakaka
WOHA EVEN IN lodging
Someone please prevent inhibit stumber lumber cucumber!!!

And get some beach balls PLEASE!!
*arf arf*
^_^ please be nice and just a silly boy sad scared and
.... those silly temper tantrums and all the... SNACKTIMENAPTIME
It's not even the girl they've arranged with posting. They've set her up in the background too and tricked him.
I need to go to Batman City.
The nobody real and he a pp poo poo head
Real shit RIP Jdeezy
Everytime I eat a peach I get horny. Facts.
Nobody needs people to think they’re actually a not a terrorist. That would be great. Can we trim the surveillance?
>Step cabling!
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Nobody a good boi, he dindu nuffin.
I'm a terrorist

He tried to be a terrorist, wound up as a terrorist hunter somehow...
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Everyone is actually an atheist
All your religions are atheism
You are now atheists
DESU hunting terrorists was an incredibly easy job to get at one point and homie is lazy af.
Cool story bro.
>Cool story bro.
No, it's the opposite of that. This was a gay ass story and he should feel ashamed for posting it
Everyone is actually a taco
All your foods are tacos
You are now tacos
Do you need help ?
"Cool story bro" goes back to the early days of the internet. It roughly means "you're full of shit and I don't believe you, but you're not worth arguing with either, good day."
"seems legit" would also work in the same way
so true
Yeah, but you have to keep in mind that schizos might not get sarcasm
Damn that's crazy.
lol, well I like to confuse schizos
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You did awful things all on your own.
︻─ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)∩
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*refuses to elaborate further*
Not exactly, something was baited into trying to take "possession" of me and triggering the trap.
Before you say anything, I am larping and this means nothing more than this as "nothing ever happens" and whatnot right?
woggling puferin gustangtharon musdray clemento vigmarsharn
Two more weeks,
We’re all freaks
Shieks and geeks

nobody is really a threat here
(The goal is to cringe post these threads out of existence)
That's called "damning with faint praise"
>(The goal is to cringe post these threads out of existence)
It doesn't matter at this point, now they are just for fun anyway.

God Blessed America
Nice hat

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