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Ophiuchus… why has my true astrological sign been hidden from me? What are your experiences with people in my sign? Apparently we are the healer sign or something GAY
don’t care, didn’t ask, plus you’re an ophiuchus
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You are hilarious
>why has my true astrological sign been hidden from me?

Jews probably

>What are your experiences with people in my sign?

They are intuitive and can spot the cancer in someone pretty quickly. Their job is to administer venom from the serpent, which will either kill or cure the person involved
chet hanks is so hot omg
He is the King desu.

I’ve never heard of this sign until today
Its not even real they stopped using it because its not large enough of a constellation to use accurately
Wtf im a Scorpio now?
>demoted from scorpio chad to librashit
Hold up so im actually Ophiuchus. What does this mean exactly
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What? Is the Capricorncob sign delisted now?
Ride the dragon, follow the rabbit
There is no 13th sign, that whole idea is bullshit. Here's what happened:
>constellation of Scorpius, where Libra is now
>Romans split Libra off, and truncate Scorpio into the segment that used to just be the tail.
>replace the Serpent-bearer sign with the new Scorpio, to give Libra a spot
Libra objectively doesn't make sense in the Zodiac, because it's a machine, not a living creature.
The principal stars of Libra are Zuben al-genubi and Zuben al-schamali, which mean "the left/right claw of the scorpion".
The symbolism of a serpent fits way better as a water sign, and the serpent fulfills all the same archetypes as present-day Scorpio: the defensive, venomous strike, the lurking, the shedding of skin, mystical and magical elements, etc. The scorpion is a desert creature, so it is weird that it would be associated with water, and more sensible to link it to the air element.
TL;DR don't believe the Ophiucus shite, the zodiac hasn't changed, and the meaning of your birth chart is the same as it ever was.
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What about the Rhinotaurus astrology sign?
The mallardodious Quackcarius sign.
The monkilicous RhesusPisces sign.
The ever friendly BuenosAries sign.
The GeminiCooper fast driving sign.
The seductive Romancancer sign?
The perpetually sexually aroused Virgengorged sign?
Or the pendulous StraplessLibracups.
The ambitious Scorporealestate types?
The Sagitittyarussets with their braless potato centered existence?
So that means I'm still a dull sag? That can't be, I'm more than this...
I’m still just a lonely virgo
awwwww hell yea how do i be a monkey fish:?
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>awwwww hell yea how do i be a monkey fish:?

Just insist upon it.
Astrology Signs... They're not laws enforced by the government. Make your own. With AI ART tools, it's easy.

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And another RhesusPisces sign
watch your mouth I'm a Libra
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Another RhesusPisces gen.

Remember folks... THERE ARE NO "ASTROLOGY POLICE". You are free to invent, alter, mock, or dismiss all Astrology as you please.

It's a free-for-all.
Create as many new Astrology Signs as you wish.
It’s only your “true” sign if you believe celestial objects are “beaming” influence to earth, which is a silly way to think about it.
Plus it would invalidate the current interpretations of the signs. You couldn’t just shift the dates around and then say “actually this personality is more like 20 days prior now and in a shorter window”
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Ophiuchus is not real and doesn't even make any sense. It completely contradicts the reasoning behind the original 12 zodiacs in the first place - the placement of the signs is not based on astronomy or positions in the night sky, especially because those positions move with time.

You're definitely a Sagittarius and a very flamboyant one at that. Must have some Leo placements somewhere to want to be so special.

The only special signs are the fixed signs - they are unmoving in their principles and motivations no matter how much the slavers change the rules of the game and fuck with our memories. Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and for many reasons Scorpio especially are what one could call the "master zodiacs". To be a master zodiac you must have your sun, moon, and rising or Mercury in the fixed signs. I'm Aquarius Sun, Leo moon, Leo rising and Taurus Mercury.

In fact, if I had to wager why this Ophiuchus crap even exists it's both to appeal to egotistical to undermine Scorpios and their importance. So much shit that is actually the responsibility of Scorpio was shoved into Ophiuchus by pop astrologers, whilst an insidious and intricate campaign of polemics and anti-Scorpio propaganda has been proliferating for decades now. Haven't you ever wondered why they're so hated? The role of the Scorpio is a powerfully unique one and the slavers know of the dangers of the Scorpio. That's also why they took the COVID jab far less than anyone else.

Trust me when I say the mere existence of Ophiuchus as a false sign is only to undermine Scorpio and their importance. Water is the most critical facet of life itself, and Scorpio represents the beginning and end - death and resurrection.
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You're mostly right. Scorpio is the true serpent-bearer for the exact reasons you stated - but they are also the scorpion of death. They bring life as a serpent of the waters and death as the scorpions who crawled out of the water so long ago. You also forget that scorpions crawled out of the ocean so incredibly long ago that they're older than trees - even their breathing organs still mimick gills, and they can survive underwater for up to two days and even hunt in the water when they're up for it.

They are water - both deadly and nurturing. The scorpion and the water serpent. It's no coincidence scorpions have always been associated with water - they came from it and humans have always known on an instinctual level.
Fuck off were full and don’t need and pansies
>Ophiuchus is one of the thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic.[65] It has sometimes been suggested as the "13th sign of the zodiac". However, this confuses zodiac or astrological signs with constellations.[66] The signs of the zodiac are a twelve-fold division of the ecliptic, so that each sign spans 30° of celestial longitude, approximately the distance the Sun travels in a month, and (in the Western tradition) are aligned with the seasons so that the March equinox always falls on the boundary between Pisces and Aries.[67][68] Constellations, on the other hand, are unequal in size and are based on the positions of the stars. The constellations of the zodiac have only a loose association with the signs of the zodiac, and do not in general coincide with them.[69] In Western astrology the constellation of Aquarius, for example, largely corresponds to the sign of Pisces. Similarly, the constellation of Ophiuchus occupies most (29 November – 18 December[70]) of the sign of Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December). The differences are due to the fact that the time of year that the Sun passes through a particular zodiac constellation's position has slowly changed (because of the precession of the Earth's rotational axis) over the centuries from when the Babylonians originally developed the Zodiac.[71][72]
Based understander
There are only 12 signs of the zodiac, you fool
3 + 4 + 7 = 12
>3 + 4 + 7 = 12
>You're definitely a Sagittarius and a very flamboyant one at that

(hint* he's calling you a faggot politely)
do not seek further, there's a reason the 13th tribe should be kept hidden.
delete this thread.
wow so in your chart i have a cancer instead of being a chad lion? OP you suck dick
Cope for retards born in December
>why has my true astrological sign been hidden from me?
in asking this you demonstrate only that you have no knowledge of ecliptic plane (its flat) of the zodiac

ophiuchus - hu chi op su - thug child lop sum / sub

My small hands don't work right. I don't think they are my real hands. Yup, that's my sign.
>Aquarius sun
>Taurus mercury
That's not possible. Mercury can only be a sign away from the sun.
Also mf you're obviously a Scorpio and the other reply on this post is you. So much for your poorly disguised inferiority complex.
wait a minute, this chart just made me realize I'm not an Aquarius. but I'm a capricorn. wtf
WTF?, I'm libracuck now, why even live?
that's because they added ophiuchus
Demoted from gemini chad to taurus yawnfest
>Sun passes through a particular zodiac constellation's position has slowly changed (because of the precession of the Earth's rotational axis) over the centuries from when the Babylonians originally developed the Zodiac
You're forgetting Astrology is merely pseudoscience, but a great magical art. If you look at the zodiac not from a macrocosmic perspective, but microcosmic one, it makes more sense. I seem to know a thing along the lines of star-channeling and star-stepping. Might just be me.
Butthurt fag if I say I'm a Leo I'm a Leo. I'm not a godforsaken crustacean I'm a lion, you can have Scorpio shit I don't want their responsibility it's not an enviable position to be in. Being a Scorpio is like being the guy that's gonna be martyred - it's really important and special but it also sucks fat dick and you don't get to enjoy any of the fruits of the labor.

That being said I'll be the first to admit I have an inferiority complex on account of my physical disabilities making me a cripple. But I'm always packing heat and I'll shoot you dead.

Also you're the faggots stealing scoprios already tiny spotlight and making some special faggy little sign up just to be main characters so shut the fuck up loser.
Libras are literally the biggest pansies in the zodiac other than pisces faggots
Ophiuchus is not a real zodiac sign and If you think that it is that just means you don't understand the core principles of astrology. Every sign gets it's meaning based on it's triplicity and quadriciplity which is based on the seasons. There are 12 zodiac signs now and forever because that's how they function.

The idea that the zodiac signs are based on the stars is a modern invention that no medieval or ancient astrologer would agree with. It's literally just modern people being retarded and fucking up the discipline with their misunderstandings. The constellations are *labels*. They are man-made constructs (I mean seriously, does the constellation of Capricorn look like a half-fish half-goat, or does it look like a bunch of stars?) and they were invented to remind people of 1) where the signs are and 2) the general character of the sign.

What makes a zodiac sign what it is is this: first you have the solstices and equinoxes (the cardinal signs), you assign an element to each one based on the element's affinity with the corresponding cardinal direction, then the next sign is fixed because the sun's path between cardinal points is stable, then the next sign is mutable based on it being the end of the season and the change of the sun's path. The elements go in order from Fire (East), Earth (South), Air (West), and Water (North). Then boom ,you have the entire zodiac. Nothing is going to change this because it's based on sound metaphysical and philosophical principles.

It's funny that NASA would totally shit on astrology if you asked them if it were real, then at the same time they say we need to add another zodiac sign.
Guess I'm actually a Sagittarius and not Capricorn
I'm doing you a favor if anything. I don't include ophiuchus, your write up was just so pathetic I had to call it out. You can be proud of your sign you know, you don't need to pretend to be someone you're not, mister aqua sun taurus mercury.
>Being a scorpio is oh so tough! They're so important and special and tragic, woe is me- I mean them.
You do deserve respect for owning up to your inferiority complex, and your physical disabilities don't make you any less worthy. All the best.
Damn that's messed up. They said my rising was cancer, my moon is in pisces and my sun is scropio. Am I fucked gents?
I am actually not a scorpio though I literally admitted that I'm a crippled retard but I'm gonna die on the scorpio mountain that is not an enviable position to be in, it's not "tough" either - you're literally just a victim.

There is nothing "tough" about being a victim it's just that there has to be a scapegoat and that's scorpio. If I had any scorpio placements I probably would've been born mentally retarded too just for good measure but thankfully I'm just dumb, but not too dumb where you can only take tickets at the movie theater thankfully I can work an office gig
Well the placements you claim to have are impossible.

In truth no sign has supremacy over the other. Being closer to certain polarities necessitates being further away from their opposites, so everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Your sign scorpio is not that of an eternal victim but one of deep transformation. In conquering your inner world you gain mastery over the external one.

You deprecate yourself a great deal for your physical disabilities, were you bullied growing up because of them? It goes without saying but they don't reduce your worth as a person one bit no matter how much you might've been told otherwise. It's a tremendous task to uproot all the self-harming beliefs you've internalized, it takes time, and you have to be willing to be happy and secure in yourself, not only portraying that image but to truly believe that you are.

Someone who can be confident in the face of their physical impairments naturally commands admiration. There are good people out there who will accept you as you are without pitying you for your condition. Hold on to those, you have the right to be picky and discerning in who you choose to associate with.
You were always a libra
It corresponds with the latter part of scorpio
no he isn't. He's a pansy ass scorpio
you will never be a libra
Sidereal astrology is more accurate
Scorpios are backstabbers they would hate being fair and balanced like libra
They’re also not known as readers it just doesn’t make sense
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Can confirm.
it's actually not
you have to believe that constellations are beaming influence into the earth to believe that
seasons are actually happening and we can observe them. we can actually observe differences in prenatal physiology based on seasons
believing that Ophiuchus is sending beams into earth is not "more accurate"
We’re the least emotional. Libras should always be the judges of right and wrong
I don't care i find it more accurate when i looked at my chart
>t. dumb emotionally responsive nigger who trusts pop astrology
well maybe you shouldn't believe some dumb nigger who is repeating shit some bitch wrote in the 80's
Kek this.
>basically a Fire and Water sign, which correlates with the sign of Scorpio and it’s representation
>what is Gandanta point
And tropical niggers still dismiss Vedic astrology
I thought scorpions were good at lying, kek. What a twat. You saw how much of a faggot you’re coming off as so now you say you’re not a scorpion
Why exactly are scorpios like this? Isn’t libra supposed to be the sun sign related to self-esteem issues
13th house comes after 12th house..Aquarius is the 11th house. Pisces 12, Aries 1st.
Taylor Swift is a stupid bitch
What exactly about the OPs post makes it seem like he takes themselves too seriously you projecting faggot
Isn't Astrology based on David's demons which all have a room in the time cycles?
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You're probably just wrong though. Also if you're using Sidereal because muh constellations then you should be using uneven zodiac signs.
There's a lot more than 13 signs anons. They have been hiding it from you your entire life to prevent you from truly knowing your own nature.
But this chart is erroneous, because I am Aquarius (1 Feb) through and through, not some fucking herbivore.
It's clear to me how accurate sidereal is so i'm not wrong and yes i think it's because of the constellations which is the point of astrology pretty sure
Nope the zodiac is not based on the stars. See >>38876886 It's based on the equinoxes and solstices. The constellations are arbitrary they could have been anything. They are just labels to remind us of the position and characteristics of the signs. The constellations were in the position of the real zodiac ~2,000 years ago when they were decided on, but have since shifted due to procession of the equinox. I assure you astrology is far more reasonable and logical than "these stars look like a crab (even though they don't) and therefor people born here are crab-people".
More explanation on why the elements come from the cardinal signs and their associated directions: >>38857404
Because anyone who believes in that pop astrology shit is gay and so are you - or is that "projection" too lmao
>Isn’t libra supposed to be the sun sign related to self-esteem issues
no, not at all. That's the water and earth signs.

>tfw I'm still an aquarius
feels great!

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