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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
>think and grow rich
what else?
Anyone gotten taller using LoA? I'd love some details
The older or the more inches, the better
yeah I did before I learned LoA, I remember affirming in my late high school years I would get taller and believed I did. I ended up reaching my desired height
Not that i know of i mean i could claim it but no proof would mean nothing to you
>As I was being drawn in I remembered my loved one that would be left alone and was able to refuse the call.
Was this before you forgot everything or way after your time learning with Lilith? I do remember something about you saying you felt All Powerful when you were being attacked (if I remember correctly)

I recalled I was gonna ask you if I could manifest myself something related to an idea, like do you know how to come to terms when you want to create something but not sure how to implement it?

>As long as I have a tie to here I can stay anchored, but at some point that will no longer be the case.
Its almost the same for states, I have a similar thing with my desires that I noticed today. I mean look at people who're victims, they hold onto that state since they tie themselves to that particular event, really shows how powerful we can limit ourselves regardless of the reason (big and small)

>they sense I'm not supposed to be here and the I AM vibe I share with them,
Funny you mention that, last week I was having this feeling that your time is almost up soon. Even then this feels like a personalized story DLC for yourself to "play with"
There are some examples in the Library and all over Reddit.
>but maybe it was just what I wanted manifesting for me?
One pill I finally swallowed was these things that happened before is for sure manufactured by our own consciousness, unfortunately most of the time we're unconscious about it. An ending to a story y'know, I've gotten things I didn't know I wanted before I learned LoA

>You already know everything, when you relax and allow it to come to the surface it will
I thought of the fact that Neville may have had an easier time doing so since he knows how to relax and focus since he was a dancer before. I think you're right, I see that the more I struggle with feeling tense and a shit ton of mental chatter the less likely I set a desire. More annoying when I am attempting sats where I go "fucking slow down with the thoughts"

I noticed too since we all LoA all the time, I have a strong trait of being in a state of indecisiveness from my safety mechanism. It's actually hindering me with my 'white whale.' I have tried to change that but I might need to learn to chill, I felt conviction once more but I think I need to maintain that, plus I see even if I set my desire I remain double minded on it

Man, the guy was right...another thing is, do entities talk or appear the way you expect em to?

>I knew it already, I just wasn't aware.
did it take practice or was it just possible right away when you found out it works like that?

>Have fun, feel deeply, but in the end you will wake up and be like "That was a strange dream..."
You really think all this worry I have is all a nothingburger? What about in times where I feel scared shitless when shit hits the fan and I'm stressed where mentally im pushed further

I think theres just going to be some developments when I commit myself to change my mindset, I'm not used to being in my imagination where I end up paying more attention "irl" than whats in my head. I had something appear to me saying something about step by step
> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment
Can I replace climbing a ladder with having sex with a woman? Will masturbating while visualizing it increase or decrease my chances?
Yeah, I’d just imagine when you’re relaxed wherever that implies you fucked a woman. Be creative with your imaginal scene
my body morphs rapidly according to my state. i even straight up look like a chad sometimes.
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if you go look up NLP Submodalities you'll get the advanced version of psycho cybernetics. You visualize an image and change it's properties to change it's intensity or you change the image itself to make therapeutic change. NLP took cybernetics to a whole new level.

>think and grow rich
You can look up bob proctor born rich to get the same info spelled out easier. Some guy wrote a companion book to think and grow rich that's been memory holed. It's called "the Success system that never fails".

what exactly are you trying to do anon? if you tell us then other people can give you book recommendations.

hope that helps
Good luck anon
I've been reading some Napoleon Hill and I guess the thing I'm stuck on is definitiveness of purpose from outwitting the devil. I'm not really sure what I want to do. I'm stuck between whether I am supposed to go back to school and study law or do some kind of entrepreneurial pursuit.
>Will masturbating while visualizing it
anything is a ritual if you believe it is
>Was this before you forgot everything
Before. I hadn't even heard of LOA- I was working on some basic chaos magick at the time.

>I do remember something about you saying you felt All Powerful when you were being attacked
Yes. I wasn't before that, but since then I've been able to be in that state now and then, mostly in self-defense.

>I recalled I was gonna ask you if I could manifest myself something related to an idea
Yes, you can

>like do you know how to come to terms when you want to create something but not sure how to implement it?
LOA doesn't really require means or strategies, but I do use manifestation to find information and untangle blocks. You can absolutely manifest how to do things.

>I mean look at people who're victims, they hold onto that state since they tie themselves to that particular event, really shows how powerful we can limit ourselves
100%. What you focus on comes to own you if you aren't careful.

>Funny you mention that, last week I was having this feeling that your time is almost up soon
I've that feeling too a lot lately. I need to do 2 more things and I think that's it.

>Even then this feels like a personalized story DLC for yourself to "play with"
Funny, I think I'll focus on this and see what I can observe.
>restricted on telegram and can't message on the group
By the way... I haven't manifested anything yet but i 100% believe this im excited about this and this gave me a purpose in life which i didn't have i was aimless
The /LoA/ discord is more active than the telegram
NTA but if you're giving out book recommendations: my goal is to be incredibly attractive to women and have fulfilling sexual and romantic relationships. I've been able to achieve everything else I wanted so this is the only thing I care about right now. Are there any specific books to that, in LoA context?
>One pill I finally swallowed was these things that happened before is for sure manufactured by our own consciousness, unfortunately most of the time we're unconscious about it. An ending to a story y'know, I've gotten things I didn't know I wanted before I learned LoA
Wisdom :)

>I thought of the fact that Neville may have had an easier time doing so since he knows how to relax and focus since he was a dancer before
Neville struggled with some of the same things you did- he was very 3d addicted and was plagued by doubts. On the other hand, he knew how to make it fun for himself. You could tell the imagining was a joy for him, it was not "a working" it was an immersion.

>I see even if I set my desire I remain double minded on it
We all reach this point on manifestations we have trouble with (usually SPs or money or both). This is where the you have to come to know yourself and come to an internal agreement about what you actually want. "A house divided cannot stand."

This is usually not easy. The reasons you are at odds with yourself can be perfectly rational...but you have infinite power. There IS a perfect solution for everyone involved. You can find it and do it.

> do entities talk or appear the way you expect em to?
Sometimes they do for me, sometimes they don't. I've been doing that less since I went all in on LOA, but I suspect it's supposed to be a mix. Obviously our expectations shape how such interactions will happen, but they are also different facets of ourselves. Don't know much about that part of yourself? Prepare to be surprised.

>did it take practice or was it just possible right away when you found out it works like that?
I used the idea that anything was possible to do it. The results were immediate. I suspected something like that though since my promise experience. I don't remember much specifically of my second brush with ascension but I remember feeling connected to everything and being able to "feel" how everything worked.
>You really think all this worry I have is all a nothingburger?
Really, everything we worry about is silly once you realize what we really are. All the stuff we think is so critical is because we are caught up in how small we seem to be.

>What about in times where I feel scared shitless when shit hits the fan and I'm stressed where mentally im pushed further
Sit in the I AM state and bring that terror forward. Experience it fully. What do you think now?

>I think theres just going to be some developments when I commit myself to change my mindset
Yes :)

> I'm not used to being in my imagination where I end up paying more attention "irl" than whats in my head
"Be still, and know that I am GOD."

Your imagination is your safe space, your workshop, your laboratory, your library, your universe. Be comfortable there, it belongs to you, and since your imagination is reflected in reality, that belongs to you as well.

> I had something appear to me saying something about step by step
"When the ways of the Illithid were known, many of the People were gathered and taught in secret the means to shield their minds, and the way to harness their will as weapons. They were taught the scripture of steel, and most importantly, they were given the knowing of freedom.

These things were not learned quickly. The knowing of much of the ways was slow, and in all these things, time's weight fell upon all. From the knowing of one's reflection in a steel blade, to the knowing of submerging the will, to the knowing of seeing itself. All of these things and more the People built upon. In time, they came to know the whole."

oh yeah I see that situation happened that was part of the "plan" to get yourself aware of infinity. the "act 2" of your story

>You can absolutely manifest how to do things.
I think I have before but I forgot, otherwise I wouldve withheld asking but I do have this ambition of mine that I kinda have an idea what I want to create so to speak, however to create that idea I need like the "thing"

I guess its like intuition when you remember something you need to know or have an inspired action

>What you focus on comes to own you if you aren't careful.
I actually saw this in real time today, I was playing vidya and noticed how my focus plays into manifestation. If I put 100 percent attention to what im doing at hand and affirm whatever I want to achieve (without forcing it) becomes no problem. The noise that goes on in my head when I either recall something that bothers me or worry in the future I lose that mojo because of occupying two states. Breathwork is a very slow wip but I have more proof what happens when I let the chatter in my head get too lose or pay too much attention to a problem.

Wow I do hold onto my habit of talking myself outta things, its mainly because of said reasons with the noise, fear and uncertainty own my ass for sure. Regrets too and "wishing" for things to be different could count too but im behaving pre LoA me

Even Narrator says when the noise gets turned down, you just live freely essentially
>You could tell the imagining was a joy for him, it was not "a working" it was an immersion.
Actually just spent 10 mins reflecting onto my past, youre right in the sense this is a great opportunity. Imagination has always been serving all of us. However I see an anomaly that I had since I was a kid and feels like I brought my vehicle in to get it checked out

Besides how much he talked about imagination, I found my problem with imagination...
Before I continue with imagination (which I think this is the perfect time to discuss since this has always been a problem. I do want to use this awake and in sats more often) there seems to be a hidden safety mechanism in place that's way too strong for the sake of protection

As I was saying, every single person in this world does it on the same level as inner monologue, I know this for myself because I have the habit of imagining too manuy things rather than what matters at hand, I can create all sorts of scenes that end up putting me in stress. While in sats im not used to it which is the reason why I dislike doing it (though I should push myself to become accustomed to it) I do it very damn well awake

Now while my imagination can be a bit choppy most of the times I can still do it, however I want to bring up there is a problem when it comes to my imagination. It could be lack of trust, belief or commitment fuck it even possibly relaxtion from the outcome but I never seem to pull anything off with imagination like crazy. The times I tried (especially growing up) I ended up getting snubbed from what I wanted. I recall the countless times I would do what a LoAnon would do but end up feeling frustrated it didn't go the way I wanted, I think thats where the scarcity mindset began to develop with the fact I just turned my back away from imagination. That blue golf ball I mentioned? I tried but im neither disappointed or surprised because THERE is something missing the mix or else it would've manifested by now. I know there is something missing without any proof

I can read Neville's lessons on imagination all day but if I cant open the hood to my mind and fix it. My imagination won't work in the LoA manner. Ill admit, I don't immerse myself as I should, though it comes from skepticism. What drives me insane is I just know I'm either limiting myself due to some protection or "Marla" wants to make sure I can find my way to do it properly
>This is where the you have to come to know yourself and come to an internal agreement about what you actually want. "A house divided cannot stand."
Most of the times and I saw, the things we want

>i.e wanting a gf because you think that'll fix your problems when really theres more to it than loneliness or lack of relationships\

Stems from things in the past that are loose ends, I know how much I want to connect with the creator to the point it kinda gets reflected into my relationships at hand. My relationships with people I dated for instance reflect mine with the creator, all wobbly and lack of trust. Making it harder than it needs to be.

Youre right again, internal agreement needs to occur or else the deal will be in limbo, I think for some people like us deal with this issue due to the issues at hand. If I didn't have my doubts and all that, I would be in a much diff timeline than today

>Prepare to be surprised.
Ill see again when I reach out to the guy since I want to conversate more after twice he spoke to me. the guy sounds like how I would imagine after listening to this one song I listen to often. I fuck with it though

>The results were immediate
I wanna try the idea you used and see for myself, I believe you but why stop there when it'll be more awesome to have the same happen to me
i look like this, cute and hot teenage girls flow to me.
>All the stuff we think is so critical is because we are caught up in how small we seem to be.
It honestly does feel that way and still does, I think its just the old me trying to get my last breaths

>What do you think now?
Ill keep you posted soon

>Be comfortable there, it belongs to you, and since your imagination is reflected in reality, that belongs to you as well.
Apologies on that long post about my imagination, I didn't know until today I wanted to begin to utilize my imagination the LoA way. I always frowned on it because of my issues with it and I despise the times I tired using it before to get snubbed

Yeah it was time for me to start seeing imagination since it is one of biggest LoA fundamentals. So I hope that post helps you to provide me insight on that issue

Ill take step by steps over struggle to get to the end. Plus it'll be a good progress tracker instead of obsessing about if I made it to the end. I don't expect this promise journey to end any time soon, at the minimum I wanna at least stop doing "limited" me things and for God's sake let go
the main hurdle is believing, truly believing, that LoA works. if you have a mental block, due to upbringing about how this or that is "wishy-washy hippy nonsense" then you're probably going to struggle with such belief. even though i am open to LoA being useful, even though i want to believe, there's some materialist/scientism BS in my mind that prevents me from fully believing in this stuff.
What is the craziest/most impressive thing any of you have manifested? I'm curious of the limits of the LoA
we all struggled at some point, but there will be a time when you too will polish the pearl of great price.
threadly reminder not to engage with m*theranon's blogposts
Why won’t he just take the meds?
I see Lilanon has started claiming Glowies are posting against him in the last thread when he got BTFO with his half speed ageing larp.
Lilanon, why are the supposed glowies more powerful than you? Why can’t an infinite god like you just rise above it?
Why do you think belief that the law works is necessary? That's why Neville had the ladder test to prove it's efficacy and existence whether you believe it or not. That dancer dude elmer flat out said he believed it complete malarkey and did it to spite Neville and prove him wrong.
People say he looks good for his age (which is late 40s or early 50s btw) and he equates that with "slow aging". He's had sex with dudes half his age so he uses that as his half speed aging thing. Also is brown. Not bald janitor tho so that's good.
well his vampiric appendage can siphon the youth from those guys who were half his age, so it still checks out
Observe the samefagging. Reminder to ignore this useless retard
That’s likely four posters. It’s easy to ignore you too. I mostly do.
>what is sockpuppeting?
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the red pill is your meds
the blue pill is also your meds
please start taking them
>1 (one) useless retard utterly fails at pretending to be 4 (four) different retarded posters
Hahahaha. You sad stupid muthafucker
Only the subconscious part of your brain can manifest
But you only have limited access to that part
we are all you pushed out tho
>useless retard thinks this is a gotcha
Soooo fucking stupid lol
>useless retard manifests my posts tilting him, can't de-manifest me even though I'm him pushed out
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Hello there.
You seem knowledgable.

So... what is the relation of the "Ego" to the Law of Assumption, besides demonizing it?
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>Assuming a state as you are going to sleep and practicing trought out the day that you are now living the life that you wanna live and becoming more present and more focused in that state, and then, as you assume and you experience your world being different, thats when your awareness increases and you start to see this different things happening, you start to act differently within your world, which causes your world to change, but you also become magnetic so things are being drawn to you, that were already waiting to come to you.. As you awareness increases, this things want to come to you, they just cant come to you until your awareness and the arrangement of your mind has changed and shifted. - Elmer. O Locker Jr.

This guy makes so much sense to me, every video he tells the exact way to manifest and he even shows how and what he manifest, he openly talks about his life and experiences with the law, i think we should discuss more about him in this threads. Whats your opinion about him?
>useless retard again reveals he understands fuck all about loa for the 1000th time
Lol. You truly are thick as pig shit. No wonder you cry all the time
>lilanon’s pet. The retard-poster. All he can do is type retard and manifest nothing. He loves his master Lilanon.
>useless retard cries again
Where is this crying?
It seems an accurate assessment. If anything you are the screeching and crying. Four posters accurately mock your glowing master and his lack of LOA and you leap to his defence suddenly. Truly you are a joke.
>useless retard tries to samefag again
>useless retard is literally you (pushed out)
He is the only LoA "guru" that shows hlthe riches he manifests like the cars and his house.
I can't trust a guy who doesn't show anything but claims he can be rich
>tried LoA cause my life was in the gutter
>didn't do any experiment i jumped to scripting a scenario and SATS
>didn't thought about it as a test it was more like wouldn't be crazy if i get that
>coomer mind came up with me fucking my aunt cause i accidentally saw her naked fat ass.
>she visits a week later and we end up fucking
This is crazy i guess all those years reading hentai submerged my subconscious in incest and sex so much that its easy for me to manifest shit like that
>useless retard makes the same retarded point again
Good job I guess. Hope your aunt was hot at least
please be fake
if not belief then what makes it work
He's one of a handful that I subscribe to on YouTube. He does a great job of explaining how manifesting will LEAD YOU to your desires via a bridge of plausible incidents, i.e. his new Maclaren he purchased for a very low price (rather than it just POOF! appeared in his driveway like some retards here expect and demand). Also does a great job of explaining how to visualize.

I recommend him
>my goal is to be incredibly attractive to women and have fulfilling sexual and romantic relationships.

I dont' have any loa books on the subject. Manifesting SP's can lead to manifesting a twin flame which is a nightmare scenario for most people. That's why i don't recommend using LOA for relationships. Most times when you manifest an SP they're a counterbalance and you're supposed to grow as a person from the relationship. Most redditors and retard here fail because they refuse to change or become a better person.

If you want to get girls and have a fun night life then you're going to have to actively go out and interact with people in different places. I recommend learning old school PUA material and going out until you start getting laid.

You have to master communication skills with women. Verbal communication and Physical communication. a good place to start is with a guy named david deangelo. You can pirate his stuff off of the internet. The courses he made that were really good were
Sexual communication series
Cocky comedy series
The interview CD series.
His double your dating series was pretty good, but there's 3 of them and their each about 15 hours long.

that guys pretty based, but the spergs around here will flip out when you talk about anything except neville.

hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Cope harder faggot, no one likes this schizo loser
>Inb4 I edited the image
Evidence you say?
That’s a new one. No other LOA guru can do that so far.
How is his hairline tho before I check into his videos . That hat look suspicious and I need to manifest hair.
If I want use manifestation to improve some aspect of me, how do I reword something? Say "I'm healing X" .. doesn't that imply that my X is weak? How do I reword it in such a way, that it doesn't leave that impression? Also, what's the term called for this form of "rewording"? Because I'm fairly certain there's an actual term for this.
>what is phoneposting
>what is using different devices
>what is a IP address
tick tock noearsfag, also known as agefag, also known as powerfag, also known as coinflipfag
>evidence from others
in a way you're right, we're all samefags in a way, cause all of you anons are just me pushed out in the end
Say X is acne. Don't say "I'm healing my acne." Do say
>my skin is perfectly clear and flawless. I am someone with perfect skin. I am asked how my skin is so flawless. I am admired for my beautiful skin.

NO: "I am healed of my crippling anxiety"
>I am confident. I am charming and easily talk to anyone I want. I am loved and chosen.

NO: "I am healing my arthritis in my injured knee"
>I am in perfect health. My joints feel great! I move easily and effortlessly. I enjoy moving. I enjoy walking and running and jumping. It feels so good to move around. I am so grateful for my mobility.
Is there a word to describe this kind of rewording? Because I'm fairly certain there's a name for this. Also is there an online translator/language tool I can use to convert sentences like this (ideally without use of an AI)?
Ignore that other anon. He's very well read but has built his own personal belief system around manifesting as most do when they start to get better at it You dont need to take on his assumptions about manifestations, or mine really. All I'm saying is the PUA stuff is extraneous. Just lay down tonight, staying still until your limbs grow heavy and you are on the border of hypnogogia. That's where you start your scene. Your scene will be you drunkenly sitting in the back of a car (taxi,uber,whatever) with a girl on each arm. Do this until you either fall asleep or get so tired you cant keep it up. That is literally it.
You're in one of the most sexually depraved websites, someone manifesting incest instead of money or some other shit is very believable
Do I have to speak out loud what I want or just in my head or do I write it down?
With health stuff you don't say I'm healing because that will bring more situations where you'll have to heal from something. Just say I'm perfectly healthy
The latter two are both valid. I would still just do SATS until you get what you want, just so you have a working example of this stuff working. That's just me though ymmv
Why did I create niggers
Did anyone here manage to change their face with LoA? Like a stronger jaw or smaller nose?
Unnecessary but possible
You didn't i did
Man you are slow
Picture yourself healthy ignore semantics if that's too difficult for you it might cause some genie shit to happen like the other anon said that's ehy visualization is better some anons might create trouble for themselves cause they spent a huge time fighting over words and logic cause most were nerds who liked debates
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$60 per month type of based
>Picture yourself healthy ignore semantics if that's too difficult for you it might cause some genie shit to happen like the other anon said that's ehy visualization is better some anons might create trouble for themselves cause they spent a huge time fighting over words and logic cause most were nerds who liked debates
Ok I have a question. Is the format only thing that matters? Let's say I want something to heal.. X to heal. So I write something along lines "my X is strong and radiates good aura" or something, let's assume I wrote it perfectly.. but is that enough, or do I also have to strongly believe it? Is it enough to write it on paper with proper format, or do I also have to strongly believe what's written?
wtf when did satriani start giving online lessons?
>>38875040 here
I can see that this is yet another LoA guru who definitely cannot help my hairline. The quest continues.
$60000/mo based you could be his 1000th member
someone please post, the Scriptanon infographics\greentext.
I just got a notebook and want to script maxx.
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bro, he wants book recommendations and stated he's already successful with everything else. He should already know how SATS works. For some odd ass reason SP manifestation and love is some sort of massive hurdle with people around here and on reddit.

Here's what he wants. If you want to give him a better answer than i did, then go through each of these for him.
>be incredibly attractive to women
>have fulfilling sexual relationships.
>have fulfilling romantic relationships.

I'm not trying to be an ass either. You gave him proper info, but if you chop up what people say you'll give better info and answers in the future.


Is anybody here interested in PUA for getting women and SP's? /R9k/ had a thread going and that shit went downhill fast. Anon's wanted to get pussy and 10/10 supermodel GF's without going to bars or clubs or socializing. It was weird as fuck. kek

[] It's not LOA, but what happens after you manifest an SP?
[] Are you honestly ready to handle them? They're harder to handle than cats. :P
[] Do you know that on reddit, jewtube and facebook the biggest problem right now isn't SP manifestation, but the fact that they leave?
Go look up "How to get back my SP" and you'll see the clusterfuck awaiting you after SP manifestation.
[] How do you know what kind of person an SP is if you haven't already had one?
[] SP's have free will, goals and dreams, are you ready to change to meet their needs as well as your own?
[] SP's will never complete you or stop the pain you're feeling, They make it worse by being human.

There's a lot of bullshit that goes along with SP manifestation and the Fix is Communication skills, Social skills, Sexual Skills, Relationship skills and Manipulation tactics. All of which is taught in PUA and not LOA.

hope that helps
Good luck anon
If it is possible to manifest a gf, then it is possible to manifest superpowers and levitation and healing.
yes, but subconscious blocks are too deeply ingrained on a societal level to probably manifest it. maybe Zen monks who have meditated their entire waking lives
If you can manifest a gf, you're mind controlling others. Which means others can mind control you. Which means you are likely actively assisting other people who manifest better than you by living lives you'd rather not (otherwise why would you live them if you weren't mind controlled into doing so?).

There's a reason you can't get a gf no matter what you do and it's not your fault.
limiting beliefs.
I can manifest anything.

Mark 11:23-24.
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Im obsessed with the (I recognise this is so, Im not an hypocrite) WORST classes of the USA: trailer trash, hillbilly miner tiny towns, militiamen\KKK\hyper-fundamentalist christian compounds--I wish I was, to be, American, and with LOA I will.
Should I make a plebbit account to larp as an american citizen and ask questions, as-if I was there already ( I AM, I AM) ? Do I need to look up properties online and note down a specific one\ county\ town and State I want to be isekai'd unto?
>I can manifest anything
>Christfag glowie
Despite it infringing on free will of others?
I don't know dude, just word it in a positive rather than focusing on the negative. It's not difficult
Jesus dude just watch a Neville Audiobook or copy this dude if you're christian
No I'm asking, is it okay to write something properly on paper, or do I also need to believe it? serious question, not trying to belittle or anything
Writing it with the intent it will cause x to heal is enough.
That's obvious write for a million dollars and it will not come.
Belief that it causes the event is enough. You don't need to believe the event is possible. Plus you can write ooga booga instead of the statement and it will still work.
So it doesn't work. I'm naming the next thread Law of Cope general. Nobody here has manifested their ideal gf or a million dollars.
that's not true, motheranon manifested his ideal gf (a figment of his schizo imagination)
Not true. Lilanon manifested being a vampire necromancer that ages at half (-50%) the normal rate.
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I know its minor but I managed to manifest moving out of a shithole country and my flight is in a month, thanks to LoA
Genuine congratulations.
I managed to manifest 200$ with LoA. I really needed those money by tomorrow and I've spent most of last week behaving as if I was sure that I'd get the money in time even though I had no idea how to. On friday afternoon a relative of mine sent me the money and they didn't know about my financial struggles (I told nobody that I was in debt). So this stuff works.
Can you manifest not liking tranime?>>38876064
Have you tried?
Yes but it won't matter
Ego is what makes you to wish for something i tried this after being deep intl no ego shit i was almost homeless.
I don't think LoA demonizes Ego it needs your ego to wish for something and then gets your attention tp try any of the experiments to manifest it.
How can you wish for something if you have no desire no ego
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No and cope
> Ego is what makes you to wish for something i tried this after being deep intl no ego shit i was almost homeless.
> I don't think LoA demonizes Ego it needs your ego to wish for something and then gets your attention tp try any of the experiments to manifest it.
> How can you wish for something if you have no desire no ego

That's what I thought as well.
it dubs be like dat
I've done some affirmations last month and oddly enough, they really worked. I don't know why this particular time and not in the past, idk what made it work exactly, but I've been making pretty big changes. I wish I could figure out the magic element that made shit stick this time. I know I didn't visualize or do any trancey or meditative type stuff either. Just self-talk. Kinda baffled.
>I know its minor
LMAO its possibly the third biggest happening in the full history of this general

anyway, LOA shit aside, congratulations, brother
>I dont' have any loa books on the subject. Manifesting SP's can lead to manifesting a twin flame which is a nightmare scenario for most people. That's why i don't recommend using LOA for relationships. Most times when you manifest an SP they're a counterbalance and you're supposed to grow as a person from the relationship. Most redditors and retard here fail because they refuse to change or become a better person.
>If you want to get girls and have a fun night life then you're going to have to actively go out and interact with people in different places. I recommend learning old school PUA material and going out until you start getting laid.
>You have to master communication skills with women. Verbal communication and Physical communication. a good place to start is with a guy named david deangelo. You can pirate his stuff off of the internet. The courses he made that were really good were
>Sexual communication series
>Cocky comedy series
>The interview CD series.
>His double your dating series was pretty good, but there's 3 of them and their each about 15 hours long.

Literally none of this is LOA.
>erm actually manifesting sps has this weird caveat which is definitely real and is the reason you shouldn't actually manifest them, but instead you spend hours learning PUA material because....
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I tend to think of LOA as an Ego killer, but I've seen it go the other way too. For me, the revelation that everything is effortless, that we are only our beliefs, and that we are all part of the creator removed all of what I am familiar with ego entailing.

One of the better ways I have seen it communicated is that we reach enlightenment by the fulfillment of our desires. We feed our needs which removes the need for ego.
>There's a lot of bullshit that goes along with SP manifestation and the Fix is Communication skills, Social skills, Sexual Skills, Relationship skills and Manipulation tactics. All of which is taught in PUA and not LOA.
>imagination creates reality
>assumptions harden into fact
> Creation is finished
>Everyone is You Pushed out/Vice Versa

>not according to this anon, actually there are some things not covered in LOA. The Solution? PUA.
fuck, the greentexts look weird.
The world is built up out of rules you've created and solidified into "law" things like gravity and thermodynamics.

SP has stuff like blackpill, bluepill and redpill rules. if you hold any of these rulesets and try and manifest an sp it can't work until you diffuse them. They are mutually exclusive unless you meet the weird rules you created.

This isn't just for sp, it's for everything. Beliefs can be overtly manifested away by manifesting you believe the opposite. A bridge of incidents will shatter the old belief set and let you do your manifest. You'll see it happen so fast it's insane.

If you're stuff is failing you're trying to go against your rules,

OR what you're trying to manifest goes against another desire and they're mutually exclusive. For example, you try to manifest a job but you desire not to work. These conflicting desires create resistance and you have to sort them out. (Why wouldn't I want my desire) Once you sort the conflict out desires flow.
Can I manifest ego death?
Why do you want that ego death i mean truly ego death is going back to the mass consciousness you'll stop existing as an individual
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>Nobody here has manifested their ideal gf
Yeah, I failed when I left her to pay for a wedding so she became my wife. No more gf for me.
>noearsfag now known as freewillfag
Enough to stop being stuck with LoA. I want to manifest my waifu.
No anon you dont get it, im supposed to read a dozen books which are just shittier versions of what Neville wrote and then get arrested trying to pull off PUA techniques you dont get it
Just one more method anon
Plz just one more
Give me the real method, the best method
Then I can manifest anon
Plz I know you have it anon
Is it affirm and persist rehash?
A book by a Russian?
Plz anon hook me up with the new method....
You retard put yourself a lock on your manifest you don't need ego death.
Just give in
Sorry im a newfag.
>give in.
Enlighten me please.
>I want to manifest my waifu.
As in an anime waifu that doesn't exist or the closest physical thing you can get to her?
I don’t want a fucking 2d wife. The closest thing to her. Almost one to one.
2 things you need for your desire to manifest "desire" and "imagination"
Just visualize yourself waking up from a bed besides a beautiful woman SATS that scene until it feels real thats all do it during the day while relaxing. Keep doing it until you absorb that experience and you feel no need to do that
Okay! Just making sure, this is 4chan after all. The other guy pretty much covered it, but I'd still read the pastebins in the OP and maybe Neville Goddard's first five lessons too (library at the bottom) just to he safe.
Then I guess I should boast about it a bit
I managed to secure funding for everything and a few months of stay at least, tickets to fly, a place to live and some friends there and have tried my best to learn the language so far

It all happened so smoothly
you dont need any of his courses, he speaks openly about them in his videos, he gives all for free..
Shhh you’re supposed to bitterly comment how much it doesn’t work because you’re too dumb to apply the teachings or your own intuition
>i already have a discreet beachside house with range rover
>i already have a wfh patent law job paying 20k a month
>i already went to my top law school choice
>my husband is an elite athlete and we met in law school
>i dont worry about money because i won the lottery a few years ago

what technique you did?
Not really technique I just kept affirming it would happen and assume that its true and now its coming closer and closer by the day

I see, how many affirmations a day you think you did or how much time you spent on them? What about opposing thoughts did you do anything about those?
Who are you quoting?
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I dont know I just did them passively so its more like 24/7 while not sleeping
I just let them go away on their own since I 'knew' they were false and lies anyway

Interesting. I tried affirming like this, all day, in the past but it kept me awake with lots of waking ups and worse sleep. Maybe the affirms were keeping me stressed and alert? I wish I didn
what scripting method did you use?
The reputation of the entire subject of psychiatry is in tatters, every single psychiatrist has been put on a kangaroo trial for their crimes against humanity. It is done.
>LOA is mind control
You're a dumbass who hasn't read or understood the source material.
>So it doesn't work.
So why are you here?
Thank you for the suggestion, I've been visualizing several similar scenes for a while now to no avail, though I didn't try the particular one you suggested, and it does vibe with me so I will try it out.

Thanks for the in depth answers. Honestly manifesting a twin flame might not be bad, seems like the end would be positive even if the journey there is hell. But you're right, I'm not necessarily looking for an SP, more-so something fulfilling, even if it's not super serious.

I did try looking into PUA (though not David Deangelo specifically), and I used to go out alot, but I had 0% luck at that. I can actually communicate with women fairly well, I've had some relationships where I knew how to treat them well and they all ended by my choice. Hell, I even know how to communicate with strangers well, I've had female friends look at how I talk to women on the dating apps, and they can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. If somebody isn't immediately dismissive of me, I'm just as good in person. Everything seems to be going well, and then I get ghosted, presumably because they found someone hotter.

That's honestly the only reason I'm even interested in LoA. I have exhausted all mundane means I could reasonably work on, which is why I'm looking into LoA to make myself more attractive, since that's the only thing I can think of that I might be lacking.
A smarter way is to learn about seduction then use loa to integrate those behaviors and attributes into your personality to make yourself into a desirable and sexy man.
stfu and do it then you fucking retard
Do the work in your own mind instead of writing it here, retard
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A girl I tried manifesting but haven't talked to in 2 years got in contact with me at the end of august. Texting me straight paragraphs of stuff etc but I told her to give me a bit of space and slow down on contacting me. She hasn't msg'd back in a week, did I fuck up getting what I originally wanted?
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I used this method
>Did I fuck up?
It doesn't matter. Use loa again, this time imagine it going how you want it to go
Having trouble convincing my subconscious that I'm worthy of love, any help

You did 30 min scripting every day?
it's not "your subconscious"
it's you
accept that you are worthy of love. the lever is in your hands, not another's.
Those 30 minutes are not for scripting those are to feel the state of mind. Just script something that you feel fulfills your wish

My desire is health, I've got several chronic health conditions. Do you think I should just script for perfect health, or just start with removing 1 chronic issue first? It feels like going for perfect health is 'too bad' and that it would take a long time before I could manifest it.

too big*
Find myself catching doubts here and there. What do?
Script for perfect heath and visualize imagine runing a certain distance and not being out of breath,no pain hearing the doctor or someone telling you how healthy you are.
You can do it don't limit your desire and persist
why's he still bald tho?
Any tips or rituals to get my mind on the right track after a depressive episode? I'm tired of the Rollercoaster.
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Oh ot wasnt really all day just when my mind remembers I should be affirming
Remove that "too big" feeling. Everything is as easy or as hard as anything else.
You don't want "some health" or "it only itching/hurting a little" you want full, perfect health and you want to maintain it.
You don't want "half the pain", you want it removed due to being healthy.
Focusing in "removing" is focusing in what you don't want in your life (being ill) so focus on being healthy. Something like this >>38875291
Stop focusing on depressive shit. Let them go
you would think a rich guy can pay a hair transplant
maybe he doesn't have enough donor follicles in his pubes
you'd think he could manifest them, though
It's kinda working for me.
In March I decided to move to a town full of bands I like with the express purpose of meeting them and joining or starting a band
7 months later and I'm now moving in with two of those musicians and constantly meeting more as I go along.
I'm losing focus though. Now what?
I think I'd rather focus on my own music with a band rather than just being a bassist or something, but I can do both. So fuck.
What's a good way to manifest songwriting skills? Or should I not even worry about that and manifest a reality where even my most bullshit songs become popular (like a song where I just pluck one note and make fart sounds. Should I have fun and manifest a reality where that becomes a top 40 song?)
i was coming down hard last night, i had to take a selfie for a thing and i noticed that my face was not very good looking. it appeared to be skewed (which is odd since i had a x-ray taken of it once and it would have definitely appeared there as well) and frog-like, i started despairing and got angry at the world. but today as i went to a local burger joint it was as if god showed me that there was no need to panic, i noticed a woman, a bit trashy looking (but whatevs) i was intrigued by the way she looked and she started looking back at me. even gave me a nice giggling smile as we walked past each other. i always get really shy around women so i didn't chat her up either, i wonder if i will see her again.
I didn’t read the mother anon post above.
Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world.
Ignoring it is the first step to it being removed entirely,
What do mean by ignoring consciousness?
>god i hate mother-anon
>mother-anon sucks so much
>i don't care about mother-anon
>i didn't read that mother-anon post above
come on dude, just buy the pearl. it'll be worth it i promise.
There are many things that you would want to ignore, like dogshit for example, you wouldn't hyperfocus on some dogshit you see on the side of the road, it's the same with posts from some anons.
Click on 38880711
>post hidden without reading,
It’s getting even easier. Neville had to physically get the ticket to Barbados after all. By taking action to remove this trash from my thoughts the law will be put in to action more effectively than just sitting and thinking about it. Soon the trash will be gone forever.
Ignoring it refers to the post not consciousness itself. Giving it attention will magnify it in your consciousness and likely in a bad way. This is an easy trap to fall into.
when will we learn
you still haven't bought the pearl anon, just buy it anon. the price wont be anything more than you are able to pay for.
The pearl of great price has nothing to do with the crap you write bro. Stop blogposting and do the work.
you're coping because you can't let go of your old self to buy the pearl.
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I've been manifesting my SP for months without success, but I recently realized what I was doing wrong. I'll tell you here everything I learned:

>trying to manifest my ex-gf back since December
>focus on techniques first " I have to try them, I need to find the right technique and I'll have her soon"
>obviously fail
>in the meantime I notice that small manifestations that were seemingly meaningless came to fruition without effort
>example: I saw on TIkTok a video about a kind of sandwich that I wanted to try and I thought "damn I'd like to eat one of those, but I'm currently broke" I thought nothing about it. Fastforward a couple of days and I had to stay late at work, a friend of mine offered to buy and bring me food. It was that exact sandwich I saw on TikTok. He gave me that sandwich without knowing.
>this exact manifestation made me realize that the Law works and I'm god. It was February.
>I try to experiment with it, I manage to sweeten up the behaviour of my SP before the middle of May
>in the meantime I feel pent up and I start lusting over a friend of mine
>being double minded brings that friend closer to me, but SP grows distant. It's July
>I'm stuck: I'm really close to this friend, but I don't want to do nothing with her because the one I truly want is my ex. This goes on until last week.
>tons of signs and sincronicities about my SP in the meantime
>Come this weekend and I see my SP posting on Instagram about a gift from her current boyfriend
>bummed I resort to my own tarot readings and I find out that she's stuck in a loveless relationship and she longs for me
>I ask a reader on /div/ about it for confirmation and they give me basically the same answer about her feelings for me
>I've realized that it is less about techniques and more about mindset.

Tarot shows you the present as it is (the reflection of your God-self into the world) and the likely future you're aligned with. I changed the outcome by changing myself.

More details next post.
So the history of my tarot readings about this situation mad me realize that I managed to change something apparently out of my control. Let me give you a little recap of this readings:

>From December to February: overall negative readings about me and my SP, positive readings about the relationship between my SP and her current boyfriend
>February through May: something starts to shift, I stop asking about her current relationship and I focus on me and her. The readings are gradually getting better months after months, I manage to manifest meeting her and she even interacts on social media with me. This is positive, but this wasn't the version of her I wanted.
>end of May to the end of August: I start reading about me and the other girl too, things look more and more positive while we grow closer, but I've done some readings about me and my SP too and they were bad again.
>September: while reading to find out what am I aligned with in love I finally get a realy positive answer: 2 of cups!
>This means a relationship and romantic love is coming for me this month!
>So I ask my cards who this will be with: my SP my friend
>my cards give me a lukewarm answer for my SP and an enthusiastic answer for my friend
>feel kinda bummed and I say to myself "Damn, I really wish it was SP"
>fast forward to last week: my friend has to leave for work for a month. We spend some time together and I choose not to make a move on her
>Still talk to her almost every day, but we're too busy to keep regularly in contact as we were earlier and the conversations die down
>yesterday I see that post about the gift that my SP made and I decided to read once again about me and her and about her current realtionship
>for the first time I get the positive result I've always wanted: she's in a loveless relationship and she longs for me and I get confirmation on /div/ (i did it to see if my personal bias is somehow blinding me).

Next post: what I did and what I understood in this journey
Write or affirm:
>I am an excellent musician. People love to hear my music.
>other musicians love to play with me. I am respected and admired.
>I am very creative and always have inspired ideas.
A Florence Scovel Shinn affirmation that I love:
>infinite spirit, don't let me miss a trick!
Meaning to make sure she always saw a sign to know what to do next.
So, why am I typing all of this? I want you to understand that the law works and you should not focus that much on techniques. Neville was always right: feeling is the secret.

December: I want my SP, but she's in a relationship with another man. What do I do? I discovered the Law through TikTok so I started doing these popular manifestation "techniques" ("whisper method", "369 method" and so on) hopping from one to another, not understanding a thing about them or the law. I get 0 results.

Thankfully I don't give up and I notice that I can manifest little things here and there. I start to grasp my own power. I try to use subliminals, this time putting in some intent: as a result I meet my SP after months and we interact on social media, but she's not the version of her that I want, so I let things die between us again.

End of May comes around and I start getting closer to a friend of mine. I start focusing less and less on SP, even though I still wanted her. Basically I detached from SP for this summer.

September: I get that positive result. Everything pointed to me getting with my friend, but I manage to insert SP into this result removing my friend.

What techniques I used: the secret is to get a technique that makes you feel good and hyped about it. I love chatting and talking so I used the voice chat function of ChatGPT and talking about SP helped me visualize my end goal as I spoke and talking about it made me feel great. I did this for 3 days and I changed the results of my tarot readings. Let me do this for a while longer and I'll get the happy ending I deserve.

So, I used tarot readings to keep checking on my progress and my techniques, but the most meaningful and powerful realization is that if there is intent and feeling behind your technique you'll be able to get what you want! Manifesting with LoA works and once you get how it works you'll feel excited!

I'm done writing. I'll lurk around if you have some questions. I hope this will help!
“In the midst of all the doubts and changing opinions of others, let there be a conviction, a firmness of belief, and you shall see the dry land; your belief will appear. The reward is to him that endureth unto the end. A conviction is not a conviction if it can be shaken. Your desire will be as clouds without rain unless you believe.”

Neville Goddard
I already got this job.
all these huge wins from LOA:
> my husband is a bbc action figure looking executive
> i live in a beachfront house with my Ford Bronco and Aston Martin
> my husband likes his corvette and maybach
> my WFH patent law job just broke 20k a month
You're such a time waster. I'm just going to ignore whatever you write from now on.
>he still hasn't bought the pearl
the pearl being a code for your medication?
Just do what I do and don’t read his posts. I stopped bothering with that junk a few threads back. You could ignore or filter. But telling him you have not read him totally saps his will to live as he is here to get attention like any weak spirit so that gets bonus points.
He is a hindrance to /loa/ and he knows it.
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manifesting a specific person comes from a deep subconscious desire anon. That's the reason they're specific. They have traits that either your soul or unconscious wants to interact with. Usually this entails something other than Sex, a Relationship or "Completing/Fulfilling" you.

Neville makes you do SATS in order to imprint something into your subconscious using imagery and visualization. Then the subconscious creates it for you in reality.

If you want a 10/10 hottie GF that wants to fuck all day and hang around you, That SP has to trickle through your Subconscious. The person that shows up will be your sp, but they'll have free will and whatever your subconscious or souls want to deal with.

Thats why manifesting an SP is a bad idea. But if you have good social skills already you can navigate through whatever they bring to the table.

Do you understand now?

It's like when i was explaining universal line and the "I am God" concept to that one anon. He wanted to have 100% percent control of what he creates in his reality. He was a noob though and most of his desires will have to filter through the subconscious. Meaning his manifestation might be different than what he wanted.

I told him make a command and see what the return is. The guy didn't understand why his return would be different, but like everybody else around here he never read the books. kek.

glad i could help you out. You'll never get anywhere with women until you learn to do what they do. That is to Manipulate and control through subversion.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon
Just passing by to say Atkinson is the goat and this shit is the fucking manual to life.
they must have amnesia because they forgot that i am HIM.
what's this ein zwei polizei gobbledygook
Dracula flow goes insanely hard
"if they gave me a dime for every time i gave a shit, i'd be broke because i don't give a shit." is the one i'm using.
The book has the same title in English. But the cover is better in German edition?
Also it's in public domain you can easily google it.
Is it better than psycho-cybernetics by maxwell maltz?
Dracula Flow 3 has such godly bars such as
"I have seen the Magna Carta, I've seen the Eye of Horus I was flippin' bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all even became a type-1 civilization"
"I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the Great Pyramids"
"I pushed the camel through the eye of a needle"
Yeah I think so. Although I do like psycho cybernetics.
This is so fucking precise it's untangling all your wires and making you see clearly.
I think the creator spoke to me very loudly last night, very metaphorical. I’m not sure if that was his presence I felt too but the fact I was able to real time manifest skills and feel this sense of being able to seamlessly change states of consciousness on what I could do put me at disbelief

My ego is just shocked and I don’t know what to say but seeing it happen like that put me in a spot of amazement. Like you just proved the most stubborn person some damning things were they just shut up with their own. The sensation felt like some new age shit

I don’t know what to say comment wise, I noticed I did it again today when I believed such a thing until I observed myself how I may get an idea for a desire but I still have some 3D thinking when it comes to it by thinking of *doing* things
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Crazy how the bridge of incidents happens while you think that nothing happens.
Im glad i found the Law i asked for it too i asked for a guide and a path in life i was lost
Honestly same: I asked for a way to regain power in my life and i found the Law
i think what he meant is turning sentences into starting with "I am ..."
I'm the anon who asked before and i had to restructure many of my affirmations and i have started to wonder about a thing.:
There is a difference between saying "I am... " compared to saying "I am who can..." or "I am who has the ability to ..." ,right? It feels to me there is a difference.
The way it was shown to me was crazy and every time I doubt a little bit I think about how I discovered it
>sit on couch turn Xbox on
>imagine myself winning pubg, feel the excitement, hearing teammates yelling ggs etc
>load up first game; squad of Randoms
>winrar like always
Heh this stuff is pretty cool, wonder what else I could do
start betting on sportsball games.
I have always thought LoA was onto something via QBism. I have posted about it a lot on 4chan. I never really tried to use it because I guess I was happy with my life, with the grind and the ups and downs. But my brother committed suicide in Spring. I think the weight of it is too much for me to bear. I signed up for therapy today but the consent forms said
>you agree to be video-taped during your sessions
So I said fuck that. I don't know what to do though. I want my brother back. He didn't deserve to die.
Maybe you should join him in the void
Sorry to hear that anon
I sometimes see people in the loa/goddard subreddit freak out when their spouse or a close family member dies etc and they think it’s their fault…I think it’s just something hardwired into this reality that we can kinda bend but can’t stop. Sorry for your loss
>manifesting a specific person comes from a deep subconscious desire anon. That's the reason they're specific. They have traits that either your soul or unconscious wants to interact with. Usually this entails something other than Sex, a Relationship or "Completing/Fulfilling" you.

The subconscious matters in manifestation? Manifestations may have all sorts of unintended consequences in relation to what was manifested and the state needed to embody that manifestation for it to be possible, really? Is this the groundbreaking discovery that makes PUA necessary for LOA? It's almost as if....*checks notes* assumptions harden into fact, and the only one to change is the self.
Jesus I hadn't considered that it was my fault. Fuck me. Did I cause this?
Maybe you're right
I don't think you're right about "hardwired into this reality". QBism suggests that the only thing that matters is your degree of belief in an observation. If we assume you control your beliefs, then everything that you perceive happening is due to your voluntary belief in your observations. So I must have volunteered my brother to die.
My daughter was born shortly after. Ever since she was born I have only thought about how, by bringing her into the world, I have condemned someone to death. I hope she lives a better life than my brother.
Lisyen to yourself. Why the fuck are you coming here of all places to grieve, anyways? Get off the internet for a while and stop talking to rejects on a bablyonian tablet-etching board
>Why the fuck are you coming here of all places to grieve, anyways?
Where would you have me grieve?
Not on 4chan, mate. If you think being told to kill yourself too is an acceptable response to sharing that your brother just offed himself, then I really cant help you. But anywhere is better than here
I guess I'll continue to burden my wife (who just had surgery and is bedridden with an open wound) with it over the sound of my baby crying.

I honestly prefer the person telling me kms to someone just saying
>shut up about it

Can't even get therapy without a fucking camera being shoved in my face recording my every move and thought. Why does our society ban grief?
Fuck that noise. Go where you are comfortable anony. if you are already part of the culture, than you'll still do well to come on 4chan to grieve than to bottle it up.
I truly am sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry if I came across as telling you to shut up, I just think this place is a shithole and not the sort of place I'd pour my heart out about my brother dying. If you really feel comfortable doing it here, then it's no skin off my ass. I was just trying to look out for you, because going down these >>38886073 lines of thought will just make you feel worse.

There are resources in the OP if you want to use LoA to manifest some sort of closure or end to the grief, but realistically that's all you can do with this. Dont listen to anyone selling you porky pies about using this stuff to bring the dead back to life. I would wait until you feel grounded enough before you give it a try, but thats just me.
Fuck u dumb nigga your “burdened” wife has manifested her own reality as much as you have manifested yours. Everyone everywhere is the choice to exist as they are. Believing you are a burden to your wife is retarded. If it is true, it’s because you both want it to be like that, which means it’s not a burden. Pull yourself out of the gutter man! Grief is bogus talk. Death happens. Get used to it! Wanting to kill yourself is the final threshold of fearing death… cos you know by doing it the fear will be relinquished. The way to get through this threshold is to Realise you are already dead! And then you will become alive.
>So I must have volunteered my brother to die.
Did you ever imagine him killing himself? No? Then it wasn't you, it's just another quasi random occurrence in your private dream. People die all the time in your dream anyway this time it just happened to be your brother. You believe in death, we all do as part of this human dream and so death occurs here.
"Reality" is only "real" to the extent that the observer (You) believes it. If you believe your brother is back, who's to say you're wrong? Other people you believe you observe saying you're wrong? The only challenge in LoA is controlling your degrees of belief. Other than that you have complete control over "reality".
>muh camera
You remind me about lots of retards in these threads blocking themselves from their desires because they refuse to accept even the slightest change.
>but muh recording when I'm vulnerable!
If you're as stubborn as you are to care about that, giving up straight up help, you're strong and stubborn enough to shut up about it.
>Did you ever imagine him killing himself?
I told my parents several times I was worried about his depression. Yes I foresaw his suicide as a possibility. So the event wasn't random. So the possibility that I caused it remains.
>If you're as stubborn as you are to care about that, giving up straight up help, you're strong and stubborn enough to shut up about it.
As long as you didn’t actively try imagine your brother dying you didn’t cause it. Reality is a mystery no matter how much we read and study there’s things we can’t understand. I’m sure you’ll see your brother again
>So the possibility that I caused it remains.
Don't judge yourself if you did- death is a release. Consider the question of whether they would be happier alive as you deal with their death.
>Manifesting that my ex will kill themselves
>Do daily affirmations everyday of them jumping off a bridge and drowning
>Do SATS imaging a funeral at their local church with family crying and there being a urn with her ashes with her picture behind it
>Practice revisions of her stating that she is depressed and wanted to die

Good news, just got news yesterday that she apparently killed herself. This LoA stuff is for real!
>This is crazy i guess all those years reading hentai submerged my subconscious in incest and sex so much that its easy for me to manifest shit like that

i can relate except for me it's massive tits, when i was like 11-12 i remember my first being huge titted hentai girls, now when i learned how to do this sats shit and keep my streak with reading neville i can manifest a girl with huge tits with ease, that's how they appear usually
do you have a discord? can you tell us how many days you did it what was the frequency, did you stikc to a mental diet?
Damn might have to do this to kill off a cousin who is a drug addict
I hate them also hate the "my pet died can i manifest them back" Let the dead take care of the dead. Ffs.
Mourn but in silence and alone
i remember neville talking about something similar , someone gave a testimony about killing someone else with sats kek
>Your "burdened" wife
Someone has misunderstood the solipsistic implications of LoA.
alright so how do i get into scripting, i just write in a journal and do sats and go about my dsay?
So how long did you guys’ psychosis last when you realized nothing is real. I think I’m about to become one of those dudes who jumps off a building screaming I’m god I can fly
Which one is Radical Larry?
I’m scared bros I think I’m ready to wake up back to source https://youtu.be/eLjjrBIbvFQ?si=iA1GFp65xLANUuuC
Same, I go thru those events every few months, those feels better said.

I think its near.
>So how long did you guys’ psychosis last
I don't think it stops? It's only psychosis from the perspective of the 3d being real, you're actually adjusting to what the world really is...but what IS that? Until you get there I doubt you'll know.
Been in LOA for decades now, around 15 years.
Meticulously keeping a diary within of all the syncs etc.
No doubt its all real and it works.
But the real battle is between the victim/worldly self and the Free/God self.

They engage in battle. YOu wanna feel like a victim of the world, void of responsibility or self control, doomed to walk around lost and you create God out of that self, but once you create God, God wakes you up to the fact you Created Him, using Him. (a bit of a mind fuck)

And thats when the real ride starts.

Im at that part now. I still want things but I realized things that were outside of my scope of what I thought was possible.
Moved countries, met people, had syncs and more beyond scope of posting here.

I know whatever I want is possible. The issue is - you have to want it 100% and be fully fully clear on it. The more clear you are the better also, the wish is easier to manifest if you really want it vs if you somewhat want it (trade down) since true desire carries most charge.

But the thing is - I am approaching time when I can trust God.

I gained many things I wanted but they didnt made me as happy as when I dreamed about them. In some ways dream was always more pleasant than getting it, UNLESS I let God determine almost all of it.

In my LOA journey I think its a journey of trusting God more and more.

I think it leads to total liberation where I just fully dwell in Blessed state, fully un-entangled with 3D and just wing it.

Because one thing is true - states cause experiences.
You should keep a diary of your states and be self aware to draw those connects, its useful.

Anyhow, my most hardest experience was finding out the victim self is fake, non real, idiotic stupid limit that became such a normal way to define myself, I became panicked when manifestations came to take him away.
And I had to let go of idea of who I thought I was. Dont identify with your pains/failures/unresolved desires.

I did this but I didnt do SATS afterewards. Is this enough?
Post some of your bigger manifests
I think desire is bidirectional.

I think desire is not we wanting something.
I think its we feeling the future completeness.
And sensing it now.
And since its something that adds a lot to our Life, we sense it strongly. But its not like active desire-r wanting a passive object.
The object itself desires us.
And manifesting is automatic.

Why do I think so?
Because many things I wanted, jobs, friends, women, items, when I would get those experience I would find out they were waiting for someone like me.
Women wanted a partner like me.
Friends wanted a friend like me.
Jobs seeked someone like me.

It wasnt like I wanted something against the will of Universe or whatever.

So next time you want something, ask yourself - do you really want it? Or is someone somewhere wanting you so badly, that you cannot escape this desire you have?

I think its very beneficial to the whole process of yielding to the state, to see your desire as premonition or "sensing" of the desired experience/person - desiring you.

So relax into God, relax into your Bliss.
In essence
I want because I am wanted.

Desire is a sense of equation balancing itself.

Its also I think, we come into this world as fruits of desire, so its natural that "as all fruits run true to their roots" we carry the "desire torch" forward.

Also in Bible it states - You love because He loved you first.

I think its impossible to desire something that didnt desire you first. But who desired first? Where is the original desire? Because if I sense desire in another and another senses desire in me, who came first?

I think, the desire is not belonging to person.
Its a torch we carry from first who ever had desire - first domino - pushed by God who desired the World to be.
>it’s a Lilanon was diagnosed with psychosis episode
And it won’t stop. Long run time on this episode.
I am sorry but he is bald
if he can't manifest a full head of hair then I don't care
i feel as though my purgatory is nearing it's end, so many of my old sinful ways have been purged and i am ever inching closer to becoming the most loving version of myself that i can be.
>off-topic post hidden.
>see mother-anon, didn’t read.
Manifestation is healing.
i dont have mother anon posts hidden but i automatically skip them without reading too lol
What could help me detach from the 3d? I keep thinking back to what's worrying me and frankly it feels depressing and paralyzing.
Am I understanding correct, act as if you have thing? So I'm going to text a girl whos number I don't have, I'm going to buy a sofa which I don't have the money for. I'm conflicted. At the moment I'm working and I know if I had all the money in the world I wouldn't be working. Am i supposed to quit my job and act as if I'm rich? I make cheap shitty booze at home because it's cheaper than store-bought do i stop making it? If I had enough money I'd probably just buy it at the store
I found liloldfag's perfect match, now they can be schizo loser vampires together,

ok my fellow SR practictionners, how do this affect your LoA practice? it seems for me I have to be more careful of what I think about, both good and bad, as it tends to manifest more easily. Any personal experiences?
>void of responsibility or self control
It's fun to pretend you have no control over everything.

Great post, thanks for sharing.
it makes no difference to me. I had experiences after busting a nut and on nofap.

as always - as you believe so it be done unto you.

Thats the only LAW. All else is individual permission slips.

We are still somewhat stuck in "gotta suffer for some joy"
I think SR is part of that.

Personally nofap fucked me up. I became jaded and hated sex and when I had it I had trouble letting go and allowing myself to enjoy it since I feared if I enjoy it it will be taken away from me.
So I made myself hate it, not hate women but just kinda hate sex. I still liked it but I wasnt fully in it.

Now Im back to masturbating as much as I can and I never felt better and calmer. And I once again accept that sex is something I want more than most other things in life, I was always hyper sexual and it enabled me to achieve a lot of things unrelated to sex. By channeling my libido to fitness and academia.
Even chasing women, tho I experienced least success in that arena with women I wanted.

But at least now Im not deluding myself in some psychotic state of masochism.

Also I have to say, Im the 1000 approaches dude if someone is still here from same crew.
I think guys will invent anything and everything to avoid talking to women. CHase money, fame, spirituality, lifting numbers, lookism, whatever.... Why?
Being rejected is such a pain for a man since we inherently view and rightfully so women as inferior in every way. So being rejected by something beneath you is spirit crushing. And you feel like you wanna take back your approach. But you cant.
I know.

But while you are lifting and inventing shit to circumvent your ego, Im out there talking to girls (not rn, Im kinda in a slump rn mostly to being sick as a dog and sickness takes away my desire to deal with girls since I feel ultra not enough if I cant even protect myself).

Basically if you are healthy man, stop inventing reasons to not talk to women and be rejected by them.
Lol I thought you had a gf though? Jesus man stop putting yourself in such bullshit for hoes. The universe will give you the right girl, but you have to stop trying so hard and caring, it's really not worth it if you're not getting a women that truly loves you back.
As Neville would say, second cause. However I practice it
PS: its not all rejections.
Some will become gfs.

The only thing is, that number is really low.

If you approach girls on street or daily life, even if they stare at you and show interest, only one in few hundred is viable.

So, be optimistic, but dont expect to slay. In my circle of friends who do this thing, guys have no ego basically. Not because we are nice and all, but because our ego is crushed by approaching. Even guys who fuck 3 girls per week, have to approach hundreds for it. Hundreds.
Normal man hasnt approached a woman in his life lol. Maybe tops 5.

In these circles 1000 approaches done is like beginner level skill wise.

I got total 6 dates with 6 diff girls for 1000 ish approaches.
First date was after 400 appros done.
Sex and gf came after 800 appros.

It takes enormous amount of work, I am a beginner but also, I dont go for random lays I want a gf so I approach girls above average and girls I deem as gf-able.

Just saying, LOA helped me, when I started writing a success diary focusing on all good approaches of the day (nice convos, smiles, girls thanking me even if I never saw them again) i had a week full of success.

So attention is energy. And you have to be irrational to succeed. I am always getting blown off 8 times per 2 nice approaches and you need 40 nice approaches to have a girl who talks back, and you need 2-3 girls like that for one who may come out for a date.
So, in reality hundreds appros for a lay if u about that. Or 1000 for a gf.

If I were objective I wouldnt even have had that exp.

YOu have to focus on those nuggets of gold among dirt of rejection.
Its not a job for "fair and rational thought" you have to take care of your spirit.
I had for 2 months. Sweetest girl I ever had. But it was amicable breakup. She lived far and was busy and some other things I dont wanna share, her side. But nothing bad from either of our sides.

I know tho, I see your point. Its just that that way never worked for me.
Except for my first gf. I prayed, had a dream I had a gf, and met her next day.
Bdw went to sleep in tears lol so deffo wasnt in good state. I surrendered tho Id like to think. Cant rememeber details.

One thing I never tried tho is "Divine choice for me" which is closest you are suggesting.

You have to understand I tried the "nice waiting method" for years.
So when I moved and was able to approach large number of girls daily, I deffo wasnt in mood to wait in my room and pray.

Maybe someone can read my post and know its a sucky road but able to have some wins.
If you are middle of nowhere, then sure, pray and live in the end.
If you are surrounded with women daily, fuck it wing it.
How can I maximize Neville Goddard teachings as a pervert? I want to fuck big ass aunts and cousins like the anons do here , is there really no limits? Or will this all backfire on me and I should just manifest a gf with a high sex drive? Im on SR rn and I hate porn , but I really want to experience sex for once
how many girls have you initiated conversations with past month?
Hey what happened to the comfy vampire dude that would say the money magnet thing? I miss that guy and his golden Pepe gif
its not that you have to, but action also impresses SC mind.
If you are serious about it you will start conversing.
Remember, right girls react in a right way.

DTF girls who are into you will be easy to talk to.
Most women arent into you tho, most women are overspammed with dick just in their social circle, clubs apps they dont need street randos.

So if you are in, its a good sign.

I mean, guys, you do LOA for perfect physique, you still lift.
You do LOA for money, you still wake up go to work.
You do LOA for friends you dont isolate yourself.

LOA is like this - action wont hurt.

So especially in romantic department I think guys are lacking talking to girls. It takes work. Its like asking best technique to grow biceps without ever curling anything or doing a pullup.

I mean show me one person who can build a nice body without physical activity?

LOA will make it so you pick up good exercises and have optimal diet etc.
But it wont lift for you.

thats good, how many numbers? Dates? Did you invite them to someth?
Regarding action I think this:

All the action in the world cannot help you if your beliefs are fucked.


All the action in the world, cannot hurt, if your beliefs are RIGHT.


Action cannot hurt.
So practice good beliefs and act.
there was a dude here who maniffested asian milfs

Point is same for every goal.

Create a feeling of wish fulfilled and stay in it as long as possible, ideally always.
From that state you dont ask When and how? Because its done.

IF its done what do you have to do? Nothing.

Thats NG take at least. I prefer to do smth.
Isnt it wonderful you can fuck your aunt with this stuff?
I think ur teaching PUA shit thats not Neville bro, the wish had been fulfilled so I just sit back and let it play out
How do you summon the will and energy and time to do that shit? I have given up on IRL approaches after maybe about 40-50 straight rejections, which is demoralizing especially when you see women throw themselves at men who are hot. That's why I'm here in LoA after all.
its not PUA per se. PUA has specific methods.

talking to girls is talking to girls.

If you are brainwashed into thinking thats wrong, then sorry bra.

But you do you as always man. You might get great results chilling.

I never did.
No, he failed to manifest those and stopped posting. He posted his affirmations a lot which you aren’t meant to do so that explains a lot.
Wait serious? Do you have any of his stories on how he did it? I might try that this time
I went 7 years without sex.

Well several reasons. First, my og country I lived in women were all tatted up smokers. Not my style. TO each their own but not my style.

So when I moved to here where women are actually fucking hot and nice, it was like heaven.

But still, I needed to put in work as an outsider especially.

Motivation? I have friends in the "approach scene" and they hyped me up also. People who are well read about stuff, human psychology.
There are men out there who are lawyers, doctors, wallstreet dudes, rich successful men who still approach weekly women on the street. You would be surprised.
Being around guys like that and seeing hot rich dudes blown off a lot made me realize rejection is the norm. Especially in the street where a woman cannot gauge your status.

So I did it until I got gf and sex.
Which awakened the hunger again, as it goes.

But its very painful not gonna lie man, even veterans feel the pain. YOu become redpilled so hard. The difference between men and women on dating pool is beyond night and day.

I remember a post where he had some success but it wasnt what he really wanted. Still close.

Cant remember anything specific. It all comes down to basics anyhow.
Which country is that?
The city I'm in has some attractive women but something like half the women in my age range are obese and half of yhe remaining ones are fat.

And yeah the difference is wild. I know a woman who is legitimately autistic, isn't attractive at all, and has no problem getting a bf. Even below average women have told me they have no problem getting the kinds of men they want. Meanwhile most men I know that don't have a long term gf struggle to even get a match on tinder, let alone any woman to show interest IRL.
exactly, women can get men they want and moreso easier for them since they arent attracted to physical as much as we.
Most dudes date and fuck 2 grades below their own. So a dude who can get 6s on a reg is at least an 8 himself.
And dude who is a 10 can get 8s regularly but above is hard even for him.
Women always date up, and they most cases CAN pull it off easy.

Dont wanna get into specifics about countries.
And its not really important, if you wanna get hot women you should do your own resarch taking into account your tastes and ability to migrate.
Which I think any sane dude should do. Migrating for loots is how we came to be world dominating species.
>I mean, guys, you do LOA for perfect physique, you still lift.
>You do LOA for money, you still wake up go to work.
>You do LOA for friends you dont isolate yourself.

Yeah, LOA makes your wishes come through the lowest common denominator, sadly, there is nothing magical about this, it's just another form of a positive brainwashing.
I think SR has nothing to do with no enjoy sex, it's almost the opposite to me.

Also NoFap / pornfree / SR are three different things and only somewhat related, but I see the point were you go into "a thing" (like NoFap / SR) and make it a quasi religious thing that you're are afraid to lost something by not doing it well, but it tell more about limited belief put into the practice that the practice by itself, the same thing can be said about LoA.

For me, it happens that at some point SR give me a paradigm shift that make everything seem like a direct manifestion, almost like a SATS on command, albeit it's not a linear process the difference of energy and perception is so weird I sadly never succeed to enter it without being celibate.

That's being said if you're blessed with a fullfilling intimate life with your partner it's probably the best option one can have, it's just not a given (whereas everyone can practice celibacy).
Why is there so much negativity here now and fags that dont even practice Neville Goddard? I remember this place being better , these dudes are teaching something else you dont have to approach anyone and semen retention doesnt fucking matter read the books for fucks sake
>Basically if you are healthy man, stop inventing reasons to not talk to women and be rejected by them.
Nothing to do with that, quite the contrary. Do you know what the practice is or are you inventing shit just to dismiss it?

SR improves intimacy a great deal, precisely because you focus to enjoy life out there with real people (and women) rather that just yourself in your lonely time.
sometimes things come about miraculously, because you harness every variable.

But you still do something. Sure it can work without it but I think there is nobody excelling in anything without opening a book about it or putting in work.

Even Joseph Murphy wrote - if you wanna succeed in something get interested in it and absorbed by it. Which is not jerking off at home wanting girls never talking to them.

Arnold Swartzenegger, Elon Musk, all successful people have goals and visulize success.

They also work like madmen.
And sometimes LUCK helps them a lot, but luck favors the brave and dilligent.

To have that "moment of luck" you have to put in hours of work.

I had girls talk about sex and being down for it with me within 10 min convo.
Not on my first approach mind you lol

So external peeps will take that one thing and say LOA WORKS! Sure it works.

Take 800 of selfhate inducing rejections, flakes, ignoring, late responding, stringing along also into account lol.
And those are worst and the worst part is some girls will do it out of boredom. YOu really cannot underestimate the lack of empathy women possess. Not all, but more women than men lack basic human empathy.
Im not negative man. Im offering some hope for dudes.

You can sit in your room and manifest a gf, I hope you do since I parallely do that too.

Its just that, talking to women actually works every time. Or at least in 800/1 gf ratio for me.

Which is better than spending years thinking your sats is wrong lol
Yeah it's kinda funny
>assumptions harden into fact
People are just sharing their own assumptions with others in this thread.
What have you manifested anon? SATS only?

I manifested plenty for others (it works quite well), for me.. it's so-so.
What should I manifest today gentleman?
Your choices are
Million dollars
A new car
Or a kitchen set from faberware(valued at 700$)
>Its just that, talking to women actually works every time. Or at least in 800/1 gf ratio for me.
Yeah, but it's not the subject of this thread, it's not even /x/ related while you can argue than mixing SR and LoA is. We know the PUA shit, you're not the chad you believe you are, go back to /adv/ pal.
I do SR with my girl, that is, I fuck her and dont jerk off to porn.

Single dudes will go insane with no release. Sure girls will look at your glowing skin and deep voice but u still gotta say HELLO unless u wanna play the mysterious stranger role while the girl finds an actual communicator.

I think for me at least, single = bust a nut however u can.

With gf - save for her, since it makes sex better.

There ya go.
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Would a more appropriate goal for LoA be to make yourself into said 10 who can bang 8s (hell most guys would be happy to bang 6s easily), rather than spending so much time getting a girl "in your league" knowing she probably fucked some hot guy with him having to do a fraction of the effort for it?
Oh I see who I got here.
The "we" guy.

There is nobody behind you dude. You are alone larping. Save your cries.

Im saving lives here from years of googling methods and thinking they are "so close as one girl smiled today".

Yall gotta talk to women. Fullstop.

If men talked to women more it would be a better world. YOu would all get redpilled and in process of approaching you also learn a lot finer things about women, yourself and world.
>Not hearing the words
>Arguing against a silly pronoun.

"We" as in this thread related, but sure you can go to /diy/ or /jp/ and talking about anything too, you do you pal, it's just not in the theme and 4chan is full of "how to get girls" materials already. But go ahead and play the Chady chad mcChadon if you will, still nothing to do with /loa/ though.
No, there are 10s who are autistic and fail with women.

Like I said you guys keep evading the pain. Like in Fight club when Brad Pitt puts a chemical burn on the Norton. STICK WITH THE PAIN!

It hurts a lot man ngl, you become disillusioned. Women dont care about love not nearly as you were led to believe with movies, they are practically cold and calculated machines who sometimes like a cute puppy online. Redeemed? I think not.
Sure women are still amazing in many ways and many great women exist, but its like animals we keep as pets, they will fucking devour you if you sleep too long on their watch.

Doesnt mean you cant relax, please do, learn and share your true self with women and observe how their interest fluctuates depending on what you do.

You may find like me women want a cold ass machine of a man, a caricature of masculinity, not a real person. But its alright, because we want perfect mommy as well.
We are both seeking weird fantasies in each other.

Anyhow to answer you - dont try to avoid talking to women.
Dont work on being a 10 as your main thing women wise.

Dont say "Im handsome"

Im told Im handsome daily, women comment it passing me by, teachers tell it to my face, classroom peeps claim I get girls easy.
Only my peeps in game know how it is. One handsome dude just yesterday said "his woman said why he has to approach on street, dont women approach him?" And he is tall, well dressing amicable dude.

WOmen dont put effort at all in men, cold truth. Even handsome men fuck way below their level.

Dont become a 10, dont be handsome.

Affirm the END result. Being a 10 you could easily be a virgin 10 like many dudes.

Claim this - women wanna get fucked by me. I fuck hot women regularly. I fuck women whenever I want. Sex is always available for me.

THAT being your desired goal I assume. Dont focus on the means to an end. Being tall/handsome /rich is means to an end but plenty people have it without the end.

Focus on the GOAL.
me on the right
I manifested some blonde art hoe girl I know thats a friend to send me feet and thigh pics, she has a bf too all I did was a first person scene of me in bed with her , she had ghosted me for a while too. Then appeared a week and a half later when I did sats and she said she had a dream about me , shes been very bubbly lately, should I lose my virginity with this chick anons?
he oozes such a naive joy
I love the expression and body posture, its so kid like.

NG was milf hunter bdw. First marriage I think his wife was 18 yrs older than him.
Personally Im adamant about moral quality of my women.
So I wouldnt.

But you do you. Ask your SC mind for guidance.
I skipped some girls because they acted aloof too much or their souls were too dark.

I remember one blonde girl incidentaly lol, who I invited to mine and immediately regretted it. She was just dark like oil.

I prefer good vibes.

Saying that since if she got a bf and chatting around, its very poor character.
Its because hes a pisces
do you got more examples?

Im not into full on astrology but Im into patterns and there is smth to it. Wanna see if ur right.
Neville was very much into tarot and astrology. He gave it all up for the pearl of great price.
And that is where I am at rn, I legit threw away everything occult related that I had. I was mixing santero stuff with voodoo and catholic, had tarot cards , a bunch of western mystery school stuff like BOTA, I even made anointing oils. Psalm magic, Shem angel magic, all this weird love magic perfume making stuff , I really went down a dark path when I could have just received the Pearl instead. It feels like a massive weight has been lifted off me desu, and ive found a lot of similar people that went through this process of finding Neville , it feels like hes the final boss of all this stuff.
5 lessons by Neville is legit all you need , I feel like such a fucking retard for spending so much money on occult stuff and hanging out with those kinds of people , 5 LESSONS BY NEVILLE IS ALL YOU FUCKING NEED YOU ESOTERIC CHUDS
Joseph Murphy even wrote a book about I Ching

All those men were into many many things.
Only makes me admire the whole crew even more.

I wonder about Abdullah tho. So little on about him.I tried reading his book but it seemed gibberish.
Dude Joseph Murphy was legit a jesuit at one point kek, and a Freemason just like the master key system guy Charles haanel, even the pioneer Thomas Troward studied freemasonry if you read his books he talks about occult stuff that would go over normies heads, he brings up ceremonial magic too
>I wonder about Abdullah tho. So little on about him.I tried reading his book but it seemed gibberish.
He probably wasn't real. Neville hopped from occult group to group and learned a lot. He took what worked and lectured on it. I have no doubt he had a kabbalah teacher(s), but beyond a random grave in eithiopia and a picture that isn't even him, I have seen little evidence of Abdullah's existence. Same with that book, how do we know he wrote it? Though he was an african dude in the early 20th century so its not like there would be much of a record anyways. I know SATS works and that's all I need
Joseph Murphy mentioned Abdullah too, thats all the evidence I need. Dude was a real rabbi.

yup. Hermeticism. Im not surprised as I read works on that too. Corpus Hermeticum you can apply to geopolitics and its nifty to determine which countries are cool.
Oh yeah I remember your story for your first gf, so you're also the guy who did 1000 approaches.
I think I know what you should do, when you go to sleep at night you should affirm you're in a loving relationship, if you do it for a few days you should have a dream of it being done. Than just wait a few weeks for the girl to come into your life.
Holy shit stop blogposting your retarded pua shit. Why? Because: 1) You're absolutely shit with women despite all your approaches

2) This is the loa thread not the chronicles of the pua noob

Go to /b/ if you need to get that shit off your chest
Thanks for the great vibes man. I sense a lot of pure intention from your posts. Thanks for sharing it.

Right now Im not even sure I want that as Im in between phase between big decisions but I feel good about them so its alright.

Maybe currently being single is probably best, or just getting some non committed sexual fun, yup.
Dude you're literally coping so hard. Rejection is more normal for a guy but acting like getting rejected 800 times to get one girl is worthwhile is retarded. And it didn't even work out for you anyway kek. You would probably have more success if you weren't an esl manlet pajeet thinking pua is actually worthwhile. If you understood how to manifest girls, you'd realise none of that bs is worthwhile.
I feel bad for you, but you're coping super hard acting like successful guys have to go through that too lmao.
I wouldve loved to sit with them and just have a bromance tier conversation where we get into all sorts of things they had interest but probably didnt feel comfortable writing, and wasnt really needed.

Murphy manifested a whole house for himself, Helen Hadsell shared in her videos. But apparently was not comfortable sharing it with his readers.

I love we have tapes of Dr. Murphy. He was the first man I read after seeing the Secret. And his affirmation stuff changed my life.
I am forever grateful to him.
Great man to read first as JMs work is really written in simple terms and easy to understand. His most famous book is easy read and easy to put into practice.

He also has "Magic of Faith" which reads much more Nevillish.

Thomas Troward is very heavy in terminology but has golden quotes like: Having seen the end, you have willed the means for the realization of that end.
>There is nobody behind you dude.
I'm behind him. You're a retard. This pua shit isn't even that hard and you still suck at it after all those (thousands?) dumb approaches, meanwhile back in the day I read pua material for just a few months and got the hottest chick in the university. For fucks sake you're literally crying about women and about how hard you have it lmao. Someone like you wants to teach people about women? You serious?

You fail because you never learn from your mistakes and you don't understand the source material whether it's pua or loa. You still fail to understand that actions happen by themselves. Taking action for the sake of taking action is the retarded normie way of doing shit. Someone who thinks loa is about sitting in a room and waiting should not be giving anyone advice about loa.
Dude just do the fucking Neville methods for love , you dont need PUA stuff even when he met his new wife all he did was sats with her in his bed and the bridge of incidents happened
>is a "diluted, decaffeinated LoA where the most important part is the law of the hard work mumbo jumbo like LoA is some witchy crystal tiktok e-thot bushittery to, maybe, have luck. Also have these -red pills- that won't surely block you bro!" episode.
Pearl of Great Price, faggots.
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So, a while back I talked a bit about listening to subliminals that would make me emo.
My face has gotten less masculine.
People get really surprised when I tell them I'm in my late 20s since I apparently look like I'm still in my teens. Perhaps a side-effect since emos generally didn't stay that way for long.
I'm sometimes entering these weird euphoric states where all my troubles don't bother me, and I even feel good about being sad.
Also, I've considered starting cutting myself because I think it just seems appealing somehow. Kinda scary but fuck it works!
How do I get the pearl of great price
Neville had the benefit of growing up before television was a thing, and even radio was in its inception.

There were few distractions, which enabled him to easily achieve a state of "gnosis" or the shutdown of your conscious mind simply by concentrating on your desire.

It also doesn't hurt that he was a Vaudeville dancer, possessing a lot of control over his physical body.

Reaching the same state in 2024 is not easy. Shutting off your brain is an effort in and of itself, which already goes against the effortless approach Neville taught. Plus, our imagination is imprinted with more images than 10 thousand frontline soldiers from different eras would have seen.

That's where chaos magic comes in. You are forcing the state of gnosis by achieving orgasm and transforming your intention into a bizarre symbol that your conscious mind won't understand while you look at it during orgasm, but that has already been absorbed into your subconscious and imprint your mind with it.

Even your mind will change if you do the ritual correctly, which is rather easy and there are no limits to how many times you can do it and what words and styles of sigil you can use, it's all permitted and subjective. You will know it worked when you notice a feeling of inevitability, or as Neville described, a feeling akin to watching a movie where you've already seen the final scene. Yes you will enjoy the movie, feel the tension, but undercurrent there is a solid, peaceful feeling of excitement and inevitability coming from KNOWING exactly how the movie is gonna end.

You might think Chaos Magick is a limiting belief, but I'm not implying you should quit the Law or anything. If you're capable of concentrating, visualizing, and FEELING the way Neville recommends, more power to you, you can get into a ritualistic state multiple times during the day, while going to work, going to sleep, taking a shower, waking up, working etc.. and you WILL get the things you want because Feeling Is The Secret.
Damn wtf, I was just about to make a post about these two books that are in the real of chaos magic , I was noticing how similar this stuff was to Neville especially brain magick
Give everything up that you now believe in, and believe only in your imagination.
Without going into the chaos magic route, how do I relax myself and concentrate like Neville did if I have ADHD?

a lot of hate for a dude saying "if sats and just LOA doesnt work, try talking to girls, it may take a while but it works"

Its weird to say the least. Look at all your emotional responses to what I wrote.

Men in general fear the rejection a lot. More than war, more than death, more than bankruptcy, more than anything really. Men will go above and beyond, join navy seals, lift weights, run marathons, build entire fucking multi billion dollar companies, all to find some way to EARN women, without talking to women.

To me it's hilarious.

The monster in the closet, for men, is being rejected by women. Thats it. And if you show it to them, they rage and spin and insult and become, well, hysterical.
Because its not a nice noble monster, its not a glorious monster. Most men are ashamed of having that fear. But dont blame it on me lol.
Throw everything away? EVERYTHING?
Those random frequencies on youtube really help me unironically. if ads are a problem try to download it
Pure theta waves, Pure Delta waves etc..
528hz, 777hz, etc..

While lying down or sitting down relaxing.

When not using frequencies, try to relax while sitting down during shower or taking a bath
Bruh you're not cool for approaching 1000 women, as you barely got any pussy for doing so, and it's clearly taken a toll on your mental health.
Women are apsolutely not worth approaching 1000s of times for. Being alone sounds far better than that bs, and to add you probably aren't even going to get the quality of girl you want through that.
You should accept that you're coping really hard, chad thunder cock doesn't have to approach 1000s of times. And you know yourself if you were just a bit more attractive, you could've had a gf in 20 approaches or less not 800 lmao.
>ads are a problem
uBlock Origin will block them all, if you need it for mobile, install Firefox, it can use PC extensions on phone version.
>goes to a LoA thread to talk about literal clownworld games
>gets mad for being put in place and goes ful "lololol you're all really mad losers lmao"
You're being VERY offtopic and you're being bashed for that and now you're also being a crybaby for those replies.
>Look at all your emotional responses to what I wrote.
If you go to the "only meat fair" and start talking to everyone about corn and only corn, you will get the same reactions. People gets mad with retarded offtopic nonsense and you know it because you're doing it on purpose and for free.
>Verification not required.
what happened to the "Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys" guy
I blame the tripfags
>Claim this - women wanna get fucked by me. I fuck hot women regularly. I fuck women whenever I want. Sex is always available for me.

Like I said here >>38889899
LOA has a tendency to show you the easiest way to achieve your goals. I've done what you suggest and now I'm fucking a ton of hookers every month, not complaining, just noting interesting facts.
they hate the law because it can reverse MKUltra programming, it also effectively disproves gnosticism which makes the glowies seethe as well.
>through the lowest common denominator
Who the fuck established that? Have you guys read the fucking books?

>your assumptions harden into fact
>feeling is the secret
>imagining creates reality

THOSE are the rules. There's NOTHING about muh common denominator. YOU ARE the reason you got a shitty low-grade manifestation of your desire BECAUSE OF YOUR ASSUMPTIONS.

Why do people love establishing rules out of their asses?

Jesus, this is why dictators and authoritarians have a blast on earth. People beg to be ruled, to be demoralized, to be told "you can't do that", to be told about the "reservations" and "the danger" on things.
I've seen him post here a few days ago
Stop sperging out, retard. Books are only needed in the beginning, after some time you just experience everything for yourself. You will see in a couple of years if you don't quit.
You should try adding "for free" and see what happens hahah

Its all states. Sometimes tho it seems SC mind needs very detailed instructions.

I was manifesting a lot of women I liked, who didn't like me, or were married or whatever, as long as I focused on "perfect woman" but when I focused on "perfect relationship and how it feels" and described it, scripted it, I got that.
More people who haven't read the book.

The Jordan Cuckstein/Matt Walsh/Ben Shapiro muh life is suffering and responsibility paradigm is plaguing every part of society, even the occult.

Neville taught us, and this is confirmed by experience: suffering and pain is a choice. You can manifest a life of peace, debauchery, indulgency, pleasure, and zero suffering, just by changing your assumptions.

>Books are only needed in the beginning
Semantics. What I'm saying is that the contents of Neville's books are there and they are true. The fact that:
>your assumptions harden into fact
>feeling is the secret
>imagining creates reality

Is not gonna change no matter how much "experience" you get. And if your reality does change and new obstacles appear, it's because you've created those obstacles and stupid rules. Again, your assumptions harden into fact
>but muh thing happened
You've created it.
>b-but this rule
You've created it.
>b-b-but muh lowest common denominator, muh patterns
You've created those patterns.
just go approach some girls man you'll feel better I swear hahahhaa

all this repressed rage

You wouldnt have that problem if you approached 1k girls I can tell you that.

"Im behind him" lol

You guys are fucking hilarious. I gotta go soon but hey lets continue some other time. Ill be easy to find shilling my "communicate with women" method of getting to know women bahahaha
>You should try adding "for free" and see what happens hahah
I did that, it was even worse because I just turned to VR and simulated sex with women through it.
I'll try to add "real" and "for free" next time, but as far as I can tell the instructions to SC are already too complex to comprehend, in order to really influence it they should be short and easy to tell.
lilanon I love you more when u use the trip

I dont read those guys they are for zoomer crew.

Pain makes a man. No way of avoiding it. You wouldnt have Buddhism if a spoiled dude didnt question shit and went ape shit on himself to better himself.

The point is pain is internal, pain is avoiding, running away.
Once you accept its unavoidable, it transmutes into healing and disillusioning you.

The true pain is in the running away from pain. Like a cat that puts its paw on you quickly, you flex back and scratch yourself. Stay with the paw and find it to be a lovely cute handshake. Or pawshake.

I cant be enlighting you all here. Some trip take it away.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek - Jung (I think)

if you can visualize, just visualize then, sexing girls for free. Images carry more meaning than words.
>your assumptions harden into fact
>feeling is the secret
>imagining creates reality

That's all you need to know, that's all this is about. If you don't believe in it, you're wasting your time here.

>b-but I'm just helping people
No, you're not helping someone by going on an occult community and being smug about "the occult not working" and "offering a solution" because "I'm trying to help".

>if you approached 1k girls
Your assumptions harden into fact. If you need to "approach a thousand women" to feel better, that's the reality you've created for yourself.

That's the whole point of the Law of Assumption, which is the topic of this thread. Pick Up Artists discussions are off-topic and there's no reason to keep insisting on it unless you're trying to be the smug "well uhm... actually" dork bringing up totally unrelated topics in the guise of "trying to help".

>I-I'm j-just trying to help
>w-well go fuck yourselves!
That's not the attitude of someone who wants to "help".
>>your assumptions harden into fact
>>feeling is the secret
>>imagining creates reality

good points

Talking to 1k girls is a good permission slip, if your beliefs are alright it can only help, if not, it may reach 1k lol.

Some people who have tried years doing sats or whatever and only gotten pain out of it, talking to people may be a nice release.

I know its you lilanon I recognize your pattern of speech. Good info you shared here I dont mind talking without name calling, notice how Im the only one in all these posts not using ad hominems. Like a cool dude, one might assume as cool as someone who talked to 1k women with aim of fulfilling their fantasies.
Do come back, I'd like to ask some questions.

How do you visualize "for free" part?
>Pain makes a man. No way of avoiding it.
Your assumptions harden into fact.
Feeling Is The Secret.
Imagining Creates Reality.

Your failure to recognize and accept that is why you always get cucked by dictators, corporations and religious cuckery that establish traditions and rules you are forced to follow.

It's a form of masochism that strips the self of his unlimited power.

Your assumption that "pain is inevitable and necessary" is why your life is a life of inevitable and unavoidable pain.

It's crazy how this general attracts people who are obsessed with disproving the law and adding additional rules to what is extremely simple.

People don't wanna realize their power and don't want people to realize theirs either.

The reactions always go from "trying to help", to mockery and dogmatism, to absolute seething.

Funnily this only happens in this general (and in the new chaos magic general).

This form of fierce reaction against a simple occultic principle should serve as evidence that this thing actually WORKS. Nobody would give a shit if this was a discussion on the horoscope or the traits of ancient gods. Because they don't give a shit.
Honestly, Id just visualize how sex with non hooker feels like and alsoI would refuse to indulge in hookers.

You have to say NO to what you dont want, so what you want can enter your life. Ive experienced this numerous times with friends, jobs etc.

nice straw man

Im seeing your point, but I think a bit of pain (contrast) is needed. You wouldnt know pleasure, if you were never exposed to pain.

But you do you. I still think pain is something a man has to go thru to grow as a man. But is a marker on the road, not the road itself. A milestone.

And that pain comes with shedding old beliefs about women, life, self, victimhood, etc etc.

On the other side of it is greater Joy. I hope you can see that.

Anyhow, I think ultimately we do agree lilanon bro.
And even if we didnt, you cant ban me, I dont wanna ban you, world still spins, its all right.

Until next time take care and remember to wink to a girl or two hahaha, my fellas.
Look into Helen Hadsell interview on youtube.
She would compete for a win of some prize, but wait and wait and sometimes she would lose patience and buy the prize for herself (if prize for ex was a stove she would buy a stove) then later soon, a call would come "you won the stove".

Meaning: you script for sex with normal women and you stick to your guns.
Hookers represent buying the prize.

Stick to your image, to your script, dont waver. Helen is amazing woman to see on youtube. Go check it out.
>Guys you just have to go through pain as a man, otherwise you're a loser
COPE the post
Pls leave and gtfo of this general, the cringe is too much
You have nothing to show for your mentality apart from being a lonely fraud.
>Talking to 1k girls is a good permission slip, if your beliefs are alright it can only help, if not, it may reach 1k lol.
>Some people who have tried years doing sats or whatever and only gotten pain out of it, talking to people may be a nice release.
If your assumption is that you need to talk to a thousand women to get "a release", that's how your reality is gonna shape out.

>I know its you lilanon I recognize your pattern of speech
I don't know who that is and having "lil" on my name would feel rather childish.

>someone who talked to 1k women with aim of fulfilling their fantasies.
In the Law, nothing is required. You don't need to put in the effort. You just need to feel and assume.

Any failure comes down to failing to assume and feel your wish fulfilled.

>I still think pain is something a man has to go thru
Of course you do, your assumptions harden into fact and this is the Law as taught by Neville Goddard and confirmed by experience of those who live by the Law.

>remember to wink to a girl or two hahaha
I don't have to, women approach me. You create your own reality. I've created a life of debauchery just by assuming it was all true. It took me 3 years due to doubts, but it started happening and I get girls approaching me for sex on a regular basis.

>it would have happened anyways! you're fit! you're handsome! you're rich! you're a passport bro! you've just learned how to talk to women!

I'm none of those things and I haven't done any of those things. I just slept on the assumption that girls come to me. And it started happening. I have done literally NOTHING. There is no effort with the Law. There is no effort in life at all. Even my source of income came to me without effort at all, and I don't even have to work anymore (I do but I don't have to).
And again this point has to be stressed, because it's devastating to the doubters:
Funnily this only happens in this general (and in the new chaos magic general).

This form of fierce reaction against a simple occultic principle should serve as evidence that this thing actually WORKS. Nobody would give a shit if this was a discussion on the horoscope or the traits of ancient gods. Because they don't give a shit about those threads.

I know what the response is likely to be
>it's because you're all delusional and I'm tired of this shit and I wanna help you idiots wake up!

No, that can't be the case. It's too specific to come here on THIS thread, and THIS thread only, which is but a small segment of the occult, to try to "wake people up".

There are many people here and on the occult in general that believe in the most out-there stuff and all sorts of occultic practices and traditions, and YET, this is the one specific segment that gets attacked with holier-than-thou smug "I just wanna help" people.

Interesting. To whoever practices the Law, with no reservations and human-made rules and limitations, just know you are on the right path. The reaction should tell you everything.
>muh conspiracy, everyone is attacking this thread
Isn't assumptions harden into facts, dear anon? :)
You got agitated for no reason and now you are making fool of yourself.
thats cool man
I hope to get to that level at some point

Im being complimented regularly which is nice but I want girls approaching me for sex and being open about it.

>remember to wink to a girl or two hahaha

this was a tongue in cheek joke bdw, but Im happy to hear you making LOA work with sex/relationships.

I like the no effort talk, the things that came to me with LOA, purely, were pretty effortless.

it does take a while to purge old beliefs.

How did you approach it? Did you sats or script your life being chased by girls proposing sex?
I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands in the real world while I am awake. I specify that I wish for this to occur in the current universe and worldline I inhabit at this moment, on this day, September 24, 2024, after September 26, 2024, at 8:54 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST), and before September 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST.

I'd appreciate it if anyone granted my wish.
I am deeply grateful for the manifestation of my desire to hold at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands in the real world while I am awake. I affirm that this wish is fulfilled in the current universe and worldline I inhabit, on this day, September 24, 2024, and I accept the abundance that will come to me between September 26, 2024, at 8:54 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) and September 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST.

Thank you for granting my wish!
Every time I'd have some free time I'd try to feel. I guess I did some form of scripting by creating a fake story where I was the main character, writing a little bit every day. It was a cringe story, and while I've never watched harem anime, I would guess it was very similar to the plot of one of those. None of that is necessary, feeling is all that matters, but while writing and reading my cringe "novel" I'd feel very happy and would imagine myself in those situations

Also I'd sit down while taking a shower/bath and visualize and feel my reality unfolding. Falling asleep too helps, but sitting down/lying down and visualizing/feeling until you feel extreme joy and then DROPPING it like you've just had an orgasm also works perfectly.

My first success was traveling to a specific country while completely penniless. Sort of like Neville's first manifestation. It gave me a lot of confidence. It took me a few months.
Describing something is not being "agitated". Also that's an appeal to psychology, which is not an argument. My observation would stand as logically true regardless of me being as calm as a buddhist monk or seething like a "free palestine" whore at a college campus.

>Isn't assumptions harden into facts, dear anon? :)
Yes, but I'd rather not spend precious seconds of concentration and focus to get rid of trolls in a random 4chan board.

And this clash is actually beneficial to those struggling with doubt, because it makes it very clear who is in the right.
>Liloldfag hiding his trip because he's sad from getting bullied
Pathetic really
I blame bitter faggots like the quoted ones.
Pretty sure that shit is a pasta now and there are anons posting it just for shit and giggles.
I'm not Lil whatever that is. Also: not an argument. If you wanna be all "logical" about refuting a belief-system, you shall not use logical fallacies. If you do, you ain't refuting shit and it's all about "bullying", proving the doubters wrong.

Also: >>38891035
I'm not whoever the person you're replying to lil.
I'm just calling you pathetic
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how do I battle opressive dark thoughts
I can't get to manifesting because all my mental efforts are going into protecting myself from selfimposed negativity

>inb4 just don't think bad looooool
I feel to drained from not breaking down to have any strength for anything else
I feels like manifestation only works for mentally well people who have sort of a "solid ground" beneath them

>just quit porn
I did

>just visit the gym
I did

>just start eating healthy
I did
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
just don't think bad, it is only your beliefs which bring dark thoughts to you. choose better.
relax during shower/bath and imagine the water as cleansing you, and visualize and feel.

otherwise, try chaos magic. it's forced manifestation and it works. check the general here. it's gud
It's based as fuck people in this thread are reacting against the chaos magick fags now
He's saying he thinks you're the tripbro LilAnon, probably the most well known tripfag here. You do have a similar posting style to him.
Guys, anyone manifested from scripting alone? Like that scriptbro with his pic floating here?
Okay, I've never directly engaged with anons here, but fuck it, might as well.

I've manifested driving a car, texts from people in places they don't usually do and people doing stuff that is not their usual self.

I'm stuck on this girl I've been seeing. She became very avoidant after a very romantic night.

When I spiral, or think I did something wrong (even when I don't) she starts acting cold. Doesn't text and etc.

Yesterday I spiraled because for some reason my mind was worried she'd think I was cheating on her, saw she reposted something about "not keeping your eyes on your girl means someone else is" which is a direct confirmation I manifested this shit.

I want her clingy and fully commited. Issue is I don't know exactly how I manifested all those other times or if I am just on the bridge before getting my desire.

Any ideas?
>try chaos magic
Do you practice both methods? I mean LOA and CM? Which is better and why?
i found thinking in general to be bad so just stop thinking

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