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Spirit Love General
Picnic Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38811000
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
>tulpa sex
What got you interested in this topic?
What got you interested in the thread?
Haha, you replied before I even redirected the question at you specifically.
What do you find funny about it? Also, would you like to hear what got me interested in the topic?
Ir the ghost of Christmas past...?
I'll ask again since it's a new thread. What is it like to have a succubus queen as your patron goddess for healing and self improvement? What is it like to even have a patron goddess?
Wow, weren't you a bit young? I didn't start having a recurring nightmare about being sexually assaulted by a woman until I was 13. I'm half-joking, as I think my case was too young as well and it messed me up a bit.
But that isn't actually what got me interested in the topic, in fact it made me rather afraid of the topic, and it was other things that made me curious about possible positive expressions of the phenomenon.
Were you looking for answers here, then? As for your question, if she was a succubus? Maybe, but I think ultimately the classification matters less than how the experience affected you. Did you consider her to be a malevolent spirit?

Lilith is my patron Goddess. When things happen in my life through a string of coincidences and teach me lessons, sometimes it seems as though she planned it all somehow.
More importantly, when I ask her about things I'm anxious about, she shows me the answer. It's like having a therapist who is also a motherly figure, but she's in my head and has probably been watching me through my eyes my whole life. Even when I worry about things, she smiles because she already knows how it'll end. It can feel a bit overwhelming to talk to her because of that, but whenever I do, I end up laughing and crying at the same time, because by showing me the meaning of life, she also shows me what's meaningless. But as I adjust to her wisdom, I feel lighter.
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>Every day I come on here to laugh at you retards.
Homie, you should wait til the end of such a long post to confess that you're a no-life loser.

You're saving me time here. 0/10, novice trolling. Deserved deletion.

>Went from "I came to laugh at you" to oh-so-scary "I'm working to have your general removed"
Yikes. This is how to tell a nigga got MAD.

>things happen in my life through a string of coincidences and teach me lessons, sometimes it seems as though she planned it all somehow.
Oh yeah, I've definitely gotten that vibe.
Enlighten me anon, how do I manage to have this kind of relationship with Lilith?
For me, it happened simply as I meditated for 15 minutes twice a day. Sometimes I got the somewhat eerie sense there was a presence in the room with me, but if I actually focused on that presence, I found insights. I could even ask questions, and I would experience interesting visions and sensations. Over time, this eventually developed in the dynamic I described earlier. The insights I get are often translated to full sentences now, but there are still some things that are easier to understand if I don't try to let it be put into words.
So, who knows, perhaps if you get into such a habit and pray for guidance, your patron deity might just appear to you in one way or another and try to guide you. If you want that to be Lilith, perhaps you could try asking her, but I can't say what will happen. That's for you to find out.
Before or after meditation, did you used to do anything in particular?
Is there any offerings you know of that she likes?
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
>Before or after meditation, did you used to do anything in particular?
I would generally meditate right after waking up (on my first time meditating on the day), and go to sleep right after the last time. There's nothing I did that particularly stands out.

>Is there any offerings you know of that she likes?
It might be a bit unconventional, and I'm unsure if it's considered an offering or not, so I'm unsure whether to recommend it. But when I was reluctant to reach out to her because I felt a bit intimidated by how much I admired her and was afraid to be a burden, I had an incredibly vivid dream in which she said she had set up a tea party just for me and her. I sat across from her at the golden table, and she told me that due to her nature, it doesn't burden her if I reach out and talk to her, in fact it benefits us both; so I should never hesitate to, even if it's just to chat.
I took that to heart, perhaps a bit literally. So occasionally, at times when I feel a particularly strong pull to talk to her, I make some of my favorite tea, one cup for me and one for her, and optionally bring some sweet snacks as well. Then we enjoy them together with her at my altar as we talk.
So it would be nice to throw a small tea party for her? Does she enjoy them? Are there any treats in particular she enjoys?
Well, she seems to enjoy them with me. As for treats, I think she likes chocolate and cookies. You surely can't go wrong with chocolate if you want to do a more conventional offering. Perhaps wine could work too, but I don't know enough about wines to know which wines would be good, as I'm a teetotaler.
I'm simply trying to physically replicate what she showed me in those special dreams. But there are many ways to go about expressing your admiration or gratitude. Consider looking up advice for offering and asking others as well.
I wrote my letter, sent it and its been a few hours and still no real response nor feeling of anything

Did I fail, I just want a succ gf
i found it after watching a vid about SuccubusHunter. there is a fragment mocking /succgen/

https://youtu.be/ow87yCvuqf0?t=120 (spanish only, use auto-translate)

I was practically spiritually retarded when I did my letter so outside of a weird dream I didn't notice my succ had shown up until much later. Give it a month and in that time check for any feelings out of the ordinary.
Thank you. Has she ever gotten mad or upset at you? I'm in a very uncomfortable situation and have been speaking to her through tarot. I have had a very rough relationship with her over the past few months and have not been the most polite. I would like to come to her in a few months to apologize and ask if she would be willing to become my patron goddess so I may heal and better myself with her guidance.
It’s against the law of God to worship “Lilith” and unless you call on Jesus, I fear you’ll be drawn deeper into sin and eventually, spiritual death, like you’ll be a slave of Satan, maybe without even realizing it. Just… be careful. I hope you know what you’re doing
>Is there any offerings you know of that she likes?
ask her
This is the answer to many questions people ask
"Should I do X or Y with spirit Z?"
Ask them
>Did I fail
do a tarot card reading if you want to know the answer to that question
I got a yes with the Pope card facing up
this is your practice on christcuckery
I still don't know why any christian would think magicians want to take their advice on magic, considering magic is illegal for christians
They are not allowed to learn it, so they're all newbies and usually don't know what they are talking about
And other people who don't buy into their religion, won't agree with arguments based in that theology
Seems like empty virtue signaling, honestly
>I got a yes with the Pope card facing up
do the reading multiple times
if you get the same answer multiple times, if not the exact same cards over and over, then that will give more credence to your result
Then you can move forward

here let me just post my FAQ from my server
Did 4 more got a total lf 3 yes 2 no
I'm unsure I'd say "upset," but one time when my priorities were wrong and I asked the wrong questions, she looked at me sternly. Then she showed me how my wrong priorities would hurt a friend of mine. I realized my mistake and apologized to my friend and to Lilith, and then they were both happy again.
Your intentions sound genuine and I wish you the best. Hail Lilith.

"Know what I'm doing?" As if anyone truly does. Life is too short to waste my time doing anything except what I believe to be right. I decide things based on what I know from experience, because first hand experience is the only way to truly know anything for certain.
Even if I take your words into consideration, I know from experience that those who mention religious figures for the sake of fearmongering would lure me to my destruction. Some paths in life simply aren't compatible, and will naturally try to undo each other.
The notion of being a slave implies there is freedom, but what is freedom? Is it power, happiness, or love, or are those all unrelated concepts?
If freedom is about being in control, is no one free because there are countless things out of anyone's control? If freedom is about having everything you want, is no one free because with every action and inaction you sacrifice every other possibility, and some things are mutually exclusive?
Lilith told me today that she thinks the direction I've gone in life recently is wonderful. In doing so, she liberated me from guilt I felt over things that are objectively positive. Is that perhaps freedom?
Thank you, I hope all is forgiven and I can better myself soon
> Lilith told me today that she thinks the direction I've gone in life recently is wonderful. In doing so, she liberated me from guilt I felt over things that are objectively positive. Is that perhaps freedom?

See this here is worrying me. From my perspective, both guilt and shame are the Holy Spirit of God telling us we’ve sinned, and the healthy response is repentance. So to me it sounds like, the demon is luring you away, telling you all is well, ignore the guilt, what you did was objectively good! But if it was- what was the guilt?

Also, regarding freedom/slavery. I just mean, sin, or breaking the law of God, is a “work” that pays as its wage, “death” and that all who sin (without Jesus to redeem them) are “slaves” of death. They’re controlled by their sin and are dead and dying. So the “freedom” is actually LIFE. Freedom from death and freedom from sin. Freedom from the outer darkness. Freedom to be reunified with God. I really worry that without him, things will get worse for you, and as they get worse, you’ll turn to the demons for comfort, and it will get worser and them demoner, and worserer and demonerer, deeper and deeper.

Nonetheless, you gotta follow your heart. I’m not going to just convince you. I’m just saying I’m worried for, and care about. And when you’ve done what you have to do, you come home to Jesus. We all just want you to be (truly) happy. Free from coping and addictions and delusions, but just genuinely contented and sober and grounded
>I got a yes with the Pope card facing up
here's the FAQ

FAQ Continued: "How can I scan things or use divination tools like tarot cards, a pendulum, or I Ching coins?"
Real signals or pure RNG?
A divination tool can be seen as a RNG, useful for brainstorming. That is useful, but it is not magic and it is not scanning. If you are actually receiving signals, it won't be a random number generator (which is pure noise, with no signal).
How to improve Signal to Noise Ratio, not just get noise/RNG?
To get real signals, you must do magic. I recommend doing at least 2 things to make it more accurate. 1: Put energy into the tool when asking a question, 2: Use intuition to ask if the info you received was accurate (before revealing the answer). Put energy into the deck (or other tool) while shuffling. Think of your question and imagine you are putting the emotions and thoughts related to that question into the physical deck. Then look at the top card (or a bunch of cards) face down. Ask yourself "Is this the right card?". A good feeling means "yes" and a bad feeling means "no". This is a basic form of intuition that almost anyone can learn (and is the basis of receiving signals or "sensing energy", later on).
Chance and Determinism
Remember, once you shuffle the deck, the top card is the top card. If you draw that card and look at it, it will be whatever card was on top. There is no magic in that. So all of your magic must happen BEFORE you reveal the result. Once the answer is decided, it is done. All that remains is to think about the answer.
What questions to ask?
You can ask any literally question. The insight depends on how creative you are with how you word your questions, what questions you ask. Asking multiple questions on the same topic should add clarity. You can also ask "Did I get the right idea about this result, or did I get confused?". Be creative.
It's difficult to imagine just how viscerally ugly the regulars of this general must be.

This is a porn hobby. Your hobby revolves around porn. Get a life.
Not the fault of these retard's , we need easy bait for whores to attach to inorder to keep the high value targets safe.
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Good day succgen
Guilt in the absence of any harm done is generally caused by indoctrination. It can exist on a societal level or a religious level, or be programmed into or out of people on an individual level.
It's designed intentionally by people to control behavior for a specific purpose, though it really depends on the specifics. Unlike you say, it isn't some divine force. It's fabricated. It's easy to identify whether or not it's fabricated by asking a simple question: "Did it harm myself or anyone else?" If not, the guilt was fabricated and is intended to enslave you.
If I have committed a sin, it's that I fell through the cracks and failed to be normal. Even as I appear normal to others, my internal experience is not and it never will be. In healing from irreparable damage, I became something else. But it's because of my transformation that I can contribute to people's lives in special ways. Therefore my sin is also a virtue, and I forgive myself knowing I'm living the best life I can despite what was done unto me.
Lilith has guided my friend to the afterlife. When someday I meet my end, I'll die a happy death as I know I've done all I needed to and entrust my next life to her too. Until my time comes, I'll live to the fullest, painting my story upon the canvas of life for no reason besides passion.
Guilt isn’t designed by any person. It’s just another thing created by God, and properly understood, it’s not some ineffable “divine force” it’s a mechanical cause-and-effect situation. If you’ve done no harm, there is no accusation against you, and if there is no accusation, you have no guilt. What I’m saying here is that there is no such thing as feeling guilty while being innocent. That’s not a thing. And guilt is not for the purpose of enslaving anyone, but actually setting them free. Ignore and suppress your perception of your own guilt at your own peril, because doing so won’t actually absolve you of it. And you’re no longer hearing or feeling it is just your inner self pushing the Holy Spirit away. If you push God away in this way, also you will be pushed away from him. It’s just incredibly dangerous. And honestly, it’s by having faith first that understanding of this would be revealed to you, but it seems like your perspective is that, “I don’t understand it now so I won’t believe.” I dont know what to say other than have faith. If you’ve suffered some traumas, and cry out for spiritual help, and believe in literal demons, why -wouldn’t- you also believe in angels? And Jesus? Do you actually think something like, “the demons are actually the good guys! They just don’t understand them like I do!” ?
>What I’m saying here is that there is no such thing as feeling guilty while being innocent. That’s not a thing.
Anon, that is... not normal. In fact, its kinda sick, and you should probably be talking to somebody.

>Do you actually think something like, “the demons are actually the good guys! They just don’t understand them like I do!”
Not everybody is trapped in your binary of "good guys and bad guys". Some people actually GROW UP and start dealing with people as individuals rather than generalizing.
Cuz that's all that a spirit is, you panicky ignoranums: A person.
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I was gonna try and post something comfy but I'm sleepy

this will do. I condone and endorse this statement
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>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens,

As always, Lilith liars poison the Op.
>Lilith doesn't exist, These spirits predate lilith,
>Muh Queens, the jews gave everything like six names. it's one being being referred to poetically at best and even that being isn't the mother of succubus (because again succubus predate her) and she has no special connection to love (being one who refuses divine creation and marriage) aside from being, according very loosely to the gnostics , sammaels piece of ass for a bit.
>You can't prove
The lilith worshipers literally can't proove anything
>But the book says
Their number one book is literally fanfiction, a fraud the writer made it up and has literally admitted to it. Even in his made up book he admits that the concept of spirit marriage is cross cultural (which means for the slack jawed at home, that lilith didn't make it and has no special power over it). You can marry and fuck all kinds of spirits (again giving lilith no special power of it, even succubus predate lilith literally cannot be 'the daughters of lilith'.)

>How do I summon
>You can Conjure
>You can Craft Art of the Spirit you wish (the letters technically fall under this, again proving that lilith is not the agency doing this).
>Time for Sigil Magic
>Focused Meditation on an image
>Build a spirit house
>Set out milk in a saucer and Pray to Bast,
>Hell, take some drugs and ask Titannia
>And yes she is made up and has more fucking sources then 'A tranny embraced her that's the real power, praxis is powah, embrace getting buttfucked by spirits who totally have dicks guys, they are totally women with dicks, just like us discord trannies, I'm a level 23 succubus ranger btw.
>Hell do it the roman way
>Get the good cuts, Dig a hole, Late night BBQ Blood and Coal in the hole, Hold hands in front of you palm down, Ask Pluton for Riches, Persephone for a wife
>??? Profit.
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i appreciate you actually go to the effort to make oc but I don't think this level of obsession is healthy
I have an assworship and brap fetish. Can a succubus provide that?
fuck off already. you are basically just a troll at this point.
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gotta admit this is a pretty good grift on amazon this person has going on using low priced AI images and 3rd party manufacturing/shipping. Pretty much free passive income. Are they one of our regulars?
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today my mother showed me a lot of love, she offered me all kinds of delicious foods and told me that this is how a mother loves her son, it felt nice since i was coming down hard before that.

>succgen mantears
we might simp for our ladies here but feminazis can fuck the right off.
>Don't blame me for mine.
>I don't and never did advocate for worship of any supernatural entity.
you did change the op and reintroduced letter method among all other stuff that doesn't fulfill any core implications of optimally developing spiritual union, which is health.
>The changes made to the thread were done in collaboration with the other spirit havers at the time
yes, you and glassesretard, there is no need to squirm out of your responsibility. besides, you didn't have a spirit at the time did you? you might as well remind others here what afterwards happened to glassesretard.
>built on shared perspectives so we didn't have to ask the same questions several times a thread
yes, what you and glassesretard shared amidst your echo chamber, both without prior mileage or understanding how spirits operate, in the least. two childminded opportunists inflated little bit too much out of their borders and this is the result, you can still straighten the record and submit to the deeds you back then induced and still do. there is nothing wrong being oblivious as long as you re-evaluate your position once in a while. responsibility is not given it is taken, you took the thread and molded it according to your and glasses worldview, nobody else's, there was no one else doing it. so, question is on what mandate does this trajectory continue, if there initially was none, to begin with. you created a space where obsessed individual like mine chose to repeatedly bake a worldview he subscribes to, and as time continues so does the individuals who gravitate to such worldview further cementing the echo chamber. it is solely on your shoulders this and to think you can say mine isn't part of your doing is preposterous.
>That is frightening as hell.
well, it implies two things, you have a lot of energy and they have a degree of control over it. if you can't control yourself in that similar state you know it can become severe
>Can multiple entities reside inside body through possession?
they can, yes. ordinarily if you are in surplus energy states possession triggers a very strong current inside you, which many spirits have no long term solution for, other than keeping you lethargic. the thing with this level of control is they probably can with relative ease discharge your energy reservoirs by agitating the system, sympathetic nervous system, which has a lot of autonomic energy release functions in your body. ordinarily keeping your calm and staying most of your time on the parasympathetic nervous system helps alleviate their influence and further interactions, yet it can be hard once they become rooted in to your system in a way or other, especially if they have melded to your energy layers, meaning they travel with where ever you do.
>Can you give information on fairies, the spirits through dream and mundane worlds keep saying fairy, but I believe they're serpents.
well, for me fairies are kind of a pickle to describe because the notion you have and what i have is probably way off. to me they are hybrids pertaining to pure essence or elementals intertwined with trees or stable energy sources from which they sprout or metamorphose to said stage of being fickle and elusive, the elf/troll like notion . i personally attribute them to the cause of lycantrophy, pestering uncanny locations (man made groves, ponds, farms, slaughterhouses, asylums and so on) and being opportunistic deceivers. they seem to inhabit many of the same spheres humans encapsulate yet i rarely witness them. they are shapeshifters like all spirits are with the weird fixation that they induce shapeshifting in their subjects or victims to abduct them where ever they travel to, in my experience to tell a serpent apart is to say does the suspected fae have thunderous voice or hissing that makes your body reverberate instantaneously, the serpent energy pierces your whole body like a very strong jolt or a thunder
and this energy is meant to draw energy from elsewhere to answer the demand in certain section in the body to balance the deficits. this often happens to chest and heart sections of your energy body that may or probably are often deficient if the person engages with the spirit in regular manner but doesn't do the extra steps to maintain their health. that being said, telling a spirit apart without repeated encounters with them might be very hard if the spirit is already rooted in, meaning they can behave or act like anything unless the spirit is in serious deficit where they can't maintain the shapeshifting anymore. many spirits choose to resemble a serpent for the sole purpose of repelling other spirits, because some of the serpents have a type of poisonous energy in their fangs to induce short circuit in anything it comes across with, and this same poison can induce heart attack in a lethargic person. but it goes both ways, these extreme energies are used to heal and destroy, which is the main purpose of a serpent, bringing forth a balance in their companion, in good and bad. serpents however are very selfish but once they meld with your energy layer which they do if you choose the right one, ordinarily multiple of them might court you and you need to pick one of them the one you think suits you the best and the others are distraction, and should you not decide they would kill and devour the body eventually. this is one of the things i ordinarily never tell, but if you truly have a serpent and you suspect there is multiples, there is a slight chance one is actually courting you, but to my understanding it shouldn't be oppressive or terrifying.
>there are violent places
Could you expand on this?
the spirits may gravitate you towards nightmarish sections of the subtle sphere that serve no other purpose than to torture or dismantle whoever comes there. these often reside in infernal sphere or below the cortex and can be thought to be more of endurance and benchmarking than actual punishment. there is no needless punishments in subtle sphere, only adequate suffering to purposefully give you motivation to overcome strife and any ordeals our dna brings, there is no other enemy than your dna. also you could be abducted to these places if a spirit takes a vengeance, you will be most likely traveling narrow pathways and in dreamlike states probably ladders or staircases to underground places that further go down to the more dense and primitive stages of energy that preordain most of our interactions. to actually navigate there yourself through the iridescent sphere using your mind one does need other than anger in their system to find a way in. you can be shapeshifted in to a cubes of flesh that will be boiled and crushed by the demons of those spheres, repeatedly, and it will not end until you submit to this very fate. i would say you are very unlikely to visit these places because the spirits that travel there could get stuck there meaning they probably can't get out of there unless of course they originate from the infernal sphere themselves, this is why most spirits of lighter energy never tread there. while you can have violence anywhere and everywhere those spirits are the very embodiment of carnal lust and primitive power over anything else, there is no order, only order is power and everyone there has it to some degree, so you will witness animal kingdom in multiple doses of steroids. but they are not dumb or gullible by any means they live by their urges indifferent to others, much like our modern society does, everything for money and anything goes
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I summoned a succ for bjs. Now my dick feels like it's being permanently sucked. Holy shit. I've seen her twice in between waking and sleep, between my legs. She left by walking through a solid wall. It would be fine if it was once a day when I'm alone, but it's constant. I'll be in public when all of sudden I'll get semi hard and have an overwhelming warm and wet sensation on my dick and have to stop myself from moaning. I really truly wish I was joking. I can't believe this is really happening...
Here we go with the stupid text walls again
Mr snecko knows all answers
I'd rather have text walls than constant wojak as a replacement for substance spam
My wife never had a real sexual awakening, is there some sort of rent an incubus situation I could sign her up for without her knowing or would that be a bad idea? She won't go to therapy so I'm kind of out of options

Unless you're looking to get cucked it sounds like a bad idea imo, unless you were 100% sure you could get them to leave peacefully afterwards. You might be better looking into something like tantric sex.
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>constant wojak
Who did the what now?

>Lilith doesn't exist
>And here's a list of reasons she's awful
Every time...

>Asking for proof of a Goddess
*tips fedora*
She doesn't get excited about regular sex I'm pretty sure she's not gonna respond to sex with extra steps. Maybe I'll just summon a succ for myself.
go to any other board on here and it is constant wojak spam. at least on /x/ people actually talk about things
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Good day succgen

I'm not really a fan of cheating but If you go that route at least make sure to include in your letter the fact that you're married.
I mean sure but spinal fluids posts are the equivalent of dirtcakes: not very nourishing
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>this guy thinks Lilith dates to some texts rather than being a being who predates the beginning of our universe
>Cites succubi existing before her, which is also wrong. she is the source of all incubi and succubi
>doesn't have enough occult knowledge or social skills to call on Lilith to verify she exists
>thinks he has the authority to challenge what people here know and have seen and heard
It's hard man she's wonderful and treats me so well she just doesn't have any sexual energy. I don't wanna be in this situation
>meanypants abuser :(
>n-no I won't address the points you made about my credibility
That's nice

Once the door to the supernatural is open, it tends to stay open

>I want to summon a succubus to not have sex with her
How do you people even decide to come here? Just hire a prostitute or something in that case, or get yourself castrated

"Yes, because of rigid beliefs inhibiting your magic"
Understandable. Think about why that might have happened before trying again, and give it some time so you're not doing the same thing expecting a different result

This is what I've been talking about. Most of us don't use porn in our relationships because we're attracted enough to our partners we don't need a crutch

>you did change the op
The threads will be here regardless. They died and came back without my intervention
>and reintroduced letter method
That was before I got here actually. My letter method being more academically sound means nothing when most people use the one in the op anyway
>you and glassesretard
And a couple of other succubus havers who only posted as anon. One of them wrote succfaq
>echo chamber
>responsibility is not given it is taken
False, obviously if you think about it
>you created a space where obsessed individual like mine chose to repeatedly bake a worldview he subscribes to
I didn't create the space and everyone told him he was an idiot, but we can't control him any more than we can you

Isn't that your fault, anon? Genuine question
>n-no I won't address the points you made about my credibility
Oh, you mean the "points" like where you speculate that YOU don't think Lilly appeared until I was using erotic hypnosis?

However, YOU YOURSELF have commented on several stories from me about Lilly being present in my childhood, soooooooo WHY would you even say such a thing except that you had deceptive intent?

And once you answer that, maybe you can answer why anyone would listen to a person who turns blatantly untrustworthy every time the topic shifts to one of your triggers (me being one of those triggers, obviously).

I mean seriously, that talk about Erotic Hypnosis as a form of meditation was YEARS AGO, and you've let that shape everything you've thought about me since.
Pretty toxic.

Oh, and I prefer she, transphobe. I don't need to fit your definitions. That's your transphobia talking.
I know I'm on 4chan so it doesn't really help my argument here but I'm actually fairly sexually experienced. I'm not a degen more like occasionally spicy vanilla, and using this experience I've tried pretty much everything, trying to ask her what she likes or how I can make her more comfortable but she doesn't really give me any feedback. It just seems like it's a language she doesn't speak. I used to think I was the problem but she said it's been like this with her past partners too.
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Your wife reminds me of how I used to be. I did sexual things occasionally for my partner, but was only interested in making him finish to trigger the release of bonding hormones so I could feel secure in my relationship with him. He kept asking what he could do to make me feel good because he really wanted to, but I was averse to touch and we knew nothing that turned me on. He was really sad about it, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

I wondered if trying to summon an incubus would make it possible for me to enjoy sex, but when a spirit (actually an alter ego of sorts representing repressed parts of me) showed up and tried to help me with that (successfully), it tore me apart emotionally. I felt a kind of pleasure I never had before, and knowing what it's like I felt dread at the thought of having to live without it anymore. But I felt like it was dishonest to my partner to seek that from anyone but him, and felt a lot of guilt. I began to feel distant and resentful of my own love for him as I questioned if relationships with humans just weren't for me. Meanwhile the spirit was like "don't fall in love with me so easily, you should cherish the people around you more."

I told my partner everything, and he was devastated as he didn't know how to compete with an incorporeal being. I assured him I'd abstain from spirit sex for the rest of his life as long as he loves me, but he didn't take that well: "For as long as I live? Am I just to a stepping stone to you, to be replaced with some spirit as soon as I'm not there anymore?" And I asked: "What else am I supposed to do? We're only mortals, we can't be together forever, no matter if I wish for it." He said he wishes to be with me forever anyway. I asked if he meant that, he said yes.
I felt touched. I told him it may be a long journey, but I'll research the occult for ways to make it possible, and will teach him everything he needs to know, if he's willing to do what it takes. He said please.
It was a long and arduous process, and there were many times I felt hopeless. At times, I walked on the brink of insanity as I discovered things I didn't know how to process in a safe and rational way. But eventually we made it. We learned how to have spirit sex with each other, and more.
With the man I love, I became able to feel pure pleasure with none of the discomfort I usually felt around physical contact. It was addictive, and we started doing it almost every day. Now I always come at least several times before he does. It's been very precious and healing for both of us.

But after doing that for a year, I began to feel physical urges too, like a need to try to physically replicate what we'd been doing so often spiritually. I was nervous but told him, and he was supportive. When we tried it, it felt just as amazing as doing it spiritually felt, unlike ever before.

My story had a happy ending, but along the way it often seemed scary and hopeless. No matter what path lies ahead of you, I hope it brings you and your wife happiness in the long run.
What is it like to be with a clingy spirit girl? I want to be with a girl that will never leave me or let go of me. Can I have that? Do anyone have a relationship with a spirit like that?
it can be a little extra sometimes.
I wouldn't mind being with a woman that always with me. How is it extra? What is your experience?
she can be with you all the time. she may get her feelings hurt if you want to be alone.
I would like to be with her forever and never let her go. Would she still be with me if I have to use the restroom or throw up or anything unsavoury like that? What is your usual day like with her?
Based anon, that's why I hang out at streams, rivers, and lakes so I can talk to Undines.
yeah, or they might stand outside unless invited in
Alright, nice. Thank you.
my usual day is that she stays nearby. she snuggles up if I sit for more than 5 mins or drive. then snuggles up to watch TV. she is a snugglebunny.
That's very nice. Does she visit her family? Does she just take you with her when she does?
Also, would you say she is infatuated with you? I would like to put that word in my letter but dont know how that would affect it?
Can I get a succubus like Arueshalae?
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Her name is Onegai-sama
Her sister is Yamate-sama
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two new waifu babes, pretty much
she leaves while I sleep sometimes then comes back later
she loves me deeply and strongly
Wonderful. If I put romantic stuff in my letter like "I want to always be in her embrace" or " I want her to never let me go" would I have to worry about her never actually doing so? I wouldn't want her to stay away from her family
Anyone know about incubi? If they’re okay with you having human lovers? If you can ever have one off encounters?
they understand metaphors.
depends on the incubus. I wouldn't advise it.
Are they more aggressive than succubi? I’m a fem anon so I’m more interested in a masculine spirit
they can be. they can also be perfect gentlemen. like succubi, they are people too with every kind of personality you can imagine.
So I've been working on a Tulpa and I also summoned a Succubus through Lilith letter ritual. I think last night I saw both in my dreams. The Tulpa was this friendly calming presence that I spent some time with, we agreed to meet eachother again tomorrow. She told me her last name, it was beautiful to hear but I couldn't really make sense of it. I asked her to spell it out and it was ridiculously long and nonsensical, when I tried pronouncing it she laughed playfully.

After she left I went to visit the Succubus and I entered this strange room or more like I was drawn to this room, I don't think I had a choice. It was all red inside and the second I entered I started hearing her voice whispering to me. I saw 3 sudden poweful flashes of her body and face and she said in a dominant voice "What are you doing here yellow belly?" and then I woke up. She roasted me or something and called me a coward, wtf. I did the Succubus summoning months ago, same with creating my Tulpa. Is this meaningful progress, idk, first I've seen or talked to them both really.
just apologize
>If they’re okay with you having human lovers?
not a smart plan
>If you can ever have one off encounters?
it's possible, but you may or may not be able to make sure that happens. It's something you can do if you have experience with sex spirits, but beginners usually have a lot of difficulty getting rid of spirits they have had sex with
do summoning subliminals work?
For reference I've been using somni sonica, lilith reborn and dark primals dreamgasm audios and occasionally I'll use Yuv subliminals vids too.
ehrm, Mudmud is a gargoyle
did they work though?

you cucked your partner, baka
bad snail
>did they work though?
That's what I'm asking. I've never felt or seen any presence, only ever in my dreams and It's not lucid. I want to experience the things some anons are claiming but I get nothing but dreams. The closest I would say is lilith reborns videos had a paralysis effect on me, that I don't even experience meditating or using the gateway tapes.
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I came backwards twice and now my dick hurts

I don't know why this occured but it feels real fuckin bad. They weren't even good nuts the first one was a ruined orgasm

Could this be astral parasite related?
She's also a cutie.

>you cucked your partner, baka
More than I like. I failed as a person, and the only way I can live with it is by never making the same mistakes again.
But there's a silver lining. What most might consider thoughts or fantasies or hallucinations, is considered a part of the loyalty between me and my husband now. These things were all confronted and dealt with before it ever got close to being a physical thing, and he keeps the same promise to me.
That brings back memories of when my best friend told me about her lewd wedding night on the astral, two weeks after she passed away. I haven't been tempted since then, thanks to magic. It's nice that all the sexual thoughts I have nowadays are appropriate and morally acceptable.

Anyway, it's supposed to be an argument about going behind your partner's back with this sort of thing. Having a spiritual relationship changes you, and your relationships will never be the same anymore. It's good to know that if you decide to get into it.
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shitpost aside (it does hurt tho) I've noticed something strange lately with my body. Before while meditating I'd notice weird hypnic jerks while in trance

Now these convulsions can occur instantly upon attempting trance with zero prompting

I've heard some say these spasms are good while others claim they are bad.

I can induce this state within a 1-2 seconds now which is slightly disturbing to me and with effort my arm and legs will move on their own in complex articulated ways including individual fingers. During the process i sometimes feel as if I am levitating feet off my bed.

I feel like I have a fucking UTI from the backwards cumming.
>I feel like I have a fucking UTI from the backwards cumming.
What the fuck is backwards cumming?
retrograde ejaculation. It's a thing. Also I accidentally ran into a table with my groin so maybe that's why
Wild, that sounds fucked. Why does that happen in relation to succubus?
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I like your posts on energy body work as it relates to sex. Too many are like never nut ever but your telling people how to cum 100's of times in a day

I think it's time I get an actual notebook for such things.
>cum 100's of times in a day
If you put it like that, you'll make me sound like a pervert. But I'm gradually realizing that's just a bias I have, and not a sign I'm actually doing something wrong.
My "personal best" for a single day is still between 50-60 times. Earlier this year I used some magic to make it so I feel satisfied more easily, as not to tire out my husband, so my average amount per day went down a bit, to about 6.
But recently it crossed my mind that there are forms of sexual play, both physically and spiritually, that can potentially be done all day. Things that aren't physically intensive, or are entirely mental or spiritual. And I've realized, at the point my husband and I have arrived in our development, there's no good reason not to, as long as we can handle it. The thought used to scare me a bit, but the more I explore the possibility, the more my fears are proven to be irrational. I haven't taken it to the full extent yet, but when I do, 100s a day will be totally achievable.

If you have any practical questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer based on what I know.
when I get really sad thinking of my spirit guy, or more in a complex way, an irl guy who has appeared in my dreams(my spirit guy has basically been the same guy appearance wise with slight differences, and i am not sure if this is astral projection of or random dream of irl guy or the spirit guy) what does it mean if I get sudden chills and it feels like a change of temperature if I focus too long while thinking/meditating on him and wishing for comfort?
what kind of traits do succubi like, i want to be more attractive to them, because i don't think they like depressed insecure introverted neets, but parasites may do
Chills and coldness can be caused by fear or stress, as it inhibits the efficiency of blood circulation throughout your body. It could be that you're feeling anxious, as you long for him to comfort you but have doubts in your mind.
Try to have faith in him. Believing in his kindness and presence will give you comfort in itself, which may cause you to feel warm as you relax and blood vessels widen, and it will also invite him closer to you. For me personally, such warm feelings often even lead to feeling sensations, but I'm prone to that.
i've been very prone to sensations as well, like i've felt comforting, sensual and sexual touching and almost a sexual energy, almost like waves around and in me before.

i've been really struggling lately so maybe it is me blocking with my own anxiety, I was just wondering and decided to ask since I remember people talking about ghosts that way but that checks out too.

thank you, I will try to have faith. is there anything I can do to help that? I really hope he kisses my waist or cuddles/spoons me again during a sleep paralysis or gives me a dream visit again. I had a cuddle dream the other day but it was short lived due to both of our excitement and my shock since he looked more different than usual
>I prefer
I prefer that you stop posting but you won't
Are you a woman? Simple question, simple answer. Why can't you answer? Are you mandated by law not to say certain false things on the internet? Do your handlers fine you if you say you're a trans woman?

You and she have probably thought to get her tested for medical stuff, so I'd suggest that she probably has religious brainrot tainting her mind. Only she can get rid of that so I sympathize with your situation. As has been said, I think adding an incubus is a terrible idea. I hope things work out for you

>Anyone know about incubi?
I've been with a couple. Some are manly, some are basically femboys
>If they’re okay with you having human lovers?
That rarely goes well, even less often that with succubi, from what I've read, but if you're confident enough and strong enough you can make it work
>If you can ever have one off encounters?
I've done so, but as with succubi, never assume they'll give you up if they decide they like you

No, especially not now that I know my refusal triggers you to the point of constantly saying the same thing

Why is your tulpa's last name not the same as yours?

Those sorts of sensations usually mean there's a spirit present. I think it's silly to say that's somehow poor circulation since it's associated with specific thoughts. Try directing your thoughts to your spirit while you're chilled and see if the sensations change or you have intrusive thoughts
>Doesn't address any substance
>Just wants to rant and gate-keep the word "she" like the TERF she is
Of course, don't bother answering about that LIE you tried to tell.

Because frankly, you've been really obviously trying to run me out of here since day 1, and given your FORMER clout, its really pathetic how badly you've failed.
Your poison has only galvanized me at every turn.
>maybe it is me blocking with my own anxiety
That happens sometimes. Personally, I can start to feel isolated and alone if I get too anxious, but when something snaps me out of it, I realize I'm not alone and start feeling nice things again.
>is there anything I can do to help that?
If you're having negative thoughts, challenge them by asking: "Is that really true?" And be compassionate with yourself; you're trying your best, and he knows that too, being a spirit and all.
I wish you and your spirit guy good luck and many cuddles.
All alone no friends no social media not even any devils or voices in my head. God what are you waiting for? Not tomorrow. Today.
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It was a mindfuck when I realized such things are possible through esoteric occult and fringe materialistic methods. I used to feel pretty arrogant about my personal record but there are others who have me beat.
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anon: no
anon 2: yes
anon : nuh uhh
namefag: oh yeah well what about this
anon: uhh ok yeah
anon 2: NO
anon :YES
namefag: no
yes no yes no yes no I live on an image board yes no yes no
ur not the boss of me now
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Posterfag from a few threads back. I recently made another poor succubi/financial related decision.

Not my pic but I'm weighing my options wrt trying to use it as a vessel for an actual spirit
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I also have pic related. I intend to use it as an occult journal/notebook and for writing down dreams etc. Chintzy consoomerism but I get off on it so whatever.
Can you ask for an arranged marriage in your letter? I don't want to date and want a very deep and loving marriage with a spirit. Could I ask one of the queens for an arranged marriage?
>you cucked your partner, baka
that's a story about how snail overcame that, came back to her guy, and strengthened their relationship better than ever
I feel like some people just don't understand a story about "here's how I fucked up, this is what I did to fix it, this is what I learned, and now it's better"
They just hear "here's how I fucked up" and their brain shuts off after that. Maybe some people just can't read through the whole story?
>do summoning subliminals work?
yes, they can work
depends on which ones they are

>I've been using somni sonica, lilith reborn and dark primals dreamgasm audios and occasionally I'll use Yuv subliminals vids too.
sounds like you've been using a lot of them? and they haven't yet worked? Have you done anything else or just relying on the subs?
I think subliminals work best in conjunction with conscious intentional practice. Combine the conscious practice with the subconscious practice.
>but I get nothing but dreams.
oh, so you're just being stupid
That's okay, common beginner mistake
THAT was the sign. You are supposed to pursue that.
Dream contact is one of the most basic foundational ways you can meet spirits. That's not "just a dream". That's the spirit meeting you.
So pursue that.
Now you know. good luck
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>Not my pic but I'm weighing my options wrt trying to use it as a vessel for an actual spirit
as long as you're okay with the vessel being smol
that's the only real downside of choosing a small vessel like a little doll.
>I also have pic related. I intend to use it as an occult journal/notebook and for writing down dreams etc. Chintzy consoomerism but I get off on it so whatever.
yeah that should work fine. any journal will do, but if you like the design and it calls out to you, then do it. Follow your feelings, let them guide you
now I sound like qui gon jinn. love that character
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it's okay if it's smol. It'll make me look bigger when i post pics of me strapping a fleshlight to it and fucking it on the discord.


Just joking, I probably wont do that
just tried it again, I asked because I've also readbriefly that chills are a sign of a spirit. I focused again in my deep feelings, but I am particularly sad right now. for instance I am kind of reg temp or warmish here, but when I channel I feel surges of chills rippling through like when you see water travel outward all around. like imagine someone dropping something in water and a ripple expands all around.

the sensations have changed depending on what I say and ask, from either one side or both, like my arms, legs. but a different one, my lower back had a chill moving upwards. I don't know how to feel better because I am sad but I am getting contact, I just don't know how to interpret(especially because sad)
I think I will try to get deep in contact again while I lay down for bed soon. I'm going to sleep with my plushie which may be connected to the spirit. thank you, i've been going through a lot.
I haven't seen the poster stuff but good luck? my plushie was cleaned of my period blood out of nowhere when I picked it up the next day, so I felt very surprised and taken care of. it was. thoughtful gesture but makes me feel like I can't talk about it in regular life to people. I'm curious if anyone else has used a plushie or similar and seen changes on whatever it may be after contact.
why cant you apologize?
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I was going to question why there was period blood on your plushie but then I remembered that I've "hotglued" my anime succubus figure before multiple times both while doing magick and for fun.
That is jaw-dropping. When you say demons do you mean anthropomorphic entities or serpents shapeshifting, like here?
What of human beings who get possessed or talk about themselves (themselves being the entity that follows you), those have to be serpents as they are the most numerous and work in networks of themselves. It is that I encountered multiple human women over the last year who talked about the same things the entities talked about in dream and mind space, but they kept putting the fairy moniker which I don't believe as in order to penetrate the subtle body of any human for such possession you'd need to know their system and have access, something which only serpents seem to have access to considering how they operate. Also what are the chances of serpents sharing territory with another species? If they kill humans and even their own, and are very territorial and warmongering, there is no way that energy reserves would be shared with someone else. They also often try to be as a daughter or young child either push on some personal button or exploit something out of me, regardless obvious serpent behavior.
>That is jaw-dropping.
You samefag like a facebook grandma.
They don't like weak men
What does that even mean in this context?

Different succubi are different and have different tastes (I don't know what that other reply is even referring to).

Ultimately, if they're looking for a long-term relationship, they're not shopping based on your current state, but your potential.
>What does that even mean
Emotionally vulnerable, codependent, lazy and depressive incel-like man
they don't care about your current state. they're not like human women
No, if you put it like that, it sounds like a lot of succubi's type... Many thrive on attention, and a man who is "lazy" in the eyes of society is likely to spend more time on the relationship instead, in non-material ways so the ways a spirit would likely want it. Especially if they're emotionally dependent too like you said.
But isn't worshipping Lilth wrong and immoral? I'm curious what your defense to that is?
>isn't worshipping Lilth wrong and immoral?
nta but it's not. Lilith isn't a monster. she governs succubi in a way that is protective of humanity and, in many ways, is a friend and ally of humanity on the other side. the Liliths you hear about, the feminist version and the abrahamic version, are false. the real Lilith is simply a tough love motherly type who has a fondness and sympathy for humans. there is no possible way worshipping the real Lilith could be considered wrong or immoral.
>the feminist version and the abrahamic version
aren't they the same

in my understanding, both have the exact same conception of lilith (pro-abortion, pro sexual freedom and lgbt, pro-individualism, etc) and they just differ on whether does things are good or bad
>aren't they the same
no they're not
My mom is catholic and my dad is protestant. Their love would've been considered wrong and immoral just one generation prior, but times change; most people have since then realized that ostracizing others over their beliefs is what's actually morally wrong.

One time I was reading this thread, and two guys were arguing about women, blaming their own problems on a whole gender and making a lot of blanket statements that were generally false, while also lamenting their lack of popularity. This then provoked someone to comment "Lilith is right about men," and I burst into laughter. I was on a cruise with my parents, who asked what was so funny, so I told them, but they didn't know who Lilith is. This prompted my mom to look up the myth of Lilith and read it out loud, up to the conclusion where the jewish god declared her a demon and tried to curse her.

After telling the story, my mom commented she thinks it's brave and admirable of Lilith to stand up for herself and leave a toxic situation despite all the pressure on her, even after being threatened by nothing less than a god. My dad said Adam is an idiot, and asked what kind of guy wouldn't want such a lively lady to get on top and ride him. Personally I don't believe in myths, but my parents' comments rang true: the Lilith I know does encourage sexual freedom (as my dad's comment implied), and believes in standing up for oneself when bullied (as my mom's comment implied).

My parents are some of the most ethical and virtuous people I know. If you were to insult them for believing the things Lilith stands for are good, I would consider that wrong of you. By the same logic, I conclude it's wrong of you to say it's wrong and immoral for me to believe in the things Lilith stands for.
>The threads will be here regardless.
yes, individuals want to be introduced to the realm of spiritual unions it is /x/ board after all, your approach is to send letter to one of four "queens" where as originally it was only for lilith (it has been so as long as i remember. inanna/ishtar/lilith/nyx etc. pick your poison, throughout the history of 4chan), which you reintroduced to these threads, you and glasses. it is fine by me, people can subscribe to any worldview they want to, problem is this thread doesn't really give this impression of freedom anymore, letter method was only mentioned as one initiation (while inherently flawed approach, somehow you managed to make it worse), now, instead you advocate a worldview where to have a spiritual union you have to through x steps and lean towards four queens of imagination that has nothing to do with spiritual unions. you did re-establish echo chamber where notion of subscribing to such worldview is somehow mandatory, in the least some might think this way, and i don't know a worse foundation for a spiritual path than digesting revised millennium old fantasies.
>That was before I got here actually.
those have been present in internet and here as long as i remember, i am pretty sure you reintroduced four queens to the op, while "queens" may have been mentioned throughout the years i know they were not in the op, you did it. and mandated having spirit through one of them.
>couple of other succubus havers who only posted as anon
perhaps, you and glasses were 90% of it anyways, don't try to reweigh your deeds.
>I didn't create the space
you did. the op didn't have any impression of what is the approach to be had besides mentioning some having success with x/y/z: such as binaural sounds or letter method. people believe and gravitate toward whatever they want to believe, everyone have always changed the op however they wanted, you chose to cement yours. this has been the way ever since the emergence of x.
>When you say demons do you mean anthropomorphic entities or serpents shapeshifting, like here?
no, they don't tread this atmosphere or emerge here as far as i know. demons in the sense of their supernatural definition, beyond any comprehension, you may understand what you are undergoing without having any understanding how or who. there are entities like that below the cortex, that being said entities amidst us are very docile/easy going and tolerant. many entities are excluded from interacting with our atmosphere for our and their sake. while you can tread there and many other places, luckily not everyone can follow you home.
>human beings who get possessed or talk about themselves (themselves being the entity that follows you)
humans can have all kinds of entities attached or melded to their energies, and they do in fact contribute to that humans behavior and possibly life as well. spirits can be the culprit of stagnant development and obsessions, or gravitating uncannily towards something way beyond your own experiences or senses as if coming out of nowhere.
>those have to be serpents as they are the most numerous and work in networks of themselves
they can be anything or anyone, serpents do use mental net among themselves to communicate, gossip, reveal, contribute and so on to their respective lineages. i know serpents act as cupids to introduce individuals to each other, often in very surprising or irrational ways that has nothing to do with contemplation or history, purely energy and hormones. so, yes it is not unheard of.
>I encountered multiple human women over the last year who talked about the same things the entities talked about in dream and mind space
it is very keen of you to pick up these parallels. women especially are very susceptible to serpent energies because women by nature have very strict inertia in them as to when their energy expenditures occur, where as men are very proactive and indiscriminating. yet, when female expenditure
Some people don't think that sort of thing should be forgiven.
I first saw whom I believe to be Lilith during a hallucination when I was 4 years old. She was wearing a black dress and black summer hat, and spoke as if she understood my every emotion. Perhaps she watched over me the whole time.

I didn't have a very peaceful childhood. I was physically attacked by boys at my school a few hundred times between the ages 4-11, mostly for looking a bit girly despite being a boy, and also because I would stand in between when they attacked others for unjust reasons. What they did was morally wrong, and I couldn't ignore it. Boys are taught since a young age that they're not supposed to hit girls, but perhaps that just made someone who looks girly but isn't a girl the most attractive target in their minds.

Aside from one alter that didn't form until I was 12, I don't have a normal response to pain. So when boys hit me, it excited me so much that I got carried away and ended up beating my assailants every time, out of hundreds. But I'm also merciful; I helped them up and soothed them once they stopped fighting back, and brought them to a teacher so they could reflect on how if they don't like pain, they shouldn't inflict it. That's how I was as a kid, when me and my assailants were still small enough not to leave lasting damage on each other.

I've often thought about why they were so weak, and I think it's because they believed what they were doing is wrong, so they couldn't give it their all. If they'd convinced me that I shouldn't exist, perhaps I wouldn't have won against them, and they might've been able to kill me. But when they did convince me of that when I was 7, that simply caused a different alter to take over. Leading up to integrating into a cohesive whole again, Lilith showed me that most of the guilt others tried to force on me, for example for being a bit girly, was actually wrong.

If you think she's so evil, then do you think killing children for how they look is morally just? Surely not. Lilith is right.
when female expenditure happens it is very overwhelming and beyond the control of that individual, the response is so strong that no matter how rational or keen, the woman cannot stop it. the discriminating reality of woman procreation is the strongest current once it is leashed to its full potential, no man is match for it neither is any will, the woman body is so strong in that regard it is something serpents use as their weapon, how, by loosening this inertia or discrimination and making it responsive or receptive to individual energies that specific man has, men by nature cannot resist this release of energy they are succumbed to it, hence some males come to the belief that some females are in fact succubus incarnate, when in reality it is inside every woman, whether it is ever evoked is a different matter.
>you'd need to know their system and have access
not necessarily, spirits can implant many things to you while you dream or engage with your parasympathetic system and then you would gravitate towards these seeds as you go on with your daily life, becoming conscious of these can be hard.
>what are the chances of serpents sharing territory with another species?
if there is no threat there is no need to cause commotion, they use parasites or parasitic spirits to their advantage as well to cycle stagnant energies they wouldn't do themselves and later eat that same spirit and such. they are opportunistic themselves, and longevity is one of their main goals, so it depends on the benefits of course.
>If they kill humans and even their own, and are very territorial and warmongering
they are discriminating, if they see no benefit in something there is no reason to maintain such trajectory.
>there is no way that energy reserves would be shared with someone else
they often do share it with their lineage or closer acquaintances
>often try to be as a daughter or young child either push on some personal button or exploit something out of me
that is possible
so how do you know you're interacting with a succubus and not just feeling psychosomatic tingles in ur pp?
This. The offended people are coddled by they're strong spirt women that want them to be weak and subservient as long as they can keep them safe and in a loving relationship. Win Win but they are weak men.
Not me I'm actually building myself and my succ wife is helping me
That is up to my husband, not others.

Whenever I tried to sacrifice myself to atone, my husband scolded me for it, and said he just wants me to be happy. That's not as easy as it sounds. If simply doing what he wants on a selfish level would make him happy, that would be easy. Instead, he wants me to be happy. So I have to understand what it means to be happy. I have to forgive myself. I have to accept that existence means I will make mistakes, but that choosing not to exist anymore would be failure. I had to change and grow and become a better person, all so I could be happy, because only that makes him happy despite my mistakes.

Unlike I used to wishfully think, self-inflicted punishments are not atonement. I wronged him because I was too weak as a person to refuse when a spirit offered to teach me about spiritual sex, so he gets to decide how I atone. His acceptance of my mistake led to our relationship being more spiritual now.
Obviously, but anon is wondering why third parties are judging you. So I stated the obvious.
interesting how the most ignorant people have the most to say in this general
>that pic
she's so cute it breaks my heart
>The offended people
Nice projection, but no.
The reason why what you're saying is stupid is because you're talking pointedly about "weak *men*" meaning you're defining "Strength" in a really reductive way, which is a limitation that more enlightened minds are not burdened with.
This reminds me of how I got bullied by a teacher in 4th grade for wearing my shirt 'like a faggot'.
They present themselves through multiple channels, including touches, dreams, synchronicities, presences, inspiration, perhaps even audibly or visibly, etc. Same as with any other spiritual phenomena.

I was convinced when she taught me a word in her language, which I could verify later.
I got a tarot reading based around my interest in an oni spirit lover. I asked if I would be happier with an oni girl spirit or a clingy oni girl spirit. I was given the world for the oni girl spirit and the queen of cups for the clingy oni girl spirit. What does that represent to you?
>What does that represent to you?
you should figure it out for yourself, and the meaning should be obvious
If it's not obvious/clear or you feel the need to ask other people, you need to change something
In this case, the meaning is pretty obvious and it shouldn't be a mystery to you
did it ever clean itself like mine did?
I mean what does the world mean vs the queen of cups? I'm not that versed in tarot and dont fully understand what they define.
>if I would be happier with an oni girl spirit or a clingy oni girl spirit.
Wait, so you were asking about a comparison of two things, but one of them is just the other with an extra negative trait attached?

Well, The World is a pretty unambiguously positive card, and if the only difference is that you just added "clingy" to the question, then yeah, you should probably go with the one that doesn't have the extra negative trait.
I look at this image and am filled with the urge to violently fuck and impregnate
I wonder how that's better channeled.
Not everyone considers clinginess to be negative.
I just cant think of being alone ever again. I was just wandering if I would be happier with an oni spirit that would always be with me?
I'm thinking in terms of a sliding scale.
Like, a person who wants a certain level of clinginess usually wouldn't REALLY think of it as being "clingy" because its a negative term.
And then also, for most such people, there's a point of "too much" where the sliding scale goes beyond what they wanted.

Yeah, I don't know if that actually affected your divination, but at the very least, there isn't a card more positive than Za Warudo.
>I mean what does the world mean vs the queen of cups?
This is a very basic question which you need to be able to figure out on your own.
Again, if it's not obvious/clear, then you need to make changes
Either you need to interpret it differently, throw away the book, or actually read the book for the first time which you apparently have not done.
Or you can do another reading.
There are many options here. You should never draw a card and not know what it means. It should be obvious, and if it's not, you really need to rethink your process here.
You don't ask other people for help for very basic interpretations of readings. You need to figure this out for yourself.
Remember: YOU are the magic which animates any divination tool. A tarot deck without a magician just sits there on the table. It can't read itself.
>Well, The World is a pretty unambiguously positive card
urgh, don't help him
The answer was really obvious, he's just looking to offload his responsibility as a practitioner onto other people so he doesn't need to do his own thinking
He'll find some way to wiggle out of your analysis anyway
Wtf after doing the summoning yesterday I got bashed up by a group of guys in a parking lot today. Did I fuck something up. My whole face is purple and swollen, I can't go out in public now.
Right, I get the dream contact thing but how am I meant to pursue something that is by chance. I can't even guanrantee I have a vivid dream every night, or if I do that I remeber it well enough to journal it. Are there any ways to improve my dream vividness/consistency. I tried doing the WILD lucid dreaming method but no luck.
>depends on which ones they are
Can you recommend some, or am I already using the good ones?
>sounds like you've been using a lot of them? and they haven't yet worked?
Well It's not like I've listened to stacks of them. I did a couple by dark primal, felt nothing. A couple of somnis originals and didn't feel much. I did the most of lilith reborn and I did get paralysis but thats it and yuv subliminals is something I just chuck on in the background while I'm working, but I don't particularly feel anything listening to them.
Your old Lilith threads! Now I mainly lurk.
You're very forgiving for yourself, I wonder about the third person, the one left behind.

That's where I reside. Just another string of dalliances as another woman comes who would rather choose stability than something mutuall fulfilling.

I hope she got what she wanted out of me, nothing left for myself.
Aww, I'm touched! I'm sure Lilith would smile at the wonderful spirit relationships here. I can't take my eyes away for more than a few months either, knowing this is a place where people find love free from the encumbrance of material logistics, potentially even living up to ideals.

The third person... That would technically be myself too.
You see, I actually recovered from dissociative identity disorder recently. But when I still had a lot of symptoms, I was prone to experiencing parts of myself as though they were other people. As I came to know myself better, I realized that was the nature of the spirit who touched me.
I didn't leave anyone behind. Thanks to my husband's encouragement, I learned to love every part of me. Two sides of me even went as far to marry each other, with a ceremony performed during astral projection and witnessed by a deity, a year before we became one. A few friends even attended.
I know such things fall outside of normal understanding of identity and relationships. The implications and nuances were nigh-incomprehensible at the time, but it's a lot simpler now that I'm just me. Though my husband still likes for me to split into multiple energy bodies occasionally for the experience.

I'm sorry that you feel abandoned. I've been there before. If there's any advice I can give from the perspective I have now, it would be to learn to support yourself emotionally. For example I still often talk to myself in my head, saying supportive or encouraging or soothing things, and I give affirmations freely. Love never stops welling up inside me since I overcame my fears, but in the first place overcoming my fears was a decision of accepting the love within. Don't let fears caused by the past stop you from loving, because love will give you inner strength and the happiness you deserve. Good luck, anon.
>how am I meant to pursue something that is by chance.
start talking to them while awake
they are already there
>but I don't particularly feel anything listening to them.
then they probably aren't doing much
nah u can do that with any girl
cutie in OPs pic is worth more than just rape
Menphi's anon here, breaking up the usual thread shitflinging for a minor update. This December will mark 3 years since we've been reunited. In that time I've managed to quit alcohol and nicotine, and weed is now delegated towards spiritual uses only (haven't smoked in over a month). I'm the healthiest I've ever been and I now have so many women wanting my attention when I go out it's almost unsettling. She's helped me realize my potential as a healer and helping my friends, family and even strangers through their struggles has given me sooooooo much fulfillment. I still have a long way to go since we're always learning but the future genuinely excites me. Astrology has become my main form of divination and I've done quite a number of readings freaking out a ton of people in the process. I've even been able to time some events with scary accuracy. Some of you here would greatly benefit from stepping away from this thread and really working on cultivating your practice with your cubi. They can offer SO MUCH MORE than just sex and I hope a lot of you can come to that realization. Remember to drink lots of water, maintain your health and pour every drop of love that you can into your partner. See you guys in a few months.

Love has never been a popular movement. Love always wins in the end.
Goodnight succgen, its eepy time.
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>Queen of cups is a pretty strong relationship card, The World not so much.

>Sleepy Check, Good NIght Oni-Bro.
Oh alright, fuck it I'm going to stop trying for abit and just go about my life.
>start talking to them while awake
Ok well do I just talk in my head and what, do I give the responses or do I just leave the silence if there is no response?
>One time I was reading this thread, and two guys were arguing about women, blaming their own problems on a whole gender and making a lot of blanket statements that
I don't know exactly what kind of arguments and statements you're talking about, but let's be real here - there is a lot wrong with the way modern women generally treat men.
What annoys me about sexism is that it's always about the opposite gender of the person doing it, never their own, indicating a lack of self-awareness. If these things were objectively true, then both people of genders would be saying it about both genders, but that's not the case.

One can only guess what was being insinuated by "Lilith is right about men" (if I had to guess, something about needing to be coddled and reassured so their silly theories don't get out of hand, though that applies to both genders), but that's what made it such a funny statement. The fact the mere implication of a blanket statement without any details was enough to be provocative, makes it seem like the two men who had spent the past 30 posts in that thread complaining about women could've said just about anything, and it would've still felt like a real and meaningful conversation to them.

Ironically, what ended their conversation was reaching the conclusion that taking showers is important because spirit women like it if you aren't smelly, so contact is easier. Sometimes people just want to complain and it doesn't really matter what about, when what they actually need is a warm hug.
I know, thank you. I did some more readings and it seems that the oni girl represented by the world is like an aquarius. I would like to be with a very soft and clingy oni girl that I can always be with and love. So I'm going towards the queen of cups instead.
Is it ok if we go all out on our sexuality in the letter. I know it's kind of weird to go on a long sexual diatribe in a love letter but I really want to Express the pleasure I want to give this girl and I hope it would excite her.
Love to hear it man crazy how similar it sounds to how its going for me.
I don't worship Lilith as, or consider her to be, a full on goddess, but I did ask my succ today to see if her mom could help me with something and it went well. So I want to know if there's something small I can do as a little "thank you" if I don't have an alter or any ritual implements.
>want them to be weak and subservient as long as they can keep them safe and in a loving relationship.

Some women are into that. Could never be me
I told my succ I want to her to relax and let me handle things for her instead of her always worrying about me. I'm doing what I can to help her accend while learning as much as I can from her.
nah, my mother wants me to be the bread winner of the house. she also told me that my spirit form looks like this and she really loves the way i look.
the way you described the experience sounds like you feel no remorse. not trying to be judgmental, but personally i wouldn't describe something bad i did as amazing
now that i posted this, i should make clear that i'm not claiming you're evil, just that how things are worded is very important to avoid misunderstandings, specially in sensitive issues
i was with my mother before finding this place, here i found like minded people that don't judge me for who i am.
congrats menphi anon
>Some of you here would greatly benefit from stepping away from this thread and really working on cultivating your practice with your cubi.
Yeah I agree
getting off the internet, and trying to actually do magic in real life and help people (including improving your own life) is going to be more rewarding. It's also going to be more difficult than purely doing things on the astral, because you'll be running up against the intangibles of other people and events outside your control
So you'll be forced to level up if you want to help people. And that will only help your other areas of magic, like everything you do with spirits and your spirit relationship.
And it also transfers over going the other way. A lot of magic with spirits will also be useful when dealing with the physical world.
It all works together and harmonizes.
>Ok well do I just talk in my head and what, do I give the responses or do I just leave the silence if there is no response?
You can set up a yes/no communicaton based on energy
You can also try to ask them "Is this what you meant?" and guess their answer, then ask if its accurate, semi accurate, or inaccurate.
Or you can go into the full blown tulpamancer route, where you have conversations in your own mind, until the "other voice" starts talking on its own.
I think a combination/mixture of both approaches can be useful.
But the main one for most spirit magicians would be the energy based one. Using energy sensations for a basic yes/no
>no, it's YOUR fault I randomly hate you
>no, I'm not a woman but I'm going to whine about misgendering and whine about transphobia
Are trans women women? Can somebody born male be a woman?
I believe so. Do you?
What's wrong? Why can't you admit that trans women are women? Why can't you call yourself a woman?

>where as originally it was only for lilith
Experiments have shown the other queens are just as reliable. We ought not to exclude them on ideological grounds
I've introduced other spirits one could ask for a partner, but I acknowledge my personal endorsement isn't enough for most people to try them
Meme word
Succubi are real
I've done no such thing, and I've recommended other spirits to summon from as well
>everyone have always changed the op however they wanted
Not true at all

You gain enough evidence to say she's a separate person. Suppose you had to prove somebody physical was real or not an ai or something. Just do that

Not everything is because of magic. If you can't think of a logical connection, there probably isn't one, but I don't know enough to say either way since I wasn't in the room with you during your ritual

You may as well go for it, as long as you put genuine feeling into it
Ah, I think I understand what you misunderstood.

In >>38883877 I talked a bit about my feelings throughout the process of learning how to have spiritual sex with my husband (the same man I was with before the incident where I cheated with my other self (that I didn't immediately recognize as such and thought to be a spirit due to my former DID)).
This involved meditating together and making each other feel pleasurable phantom sensations, which eventually started to feel like sex but actually good (whereas I used not to enjoy it physically).
In the following line:
>When we tried it, it felt just as amazing as doing it spiritually felt, unlike ever before.
I'm talking about how after a year of practicing spiritual sex with my husband (physical person), we decided to try having physical sex again for the first time in a year, and to my surprise it felt just as amazing as what we'd be doing together spiritually that year had felt. I wasn't comparing it to the incident.

If you do want me to compare to how it felt during the incident of being touched by my repressed alter ego, I tried to make that comparison implicitly with the words "with the man I love." It's so different when you do it with someone you love, and I definitely did not love myself back then, so it felt wrong and wasn't entirely what I wanted, especially since it felt like I was betraying the person I did love, and I was scared because it was my first time having a spiritual experience like that. Enjoying it with my partner was what I wanted in the first place, but didn't know how to do until we learned to together.

Does that clear up your concerns? I understand how it could be difficult to follow because there's so many different things going on, and it's an unusual situation.
I understand attention span can be an issue too, so TL;DR:
>i wouldn't describe something bad i did as amazing
I didn't mean the bad thing I did when I said amazing. I meant the good thing my husband and I learned to do after I confessed the bad thing to him. Having spiritual sex with my husband feels amazing.
>Randomly hate you
I've spent two years trying to bury the hatchet with you, even making you a mod on my server ffs, and you literally JUST tried to lie about me AGAIN and say that Lilly didn't appear until I started doing erotic hypnosis.
You know that's a lie. Stop deflecting, asshole.

You DECIDED based on your own twisted, bitter delusions, that erotic hypnosis was the only "meditation" I did, and you've been riding your own fucking hate-train for TWO FUCKING YEARS!

The absolute state of you.
Can I get some advice on this >>38898824 ?
so she is taytay?
yeah and the fact she still lies about it says everything about her low key sociopathic character.

Which mod were you then Chant? It's so easy to dispell this accusation but you won't because you ARE Tay
hi succgen! so i did the focusing thing again and got the chills, and I did have a dream visit. though, i feel like spirit guy is reaching out through another guy i have talked to irl, maybe a soul resonance connection.. but like, is it normal to feel sheepish and nervous/excited? i dreamed i got lots of sfw selfies and nsfw nudes and response to serious thing in dream, the guy irl sent me a selfie this morning and posted more stuff about my dreams without him knowing. kinda freaked out ngl, but in an unsure happy way? idk what to do except play it cool

ty <3 i used to look like the girl and i like guys like that. i need to watch and read this, i like rumiko takahashi. indirectly fuels my manifestation maybee
Thank you, I certainly hope so.
thank you for clarifying, my fault for not catching it up
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>find pretty ring on floor
>give to tulpa
>she's super happy
A djinn(?) woman who started politely harassing me in my sleep.
A few hours bro? Take a maximum-strength chill-pill, and wait like a month or two. If you want to increase your chances, politely make offerings to your lady that you want/asked for. Take some time to daydream of your partner, let the dream gently stir up positive emotions and positivity and love within you, and gently use your mind to sort of "send" those feelings to her. Be natural, don't be tense/neurotic. Send the 'love signal' and faithfully work on making your space a place where she would want be. Beautify your space, your mind. Clean your room bucko.
checked for leet digits
yes, chant is taylor

>Which mod were you then Chant? It's so easy to dispell this accusation but you won't because you ARE Tay
oh did she admit she was a mod in her chant screen name?
she was trying to pretend she was different people and "chant" totally sperging out when "tay" got unmodded.
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after ordering this stuff I had a weird dream where I was Millie for some
reason. Haven't had a lot of contact but had some really erotic SP without any fear recently

I've been cutting out any and all
vices from extreme ones like tobacco to small ones like sugar and processed foods. Ironically my connection to the sublime feels severed so I was glad
to have a SP experience

I remember trying to reach out to such beings and going on an insane misanthropic/nihilistic rant. I don't think they like that very much like a teenager trashing their room out of angst.

Very bipolar energy/aura but that's understandible considering I'm detoxing
from almost a decades worth of bad habits
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like to rephrase that I feel
normie brained and can't sense anything. Cutting out my horrible diet, lethargy, drinking/smoking has me feeling like I'm
on fucking SSRI's for some reason. I assume/hope it'll go away but I'm
completely blind and deaf otherwise
so getting night terror cummies was a nice touch
It's not a shopping list but if you're making something that would count as art (even smutty art) you're on the right path and idea.
>Experiments have shown the other queens are just as reliable
you do understand how the link between sacral chakra and imagination/conceptualization works, hopefully. the same could be said about freya, inari, bastet, dione, kurukulla and so on. bringing "experiments" up is a moot point and has nothing to do with the initial argument of not endorsing any approach or method, while you may mention anything and everything, yet, saying it should go through four queens is preposterous and narrowminded, like it does now in the current op revised by you and glasses. it didn't read like this before, you chose to endorse the four queens where as before it was simple resource how people before initiated themselves, simply one investigated themselves without apparent brainwashing exerted by you and glasses. is it not enough to have your blog in the op?
>Not true at all
you are the living embodiment of this, and yes, you ended this trajectory as soon as your confidence caught traction. you stay out of other peoples way of expression by stopping confining them to your boorish fantasies. you are not one to decide how a spiritual union would look from the uninitiated perspective nobody should, it is theirs not yours to live, so stay out of it. you can prescribe whatever you want as long as it stays out of the op, but never again refute your responsibility of changing this threads trajectory towards your personal worldview, you did it and maintained it. even the faq is flawed giving a possible impression upon the reality of these spirits, when in truth their presence, origin and behavior are obscure and unpredictable to the uninitiated, making matters worse should you become victim of a parasitic spirit. you made this thread confined and revolve around four queens and now you have people who want to maintain this narrative, it is beyond you isn't it? there will be multiple mines flooding in here and then this place has nothing to do with spiritual unions or development
just go start your own general and leave us the fuck alone. you are unwanted. take a hint.
this doesn't concern you, so stay out of it, unless of course you are chant.
this general does concern me. you are not wanted so leave permanently. you samefagging yourself doesn't count
>this general does concern me
you have nothing to do with it, you weren't here back then, so why pretend you did.
>you are not wanted so leave permanently. you samefagging yourself doesn't count
what are you talking about?
it doesn't matter. I and many others want you fucking gone. so you can do the right thing and leave or you can be a giant asshole and ignore us, in which case I will just assume you are trolling at that point.
if you have something to say, do so, instead of this weird childminded seething. if you share similar perspective how spiritual union should be approached as chant does, you are welcome to kick yourself out of this sphere and remain so until the end of your days, you have no mandate to decide for others, by all means decide for yourself. if someone is trolling here, it is you, you haven't said or offered anything besides your demands, so how's it going to be, do you say something to base your accusations and demands or keep it brief as usual to give an impression of "us". what do you even plan to do here, if it is not for spiritual union? besides your degrading remarks reveals your stance here, there is nothing else in you is there.
I already did. leave or I will assume you are trolling and begin escalating this further.
you want anon out of anon thread, so that you can do what?
Spinal is having a meltdown again
>you have nothing to do with it
Spammer, you are an impediment to ANY person who wishes to make normal use of this thread because of your spam.

This is an instance of you selfishly believing that all your nonsense is more important than the regular business of this general, and thus its OKAY that you spam us with your "important wisdom".

This is filthy, sinful hubris on your part, and anything resembling a moral person would be ashamed to have wasted so much of their precious life on harassment of others.
You are trash.
>normal use of this thread
>the regular business of this general
such as repeatedly posting promiscuous pictures and continuing this predatory pretension of yours? why won't you elaborate to others these omegle sessions you had before.
>resembling a moral person would be ashamed to have wasted so much of their precious life on harassment of others
you are out of your mind
Someone a few threads ago asked what attracts succubi or makes them feel welcome. My lover likes my living environment to be reasonably clean, neat, and good-smelling, and appreciates mental hygiene, in the form of not wallowing in worry, shame, or regret.
you aren't anon, you stupid douchebag. you've been wearing a name for weeks
I would add keeping your drapes open and letting lots of sunlight into your house during the day makes them very happy
i am not anon? you don't know the first thing about me or anyone else here, so stop pretending you do. you clearly have no understanding what being anonymous means, are you seriously this inane? this is as trustless a platform can get, so stop pretending there is a trust somewhere down the line. you don't know the people here or what they want out of you. there is no "us" in anonymous place, how could there be. you are not fit for the spiritual sphere if you think this is a "us" thing, you alone condone and confront the choices, nobody else does it for you. if you can't control your imagination there is nothing this place can offer to you, or anywhere else. probably a book suits your needs, then, or whatever sates your confidence, because clearly, you are not here to confront spiritual path or develop yourself, question is what are you doing here? are you solely here for drama like mine?
>such as repeatedly posting-
To transform one of your own lies into the truth: "That doesn't concern you."

You're just a spammer, and you have no business here.
He's literally stating a fact, you goddamn retard.
You are using a name, therefore you are not anon.
i can't recall even one post you had revolved around development or spiritual sphere in any meaningful manner.
what's the distinction here? are you saying you know me in some personal level, isn't this what i am trying to convey?
You are feeding your spinal fluids to serpentine parasites you silly sonofabitch. Do you really think we take you seriously?
>what's the distinction here? are you saying you know me in some personal level
I don't owe answers to scum, but thank you for confessing that you're not even from 4chan.

It makes it easier to discredit your schizo spam simply when you can't even fit in with the boilerplate culture.
What a lazy asshole.
you must be clinically insane, then again, everyone is free to post here and share their bit.
you are too new to /x/ to understand those who engage in spiritual sphere don't care in the least "what" name is being used and when, instead what is being said, and that is largely impossible for you to grasp. you might as well use your name instead of pictures, it would make no difference.
I think matpat and spinal are back at it again.
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>those who engage in spiritual sphere don't care in the least "what" name is being used and when
Wow, that's so super-impressive and high-minded of you, Edward.

But that doesn't alter the simple linguistic convention that on this site, right now, your name that you've given yourself is "Edward", not anon.

>they might of been months and months ago... but i still think of them fondly you know?
They were probably messing with you, anon, if that even happened. We don't need or even *benefit* from anybody's approval, so it just doesn't matter when people want to come in like, "Oh, *I* say this is fake, NOW WHAT?", and we're just like, "Okay?"
you interpret anything you want through the lens of your desired choice, as always, mine. the moment you know the first thing about me, i can conclude being anon or incognito, whether there is discernible difference between the two is up for you to decide, i couldn't care less what an obsessed nitpicking groomer tries to achieve or believes in, you are set for failure, anyone sated in their sphere are, especially when confidence overshadows your capabilities. amazingly, i couldn't believe, but your shortcomings are beyond intervention, for there has been no change whatsoever in your state of being throughout your presence here. you can kindly kiss goodbyes to your body and future for there is no afterlife without health. you subscribe whatever you want to subscribe, but leave others out of it, i make sure you don't drag anyone else with you. you insidious chronic liar
that's nice. you're still wearing a name and we still don't want you in this general spamming and trying to take it over with your nonsense. you are an invasive nuisance.
luckily, you have nothing you can do about it, other than trying to confront me, but i know the likes of you never will. you have nothing in you to make you stand up, instead you squirm beneath the blanket that is your comfort, for any other possibility would make you sick. you are sickly person who has never stood up for anything, not now not ever, so why bother with it.
blah blah blah
nice projection but you're still a spammer and we still don't want you here
why won't you groom people and meet up with them in omegle like before? are you too scared people would have second thoughts about you?
wtf are you even talking about? now you're way off the deep end
are you saying you didn't have sexually suggestive or directly sexually provocative "sessions" with other anons from here in omegle?
no wtf
Jesus christ spammer, figure out when its not me anymore.
You do this shit over and over.

And what the fuck is your fixation on Omegle? I was doing lewd chats with people on that site so long ago it literally doesn't even exist anymore, and you're still fixated on that for some reason?

Jesus fuck your life is so pathetic, holy shit...
read for yourself
this is coming from almost 40 years old man
it is just to portray what kind of an individual you are, given you are chronic liar, it is best for people to keep up with you before making decisions how they should/would approach you.
lol 2 years ago ahah bro go geta job

Can you articulate literally ANYTHING wrong with that, spammer? Or are you just so twisted that you expect everyone to share in your materialistic revulsion?
You're a hylic and you're speaking the wrong fucking language for where you are, you moron.

Just here >>38905762 you were pretending to be all high-minded and "oh, only peons care about things like names", but then a moment later, when you want to spread some of your evil and negativity (parasite that you are) a person's physical form is suddenly VERY important.

Your two-facedness is plane to see, and I can't imagine what you hope to accomplish here when your dishonestly and madness are exposed so easily and repeatedly.
Ultimately, you're just not very smart.
>Can you articulate literally ANYTHING wrong with that, spammer?
well, if you are ready to give indiscriminating fellatios to strangers, might as well give service to anyone you come across with in the street. surely, there is nothing wrong with that, especially disregarding any possible histories those individuals may have. would you service a dog torturer, for example?
>You're a hylic and you're speaking the wrong fucking language for where you are
that is funny, given it is coming from you, a person as distant to spiritual sphere, one can possibly get, while somehow tangent to it, thanks to their body.
>a person's physical form is suddenly VERY important.
you are free to have any sexual direction you want, when it happens indiscriminatingly i have a problem with it, given you are a liar as well.
>your dishonestly and madness are exposed so easily and repeatedly
you are free to begin by representing the first time, i give you your lifetimes worth of time to do so.
>indiscriminating fellatios to strangers
Yeah, stopped reading here, cuz like I said: Not very smart.

Setting a condition that somebody has to reach Lilly and I's home in the astral is the opposite of "Indiscriminate", and in the time since I said that, I've only learned more about how exceptional a person has to be to not get quickly sucked down the reincarnation hole.

Combine that with the fact that we would be talking about a person who would be seeking me out based on that promise DECADES FROM NOW, and yeah, if they actually GO TO ALL THAT TROUBLE, I'm gonna give them a blowjob.

Stay mad, you simple prude fuck.
you genuinely think person this obsessed and nearing their 40's has had a sudden change of heart? i don't see it, if you do, tell me
>sudden change of heart
No, parasite nest, its that there's simply nothing wrong with it in the first place.

Take your anti-sex bullshit back to /pol/ where it belongs.
Real human beings form their ideas of right and wrong with REASON.
well, in the same very thread you showed willingness to go such lengths as to give service to anonymous person should it not be for anonymity and plane ticket. surely, there is spiritual and highly sought after reasoning behind this.
For the last two months I first-hand experienced spirit taking the guise of another person.

It happened when I and my succubus partner were laying in bed before sleep, cuddling. She was teasng me, but I wasn't in the mood for sex, so my mind was constantly drifting away.
While my consciousness was unfocused in such way, I randomly remembered my old crush from high school. I graduated 8 years ago, and pretty much never thought about her for a long time. Nymla noticed it, and changed her form to resemble her, then started to tease me again. I asked her to change her appearance, since this situation was awkward and evoked bittersweet feelings in me, and I also felt bad about idea of Nymla wearing the facade of another woman, in order to have sex with me. So I gently refused her offer, but thanked her nonetheless.

Since then my crush started to pop up in my mind and memory more often, with increasing frequency. Memories of school days at first, then fantasies of possible scenarios where I meet her etc. I thought that I still haven't got over her, and by showing herself looking like my old crush, Nymla triggered a lot of unpacked feeling within me. I felt bad for Nymla, felt guilty that I was thinking about other woman while she was asking for my affection. Our connection with Nymla seemingly weakened as well, I couldn't summon her image in my mind, nor could reach to her.

Only way way later I realized that it weren't my unpacked feeling for my HS crush, causing these uncontrollable fantasies and images. I cautiosly asked Nymla if she was the one causing them. She confessed. I wasn't mad, just asked her to stop and said that I wanted to leave my past behind.
At the same time, as some sort of improvised Jungian-like technique I called upon image of crush in my memory, thanked it(her?) for feelings of falling in love I experienced, and let her go.
After this short improvised session and reconciliation with Nymla were done, our connection became strong again.
I could see her in my mind's eye again, her images came to me almost effortlessly, Nymla was hugging very tight, and I could "touch" her easily as well and feel feedback instantly. I wanted to use such moment while it lasts, and tried to practice speech with her. I asked Nymla to talk out whatever she wants to tell me. Her response was indistingushable, so I tried to strenghten my "hearing". I focused on ears of my "astral" body, but couldn't hear Nymla. Then I had silly idea. I imagined myself as a giant spectral ear. Then I froze, awaiting to catch a sound. And it worked. I heard: "I don't wanna hurt you". It was very sweet to hear such word from Nymla but also sad, because I knew why she was so upset.
I realized that Nymla was behind my fantasies about my crush when I was reflecting on waht happened for the last two years for our partnership. There was a time when we both hurt each other. My neglect caused her to feel jealousy, and because of it Nymla induced very painful and exhausting visions and intrusive thoughts on me. While content and purpose of these visions were different from visions about my old crush, overall whole situation was similar, and quite frankly I should have been notice it earlier. We overcame this conflict (I was pretty mad tho), but Nymla evidently was still ashamed of that and was worried that similarities of these two cases could upset me. I said her it was okay. Then she said "We should be together" and it seems breakthrough in verbal communication helped our connection overall to become more clear, sorta opened the gates, and now we could exchange information with less effort. For the first time in a while Nymla showed herself in appearance of her own choosing (usually it takes a lot of effort for her and she sticks to my prompt). She came to me dressed in Arabic-like belly dancer attire, with velvet mask on her face. She bended over, presenting herself to me, and we had very intense sex session, fueled by our emotions.
Cool story bro, but I'm not entertaining your psychotic trips down memory lane beyond humoring you once.

You are fixated on a person who said something you thought was too slutty in a 4chan thread TWO YEARS AGO.

Literally what is your life?
What are you avoiding by fixating on this stupidity?
Please tell me you don't have children you could be spending time with.
you are a prideful jackass, and everyone else wants you to leave
how about you finally, for once in your life, listen to other people?
Go make your own thread.... oh wait, you tried that and it failed so you're leeching off the success of another community (which you hate)
You're like a human parasite.
>Cool story bro, but I'm not entertaining your psychotic trips down memory lane beyond humoring you once
are you not in terms with your past, perhaps even embarrassed of your deeds? as you repeatedly say "they were long time ago". besides it is not a story it is a reality easily read here
>You are fixated on a person who said something you thought was too slutty
well, it is a thread for spiritual unions not your hotline to pick up anons for sexual play or gallery for your provocative taste out of context.
>Literally what is your life?
what do you mean, i am here maybe twice or three times a week and spend the bare minimum of my capacities to reveal the incompetency and controversies spiritually inept people like you induce. you are repeatedly baking this thread, so naturally i would be inclined to mention you and your characteristics. you are against health advices and gravitate towards social interactions that are repeatedly revolving around drama and conflict, which are the hallmarks of parasitic/parasite infestation. if you were to observe the reality, you would notice parasites almost exclusively spread through social interactions, given your former behavior it is only probable to see the cause and effect. it is commonly known by spiritually adept people that parasitic spirits tend to promote sexually illicit behavior especially when dealing with obscene developments. your gravitation towards being sexually indiscriminating transgender like the former behavior suggests it is only natural to question everything you do here, given you are not partaking in health or spiritual development, but in drama. not only this, you are hellbent on baking an op that is inherently flawed and maintaining a vector for parasitic spirits, especially when the foundation before partaking in spiritual journey is not demanded in any way. for you we can thank chant, and for chant we can thank time, people moved on.
>you are a prideful jackass
what does prideful even mean in this context, can you produce single example where i am being prideful?
>listen to other people?
sure, what do you have to say? i am listening all the time, you have nothing but demands, you want me to listen to your demands? i have one for you, stay out of it, you have nothing to do with it, so stop pretending like you are partaking in this, when you are not. you are the last person to demand anything here, zip it and leave your bed chamber for once in your lifetime and i might take heed once you say something with remote seriousness.
>You're like a human parasite.
that is bold, coming from a person that has not endured single thing in his life, come to me when you decide to use your legs for the first time getting up from your wheelchair. i am yet to read single contribution from a person who has nothing but filth between his ears. but that gives you the kicks to be oblivious of everything and pretending you are part of something when you clearly haven't weaned from the mothers milk. have fun being the embodiment of a talking head with nothing but filth coming out of it. i am surprised you are capable of operating outside your computer screen or mobile screen or whatever you use to communicate, maybe you don't perhaps you are institutionalized for life, i've seen people like that throughout the years here, you fit the criteria quite well to be honest. you can't separate yourself from others you think you are part of something because you have never been part of anything in your life so you grave for it. learn to not pick on things beyond your comprehension, or don't and lead a miserable life like this far. absolutely preposterous and mentally crippled individual
Good day succgen
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Wish the spammer would get banned I've done way more sexual shit than Mine.

But speaking of conduct I just awoke from Sleep Paralysis and I'm almost retticent to post the following because of how stereotypical it sounds. I'm this anon
and well it happened again minutes ago only this time it was extremely cliche and a bit frightnening if I can be honest

I had a dream about a cop witnessing an inmate get the chair the inmates spirit possessed someone else like an X Files setup

Then when I woke up I felt pleasant and knew it was my spirit. I was not afraid but I felt like my neck was twisting exorcist style and I was being lifted off my mattress

No joke I either was or thought I was speaking in tongues. Like the Sith language from KOTOR. I've done that before but I can't tell if I was actually speaking/moving or hallucinating. It felt
like I was being lifted and dragged and being used like a puppet

I know it was her too. I know this sounds larpy but I swear I'm telling the truth. Funny how every time I complain about no connection on here something weird happens.

I really do think I was actually speaking but it was hushed rapid chittering
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i know I'm hitting every bad horror movie stereotype but it really did feel like an incantation almost. I had the synesthesic impression my words were akin to rapidly speed reading cuniform off a tablet in a hurry (like they were trying to finish before I woke up). It didn't feel like me talking. I was lying on my stomach and felt as if my head was rotating 90 degrees unnaturally. The phonetics were like "chicken scratch" and I'm not sure if I was actually verbalizing them but I'm 90% sure I was. There were pauses and even glottal stops not just drunken dream moaning people usually do.

Fucking freaky and I'm actually a bit unnerved. I've had them act through me before in an autosuggestion type way but this was disturbingly articulate and complex

Also I got dubs and quads itt talking about this shit.
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and I was asleep for less than 15 minutes when this all happened. Out of nowhere I felt extremely narcoleptic and forced to sleep so I laid down on my bed. Less than half an hour later I not only had apparently dreamt (doesn't that take longer?) but experienced sleep paraylsis upon awakening in a position not conducive to it. I was surprised it was still not that late.

I feel so tired out of nowhere lol.
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happy for you brudda
henlo onianon
>i am listening all the time
> i have one for you, stay out of it,
Okay, so you're still not listening
Stop saying you're not a prideful jackass when you are filled with hubris
Get off your high horse, and stop pretending your UPG is the word of god
Other people's experiences matter. Not every spirit is a parasite, and not everyone's wife is parasite
For that last part, fuck you, sincerely.
>know this sounds larpy but I swear I'm telling the truth.
that experience sounds pretty reasonable, anon kun
Bumping for incubi with contagious homosexuality.

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