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I am a yogi. Not anyone can claim such a thing. I do not think nor imagine but I always speak the truth. Ask me anything. Yoga, means yoking yourself to the stream of divine light found within every soul.
When will I overcome my current situation?
When you drop the thought formations preventing you from doing it, from overcoming. Overcome.
Wow, that's more the answer to the 2nd question I had in mind but didn't write :D The pain is deep and I'm afraid to accept my power. But the question I wrote was about a problem I have at home.

I often wish someone could give me a date because I feel so powerless and stuck in a circle of delays.
I may be able to help regarding that. Meditate, that is the easy way. Read audiobooks on YouTube ad focus reading it thoroughly and with careful repairing your home, bringing peace into the house through non-action.
Have you seen the sleeping blue buddha?
Uh huh. I play the medicine Buddha mantra frequently.
You've SEEN it?
Uh no. I have seen a picture of blue Buddha medicine Buddha at the YouTube videos.
I see..said the blind man to his deaf wife.
I see.
I was being facetious, not deep. Have you ever been inside a geodesic dome?
Not that I remember.
Well, the problem at home is there seem to be some mice (already caught 3) but I can't locate them and don't know how many there are. It doesn't let me sleep as I don't know if there's any in my bedroom. I hear them from outside too when they run along the walls. Someone here confirmed that there are still some in my home, but unfortunately he didn't get more info like how many or where. Because of fatigue I'm not even able to clean up the mess they created in one go. It will require several days - while there are still some running free and creating more mess. They were sent by someone who wants to harm me. Do you get any info on the amount or locations? When I hear noises, it's hard to tell from which room it came. I have all doors closed, so that I know when one room is safe.

I've tried to heal with meditation but for now my fear is much stronger than the faith in myself. Someone was under hoodoo and hurt me emotionally with that. I know he would never do it by will, but I'm afraid to open up to him again. It's paradox, because no matter if I do it or not, it won't have an effect on our enemies. Thing is I need to do that in order to heal (there's some part of a heart wall left) and then our enemies couldn't harm me anymore, but I'm too afraid that this nightmare will never end. I just want to rest finally. You do know who I am, right? And thank you for your time.
Huu. I can not help with this one.
Ok, no problem.

Do you know where my future house will be and maybe when or how I'll get it? I was told I'd move East, but there was no additional info.
No I have no clue who you are.. I'm oblivious. I don't have no problem solving abilities with relationships stuff.. maybe light a candle in your room at night.
Huu. Well.. I don't have the desire to know it. But in peace thou shalt go forth and make your dwelling.
You wrote "ask me anything", so I did ^^ but it's ok. I guess I'll find my way somehow :) Thank you.
No problem, this is what I said. Do you have any book recommendations for me?
:D you ask me for book recommendations? I'm surprised to read that. What kind of books are you looking for?
Christian esotericism right now. Or sufism in it's various stages.
Can't help with sufism, but will think about the other one. Before you replied I had a book about crystals in mind and another one from Dr Joe Dispenza, but I'm not sure if it's interesting for you as you're already balanced. I don't own his books tho but I've used his meditations.

Somehow you make me think of John Croino. Do you know him? He's a seer from Japan.

I'll have to recharge my mobile, but will be back when it's full. Thank you for the nice conversation and see you later :)
Likewise. I'm gonna see what I can find by myself. Thanks for informing me, I didn't know I was balanced. I had no concept of this crystal balance. But okay, see ya.
Cant you just say God? Why the vague pseudo spiritual gobbledygook of "stream of divine light"? Its God
"Tapah swadhyaya ishvara pranidhanani kriya yogah"- Patañjali
Yoga is penance, self knowledge(or study of the veda), and surrender to God
Uh that's probably not even what this sentence says. Read the gospel of Judas.
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>i cant read sanskrit but you're wrong cause i read apocryphal heresy
I sort of understand why catholics wiped out the albigensians
Though there are many heretics from india, too
Whatever you say man. Whatever you say. Fuck this shit I'm out.
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Is the bodhisattva's task impossible? Will there ever come a time when all beings are liberated and "we" "return" to the Godhead?

Is Amitābha's pure land bullshit, or a viable option worth pursuing upon my death?

Also, what is the sound of one hand clapping? I laughed pretty hard last night at the conclusion. My capping phrase for it's completion is: take a shit, have a piss.
Which I found amusing. Namaste.

How do i bake magic wizard bread.
The Buddha spoke many sermons, all of them in a single night. I never met any pure land Buddhists afaik, ask the pure land followers of Gotamadr. Namaste.
Is the path of making money I've found worth pursuing? Like, is it worth doing for my circumstances or should i do something else?
Prayer, fasting, almsgiving to the poor especially, will give you their destined result.
>yoking yourself to the stream of divine light found within every soul.
how do i do it?
cup of flour, half a cup of butter, salt, one egg. mix to create a dough. chill in the fridge, preheat oven to 400. roll out the dough, shape it around a pie tin, use a fork to punch a bunch of holes in it. bake 15min to create your pie crust
sautee onions, when clear add a pound of mushrooms, cook them down until they all shrink to a third their size. salt pepper parsley. half cup cream, half cup milk, three eggs, salt pepper ground nutmeg. combine to make a custard. pour some custard in the pie crust you made, top with the sautéed mushrooms, top with the rest of your custard. bake 40min at 350. pull from the oven, let it cool, grab your dropper of acid titrated down to 200ug per drop. drop on a slice and serve, magic wizard quiche.
I can't tell how you can do it, I can however try removing obstacles in the way towards this task. This is how I advise to do it. Focus your gnostic eye on the ether. Try to meditate on the luminous cloud of ether. Focus on the areas above and beyond. Do this for at least ten minutes a day for three to four months. Drink lots of water or juice whatever but keep it cool and fresh. This is the easy way. There might be other ways, as many as you can imagine and more. But this is one of them.
I see you brother, I have been looking for a guide. The road before me is dangerous, I have seen things that make men flee in terror. I will persist, but I need guidance.
Remember to make room for rest.
Alright. What do you need guidance on?
Will my family be safe? I feel that I will have to separate from them to preach what I must, and that scares me. It is the only fear I have.
Take some time to think over all things. From time immemorial there is but one truth, all can see and all can hear what you want to say. If you want to preach, then preach to me, what do you want to say?
It is time for unconditional love, for all of us to walk like Christ, to be like children. There is no more room in this world for division, no anger, no fear. It is time we sing a new song, all of us, together, and the time has come.
And thank you for listening, you do me a great favor, I appreciate you.
Nobody, especially today, wants to be preached to. Lead by example and show them the way by living it. Good luck, brother.
I second this as op. Perfect timing.
I disagree, people consume all day everyday, but the consume divisive filth. That's all they do is get preached at by demons. It's time to change that.
If you saw my Facebook posts about love, and the shear number of people that want to hear this message, they are ready for it.

I just want people to believe in themselves, believe in love, believe in peace. It's coming, and if I have to do it alone I will.
Then all I can say is, again, good luck, brother
Don't fall for deception. It's all meaningless. you can share it. Share your sermons with us here on /x/. We are all ready and welcome it.
Thank you anon, the message is simple, love each other unconditionally. I am here to upend all religion and start the apocalypse. All prophecy, all history, it's all a lie, it's all a control. There is tech here thousand of years beyond is. They can destroy is all in an instant.

Apocalypse means the great revealing, not some end. We have free will and I am here to prove it. Try, unadulterated free will. We command or future. I say we choose love, unconditional love. All of us, song a new song, and it starts now!
Forgive my typing errors, got a new device, and it's a pita.
Unconditioned on what? What is this unconditional "love"?
Have you ever been to a play ground and watched children play? Have you seen their love, joy, curiosity, uncontrollable laughter? That kind of love.
No? I have never witnessed such a thing on this earth. Your belief is fake, and false.
You are loved, you are beautiful, and you are more powerful than you know. I recommend relaxing near a park. Try some meditation, you seem so sad.
Have you seen their cruelty?
The woman in the painting is quite sexy huh?
That is fucked environments and parents, not the children.
.. if you say so, bro..

I know so, I'm a teacher. There are no such thing as bad children. Ever seen a mean baby? No, because we do that to them, just like control systems do it to adults. Be like a child my friend. Live in the moment and love like no one ever hurt you. You have the power, I promise. Even if you gave your soul to demons, you still have the power.
I understand what you want to say, but it's bullshit and I do not believe it.
What is it like not to think or imagine, but go about your day.
You aren't ready, but please don't stand in front of others that are. I love you brother, take care of yourself, you are more powerful than you know.
It's pretty.. cool. >>38884724
Can you expand on that a little. Do you slip up? Was it hard to reach that state? How do you solve problems? Do you even encounter any?
What can you tell about me just from me posting here?
Anything through "the sight" ?
If you do not wish to speak of it, just say "let's talk about something else".
Yep. I needed meditation to acquire it. I never slip up, it was extremely difficult but I did it intuitively without effort at once. I solve problems by intuitive non-action. I encounter no problem that I need thinking for.
Uh. I'm tired and need sleep now. See you tomorrow..
Do you do internal alchemy?
Uhh, yoga means to fix the mind on one point. You're not off to a good start, friend.
Actually, it means exactly what the OP said. For someone trying to correct others, you're not off to a good start, friend.
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I am beginning to suspect that picrel is you, OP.
Uh sure. If I get the chance. But I am not versed in the topic.>>38888681
Yeah, basically. Got a lot of tamas energy flowing.
wasted get faget
What a waste.
Nope that's only a small part of yoga. Read the shiva rahasya purana.. It's the Bhagavad Gita of shaivism.
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oh, good. it was on topic.
I will be visiting your mother tonight fag

SIlence. The thread has just begun.
You're finally awake.
Let us have a nice conversation now.
Did you see?
I saw dreams. If you are asking about final extinguishment, seeing as it really is.. no. I have not yet achieved illumination of mind.
Ah okay, that's nice too I guess.
What kind of sadhana have you been upto?
What is my personal legend?
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>I am a yogi.

Hello Yogi.
I must tell you.. I don't do any actual yoga I just meditate.. that is what I do, sadhana well no I don't do that. But it's cool. I read a lot. Upanishads, Gita, agamas.
All of that stuff is cantrips anyway. I Meditate just about anywhere these days. How are you this morning ? Feeling loved and beautiful?
do you have a guru?
I'm good.. thanks bro :) yes haha.>>38889327
Yes and no. Yes, because I am in contact with the scriptures that have been passed down. But no, I don't have a guru as of yet or possibly will remain without a physical of course guru beside god almighty.
A physical guru is important though.
Get yourself checked out by practitioners of tantra yoga if progress happens too fast.
Just find a guru with a proper guru sampradaya, have him tell you something and also as his shishyas what they can make of the situation.
Did you try something with shabar energy workings in the past if ever?
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>"I am a yogi, not just ANYONE can claim that..."

>"do you do inner alchemy?" "Nah"

>"by the way I don't actually do yoga"

Fucking faggot retard lmao
Oh yes I understand where you are coming at. The problem is I do not subscribe to sanatan dharm. I am a Sufi. Due to the lack of English sufi materials available online, I help myself by reading s.d. materials, plenty of which there are all available in English thank god. I would incur sin on myself perhaps. I just read about shabar, well let us keep each to his ways may God help you further.>>38889424
Well yes. I'm a yogi who doesn't do tantra, but meditation is the yoga for me. I'm a Sufi, don't misunderstand my intent to present the yogic dharmic way in a favorable light as deception. I am a Sufi, self-taught, and not interested in anything that is not relatable or practiceable in my vicinity.
Sufism is a way to reach the divine too, just be sure to reach your deity properly I guess.
I don't do that, I believe in the intent of pure physical and mental clarity through self-mastery and purification, water and clarity.
What methodology do you follow, may I ask?
Perennial, philosophically. If you want to know deeper, read way of illumination by inayat Khan.
how to die in order to live forever?

and checked, wasted digits
The opposites will tell you the truth. I'm not realized, I'm still on the path.
Could you describe with words what you focus on exactly?
Which entity specifically?
Or do you try to achieve oneness with the cosmos?
I basically started all the meditation path of my life with deep focus on a single object. But as I improved my practice, I now meditate passively most of the time. God, the ancient as he is described in sufism. My aim is to achieve perfection of mental faculties, the oneness of practice, and the fulfillment of ritual and practice.
Good luck :D
I do not know what you perceive when you say "God" right now though.
You do speak of the Lord God of Israel do you not?
Thanks. Yes, he it is who I am talking about. The Lord and giver of life.
I’ve been afraid to meditate lately because I’ve started seeing … entities? I’m not sure how else to say it. I’m really good at quieting my mind, but I saw some scary stuff and I haven’t meditated since. Got any advice?
Wanna know something super weird though?
I assume you are already familiar with God of Israel's Yantra or symbol.
Go look up "Bhairava Yantra".
It is whose nama japa I do 256 times a day.
I know what you mean. It's the end times feeling. Take a pause, make a little free room for yourself and then sleep well. All will be ok, you need a break. Try fasting maybe. And drink a lot of water.
Good. But you need to drink some water, was your body, and then fill the belly with water a little.. again. Water is purity.
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Should've either posted this meme...
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...Or this one.
I'm out. See you next time.
I'll fill in while yogi is out. Hmu
That means you are leaking salt, you need to mix electrolytes with your water or you are desalinating yourself. Mix in some V8, super greens, or just a spoon full of salt. Thirst and hunger are recognized the same way in the brain. If you feel thirst, you probably need salt as well as water.
Be seeing ya!
Eh, fine I guess.
Gonna have some more bhang soon.
Thank you for the Advice btw.
Unity brother, I like you. You have wisdom that comes off as authentic.
How do I born again, like Jesus said to Nicodemus?
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i would wonder if you think I am not authentic but I do not mind as I would much rather preserve my mental peace.
Start loving your neighbors, be like a child, stay curious.
We are human and make mistakes, my worldview changes in every moment. I'm not psychic, I can't read your mind, but you give information freely, no stipulations. I commend that in a world where everyone tries to make a quick buck or gain power over each other.
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Are the bears going to win Sunday
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I have a really bad porn addiction despite having a lot going for me in life and a beautiful girlfriend and loving family. How can I take control of myself
I can speak to this first hand! I have a beautiful wife, and I was passing her up for porn... Relationships, invest in them, family, friends, someone you met at a bar. Sex addiction to me is a longing for intimacy, which can be so hard to find in a word of fast pay offs. So be intimate w people.

The wife and I barely feel the need for sex anymore, just being close and loving is tantric. When we do have sex, it's amazing!

Sex=\=Intimacy. Sex fills the void cheaply.
I appreciate you seeing it that way.
Thanks for letting me kick it in your house, it's comfy af.
discord gg JQ8GgsWC
We got another house, and ever Mr. Yogi should join us.

No joke, I am quitting my job to do this full time.
Sorry Mr. Yogi, they deleted my thread as soon as it heated up, Imma chill here for a bit.
Yes. That is an excellent question worthy of much thinking. Return into your mother's womb, remove all thoughts and spirit of thought, become a child, become innocent, become repentant, have good faith and good spirit and love life. How it is done will be a mystery until you receive the grace of God and he helps you and his spirit descends upon you. Read john, his epistles, and if you like, the secret book of john.. a worthy book, filled with contemplations.
Your girlfriend is the reason you are addicted to porn.. and your mother. Stop interacting with females in the way they want, an start no-interaction, ignore their feelings, ignore their shit they spout of their mouth and you will see a drastic increase in virility and less porn addictions.
whats the point to incarnating? It seems like all this is pretty pointless when you just return to the start. Whats the point in living life?
Damn, that's pretty good. I'd just say, metaphorically the womb part, but the rest is spot on, be like a child.
There is no point, fundamentally, to anything. Life is fulfilled when you become enlightened.
You should change your name from anon so I know it's you.
No no, you don't understand. Your spirit needs to literally spiritually return into the spirit of your mother. And if you don't know who your mother is, then read the apocrypha.
I have just now. This is to be my name from now onwards with which I will post in these threads. Might change it later on.
Hey, I can tell you, I am becoming a Christ, and I have read most of those, and it's good advice... But reconnecting with your childhood is essential, I grant that.
Nice.. excellent most excellent. How did you sojourn today, did you have some food and drink to enjoy?
I cook all the meals for my family, and I try to eat a healthy packed lunch in a cute park filled w trees near my work. I love my meals. I eat as clean as you can here in the US. Wife got us an 1/8 cows from a local butcher. Bomb af!
Oh.. Ih see.
I honestly think that in the US the most important part of enlightenement is removing as many toxins as possible from your daily life.
Yeah. And the meat is often full of toxins too like glue. Stay safe bro.
I don't suppose you or anyone here knows anything about traveling to other universes? Like if I had a specific one in mind and wanted to take someone with me? Regardless, thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
I hope for none other than God who will smite your cretin ass with thunder and lightning you little faggot. Stop spamming.
Real meat takes getting used to, it tastes so different from store bought stuff, but now I can't go back.
Uhm.. ok.
Real meat = mystery glory hole cock
Store bought = walmart dildo
Good for you, man.
>Cant you just say God? Why the vague pseudo spiritual gobbledygook of "stream of divine light"? Its God
Tell us your most advanced practices and how we can replicate these practices, given we have sufficient training
Morning children of Gaia, I'll fill in for Mr. Yogi for a bit.
Learn some basics first, you must practice and build up to more advanced techniques or they will be useless.

First breathing, learn to slowly and fully empty and fill your lungs for about 10 minutes. Second, feel your chakras, start low, work your way up your spine.
Can projected gooning be used to wage psychic warfare on enemy combatants?
You are only waging war with yourself, friend.
What's my destiny? What am I here to do? Please no vague answers
You manifest your own destiny, in this life and all others. Seek within for that answer, no one but you and God can have that conversation.
Let me rephrase my question.
Can I astrally project gooning cringe hypno into the underground alien D.U.M.B.s to psychically harass the retarded space alien niggers that work there, if I practice enough?
Or do they have some sort of countermeasure that prevents me from corrupting them?
That is beyond me. I preach peace and love, I have no interest in helping others harm one another.
Just entirely theoretically, as a thought experiment.
Let's say there are caves filled with demons/aliens trying to infiltrate our highest institutions with psychic attacks, abductions, gruesome experiments and rape.
Say their planet and race are dying and they have come here to rejuvenate themselves using our genomes, having built extensive cave systems and bases many kilometers underground, starting some 1000 years ago.
They have an IQ of above 1000 in human equivalent, know no fear, faith, hope or empathy, but only rational material agenda and can travel outside their bodies, see passwords, observe conversations, predict and influence people's actions, can make people think that they are entirely benign or even beneficial, all while remaining almost completely hidden, only occassionally leaving a trace of their presence in some insomniacs or DMT addicts subconscious.
Let's also say that they can physically travel from one end of the galaxy to the other without any issues and possess weapons that could annihilate entire star systems in seconds, as well as having the ability to infiltrate the average person's mind, perform surgery on their soul and even cause amnesia or possess them.
All this done to destroy our development in some aspects - spiritual, cultural, social, governance, while speeding up technological development with the goal of directing us as a tool and resource.
And our world's government is in on it, having made deals with them for mass depopulation so that they can take over and revitalize their race.
Just theoretically, of course.
What would you do about them?
What is your grand plan to save the species?
I believe exactly this. No means of weaponry can defeat them.

There is only one weapon we have over them, true unconditional love.

Ever heard of Blue Eisenhower November? What can humanity do to stop their utter annihilation, not a single trace left, wiped from gods mind in an instant?

We have something they don't, we have ability to work collectively, raise our consciousness, and fold reality over on them. In order to do this, there must be roughly 100,000 Christ like people to move the masses. That means 2 people per major city must shepherd the flock to end the cycle.

They have been here for ages, and our story of Babel and the Bible are not prophecy, they are warnings. If we spread love and hope and come together in a new song, they will reset us. But we can end it, right here, and right now. We embrace them with our collective love and they will be powerless. I can shut down their technology, I've done it and I will do it many more times. We are unique and far more powerful than we know.

You are loved! You are beautiful! You are more powerful than you!
Well, that's certainly a response. I still hope for the best for you, and others too. I'll keep searching.
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I am a Boo Boo.
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Wait, what? How did none of us notice that?
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You fucking ape brained nigger monkey
you're all blind to the truth. instead you choose to listen to faggot op and his cringe af thread.
He was talking about the get

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