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Important Links from last thread:

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0GLmqQWM0

full lecture remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPyipy8erg
Grant Morrison's BETTER lecture, goes indepth into charging which he doesn't do in the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXBePJ42kdE

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic): https://download.library.lol/main/389000/7728555bace3ccdc1e62a54f062175be/U.D.%20Frater%20-%20PRACTICAL%20SIGIL%20MAGIC%20Creating%20Personal%20Symbols%20for%20Success-Llewellyn%20%281991%29.pdf

Sigil Article posted by an Anon: https://runesoup.com/2012/03/ultimate-sigil-magic-guide/

Introduction to Chaos Magic Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7D7BbFZsA

Hypersigils (crafting a story about you as the character, publishing it, then awaiting so the same things happen to you, also explained in Morrison's lecture): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_AM6U8Dpnc

Easy tutorial = next post
Easy tutorial
>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol. There are OTHER METHODS, LIKE HOLDING YOUR BREATH ALMOST TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT, AND THEN LOOKING AT THE SIGIL. Needless to say, those other methods are dangerous. But the other methods have advantages too. If you think orgasming is "degenerate", read the book provided earlier and learn the other methods, but be advised, they can be dangerous.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)

>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it or burn it so you can forget it (this is OPTIONAL and there isn't a consensus. Grant Morrison doesn't dispose of his sigils. I do. We all get results)
>move on with your day
important aspects:
>put a lot of energy and faith during the drawing and "charging"
>forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.
why do you have to remove the vowels and repeated letters? are those not magical enough?
why don't they rename chaos magick cum magick? it would attract a lot of new followers. if there's one thing the gen z kids love, it's cum
you can keep em but the sigil is gonna be too big.

no rules, if that's what you want go ahead. but simplifying it is theoretically better cuz it's easier to impress your subconscious with it

semen is unironically powerful
I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands simultaneously in the real world while I am awake. I specify that I wish for this to occur in the current universe and worldline I inhabit at this moment, after September 26, 2024, at 8:54 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST), and before September 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST.
will this send me to hell when i die or what? don't wanna sacrifice eternity just to make my short time here slightly better
hell isn't real, you'll be fine
>i wish
ya, you don't get it...you don't wish anything...you have
you promise?
yeah i promise. this is why religion is bad for your mind
chad has the same chances of going to heaven as a broke bitter incel.

all humans are on the same boat.

might as well go for it, give magick a try, live a life of indulgency and debauchery, be happy, and if anything is a sin, just ask for forgiveness.

chad is already doing that anyways
Hell as a concept was invented by Zoroastrians. Even then, hell wasn't eternal but a "place" of purification and then union with Ahura Mazda
No. Don't worry. We're all on the same boat when it comes to hell, save for extremely out there absurd stuff like killing millions of people etc..
Many evil and apparently undeserving people gain much material wealth, having material wealth is not a matter of whether you deserve it. In fact you are probably subconsciously conditioned to think that you don't deserve it.
How to be a badass according to The Invisibles:

1. Physically assault an authority figure who tries to teach you.
2. Quote something you read in a book to prove your superiority.
3. Pat yourself on the back.

Basically it's Protestantism. Enjoy masturbating until all your dreams come true, or whatever.
My special semen magic..... Unleash my chaotic penile aura... Magick brimming from my girlcock...
I don't do "magick" but here's what this seems to be doing.

>sigilization process
subconscious/right brain sucks at language but excels in *associative* and *visual* thinking (dreams are your right brain's way of communicating with you through images and analogies), this process translates the linguistic instruction into a *visual*, right brain compatible format. The drawing with intention part creates the *association*.

>charging process
your subconscious/right brain is more receptive, or more accurately, active, when your left brain is not.
This is generally the case when you're feeling any emotion strongly enough. Love, despair, helplessness, joy, motivation, sense of accomplishment etc. It's easy enough and seemingly free of cost to induce this through ejaculation.
Anyway, all you're doing here is embedding this into a *specific part* of your subconscious.

>dispose and forget
why: if you don't, your conscious brain will keep latching onto it and won't let the *specific part* do its thing.

>why this works
That *specific part* is the same part that's responsible for the experience of frequency bias (the effect where you learn about a word and start seeing it everywhere).

It can see 300 steps ahead (think in terms of probabilities) and based on the installed instructions manufactures thoughts that *influence your behavior/actions in subtle ways* to lead you towards the causal path with highest probability of success.

>will this send me to hell/backfire?
depends on your relationship/familiarity with your subconscious. You are after all trying to communicate with a completely autonomous entity that shares the body with you and doesn't speak your language. Miscommunication can happen and if it does, well, see the part about subtle influence.
>how do I increase my chances of success
Any kind of magic without a complete left brained understanding of the underlying mechanisms is the equivalent of a script kiddie running snippets of code off of Google and hoping that it does what it says. Sometimes it works, other times it does nothing, on rare occasions you end up with a bricked computer.

To answer the question, do The Great Work. Shortcuts are never reliable.
How do I use this to turn myself into a hot girl by giving myself my ideal female body
it's all about imprinting the subconscious.
My biggest complaint with chaos magic(ians) is they never mention how to alter/update/remove these imprints/instructions.
more sigils, that\s the answer
"Great work" ? You mean no cutting corners or a greater pursuit into it before engaging with it whatsoever?
Any particular resources you recommend? Your thorough explanation of the systems at work was amazing, has me somewhat convinced at giving it a go
simply fucking do a sigil. be bold and fucking DEW IT
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I made some sigils a couple of years ago and have kept them hidden so i could forget their meaning from my conscious mind and activate them later on
But more time has passed than i intended and i only recently found them
Could i still make use of these sigils?
"Activate them later" if you left them so long that you forgot about them probably not gonna work man you gotta have a strong feeling/impression/idea while youre crancking that hog
give it a try. despite what anon says>>38895653
(I agree with him) there's also a segment in chaos that believes you should completely strip the sigils of their meaning.
gotta cum to get laid y'all

it fucking werks
New bit of knowledge from Morrison himself, on the "better lecture" by the end of it:

Sigils are said to typically manifest within 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years, depending on complexity.
How will you know they worked?
I came on a piece of paper and burned it this better work
It werks
I wont know if it was because of the sigil, but i will get what i wanted and thats fine by me
I've been activating very mild sigils so far (attention from women, more money coming in easily, get rekt advanced magic bros i'm satisfying basic drives before I seek out transcendent enlightenment) & they're werking. This month i'm up thousands of dollars, i've had women ask me out on dates, random girls came over & introduced themselves to me the last three times i went to social events. inb4 blackpill anon dismisses this bc i didn't manifest winning the lotto. gotta walk before you can run, gotta get the brain comfortable with small potatoes stuff in order to prime it for the big jumps
good work but also stop inb4ing yourself so much. Cultivate equanimity.
good point, going out of my way to show i'm not bothered by something is just a slippery slope to letting myself be bothered by it
>i'm satisfying basic drives before I seek out transcendent enlightenment
This right here is the goal, can't realistically expect people to go full on spiritual in search of the truth if their mundane life isn't well put together.
I really need to get better at my intention statements. I always have too many letters after removing the vowels and repeating consonants.
Any tips?
And how was your life before these sigils if i may ask?
even the Buddha knew this

reasonably good in most areas but i felt like i spent the last two years grinding at making money instead of pursuing my excitement. since deciding to quit my job threeish months ago & pursue the irrational, my financial situation has improved, people regularly comment that i look healthier, i feel mentally calm, meeting new women happens without me thinking about it, etc

As I mentioned before, my personal practice is to start with intentions that are well within the realm of mundane possibility, but still have that "maybe it was magic" feel to them. So when I initially put forward the idea "I'm going to quit this bullshit job, better money making opportunities will come to me, i'll be able to put more focus on my personal practices & i'll feel more emotionally balanced", that all felt like stuff that COULD happen anyway, but it puts my brain in that space of believing i have the power to author my own life. Whereas if I had thought something like "I'm going to win the lotto, and then i'll quit my job" that might have felt like something totally beyond my power to manifest. For other people it might be different, starting with the really big asks might be the way to go
try a sigil where you just pick the first letter from every word
That is definitely something I'm going to try. My autistic brain keeps trying to do it by only removing vowels and repeating consonants, but I think that's my left hemisphere taking over.
I always treat the sigil process like I'm dealing with an emotionally intelligent & helpful genie, rather than one of those extremely literal genies who makes a morbidly obese mountain lion show up at your house when you wish for tons of pussy. So for instance I might just write "Money comes to me easily" or even "Money comes easily" without specifiying the quantity or the time frame (and in the second case, assuming that 'to me' is implied by the fact that i'm the one making the sigil). If the results are less than satisfying (ie I just find a quarter on the ground once a month) I can always go back & make another, more specific sigil.

That being said, there is a sweet spot between being too verbose, and being so concise that you lose the heart of whatever it is you're trying to bring about. "I am full of energy" is kinda vague if, say, the thing you actually want is "I am going to successfully complete a marathon within the next year"
Can I still watch porn whilst I jork my peanits all over my sigil or do I just have to stare at the sigil?
How do you charge a sigil? I dont want to jerk off.
Personally I meditate upon it, then get really drunk and laugh
what about words like "a" and numbers?
there are no rules dude
it's about what you feel
If you're feeling adventurous you can also substitute entire words with relevant symbols. Substitute "money" with a dollar sign (or a Bitcoin logo if you're bearish on fiat), substitute "women" with the Venus sign etc. I haven't experimented with this but I feel like it would be interesting - you'd basically be incorporating micro-sigils that have already been charged by the external world, but maybe that would cause some unexpected side effects to occur.
that's the pictogram method.

there's also the mantra method
It's wild to me that ChatGPT suggested these methods when I asked it
people are gonna mock and seethe, but using A.I. is in line with the iconoclastic nature of chaos magick.

I instructed ChatGPT to create a mini hypersigil, a short story with me as the main character getting a random text from an Asian woman.

A few days later it fucking happened, I got a "Hello" by this Chinese-American woman on Snapchat out of nowhere. I didn't know her at all.
How'd you include yourself in the story? Name or what?
nah just a character that's supposed to represent me. I just gave a similar name but not the same.

Some people create poems too, it doesn't even have to be a story. Sometimes a short poem

How does it make a sigil? Or is the poem itself the sigil?
>is the poem itself the sigil?
Alright cool, I just did it. Here comes my foursome
ez pz lemon squeezy

make large stories too
easiest form of magick
SCIENTIFIC proof that sigils work:

>bro we are all the same and we are le counter culture, you don't want to be like hitler right? think of the holocaust that totally happened now cum on this sigil *takes another sip*
it's always so funny to me when people who ask the big questions or think they have it all figured out and then with all seriousness go repeat official narratives about us and the world without batting an eyelid
good strat:

make multiple sigils every day on a notebook, throw out the intentions so you don't see them, but keep the multiple sigils there.
one for each page.

if you have a major life goal, make it so every sigil is related to that goal in some way. let's say you wanna manifest a life of debauchery, orgies and lust. make multiple sigils every day, related to having sex and getting attention from women.

make specific ones, general ones, play around with multiple ways of crafting intentions and arranging your sigils.

then once you have a few sigils and you few ready, charge them individually. this varies on how many times you can ejaculate comfortably in a single day, so it's all up to you. once you charge a sigil, rip off the page and destroy it with water, fire, or any method you want.

this way it becomes easy to forget the intentions and the sigils because your conscious mind literally has no idea what the sigils mean anymore, unless you're unlucky enough to have extraordinary and photographic memory.

this also gives you a chance to play around with multiple little things that cause doubt on people such as "should I remove x y z letters? should I write in my native language or should I write it in english or hebrew or some ancient language? should I write my intention as a wish or as a fact? should I use the word 'will' or 'wish'".
This multiple sigils method protects you against continuous failure. Charge one at a time, I'd suggest.
just to follow that example given:
you can make specific sigils related to lust and debauchery:
>it is my desire to get a blowjob from a hot asian woman
>this my wish to get a handjob from a pretty girl
>I had passionate sex with a busty female

these are all related to the same topic, but being specific will increase the chances of it happening and of fitting into your life goals.
let's fucking go
I've been doing very similar to this: make multiple sigils at a time, cut away any indication of what the sigils were originally in reference to, throw them all in a big jar. Do this often so the jar fills up. Make sigils for everything, specific & vague, exciting & mundane, external & internal (ie I make lots of great art vs I am very motivated to work on my art). It's fine if the same thing keeps coming up in slightly different words.

I treat them being in the jar as low level charging. Medium level charging would be anything that gets me in that flowy/spiritual headspace, like a hike through the woods, going to a yoga class, meditating etc. So if I'm doing anything like that I'll fish a sigil out & bring it along. If I still remember the original intent, which has happened a couple times, I put it back in the jar & select another one that just looks like a random shape. When I'm done it goes back in the jar. High level charging would be anything like the coom method, the pain method, anything that hinges on a sharp, sudden release of energy. In this case the sigil would be destroyed, perhaps the destruction would even be crucial to the process (I haven't done this myself but i've heard of people lighting sigils on fire while holding it between their fingers for as long as they can).
So…is that it ?
From what I’ve read here, it’s sex, money and energy for life ?
Can’t you do it without magic ? I feel like you could and magick is kind of a crutch.

Reminds me of Oprah who once was asked in an interview if she still used vision boards (sigil on their own way if you think about it) and she calmly replied something like “No I don’t because I am a powerful manifestor and I don’t need those to manifest anymore”

Something to think about I guess.

I would suggest indeed to let the fucking go away.
Because Chaos Magick has nothing to do with cumming on a sigil, it has to do with finding something you can believe that works, cum on sigils only works because the person doing it believes it does, it could be "go on the streets until you find a little girl and scratch her head while thinking of the sigil" and that'd work as well, though most of the chaos magick I've done was done without sigils at all.
At the end of the day, you hold the power by yourself, rituals only give you permission to use it, because we've been taught things don't happen by themselves, we have to earn them, or whatever, chaos magick is a way to earn it, it's a way to believe it's happening because you did the ritual.
The silva method is faster, anyway.
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so is alan moore a chaos magician too? or is he a different type of wizard?
My great grandad was a wizard, but I don't think he was the Chaos type. Had the robes and everything.
It's been a while since I've read any interviews with Moore, the only thing I remember is that he knowingly worships an ancient god that was proven to be a hoax created in modern times. i dunno if his reason for doing this is

A) lol religion is so dumb, i'm going to mock it by saying i worship a fake god
B) some kinda "devotion makes the god real" thing like what Neil Gaiman explores in some of his work
C) he sees inherent magical value in devotional practice but doesn't want the baggae of worshipping an actual god
D) other
The sigil method works perfectly because it bypasses the conscious mind and forces you to subconsciously believe in your intention.

It's not a technique to substitute belief, it's actually the perfect way to FORCE belief through a state of gnosis in the sense that the term is used in chaos magick

And yes, it's all about sex and sensual pleasures for me. And traveling. No it doesn't get boring and no I don't need "enlightenment" or whatever religious buzzwords and rules are thrown. People have this obsession to reinforce that they don't care about sex, and I don't know why they feel the need to repeat it over and over. Like yeah whatever, do you want a cookie? To me, the female body is all I need to be happy and there's nothing else to life. If that makes me not enlightened so be it, magic has no rules and morals are irrelevant. You don't get extra cookies or benefits for being a good boy in the Christian sense. It's all meaningless.
>People have this obsession to reinforce that they don't care about sex, and I don't know why they feel the need to repeat it over and over

You have people who dismiss magic because "all you people use it for is abstract spiritual nonsense, i bet you can't get anything in the real world with it", and other people who dismiss magic because "all you people use it for is worldly gain, i bet you can't obtain any spiritual progress with it". They're just two sides of the same coin
I use this method frequently for my sigils, and it definitely works.

Although for me, when I'm replacing words or concepts with symbols, I try to make the symbols a bit more abstract. I do this so I have as little conscious memory of the sigil as possible.

For example, if I do "money", instead of a dollar sign, I will create another unrelated symbol or a related attribute. Since money is related to pentacles and the earth element, I will use the earth symbol instead of a dollar sign.

If I happen to look at the sigil some time after charging it, it will be harder for me to decipher consciously what it was meant for. This is why they recommend the letter method, because it makes it easier for you to forget. But I enjoy the symbol method because it's easier for me to put emotion and force into the symbols and sigils I create.
I’d like a cookie yeah ! But I applaud your honesty. Made me think back about my comment. Sorry if I came judgmental, but you are right. You do you, and the women you want too !

I disregard it because I believe everything is magick. It’s cliché but believing you don’t need to do magick to have the results seems to me the ultimate magick trick. The power to get all powers. Magick comes naturally to me because I’m blessed. But again, you do you.
If I were to make a sigil to siphon energy out of people and trace it in place where people come and go everyday (train station, public offices, university,...) and use that energy to charge all of my sigils and fuel me towards my dreams would it be bad or would it be just another use of chaos magick?
"Ey, man, I'm gonna go beat it-keep a look out, would you?"
>scanned the astral plane for signs and visions
i.e. did drugs
Look man, if I'm gonna be jacking it to astral pmv porn, you gotta get high to keep a watch out for the abortion ghost babies to drive them away. Everything else is a bonus.
Dude standing there with a tennis racket, sigils hastily scrawled across the sides, waiting to smack some ghosts out the window while his buddy OD's with his dick in his hand and blasting caramelldansen from the other room-"normal".

Anons want to change their life by devoting themselves to the mythos and the method that works best for them and draws an endearing little doodle to help them get over the cold and maybe find a 20 for gas to work this week-"the weird ones"
The morality is for you to determine, ultimately. Theoretically if you were to put it in a high traffic area it would only be siphoning off a minute amount of energy from each person passing through. Whether or not this constitutes a loss depends on your view of energy (ie scarce material resource, or eternal self-renewing substance limited only by the distorted understanding of mortal beings).

Keep in mind that all advertising goes a step further than this - it invades a person's brainspace with media designed to be stimulating/addictive, temporarily hijacking their consciousness in order to feed a corporate egregore. At least what you're doing is limiting itself to the subconscious level
I doubt that involving others in the sigilization process is going to make any difference because the meaning is only known to you so to them and their subconscious it's no more than gibberish.

I know practical kabbalah and other systems incorporate this concept but they generally use a vehicle that can also carry the meaning alongside with the sigil (eg: a character in a tv show) but at that level you're dealing in terms of influence rather than personal gains.
I agree but I do believe there's something to the investigated when it comes to hypersigils, other people absorbing the content you put out and accidentally feeding energy into it.
Depends on whether the source of power is carried by the symbol or the intent (meaning).

I like to think of the sigil as a battery and the intent/meaning as the wire/medium that charges the battery. Without that medium/transformer, you can keep the battery out in the sunlight for days and it won't get charged for shit. That's how I see it.
that's what Morrison did with the invisibles. I don't know if the amount of readers/consumers increases the energy fed into it cuz the invisibles wasn't massively popular
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There's interesting discussion to be had about the intersection of hypersigils & meme magic.

-meme sigils that gain energy from being spread online
-meme sigils that manifest results not just for the creator, but for any who encounter it
-sigils charged via a group process (doesn't neccessarily have to be a bunch of wizards gooning in a room together)

Sometimes things gain power from not being massively popular. i've witness several irl cults over the years, and they all had this aura of "this is a secret, special thing, not meant for the eyes of the many" which really amplified the vibes
The whole Pepe debacle is pure chaos magick.
Eager to cut deals with ruinous powers are we??
I'm.... pretty sure you're not supposed to agree with him when he does that, lol
Anything that interrupts your conscious thoughts for a moment, pain and getting jumpscared both work.
it works dude. try it.
someone answer this
if that's your last resort to get an orgasm, sure. use whatever method to get you there. but make sure to meditate a few minutes looking at the sigil, then do whatever you need to get hard, and then during orgasm focus on the sigil
It's scary how much this shit changes reality even before you get results directly.

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