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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
your subconscious mind must be reprogrammed in order to generate better results in your life. this process is controlled by your conscious mind. i have seen my life transform dramatically in the last couple of years, and expect each day to continue getting better and better. i am attracting to me exactly what i need in my life, and all circumstances are ideal, despite the appearances. i have the flexibility to discard information which does not serve me or my purpose, and i am the one who determines the direction and ultimately the outcomes in my life, regardless of what any so called expert or lay onlooker believes or says about me and my decisions. the entire world may believe i am out of my mind and they may feed me negative feedback, but this is irrelevant, and actually just increases my resilience. everything is unfolding perfectly, despite any appearances. i have now reached a point where i am no longer persuaded by anyone else's opinions but my own, unless i choose to place stock in what they say or choose to learn from them. nobody can force any of their beliefs onto me, no matter how "expert" they appear to be. i can resist anyone whom i choose or who stands between me and my desired ends, and i can change any of these variables at any time. i am entirely free
aaand i messed up the previous thread, here it is: >>38871578
Despite not being a moralist, Neville was a pure man. Genuine and genuinely a good person.

Even if the Church or certain interpretations of the Bible are correct and hell is real and whoever claims to be God goes to hell, I truly believe Neville will NOT go to hell.

He genuinely believed in what he preached. In fact when he started teaching about the Promise and people would fall asleep and not show up to his lectures anymore, his advisors begged him to teach the Law only, which made Neville angry.

Eventually, after the rush of the Promise had passed and he was more settled, he would teach The Law and The Promise together.

His lectures are a fascinating dive into his personality, and the Law and the Promise themselves.

I have learned a lot of things I'm baffled people don't know about, the success stories, some alternatives methods here and there, and then I remember, those things aren't in the books necessarily, they're in the lectures. I recommend reading the lectures: https://libgen.li/get.php?md5=6f1bbc8f7143fec8b2566db5aae8f4e0&key=ZV6I8C6VJI8IL5QB
cursed thread, brought into existence by m*theranon
how low /LoA/ has fallen
Neville had the benefit of growing up before television was a thing, and even radio was in its inception.

There were few distractions, which enabled him to easily achieve a state of "gnosis" or the shutdown of your conscious mind simply by concentrating on your desire.

It also doesn't hurt that he was a Vaudeville dancer, possessing a lot of control over his physical body.

Reaching the same state in 2024 is not easy. Shutting off your brain is an effort in and of itself, which already goes against the effortless approach Neville taught. Plus, our imagination is imprinted with more images than 10 thousand frontline soldiers from different eras would have seen.

That's where chaos magic comes in to save the day. You are forcing the state of gnosis by achieving orgasm and transforming your intention into a bizarre symbol that your conscious mind won't understand while you look at it during orgasm, but that has already been absorbed into your subconscious and imprint your mind with it.

Even your mind will change if you do the ritual correctly, which is easy and there are no limits to how many times you can do it and what words and styles of sigil you can use, it's all permitted and subjective. You will know it worked when you notice a feeling of inevitability, or as Neville described, a feeling akin to watching a movie where you've already seen the final scene. Yes you will enjoy the movie, feel the tension, but undercurrent there is a solid, peaceful feeling of excitement and inevitability coming from KNOWING exactly how the movie is gonna end.
I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands in the real world while I am awake. I specify that I wish for this to occur in the current universe and worldline I inhabit at this moment, on this day, September 24, 2024, after September 26, 2024, at 8:54 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST), and before September 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST.

Please grant my wish.
Reposting from last thread.

Okay, I've never directly engaged with anons here, but fuck it, might as well.

I've manifested driving a car, texts from people in places they don't usually do and people doing stuff that is not their usual self.

I'm stuck on this girl I've been seeing. She became very avoidant after a very romantic night.

When I spiral, or think I did something wrong (even when I don't) she starts acting cold. Doesn't text and etc.

Yesterday I spiraled because for some reason my mind was worried she'd think I was cheating on her, saw she reposted something about "not keeping your eyes on your girl means someone else is" which is a direct confirmation I manifested this shit.

I want her clingy and fully commited. Issue is I don't know exactly how I manifested all those other times or if I am just on the bridge before getting my desire.

Any ideas?
the law is inherently a christian idea, thus the basis of christianity applies here as well. which is letting go of control and living in full trust of god, if anything the law takes a much more direct route towards this than other forms of christian thought which is why i see truth in it.
Guys, anyone manifested from scripting alone? Like that scriptbro with his pic floating here?
>she reposted something about "not keeping your eyes on your girl means someone else is"
She seems like a whimsical manipulative bitch who will eat your soul out if you somehow manage to marry her. You deserve better than this, anon.
Can I use this to manifest the most perverted shit on the planet?
I know, but technically I created this "whimsical bitch" so I'm really the only one who can fix this shit.

Suffered huge abandonment issues from my last ex who cheated, so I had to deal with that while we were in no-contact.

In the beginnign when my assumptions were good, all was good. After I spiraled mentally everything went to shit.
it is not your desire which manifests, but your faith. the way you have framed your wish already implies that you do not truly believe that it has been fulfilled.

although being constantly distracted can be problematic. chaos magick is still a secondary reason. the magick sigil is nothing more than a graven image your worship.

maybe she's not sure what to do, take up some initiative and actually interact with her. allow your unwavering faith to manifest in your relationship as well.
>maybe she's not sure what to do, take up some initiative and actually interact with her. allow your unwavering faith to manifest in your relationship as well.

I am, I haven't stopped talking to her, even if she is ignoring me. Trying to show I am there for her after she told me how her ex lovebombed her or whatever before we met.

But I fear if I break the "relationship talk" I will just scare her away, and considering she doesn't even wanna meet up irl at the moment I don't think it's appropriate.
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Goddard brothers wtf is picrel??
This could be the bridge of incidents anon, you need to keep persisting, because when I tried to manifest my ex back a 3rd party came in , and all I did was kept my wish fulfilled and they ended up separating in less than a week. Just ignore the 3D and keep persisting, even look at nevilles testimony he was in a failed marriage all tangled up but knew the other lady was gonna be his new wife so he just did sats over and over of her in his bed. The bridge of incidents might seem fuckdd at the moment but just keep doing the work it WILL happen or should I say it has already happened.
I think so too, I have a "test" method if you can even call it that.

The test method is unironically (not joking at all) Tiktok, specifically the ones regarding Tarot. When I spiral, I only see vengeful/"getting what they deserve" type shit. When I keep a mental diet it's only positive stuff. Did this multiple times so I can confirm it works to see where I am at mentally.

My thing to stay in the wish fullfilled is hearing in my head "I love you" in her voice, idk if that's weird but it works.

I try to do SATS but sometimes it's hard to imagine the scene but her saying "I love you" works to make me feel loved.
It's an actual lecture by Goddard but it has nothing to do with semen retention.

He goes over weird stuff related to The Promise and the sperm is just an analogy.

Not overly related to The Law, it's not a necessary read.
>the law is inherently a christian idea
Holy kek
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I'm new to this stuff, just found the ladder experiment and I think I'm gonna try it.
What method do you suggest for doing the sigil?
Also can this be expanded to create egregores/mental constructs to maintain certain beliefs (IE I am rich, I am successful, I am attractive, etc)
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My concept of sperm is that it is mana. Like in games, if a mage has a lot of mana (sperm), then he can cast spells.

sperm is life force, ectoplasma.

that's why Jews circumcise. This is a defense against masturbation, they abstain and achieve success.
>i wish pls
still don't get it
Should I do the ladder experiment or the "simple technique" first?
Read this
I do my sats first thing when I wake up in a dreamlike state, rather than going to sleep. Is that ok? Been working on SP for a few months now no luck but I’ve manifested other important things. Maybe I can do both. Realizing I’m god has made me kind of nihilistic desu what’s the point anyways if nothing is real maybe it’s time for a reset
>I do my sats first thing when I wake up in a dreamlike state
That's what Neville's father would do. He wouldn't even fully close his eyes.
>been working on
What do you mean "working on?"
You are in Barbados
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“Working on” as in wearing my father’s wedding band on my left ring finger, affirming that we are in a happy marriage, imagining us watching our grandchildren etc. I manifested her a year ago then shit happened I went back to Catholicism but by some weird chance I met this teacher who told me about the law and I got back into it seriously and had some great successes but now I’m getting the sp back
bro as a burger I can assure you getting snipped does not prevent you from wanting to jack off
Damn I wish I could just turn myself into a woman instead of obsessing over semen retention
>muh mana
It’s only mana if you believe it is
mother anon I seen you grow, if this is your thinking not a pasta then congrats.
I agree with dude who called her whimsycal bitch.

You dont wanna date women who communicate over subtext or play with your mind, once they got you they will keep playing.
Stay with girls who say openly what they mean or at least more openly than "if you dont obsess over me your friend will" which is more of a threat than anything.

You can do better. Plenty girls around.
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why does taking action always seems to feel so unnatural for me even after supposedly falling asleep with the wish fulfilled?
when i read power of imagination he said if you fall asleep with the wish fulfilled then all subsequent action will just follow naturally but i always end up second guessing myself thinking i am not taking the right kind of action and then this leads to a lack of commitment from me and no results.
what do you think the problem is?
am i doing something wrong? not entering SATS properly?
i feel like if i was doing this right there would be no doubt and i would just know the exact kind of action to take.
Im script bro, you probably manifested me.

have you tried scripting?

How about you pick an event, script it, and read it daily 3 times a day. Only requirement is that it has strong emotional charge in positive sense. If it makes you smile as you read - thats the best sign. (even NG said that in sats he would start saying things like "isnt it wonderful" and splurging out words of joy, smiling when reading script is similar. I sometimes if its been a while out of alignment, when Im back - I exclaim stuff like "this is it! Yeah! If you are a singing person, you may even start to randomly hum or joyfully sing etc, all amazing good signs you are being good husband to your SC mind).

Scripting one amazing event that assumes realization of your desire is great. Once you got that or if you are unhappy with your life in general or want big improvement (like I did).

You can script a perfect day being perfect you, living your perfect life.

Or - what life would make me feel most Joy?

Then start with waking up, having the day, and going to sleep. Describe in AS MUCH detail AS YOU CLEARLY see. Dont push details you dont want. If you dont care about details leave them to Sc mind. It will handle it according to the overall feel so dont sweat it.

The main benefit of scripting is it keeps you focused for 10 minutes. Which amounts for 30 minutes in the "fofw". Which is powerful per day.

The limits of scripting?

Are none, BUT, I advise scripting for specific goals. As if you script often, with time you asociate the script with Joy, and some other events in your life might come and bring Joy, but you might overlook them as they are not part of script.
While, if you only affirmed I am full of Joy! you would recognize them.

IE, lets say your dream is to have a blonde gf, you script it and meanwhile you meet amazing dark haired girl who loves you but you think "damn, shes ideal, but I really gotta wait for the blonde gf" then you meet the blonde gf and its nice, but you kinda miss the dark girl since the EMOTION was spot on with her, and this blonde is not that great, shes cool and all, but the dark girl was even better.

So, even if you do have a script, you have to be flexible and open that some things might surprise you. Always follow the feeling because feeling is the aim.

At top of script write (above the title)
1. let go of external world and past
2. establish ideal feel
3. during the day, relax, do whatever feels RIGHT
4. dont worry about HOW, focus on WHAT

Above example is - Universe knows you better than you know yourself. You have to know what you TRULY want, and focus on that. If color of hair matters, sure, but if not, dont obsess over it. We all have real red flags and "wannabe red flags" Universe might skew around your wannabe red flags, but it will respect what u truly want always.

Dis is why LOA is also a tool for self knowledge, because it does show you how well u know yourself, over time.

And you learn to trust the process more.
>In the beginnign when my assumptions were good, all was good. After I spiraled mentally everything went to shit.

I attracted a girl into my life, beautiful, smart, and guess what. She was with me thru everything, even when I felt like wreck, assumed whatever, she was calm, loving.

You are trying to hard to control a person who by looks of it is not ideal for you. There are girls out there with whom margin of error, so to say, is wider than you can imagine. Meaning - you cant fuck it up with them within reason. Definitely not with thinking few thoughts or assuming some stuff.

Ive shared my darkness with this girl, and she was always understanding and accepting.

How did I specifically get that experience?
I stopped focusing on girls and focused on how I want to feel in ideal relationship.

I am loved
I am wanted
I am important
I am valued
I am appreciated
I am adored
I am happy
I am at peace
I am fully expressed

Read these and try to get the emotion behind them. Do it as often as you need. Let your Soul feed on it.
Do you script a single thing once?
script is not important. Script is a helper, a focuser for conscious mind.
Its like a sign on the road, but the road can always be better paved.
So use and change the script as often you see fit, until you got the feeling down, and still even then the script may change in future as you grow and change and come to experience things you script for.

You write and rewrite script according to the feeling you carry within, the feeling matters. Feeling is the prayer and feeling is inside you. Script is focusing tool, and especially helpful for peeps with adhd I assume who cant sit still and focus or do sats as well.

I scripted a whole lifestyle and things started moving in that direction but meanwhile I learned I dont really need it and liked my previous life more.
So that can happen too.

Scripting works in making you happy really really well, then suddenly the script REALLY starts working and life starts changing. If your scripted life is much different to your prev life, it may be scary to a degree, it was for me.

All of these things are interesting and "kinda cool" until theyfucking blow your mind, then you may become a bit scared, because the Power indeed is limitless and overarching time and space and yeah, when you meet your power remember to breathe and trust hahahha, remember to chill and be calm. It took me by surprise, Im a bit ashamed to admit, but even after scripting for 2 years (all of which was making steps towards my ideal life but in increments I could accept) when things REALLY started moving, (because it does accellerate at some point) I was scared bro, I really was. I wasnt used to everything going my way, I got anxious in a way, From a life of surviving to suddenly everything on my side, everyone helping me, being kind. I legit remember walking with a friend and fighting tears.

You script usually in one session - the main script, then you modd it every day if you use word processing on tablet or pc to script.
So uh, where/how does the dark night of the soul factor in to /loa/?
can someone answer this

Prayer is within you, not outside of you.

Script is not a prayer, even words from holy books arent prayers.

Only when consciousness meets them, do they become a prayer.

Your act of feeling - is the prayer.
So even if you lose the script, dont worry, go within and find the feeling, then script it again.

Useful, if you travel or forget your documents on one device.

At some point, script becomes natural. It doesnt make you extatic, you still smile reading it, but its not mad joy, and you are happy how it turned out, the script.

This means you have risen in vibration so you dont feel the vibration gradient as much as when you started. you are at the (its normal for me to be do have the scripted life).

Dont worry, keep improving the script if possible, if not, just read it as needed or wanted. Its alright to read it less as you have internalized it at that point.
to add,

I wanted a change of everything almost, in my life, country, job, relationship, most things.

And I was ready to wait, ignore specific things, until they come into a whole.

If I scripted individual things, they happen fast, but change of whole life, can take a bit, I suspect mostly because we are not mentally ready for quick change, no matter how much you think you are.

If you woke up in golden mansion with servants and girl of your dreams waking u up with a blowjob, you would panic.

If all of it happened within 1 week you would still panic.

One month even could be hard. In reality, thats probably the only limiter - individual's connection to their own "life story" since that is what scripting antivirus attacks. And despite being wanting of change, there are mechanisms that prevent it from being too sudden.
Still, you are not to fight them or obsess over past, you are to just keep scripting, eventually the script will cure and uproot all the bs and NEW SELF will be established.

Depending on your traumas and level of mental wellbeing it can take a while but its still very short and very quick imo.

Especially since I didnt actively do anything but reading the script.
Sure I took action, but it was what I wanted to do, nothing like forcing an outcome. The action I took was like smiling is natural when you see a loved one or laughing when u hear a good joke.

My actions always seemed fitting and normal. Never chased anything.
There is difference between inspired action and forced action.

Forcing is whats called when u act, but dont wanna act, it feels forced, you dont really want to do it but you do it because you expect some gain from it.

Inspired action is action that feels natural to do. The distinction comes with experience using LOA and knowing self and your inner oceans of emotions.

It takes some self observation.

Inspired action comes from clarity. Its SO CLEAR what to do when and how. You have no doubts.

Forced action is basically, approaching 1k girls in hopes of finding a gf. You force and force and it may work, forced action does work, but it works for a short while, it takes effort to keep the fruits up, but it feels like balancing an egg on edge of knife.
Because it goes against the assumption, it goes against the Universal flow of things.
Its you against the Universe type of thing.

But if you do inspired action, the margin of error is large, the desired outcome stays with you, you feel safe, you dont need to invest a lot of time, it feels smooth.

I would say, keep entering feeling of wish fulfilled.
id even say "if its done, there is nothing left to do"

I read somewhere - inspired action is basically the action of enjoying what you already drew in.

Forced action is trying to fight bad assumptions, with chasing things or people.

hey scriptbro, i started scripting for perfect health since i got several chronic conditions that prevent normal life for me. So I scripted that I got perfect health, no symptoms. That I can run for miles with no issues, that I can workout in the gymwith no prob. And several other things that imply I'm healthy. It was about page and a half. I re-read it about 10 minutes. Is something like this fine?
yeah, the main thing is to feel the elation of doing all those activities.

TIP: include all senses not just sight. Smell, taste, touch (is powerful because its material, you can see smth on tv but to touch it is to experience it, NG speaks of it too, hearing etc).


I start my morning jog full of vigour and power. As I take each step my powerful quads work harmoniously OOZING with power and strength. I feel every move like a pleasant massage. My feet grip the pavement like a wildcat, I am the wind! - I think to myself with a chuckle. Few things in life feel better, if any, than expressing physicality and virility. As I run I feel the morning air on my face, its fresh and invigorating. I breathe in deeply and feel the rush of blood to my face and brain. I am focused, I am energized, I am ready!
You mightve taken a deep breath while reading the sentence above, this shows how easy is to influence the mind. Its in the scene, like that. Stories are powerful. Scripting is basically story telling, but on roids, custom made for every individual who wanna try it.
and of course, this is just a segment.

If you got page and half, that is great, there is no limit to it. I think at least a paragraph but ideally more.

The point is you wanna get into the feeling and stay with the feeling for some time.

ideally the feeling becomes your "resting state", and that will happen as you keep on returning to it mentally. Reading and dwelling in it.

DWELL in the feel often. Until it becomes your normal default mood.

oh I see, makes sense. These senses and detailed description trick the mind, ill def modify the script

what about time, how long did it usually take you to manifest since you started perfected your method? not that i care about time im just curious
Is this really the real scriptbro?
if youre overly enthusiastic about any of your manifesting youre coping because youre worried it wont work
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Yeah the feeling gets the blessing - NG

So include everything, you can even script your feelings lol, like "as I rest from a nice jog, I still feel at 80% energy because Im awesome and in great shape. I breathe in deeply looking at the sky and at same time fresh breeze adores my face. This epic feeling of being in amazing perfect shape, I wouldnt change it for the world. As I chill so, feeling amazing and powerful and always able for action, I find a deeper feeling within me, feeling of gratitude and peace with myself and the world.
This calm Joy is my partner in everything I do, been like that for a while. Probably since I started scripting and found out I have the power of choice, to focus on what I enjoy and create amazing moods within me. And I wanna go even higher. To Divine States, and even higher. I wanna glow like a Sun in this world and become a beacon of hope and power for those who still wait to find out that they also have a choice"

I got carried away lol hahaha, but yeah point is, you should include feelings also, not only sensations.

of course man
you can probably switch the 80% energy to 100% energy tho, why limit yourself bahahha true
The harder I tried to get rich with manifestation poorer I become explain that faggot.
I have a challenge for everyone in this thread.

Pick something in your life. And decide "it is done, it is solved, its wonderful, thank you"

And see how long can you keep that "its done" attitude going.

Because that is manifestation in a nutshell.

Decision + surrender of method.

Decide its done, even if you don't know how (Faith).

Pick a goal you 100% want, no matter the size, but be sure you want it, dont half ass it. Be sure that if it really comes into being, you would like it.

Then make a ritual, small or big, or just say it with closed eyes:
"It is done, I dont know how it happened, but it is done and its beautiful, thank you"

Whenever this subject comes to your mind - and it probably will since you ran that neural network for long time probably and connected various emotions to it (baggage).
Just say - "It happened in unexpected way, and its done, its done beautifully, thank you"

Or variation of that. Point is to go to the end and be at the "its finished".

Now see how long, in days for example, can you keep this attitude going.

NG says - keep it going long enough (depends on individual) and it will manifest.
Remember tho - IF you truly go to the ITS DONE mindset, you will never ask questions about "when?" because if it is done, its already achieved, plus, you wont ever ask "how?" because its irrelevant.
If in Barbados, you dont ask when or how. If out of barbados, you do ask that.
So there is no short or nice way to say it - manifestation is binary, you either live in the mood of it being done, or you dont.

And its a decision. So decide.

I know it takes Faith, obviously, thats why LOA is different to working in 3D actively forcing a result.
But if you prove it once, you can apply it to all else.
>My concept of sperm is that it is mana.
Dumbass concept.
>if a mage has a lot of mana (sperm), then he can cast spells.
Dumbass that doesn't understand loa.
cont, saw your 2nd Q

time it takes depends on individual, even NG said, be sure it wont be late.
Other than that I cant say much.

Could be a week or a mmonth. Joe Dispenza does similar work, all based on same principles, and people heal overnight in some cases in mass trance like states. There are no limits.
>conflating jews wanting you to waste your sexual energy pointlessly (which is true) with the law of reality
Dumb. Go make a sr thread, this isn't loa.
Every time you are in "its done, thank you!" mindset, behind the scenes the Good you desire is flying towards you.
Every time you have a crisis "what I need to make it done? How will it come? When will it come?" you push it away.

So its the back and forth that keeps people struggling. Like the pic of the dude mining for diamonds who gave up one dig before treasure, you maybe were going back and forth being just 1 second of "its done" away from your good, completely unaware how close it is.

So decide and stick to it.
nice post i like
>why does taking action
Because taking action is retarded. Your job is to feel its done in your imagination. Periodically over the day check whether you still have it (in imagination). Still got it? Good. Don't have it? Then get it back again (in imagination). That's literally all you have to do. Do you see the difference between the above vs wishing for something then waiting for it? It's not the same.

Just go about your life normally, the actions will unfold themselves.
as you believe, so you shall achieve
So quit then, faggot
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When you manifest stuff you'll get hunches (intuitive impulses) to go do something. It'll just pop up in your head. You follow these intuitive thoughts with inspired action and manifestation will generally happen faster.

If you have doubts and are trying to Take Action in order to force a manifestation, then things will start to go wrong. this happens because your not allowing things to unfold on their own.

I shared 2 audiobooks about intuition you should listen to them. They'll teach you about making inspired actions from intuitive thoughts.

this is a sample of the audiobook

this is the entire audiobook in audible's m4b format. It's very good and has a bunch of exercises.
>Penny Pierce - The intuitive Way
(Develop your sixth sense to navigate life)

this book here isn't as good, but it'll give you some good pointers
>Lynn A. Robinson - Divine Intuition
(Communicating with God for Manifestation)

That penny pierce book gives plenty of real world examples where someone wants something. They'll get an intuitive thought. They take some inspired action and poof they manifest amazing stuff happening in their lives.

>The harder I tried to get rich with manifestation poorer I become

hope that helps
Good luck anon. kek
>When you manifest stuff you'll get hunches (intuitive impulses) to go do something.
I don't even get hunches. I just do whatever it is I'm doing and the thing that I was doing somehow led to the manifestation.
Tried robotically affirming for 20k in my bank.
I "got" it but in the form of video game money from daily spins constantly rolling 20k.
How do I get the money irl?
Admit it LoA is fake and gay , this general is larpers paradise no one actually believe this all of you are larpers passing your free time on internet ,no way you can just manifest something out of thin air without putting any hard work and real luck.
partial return? persist.
new here. although the concept seems familiar. like ove heard of it somewhere before. as a child I remember thinking that maybe my thoughts effected reality in some profound way, like changing dimensions.

so. is what this visualization and assuming your desires more akin to

1. I do the process and my life here starts to become that life. or those things miraculously happen to me or for me etc.

example. I win the lottery having manifested it for a few months


2. I do the process and I litterally wake up and the thing already occurred in the past?

example. I wake up having won the lottery in the past?


1. has any of this worked for you? I have noticed things in the past worked for me but seemingly accidental and easily dismissed as coincidence. the ladder test for example. I might mearly notice more ladders, they are litterally everywhere if you are looking for them.

2. if it has worked. what is the largest or most profound thing you have manifested using this?

3. I read the easy guide but it is rather vague. Just simply meditating basically and convincing yourself it is true already etc. which can be easily done for some things, but not others. for example how do you deal with the current reality throughout the day without massive cognitive dissonance?

4. if it works are you totally shocked by it? or would you even be aware of it? if the mental image was strong enough info can see not even knowing it worked.
I found it strange there were no /LoA/ for a while in the catalog so I checked the hidden threads and there it was.
I did manually unhide it but didn't read it because was thinking how the fuck the only remarkable thing in this board was hidden. I got nowhere so I forgot it and it was that retard. I don't even hate trips but I have that "muh tartaria", hateful, memeflagsgolempilled, second causes keychain filtered.
>how low /LoA/ has fallen
I found the thread in the garbage so...yeah?
Ironically, is almost as if you didn't even tried.
>trying hard
git gud

We are all making it.
>waaaaaa it doesn't work
>waaaaaa it doesn't work
Lol there has never been a more imbecilic retard than this faggot
1. There have been lot of posts here relating success so if you want to read them, check the archives or read the threads waiting for them. I personally can say it works but as someone can say you it worked, someone can also say it didn't. You HAVE to get your own proofs because them are the only valid ones. That's the reason why everyone that really want you to know about and use the law will insist in testing it by yourself and also why people that don't want to help you and want to hinder you will point you to check for (the absence of) miracles from others.
2. Largest/most profound varies due to everyone valuating some subjects more than others but if you want the most normiecore one, I found my gf, now wife, in unusual conditions. She is cute, sexy, has a good heart and doesn't play the games women allegedly play. She loves everything about me, even the traits another woman would find strange and maybe, undesirable. She even find some of them arousing.
It ends there? No. She pays for EVERYTHING. One thing you need to understand for this working consistently is going for what you REALLY want. No detours. Just what you REALLY want. I have no avarice or need to accumulate possession. I don't work, I don't believe in hard work and my wallet is never empty, but we have to eat and buy shit and live life in gay clown world. She is my opposite. She is a girl boss, she loves studying, becoming better, owning shit. She is a monster that wants to eat the world. So instead of doing SATS for the lotto for money I don't really want like a retard, I ask her what she want to do or be and I use the law to give that to her. It's pure win.
3. Current reality has nothing to do with it. You have to feel it and have it in your imagination. When you get your proofs you will learn to deal with current reality, or better said, not care about it but for know understand you want to BE IT in your imagination.
4. If you chase your proofs you DEFINITELY will be aware.
Is the bridge of incidents always fucked? For me I have to give up on the desire for it to come and it's so bizzare.
I remember you.

U used to post anime pics with ur posts right?
These threads are the worst ever state now,
But this is what I manifested so it’s fine.
you only have to give up on it being important, or give up on feeling bad about it.

if you could feel good about it no matter what it would have no choice but exist in your world.

Since not feeling anything about it is better than feeling bad about it, it usually comes when u let go.
Thank you anon, this makes sense.
Another faggot itt pretending it works lol retarded
Last question, how do you deal with movement? Do you interact with people knowing that it's already done? Obviously you can't go full schizo in the 3D?
what I don’t get with LoA is that Neville said persistence is important in building your manifestations in your mind but also to not think too much about it, how tf does that make sense
>Obviously you can't go full schizo in the 3D?
yes you can.

faith is knowing deep within your heart without intellect or proofs, it is confidence to it's fullest extent. this confidence is what you persist in.
>I have that "muh tartaria", hateful, memeflagsgolempilled, second causes keychain filtered.
Based. Mother anon is so bad at LOA that I think he is here to demotivate.
Yeah it's tricky, basically you want to be clear on your desire and how it might feel, see it and experience it int your mind's eye, but at the same time be completely detached from the outcome.

They're a famous example in the indian text "the Bhagavad Gita", here's a rough summary:
>On the battlefield, Arjuna hesitates to fight his family and friends.
>Krishna, his charioteer, tells him he must do his duty as a warrior, but without being attached to the results of his actions.
>Krishna explains that being too focused on success or failure brings suffering. Instead, Arjuna should act without worrying about what happens after. This frees him from anxiety and helps him make decisions clearly.
>Krishna calls this Nishkama Karma—acting without desire for reward. By following this, Arjuna can stay calm no matter the outcome and achieve inner peace and spiritual freedom.
Persist in having it in imagination. Ignore the 3d because the 3d is just a reflection of the imagination.
>“Such simple acceptance of your desires is like the dropping of fertile seed into an ever-prepared soil. When you drop your desire in consciousness as a seed, confident that it shall appear in its full-blown potential, you have done all that is expected of you. To be worried or concerned about the manner of their unfoldment is to hold these fertile seeds in a mental grasp and, therefore, to prevent them from really maturing to full harvest.”
Don't think too much about it refers to the second part, the persistence first part. If you're doing Neville's LoA actually read his stuff dude instead of asking here
>tablet or pc
isn't it "better" to actually write out the script on my own? I'm on the opinion that doing things using my own capabilities is better. Especially when recording my own voice for subliminal recordings.
You can, its easier for me to use pc or tablet since I revise it weekly and spend less paper plus, I dont have to worry about someone other than me reading it.

I agree on subliminals. I am of persuasion, always make your own. I dont trust anyone online for it.

yes. but are you effecting this reality? or are you saying that you are actually navigating through alternate realities?

that's the bug question. are you saying you witness these changes happen in person right before your eyes? or do they seem to happen in in-between times as if they occur without your immediate awareness, perhaps meaning you simply shifted into a reality where it was already so.
Hi guys any breakthroughs? I haven't been here for a year cus I wasn't able to make it work for me consistently. Is there anything new?
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i am worthy of this.
I am this
well shit, that's even better. i don't even know why i was limiting myself like that.
I'm referring to the woman lol.
This anon is my girlfriend and is having sex with me.

You can all rest lads. Its done. Whatever you worked on, its done.

Today is celebration day. Today thank me for brining it to your attention. Or thank yourself for manifesting this info.
Today forget your past life, forget your past self, that bridge has burned.

IT'S DONE. Nothing more to do, nothing more to read about it. Nothing more to explore or find out. No more tricks, no more tips, no more saints, no more "coaches". No more posts complaining. No more confusion.

IT'S done. Not only its done, but it wont leave you alone. Its yours as long as you want it, and a bit more.

Today, celebrate. Breathe in deeply, hold, now let go. You can rest.
Cry if you need to.
Its done. Whatever you seeked, chased, efforted over, ITS DONE. ITS DONE.

If you need to prepare for it, prepare today. Be ready, because IT'S DONE.

ITS DONE, and its beyond what you hoped for, beyond what you prayed for, beyond what you expected.

thanks bro, we needed that.
It is done. Thank you anon and thank me for manifesting your post!
But he died broke and alone kek
Guys, I really want to visit Barbados, but I don’t have the money. What actions do I need to take to get there?
His life was better than many niggers on this planet. So shut up and fuck you shitskin
I have a problem. And please dont laugh anons

I have a gf. I love her. But one thing that bothers me a bit... Is her small butt...

She is a naturally skinny person ( not like she's bony or anything but rather skinny)

I want her to have a bigger butt, even a big butt.
Anyone have some success stories about changing their gf's physique or something??
Unironically squats and oats
just suggest her booty training. Get her into lifting.

Just some lunges, squating, glute work, nothing too heavy. The birth canal needs to stay flexy.
Thank you
controlled folly
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Hello, Based Inc.? Yes, yes a lifetime membership!
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Yup. I've left the general so many times because living here may hinder you, even if you have a strong will and understanding on how LoA works. You have to go test your methods, find your own proofs and live your life. Living here will only make you feel tired, like you did a lot when you've done nothing and the constant trolling/disinfo/"testers" will misguide you and make you feel like shit even if everything is good.
Creation is finished and that means all possibilities are done and complete. If you can imagine it, it already exist.
Do I affect "this" reality (whatever you mean with "this") or I'm through alternate realities? I don't know and I don't care. Whatever I believe is mostly, the truth. It's natural, almost instinctual.
The question is, why do YOU care about it?
that's the sun setting on your life, one can only pass onto the night in knowledge that there will be a new morning for all of us.
feed her with chocolate and ice cream
bitches love these + you'll get extra points for being a romantic guy giving gifts without a reason
imagine you are on barbados
feel the sand
the waves
the bitches with cocktails
be there feel it know it
it is done
You need to do it the Neville way.
Your brother will give you a ticket until abdullah smacks you are around until you think you are already there.
Bruh you're living my dream life. A hot gf who doesn't play games and has ambition? Literally all I want. Like you I also don't care much to be rich as long as I'm comfy. That you for sharing, this definitely helps me keep going.
yeah I was out of it for months. Funny we checked it around same time.
>no way you can just manifest something out of thin air
who tf told you that you could do that?
I think it was Neville.
your approach is all wrong, it's not helping your cause ESPECIALLY with your fucking meme pic.
I'm a retainer myself,i believe that self discipline and self mastery goes hand in hand with manifesting, keep in mind that your literally manifest all the time whether you retain or not.
Neville always insisted on being DISCIPLINED, I don't know how to explain that any further.
but let's be honest, people seething and screeching at you for bringing SR up is fucking hilarious.
like come on,i know 4chan is infested with porn addicts but that's too much
starve the trolls
I'm a vampire again
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good evening.
and good evening to anyone reading.
we won't all make it, because we already did.
you forgot the whole bridge of incidents part?
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You will get to it if you really want it and you persist, I have no doubt. My only tip for it is when it happens, be ready to be there to fully support her. I don't work in the clownworld sense, but I'm still the man of the house. I have to take decisions, fuck her like no other would, fix things at home and protect her always. That kind of women is not common because the retardpilled meme about women having an easy life doesn't apply to those women and those retards only make it worse for those women like her. You have to protect, support and help a person that may have more difficulties than some faggots claim.
I know, is a clownworldly tip but unless she is made of iron and has no feelings, that's what she will need. She will fall. She will cry. But that's why you're there. To warp the world around her and feed her support, inspiration and greatness.
Don't care about the how, and if you care, stop right now. As the rulemaker, stop asking for rules, stop asking if you can or if someone in a imageboard has done it and just go for it. That's how you "learn" to use LoA and you find what works for you.
My wife was flat chested when I found her. I also like big butts and her proportions there are irreal, with a small, feminine waist and wide, breeding hips so I didn't care about her breast until I started caring and wanted them to be bigger.
They fill my hand now. They're bigger and I've seen her complaining all these years when she has to get new bras due to they not fitting anymore so I know is not fake. She was very self-conscious about them too, not anymore. I've caught her in the bathroom, in front of the mirror in her pijamas, enjoying how they now go "boing boing" when she brushes her teeth.
If you wait for someone to tell you if you can do it, you may never get it.
Just go for it. Imagine her as bottom heavy as you want. Imagine her feeling sexy and proud of it.
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Bros I see the bridge of incidents or whatever Neville says with my business. Its so beautiful, thank you bros for putting me on to Neville, he was so pure of heart
There are anons here who want to be futas with 12 inch long cocks lol, how perverted are we talking?
Thats the letting go stage. Like the act of sex, it gets highly intense then disapates. 9 months of waiting without care, a baby is born. Same thing with manifestation. Build up an orgasmic pressure of what you have and then release it and go on about your day.
Okay if this is real then how long does it take to manifest myself living on another planet as an anime woman with huge tits and cat ears?
3000 years
What happens in 3000 years?
Lilanon died 2950 years earlier while claiming not to age.
the law is fucking trolling me

been playing lottery for 1 year consistently. sick today couldn't put lottery in. thought whatever. had the most similar numbers yet and would have won 50 bucks.
just imagine her doing squats with a big ass in yoga pants. you can train ass a lot by gaining weight and muscle.
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Muhammad was a master of manifestation, from his harem to being able to leave earth body and all. Woah
Accept her for who she is, anon. I know that sounds gay or whatever but true love is doing that. You can change her but you should love her unchanged.
What this anon said. But you could turn her into a cardio bunny
>long does it take
How soon can you accept it?

Rumors of my demise were premature
How did you find a balance between your I AM state and STEM scientist state?
I wrote out my intentions and affirmations today. I meditated on it and started feeling my goal today. Pray for me bros
Seems like a lot of anons visualize winning the lottery and yet no anon has posted success.
they're lazy and not trying.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
They are sometimes at odds, work in progress. I think where it works for me better than some of the "logical" anons here is that I follow a actual scientific method rather than accepted line of truth- if I see/hear/read something, I want to verify it. I want to know if something actually works and how, I'm fascinated with figuring things out that aren't widely known.

LOA works this way for me because even though it requires you to commit for it to work, you can see it working when it does. It's not a black box, although most Anons don't actually need to know the nuts and bolts to be successful at it.

I think at the core of it, my STEM side was my effort to show that I was capable of diligence and hard work. LOA shows you that those are not necessary, and you should not be trying to prove yourself to others. I suspect once that part of me fully dies there will be no conflict.
>no anon has posted success
There are Anons who succeed, some have even posted here. Lottery is for the Anons that either have something to prove or don't read the materials- it's far easier to manifest when you simply focus on your goal instead of the how. Your deeper self will fill in the blanks.
I am to live in the end and live daily as if I have it, who's number of a girl do I message? Do I quit my job because I'm already rich? Am I misunderstanding?
a feeling of inevitability, or as Neville described, a feeling akin to watching a movie where you've already seen the final scene. Yes you will enjoy the movie, feel the tension, but undercurrent there is a solid, peaceful feeling of excitement and inevitability coming from KNOWING exactly how the movie is gonna end.
>Am I misunderstanding?

>I am to live in the end
During your manifestation

>and live daily as if I have it
You don't have to do anything after you have successfully manifested. It's done. Do the ladder experiment for proof- you will actively avoid your manifest. You will not be able to.

>who's number of a girl do I message? Do I quit my job because I'm already rich?
If you do it correctly, it will come to you. No action will be required of you unless you get an inspired action- usually something you would not normally do but feel compelled to.

Don't waste time questioning the process- commit to the work and observe the results.
Will be a bit tough to re-calibrate my thoughts a bit. I've misunderstood this entire time. I'm poor and I can't afford much so I thought I had to live in a state of abundance and spend money as if it were nothing. So I should just trust the plan and one day it'll come to. I've manifested in the past before small things but being aware of it now makes it harder to me somehow
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>So I should just trust the plan and one day it'll come to
Yes, but keep in mind you are setting the time based on your expectation. Think it should take a long time? It will.

I had the same problem, I spent most of my life at the bottom of the economic ladder. A friend gave me the money magnet mantra and told me to believe it would work. It stated off with pocket change and it just grew from there.

Allow yourself to have what you need, and then to have abundance.

Money loves me
Money flows to me
I AM a Money Magnet
I AM Wealthy
Thanks. I'll continue to live my shitty poor life until the day comes where I'm free
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Money bonds you.
Seek wealth & health.

God is you, make it your favorite entity.
I haven't seen anyone post anything about winning a lottery jackpot. Also, let's say the goal is winning the lottery. It's not a how, it's a goal. It's a goal because it fixes many goals at once. I don't abide by all this wishy washy bullshit about "WHY do you want money, wish for what you would do with the money instead". Nope, I want the money. Money is the ability to bring immediate change in your life, in the 3D, immediately. It's basically a 3d superpower. So no, I don't want to visualize a car, a house, a this, a that, I want to visualize the money that enables me to get those things immediately in the 3d. Say I want to travel. I'm not going to visualize traveling, I want the money that enables it. Money is the bottom line to empowering yourself to do things in the 3d. Now if I want a sp, or something money can't do, then I can see visualizing a different goal. Otherwise, being filthy rich is the best visualization because it covers so many other things instead of having to visualize them all one by one. Winning the lottery is really the best believable outcome in this situation. How else do you come by that much money overnight? I can only think of negative things. Lawsuits or inheritance, etc. Maybe some anons are okay with a more simple and humble life, with a better job or an sp. I want money that enables me to do whatever I want on a day to day basis.

If LoA works it works equally on winning the lottery. You don't even need to play the lottery (consciously) to win it if you impressed the subconscious. Many people set deadlines, powerballs etc instead of just having a general scene that implies they won 10M or 100M from lottery
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I think wanting to help keeps manifesting these idiots who ignore all the inspiring stories or challenges to them by NG himself, do no work at all, then keep moaning about the LAW.

Unless you are = Its done-ing = you arent using the LAW but just torturing yourself.

Which means every fucking comment ever made here, that has not came from ITS DONE mindset, is idiotic.

Even NG had to go thru the phase when Abdullah stopped talking to him because he "needed just one more little push" "just one more little step" "just one more inspiring story" or whatever.

ITS DONE, until you get that manifesting consciously is taking a leap of Faith, you will condemn yourself.


Again, unless you are ITS DONE - ing, you arent practicing the LAW.
Its not a small step incremental thing. You either go all in Faithfully, or not.

Faith is binary. This is why Jesus said, "I dont want no lukewarm people".

Do or not do, there is no try.

Imagine your wish fulfilled.
Now you charge it with ITS DONE - ing.

No need to do anything more but say thank you from that point onwards. Gratitude = ITS DONE - ing.

You dont ask HOW, you dont ask WHEN because those questions dont come from a ITS DONE mindset.

Be in ITS DONE mindset. Thats LOA.

Unless you doing that, you are mentally masturbating and edging your manifestations lol.
>work in progress
What would you say could be the reason?

>follow a actual scientific method rather than accepted line of truth- if I see/hear/read something
Could you explain further

>LOA works this way for me because even though it requires you to commit for it to work, you can see it working when it does
I actually was learning more about it, I found out the simplest reason why I’m inconsistent is because I have two feet in opposite directions. You never dealt with stubbornness in terms of “no way that just worked?!”

>LOA shows you that those are not necessary, and you should not be trying to prove yourself to others
I think it’s almost the same case for me but for my version of the “STEM scientist” state, rather than prioritizing people first to “prove em” it’s actually myself that I often need to prove first which the people part comes as a byproduct with that

Do you have any other idea why we could have this “double life”? You think the pearl of great price applies here or what?

A bit of a side track but today I tried sats-ing which luckily I was able to (after failing a few times before) since I had some hypnagogic jerks, something undesirable came to mind and I got out of the feeling I had when I was partially visualizing a desire. I felt something trying to set but is it nothing I should bother thinking about since I stopped immediately and pointed it out?

I was more annoyed getting the feeling part lost when I was in my quasi trance
>want to be rich
>dumbass thinks he can only be rich thru the lottery
>can't live in the feeling that he already won the lottery
>fails to win the lottery... again
>cries again
You dumbasses sure deserve what you get
Dumbass still doesn't get it
As a former lotteryfag, don’t bother playing the odds. Is it wealth you want or do you “really” want to win the lottery?
You hit me right in the heart with this line:

"Even NG had to go thru the phase when Abdullah stopped talking to him because he "needed just one more little push" "just one more little step" "just one more inspiring story" or whatever."

Sometimes I'll have some manifestation stuff on a second monitor and just get that taste in.

It is done.
i feel affirmations and visualizing always feel too try hardy for me but when i quieten my mind the its done and 3d doesnt matter state comes on its own.
then i get excited start thinking about it and it fades. pretty annoying desu.
Yeah man.
OP should be: Welcome to LOA - your wish has been granted - ITS DONE! Rejoice, and live your life!

Thats all there is to it. People get stuck in the "3.5 dimension" not using fully LOA but also not using fully forcing (which works but not ideal) and just run in circles.

Only decision to make that jump to ITS DONE can save 'em.

Q: Ok you are telling me its done, but how?
A: Its not your job to define HOW, but WHAT and also, if its already DONE, why ask how?
Q: okay, I see but when?
A: you obviously dont see, since ITS DONE, so it already happened and is your new state, why ask when? YOu woulndt ask me "when will I woke up yesterday morning?"
Q: but that makes no sense you are asking me to ignore the 5 senses and all
A: yeah and?
Q: but crazy people do that.
A: yeah and also people who achieve things different to their pasts.

So any question that comes in thread is only people acting out their DECISION to not make it done.
Asking "How can I decide its done?"
Its hilarious. once you rise above it, its obvious.

ok, radical thought. Decide and stick to it. Dont obsess over your fluctuating mental moods. Decide.


Im dealing the LOA redpills today.

If its done, do you need to know how?
If its done, do you need to know when?

You come to restaurant, order a pizza. You order the pizza since u want to eat a pizza. Not because you wanna know what the chefs are doing, or how they are doing it. You dont sit on their shoulders and ask why are you doing this or that, and was the pizza frozen or not.

If you specify tasty pizza, you will get tasty pizza. And everyone knows, everyone works best if not looked at and spammed with Qs all the time.
SO let the blackbox of LOA be what it is, its ways are beyond finding out.
And just eat your fucking meal.

manifesting is jumping to conclusions, or, assuming. in a way that benefits you.

To keep with jumping image.

Jumping over a gorge is 2 parts. Running + jumping.

First you have to pick gorge you wanna jump over.

Define the ideal state clearly. And see yourself having it, play with idea, make it clear and concise.


Now, the two parts - running and jumping.

Running is basically - defining the goal, and establishing the mood of how it would feel. This is done playfully in one sats or reading a script or an affirmation, or making a sygil or whatever helps you get into it. PLAY with it mofo its not a test.

JUMPING - is basically - letting go of running, and going to ITS DONE, THANK YOU.

If you only run, never letting go of the "vessel" or "method" you make things harder than they need to be.
Sure running helps, makes you experience syncs, it makes the manifestation become visible to you, might even be close to you so close you can taste it touch it almost.
If you only run, and never jump, you will fall down when jumping over, you know that right?

So once you got good speed going (sats of being in your barbados) and you experience the feeling EVEN JUST ONCE, JUMP MOFO! JUMP INTO ITS DONE!

And that way Abdullah stays a buddy and you can hang out and chill.
Dont make Abe mad.
If you only run, and never jump, you will fall down when !!going!! over, you know that right?

its probably obvious tho, what I intended to say.

Ok now close the general I solved all your desires.


Now lets do smth else. Im gonna eat. C ya. maybe lol
>doesn't want any wealthy relatives to die
>doesn't want to start muh business and grind for 15 years before it maybe pays off
>wants the objectively shortest (and easiest, if this shit worked) "bridge of incidents" to getting rich as fuck
why haven't you taken the lottery pill yet, fagg¡t?
Care to explain it better then?
nice post though it's tricky sometimes to get into the it's done state of mind. when it comes though it's very obvious you are doing it right and everything seems to be at it's right place. i guess the trick here is to maintain that state and have it become natural thing no matter what 3d throws at you to distract you.

I just see lottery as one option. Wealth to my name that equals financial freedom. Don't want to be dependent of someone else. Also to be honest I'm not a lazy person but I also don't want to wageslave my time away for someone else even if it's a good job or job I would enjoy.

I don't think that. In face I've imagined the end. I play the lottery to be an option.

I don't focus on the lottery alone. I simply imagine the end and I play the lottery as an option. I'm open for it to come through other ways.
LOA is bullshit, it cant make you rich, it can't make you healthy, it can't get you pussy. It's cope and make believe.
Woah there buddy, this is based truth. I don’t know why they won’t listen. Why won’t they listen? But you can’t say this as they get upset and they’ll ask why are you here.
Of course they claim to have manifested everything so on some level they wanted you here lmao.
I AM a olympic medalist.
Nice no training needed.
She doesn't think you're cheating on her, she's subtly warning you in a dismissive way she'll cheat on you because she thinks she can get away with abusing you.

Either be confident she's yours and be possessive next time you're around her, or recognize she's a toxic slut who only wants what you can do for her and manifest the "right" girl showing up.
yeah thats the whole point.

Ignore the appearances and stick to ITS DONE; THANK YOU.

If you cant do that, you cant do LOA. It requires persistence.

But there are ways to trick your subconscious mind to still do work for you.

It still puts image of fucking in you.

Problem is people change methods every time they feel low, they overindulge in loa content, etc.

You have to stick to it.
>Problem is people change methods every time they feel low, they overindulge in loa content, etc.
i am very guilty of that lol.
desu i noticed that the it's done state feels like it's the ""right"" state too. meanwhile not knowing about loa or not using it and being at the mercy of 3d feels off after you get a taste of the it's done feeling. very cool.
Im too, its been a recent realization that ITS DONE is the only way.

All else is just postponing for no reason. Seeking permission slips none of which are needed.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

RECEIVED being the key word. ITS DONE.
and yeah I noticed it too.

when u go to ITS DONE, its a power trip immediately, all the weak bs falls off.
If I can't get into SATS and Meditation is there anything else that is as effective in overriding your subcon?
record affirmations (I AM or YOU ARE both forms work)

And listen to them while you browse online for at least 15 minutes a day.

Proven it works, and you dont even have to pay attention to them.
>record affirmations
You mean myself talking? I hate my voice but I guess it makes sense. I'll try it. Thanks.
Any recommendations for an app?
Epstein level shit
Your post is all I fucking needed to finally click for me. I felt a huge boulder off my shoulders the moment I accepted it's done. Thank you anon, I finally feel confident and not stuck in my own head.
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It doesnt work. Did you lie to me again xtards?
Nope, sorry.
It’s very hard to find any truth on /x/.
That post doesn’t have any either,
what is the pic rel even trying to talk about?
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I’ve been reading about Jung’s idea of synchronicity. I used to just write off coincidences as examples of the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon. But sometimes it’s so specific that I can’t be so sure. Would it be useful to ascribe meaning to these experiences at all or is it just giving in to delusion?
All this magic bullshit doesn't work, it's fake.
I'm not an expert at LoA so take this with a grain of salt, but I think it's useful.
If the cause really is purely mundane psychological, then these coincidences represent your mental patterns being aligned with your conscious goals, and it might be useful to follow them.

Or if there's a greater meaning to them then they can be seen as evidence that your manifestations are coming to fruition and the world itself is conspiring in your favor.
Belief is a tool like anything else.
but loa isn't magic, it's the law.
>Mother anon’s post aren’t loa. This is the law
is that why you're failing to win the lottery?
>'are making it' instead 'gonna make it'
Thank God someone understands.
We have already made it.
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Here is a great clip of Theo Von talking to Tony Robbins and while they don't specifically mention the law, it's a great talk about self-concept and stories you tell yourself, and rewiring your brain to believe new stories about yourself and change your life. Leaving behind the old man. Very along the lines of affirmations to manifest. Enjoy anons

It's not your father's wedding band now is it?
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I believe in the law, but sometimes I feel like giving up. I give up all the time, but I come back to the law again and again.

who same?
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due to to LoA I can fly, teleportations, time traveling, see through the wall and have sex with any chiks.

Why didn't anyone know about this before? We are gods! Now I'm going to my Mustang and get chiks. Hallelujah hallelujah!
this is so weird
all my life I've always had some inkling that when I desired a certain outcome for something, just saying "nah pft that'll never happen" to myself as if I'm somehow tricking the universe listening in on my thoughts somehow or another made it more likely or made it happen then and there. always made me feel like it was my personal little insanity or delusion I let myself have as a treat.
then I got to the part of the ladder experiment with the notes saying I will NOT climb a ladder
I'm dumbfounded by this one detail of the whole thing, not obsessing over trying to understand it but it's like I knew this was the way my whole life
sorry just felt like blogging, anyone else have these thoughts before discovering goddard's methods?
Just a heads up. Some faction is energetically attacking posters in this general.
I sleep prone or on my side. I discovered lying on my back is reliable way to induce SATS without falling asleep, Someone else could try this, adapted to their own sleep position.
Yes. Most of my life I've known that if I want something, I just have to put it out there to the universe by way of telling someone I'm looking for it. For example, about 10 years ago I needed a new bed. I really wanted a Tempurpedic but they are ultra expensive, but I told my mom that I would like to get that particular type of mattress. Putting it out there.

A local furniture store had a big mattress sale very soon thereafter so I went to see if they had any good prices on Tempurpedics. First thing the salesman says to me is "everything is half off, except for Temperpedics" because that company doesn't allow their product to be discounted.

I said, "Oh, that's the brand I specifically came to see." And he says... "well we do have this one here that has been discontinued, so it's marked way down."

And sure enough there was a brand name Tempurpedic with foundation and everything marked down by about 70%. So I got a very expensive mattress at a really low price and I'm sure it's all because I said out loud to my mom, "I would like to get a Tempurpedic, I'm going to start shopping around."

This same thing has happened to me countless times
What are your results with this method?
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what I've gathered is.
you are part of global consciousness. every living being is. once you meditate you realize you are not your emotions, thought or body. you are separate from it. you are immortal because you are part of the universe. your consciousness is active and passive. world is made of assumptions. like if 1 is greater than zero x is valid. by changing those assumptions you imprint the changes on your subconscious which is like a circuit board or mirror that reflects. you live in your active consciousness but there are ways to close the gap and go to the passive (sub) consciousness. you get info left brain and then it goes right brain. to bypass this you alter your state of perception so the information passes directly throught your right brain. for example by images. Alterering the states of perception facilitate this. This can be achieved in different ways. Masturbation, Breathing Technique (Solar Plexus), Meditation. I'm sure there are others. SATS.

By saying you are part of the great all, you are saying you're like a branch from the tree that has access to everything that the tree. You decide what you want to reflect in your world. Alter perception and imprint. Then you go by your day.

I also like to imagine your subconcious being run by jesus. when you change the code you are asking him to change it or changing it yourself.

bros, why is it so hard to just believe... I know the secret is just to believe but I don't fucking know how, with meditation? Do I just live my everyday life revising my thoughts so they align with what I want?
probably just have to slow down and 'unplug' for a time and really think about if you believe or not.

I was surprised at how much my faith increased by just closing my eyes and imagining myself waking up to my desires being manifested. IT was a 'too beautiful not to believe' 'I don't want it any other way.' type of pure faith.
maybe sometimes we confuse 'assent' and desire with belief in our day to day fast paced and distracted lives.

"Yeah, I want that." then we move on watch do somthing else.

maybe have to unplug and contemplate faith.
Why does the world always have to reflect what I fear and not what I love?
because fear is a form of faith
I've been trying to manifest a cute redhead girlfriend. I keep running in to really attractive redhead girls, which is kind of uncommon in my area. is this a sign? what more do I need to do?
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belief is action, it is what you do
act out the beliefs you wish to embody
i do recall seeing a bunch of chicks that nearly fit what I asked for prior to the girl appearing. to me it seems like you are on the right track. go over your process one last time, comparing it to your resources just to make sure you arent simply manifesting seeing redheads everywhere. also dont post about your desire anymore just in case.
>Great peace have they which love thy law: And nothing shall stumble them

>But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night
I meme you should take the elf pill and we've had a lot of laughs together. But, it's time to set the record straight.

The elite do not want you to know what this guy is talking about.
The elite enter the faerie realm using imagination and awareness. They do not imagine scenes. They go into the 4d world and edit it.
The great reset types have rituals where half of them are eyes wide shut robed and sacrificing children. The other half are in the same room in faerie land harvesting the energy and taking it to craft major issues in humanity in order to propagate enslavement.
I wrote almost a whole post today but kept getting interrupted. I will try to get the essence of it back for you:

>What would you say could be the reason?
I haven't fully let go of my 3d things. The I AM state is in opposition to those things so I fall back to my old (but evolving) state to interact with the 3d.

>You never dealt with stubbornness in terms of “no way that just worked?!”
No, I do think I would use the word "stubborn." I can be shocked, but I accept it, because I saw it. I have been badly shocked or dismayed before when I saw others do things that I deemed impossible, but I also use those points as proof of "Yeah, that is possible too."

>it’s actually myself that I often need to prove first
This should be easier to fix, actually. Do a session with yourself where you remind yourself of all of your accomplishments, all of the people you've helped, the things you've been able to do and times you've overcome your fears.

Remind yourself how amazing you are. Believe it. Believe in yourself.

I AM Enough.

>Do you have any other idea why we could have this “double life”?
You can't occupy two states at once- but you can switch. You switch many times during the day, you may or may not have noticed. You may even not be aware how many "Yous" there are.

Being a LOAnon often is about observing what we do unconsciously, and then learning to do it deliberately.

>You think the pearl of great price applies here or what?
No, you can be aware of things being second causes without it bringing you to full end state.

>I felt something trying to set but is it nothing I should bother thinking about since I stopped immediately and pointed it out?
If it did not set, you are good. If it did, manifest another result to replace it.

Probably a good lesson for you that it's very easy to set things- dangerously so. Know what you want, and only stock your brain with that(mental diet).

Don't fight the SATS stuff. Relax, breathe, bring your desire to life.
I want to do a test with LOA and I need the guide of experienced anons, I want to manifest some visible changes which I plan to post them over here with before and after, currently my eyes are dark and I'm 1,88m/6'2 tall what I want are one different eye color either green or blue and get at 1,95/6'5-1'98/6'6 tall.

By far I was able to manifest a girl that looked around 70% of my ideal gf but things didn't work properly and I've manifested a few bucks as a test for myself to see how real LOA is and before been also manifesting random things by mistake and without being aware of that.

Some things that I really need help with is how can get into SATS, if there is anything that could affect my manifestations beside doubt and since "Feeling is the Secret" I want to know how I could do that for height or one eye color
>bros, why is it so hard to just believe
What's so hard to believe?
I genuinely wonder what Neville would say to this kek
Because you believe in your fear more than you believe in what you love.
script a whole day of a perfect relationship with your perfect girl.
Dont focus just on girl, focus on relationship. How she treats you and how you feel with her.
How you look at yourself and the world consequently, how your friends are envious etc.

Script all of that.
Focusing on people manifests people but no relationship.
Based elf poster
Cringe nu/x/ poster
>nah pft that'll never happen


"I wont climb a ladder"

It doesnt matter since Subconcious mind doesnt work like conscious. In SC mind there are no negative expressions.

Its only topic conscious. So if you think X is not, or X wont ever, or definitely dont want X.

All it sees is X, X, X.

Countrary to Neville I believe that even saying "I wish " works as good as "I AM "

As long as you keep focusing on what you desire or not thinking about it at all, but your last thought being about it, not smth counter it.

its often used in commercials

DONT BE THIRSTY! SC mind only sees thirsty and suddenly you need a gulp of something - please indulge bdw.
syncs are signs and signs follow they do not preceed.

They just point to your State, but the absence of them means nothing also.

I used to rave about them and the more u focus on them the more they manifest because where attention goes energy flows

Now I ignore them. They are traps because they belong to 3D and by def you shouldnt care about 3D.

3 pillars of manifestation

1. know precisely what you want
2. ignore 3d
3. decide its already DONE and prepare for it if needed (depends on situ, but ie if you want sex, buy condoms and shower regularly)
yeah, you can whisper if you hate your voice

audacity for windows, free and easy to use

mostly got girls, also used it to bust thru plateau in lifting.
that man does not understand the pearl of great price
good, getting straight to the point. I only responded because I wanted to stop you from making the same mistake I did before

>Also to be honest I'm not a lazy person but I also don't want to wageslave my time away for someone else even if it's a good job or job I would enjoy.
Well what seems more believable to you; having wealth now without needing to do anything or having a crazy well paying job?
Been wearing my dad’s engagement ring on my left hand and I sat by a river and finalized/impressed/let go of my sp and now I’m in sabbath? She feels so close like I’m a kid on Christmas Eve ready to open presents
>kept getting interrupted
I wasn't too much in a hurry to find out what you had to say, more so was just curious. Ain't tripping nonetheless

>The I AM state is in opposition to those things so I fall back to my old (but evolving) state to interact with the 3d.
This is more of a comment but I think we all go through this phase at some point in our lives when we take the LoA path, maybe even those who may never encounter it they still win in a different manner. Other than that I can relate, I think for you and I we are in the process of switching frames. I just thought rn what if the last hurdle we have isn't really our own responsibilities or "outside" world, its just our own selves

Quite tedious when this happens to me but it plays into another thing you said

>"Yeah, that is possible too."
Ok you win, rn with this level I am in I can be very in denial but I think that stubbornness is one of the manifestations from my own state. I've noticed I gotten a bit loose with things but not entirely, especially after using Hemi Sync

>I AM Enough.
Thanks for the suggestion, I am too narrowed minded to acknowledge it and often let myself be messed with. Have you finally adjusted to that simple affirmation you did almost a year ago exactly?

>You may even not be aware how many "Yous" there are.
I don't doubt it after seeing the longest real time manifest occur a week ago to me, I swapped consciousnesses like they were loadouts, they all exist in one state or another. Funny enough I had quite a personality change today only for me to revert back when I started to put thought into it. Even when I was being frustrated with someone they seemed to have changed too, I even felt bad after thinking otherwise. She really does want to give me what I want, I bet she would beg me to make my mind up and stop talking myself outta things
>If you keep this law, you don't have to broadcast what you want; you simply assume that you have it... if you persist in your assumption your desire will become your reality.
>you can be aware of things being second causes without it bringing you to full end state
You ever struggled with this or was it easy to grasp? If you had say something to me as advice to surrender all my second cause-y beliefs, what would that be>

For me its all a work in progress, I'm not surprised since I did do this habit of mine for a good amount of my life so far. I wonder if staying in my comfort zone or trying to do and not do things when I think about it or have this artificial feeling it will happen is all just cope to keep doing it

>If it did not set, you are good
Well I have the knowledge if I set something using past references I have to be really certain about something, that fact I went to class questioning if I did or not is enough to say "yeah you didn't" Im sure you could agree with this lol

>Know what you want, and only stock your brain with that(mental diet).
My thoughts are usually intrusive, I am the self reminder of things I strive to move on from. They also kick me out of states I occupy that are desirable. My only gist with staying in the same bad state is that I do want to make sure I can just put my attention away without considering the complications from my past. Ill take the lessons I learned but my God am I annoyed I try this mental gymnastics to stay in it

Last thing I want to say without dragging this is I am convinced purgatory is real, just not the way it is generally depicted. I've been in it for the last years and I have to face the ugly truth, on top of leaving my own comfort zone to truly leave purgatory

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