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previous thread >>38861184

>History of Halloween
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDbz6heh6-w [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Carving templates for Jack-o-lanterns
>Pumpkin Festival game, servers not up yet
>Carnevil arcade cabinet working on Win10 and 11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR0d44xpTYE [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Bone Chillers
>AVGN visits Sleepy Hollow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7RGxtDxRF4 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Are you afraid of the Dark - Full first season compilation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3gebvDfwB8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Retro Halloween commercials playlist
>John Carpenter playlist
>Spooky Ambience Videos
>Vintage Halloween Music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdKjlZRkGS0 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Happy Halloween /x/
>Over the Garden Wall
>Huge collection of Halloween and Horror related YouTube videos
>Fun Halloween MEGA

*Thread Prompt*

A big o' hurricane is about to hit Florida / Georgia. Savannah, GA is one of the most "haunted" places in the South. Assume shit goes to fuck in the city, will the spooks come out and do some ghoulish things?
>thread prompt
the best case scenario for what you're asking for is pic rel which happens sometimes in swampy areas.
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Almost October lads. Give me some good underrated horror or seasonally fitting game recs.
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modded minecraft hardcore survival, there are a few fun horror mods you can add.
Mr. Bones (Sega Saturn)
Death Jr. (PSP)
Folklore (PS3)

>your pic happens
>take a photo
>Seasons Greetings card
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inb4 witches webm spam
I think reeses are dogshit and I'm sick of people acting like they're the goat
Yeah they were good 30 years ago, but they have been terrible for a long time.
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I've been playing this game around Halloween time the past couple years and I'll probably play through it again this year when it cools down and summer feels truly over. It's a fun game to play on a cool, breezy autumn evening with the windows open.
>Folklore (PS3)
you're a based man
Where do you get your mods from?
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>A big o' hurricane is about to hit Florida / Georgia. Savannah, GA is one of the most "haunted" places in the South. Assume shit goes to fuck in the city, will the spooks come out and do some ghoulish things?
It's going to be like that scene in the first Ghostbusters movie where all those ghosts escape the containment unit.
>images you can hear
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge is a surprisingly solid DMC clone.
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Check 4 spooky :3

>Spooky thread year-round please :3 <3
I agree. The peanut butter filling in them is all dry and crumbly with no creamy nut flavor.
>fag wants creamy nut
Checks out
I've been eating Reeses cups off and on since the early 90's, and I have no idea what you guys mean. They're def better if you keep them in the fridge though.
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Blood. Monolith or Night Dive, both are acceptable. Classic boomer shooter full of fun horror references and spooky atmosphere. Can you find all the easter eggs? Literally $2.50 on GoG right now.

Parasite Eve. Action RPG ahead of it's time with a weird scifi plot. There's a roguelike EX mode in the Chrysler Building if you beat the game. Has a sequel that's more of a shooter than an RPG.

> Horror where it's not obvious it's horror at first. Low details because of spoilers

SuperHot. Puzzle shooter with inventive gameplay.

Eversion. Platformer. Fuck steam, use the free version: https://zaratustra.itch.io/eversion
Love to see that this little game hasn't been forgotten. It has a comfy atmosphere imo.
I second the other poster who says they were good but aren't any more. Basing it on official 1.5 oz cup sizes (not the king size or mini): https://www.hersheyland.com/products/reeses-milk-chocolate-peanut-butter-cups-1-5-oz.html

> Chocolate
It's mostly milk and sugar, low cacao. Melts all over the fingers due to high oil content. It's almost as bad as those "chocolate flavored" easter rabbits. 22 grams of sugar is 40% your daily sugar in one cup.

> Peanut butter
It's really heavy on sugar and salt. The heavy sugar covers up all the salt. A 1.5 oz Reeses has as much salt as 1/4 cup of coleslaw (150 grams salt). Coleslaw stats: https://www.nutritionadvance.com/foods-high-in-sodium/

Mix it all and there's a whole lot better out there now. My go-to is the Fresh Market's big thick single-serve cups, but Trader Joes has decent peanut butter cups, too.
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i kinda lost track of what i was supposed to be doing
Also, The Midnight Hour, a made-for-tv movie from '85 is on YouTube. It's kinda hot garbage but it's set on Halloween night and Howlin' Jack is the radio announcer
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They're one of the best candies.
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they're my favorite
i have a friend who makes her own and they've kinda spoiled me, specifically the dark chocolate ones
i wonder if Reese's changed their formula when transfats were banned
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I came here from /tv/ to show off my consumerism.
Sup niggas
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Sup nigga.
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Eyo nigga
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October is almost here.
I like the pic.
And with it, the pressure to do something seasonal every day that you fall off the wagon on 3 days in, then you blink and it's January.
Pretty cool.
Not this time. I got so much halloween crap that's still sealed in box, I could open 1 a day every day of October.
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Based. One of the top FPS games of the '90s (or ever, really).
SOMA is a good horror game.
Make a plan, you have several days left.
There's no Halloween without horror movies.
Honestly, this is my biggest source of anxiety. There are a shit ton of events to do in my city + ways I want to celebrate. I'm scared of missing out and it's such a pain to coordinate my friends into coming with and getting it.
My only options are to play mother hen for them or go alone.
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Alright, I need a good list of recommendations for Youtube videos and podcasts as background for when I'm playin vidya. Something to keep the spooky feeling going.
I'm not looking for narrated stories, and I'm already aware of Art Bell. Hopefully you guys have some ideas. Thanks!
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Shilled this channel a few threads ago and I am shilling it again for those that missed it.


Pumpkin Jack
Costume Quest

Lots of Darkwood requests. I personally found it boring and the day/night cycle is purely there to pad out the game and waste time. It should have been a linear game.
You ever tried out Dead Rabbit Radio? It’s a guy from 4chan that I’m sure you’ve seen ads of here. It’s a really nice podcast about true crime, paranormal, and alien shit mostly. Basically infinite episodes to listen to at this point since he’s been doing it for like 7 years now and he uploads a new episode every weekday
Nuke's Top 5 is the best for ghost videos. The clickbait titles are in jest because he hates that shit. Older stuff's going to be a bit better because it gets really hard finding stuff worth showing after a while.
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I don't really care for podcasts, but Monsters Among Us is usually pretty good. People call in and tell their own paranormal experiences. Everything from ghosts to cryptids to UFOs, and other weird stuff.

I've seen it mentioned but never actually looked into it. Sounds like a good place to start. Thanks!

Yeah, Nuke is my favorite of the ghost tubes. He's been uploading much less lately. Still, probably good to just replay old ones on a playlist.
I like Mysterious Universe and Believing the Bizarre which are both on spotify and youtube. Mysterious Universe has a lot of fairly silly episodes probably just because they've been going for so long that they have to reach for silly stuff to keep the content flowing, but when they're good they're *really* good.
I've been using this guy's vids on horror movies as background noise
I expected Count Wolfula but I don’t know this gentleman
His videos are good too. I like when the horror movie Youtubers lean into the horror aesthetic.
Gotta create some fucking Apple account to listen. I'm good bro.
what are you supposed to do with the insides of the pumpkin?
You can cook and eat the seeds.
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Summon an eldritch horror.
bedtime stories
wartime stories
beyond creepy
paranormal scholar
What? You can literally listen on the site I linked, YouTube, Spotify, etc.


I'll also recommend The Tape Library.
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So glad these threads are keeping up.

Lately, I've been listening to this guy who has videos on various odd internet sites, camera recordings, urbex encounters, etc:


Also, have been into this channel for a while. He retells caving, scuba diving, etc gone wrong, but also has videos on unresolved disappearances or odd/disturbing historical fates:


Also, adding a music track for kicks. Happy fucking almost October:

Dubs checked. Those the new pails from a few years ago? Wasn't too Impressed by them, felt they were a tad bit smaller than the originals.
>as much salt as 1/4 cup of coleslaw
wow, a whole quarter cup huh
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Also check out the Horror General on /tv/ if you haven't and you like spooky movies
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Clive Barker's Undying
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malichi
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I remember as a kid watching a documentary on travel channel called "haunted town" about atchison kansas. Anyone have the full documentary as seen in vid related?

Holy fuck I miss having these
Spider Solitaire
Silent Hill 2
Fatal Illusion
throw away the guts and roast the seeds in the oven
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This shit cracks me up every year.

I avoid rinsing/soaking them as I like the flavor. I guess some people do that.
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I love background ambiences, some fav Halloween ones:


And nice Autumnal ones:

Going through all of Vintage Obscura's Halloween mixes is fun too, they update yearly:
clean up your life you fucking slob
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Same, check these two out...
I throw the guts into the woods near my house in a big mulch pile. It's proper garbage and the critters love it.

Seeds can be made into food.
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Posting some of my favorite retro Halloween commercials. Mainly found through the various Halloween Commercial Compilations on Youtube. What is it about old commercials that just feel so cozy?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZYR_ZfLiA (This is a good more recent one. Well, almost 10 years old now, geeze)
best halloween thread yet anons
What are you gonna do about?
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Post songs that sound like autumn to you. This one always seemed to induce that ending summer - Fall crispness to the air feeling. That longing and resolve.

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I guess this is technically cheating but oh well. The guitar work itself reminds me of leaves falling which I'm sure was the point.
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Are albums okay? Very good choice btw. Love SP. Their Pisces Iscariot b-side album is very Autumnal to me.

Very nostalgic, damn.
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Does /hal/ like Ruby Gloom?
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It's the feeling of being alone in a small town with nobody there for you but the cold wind and the fluttering of the few leaf's left before autumn ends.
I love grouper so much bros
What is your pic rel from?
The Guild of Ambience and Infinity Rooms on Youtube are both my favorites for ambience. They both have quality stuff.

One of my favs
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>no "October Rust"

Blood fan art.

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i can't wait for the month to begin
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it's short enough to last the season
Gonna be honest, could never get into TON, as much as I wanted too. I still find them pretty cool despite that, if that makes sense. Also, I think I'd also consider them more Halloweencore, rather than Autumncore.

In fact, we should get some Halloweencore going itt too. Post some spooky albums/songs!
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>old grouper
nice. what do you call the genre, anyway? like midwife, etc.

i don't like it when the sun goes down
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>Post some spooky albums/songs!
Pic related, but almost anything released on the Cyclic Law label. Same guy has a side project called Cities Last Broadcast on Cryo Chamber.
this is one of my favourites
Does anyone else think the English language lacks a word for the feeling Halloween and October generally brings? "Horror" is too sharp of a word and "Comfy" isn't edgy enough. It's somewhere in between. It's like a comfort derived from being surrounded by implied horrific things. Like a sense of safety despite being in proximity to severe danger. The feeling of watching a vicious murder in a scary movie knowing the killer is confined to the screen. Or being in a house with the scary woods visible from outside the protection of the windows. Or at its most primitive level, sitting by a fire with the darkness of the unknown around you. Maybe I'm rambling and not making sense but I don't think there's a word that truly properly captures that feeling; a feeling I only get at this time of year and is so enjoyable for some reason.
They hated him, for he spoke the truth

Milky Ways are GOAT tier
Remember what they took from you
There's probably a German word for this. They have a word for everything.
more like milky gays
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The issue is that those are two conflicting ideas, that something is comfy and spooky at the same time. I would argue you are focusing too much on the Halloween aspect and should be focusing more on the fairy tale part of it to try and describe the season in a single word.
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A good example of this IMO is the skybox in Boos Big Haunt in SM64. What is out in those woods?
Those feel sort of close at least
I love the creepy innawoods feeling.
>nice. what do you call the genre, anyway? like midwife, etc.
I call it ambient folk, but I'm not sure if that's a "real" genre. Love Midwife too, similar sort of thing. Things I'd also call ambient folk are Sea Oleana, Tiny Vipers, Ichiko Aoba, Roy Montgomery, O'Dwyer, Inca Ore; very Autumnal and sad, yet comfy.
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Just wrapped Ghost Hound. I quite enjoyed it. Definitely a slow burn that won't appeal to everyone. It's not as overtly horror as stuff like Dark Gathering, Mieruko-chan, or anything Ito Junji, nor is it a violent psychological mindfuck in the vein of Higurashi. I'd compare it to Shiki in terms of pacing, though plot-wise they have nothing to do with each other.
The ending felt somewhat rushed, but I was still left satisfied. Miyako a cute, Taro did well for himself. Also Reika is hot as fuck, goddamn.

Solid 7/10, thank you again to the anon who recommended it. If you're into horror anime and you don't mind a slow burn drama with a cozy rural Japan atmosphere, astral projection, and a lot of info-dumping related to neurology and its potential relationship to a hidden spirit world, I recommend it as well.
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R8 my setup
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The minimalism is kewl. As long as it doesn't stink like a litter box in there, it's not bad.
please tell me, what is cato's name?
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3 cats. From top to bottom, youngest to oldest
Holy cute! I love the big fluffy fuck at the top. She looks very soft.
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sweet precious angels. I love them all.
Lucy looks very dignified. I bet she has much wisdom in that tiny head.
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Can you at least come up with SOMETHING besides "two witches do X"? This shit got old four threads ago. Leave it to AI-shitters to display zero creativity even when given a tool that could make a million things.
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selected ambient works ii, coil (esp music to play in the dark), quake soundtrack, geogaddi, savage young taterbug
I think he's "special," and witches are his "special" interest. Better to just ignore him.
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That's better.
I think the best compliment I could give hailuo AI is that it's truly dream-like in how nonsensical it is. Maybe autismanon will use an AI to make better prompts.
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The one's in the foreground are from w years ago. The one's being used as stools for the old ones are from 1 year ago and yeah, all the new ones are a tad bit smaller. Instead of lids, they just molded little hats into the handle and they're not very easy to carry if you're an adult, and they mixed up the names in a weird way. They have 3 faces instead of 1, though, which is cool.
I might one of these days. I got a lot of chores to catch up on.
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These kinda really suck brother...
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He's just gonna post them regardless. Best just ignore the special needs nigga.
While these are Halloween albums, they're definitely not spooky, so very few people will appreciate them (even if they were spooky, probably):
The fact the most won't understand the lyrics may hinder enjoyment somewhat as well... maybe. Tho the second album doesn't have vocals.
Also, I mentioned them last year, but there's a group/band called "Zutto Mayonaka de ii Noni" (meaning "I wish it was midnight all the time"), or Zutomayo, for short, that have pretty cool vibes, and I thought at least the name would resonate with folks here.
Anyways, this is their latest song, that while not explicitly Halloween themed, it has a zombie, so at least horror adjacent or something like this:
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Kot seems to be wondering how to get on the window sill without disturbing candles. If you're going to leave the shades open, the kot needs to be in the window to warn you of any paranormal creatures that might approach and try to spy on you.

Looks comfy other than that.
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Y'know, Niggerman wasn't originally Lovecraft's cat. People love to reference his cat as an example of his virulent racism, but Niggerman was actually his fathers cat originally, and it was his father that gave him his name. I'm not sure his name was ever meant to be in reference to black people in the first place, it might have been the case that he was just a black cat. Back then "nigger", "negro", and "black" were pretty much equivalent terms that didn't carry any cultural baggage, much like how the word negro is still used in south America today. Lovecraft probably wouldn't name a cat after something he saw as contemptable in the first place, as he admired cats more than he admired most people, including the "white" ones.
You haven't read all of his letters then. He has been very outspoken on how much he laments the export of Africans.
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Anybody who bitches about muh racist lovecraft are the same people to bitch about the author of Harry Potter being problematic. I just don't give a shit about their opinions on the matter.
It would be too hideous if they knew that the one-time heiress of Riverside—the accursed gorgon or lamia whose hateful crinkly coil of serpent-hair must even now be brooding and twining vampirically around an artist’s skeleton in a lime-packed grave beneath a charred foundation—was faintly, subtly, yet to the eyes of genius unmistakably the scion of Zimbabwe’s most primal grovellers. No wonder she owned a link with that old witch-woman Sophonisba—for, though in deceitfully slight proportion, Marceline was a negress
Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't matter. Lovecraft was based.
You have to realise that the cosmic horror element stems from two sources. First, it is an imprint in the collective unconscious as to how animals view humans who come to their habitats, and second, it is a reflection of the way white people felt when black people first came.

Miscegenation is what we all crave, but when it gets wrapped up in the monogamous dogmas, it becomes a horror. The true sex is tribal and interracial, but monogamous people have this bizarre purity trip where we try to feel disgust at everything other than angels dancing on the head of a pin. Especially the notion that our lover could possibly be one of *those* people.
Yeah, foreign bodies bring conflict and chaos. This has always been a thing in nature.
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A classic I've been listening to for as long as I can remember
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I said:
>Lovecraft probably wouldn't name a cat after something he saw as contemptable in the first place
Hello? Can you people even read? Where are you getting the idea that I'm somehow whitewashing your heckin' basederino racism author? Even if you agree with his racism, it's obvious that it stemmed from more neurotic places within his mind than a simple factual understanding of the low state of niggardry. You obviously don't appreciate him as much more than an owned cultural object in your obnoxious political sports game, so in spirit? You're all niggers. Truly.
Jesus shut the fuck up you autist, you're worse than that one Tolkien cocksucker on /v/
you sure... this sawain is the first one that will feel like the age of aquarius
Saturn rules this age and he just took away all the crops in the southern colonies with that hurricane and the rest of the farms are in so much debt and the slaves dont want to work anymore
autistic retard
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Am I supposed to know who that is? Why do you? kek
>y-you post on other boards??? N-NANI??????
dumb bastard
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You're on the chans often enough to be aware of specific posters from multiple boards. You've just got no room to call anyone else autistic is all. Did I hurt you somehow? Listen, I'm so very sorry that I took your funny little nigger-cat meme and added a little nuance to the conversation surrounding it, but I'm sure you'll survive.

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