What ARE the stars really. I think they're definitely spiritually significant but idk what they are.
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>>38946537They are not glowing balls of plasma, but projections of our collective psyche. In a broader view, the Universe is much smaller and more malleable than it seems.
>>38946537Extradimensional beings that exert a pull on everything around them. We call it "gravity" but it is their very intentionality that pulls their satellites around!
>>38946537They're balls of sentient plasma.
>>38946857yep. and they're working on light polluting them into oblivion until we forget they existed in the first place.
Hydrogen, mostly
>>38946537>but idk what they are.They are spirit-beings. Sun and moon and rainbows also. They're alive.
>>38946537>What ARE the stars really.big balls of gas. >>38947476can you please stop trying to convert people to judaism, thanks.
>>38947481Don't tell the Jews what to do. Big goyim moment.
>>38947487i can and i will, israels days are numbered.
>>38946559>Stars are the result of a massive energy releaseWhat is this energy and where does it come from?
>>38946537balls of gas burning billions of miles away
>>38946857nah, this world is the projection, FROM the stars.
>>38946537A visualization of the Collective Unconscious.
>>38946537Hollow earth speculators are somewhat right, the actual world is pure light, the stars in the sky are pinholes where you can see out from our world which is inside their world astral beings, made of light.
>>38946537I heard last night in a dream that stars have hate within them. The purest white stars don't have any hate, but stars like our sun have hate within them. They feel the hatred of people on the earth and some of that hate goes inside the star. I felt as if I could exist without hate within myself, and that would make the star have less hate within it, and so too would humanity have less hate within itself. I saw streams of starlight as if it were subtle material, and I felt myself transported through alternate timelines of different starlight streams of consciousness coming to the earth, and I felt like I had traveled an extremely long distance incredibly fast, and ended up very close to where I had started. It was a beautiful dream. Then I heard Uriel speaking to me and he was listening to me express my issues within myself, and I felt like this was unburdening my soul about its worries of the earth. It felt like I could love more freely, and the hatred within my heart and the feeling of that hatred from reality was lessened, and the darkness became brighter within me and I could see the etheric streams of starlight suffusing my soul.I somewhat think stars themselves are people, and they project versions of themselves into physical reality to live as life forms. I saw myself wrapped in a blanket of plasma and brought close to a star, and I saw the light and plasma it projected forming into spirals of genetic sequences.Stars and galaxies are creators of life and each one has an ecosystem of expression. Constellations are molecular formations of photonic geometry, and galaxies are dimensional realms of existence where spirits can evolve their material forms and consciousness.I was traveling on a pleiadian space ship to a reptilian world, and out of one window I saw stars as if they were complete galaxies, and the other window they were normal stars.
>>38946537... Are you kidding?Our solar system, and everything in it, is made out of cosmic dust from exploded stars. Every atom of it. Stars are the foundry of the universe. They make heavy elements our of simple atoms. They are gravitational giants that burn up hydrogen and helium for untold amounts of time to produce bigger atoms through fusion. And they give off all kinds of radiation as a byproduct.