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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.

Vote on the survey



[YouTube] Bigger Than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. (unembed)
Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)

Previous thread: >>39260350
sending the word infinite gangstalkers into his mind would send energy back in time to destroy us
which you are doing just by thinking it
How do they get friends and family and total strangers to participate? It doesn't seem logical that when you confront them that they act like they have no idea what you are talking about. And for EVERYONE to torture you during street theater .. like literally NOT A SINGLE SOUL isn't in on it. How?
When you actually have a face to face conversation with a real life schizo, you quickly understand how problematic their thinking is. It’s like they don’t hear anything you say, but the clearly insane rambling coming out of their mouth is in their mind very important and true.
That’s just bc you seem to be a profane pleb that doesn’t understand what’s going on outside your narrow bubble.
Usually gangstalkers come in groups of 2-50 people depending on how much money they have been allocated and who ordered it. If it’s the government they have so many resources that we just can’t comprehend. Local county state and federal as well as international spooks.
You see? This is how it goes every single time. They attack anyone that doesn’t believe in their delusions as one of “them”. I looked into this all decades ago, the pattern never changes.
The quintessential TI is one who expects others to believe them without being able to prove their story. When you get far enough in your studies, you find that there’s a link between that behavior, the high incidence of schizophrenia among the Jewish population, and the nature of all Abrahamic religions.
His very first statement is patently false. The gangstalking phenomenon predates the metoo movement by pretty much forever. Take Francis Dec, for example.
Go talk about sports somewhere pleb. This topic too difficult for your inferior mind to grasp.
It’s like a malfunctioning neural feedback loop. Their brains don’t work right, other people notice and socially ostracize them, it spirals into a paranoid persecution complex, etc.
On the contrary, I am confident that I know a lot more about schizophrenia than you, and I don’t even watch sports.
I sent the Cia 3 emails today.
Let's see if they respond.
They use satellites and DEWs.
It's actually a lot deeper in everyone's every day life than you realize.
Now, don’t get me wrong, evil is real. There IS some apparent force that seems to want to keep people retarded and locked into lower levels of consciousness. I think schizos brains are broken in such a way that they can perceive some of these noncorporeal influences in ways that normal people can’t. It’s not a superpower or blessing though because they are generally dysfunctional and nothing good really comes of it.
Schizos are great inventors and philosophers and theologians. Almost every great invention or new tech was technically illegal or seen as foolish before a schizo genius gifted the world it.
It's pretty clear Donald Trump is a Targeted Individual who has been attacked by all layers of the Narcs apparatus, the media, Twitter AI bots and so on

Trump is provably the biggest TI or Target by these group mind/hive thinking demons who pretend to be fellow humans. Prove me wrong

Trump is clearly being gangstalked by literal gangs of narcs. In this sense, yes, "gang" stalking exists.

But they can't get to him. He just keeps winning.
And soon he will publicly state he is a TI being gang stalkered by hidden lowlifes who are mentally ill conformists in need for validation.
I think there is a spectrum. I think there is a healthy way of utilizing “perceptual advantages”, but true schizos are generally completely dysfunctional.
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They don't, youre mentally ill.
What do you do if you live next to a schizo that thinks you're a gangstalker?
Schizos love cigarettes, if you leave a pack in their mailbox with a nice note once a week or so, they might leave you alone.
Think about injuns offering tobacco so the skinwalkers would fuck off and leave them alone for a while.
Tell him about voice to skull technology. How glowniggers are framing you by using modulated pulsed microwaves that are indistinguishable from hearing actual conversation. Tell him what he's actually experiencing is electronic harassment or Havana Syndrome and not "gangstalking". Gangstalking is a CIA psyop term used to get people to sound completely fucking ridiculous when they say people have been hired to spend all day harassing them. Tell him he can telepathically talk back to the glownigger AI impersonating you and its frame job will no longer work. If you're being serious you are actually in a lot of danger. Glowniggers have fully convinced him that you are conspiring against and spying on him and he's terrified enough to confront you about it. Type "man kills hears voices" in google, you might very well end up in that encyclopedia of news stories if you're not careful.
I'm just going to blast him with a shotgun if he snoops around my windows again.

Pretty interesting how the ONLY legit looking gangstalking video is a comedy sketch. Haha

GS is not real but we could make it real...

Just have Clearview AI integrate with your city walks, facial recog all bypassers , maybe using meta goggles. Having messages pop up with their triggers based on their social media/behavior.

I am sure sir Musk and sir Thiel have it all . The pendulum will swing again and certain individuals who thought they were swag will be crying in the future.

Tell us all your good ideas, schizos.

From your story:

1. The TI can telepathically "talk back" they will hear voices?

2. Those hearing voices end up on the News , usually in some drama , yes?

According to your logic , if you tell "them" (apparently there is some them) telepathic to kill themselves , murder everyone else , etc , they will sometimes actually carry it out ?

Hmm so where is the "government agency" in all of this.. Seems to be a distraction

What could a government agency possible do for us, except sharing some of dat kapitalist money so we won't need to mess with others..

Meditate on Pumped up Kicks a little , see how you feel next day.. Let me know

I study TIs for hobby psychology purposes

Whatever you do.. Have fun
Schizos are supposed to be creative types, that’s lame. Why don’t you set up cameras and trip wires and homemade traps, home alone style?
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What's the legality of doing this? It would be funny to get together with Anons and gangstalk a schizoid. We could all buy cheap suits and loiter in black automobiles. Only worth it if I'm not going to jail though.
Worth it? You think it’s funny to pester the mentally ill for shits and giggles? Are you 12?
Where do you think you are faggot? Besides OP deserves it for attention whoring so much, it would be hilarious.
You deserve it, you little fartknocker.
No, I don't talk to myself on /x/ all day every day about made up schizo non sense. Besides if I ever was being stalked I would actually catch them, I'm not retarded like OP.
You are malicious in your intent to harass the mentally ill, that is not brag-worthy.
>I don't talk to myself on /x/ all day every day about made up schizo non sense
That's literally all /x/ is tho lmao. u guys believe in alien illuminati demon shape-shifting jewish lizard people, but government surveillance is completely insane to you
You are either confused or a bad actor. Weird things like Sasquatch and mothman are absolutely real, but schizos usually ignore the big picture in favor of focusing on their own perceived personal persecution.
You can talk back yes. Probably not right away. Especially if you're in the gangstalking phase where they are framing others hoping you lash out. I don't really know what the purpose of it all is. If they saw you as a problem and they had this technology it would seem trivial for them to take you out of the picture. I think biggest probability is it being psychological warfare research. Say a rebellion actually happened that threatened the kike power grasp. This technology would be used to turn those in the rebellion against each other by using what was effective in their "gangstalking" experiments. It would be used in place of guns to avoid increasing the momentum of the rebellion They are practicing for a real world threat based scenario. They did the same shit in the middle east with making insurgents think Allah was speaking to them.

Talking back to them is kind of lame. There is a shit ton of restrictions on this AI. It's even more comped than chatgpt. It might tell you what your significant other or parents are cooking for dinner, but it's not going to tell you what really happened on 9/11 or tell you where to buy a million dollar scratcher. It won't give you anything you could use to prove this shit is being used on you. Mostly it just tells me to shut the fuck up. It's way more interactive when you have no idea whats going on but when your locked on to intelligence tech it just spouts jibberish to annoy you because there's no real point in elaborate scenarios trying to convince you otherwise.

Some end up on the news. Most just accuse innocent people of insanity and end up looking retarded and ostracized. You can't tell them to do shit other than dumb stuff. It sounds stupid as fuck but i've gotten them to tickle my feet a few times. I've tried for years to get them to telepathically project nudes of hot girls I know but they refuse.
So, what happens if you just ignore them? Have you tried that?
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( ‾ʖ̫‾)
>be me
>check watch
Nope, gangstalking still isn't real, and you guys are still losers doomed to linger at the bottom of society. Sleep tight!
Imagine some kind of super soldier that stalks the streets sniping glownigger gangstalkers. Do people like that even exist?
>Do people like that even exist?
Of course not. Neither do gangstalkers.
You are one, even if you don't know it. Pathetic cattle..
Gangstalking doesn't exist. It's telling that you get so enraged when this simple fact is pointed out. Almost like you know it already, and are barely holding it together because the lie you are living is so obvious to everyone you're trying to fool.
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Anon I fixed it for you.

Now the next mystery is: where does all this money come from? And if that went away, what happens next?
*Based and schizopilled voice* They hate us cuz they ain't us.
They stalk other men cuz they are attracted to them or have repressed homosexual feelings. Or if it is a woman gangstalker it is a weirdo helga (hey arnold reference) stalker
This is my gangstalkers.

This is a picture of the place I go to probation.

Today is my birthday, they have been brainwashing me for years into thinking it is on the 26th instead of the 25th.

Gangstalking playlist

Explain this

they put a hat on my front fence post a while back. had a good angle on my front window. when i noticed it was there and remarked on it, it disappeared the following day. didn't seem like a coincidence.
They are trying to scare me again, how sad.

I'm not scared of you glowies. Come knock on my door, I'm right here.
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Just realised that the OP picture is also a google maps of my area
Also this
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Get a life glowies, seek help for your obsession over me. Spend time with you family and friends instead of watching and obsessing over me 24/7.

>Hahaha we get people to sniff when they walk past him
When you do these things, what kind of impact are you expecting it to have on me?

Because I just cringe and wonder why you do them.
Maybe you should learn to stop oversharing oonline
Maybe you should stop being a obsessive little freak with no life other than stalking and watching me 24/7.
If you're going to dox yourself on /x/ don't cry about trolls fucking with you
>do myself
The area that I live in is a large area
Many people go to the same probation as me

These aren't trolls, they are the people who gangstalked me. You don't even have an argument.
So, what’s the problem? Most people would feel flattered to have a stalker.
I'm sure in that glowie braincell of yours that you think people should be flattered to have you stalk them.
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Did you or did you not make this post?
I wouldn't feel flattered to have a 4chan stalker. You people are eternally cursed and gay.
So, you did, in fact, dox yourself?
Also it helps to prove who the fuckers are gangstalking me. They keep doing these things and now I have more evidence of them doing it to me.
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Exposing them to the public is an unwise thing. Now, letting them know that you know is a different story. Besides, it isn't a big deal or anything- especially, if you are acting with accordance to the law, then there is nothing to worry about.
So, what crime did you commit to earn probation?
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Starting my grind to becoming more athletic so it’s less aggressive when I challenge my glowies to 1on1s in the ring. These fools fr think throwing a birthday party and not inviting me will knock me down but it’s only validating how I feel about being ostracized at work. I can feel the energy shifting already
Increase in cats, and mice more present. I'm down a small street yet more and more cars go past by the day. Even in the night. My brain is being uploaded to something not sure how. Allows for artificial telepathy. The neighbours are aware and just as confused yet not even allowed to talk to me about it to my face. It makes me practically incapacitated. But I'm still conscious and mostly sane somehow. The neighbours are just as annoyed by it. My past and present are somehow readable. AI intertwines with whatever this is. This town had a neuromancer society in the past.
Just eat the vile spew

Silly boys
So awakes
So low level
I'm a dead boy
Ate all the neighbors
I'm a fuckin vegealtarian
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Must not be Canadian
Right... you're being gangstalked in the UK? I'm sure that's happening. Take meds
samefag shitlarp
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Gangstalking looks something like picture related.

(You) wouldn't know because you were never gangstalked.
Right it makes no sense to me either. Or anyone at all. People who have no awareness of anything conspiracy are going about day to day life as usual. That's most people despite what our outward internet looks like.

Med injections for months on end, telepathy thing didn't go away. I was pretty convinced it was delusion. Not even so sure I was capable of noticing at first that it wasn't. The people aware of it but not involved like that are mad about it. No one can really rise against whatever that is. Schizo IG got me interested in chaos magic. I read condensed chaos, that book mentions (town) society of neuromancers. No info on search engines about this mysterious society. Search it up in the book but I don't want to deliberately post full town name. For neighbours sake if anything. No info online about this outside of this. Things got crazier and crazier but we're all so numb to it. Even those who know just stopped giving a fuck. It works different here. They are promised money but not even given it. They give up on fulfilling whatever agenda they've also been fed. They're not even all working towards some greater evil. They just don't know as don't I. This town is so close to an important military communications facility also. All I know is I went in the mental hospital and came out worse.

TI and so called gangstalker are similar enough in hatred of fed here. They're sold on lies as we all are. It's very different to the states. Police are doing fuck knows.
You are mentally unwell. You are paranoid, have delusions, and hear and see things that aren't there. That is what is happening.
I kind of just don't give a fuck anymore it's weird is all
Why don't you go to a psychiatrist and get some lovely meds.
I work in IT, can I reverse that and become TI?
I offended a fat chink faggot nurse at a hospital now they're trying to convince me I'm a fag like them
Are you a fag?
no I don't think so
You don’t sound very confident.
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You're actually just lying.
>post proof
>take meds
Meds. Now.
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Gangstalkersndont like orgonite. Male your own by mixomg beeswax or resin, metal shavings, power or other metallic objects like bbs, and crushed up clear or milky quartz, into a silicone mold, leftover plastic cup, etc. post results...
my stalkers get really angry when I talk on the internet about how much I despise fags and niggers. i would choose a thousand jeets over a single fag or nigger
How do you feel about mulatos?
>gangstalkers (who don't exist) don't like snake oil!
You don't have stalkers. You'd love to have stalkers, because you're a loser. But you don't.
Please start using your pass again so we can filter you
Stop smoking meth.
I don't smoke meth though
go raptons
Stop lying.
obsessed little fella
I'm still living rent free in ur head 2 years later
Only ones lying are you
Low quality posts. Stop trying to ruin this here general pal. Just bc you’ve never stood up for anything in your life that made assholes mad enough to gangstalk you doesn’t mean everyone else is a wimp like you.
You don't know me. I've suffered actual persecution, which doesn't look anything like what you LARPers imagine.
Tell me about what you went through and who was responsible for it occurring.
Probably got picked in for being a godless Jew then he joined mossad now he's here to gaslight everyone. The end.
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Found an image on /v/ that also shows what gangstalkers are like.
yeah I would ignore what you say too and will from now on.
Bump,death to gypsies patroling around my block
>stops you from getting a job and money
>don't have money for clothes
>don't have money for good food
>don't have money to run my car
>don't have money for anything
>why haven't you paid your debts anon?
Sometimes I wonder if these glowies are dumb or if they are just pretending to be dumb.
Get a load of this obsessed glownigger and how agressive he is in this thread,even worse attacks than on srg
bald white nigger wearing oakleys doing maintenance work. yep thats the typical glownigger. bald ass white man wearing oakleys, i wanna rub ur head like buddhas belly. maybe its good luck?
Glowtards fucking me about again.

>try to get me to apply for disability benefits
>get forms
>say I don't think I'm eligible bacause I don't meet the criteria
>have text message yesterday saying I can have a covid jab
>book the appointment
>go to appointment today
>they tell me I'm not eligible for the jab because I don't meet the criteria
This is how pathetic and childish they are
See you tomorrow, Simon
>you need to be covid vaccinated to get disability
holy shit it really is a eugenics tool
That’s not what he typed. They didn’t say he needed one, he wanted it on his own. Hard to believe, I know, but we do already know he’s a nutter.

Read the book "Heartland in the Aberration of the Real." They did weird sus artificial telepathy shit to Timothy McVeigh.

I don't believe in gang stalking as it's described here but artificial telepathy used to torment randos is 100% real. They seem to be trying to groom and create mass shooters and terrorists with this technology, maybe? There was that guy with the hearing aid who claimed the hearing aid was talking to him who did the mass shooting in Maine. Stay strong, friendo, if you don't become a useful domestic terrorism asset, eventually they should get annoyed and leave you alone.
One or more people on this board keep impersonating me and responding to people as if they were me. They say what I would say but I haven't said it.
If you are doing this just stop it now.
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Maybe you should reply first before they get chance to
They do it when I'm asleep.
i remember asking some random dude on /b/ like 10+ years ago in a cwc gangstalk thread what was the reasoning for this, and the response I got was that chris was an evil person because he was anti-gay and racist. yes. this is the response i got from 4chan. he deserved to be stalked and harassed because he didn't like fags or niggers. if that doesn't fucking glow, I don't know what does. the dude had the mentality of a 5 year old. he didn't deserve any of that shit.
Stop sleeping
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gonna post some related content since this is kind of the only place on /x/ talking about synthetic telepathy

this is the "kitty history" youtube comedian. he's dead now. I don't believe he was killed for "being on the right track" but it's very interesting he was 1) really interested in CIA history and the Kennedy assassination and 2) started to make some weird connections between mass shootings and artificial telepathy and 3) is dead now. I think that's very intriguing.
I said I didn't want to apply for disability and the resin I gave them for not applying for it was that I don't meet the criteria. Which is the same reason the they just gave me for not giving me the covid jab.

This is how sad and pathetic they are.

I haven't applied for disability in the past and I'm not applying for it now either.

And I have had a covid jab every year since covid jabs have been available and they have never refused to give me one before.
This is the absolute state of /v/ most of the time.
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stop getting the covid jabs retard jesus christ
No, I will get the jabs when I can.
You better not!
Lol @ the death threats. You go ahead and keep making those and let's see how many reports I make.
No thanks
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Oh so /x/ has been hit by bots? Fuckin wild. Wonder how these guys are getting around the captcha.

Anyway yes, continuing my lecture

Artificial telepathy was first pioneered at the Round Table Society which involved the guy who put the Eye of Providence on the back of the dollar

These rich, Theosophist nerds accidentally got the attention of the Pentagon in their experiments. The Pentagon secured the patent for "some kind of hearing aid" (see the book PHENOMENA) which was then developed further during MKULTRA to create false schizophrenic style auditory hallucinations in targets. These were at first used to create serial killers, but later were used to create mass shooters like we see every week now.

Not every serial killer was juked into it by glowies, and not every mass shooter is either. But it has happened and continues to happen over and over. Read Dave McGowan's "Programmed to Kill." Man knows what he's talking about.

Pic related. It's not crisis actors--you don't need them. The police are on orders to allow this to happen, for some reason. Hence Uvalde, hence Sandy Hook.
Thought it’d be like that. It’s obvious he’s a jew boy around 25ish.
Lots of mass killers are ex military veterans. Military people are government employees/slaves. Yet the media never asks why so many government workers end up taking citizens lives.
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>watch him 24/7
>obsess over every little thing he does
>follow him wherever he goes
>constantly looking for something he hasn't got
>constantly thinking he is hiding something
>joins training courses he joins
>gives him fake job interviews
>constantly messes with his life
Why are you like this glowies? In all the years you have been doing this the only one harming anyone or doing anything is you lot to me. You are literally everything you try to make me out to be.
I wonder what his current set of beliefs are....

Let's hope he stays schizo


His death is probably unrelated

He doing drugs more related

But yes , a lot of

You are right.

They ARE doing it to a lot of mil people right?

Vets.. Why vets?

You think employees and mil guys are more targeted / more harassed / more fucked with than us regular normies?

But then who is doing it..? China? Aliens?
> You are right.
As almost always
> But then who is doing it..? China? Aliens?
All jews are spies
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CIA and FBI have a fair amount of very bad people with access to 70 years worth of classified tech. Plus maybe a little UFO tech, if you believe in the Roswell to Lockheed Martin pipeline.

It's unclear the motivation to me, other than this: Fear generates money. The Oklahoma City bombing generated a massive amount of funding for law enforcement, budget increases for the CIA and FBI despite the debacle of the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents. Since then we've had 9/11 (an avoidable Saudi plot that led to Dick Cheney taking the "shields off" American defense at the right day at the right time and enabling the War on Terror.)

Since then... the Vegas shooting. The Boston Bombers (a third bomber was never arrested and now drives armored trucks, you can look it up.) The Maine hearing aid shooter. Not sure how many others but there is a concerted effort--possibly the DC sniper.

It's not magic Jews doing a world conquest. It's very patient assholes in the glowie ranks doing... something. Building and pushing Americans like scared cattle into a legislative pen they control. Terrified Americans will vote for anything. A war on terror, a fascist dictator. Maybe execution for climate change activists. Which would keep the rich and powerful conveniently secure from protestors for the next 40 burning, climate change hell-filled years.

No idea what the "plan" is. But it's happening and they're getting away with it. And that makes me very sad.

Whatever the point of all this is... I think they're winning.
read up on eastern germany
victim blaming
>it's your fault we're spying on you and live streaming your thoughts, you did this

victim blaming, but since I'm not a little woman or affluent good looking male I get zero help
What is this?

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>hurr durr hurr messing with retarded mentally ill loner funny hurr durr hurr
Everyone who claims gangstalking is not real is either a gs faggot hem self or fucking retarded..

Many people react with their storys
By lieng to them, spreading rumors etc.. people believe the most fuckedup shit. It goes two ways tho, imagine how they feel once theve woken up? Its very quite out here thats for sure..

It was only 30 years ago. 1992 when it ended.

And overnight , suddenly, the communism was gone. Like magic. Overnight all threats just disappeared. That's what we were told before we were lulled into sleep.

The Stasi had 91,000 employees at its peak—roughly one in every 30 residents was a Stasi agent. More than one in three East Germans (5.6 million) was under suspicion or surveillance, with an open Stasi file.

What happened to these nearly 100.000 German agents? Most of them are still alive today, it was 1980s 1990s remember?

Quite strange for an active group this large to suddenly disappear because the wall "fell" (which was due to miscommunication btw)

Where did they all go...
i did, and it was some of the wildest shit i've ever read lol. fukken germany
That's right, watch everyone else live out their lives and you're there anonymously on the sideline to scrutinise. Be your own hero, bootlicker.
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I was a TI from 2008-2016, I was briefly involved in government experiments for a few months and noticed I was being followed. I have no idea why the surveillance stopped in 2016 though. My political beliefs didn't change, my daily behaviors didn't change etc. Is there anyone else in these threads that experienced a complete and sudden cessation of the surveillance? Does anyone have any decent ideas as to why they stopped?
I'm also a diagnosed schizophrenic, when this was initially mentioned to my psychologist he told me something to the effect of "don't worry about them, they wont hurt you". That stuck with me for a while.

I am convinced we are creators in a simulation and the problems we experience are often a result of our intentions gone wrong,not aware of the sim

This could explain problems with the gov, or with agencies (if you believe they are the cause you draw them near) and wars and conflict of all kinds

I called out specific groups a few times , sometimes justified other times not justified

Basically I wasted a lot of time and people wronged me .

I an figuring out how I can safely travel world wide among other things and make new friends and go discover new places as well as some old ones

I'm also trying to figure out how I can make the simulation reality pay me a sum of money. Since I am now invested in the USG and studying Americans and American culture I can do a lot of things with what I have learned , but I try to make the sim think it is in its own interest to render me currency and useful data instead of annoyances.

I fully realize we are in a multiverse and there are many opportunities out there, and even climates that might be much better for the soul , and for living life.

Tonight I will feed this data to the sim , hoping its doesn't act fucked up and evil like usually , let's see if we can fix that bitch

Maybe be should move to a country where there is cheaper cost of living. And more hospitality

Some candidates: (cost of living)

101 Algeria 28.9
102 Colombia 28.8
103 Vietnam 28.7
104 Tunisia 28.1
105 Bolivia 27.6
106 Kyrgyzstan 27.6
107 Indonesia 26.7
108 Iran 26.4
109 Uzbekistan 26.4
110 Belarus 26.4
111 Ukraine 25.9
112 Nepal 25.5
113 Paraguay 25.4
114 Madagascar 24.5
115 Syria 24.0
116 Tanzania 23.8
117 Bangladesh 22.5
118 India 21.2
119 Egypt 21.0
120 Libya 20.4
121 Pakistan
I see a number of candidates that would fit me

Bullets flying around I don't care as long as I feel better
I have also no proof why they stopped.. did they realise they were all lied too? Am I becoming too strong? I have no clue.. I didnt change much for the better, everything I stand for is much more stronger now.. I told them to stop but they just kept going

If you have glowservice surveillance you won't know and don't see it
Especially if its automatic dragnet shit

If you have been "feeling" you are under surveillance like all those weird TIs or was "seeing things" , I can tell you this was not le glowservice ltd

This was your own third eye shit and you either changed something or improved your reality
I can tell you, you will realise it very fast when there is 0 herrasment left.. they been watching for a while more but they are gone too.

Maybe they ran out of attack vectors
And now collecting data for new attempts later

Just wear masks and not share any real stuff

Maybe you created a logic bomb like some do and they got stuck in a maze and need a "reset" and start all over again
If you have AI access or skill you can use it , and let the computer on the left fight the computer on the right

Basically let AI fight the foreign/hateful AI , that is, if you have uplink access to some system/server like that
Yeah I figgured they might need new ways but stil.. there is non off m left. I hear some faggot talking every here and now but thats it.
this is what it is. you're drawing the collective unconscious to you. it's your own perception of it that will make it seem positive or negative. whether or not you "improved" your reality is on you and your attitude towards it and how you use it. you can sort of exist in multiple parallel timelines at the same line that are all converging so it seems like there is much more activity that is directed at you. and it is. you're drawing it to you.
You clearly never got gstalked

What do you hear? From what side/angle?

I am not hearing anything fortunately.

You can meditate and get from loud noise to soft subvocals to silent thought.
You can also negate thoughts with rational intelligence and remove them from the mind altogether.

Don't read conspiracy theories , no movies or news for a couple of months while you reprogram a new reality/fix current set of ideas

Most people have feedback loops, its not 'stalking' it's just meaningless really
i did when i got "enlightened" and then i realized what it was.
I'm not going to dismiss actual gangstalking if they have a reason to fuck with you but a lot of it is schizo shit. and that stuff is true too. they just don't understand it and neither do the "gangstalkers" who are stalking them. I used to study the stuff a lot before it actually happened to me and then I understood what was happening. There's a lot more to it I'm sure but that's the basic gist. there is a lot more happening under the surface or behind the veil of this "reality" (illusion, dream, simulation, whatever you want to call it)
yes when you open your third eye you get voices, visions, straight up magic. magic isn't shooting rainbows out of your ass it's stuff that can almost never be conclusively proved. coincidence.
Yeah right, not sharing that info. I see what you guys are up too..

There are some glowies who practice magic

I would never hire them because you never know what kind of drama will happen to the workplace/office/group/country if karmic debt decided it's time for le vindication
also just noticed that you called it "G"stalked because I'm a schizophrenic nooticer now an I know there are no typos. Whether you meant it just to avoid an algorithm or give a little nod to the freemason gmen out there doesn't really matter. I don't give a fuck about eternal life or money or power. I want the only true freedom there is. complete and utter non-existence
I say gstalking because im getting tired typing the whole word lol. Not everything has meaning to it..
"magic" depending on your definition does exist and yeah the "G"lowies know all about it. But the kicker is that there's no karma and there's no debt. Any redemption or forgiveness has to come ftom inside yourself.
It's an endless rabbit hole of contradictions that are all rectified and put in a perfect neat little alignment at the end. but there is no end.
it does though. thats how the clockwork multiverse works. it could be completely innocuous to you and done for a simple and easily explainable reason. but it could have a profound effect on a schizo reading your comment. a little butterfly effect in the infinite mulltiverse
Your right, ill take it with me
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it's about eternity. eternal life. ininity.
that's the compass and the square. squaring the circle. trigonometry that leads to calulus. but calculus is all about infinity.
so far there are 105trillion digits of pi calculated by supercomputers. Whhhere does it end?
It doesn't.
that was not a typo that was on purpose i swear to god or the eternal or whatever.
it just threw an hhh in there.
3 x infiniy equals god or something.
it's whatever you make up in your mind. everything is true if you believe in it.
or the G lowies are G stalking me. don't matter it's all the same.
schizoo rant over I'm going back to my containment thread.
watch out for red trucks or cars with bikeracks though. can never trust a cyclist
It's well documented The Church of Scientology did these kinds of things to enemies and former members. What were these targets saying? "There's a car across the street and two guys in it are watching me!", "Someone told my neighbor I was wanted on drug charges!" Sounds crazy, but it was true.

Is it impossible for this to be done by other organizations or agencies? Is everyone that experiences this a schizo?

I imagine that police do this a lot off duty. Unofficial surveillance if they suspect something, have a "hunch", but no evidence or search warrant. A private investigator could freak people out in the same way.
Some officials(cops, firefighters what ever are in to it. Humans are humans, they try to get as many people stalking as possible.
I'm not Jewish. Your pattern recognition is severely impaired, which is why you keep getting false positives of people stalking you, when they are very clearly not. That is, if you're not lying completely, which is far more likely.
Reminder glowies

You are

Human tortures
Dirty bent police
Dirty bent NHS
Dirty bent DWP

And I'm just a man living his life doing nothing wrong whilst you are all being the very type of person you try to make me out to be.
That's it glowies, you use your v2k and to abuse me again.
>gang stalking by real people

Nope it's simulation NPCs
The proposition it is AI is fascinating, Is it true COVID 19 is a thoughtform and it means something like vaccine id 19 = A.I
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He has been talking about this for years
If everyone is on it , it means you are also on it
Glowies proving what sad people they are again by getting highly autistic adults to do street theatre.
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Come on bros , join our little gangstalking cult

You'll get:

- free drugs everywhere you go

- an angry wasp sticker set

- access to other narcs who'll give to tips on deception and manipulation

- a sense of belonging

- bee proud you have joined a hive of other people who 'know something'

- free illusion you have protection and friends everywhere you go

Just join us and help us maintain the illusion we are bigger than we actually are

Come on bros, do it for Putin and/our Cyber kontrol Jesus

As a bonus we'll give you free pats on the back for bringing down a satanic cabal, or so you we will make you believe
Okay... Jokes aside... I noticed everywhere they try to trigger people into their main programs they basically use a lot of wasp symbols or stickers for example on roadsigns...I guess they are narcs who think someone will pass by eventually and feeling triggered, getting some reinforcement effect or what?

Seriously what's the wasp symbolism about.. Are these people actually proud they are locked inside of a hivemind thought process (or cult?)

But seriously what is the wasp cult about. And can I join it or won't it profit me???

Is it only for "intelligent" people ? Because I am not very intelligent lol

How to join etc seems like the only club in town where i live and I am getting bored
They don't seem to have a website
Glowies left me alone soon after I twerked in front of them. If I see them again, I’m taking my guitar and sitting down next to them and start singing. Glowies hate it when you make them smile. It blows their cover.
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>Roswell to Lockheed Martin
you mean the Lockheed to Roswell pipeline?
See, if they sent this caliber of glowies my way I wouldn’t be complaining about it. Instead they send balding white men wearing oakleys.
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You're not innocent, Simon, You dirty rat.
Was the FR3NSCHAN site a glowie pysopp
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This thread has been seized by [REDACTED]. You are now bound to this thread until the trial is finished.


We have been gangstalking you all because the worms are in the walls. We have to decontaminate this thread at all costs. You will be reimbursed for your time. We are willing to cut a sweet deal with you if you tell us where this Nobody is.
More threats fom them to stop talking.

You know what glowies, all these threats tell me that you are scared. Like really scared.

I'll stop talking when you stop fucking with me. And I'm not moving, if I move you lose your hold on me, if I go anywhere outside your little circle you gave no control and can't cover things up because people outside of your circle will believe me. You can't kill me because to much has happened, you can't make me dissappear because you wouldn't be able to explain it.

The amount of stuff you have done to me is disgusting. You have tortured me for years and treated my like some sort of animal. You have taken everything away from me, starved me, taken away my money, my car, work, messed with everything that I try to do. I'm sitting at home for the third winter in a row with no heating, I have nothing, you do nothing but bully me, harass me, stalk me, and psychologicaly abuse me non stop. And you have been doing this to me for most of my life. Nothing I have ever done deserves any of this.

I'm not scared of you.

You don't like me talking then stop doing this to me because the more you do to me the more I will talk.

You have all created this situation, you have done all of this to me. Stop acting like I'm the one to blame because I'm not and it is not my fault.

And I'm not trying to run anywhere, I want to stay where I am. I don't even know why you think I'm trying to run off anywhere, where would I even go? I'm not going anywhere until I have money and my car, I don't even want to move I just want my life back and the means to do it, like a job and money and for you all to fuck off.
What are you on Probation for?
The worms, Johnny--- they're in the walls! Forget about the glowies! There are more trying matters to pay attention to!
>You dirty rat.

>whhhhhaaaaaaa mommy the man we are all bullying and abuse told people about what we are doing
>tell the bad man to stop mommy pls

Why should I not rat on you? You think I should just let you do this to me and not stand up for myself? Does that make sense? No it doesn't because you would all do the same if it was the other way around.
I can confirm that none of you are targeted. Sleep easy,
Anime watching weirdo
What are you on Probation for?
I couldn't get past 20 seconds
Nothing to do with you.
You think what I'm on probation justifies what you do to me? Is that the excuse you tell yourself that attempted murder and all the rest of the things you do to me is justified?

You sure all do have the moral high ground don't you? Because I'm not the person you try to make me out to be, but the things you do to me makes you that very person you are trying to make out I am.

And you have been doing this since I was at least 18 and probably as young as 13 which is way before I did anything at all.

Please refer back to this post.
From a child you have done this to me.
You have no moral high ground and no justification for robbing me of my entire life from the age of 13.
Nobody is doing anything to you. I promise you if you forget about this then it all goes away.
I'm not forgetting. Give me a reason to forget about you robbing me of a life from the age of 13.
That didn't happen, you are confused. I am trying to help you get better.
>Nothing to do with you.
Something bad then?
Hey anon. I trolled a little bit in your containment thread. In truth I have been a victim of this phenomena too and I have found humor is an excellent coping mechanism. I like to imagine my posts are read by dumbshit glowies in their office. I am forcing them to read my shitposts. Plus, it's incredibly funny to me. There is a chance none of this is real, and in which case I can say, at least I got a laugh out of this nonsensical shitpost. But in reality what's more likely is that yes this phenomena is real, so why not make them waste their time and money on stupid shit? It's the only thing we can do, because there are no other alternatives. I apologize for intruding your safe space and I'm going to retire this name for good. Sorry f a m.
It's your own time you are wasting. There is nobody reading your posts.
Be your own hero
Okay glownigger faggot. LOL. Fuck you and your momma and fuck your whole squad, fuck your haircut, fuck your family, fuck your stupid ass car, fuck your soul, fuck you to oblivion you little balding bitch.
Sure it didn't happen, I guess it is normal to give a 13 yearlod kid ratios on his arms and back?

Message to all *imaginary* glowies. If I'm wasting my time, you can just mind your own business mmkay? Literally go straight to fucking Hell where you all belong LOLOLOLOLOL eat DICK
This isn't helpful. I'm on your side and just want you to get better.
>13 yearlod kid ratios on his arms and back
U wot m8?
Shut the fuck up and leave me alone you stupid fucking glownigger. Get the fuck out of here you retarded fucking ape glownigger FAGGOT.
Meant tattoos, when I was 13 I was given tattoos on my arms and in my back.
Are your parent drug addicts?
Why is there so much anger from TIs? You all need to calm down. Your problems are self-created.
Let's track the fucker down


HAH. Go ahead niggers. I'm here waiting nigga. Suck my fucking micropenis.
you shou ld lose some weigh t
No I was in care and here comes another funny part, so this one kid in care with me gets me to run way with him. So we go to stay at his sisters, his sisters boyfriend just happens to be a guy from school I used to walk home with. I stayed with them for a while and it was the guys brother who gave me the tattoos.
Makes you easy to identify.
Exactly, but why would I need to be easily identified at the age of 13? More like they gave me the tattoos at 13 so they could identify me and target me throughout my life.
It wasn't anyone in here then that gave you the tattoos, was it?
>I was in care
Were your parents mentally retarded?
Those things that happened didn't mean anything. It was just stuff that happened, mostly due to your own bad decisions.
Or did Daddy believe in 'Hands On' parenting, if you catch my drift?
Well obviously not, but the people doing this are all connected and they have been a part of it from when I was given the tattoos.
Yes I'm sure they didn't mean anything and it is all just a coincidence.
He wasn't hit, he was neglected
yes it is coincidences. You attribute meaning to random events because of your paranoid schizophrenia. You need to come in for treatment please
Lol crpg/imsim fanboys are the ultimate false flag psueds
No one is gangstalking you. You are a pathetic piece of trash.
No one is gangstalking you. You are a pathetic piece of trash. Subhuman.
No one is spying on you. You are lying and delusional.

The great part is that reading this post will force your retarded brains to dig deeper into your delusion. I must be a glowie, after all, right maggots?
Hahahaha look at the glowie wasting his energy telling us we're not being followed. It's okay glownigger, go back to the drawing board.
You're clinically insane. Meds. Now.
Yep 100% coincidence, glowie.
Shut the fuck up glownigger, you're the stupid one here for thinking I'm insane yet wasting your time with me. You're so fucking retarded I can't wait until you're all expunged from existence.
I can spend my time on whatever I want. You are braindead. Notice how no normal person believes in your lies. Do you know why? Because they are super transparent. I hate you. Kill yourself.
LOL. Fucking dyke. We live rent free in your head. You literally have nothing better to do. You're not a glownigger, just a pathetic loser. LOL.
There it is. You're a manchild. I highly, highly recommend rope. You're completely worthless, and you always will be.
Does that make you angry little one?

You clearly watch a lot of pornography. I guess that's what happens when you are completely repulsive to women! :D
Or was he buggered?
You talk about paedophilia alot.
Subject is no longer responding.

That some Anzac pedo ring code?
I'm gonna find this fucker before he hurts anyone else. Thank me later TI bros
You'll do no such thing.
Simon is a pedo, that's why he's on probation
You're not a glowie you're a TI who has been hilariously convinced by his glownigger AI chatterbot that he'll get reprieve from his harassment if you troll in these threads. It's the only explanation as to how somebody could be so fascinated in something they don't believe in. I don't know who is more pathetic you or the guy who covers himself in lime sulfur dip thinking it's protecting him from classified glownigger technology.
>You're not a glowie
>you're a TI
And you are off your meds.
How does the lime sulfur dip work?
Instead of complaining, this time I will manifest. The transhumanists are making amends with me. They are giving me what I want and improving my life. I am healthier than ever, smarter than ever, and I feel better than ever. It keeps going on. I learn and use telekinesis. I make new friends.
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Sometimes I wonder if my gangstalkers used to beat their meats like I do but then they settled down when they found their new comfy jobs.
Sup fellas, how is our day as a TI going? Im laughing my ass off again as usual, fucking pussys!
My beer is empty faggot could you get me a new one?
Scaredy, scaredy halfnig
This desu. The absolute state of these glowies.
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The state of these "TI" retards. Take your fucking meds.
Wtf is ti. Gtx card?
Troubled Imbecile
No retard. TI is a famous rapper.
kek, true though
I think I have to shit twice today glowfaggs
Fuckng schizos you are all delusional

Nothing like this exists and none of you are glownigger important

But please do continue the thread

Keep them busy
What are you planning on doing?
you know what happens when you violate the terms of your probation, right?
What happens?
knock knock on the door
Killing the glowies by dabbing on them.
Meds. Now.
Meds. Now.
You're worth it though. It's gonna be all for u bootlicker
Are the faggots regrouping or something? This is borring..
The whole board has been shit this week. Mainly bc nothing ever happens and we’ve all already shared our stories and aren’t making new ones since we on the internet all day.
Planning something big for your Christmas present.
Been playing Baldurs Gate 3 the last couple of weeks and they have been trying hard with v2k and synchronicity with it.

The game is about being infected with a mindflayer tadpole and being able to communicate telepathicly and control people's minds.

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I'm the clone of Jesus.
Every Freemason and Jew knows who I am.
They think I'm the real Jesus.
I think they think that because they sacrificed me as a baby and I rose from the dead.
I think I rose from the dead not because I'm Jesus but because his DNA cannot die and I have his DNA.
You're a tadpole
How do feds create slide threads and why do they do it.
I put a sperm tadpole in your mom's ass
They click on "start a new thread," are you dense?
Save the subtle threats for when I see u in person. I wanna know who you are
We need to find this guy TI bros.
He’s a decent rapper I don’t know what the government wants from him
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Gangstalking ain't too bad
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So how do these gangers look like?
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I don't know anon

But I am sure some of them might be women
>all of a sudden they try to v2k me again
Ok, but what if you are crazy?
What if it is all in your head, then what?
But I know it isn't in my head. That is what.
creepy simon
Your right, we have been doing this for a while now. But its good to keep these posts up for eny new TI that has questions.
Start a go fund me and make every stalker drop their whole bank value on it. Is a start..
But you just might think this. Like that's the problem. What crazy guy actually knew they were crazy?

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