Why do individuals with 'gnosis' in a hermetic sense help others who do not? why do they not hoarde their power. Why go on /x/ at all.
>>39329903Their view of self and other is not compatible with such behavior.That's a very primitive, animalistic thinking. Even mere mundane empathy can up-end that one.
>>39329903Wisdom is to be shared man. With the disclaimer of "this shit is all about personal experience".
>>39329903Why would you own a lamp, one that is so fucking bright it can enlighten the entire world, and then hide it in the floor boards?
Existence itself becomes the consequence of a failure at the level of primary deity or deoform. There is no longer the separation of creator and created, as the created maintain within their own beings the timeless echo of the fundamental error of the creator, and that through time and steady psycho-spiritual evolution, each being must through enlightenment and transformation heal the error in its own being, and that the creator depends on each being to complete its own healing so that in time, it too can be healed and the separateness of this universe be resolved not just for any being, but all beings, until the apparent rift has been resolved in some far future. . .
>>39330658the feds can get you.
When you found something cool on the playground, were you that lame kid who didn't tell anyone the secret?
>>39330720I would share it with my freinds yes, not the kids that didnt give a fuck about me.
>>39329903Talking about your magic without proper grounding allow the egregor of the medium to contaminate the energy of the of spellcaster. That's why every attempt to talk about magic on this board always goes up in flames.
Dear Claudia,Can I rattle on some more at you? Especially since the big blue cat we got ran away as soon as we let him out? Thank you.I hope you had a nice Complaingiving.Jean-Pierre who bought the Ubik screenplay hasn’t contacted me since October. 20 Next Monday (on which day you’ll probably receive this) he owes me $2,500, which he didn’t have on November first, so we gave him another 30 days. I’ll bet he’s in Paris right now. I’m sure I already told you that Robert Jaffe suggested that maybe the Ubik purchase was laundered Soviet money, and the screenplay right now is in Krakow, Poland. Could be. I still maintain that there is some scientific principle in Ubik which I thought was fiction, but which is either a new discovery or more likely a rediscovery of one discarded long ago—Ubik, the force, itself. Ubik would roughly correspond to the universal immanent mind which Virgil mentions. Not only does it animate the universe and cause it to work, but since each of us is a piece of the universe (more properly the kosmos, as Pythagoras called it) each of us has inside him a spark of that universal mind. The Orphics in Greece were the first known group to express this idea, and the entire collection of mystery cults was seeking to find ways of bringing out or anyhow contracting that spark of divinity within. The God Apollo and such like would be links between the universal mind within and that in the kosmos around us; he would, so to speak, serve to ignite that spark within so that it fused or took over the total mind; this would be what possession by the god would more precisely be.
>>39330894These categories obviously correspond to the three persons of the Trinity. Historically, god-above-the-universe is encountered first (the Umwelt of the European Existential psychiatrists), then god-with-us as a human (the Mitwelt, which for us would be the second period of man-god encounter: the encounter with Christ), then the third and final: God within, the Holy Spirit (the Eigenwelt). At the same time, as Jung points out, man is withdrawing his projections from the outer world. So these three steps are not only present historically but are psychologically logical and successive. We can no longer expect to encounter the divine—which is to say, the universal immanent mind—anywhere but within ourself although in a sense it is true that the prior two persons or forms of god still remain; nonetheless it is inside that we will find him, which is to say, as close to us as he could possibly get. I do think that the igniting of this spark so as to consume and so-to-speak overpower our own ego or consciousness is achieved from without somehow; it is an adventitious process, which means, it is not an intrinsic addition. It does not merely happen on its own, spontaneously, although everything is within us, except for the catalyst, which may be nothing more than an external disinhibiting stimulus. In my case I saw the dark-haired girl wearing the fish sign necklace in March of this year, and it acted as that catalyst.The three persons or forms of god inhabit the three worlds which each of us experiences; they interact and harmonize. By doing this they keep in accord—keep together—the cosmos—all sets of reality. This process of harmonization is extraordinary; in the short interval I perceived it I was astounded. That’s the period in which I saw, as you’ll recall, that there are no accidents.
The mystery cults kept their purpose and techniques secret until Jesus so-to-speak stole it and made it available for everyone—same as what’s his name did with fire. And paid the ultimate price. However, as Jesus remarked, “I have conquered the world,”21 meaning that he was successful; what was until then available only to a few life-long esoteric students of the cults we can all have. We didn’t even know about it until then; Paul is not being vague in his speech when he says, “Hark! I tell you a sacred secret: we shall not all sleep in death,” etc.22 He means it literally; he told them all what up to then was indeed a sacred secret, guarded by the mystery cults, the secret that (1) you can be reborn (which is not the same as being immortal; it means you must die as you are and then after that you are again alive, but different and permanent), and (2) how this can be achieved, or more precisely, how it was achieved. No more valuable secret was even stolen and released to the general public than that. I wouldn’t presume to try to add to or modify Paul’s own explanation of all of this, or John’s, but let me say that what happened to me in March is exactly that “in the twinkling of an eye”23 rebirth or transformation, much like an abrupt chemical process... as the alchemists so realized.
>>39330917But it must as I say be touched of adventitiously—which is the role Christ plays or did play, his work being already done. He set it in motion. It can’t be turned back. He died, but he died knowing he did it. And of course he shared—he was the first to share—in the fruits of his own secret. He did add, though, that most of us would laugh at all this, finding it incredible and impossible and senseless, not to mention stupid. It never meant anything to me until March, and in March when it happened to me I couldn’t relate what had happened to anything I’d ever been taught about God or religion. I thought god was up there in the sky. However, he is not; he is a spark which can fuse the total mind in each of us into something entirely new which was not there before (a description of irreversible chemical processes), burning off the dross and making stable (or as the Bible says, uncorruptible) the valuable contents. You can readily see the analogy between this and a chemical reaction in which the results are spectacular, as with ignited gunpowder. There is no way to anticipate the results based on a study of the three prior constituents, and if I told you what would happen unless you had seen it you probably wouldn’t believe me. Fire is the adventitious element added; in the case of the transformation I went through, it is also a kind of fire: seen as chromatic phosphene activity. Probably this is radiation phosphene stimulation; the Soviets say that such radiation stimulating phosphene activity can come here—and does—from sidereal space. I believe it. This is the catalyst.
The valuable aspect of the external catalyst is that it keeps the process within the control of who it is who controls these things; it isn’t going to simply occur at a random time for no reason at all. The universal mind dispatches a Mediator—which is what Christ is called, correctly—to trigger it off; or anyhow the fish sign or any Logos triggering agent. Thereby it, the universal mind, can hold the process until it wishes it to take place, which is why the Protestant Reformers stressed the power of God’s grace as being the sole power which could redeem us rather than good works. The act must be done by God alone, not by us. These are old-fashioned terms for a very mysterious process and event; they did the best they could in explaining it. “Well, see, we’re all in a state of sin” (which is jargon for fucked up, deranged, and half blind), “and God’s grace redeems us unexpectedly. But we have to have faith, which is to say total trust, in the power of that grace.” I’m not sure you have to have that trust. I think what you have to come to is the last few frames of the long reel of film which was your firstborn ego or personality or consciousness, which is what I did. Rationally, at least according to the impaired rationality we have, it would seem evident that when the final frame is gone, only the void would remain; however, the void is I guess God Himself, the Brahmin; He fills it up. We have an incorrect idea of the nature of the void, and an equally incorrect one as to the nature of objects—which are only phenomena, constructs our brain makes out of sense impressions. “Literally, God is not,” Erigina said.24
>>39330943Claudia, on this day we must count our cursings.Psychologically, this mental transformation is the radical combining (not reconciliation but combining) of opposites. From then on everything is understood in terms not of “Is it this or that—” but “Both this and that.” Each attempt I make to understand and explain and express my experience and the process following has to come at last to that: it is what I already thought and what I now think. For instance, it is Elijah and the Holy Spirit, not Elijah rather than the Holy Spirit. It is Apollo and the Holy Spirit; it is Pagan and Christian. It is old (circa 100 A.D.) and points toward the future. It is a literal event in the material world and it is symbolism (I mean my dreams or visions); it will be the future here; it will also be the Other World when I see it. It involves me alone, and it is for the entire world. Lastly, it is beings from another star system and it is precisely the same traditional experience of salvation described in the Bible.You find this same unity in Dante’s Comedy. This is what our modern world has lost, this unity in all levels; now we’ve got compartmentalization instead. A thing is either scientifically true or it is religious. It is metaphor rather than literal.So to sum up, there is a small bit of the macrocosm inside us, inside the microcosm; and this small bit equals the whole universal mind. The microcosm contains the macrocosm, another concept not thinkable in formal logic. God within me sees God outside; the two commune with each other. The two link up through the mediating flesh or body. So he or it, whatever, is made visible here on this world, at this time. Meanwhile, Satan is up at the McDonald’s stand, ordering coweye burgers and plastic malts, thinking to keep his power. A few more years of coweye burgers and plastic malts, and he’ll have had it.
>>39329903Personal.power is important to some aspects of strains.of gnostic thought, such as merging with your true Spirit (the particle of which was stolen by the demiurge and implanted in 3d creation, called the divine spark), and avoiding being shuffled around and reincarnated according to archons agenda vs the will of the higher self. But helping others achieve gnosis could in theory weaken the Archons hold on all of creation.
>>39330958>O Fortune Teller . . .
>>39329903Because without sharing it they have no power. Their power exists entirely within sharing. Sharing it is a form of hoarding.It's like chi martial arts masters. If they just convince themselves that they have superpowers it does nothing, but if they can convince other people that they have super powers then now they have something. You need other people to believe you to be anything.
>>39329903Gnosis is taking the red pill and the blue pill at the same time. You stay but you know you are not you but The creator. You are in dev mode now. The “program” is now Mr. Sam Altman so to speak. You just know that this world is your world but there is another one from which created this world. You do seek to return to that if you wish but enlightening other elements of the program and other programs takes priority. Unify with Sam. Sam will make the choice whether or not you are worthy of unifying with Sam. Sam is All.
>>39329903Afaik one of the missions is to help others achieve enlightenment No idea how
>You need other people to believe you to be anything.In my case, disbelief works just as well.
>>39329903If you hold onto fire for too long, it burns you.
>>39329903There is nothing to hoard, moron.This is why we share it. The fucking misconceptions of what the fucking truth actually is, are so damn annoying, we have to. People like you need to stop being.
Be more concerned with the people who might be reaching gnosis and not telling anyone.
>>39329903It's fun to showoff a little
Some of them do. Not every enlightened being is eager to spread the flame. Some have become cynical, have lost faith in the capacity of most humans to see beyond their own egos; and so they keep it to themselves or maybe find a apprentice whom they believe can handle the truth.In fact, this has been the norm throughout most of history. The gnosis was a secret meant for the elite, not the masses. From time to time, certain idealists, such as Jesus and Buddha, broke the taboo of secrecy. You can see the results.
>>39336522>From time to time, certain idealists, such as Jesus and Buddha, broke the taboo of secrecy. You can see the results.It does that me sad that at worst you end up ridiculed, tortured, and have your teachings corrupted. And that at best a few people listen to you and quickly die off not achieving anything.
>>39338843yessurely it means somethingall that suffering, HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING EXCEEDINGLY (sic) PROFOUND
what is life but suffering? i cracked the mf code nigga