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Need to know.

And no I am not interested in people who don't believe Synchronicity, not that I am not saying it's true and supernatural or whatever, but it isn't really what I am asking about.

For those that believe in Synchronicity, I need to know, is there any information about WHAT Synchronicity is caused by (other than psychological delusions) in the grand scheme of things?

I've had many moments in my life that seemed far too coincidental to feel like random chance, and today I just had a very bizarre encounter with someone that felt far too coincidental to be random. I am freaked out by it and I really need to know what course of action I should take?

For a bit of context. I knew this psychotic bully over a decade ago. I left the school he was at, however a few years later, while I was walking around at night, keep in mind I don't live near this person, he rode past me on his bike and yelled at me. This was it, until today.

While watching a movie, I randomly decided I needed to go for a walk to check out this christmas fair going on down the road. I got out of my house, checked it out, and then walked back. But on my way back, I saw someone on the left side of the pavement with his "mother"? and I glanced at him, I walked in front of a car, and while I did, he did a very familiar smirk...it hit me a few seconds after he was the psychotic bully I knew all those years ago. Needless to say I was very freaked out, but I was even more freaked out after I discovered the car I walked in front of (that was parked), had my initials on the license plate.

It felt like an incredibly strange conjunction of the fact this person who I have been trying to avoid for the last decade, walked right past me as I walked in front of a car that had a license plate with my initials on it. It was literally right in view of one of the windows from my house too.

I feel that this was an omen of some kind, but I am not sure what. Any ideas (aside from mental illness)?
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You’re not going to like my answer.
Buncha clowns are manipulating my life?

Oh boy.
You don’t even know half of it.
So explain then.

Seriously I wanna know.
>the inside IS the outside
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These mysterious beings are in control of your reality and place challenges before you in order for you to make choices between right and wrong. They are etched into the fabric of the Universe, down to the quantum level. These are paradise “creatures” and you don’t need to consume any kind of drugs to communicate with them. One of the ways they communicate with you is through interpretation of symbolism. Numerology ties in with this phenomenon because numbers are symbols. You are basically receiving communications from a divine origin. Don’t ask me how I know this because that alone is a rabbit hole.
>These mysterious beings are in control of your reality and place challenges before you in order for you to make choices between right and wrong.

Where does this information come from? I am curious, so you are implying these creatures are testing me somehow?
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Also, I take it you took DMT to see these beings?

I am actually familiar with Machine Elves, though I admittedly just saw them as figments of imagination due to DMT. I've never taken DMT however, and I have no desire to.
Never in my life have I ingested DMT. I don’t need to. Neither does anyone else. All it takes is practice, discipline and patience.
It's strange, I did have this idea for something that involved these small creatures that control time and essentially control people's destinies, I can't help but think these may have actually been machine elves now in hindsight.

In my mind they look like rounded bugs.
They basically are in control of your PRE-destiny*. They design your life and all of its projected paths but they are subservient to your will, and you can reject their plans altogether if you desire. They incredibly respect and value the individual mortals free will.
Can I read about this? I didn't know Machine Elves could do any of this.
Sorry but I have no choice but to gatekeep my sacred text. Pray that the Universal Father reveals it to you and in due time if you are receptive, He will.
I saw black and white DMT like visuals while trying to lucid dream one time. It looked like a tool album cover but moving around all over the place. I had only taken some magnesium that night and maybe a beer IIRC

This was using wake back to bed so I woke up after about 4 hours of sleep and tried to fall asleep again while remaining awake. I saw those images, eventually passed out, then became lucid during a dream after Robert Monroe (or the essence of him, it was just some stern old white dude) told me to go through a door that I didn't want to go through

I haven't had many lucid dreams and this one only lasted 5 seconds or so but it was quite memorable particularly the DMT visuals beforehand.
Got any advice for when the time comes?
Don’t be afraid and feel worthy when the time comes.
Why would the universal father have plans for some random human though?

Aren't there other worlds in the universe with more important people?
They arent machine elves. They are angels. Terrance was a fed.


I was once hired by a subsidiary of Google Alphabet and Meta Corp to create pseudo (or fake) synchronicities in a kind of scientifical social experiment in Europe

We were paid in giftcards and stuff like that to literally dress up as advertising billboards (we wore it on our clothes so no cardboard) and gaslight the fuck out of targets.

From what I heard some of them have turned religious and believed they were being followed around so we had to stop it, at least in that specific town

Everyday we had new targets and I got a bag of shirts from them each for their own specific game

It was fun times... We met a lot of schizos
That sounds really fucked up, but interesting.

When was this?

My job was 2017-2022 but they were doing it long before me

Usually I wore some kind of bee or wasp badge so I could identify myself with the group

To the targets it was usually something to trigger them, get their attention. Mostly something personal

It was a lot of waiting on parking lots, loitering in malls, and following someone to a supermarket counter

Only occasionally we went to a bar or cafe, because our targets were not of the outgoing types. We usually sit right next to them and try to see if he picks up on us

Of course it was all an experiment and it might be going on in a new form but I hated we had to make an excuse for what we were doing , like every place we visited had to be deniable so the experiment might not have been super ethical , so I left.

I had to pay for my own drinks and every time I went shipping I just bought chewing gum even after 20 mins hanging around. Fun fact: supermarket staff and security never noticed

I think the company wanted to draw their attention , to evoke brain p2 potential , to be able to insert their advertisement or trigger. This was how they operated. They tried to make him pay attention, hoping he would notice so they can feed him the false buyers narrative, and slowly "infiltrate his dream" probably making him the ideal consumer like in They Live

Marketing 2.0

It was hush hush because it can be used for other things too except advertising, or so I was told
Probably has something to do with the resonance of the human brain as it interacts with the frequencies and vibrations of everything else. Certain states of mind can be induced so that you are more likely to resonate with a universal ocurrence or truth.
idk man this guy might be stalking you and trying to kill you

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