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>creates humans with a foreskin
>demands they cut it off

what the fuck is the matter with him
The joke’s on you. Every time you post here, you’re spreading the Word, even if it’s unintentional. Christ works in mysterious ways.
Truth. Thinking God would require such and posting that sort of image of God gets one stuck in the Judeo-Christian mindset/worldview, which is limited.
>"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
-Galatians 5:6

jesus says you do not need to snip your peen there's no reason to do that
His dialogue was written by Bronze Age desert schizos who genuinely believed that snakes could do magic and speak to humans.
Snake is a metaphor for the most infamous God wannabes.
I wish I had foreskin
Too bad nobody asked for my permission. Many such cases!
Thats because the jews control the states.
Oh, so your gods master plan is to make your religion unappealing?
I'm discerning if Yahweh was actually the Most High who sent Jesus.
I am going to write a document where I catalogue Jesus's direct refutations of the Tanakh.

I'm making the new Antitheses.
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>"Do NOT knock over the milk."
>Knocks over milk
>"My ways are a mystery <:)"
I'll tell you straight up, they're ayys. They didn't create the whole universe, just Earth and the many thousand other planets like it. They didn't carefully construct us atom by atom; we were created through trial and error. Your faults were not their intent but it would have been too hard :( for them to program them out of you. They made mistakes along the way that would be inconvenient to own up to, so they punish people from the womb for quite literally being born the wrong people and demand they join them anyways. There, spoiled the whole story for you.
Galatians 5:6
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love. "
It’s sacrificing pleasure for holiness. To be unlike the world that dies in its pleasures.
Look at what Jesus said about this in Gospel of Thomas
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Yahweh needs to chill
Has it ever occurred to you that Yahweh isn't really the creator of the Universe as much as the disturbed collective consciousness of the semites?
You should sew your lips and nostrils shut to prove your dedication
The point is obeying the word of God. Keeping kosher and all that. Same deal. Remember when King Saul made war against the Amalekites, but left alive some choice livestock to sacrifice later? God became angry that Saul had not done exactly as ordered, i.e. kill everyone and every animal. Consequently, his kingdom was torn from him as Samuel prophesied. You do exactly as the lord commands.
killing everyone doesn't sound like love your neighbor though.
Humans invented circumcision, not God. God made you perfect just the way you are.
Circumcision was really a way to appeal to the barbarians of the bronze age where human sacrifice was a norm.
Heck no. I'm just telling you old testament God is a real dick
Him having a kid mellowed him teh fuck out but also.
The entire Old testaments the reason why God seems like such a dick is because you need to look at it thorugh the lens of, its nothing but a series of the Jews TECHNICALLY not breaking his commandments, and God then TECHNICALLY not smiting them.
He is a dick because the Jews kept doing what the Jews always do.
It's the ultimate practical joke
God changed his mind about cutting the foreskin. Ancient Hebrews told their enemies to get circumcised right before they slaughtered them
>your elders removes your foreskin
>you start doing porn
Cursed image
but it just makes me hate that religion every time, so how does that work? is his plan for me to go to hell?
You should hate these institutions. The "religion" isn't the point of the teachings. In fact, it is a complete mockery of them

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