Recently I became a NEET and now I have infinite free time. I want to learn the secrets of the universe. I want to learn some crazy esoteric shit I never would've had the time to learn. I am starting from nothing.Tell me something I should read, please. I will seriously consider any recommendation that is given to me. I'll do rituals and create tulpas and whatever other bullshit you tell me to do, I'm just so fucking bored and listless bros I want to find some meaning in life.
>>39609370>Da guvment does secret stuff>Ayyys>Hollow Earth>Secret History>There's more to humans than evolved shapeshifting monkeys>God probably exists>Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the lightSummed up your spiritual Journey for you, anon. Have fun!
>>39609370The only real truth you'll find is within
>secrets of the universe Explore the spirit word through mushroom and such. Be warned tho, a bad trip is worse than any fear you have experienced in your life. Evil spirits are scary af. Wouldn't understand until you meet one.
>>39609370Send me a message on Discord if you have an account. @NegiSpringfieldof4ch should work.
>>39609370bardon's excercisesI heard that if you do them, you will be immune to discordtrannies and cultist faggots
>>39609370Insider Q/A(2005), Hidden hand, Illuminator13, Eracidni Murev Tedon't trust blindly, take what helps you help others
>>39611725>Insider Q/A(2005)>Illuminator13I found the others but any clues about these motherfuckers?
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall has basically everything you need to start your journey.
Easy kickstart is to watch some Terrence McKenna interviews, do a heroic dose in silent darkness, then watch William Donahue on youtube for a great breakdown on the Bible.After that the world will guide you to what you need to know.If you take this seriously I wish you luck as it's a journey you can't turn away from, one piece of knowledge leads to an infinite amount of questions. (I AM)
>>39613428>watch some Terrence McKenna interviewsI think it's a wee bit outdated for the reasons I presume you are recommending it (an overview of cause and effect)I'd go with Hamilton's Pharmacopeia which has a much larger palette (and it's readily available on pirate bay if OP can spare 60GB) offering a good contrast to Mr Donahue