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are there any supernatural tricks to make gym gains?
I know of these two occult methods called "working out and eating properly" but I don't think you're ready for that kind of black magic yet.
No, it's the opposite. lifting is turbo NPC:
>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.
spec into the chemist class and have a look at this recipe for testosterone propionate, one of the simpler anabolic steroids to manufacture:

Required materials:
- Cholesterol (can be extracted from animal tissue - can be sourced online, most of these can actually)
- Propionyl chloride
- Pyridine
- Thionyl chloride
- Standard lab equipment (round bottom flasks, condensers, vacuum filtration)
- Specialist safety equipment (plz dont nerve gas yourself, use a fume hood. they're cheap and easy to set up and will save your life)
- Basic solvents (methanol, ethyl acetate)

1. Extract and purify cholesterol from animal sources using methanol extraction
2. Oxidize cholesterol to 4-androstene-3,17-dione using chromium trioxide
3. Reduce the 17-keto group with sodium borohydride
4. Add propionyl chloride and pyridine to form the 17β-propionate ester
5. Crystallize from acetone/hexane
6. Filter and dry under vacuum

Key points:
- Maintain anhydrous conditions throughout
- Monitor temperature carefully during oxidation step
- Use proper ventilation due to toxic fumes (fume hood)
- Expect 30-40% overall yield
- Final product requires analytical testing for purity (find a local lab or use Craigslist)

This produces pharmaceutical grade testosterone propionate when executed properly.
The process can be scaled up but requires careful control of conditions.
Total cost for something like this will be 12 skill points and 2 months of game time.

This is why the Chemistry Nerd Guild is so popular right now. Advanced techniques are being distributed to all interested right now.

lmk if you need any clarification on specific steps or sourcing of precursors
laborious toil of the land with manual hand tools
you will commune with ents and appease gnomes
be sure to say hello to everything that appreciates your work
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tiny head, big body lmao
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idk I think life would be at least slightly better with a godly physique
Every single person I met who was minimally decent at arcane stuff was ALWAYS very skinny, some extremely so, this goes for both man and woman.
Any clue as to what may cause this? All of them claimed gym was a stupid aesthetic pursuit using the exact same line of thought.
You sound like a 15 year old from /pol/ or a bot who hasn't broken a sweat in their whole life, but have you thought about lifting as a means for... being able to lift heavy stuff?
Exercise gets the blood and lymph moving, clears your mind and is a self sacrifice which symbolizes death and rebirth, a good thing to go through to be prepared for actual death.
NTA but come the fuck on you know no one actually does it for that, the only reason someone would lift heavy weights on the regular is if they are at the absolute bottom of the proletariat pyramid and work with construction duty or something like that. The usual gym shit is actually pretty soul crushing in comparison to doing a actual sport, swimming or hiking and modern gyms have that absolute disgusting colorless and oppressive vibe you get from hospitals and shopping malls, it's such a fucked up place to go to regularly it actually fucks your brain up, never seen a healthy gymcel unless they do it at home.

my fucking sides
Oh i don't like gyms and never been inside one. I have dumbells at home and run around the local lake. His point of view and energy are misguiding though. Running was a very big part of my journey.
spiritual realm dont mix with material reality. anyone who tells you otherwise is bullshiting you
This is sad cope from a weak man. A strong body supports a strong mind and spirit. Having the discipline to regularly push your body to painful failure is essential to learning full control over oneself.
Your body is your earthly vessel, and it just feels good to have a strong, capable vessel that can handle inevitable earthly challenges. Being weak and scrawny is objectively bad. There are no legitimate excuses for not working out and eating right unless you're physically incapable; you're just lazy.

Pray for the gods of strenght and speed and and to the god of will, make the sacrifices and they will bless you

>The god of beauty

Thats gay
You realize you just made his point stronger, right?
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Discipline works for the mind and the body. An experienced meditator or ascetic can translate that articulation of will into gains quite directly.
Post body you weak fuck
start with chi-kung boie
Weak wills want soft solutions. Strong wills just want a solution.

Im good at kinesis stuff and im decently big. (Still DYEL by fit standards). I dont understand those who renounce the body. Maybe they should renounce it forever and shut up then.
Nice bait.

>physical power is power
>lifting can be boring by itself. Therefore an act of discipline (along with practice in other sports, because, shocker, people need to be consistent at what they do whether they like it or not)
>detachment from the body through seeing it change violently for reasons in and out of your control.
>clinging to health and wanting to live is: Le BAD!
>most women dont like the amount of muscle a man can ACTUALLY push himself to have. Naturally

TLDR; You are weak as fuck and need to lift ASAP.
>minimally decent at arcane stuff
Like what stuff specifically? Many of the people that loudly broadcast their affinity for practicing arcane skills are weak, crystal consooming hippie fags that don't have the discipline to take a shower, let alone take care of themselves physically. Many of the people I have met who are actually extremely well versed in meditation and spiritual communication are at least somewhat involved with keeping their bodies healthy and strong.
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>t. a tiny head big body adherent
that's not how that works
I can think of some possible ways. One is to supplement your training with qigong. The other is to make offerings to a deity associated with physical strength and prowess like Hercules or Hanuman.
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Muscle ways MUCH MORE than fat. Not only that, but the resources required to upkeep a bulky muscle mass is MASSIVE, evolutionarily speaking. You think your genetics is gonna see your big bulky primarily muscular body and be like "well lets increase the size of their head/skull so they can keep their big brain"? LOL, no. It's gonna be like "oh, he's obviously min-maxing, here lemme help u out, homie."
>power fantasy betacuck

let me know how that goes for you when you get completely overpowered by a stronger male
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one problem with that dude

pic related
>gym bros don't shoot guns
> he doesn't know elites can dodge bullets
> he doesn't know elites are resistant to poison
> he doesn't know elites can control their involuntary organs
> he doesn't know the limits of human body
> he thinks if he never sees a thing it doesn't exist
Cool story, bro. And I have punch with the kinetic equivalent of the Hiroshima bomb and also have the power of flight. Also my smells like strawberries and I have the properties of water.

my superpowers > your superpowers
>my hair* smells like strawberries
Yes. Biokinesis.
anecdotally, every DYEL I've ever talked to that says "well lol, I'd just shoot them" has gone to the range maybe once in their life and has atrocious draw speed kek.
you don't have to be a good shot to shoot someone just mere inches away from you, anon. it's literally one of the easiest things you will ever do in your life, shooting someone who literally walks into your line of fire because he wants to be a caveman
shitty draw speed gives people enough time to run away, draw a knife, or shoot them themselves
>t. fumbles with his holster for 5 seconds as he's getting rushed by tyrone
if you're only squeezing a shot off from mere inches away, you're already fucked and are probably going to get pummled and/or shot yourself. as with any tool, if you don't practice regularly, you will almost certainly fuck up when you're under pressure. post your daily carry (I know you don't have one)
Drawing a weapon is not that hard, dude. If fucking gangbangers can do it, THEN ANYONE CAN - gangbangers are dumber than dirt.
>post your daily carry
I fucking knew you'd go there with it. I've never had a carry of my own. I'm just not idiot and appreciate good engineering and human ingenuity.
You literally have to be one of the most anxious people in the world in order to fuck up doing something as simple as drawing a pistol.
you are such a clueless retard, kek. a quick draw speed takes practice and repetition. you're going to get stabbed, rushed, and/or shot the second you start reaching for something when you're in an actual confrontation (which it's very clear you have never experienced)
>If fucking gangbangers can do it, THEN ANYONE CAN
gangbangers also shoot more rounds in a week than you have in your entire life. theyre retarded, but they have way more practice and experience with a gun than you and will absolutely destroy you in a shootout or any physical confrontation for that matter.
>I've never had a carry of my own.
shocker. im sure that nonexistent gun is going to help you when you're getting your teeth kicked in by someone stronger than you. are you baiting me or are you actually this retarded?
>you are such a clueless retard, kek. a quick draw speed takes practice and repetition.
No it doesn't. I have done it before, dude. it took me all of 20 minutes to master, i just had to get used to the weight of the gun and that was it.

>gangbangers also shoot more rounds in a week than you have in your entire life. theyre retarded, but they have way more practice and experience with a gun than you and will absolutely destroy you in a shootout or any physical confrontation for that matter.
I know proper gun etiquette and I know how hold a gun PROPERLY, and I know how aim down-sights properly. I know how to brace myself against the shock of the barrel firing (which is getting less and less severe nowadays as the engineering behind firearms improves. I'm observant, calm and don't let the heat of the moment get to me, and if anything, high stress situations like that make me hyper-focus. You don't know the first thing about me, dude, the gangbanger might spook for for a couple minutes at first, but if I was in a shoot-out with a dumbass, the dumbass is going to lose EVERY TIME.
>shocker. im sure that nonexistent gun is going to help you when you're getting your teeth kicked in by someone stronger than you. are you baiting me or are you actually this retarded?
Well see, the solution is quite simple, I simply don't put myself into those situations. Problem solves before it even started. Even JOE ROGAN lives by this principle, dude. It's called NOT BEING A DUMBASS.
>>I've never had a carry of my own.
Then how the fuck are you going to shoot anyone?
with my dick, kinda how did to your mom last night
Spoken like a true lazy fat fuck
>dunning kruger: the post
while you're setting your stance up and getting keyed into your sights to shoot """"properly"""", you already have 3 rounds in your gut from the gangbanger who had his gun drawn before you could clear holster. you sound just like the fags who think they can win any fight because they "see red." I hope you do find yourself in a situation like that some day because then there will be one less annoying tripfag on this board, kek
>>Shooting other men who are actively beating him up with his dick
We already knew you were gay, you didn't have to tell us.
>while you're setting your stance up and getting keyed into your sights to shoot """"properly""""
It comes naturally dude. Are you trying to make the argument that knowing how to fire a firearm matters or not? Because from my end it looks like you're flip-flopping. You say that the gangbanger will know how to shoot the gun and I won't then I lay out for you that I in fact do know how to shoot a gun and now you're back to the dipshit gangbanger being able to magically shoot me faster than I can react because "reasons", so by all means it seems like you are just adhering to chaotic happenstance, so then that case I digress back to my original point in which I said it's BEST NOT TO PUT YOURSELF IN THOSE SITUTATIONS, DUMBASS.
Is your mother a man, anon?
NTA, but you really have no idea what you're talking about and your posts are really embarassing. "Proper shooting" at a range isn't the same as being on the street. Speed is almost always the deciding factor in a self-defense situation, and you are absolutely not faster than someone who shoots regularly, regardless of their "improper" techniques. Knowing how to shoot "properly" is a moot point if you're bleeding out before you've cleared the holster. The only thing that improves speed is repetition (something you don't have).
You are out-of-practice and not as good at shooting as you think you are. I taught small arms for a while to local law enforcement and most agencies mandate holster practice every other month. Holster competency among the cops, if not maintained, did degrade in the time between those practice sessions. I'm sure it's been significantly longer than two months since the last time you've been on the range. In the mean time, Mr. Gangbanger has gotten into three gang firefights and has put more rounds into people than you've put through a paper target. He's going to be a lot calmer under fire than you (an internet tough guy).
This is true, but your original post was insinuating that you don't need to be /fit/ because you had the protection and power of a firearm, which you don't. You don't carry a gun, you don't shoot regularly, and you're weak. Why did you make that post in the first place?
>tl;dr You are retarded
>You don't carry a gun, you don't shoot regularly, and you're weak. Why did you make that post in the first place?
Bro, if you want to buy me a firearm, then FEEL FREE. But I'm broke as a joke, and guns. Even then expertise repetition done doing the RIGHT TECHNIQUE, I only need to be a fraction as experienced as the gangbanger who does INCORRECTLY in order to down his ass. I'd say those are pretty good odds. My original post was me speaking GENERALLY, nothing that i said before is said invalidated just because I PERSONALLY am not able to individually execute. Learn to abstract and remove your egotistical ass from the equation, for Christ's sake. Most importantly, get out my fucking dick already, people who try to invalidate a person's entire argument over entirely redundant technicalities piss me off. Too fucking dumb and cowardly to actually defend your stance off merit.
Your entire argument was invalid already because you're a chronically online retard that doesn't know how the real world works.
What a sad existence. No wonder you have to cope so hard. Good luck out there, lel.
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>Your entire argument was invalid already because you're a chronically online retard
quote the specific part in our argument where I exhibited "not knowing how the real world works". If anything, this entire argument has just been you being hyper autistic about drawing speed as if that matter in the real world, then you fall back from that argument about draw speed when I specify that it's not that hard to draw pistol quickly, THEN you make the argument that operating a firearm COMPETENTLY somehow handicaps me against the retard gangbanger that I having this hypothetical shoot-out with.

Bro if anyone is being a shut-in retard that doesn't know how the real world works, IT'S YOU.
i have GAY sex with my bf and my stamina has gone through the ROOF
>hey bro what's your routine?
>gay sex until failure
A wizard who eats and shits is constrained by the vice of council utilities
So a lot of modern practitioners realise to fast is important as to not release or transform anything for anyone else
If you are wild you will ascend to shitting wherever there is dirt and woods and the body being carved from wood
usually these dual class mage rogues types are of great suspicion because they use shit and cum and mucus and blood as spell their framework
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>they use shit and cum and mucus and blood as spell their framework
>lifting is turbo NPC
Honestly? I kind of agree, unless you are training for a martial art or health, everything else is pretty much neurosis. Just people growing these massive tumors on their arms, abusing steroids to be ‘Literally `Zyzz’.
seems like thread derailed into the usual 4chan edgelords and fit assholes bickering and pushing gymrat, muh strong man propaganda
So fucking boring. Meanwhile as someone who doesn't care about putting muscles, it would be really cool if there were some spells or potions increasing people's size and mass. I even wonder if NHI have something like that themselves, a stimulator of some sorta that only works on humans, how that would feel, the side effects, the feel of feeling your body grow in seconds without adapting to it, the sudden spiritual and hormonal changes. This never get discussed here, it's fantasy for now, but then again aren't most /x/ threads so?
Steroids are a technological advancement, so imagine if a more advanced society developed such technology capable of increasing human size drastically...is it even physically possible without exploding or crushing your bones?
semen retention
>the feel of feeling your body grow in seconds without adapting to it, the sudden spiritual and hormonal changes
i want to feel exactly this. It's not like I want to have muscles without working out, I literally want to feel for some minutes the sensation of my body getting gigantic and strong
fag bait written by an incel
OP here, you people are fucked in the head
>you cling to your health
You'll sing a different tune when you actually pass 30 or 40.
Yeah, fucking disappointing. I was genuinely keen to read some actual schizo wizard fitness advice.
"I wanna make deals with evil because I'm to fuckin lazy to go a gym" that's how yall are fucked in the head, and I didn't og say that
Is qigong legit? What sort of offerings would you make to Hercules or Hanuman?
What is that
Why do namefaggots ruin every thread
>comes to a paranormal board
>except dudebro normie asshole discourse about muh improovin
you people are terribly boring and arrogant
yeah like captain america movie or older Spiderman movie. I feel it is possible. A plant exists which when eaten does just that. But your body must be able to handle the energy, must have relaxed strong nerves.
>But your body must be able to handle the energy, must have relaxed strong nerves
that's the /x/ part of it. What happens when your body gets huge without you putting any effort? How does your personality change since you have so much power and strenght now?
what is it?
I mean this has been the most retarded derailed unhelpful thread

Nah actually if I could make some sort of deal for gains thatd tight af... of course I exercise and diet and all that was just interested in any possible esoteric secrets for improved gains
> this has been the most retarded derailed unhelpful thread
let's change that

>How does your personality change since you have so much power and strenght now?
good remains good. Absolutely no difference. Good is absolute.
Degenerate will remain degenerate therefore the plant would accelerate it into fine dust. If ego identifies too much with degeneration, then body may be subject to rapid inflammation and then vaporise or something - if you could imagine the plight of a superhero movie villain.

>plant, what is it?
I honestly can only guess, but yeti or hanuman must be eating it. Must grow in challenging environments.
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happy yeti is raw vegan
NTA but my body growing very big and buff would be autoerotism at its finest, I think that would be the case for most since muscle stimulation is a pleasure itself and the feel of power suddenly getting into you as well. I'd feel overwhelmed by the strenght and the possibilities of such muscles and size I'd probably masturbate and do all sort of games with my body, it would be pretty, well, degenerate. However I would hurt no one, it's not my intention to use such power for evil, just to feel good for a couple of minutes and play some tricks. Would that still damage my body?

It's a sci-fi scenario I'm entertaining of course, pretty degenerate but still fake
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I guess some change would occurr in everyone experiencing something so unique it wasn't about good vs evil as much as insecure to self-confident and cheeky, even more sexual like >>39616862
I'd say at least one of those are animals and not people, therefore their appeareance doesn't look ""aesthetic"" muscular like some anons would like to but just strong, fat even. It's interesting what kind of change would occurr in a human, if they'd turn into an animal as well as nature has a different concept of strenght. Personally I like the alien technology option more, looks cleaner and could have some scientific basis, but growing in height and overall size that's up to debate. Feels more like magic
masturbation should be last thing in your mind if the power truly flows all over your body in harmonious manner.
harmony can be pretty erotic. What would be a proper reaction?
maybe spontaneous desire to run, to climb a tall tree, a cliff, to dance
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This fucking conversation, holy shit xDDDD
The power to change your own body using your mind.
Manifestation, semen retention and avoiding degeneracy, fasting plus meditation.
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I agree that exercise is good for raising heart rate.
My biggest challenge is that I am someone of thin nature. My weight is 75 kilos. I am not good at doing manual work that requires considerable physical strength such as construction.
I'm not sure how much muscle mass I can gain at my current state without having to resort to steroids and stuff.
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Believe me, for what I am about to say is true: it is a very simple matter for a God to grant a man perfect physique, and they grant it readily to those that deserve it.

As you become closer and more beloved to them, your skin becomes more beautiful and lustrous, your body becomes effortlessly muscled and defined, your hair thicker, your eyes more stunning, your body will even smell more attractive. The same goes for the opposite.
>Is qigong legit?
Depends. I'm not sure about the more fantastical claims some people have, eg shooting fire from your hands to burn stuff, but it makes for a nice mobility exercise you can take into older age when you aren't as sprightly anymore. Some quicker moves within the practice could have some training value for fast twitch muscles. Something called Iron Shirt Qigong is purported to have positive effects on your bone and joint health. That's something you can build a better body on. A last note: qigong practice is often accompanied with sexual abstinence.

>What sort of offerings would you make to Hercules or Hanuman?
Hercules/Herakles can be offered frankincense with a reading of an Orphic Hymn. Hanuman can be offered sandalwood incense with a chant of "Om Hanumate Namaha" 108 times.


I personally don't practice these things but I have friends who do. One is a power lifter who practices qigong. The other is a muay thai fighter who prays regularly to Hanuman. Take all this with a pinch of salt, but if you wanna try it, good luck.
A specialized diet for bulking and specifically designed workout might help you.
NTA and not OP, but what if I offer the workout itself as a sort of tribute to the deities you mentioned?
You could that. Here's another thought: whether you print out an image of that deity, or buy some figurine off Amazon, visualize yourself as the deity with all his strength and attributes while praying to it. I can't promise you something supernatural is gonna happen, but it can be a way to psych yourself into gains.
Working out is supernatural. When you dig into "exercise science", you find a confusing mess of arguments over the "real" mechanism of hypertrophy. When you compare successful bodybuilders, they all have wildly different methods but their unifying commonality is that they SACRIFICED MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WILLPOWER AT THE ALTAR OF IRON. To me it seems as though gains are a reward from gods or demons who appreciate this sacrifice. Sometimes I think I can feel them helping me complete a lift.
Yes I think you are onto something here.
Use slow bass heavy beats to pace your pushups.
No way around it. Lift heavy thing, struggle. When heavy thing becomes light, lift heavier thing, struggle.
Everyone has this power, latent, but in an undeveloped form. By using it you develop it.
You can use it by affirming things like "I am becoming more muscular and stronger" and "I am burning visceral fat and subcutaneous fat".
My fucking obliques

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