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There's seems to be two main modes in a language, the informal and the law.
Where does law/formal language truly stem from in secret societies? What are its magical capabilities of speaking in such a surgical manner?
The purpose of language is to communicate information.
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Forthcoming clarity of destiny.

To remain informal is to accept the comfort/confusion of a conceptual imbalance.

At least this is my post-war clarity.
Highly-codified, national, formal languages are egregores
art deco makes me :D
>pls contribute to the thread
le art
captcha: AHM0M
Yes. The example to highlight OP would be English (written, formal) vs Emoji (symbolic, informal.)

It goes back to hieroglyphics which were not a language as we think but a code to convey many things in one. They worked in 3 parts. One told you the phonetics, the second conveyed the word's contextual use, and the third pointed to an emotive or symbolic interpretation. This method can be applied to, and used to decipher, other complex codes or systems. It's become popular among certain insiders on the board to convey occult information.

For example: I'll make a post about some mildly verifiable occult fascinator, let's say that the Egyptian mysteries offer a way to bypass the reincarnation memory wipe. That's the literal or phonetic post. I'll then post a picrel with it to define my statement's context, and then I'll post a video or audio component to symbolize its effect on the topic or interpreter.

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I've no idea what you're talking about.
Language has many different parts. For instance can proportions be true or false.
The systematic evolution of the designed objectives is my eternal memory.
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Hebrew works in this fashion as each letter that makes up a word is it’s own archetypical symbol with many forms behind it to contextualize it to a various of meanings there’s also numerical values attached to further explore the languages context relation to math which expands the language to art geometry music astrology ect better intertwining all things for the reader to endlessly interpret at their level of understanding further progressing it as they do
If you can drop the dogma and separate the art from the artist, it is such a fucking beautiful thing

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One must also keep in moshe
Mem water shin fire he window
The Father of Abrahamics was Egyptian royalty
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To the Reader,

I,<<your name here>> (in this document) refuse to engage in contract negotiations with the corporate entity hereby known as “The Courts of <<your state, province or other principality>>”(in this document) in auditory means. All demands of his eminence,<<your name here>>, must be proposed via written correspondence, via letter mail, to his current domicile. All demands must have a publicly identifiable signatory. All demands must conform to the legal standards and definitions documented in my ARTICLE known as “Roach's Rights” published publicly for review at http://getfreeindustries.blogspot.com/2012/ . These terms are not negotiable.

“Every word I write is LAW” ~Jason Roach, DEMIA I
"How do you plea?"
"Legally deaf"
Notice how you require English to teach your heiroglyphs…
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You also require insert native tongue to teach hieroglyphs in general
It’s kind of the whole point
that a formal language is more cemented to its cultural egregore
than an informal one like hieroglyphs which is more open for interpretation
But that interpretation is still going to go through the lense of an egregore the one of that time that it’s being interpreted
And that’s what makes Hebrew cool as its not held to a single interpretation and the deeper an understanding you have of the inter connected nature of things the deeper of a meaning you can get from it so it’s not even a cultural lense from which you learn like translating hieroglyphs to English but a completely personal one that gets deeper the more you do
And then you go into a courtroom, where a man wears a robe and the proceedings have latin references which no normal human would ever understand.

Fuck their gay nigger jew occult earth.
>Where does law/formal language truly stem from in secret societies?
need for precision, probably
although there are some who misuse that precision, or apply the rules of what you call "law/formal language" to informal language because they are chickenshit cowards and it's the only way to convince themselves to do evil/"good" deeds
by that standard, the purpose of everything is to communicate information... which is not wrong, but kinda boring...
yet Latin is the opposite of "gay nigger jew occult"... before the "gay nigger jew occults" took over the world, Latin was the universal language like we use English today except that no country could lay claim to it, thus being "cleaner" than English which is a de facto UK/USA thing
also while Latin was in force there were no nationalistic faggots that set out to eradicate cozy dialects (see France & Italy), they were all just chillin
so yeah get your shit together
The reasons they do that are simple: It creates the illusion of authority by making things needlessly complex, obfuscation for the sake of creating an ingroup that understands it and an outgroup that doesn't, and some of it is simply adhering to the language old documents are written in because they're still legally binding.

>by that standard, the purpose of everything is to communicate information
No it's not. How did you extrapolate what I said from that?
>No it's not. How did you extrapolate what I said from that?
that's my own secret recipe
but yeah, what about dance: is that not a language? does that not also convey information?
if you answered yes to both, you must admit that you can say that about every action (existence is also an action)
if you answered yes to only one of those, you need to include that in your snippy definition
if you answered no to both, you need a new definition

when Shannon & Weaver talk about language, making it synonymous with information, they do take "everything communicates information" as a basic assumption
> The reasons they do that are simple: It creates the illusion of authority by making things needlessly complex, obfuscation for the sake of creating an ingroup that understands it and an outgroup that doesn't, and some of it is simply adhering to the language old documents are written in because they're still legally binding.
This dinning ritual an accents amongst many other things where created purely as a way to separate class
Like French use to be the language nobility used to talk shit
So when normies sweared at each other they’d say pardon my French to mock nobility
Christ, you people are boring.
To one who doesn't want to think perhaps, personally I see plausibility and adapt or ignore without malice, but be a tit, by all means.
Based Jewish Schitzo
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if we get angry we prefer things more serious than MUH JUDGE USED A LATIN WORD REEEEEEEEEEEE

the thread has potential though, I am sure many schizos and non-schizos have great opinions about language
I came to answer OP's question. I have no interest in whatever argument you're trying to have.
yeah that's why you are twirling around like a faggot at a gay parade
You talk funny

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