What's the difference between Lucifer, Baphoment, Satan, Devil? Is there even a difference?
>>39611365Why is there a black male and white female on the statue? Can someone explain the spirituality of this?
>>39611376I think it's symbolic, white and black to symbolize dualityAlso North and South Girl and Boy for hermaphroditismAnd certainly their pedophile preferences in the matterI'm just guessing
>>39611473>dualityWhy are there no old people around Baphomet?
>>39611485Because of the symbolismWhy are you asking for "old people"?
>>39611494Old and young is a duality.
>>39611376Because a century ago wfbm was still considered bestiality, and one of their goals is to reduce humans to animal behavior.
>>39611365>Lucifer, Lucifer is the light bringer, they are not Satan. They are connected to the Planet Venus. This entity is present in other religions and is a symbol of freedom and knowledge. Their name in Hebrew is Helel, meaning Bright one. In the Hebrew Bible, Helel ben Shachar (translated as "morning star, son of the dawn") appears in Isaiah 14:12, referring to the fall of a Babylonian king, likely Nebuchadnezzar or another oppressive ruler. The text uses poetic imagery to describe his downfall from power and glory. The passage is metaphorical, and there is no explicit connection to Satan in its original context.Jesus identifies himself as being the light bringer.>Baphoment Some say that it was a god worshiped by the Templars, others say it was a corrupted version of Mohammed's name; some even say it was a creation of those who condemned the Templars.In reality we don't know, but it all points to it being a reference to the Holly Feminine, or the "Feminine side of God", or Sophia (Knowledge).Eliphas Levi would later on create a piece of art called Goat of Menes, which became identified as "Baphomet".The picrel is not Satan, it is a mixture of many symbolic ideas connected to the ideal initiated man, such as the Caduceus, and the male and female as being a single being.>Satan His name means the "accuser"; his first appearance was in the book of Job, but this is debatable, because the Satan in the Book of Job may, or may not, be the same Satan from Christian lore. Truth be told, Satan is a title, even Jesus calls Peter, Satan, when he refuses to accept Jesus' sacrifice Matthew 4:10.Christians believe he was an archangel who defied god, and tempted man in Eden, while using a Serpent's form.DevilRefers to Satan or other demonic entities.
By the way, Baphomet has a pentacle pointing upwards on his forehead which symbolizes spirit over matter.Behind him there is an inverted pentacle which symbolizes matter over spirit
>>39611538Indeed, also, the gesture it makes with its hands symbolizes the Hermetic axiom "as above, so below".
>>39611365Lucifer is a deity from Roman polytheism and represented Venus in the morning, it was borrowed from Greek polytheism’s phosphorus and then given a Latin name. He has nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other part of the Abrahamic canon. He’s not an angel, fallen or otherwise, and he’s not the edgy/sexy rebel comic book or tv character that people commonly associate with him.Baphomet is hard to find good non-schizo info on, but there are claims that it was borrowed from Egyptian polytheism’s Khnum, and then his iconography was adopted by the Templar knights during their crusades, who some historians claim were gnostics, which imo is doubtful since gnostics didn’t really do idol worship, and would’ve considered everything as archons (malevolent administrators of reality) and then when the templars became too influential and fell out of political favor they were depicted as being profane pagan devil worshippers and the goat head iconography stuck.Satan means “opposer” and comes from Hebrew, and as far as I can tell, was originally described in the Talmud and is seen as being the source of all evil/represents evil as a concept, but isn’t usually personified or anthropomorphized. The serpent in the book is often equated with him, but the understanding of the time would’ve been that anything or anyone who was committing evil acts or leading people to sin was working on behalf of, or motivated by Satan, so a thief, murderer, or even a rabid wolf or tiger could be described as Satan as well. Literally any evil person, place, or thing.1/2
The anthropomorphic “Devil”, with the horns and pitchfork is a relatively new depiction, but this also has its origins in the Talmud, and was originally just Samael, the angel of death, but after Rome conquered Judaea the Jews decided to appoint Rome as the arch enemy of the Jews, and so the Jews then began to spread religious propaganda that the angel of death is/was the guardian angel of Rome, and that Romans were pagan Satan worshippers, and I assume this is largely in part to shit on Saturn or depict Saturn as evil, because of his association with time, aging, and death.During that time, from the perspective of the Jews, anyone who wasn’t Jewish was a pagan, and thus a satanic worshipper, and Jews didn’t like the animist depictions of animal hybrid gods because they associated them with Egyptian polytheism and obviously the Jews had a chip on their shoulder because of their subjugation in ancient Egypt. For ancient Jews the motto was essentially: “anything I don’t like or believe in is the Satan, and anyone who beats us in a war is a satanic worshipper”. The gnostics did the same thing as well and considered all gods across all cultures as being archons, and they viewed the Jews, Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Greeks, etc. etc. as all being foolish Archon worshippers.2/2
>>39611545Well seen the pose with Hermes TrismegisteThe globe he holds in his right hand reminds me of the same globe that can be found at the top of the "singer house" in Saint Petersburghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Singer_House_SPB_01.jpg
It's pretty simple; Satan isn't "real," that's just a falsification. The word simply means adversary. But people fed into the delusion for a long time, and so it become self-reifying.Lucifer, on the other hand, is God, a servant of God, intended to tempt and test people so that they can become stronger. The antagonism between them is a grand act of theatre, real but not "really" real, in a cosmic sense. Lucifer serves a necessary purpose and continues to serve it.
>>39611573Indeed, also, the Portuguese flag also has a similar sphere. It's called an Armillary Sphere, and it is a navigational instrument, it also symbolizes the cosmos.
Lucifer is also the author of all pagan religions, which are intended to uplift man at the expense of "God" (nature/the cosmos/monad) as a whole.
>>39611572>and so the Jews then began to spread religious propagandaI’d also like to add that they did the same thing to Christian’s, since Jews considered Christian’s to be heretical pagans, and thus they would depict Jesus as the son of the Satan, and when Rome converted to Christianity they just updated the story to depict Christian’s as satanic worshippers.
>>39611586Thank you anon
Basically the entire conception of Satan is ancient Jewish propaganda meant to paint all non Jews in a negative light. (No pun intended)
>>39611365I’ll break this down very very simply for you and elaborate where you want.Lucifer = a name the Bible used to describe Nebuchadnezzar that was later attributed to Satan. Today Satan accepts its use because he doesn’t care what man calls him.Baphomet: the most misunderstood deity in history. Baphomet is an archangel (NOT FALLEN) whose duty is the preservation of free will. He keeps Satan in check and decides when the line has been crossed and free will no longer exists. This is the reason the elites honor Baphomet, to show they are playing by Baphomet’s rules in their deception of you.Satan himself is destruction. The first and most powerful son of God, his belief that being endowed with free will despite essentially being forced to serve his father and his desire for creation in his own image despite his lack of ability to act on said desire make him the chief adversary to all of existence and the Father above. This world has been given to him and he has more or less 80 years to prove to God you are just as corruptible as he is.
>>39611365Lucifer: roman god AND a demon.Satan: Adversary.Baphomet: made up demon.
>>39611935"Made up demon"
>>39611365>LuciferThe first to fall >BaphomethReiteration of an ancient god>Satan, Devil?Satan is a title and any major qlippothic opposite to the tree of life are Satan. Lucifer is Satan, Belial is Satan, etc.Devil is a title/descriptor in the same vein too, but more general.
>>39611526>Jesus identifies himself as being the light bringerInteresting.
>>39611365Lucifer is a minor Roman god of Light that the KJV Committee transformed into a major fallen angel.Baphomet is the name that King Phillip the Fair of France accused the Knights Templar of worshipping to destroy them. Probably a corruption of Mohammad.[Ha] Satan is YHWH's executioner! The Christians reinterpreted him as being the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, and accused him of being the first murderer for obeying YHWH. Satan didn't rebel against YHWH, he was found to be flawed. He was ordered to kill Moses, but his wife painted blood on their door, and the death Angel passed him by before he went back to Egypt. So much for the Omniscience of God...The Devil is an epithet for Satan. Devils are fallen angels.Demons are said to be Nephilim or Rephalim spirits as they have eternal existence through angels mating with human women who birthed violent Giants who were accused of eating humans.