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/Y/ Drawthread #159

1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Dont expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging specific drawfags, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for us for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure theyre legal, etc. Use catbox if youre worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Dont bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8)NO AI deliveries (unless the requester says so) Keep ai in ai threads.
9) When the thread reaches bump limit, PLEASE wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips>>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread:>>3058548
>in case there is too much spam (you) can seek refuge here https://discord.gg/hwcKhb5rqW
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Anchor for requests
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Anchor for fills
Not a request, dude!
OR here, thank you so much for this! Came a ton to it.
Requesting a wizard (nude) summoning a hung demon (bonus for a hunky angel too).
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requesting lio getting caged
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Requesting Lynn Sr. getting gang-bang by the Henchman from The Loud House No Time To Spy movie.
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I'm requesting a cop, much like the one in the image; blonde, mustached, hefty, in a donut shop messily eating and drinking beer - getting a handjob from someone.
From another officer perhaps? Or like a frisky waiter?
His art is absolute shit and spamming it on every thread is basic troll behavior. Nobody cares about wrestling characters but you, you're the one spamming that "rage-bait" for years, well after the OR quit coming here, to start arguments with yourself because no one in real life even wants to talk to you and you thrive on drama.

From what I've seen from your past behavior, every type of yaoi is gross to you. You hate cartoon shit, bara, bishonen characters, twinks, original characters and everything in between. Every drawthread for the past three years, have had you start some crusade against "the thread enemy" and the only thing that's been accomplished is many artists packing their shit and leaving for other places and I have no doubt when some artist does come here and gives their social, they've gotten hate mail or something of that nature, from you.

At this point, you're just a troll who probably got burnt on no one doing your request and decided to set fire to this place because trolling is fun and this place is half dead anyways to the point that janitors and mods have all but abandoned this place, so why shouldn't you have fun at everyone else's expense? That's your thought process and its been apparent for years.
Anon, I know you mean well, but please stop. A mentally ill troll like it doesn't care. It thrives upon seeing people hate it. It takes no effort, besides being consistent, to spam shit, especially when fagggot mods and trannie jannies abandoned this board.
BTW I got a three day ban for reporting the spam; said I was "abusing/doing false reports" too much. This just solidified the theory it is in cahoots with the admins.
Requesting Pewdiepie taking a huge cock.
Requesting yet again a twink version Zero from Tear along the dotted line with a smaller penis being fucked by his friend Secco with a large penis.
NTAYRT but other people said they were getting warned before a ton of her posts got deleted the last 2 times, going to IRC to complain again might help if enough people do it that it starts being a bother to them. I think they just ignore feedback and reports from boards they don't like because it's easy.
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told you guys she'd get extra mad when her troll thread got bumped off, i'm surprised she hasn't been spamming these to bump like in the past
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req man climbing into penis
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Requesting Giovanni straddled by Red like ref image. Thanks!
Replying doesn’t encourage her any more than anything else, she’s been spamming multiple threads for months untouched and gets 0 interaction in them. She’s done it for years and used to get banned and have all her spam deleted. She just does it because she thinks it gets rid of the baras, bishies, r63, anime, chubs, and femboys when in reality it causes 10x more exaggerated/drastic art of what she hates to he posted to spite her. Go do what >>3062932 said and complain in IRC like /trash/ generals have to do or just accept this’ll never stop. Even if janny apps roll around nobody that cares about /y/ will apply or get in.
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Requesting the characters on the right fucking and making out like the reference on the left
Requesting Seiran Shi (top) fuck Ryuuki Shi (bottom). They are from Saiunkoku Monogatari.
Fuck off Fillionigger, if I were better at drawing muscles I'd fill that just to spite you.
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Requesting Clar the male succubus either giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock or getting fucked by him in the full nelson position.
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Requesting Blueberry from Onirism getting fucked by an anon like in the reference.
Fuck off, faggot. You're not funny.

4chan, just ban this freak once and for all.
>4chan, just ban this freak once and for all.
They have at least 12 times in the last 2 years, bans last 3 days and half the time she just evades before its even over. Now the mods just don't give a shit about /y/. Nothing to be done, unfortunately.
you're just as annoying
just scroll past it like everyone else and be normal for once
Ngl this one would be hot if not for how terrible he is at drawing cocks and areolae.
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Requesting Overhaul from My hero academia Stripping naked except his mask
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Requesting Deacon St John Bound and Gagged while his pant stripped and his dick is edging
dead board and half of the posts are spam lol
the admins allow it, duno why they dont just nuke this board instead of paying for it
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting fucked doggystyle with the viewer grabbing his butt.
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Requesting Bridget getting fucked against a wall with him and the guy fucking him also kissing each other
Requesting Detective Zag Wylde topping human Francis from Angel Hare. The hat stays on during sex!
sex references: https://files.catbox.moe/dv2bzr.jpeg
Whoops, thanks anon
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I couldn't finish since my device was dieing, so bear with me. Fun choice of characters, anon!
Thanks for the input on that ref, might investigate it myself. Hopefully the artist still thrives out there.
Hahaha, that's true! This gave me a good chuckle, so thanks. I kinda like the ambiguity now that you point it out.
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Delivery for a request from the last thread
Bottom!Red is always welcomed here!
Not my request, you did great.

P.S. the Fillion faggot still sucks.
gr8 job! looks exactly like patrick fillion
This is getting pathetic.
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Requesting Fake-Rabi having hand holding missionary sex.
Stop talking to yourself, faggot.
I mean if the admins don't care why do you? Just do it back.
Thanks for the fill anon!
Respect the artists you little bitch!
You're not an artist, you're a spamming faggot.
Requesting Kieran from Fire Emblem tied to a chair and getting kissed against his will while wearing his black undershirt without armor.
Requesting Spider-Man in his KO pose from Capcom getting messed with by two faceless dudes.
Goddammit... Sorry!
Damn that was fast.. thanks!
Requesting Breeze kiss and fuck Slam like this and saying This is for taking my land, colonizer. They are from Sky Dancers.
Man, fuck you. I already fucked up my request post, and then you pretend to be me approving of stolen art...
You didn't drew it, lier. This drawing was uploaded before.
Patrick Fillion's art is total shit and you're fucking up /y/ with it, faggot.
This is amazing work!
Best fills EVER.
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Finished it!
Also well done, fellow drawfags!
Would you shut up and go back to your fake God Trump?
>dis sux
No they don't.
That wasn't my intent. I was going more of a Jacob Mott look.
Thanks! You as well.
>Jacob Mott
He doesn't draw shiny suction cup nipples on gyno manbreasts, that's a Fillion trademark.
Would you do us a favor and get the fuck off, faggot? You didn't draw shit. You just copy and save these from Fillion's site.
Is anyone else getting the feeling that the guy CONSTANTLY replying to him is just him samefagging on his phone?
Like Jesus Christ man shut the fuck up, you're not helping.
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Requesting a picture of Luis bottoming for Steve and loving it. Like give him those heart-eyes, have his cock drooling precum, he's even drooling; things like that.
I'd prefer it if Luis was a bit beefier/more muscular, and if you give Steve an amazing ass.
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As a drawfriend (so you know I'm not the troll) I ask to just ignore. Every offtopic conversation I'll just assume is the shitposter same posting.
Love those cocks
That was my request..! You fucking liar!!
>first posts are spam
terminally fucking online. glad we have 0 moderation to deal with this shit
Holy crap, thank you! Fuck, this came out so good!

Will do. I mostly didn't want people to think that my request was just bullshit made by him, and was genuine. But I guess it was pretty obvious.
>(so you know I'm not the troll)
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Requesting Cam Cumbefredde from Monster Allergy in the same pose as the refernce but with his legs spreaded and chair on his chest
Requesting a different ending to this where Shaggy and the drunk stud fool around - Shaggy giving a blowjob or like fucking the dude? Anything would be appreciated.
Requesting a hung black hunky muscular alphamale stud looking down at the viewer with a cheesy veiny smelly dick in the style of Patrick Fillion.
Did they catch "him"? As in, did the janitor's ban that spammer?
oh hey it only took fillion spammer melting down with pepe avatars about femboys and women in the bl thread to get moderated..
Whoever it was I thank them, sadly the retard will be back in 3 days or less though.
Shit! Why don't they ban this guy?
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Not sure if it's the right thread, but I'd like a genderbent of the two characters in picrel. Can be whatever erotic /sexual position, feel free to go wild ig, lol. For context, the one one the left is a masochist, while the one on the right has some "sadist pirate" thing going on.
Ok I was wrong there wasn't a ban apparently, some of the frog posts are also still up. Just random deletions I guess.
I've deleted my request, so that I won't have to deal with him!
she has a sad life
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I think its time we got another anchor
Requesting a new anchor post with a naked Luka Redgrave from Bayonetta 3 holding Cassiopeia, the anchor shaped weapon
>(Bayonetta is only there on the left for scale)
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ding ding delivery
This is perfect, great art style, thanks so much!
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Requesting Gary Prince secretly fucking Human Marshall Lee behind his counter while taking an unsuspecting customer's order
Great stuff anon.
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Your request ticked a lot of my checkboxes so here's extra effort.
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Damn you anon, you are reviving my long-haired bishie addiction.
I love the pose reference here, what's the sauce?
Requesting this chubby guy and a chubby tribal man from this manga titled Hikyou Shashinka standing in a full body draw wearing only tribal penis gourds with their balls exposed with the non-tribal guy also wearing his glasses and hat. All characters are portrayed as 18+.
HOLY that was super fast, you work is a top tier anon and I was starving for more porns of him. Thank you so much!
love this
Do you have a twitter or something? Your art is freaking hot!!!
Why would drawfags post their @'s when there's a schizo troll harassing people?
Thanks but I'd rather minimize the visibility of my activity on a chan board. Besides, I'm moving away from art posting and into game deving.
you say that like the spammer isn't a low effort coward who's probably way too afraid to make an account to stalk anyone
Man I would love to commission (with pay ofc) you for more arts of him, but I respect your decision anon. Good luck on your journey
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Requesting Spiderman India hungerly swallowing up the cock and cum of Chai from Hi-Fi rush
Optionally, I'd prefer it if Chai exclaims
>"I bet you've never drank "chai" like this before"
Lol? t. ugly shart spammer
Nobody’s scared of you.
Happily requesting Carter Pewterschmidt fuck his son Patrick silly. Please have Patrick say Harder, daddy!
>my request was deleted cuz I used real men pictures to describe what I wanted
This board truly is the bottom of the barrel jeez
Requesting Slayer from the Guilty Gear series bent over, fingering his own asshole. Ass focus, please!
Was it the Hayden from Fields of Mistria? I was gonna work on that
It's a long story.
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/r/ing rule 63 Ava from Ava's Demon, blushing madly lying in bed, covered in lipstick marks (especially on his cute cum leaking cock). I'd like it to be the aftermath of a romantic lovemaking session, maybe with bits of rose petals around him, or candles, etc. He can have his arms tied to the bed too
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Requesting Katakuri's tits being fondled.
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Yeah that one I'd still appreciate it if you did.
Just requesting him looking wet and steamy and with a big cock
This is worse than the time when I caught my dad and brother having sex with each other
>steroid warped fleshbags
what like the muscle hypergrowth thread?
Touch grass spammer.
How about no?
Someone needs to beat that obnoxious fucktard to death. 3 years of this shit.
Stop, you fucking faggot.

Get off of 4chan and go back to the Proud Boys or whatever racist white trash team you're from.
can you stop samefagging? it got old
Just ban AI gapespammer/Fillion spammer off the board already.
This thread needs more femboy/trap requests being drawn
but the spammer doesn't like that
Cool, I respect your wishes
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Requesting Fillon spammer getting DP raped by goblins
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I think you pitched the scene with him in a pool or something and I fixated on that.
Requesting a pro wrestler body slamming, while nude, a tied up Anon!
ah it's perfect! thank you so much drawanon! I love it forever!!
Requesting an anal train between these adult versions of Wybie Lovat from Coraline, Alberto Scorfano from Luca, Camilo Madrigal from Encanto, and Tyler Nyugen baker from Turning red.
>preferably in that order since that’s the order their movies came out, but any order would be fine
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Requesting John Dory from Trolls 3 and Barley Lightfoot from Onward having sex
I'm fine with either one topping
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Once again requesting the shenanigoons... gooning out and exploring each others bodies. Either artstyle of the two in the left will suffice
Requesting Harold getting his fat ass fisted/dildoed by Hoss.
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Here's a rough sketch anon, is there anything you want me to change?
pencil dick
Offtopic. Fuck off retard and stop spamming.
kill yourself troll
Again? Bitch got banned yesterday. She really needs someone to blow her ugly brains on the walls
needs a rangeban and/or to be killed irl
Fucking pathetic.
Offtopic garbage spam.
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This is a draw thread! I am posting my drawings. Do you prefer wrestler pedophiles into small penises?!?
Oh fuck off.
its funny how the spammer seethes over small penises because he was a tiny dicked indian that called himself a hung white guy
of course a jealous mutilated mutt can't let anyone have their fetishes.
You're not a artist and you didn't draw any of these, faggot.
The freak is aware, at least 10 different threads got spammed with crap just this morning.
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Pedo wrestlingfag straggots. You like small penis tumor hairy ugly muscle abominations fucking tr*p shotas, pozziga pedofile niggers. I will cleanse this shit board! Mods are on my side.
>Mods are on my side.
t. keeps getting his spam deleted for the last 3 years
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Anchor for SMASH BROS. requests
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Requesting: Protagonist (From: My friend Pedro) lying down, lifting his shirt & his pants lowered, revealing his erection.
-Pov: Bird-eye view/from above.

Additonal (clothing) refs, if you need: https://imgbox.com/g/0X1tBUecDn
..Why do you keep doing this? What need is there for a separate anchor?
I don't get why this anon is spamming
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>I will cleanse this shit board! Mods are on my side.
You destroying the board, faggot.
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How big do you want the dick to be?
Huge and thick!!
still at it huh
And yet no one has filled your pedo request of getting an oc deflowering a wwe abomination.
Curious. Almost as if... You are unwanted here.
They've been doing this for literal years, it's strange but kinda expected in a board that was left with no mods at all.
it's a girl
I'm not your bogeyman you obese ftm tranny.
I got my request filled in this thread, dumb cunt.
What exactly does your spam here
Have to do with your retarded schizophrenic wrestlingfags that haven't posted in any of those threads? Neck yourself you stupid bitch.
There aren’t mods on /trash/ and it still gets moderated better.
R&I don't engage
love thy neighbor never solved anything
the only time mods actually do anything is when the spam gets called out
This is the most confusing board I have ever seen.
how so? most dead boards/generals on the site have a dedicated troon spamming and ruining it for everyone because someone posted something they don't personally like years ago
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No small tops niggers!
No small-average dick straggots!
No wrestler hypermasc troons!
No hairy fat bara pozzigas!
/y/ will be rescued.
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No one requested this, idiot. Stop killing this board with your spams, faggot!
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I am sharing my art, pozziga!
janny onegai
Did you do yourself or you just copy it somewhere else?
Damn, anons over on /u/ are lucky. No inconsiderate spammer there that could ruin their fun.

But, honestly, fillionfag. If you truly have balls, you would be spamming yaoi boards on kiwifarms. Doing it anonymously is pure cowardice.
>on kiwifarms
that's where the retard is from and why they only sperg at bara small tops femboys and other male fetishes
This is what happens when moderation doesn't get enforced. Trolling spammers make an already slow board into their playground of stupidity, and the place gets even slower because the anons who legitimately wanted to enjoy this place are surrounded by idiots who deliberately make this place a hellhole for lols and the anons and artists leave for better pastures. When you have assholes spamming unrelated artwork and samefagging/arguing with themselves and their friends for several dozen posts, just for the sake of shitposting, this is what happens, the board dies and nobody is left but the trolls and the people who come here thinking this place would be fun but are sorely disappointed.
..? Why would she spam a board full of other women
Kiwifarms fujo boards are just lolcow 2.0
I don't get what anonymous, chubby, foreskin, league, baldurs gate, small dicks, street fighter, etc threads she keeps spamming have to do with her mentally ill hateboner for whatever wrestlingfag I've never even seen because they probably barely post. Hope she commits suicide asap or crawls back to the shithole she came from.
That wrestling thing probably has to do with the fact it got filled years ago and whatever request she had wasn't done and she got pissed. There's a pattern here where if a request gets done and hers wasn't, she starts a "crusade" against it. Someone gets a cartoon request filled, cartoon characters are "forbidden" and shouldn't be allowed. An anon requests an original character? Suddenly it's also forbidden and she makes a stink about it. A small top fill, the same thing.

She is a whiny asshole who gets mad at others having fun.
It probably wouldn't hurt to have more anons submit feedback asking for a moderator to intervene.
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Years ago they were requesting things of Robbie Valentino from Gravity Falls and others like Marshall Lee from Adventure Time and some Regular Show guys. She draws too just in case.
This person harassed a lot of artists in their respective galleries, lied to get others banned, got permabanned themselves for harassing at yaoi-Gallery and, generally, started a looooot of shit in these threads. Even when we figured out it was probably the same person, she changed the characters so I wonder it's still her.
Oh and they also like feet and tentacles a lot, which is the subject of many of those Fillion pictures they post.
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Requesting one of my husbandos wearing a leather daddy outfit.
That's her art lol?
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IF it's the same girl, then yeah it's 100% her. She's the one who started the decline of our drawthreads years ago.
Ngl it explains a lot cause that looks even worse than the crap she spams.
>requesting things of Robbie Valentino from Gravity Falls
Fucking hell I remember that person, God she got passed if her request wasn't done perfectly and did harass the artist and others when she was called out for her behavior.

I don't think that's the same person as the Fillion spammer, she got pissed at that same artist for drawing Robbie "wrong" and wasted a whole thread to the point the artist rarely did GF stuff anymore.
>she got pissed at that same artist for drawing Robbie "wrong" and wasted a whole thread to the point the artist rarely did GF stuff anymore
It was the plan, that was how she started all the derailing and the samefagging. Same bitch. She kept on drawing GF and similar stuff after gaslighting these drawthreads into not requesting/delivering certain content (like cartoon especially)
>if her request wasn't done perfectly
so it WAS done? how ungrateful
She got many deliveries done.
Here's how she reacted when she didn't get her way, look familiar? Read this thread for some laughs too.

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Same person... holy shit. They even played dumb pretending to be others.
I saw her at the /y/ discord today posting her new stuff and saying it was "someone else" posting her stuff back then. How do you do this for YEARS?
As a cartoon drawfag, it's fucking infuriating she drove most cartoon artists away like she wanted and people won't request it anymore. YEARS I TELL YOU.
all of u need to go outside
Sounds like there's some sort of personal bias you have. What, did you have a bad experience with a wrestler in person or something?
Wresltlefaggot was someone different.
They kept breaking the rules (shota & real people). And kept requesting OC porn which no one wants. They needed to stop posting in my threads. I, no WE chased them out and the terrible artists who would even thing about entertaining such faggotry like shinykun and the depraved others.
Yeah, she's been doing this shit for years and the only thing that's been "accomplished" is at least 99% of the artists that used to come here have disappeared. Which, is exactly what this troll wants. She gets pissed that someone else is having fun and ruins it for everyone else.

Nah dude, you chased out all the artists because you're a spamming lolcow who can't even fucking draw and hate seeing other people get their fills done and are trying to shove yourself in the /y/ discord, just to make more drama there after you killed the drawthreads here. You got caught, or rather, everyone knows your bullshit from miles away but the jannies abandoned this place years ago and nothing gets done anymore. Go masturbate to Fillion spam elsewhere and get a life.
holy shit what a jackass. an anon could drunkenly draw fucking stick figures and I'd still treasure that they took time out of their day for me
I hope that anon who drew for them isn't deterred and still drawing to this day
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hello again /y/. I'm once again looking to do a single nude/nude-ish pinup as practice of male anatomy. here's the first one I filled
any suggestions?
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Yun-seong from Soul Calibur balancing on his sword nude!
Ekko from League of Legends. I don't mind if it's solo or with a pairing (Darius, Ezreal, etc.) Just him either having a good nut bust like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=11218422

Or giving/receiving head like this:

I requested Ekko/Ez a really long time ago and got it conpleted by a drawfag by the name of drawsome-d. Ever since he stopped doing artwork, it's just been Jinx/Ekko porn and people avoid taking Ekko requests due to his vague age range.
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Forgot to tag my request. >>3064285
cute clumsy anon
It's been years since I last requested anything. I'm sorry. uwu
Requesting Beckett Harrington from the Elementalists to be drawn like this
More off-topic spam.
she's mad because this post got deleted >>3063927
All of her sperging at some wrestlerfag that seemingly doesn’t even post here anymore got deleted lol. Nobody likes this retarded wannabe crusader and her garbage smegma fillion macro strangegay spam.
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If you wouldn't mind drawing hefty dudes, I'd like it if you would draw Mitch here.
Maybe jerking it on a beanbag chair?
Not everyone is your bogeyman. In fact they probably don't even post here anymore. Stop spamming you unloved retard, suck on a shotgun and blow.
What random shithole ESL country do you come from, spammer?
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Can someone force medicate her and get on with the rangeban already? This is beyond mental illness.
>I got your IP address.
ESL spammer retard thinks she's scaring anyone with this lmao
Meds. Now.
she’s too busy spamming multiple unrelated threads, as if they’re the one literal who that scorned her tranny ass here years ago, to take her meds
I lold.
Fillionspammer wishes she were an admin.
>hacker bros we hacked the internet
can anyone explain what this autistic third worlder’s endgoal is when she spams unrelated threads like >>3064321
Considering she's been going off the walls accusing everyone of being her ancient 3dpd request nemesis, and poorly larping as an admin (the only people who can even see IPs on 4chan), I think it's actual schizophrenia and she imagines that whoever she's been sperging at also made those threads. That's just a game theory, however she's obviously low IQ enough for it to be true.
isn’t the guy she’s melting over this guy? >>3064257
dude’s into hyper, none of the threads she’s spamming are even similar
I don't think even *she* knows what she's spamming over anymore.
fair enough
Sis go to a psychiatrist.
mehhhh. i think fillion spam is horseshit too, reckon that makes us both the retard’s imaginary friend. well, see you fellas in the private /y/ discord ‘til the board’s useable again.
why are a bunch of images disappearing on the board?
>see you fellas in the private /y/ discord
She is in the discord as well but at least she can't do all this shit there.
She's not in the 237 member one, idk if that's the one they're talking about though.
I KNEW IT WAS HER, she deleted all her pictures like
from the /y/ discord.

Hmm, interesting. She's kind of "An eternal wanderer".
I'm ngl I don't give a shit about any of this drama I just want the spam to stop
I chased out shinykun because they are a garbage artist. I chased out wrestlerfaggot because OC requests are inherently selfish, and no one wants to see a teenager boink CCP Cena.
Nobody cares, stop spamming threads.
You didn’t chase out anyone, you limp-clit bitch.
Is this shinykun? I can't keep up with this shit.
god footfags make the ugliest art
She goes by different names so maybe, I knew her as Robbiefan, she's "An eternal wanderer" at Discord, not sure about other places though.
dead board thanks troon spammer
No, the footfag Robbie artist went by rosedesade. That's not shinykun.
The amount of mental illness a couple of you freaks have, to not only spam this and various random threads for multiple years but keep an entire mental catalogue of past namefags, is genuinely sad.
I'm never going to get my request drawn here am I? Especially since its a trap request.
I and other drawfags draw traps sometimes I'm just personally not in the mood at the moment
>they are a garbage artist
everyone starts somewhere
>to not only spam this and various random threads for multiple years
And you just keep giving yourself away. It's funny than when called out, you stop the spam for a bit. The fillion shit? You didn't care but THIS bothers you? To denounce the person ruining a board is what bothers you but not the person ruining it? Strange.
We can't have a normal draw thread as long as that Fillion faggot is around.
Do you have downs syndrome? I am referring to the Fillion/offtopic spam with that line. God I hate you English-challenged shitskins.
shinykun drew big breasted dick girls.
i think you mean cowtit baras
>50 new posts
>check thread
>not a SINGLE request or fill
i hate all of you retards so much
There’s never going to be unless we get a janny to clean up the trolling. Just go to the discord or make a thread on /aco/.
nta but telling everyone to leave the drawthread will kill the drawthread, giving spammer what they want
Ok then they should feel free to post requests and fills instead of complaining.
she doesn't want it dead she wants to chase people she deems unworthy out, she'd be asspained if it died because she wouldn't get any freebies anymore
That fagette calls everything a dickgirl.
omg, i've been out this bitch for like two years and you still obsessed with me lol. you're really my biggest fan, policefag <3
what i live rent free in your head? is it because i never filled one of you request? do you wanted me to draw a big breasted dick girl as you say? maybe you wanted me to kiss you on the lips?
please tell me, why i did to you to be so in love with me? ~<3
Your art is ugly, the way you color is revolting to the eye and every singly picture you draw is extremely same-y. Nothing unique or interesting at all.
And you encouraged rule breakers. Wrestlefaggot stayed around for you. You even drew one of the ugly fucks - breaking the rule of no real people.
>i've been out this bitch for like two years
welll... yeah, you are right! It's not fine art, it's porn hahaha, why do you think I would get mad with the things you always say about me if it's the true? you even did a threat about "the worst artist ever" being me, that flatters me ngl lol. Come on policefag, let's just kiss,rub each other even, and leave the anon friends alone. Let them have fun while you and I have another kind of fun wink wink
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wip. hopefully I interpreted this right
Looking good so far!
hey spammer sperg
all your posts keep getting deleted nobody likes you can you just stay fucked off
looks good
disgusting degenerate get out of my thread
you realize they only came because you were talking about them in the first place right
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Draw a buff version of the good guys dominating/fucking the bad guys
Requesting but the bad guy minion fucking the good guy dorks while the bad guy commander is sipping wine while nude and watching.
What are you retards talking about take it to dms
ORIGINAL requester here, I like it as is. Although I do wish we could see Lythero's erect dick a bit. Other than that, keep it up
This man doesn't speak for me btw
We know who your are now, petty bitch. There's no running from how much of a spiteful bitch you are just because you didn't get your request done, you damn child.
this needs patrickj fillion
No it doesn't!
Fuck off, spammer retard, your 3 day ban's not even up.
Off topic. Fuck off retard.
1) Be nice to drawfags, they draw for us for free after all. If youre looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
no, hung men are sperrier
Off topic spam.
tnx dis is grete
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Requesting Lennox from Concord on his knees sucking off a suit making him cum with a panel of Lennox's face covered in his cum licking his cock and looking a little embarrassed/annoyed. Since his game flopped I imagine this is how he makes money now lol. The fishnets are optional and you can make the guy in the suit be from another game company too if you want, just to add more salt to the wound
This looks like shit! Is that you, wrestlerfag? Showing your face again here you’re real bold. I’ll chase you off just like I did shinykun.
Nah. Other way around is way better. The strong dominates the weak.
Can you asshats just let that anon have their request??
Requesting Nick and Joff furiously breeding during their honeymoon half dressed (Joff would be the one fucking his hubbie Nick like in the ref)
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good morning bros
Love the brush textures
Do any of you have twitters?
>I'm pretty sure I've scared off that shitty wrestler faggot off the internet for good - they haven't darkened my thread in forever.
So what? So you can uploading Patrick Fillion on /y/? You scared everyone off, even the artists. That's why no one drawing anything.
shut up you absolute sperg nobody likes you
i hope you get sepsis on your next period
Here's to hoping some cute traps will get drawn next thread.
doubt anything'll get drawn at the rate this wannabe janny is going
>my thread
Can you please do an essay on each rule of this thread? I've read them 10 times and, given what happens in the thread (namely usurpating and spamming fillion), I feel like a retard because they don't make sense to me. So, do cram as much detail as possible, I just want to understand.
>My thread

I honestly believe you should legitimately kill yourself if you keep thinking you are above any person, let alone if you think you're above his bullshit, you completely retarded cunt.
It doesn't make sense; she's a retarded bitch and thinks she's being a vigilante dealing with on-topic images that she doesn't like by spamming fillion and other dumb crap to 'chase the bad out'.
thanks, I'm still working on it. I'll post the finished pic in the new thread
I wonder if Amber or Luvvucy will make a cameo as witnesses, lmao
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Requesting an incubus spying on a bathing paladin. Bonus for the incubus sniffing the underwear of the paladin.
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Requesting a big booty Amitie-kun (Blonde femboy with the beanie.) riding Sig's (Blue haired heterochrome with a demon arm) big dick and getting his buns fondled like the right ref.

Sig should have that same light smile on his face while Ami has a pleasured face
I say this cuz Amber's a freak in her own way and in the Mario 64 video, Lucy called Lee and Gary the Blowjob Brothers, lmao
not my taste in fetishes but their art is quality desu

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