Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.
The gears forever turn to grind the mice.Will you become the fuel for sacrifice?Power absolutely all for show.The piper blows his flute and off you go.
Is this obsession behind your eyes?(Behind you eyes?)No more questions, get back in line!(Just get back in line!)
Sicilian making gnocchi
Just the yolks.
>>22237477Jahy's smol stinky erotic body is meant to be enjoyed by white men
>>22237181whore penis
>>22236882what a retard letting his balls flop around like thathe should put them in my mouth to hold them in place
>>22237907uh ok
fluffy friday
ayyy a new pic of Chunie that I can post without getting b& it's been a while I think>>22236562naaah, sometimes it's frustrating because you wish the pic had been better, but I wouldn't say I hate it, you just have to have faith, many artists end up improving a lotprobably not even the best example, but off the top of my head I think Harmarist's first pics were super rough, and I'd say that now he has a really nice style
Stinky market edition>Educational sites:https://www.giantesszone.comhttps://www.investopedia.com/https://exhentai.org/tag/character:Ako+Amauhttps://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain>Charts/Screeners/Data:https://www.tradingview.comComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Goodnight for now smg. I know morale is low and there are is a lot more ill will and seething than usual here, but its important to remember a few things. The first is not to split threads. Everyone over in the other thread is guilty of this, i forgive them i guess but just take a look at it, maybe we would be better off if they all went back to biz or reddit. If someone makes a new thread when there are others to recycle, ignore it, and always post in the most active thread. Next, its important to be optimistic, i know the yield curve inverted and bulls got whacked, but there is a lot to look forward to, in terms of a more peaceful, technological, honest and just world. Things are improving rapidly and to me the fields were merely tilled, not salted. This inversion is a public warning shot but your fear and capitulation is what they are counting on, and it doesnt always signal doom ahead.Next, respect veteran and quality posters. Being a bad 1 line unfunny poster is ok, until you start getting smarmy with people that clearly outrank you in terms of posting ability. It is pathetic and detracts from the board dramatically.I know everyone has been working hard investing in themselves, and tomorrow i will show some more of my progress to inspire all of your journeys. I cant manage special posts this week, technical difficulties, but i will try to have something thoughtful and meaningful to say on sunday. On monday i will be back posting at full strength, and i expect more surprises and excitement from the market, and remember march is historically the best month for intc stock, so have some hope. Praying for peace, reconciliation, and positive attitude changes. See you guys in a few hours.
Zero fucks award
>accounts payable>requires experience in AP>highschool degree preferredWhat about college degrees? I don't want to work as a 'junior accountant' for an indian for 13 an hour. I'm just going to lie because this shit is ridiculous.
girls und panda editionPrevious vineyard: >>22216982Free online generators:https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses)https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)https://app.prodia.com/#/art-aihttps://stablediffusion.fr/webuiComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>22236161who's THAT >>22236191what is this prompt britty i need to know and yeah unfortunately gothblin is an industry plant, she was designed for success also britty you're the teto guy now so start generating kasane teto on bing >>22236287it does look like an old anime game character >>22236640this file looks pretty large indeed>>22237910does this imply that your mom browses fourchan
i started up the craft if anyone (3-4 specific people) wants to join
>>22238621she might. which means my mom is lurking this thread probably. scary. hi mom
the truth is god made some us for him to laugh at.
I think that cat is blind.
poor near sighted little faggot
I failed life and it was totally worth waiting 15 minutes to post this.
i find comfort in seeing recurring threads on /bant/
I've been failing life for almost 31 years. Really thought I'd know what to do by now
Previous: >>21983976
Vibes stabilized edition>What is fishtank?https://www.fishtank.livehttps://www.youtube.com/@fishtankislive>Who is this thread about?Famous House winner and Fishtank Season 3 1st place runner up, BinxBasilisk>Binx's accounts:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>22238671Such a poser lol. Fake bitch
>>22238702Lots of people just warhammer for the minis amd the lore. She's learning the actual game anyway, give her time.
>>22238723Something tells me he's not a viewer...
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the /nah/ threads (>>>/trash/nah/ and >>>/vip/nah/)Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/HistorySee how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.ioSearch 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/searchPublic ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)Self-serve ads: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/Enhance your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): https://rentry.org/4chan_Userscripts_1Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>22238625to own the libs
what's the point of this board?can't even post cunnybaka my head
white males and asian males have the smallest penises on the planet and are the biggest cuckolds on the planet
>>22236920you are speaking for yourself, it is a well established fact that the vast majority of whiteboys have a cuckold fetish and are infatuated with big black penises
>>22236087The largest recorded penis is a White dude that can't make it through TSA without a pat down because they think he's concealing something.
>>22238229Yeah, sure. THEYRE the ones obsessed with it. Not the one who made the thread unprompted, you undercover niggerlover.
I dont give a rats ass about anything else but this rats ass
>>22235694RAT SEX!!!!! RAT BREEDING!!!!! WE NEED MORE RAT BABIES!!!!!!!!!!
>>22238640TRUTH NUKE
>>22233265Feet are always the best choice.>>22233334>tfw no gf to kiss her feet for all day while serving as a footrest