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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102367811

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic

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>day 15 of pixart pride month
If you have tried the whole "switch with git" method i would recommend a clean full new install
Saves a lot of hassle, especially when you have an old install and dont update frequently
Google the line above Press any key to continue and you will have your answer
>hint: run with --xformers
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I see lots of things have extra screens for retarded shit like cpu/ssd% or BTC price. Is there any actual function to them that a single screen or a notification wouldn't be better for?
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mainly it is the vagina magnet, the babe puller.
women enter my room and they stroke the second monitor
as though it's a giant penis helmet and they say things like
Oh I like men with a second monitor, It's so manly
then inevitably they grab my donga and rub it while they say things like
go on, do anything you want
So I normally do it doggy style with them while on the second monitor
A video of me setting up the monitor plays
it drives them wild
multiple screens are for adhd riddled retards
what if you want to watch a movie fullscreen and also do something else
Look at your phone
>just watch a movie on a 5" screen
yah, so cool

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Are there more cases of something similar to this?

Apparently printers put yellow dots in certain patterns on your prints, so every person or printer can be identified.
Irrelevant in the digital age

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Homescreen thread
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no i hate sheeps
Iphone UI is so ugly, Jesus
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Secondary phone I don't keep any of my work shit on
mine is boring for now

How much money could the DEA make if they walked outside of FANG headquarters and found psychedellic mushrooms intentionally being grown in woodchips? According to the world's leading mushroom expert, Paul Stammets, that's what is going on there, as least as far as I understood from his podcast.
I doubt it's happening a lot. Also the DEA doesn't care much about mushrooms
Anyone else sees a grinning dude with a big nose rubbing his hands?
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enamel fang. skin fang looks like a disease

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retard here who browses normie spaces

places like reddit have become completely unusable, and have just turned into propaganda reposts with bots doing ~1/2 of the posting.

An example of this is this shit hole subreddit here:

ALL the posts are about how trump is bad and you shouldn't vote for trump (in a place about 2000s memes), and if you question why political stuff keeps getting posted you get automatically downvoted to oblivion. Same goes for questioning Ukraine or any US based interests globally, and is usually a crap shoot of who supports israel / who doesn't depending on what cesspool you look at on that site.

Is this really acceptable to normies? They don't seem bothered by it, but also they are unable to discuss it at all because their only means of communication is being censored by whatever interest group doesn't want them talking.
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So is it the jews or the chinese?

you lost me.
Another thing making that shithole even worse is the onlyfans models. They/some indian they hired make fake posts about how their boyfirend got upset about them dressing slutty or something hoping that people will click on their profile and subscribe to them. They have even started to colonize dead subreddits and turn them into funnels for their of pages.
If that's what a small number of whores are able to do, how much could more powerful entities manipulate that site?
Check out this subreddit too
I think it is important to know what is going on in the world. Finding anything valid is nearly impossible, but I try.
>jews or the chinese?
not much difference between the two but its mostly russians and chinks and they also try shifting the blame for it on the jews
its like pest vs cholera th

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>makes linux irrelevant
nothing personal kiddo
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hes having a melty again

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>can't make high performance raytracing
>can't make upscaling that doesn't look ugly as sin
>can't make igpu transcoding
>can't make CPUs idle at low power consumption
>can't make substantial CPU performance improvement even on a more advanced node
>can't make security measures that don't shave off 30% fps on games and ruin performance stability on windows
>can't make CPUs and GPUs that are as good for productivity tasks as they are for gaming
What can they make?
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I'm guessing that's how the consumer UDNA cards will be and the enterprise cards will have some SKUs with more. AMD can't continue to fail so hard on spec sheets, they're currently already losing sales before people even look at benchmarks. But they're also going to be focusing on the midrange market so they're not going to be pumping out cards with 20,000 tensor cores.

I think a big thing that people are missing with the whole UDNA thing is that it doesn't mean AMD won't have different core designs for consumer and enterprise, it just means that those different cores will use the same microarchitecture. Like Ryzen and Epyc are very different processors, but they both use the same Zen 5 microarchitecture.
I buy AMD out of principle. NVIDIA is too mainstream and gay
Depends on whether it needs new data types or instructions, but given that FSR 3.1 runs on pretty much any GPU including ancient, low-end, non-AMD cards like the GTX 1050 I'd say it's likely that future versions will work on recent AMD cards.
>it's ok for a CPU to idle at 40W despite the competition idling at 5W because... it just is okay?
>competition idling at 5W because... it just is okay?
More like 30-40W, read from the actual wall not silly digital probes. You think those bells and whistles on those kitchen sink motherboards come free? If you are really that anal about, just undervolt/underclock them like a laptop/ultraportable chip.
The big take is that vast majority of desktop users, don't know or don't care to make the effort.

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When will Raymond Hill make an updater for uBlock chromium? There is this extension for Ungoogled Chromium that updates all other extensions by clicking on a icon. Raymond could do something like this to update his extension since Chrome Web Store is fucked.
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For you.
Originality is needed, or you'll never leave the mud.
>YouTube makes Firefox unusable here
I've noticed recently it's gotten much worse, videos just buffer indefinitely or skips at random, and it manages to crash my GPU at least once.
And those problems don't appear on embeds.
It would solve my problems if Firefox had a 'special tab' where I could use Chrome in it. Then I would open YouTube in that tab and the rest of the browser would continue to be Firefox.
A modular browser, I think people would call it.

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>720p content on 720p screen
crystal clear
>720p content on 1080p screen
blurry shit

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>5K retina screen
nice and sharp
>1440p gayming monitor right next to it
fuzzy blurry shit

higher resolutions require a HIGHER bitrate to match the same quality. 4K is 9x the resolution of 720p, therefore requires 9x the bitrate to look good.
why does gaming look so bad, then? Earlier, it used to be sharp. Now everything is blurry. 1080p used to look good. Hell, even 768p looked crispy.
that's the point, bitrate says nothing
gaming has no bitrate so resolution is what affects picture quality. video has bitrate.

from my experience lower res games look better or the same on a higher res display

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Who was in the wrong here?
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Because the Linux devs want Rust. They fear that Rust will make Linux obsolete because it would raise the bar for software reliability and security too high. Rust programmers don't really want to work on Linux because it's a mess of C preprocessor macros and millions of lines of bloatware to support every architecture and hardware device produced in the last 30 years. Rust programmers don't really care about supporting ALPHA and PA-RISC. They want to spend their effort on something useful for people, not dead architectures only used by hipsters and trannies who buy obscure old computers on eBay.

>Because they want the work done for them.
>They read the code, they copy the code, they license under MIT. Adding a new feature? Only done if they can copy code from elsewhere.
>It's like translating a book but claiming copyright and original authorship on the translation.
You're describing C programmers, except translating Multics to Unix was more like hiring someone with 60 IQ to interpret a sign language version he doesn't understand.
Shit bait, 0/10
>this is the average cope and mental gymnastic a rustfag has to come up with to defend their argument
>we must ban butter knives because some people cut themselevs with it
The impression I got is that the C devs think that the Rust people are disingenuous imbeciles doing they do for shekels, and they know that once shekels are over the Rust devs will just disappear. I got the clear impression that C devs know exactly what is going to happen, they know that Rust people want to drop their shit, they know that encoding those details in the type system is going to be a big issue, they are aware that Linux won because the internal api isn’t stable, they know all of that and also that Rust devs won’t listen.

In fact, C devs are playing the long game while Rust people are just doing some damage

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102386563

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

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well what is the generated picture's resolution, 512 by 512? I have no idea on a nai sub and what it would bring, but with a 2080 one can achieve a lot already
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Yeah there's a reason /sdg/ usually has NAI pictures as OP, local can't keep up with the quality
yeah 512 x 512 and it takes a really long time
Thank you, anything in general I should know before purchasing NAI? or tips for beginners in general? thanks

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>102385729 & >>102378325

>(09/12) DataGemma with DataCommons retrieval: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-datagemma-ai-llm/
>(09/12) LLaMA-Omni: Multimodal LLM with seamless speech interaction: https://huggingface.co/ICTNLP/Llama-3.1-8B-Omni
>(09/11) Fish Speech multilingual TTS with voice replication: https://hf.co/fishaudio/fish-speech-1.4
>(09/11) Pixtral: 12B with image input vision adapter: https://xcancel.com/mistralai/status/1833758285167722836
>(09/11) Solar Pro Preview, Phi-3-medium upscaled to 22B: https://hf.co/upstage/solar-pro-preview-instruct

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

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Stop. My penis can only get so erect.
100B model confirmed, baked-in CoT hinted at. They are promising 2b general instruct models, but no idea if it will be bitnet or not.
True, I've never had any expectations of them either.
It's hard to CPUMAX from scraps.
China's Qwen 2.5 LLM Set to Chawwenge GPT-4's Dominance

On Thuhsday, September 19th, China wiw unveiw its watest ahtificiaw intewwigence bleakthrough: the Qwen 2.5 wahge wanguage modew (LLM). Devewoped by a team of ewite leseahchehs at Awibaba's DAMO Academy, this next-genelation AI is positioned to become China's fwagship modew, with capabiwities that lepohtedwy livaw oh even suhpass those of OpenAI's GPT-4.

Souhces cwose to the ploject cwaim that Qwen 2.5 has been tlained on an unplecedented 100 twiwwion palametels, dwahfing GPT-4's estimated 1 twiwwion. This massive scawe-up has puhpohtedwy lesuwted in neah-human wevews of wanguage undehstanding and genelation acloss oveh 100 wanguages.

One of the most stliking cwaims is Qwen 2.5's awweged abiwity to pehfohm compwex leasoning tasks with supehuman speed and accuwacy. Leseahchehs boast that the modew can sowve gwaduate-wevew mathematics lobwems in seconds and genelate novew scientific hypotheses in fiewds langing flom quantum physics to biotechnowogy.

Pelhaps most contlovehsiawwy, Qwen 2.5 is said to possess advanced muwtimodaw capabiwities, awwowing it to anawyze and genelate not just text, but awso images, audio, and video with unplecedented fidewity. Some even suggest it can cleate photoleawistic videos flom text deschiptions awone.

Whiwe these cwaims have yet to be independentwy vewified, the AI community is abuzz with specuwation. If even hawf of the lepohted capabiwities plove tlue, Qwen 2.5 couwd leplesent a significant weap fohwahd in AI technowogy, potentiawwy shifting the bawance of AI poweh eastwahd.

As the wohwd eagehwy awaits Thuhsday's lewease, one thing is cehtain: the lace foh AI suplemecy has enteled a new, moh intense phase.

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Hi /hsrg/ I don't want /g/ to laugh at me so I wanna ask you about my computer issue.
How can I make windows update become unable to turn my computer on? I remember finding some menu a long time ago where I was able to (might have been regedit but idr) but google is literally useless now and I'm unable to find that option again.
I'm tired of my PC turning on in the middle of the night because of the botnet please help me.
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>How can I make windows update become unable to turn my computer on?
This can't be possible unless you have a LapTop that enters sleep mode instead of turning off completely.
Anyway try disabling "FastBoot":
>Control Panel>PowerOption>Choose what buttons do>Remove Fastboot checkmark
In 80% of situations regarding W10/W11 problems this helps.
Kek look at this grampa
Acheron owes me sex
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This is suppose to be a nice board, yet here you are... BULLIES
Get ye gone!
why do people capitalize every word like this?

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