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From launching to navigating, it feels a lot a better than the last version.What is happening? Are we getting back to the good times?
>>103321970According to OP there is?
>>103321972According to mozila, firefox is the best browser.
>>103321980it is
>>103318816the window size is bigger now, someway to change it?, i like more like it was previously with reduced window size
>>103321994It can't block ads effectively because its compatibility with blockers is bad.
Why did he do it?
>>103321934>Based on postfix + dovecot (both 40 year old programs originally written for Unix mainframes)and no, this isn't correct. both are from ~2000. 20-30 years after Unix, and 10 years into Linux.
>>103321963It’s based on a 50 year old architecture where you had sendmail and users accessed their email by logging into a unix mainframe.Postfix was supposed to be a sendmail killer and be simpler, but ended up getting more complicated.The default sendmail configuration still acts the same as 50 years ago, assume users are using their unix account to check email. Now you need a backend server like dovecot to handle using POP3 access. And that’s not enough, you need more software for encryption and dmarc and spam filtering…Setting up postfix and dovecot is so complicated no one knows how to do it. That’s why enterprise used gmail, aws, or outlook email. For personal use people just use glued together docker images. Promoting mailcow is furthering the problem of no one knows how to setup postfix and dovecot, making everyone more reliant on gmail, aws, and outlook.
>>103322012*correction: the default postfix install still acts like sendmail did 50 years ago.
My javlibrary and mangadex accounts are on it's over
>>103321847For what? lol
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.Many free software projects have active mailing lists.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103321753I know it's possible and you can use appimages and stuff. I'm saying: on average, the windows environment is more conducive to users keeping their files to install whatever software. With Linux, yes the software exists remotely (I suppose usually), but with package managers and repos, users are less likely to keep their software locally in a "portable" form that they'll continue storing.
>>103321753It doesn't work that way.In MS Windows you can install and run application made 5 years before or after installation of your system with 99% chance of success because 4 VC redist and 4 .net libs packs is all you need.In GNU Linux systems this chance is close to 0% unless you bundle all your apps with required libs and libs required by these libs, kernels, and run without graphics server trying to minimize dependencies as maximum as possible, because of bugs and api changes. If you think about it, it's miracle that desktop linux not just exists, but lives.
>>103321782I run Gentoo. I could retain the distfiles for every single thing on my system and install the entire thing completely offline if I wanted to yet I still don't (I do have my own local distfiles mirror but only for the distfiles currently in use by the current state of the Gentoo tree. I don't keep old distfiles).
>>103321910The fact that it changes so much is actually a side-effect of it living. The reason there is no stable API is because Linux is a thriving operating system that is free to make those breaking changes that Microsoft wouldn't dare do. There are improvements to Windows that could be made but cannot be made because it would break backwards compatibility and Microsoft is too afraid to tell the people running some shitty accounting software that isn't getting updates anymore to fuck off.
>>103321976> side-effect of it living. The reason there is no stable API isBecause of lack of consolidation. OpenGL and Vulkan are stable.> There are improvements to Windows that could be made but cannot be made because it would break backwards compatibility and Microsoft is too afraid to tell the people running some shitty accounting software that isn't getting updates anymore to fuck offAnd it's good.
Tech News & Industry InsightsArs Technica - News - - Register - Verge - Development & ProgrammingGitHub Trending - -, CSS, HTML sandbox - Web Docs - Overflow Blog - Operations & InfrastructureComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103320587I think that isn't true at all. I have an older Indian coworker that started telling new zoomer hires that he's Pakistani. Now that's a huge fall of reputation if I've ever seen one. India is known as a disgusting place with disgusting scammers.
Fellow niggers, are certs worth getting? I got lucky with an software dev position where I'm getting some good projects in MLops, and I want to convince HR to change my title, but not sure if getting a ton of certs is the right way to go about it.
>>103320229Wow based conservativeMake America India Again
>>103322027You can get one for the badge on your CV if you plan on job hopping later.In my experience they're only good for shoving your foot in the door with HR roasties.
>new guy doesn't know the difference between web server and application server
For me, it's the Knuckles distro
>>103320901no Debian?
>>103321108This and Big isn’t bloated Ubuntu…? Wtf
>>103320901What's the Sonichu distro?
>>103320901they're all utter shite
>>103320901This is so fucking autisticI feel so bad for you
> amazon is very concerned over how unsafe rust is> rust's developers are so incompetent that amazon is wanting to pay people to try and make rust less shit and actually safe> "The Rust Foundation has reviewed our plans and agreed to host this endeavor."> "Today, the Rust standard library comprises roughly 35K functions, with approximately 7.5K unsafe functions, and 3K safe abstractions. The core library has 21K functions, with 7K unsafe functions and 1.7K safe abstractions.> "In the last 3 years, 57 soundness issues have been filed in the Rust standard library and 20 CVEs have been reported. Of these soundness issues, 28% of them were discovered in 2024, telling us that the rate of change of the standard libraries is faster and more unsound. Over 90% of Rust based products/services depend on the Rust standard library with virtually every Rust application depending on the core library."as per usual, /g/ was right again about how fucked things are with this language.
>>103321770people here have been pointing out the massive problems with its "safety" claims for a couple of years. rust trannies absolutely lost their minds over it, trying to defend how they can use unsafe functions because a rust tranny said it was safe. it's nice to see that amazon are no longer trusting these fucking faggots to fix their shit.
>>103321770reminder that rust doesn't even have a standard unlike C. they can't decide on one lmao.
>>103321821Right. I never really bought the whole "memory safe" scam they like to shill even though no language can be truly "memory safe". But you know. It was a change of pace. But these fuckers cannot get their shit together. So I am just going to stick with C and not waste my time. Simply put.
>>103321751FPBP cniles seething
>another corporation invests into Rust>cinile shits his bed in utter desperationLove to see it.
Ps5 slim digital costs only 375 eurosHas better specs than most midrange Desktops, nothing even comparable at that price range actually Can i just install Ubuntu and turn it in a normal desktop?
>>103321183I'm white europoor
>>103321163>Has better specs than most midrange DesktopsOne lies to himself on order to cope with the abysmal performance and great disappointment of the PS5 —a large piece of plastic modeled after bulldog architecture with 0 games. the Piss Nickel
>>103321163Want use a console as Desktop?Just get a Steamdeck or an Series S if you don't care using google services.
>>103321586Show me a 370$ pc that can run any games
You're forgetting you need to buy the games as well. Digital PSN store prices are a joke unless you buy the disc drive.
>UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE.Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: specific use cases.State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.Building guide:>CPUWeb browsing: 5600GBudget: 12400FMid Range: 12700KF, 7600XGaming: AMD X3D Workstation: 9950XAVOID: Intel 13/14 series>COOLERComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is this in enough? I can slightly see the teeth. The clip thing did click, and it feels too tight to come out.
>>103322077pull it out and push it on all the way
>>103322062yes but that is still the consumer 5090
>>103322094It won't come out.
>>103322077I had that issue with nvidias gay nigger 12 pin I just pushed it in with the force of a collapsing star to make sure it was flush
*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in the thread subject ***>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project) - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc - A modern introduction to JavaScript - Quite a good JS tutorial and - Learn flex and grid in CSS>Resources for backend languages - A PHP tutorial - A Java tutorial - Links for Python and Go>Resources for miscellaneous areasComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
nothing like shitting on paid time
any of you fags did courses from ? some of them seem nice desu
>>103266938This might not be the proper thread, but it seem the most relevant.How to save a website to be used offline?I want to save the topics from this local copy in zim format.Is this possible?
>>103320314Rails is still chugging along8 just got released and it threw out a lot of bullshit:
What's the /wdg/ recommended Framework? I asked ChatGPT and said that Svelte is the most minimal and unbloated.
redpill me on wireguardwhy doesn't anon use it?
>>103321400Citation needed kid
>>103321400I think it goes without saying that it doesn't fit everyone's needs, so obviously don't use it if your infrastructure is built around openvpn.However, it is extremely lightweight and only uses a tried and tested handful of preexisting ciphers. Plus, the codebase is a lot smaller than openvpn so the likelihood of a vulnerability is practically zero. >>103321071>>103321186>>103321208> insecureWireguard isn't "creating something new". It's just patching together ciphers that have been around for ages. Out of all the ciphers, the most recent one is chacha20-poly1305 and that's almost a decade old. And even then, both ciphers are older than that (2008 and 2005 respectively)
>>103321672Did you cry this much the first time your dad fucked you?
>>103322032Vpn and wg don't work here.
>>103322079No need, cause I was laughing at you getting mogged by the leukemia riddled hogsweat known as ya madda.
We had the technology 100 years ago.What happened?
>>103320417>What happened?Shaniqua is starving.
>>103320417>What happened?This happened:
>>103320543>>103321172I watched it, and my mind is made up; you guys are schizos and don't understand the science involved, but are too stupid to understand how dumb you are.
>>103320417never ending DEI
>>103321852>uses the word "science" as if it powerfully negates all who disagree with himyou can't even explain why the lighting made no sense on the official NASA photos.It's amazing how many people just accept things because they think "ur dumb if you don't believe something that involves le holy science" so they accept it so as not to be classified as "dumb"
buy alienware
/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbotsrin edition>NewsNew GPT-4o snapshot gpt-4o-2024-11-20 released (embed)GPT o1-preview and o1-mini now have streaming (embed)New Mistral Large, now with vision and a free tier is now available via the API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update ST staging (embed)additional info:>FrontendsSillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.appRisuAI: https://risuai.netComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>103321979Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!1. Tavernmakies!Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!2. Proxymakies!Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!3. Botmakies!While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!4. Logmakies!Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!5. ReviewmakiesThey help botmakies make their bots better!6. Good Postmakies!They are what makes the thread fun!Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
i have cancer
>>103322039 click>inspect>consoledocument.querySelectorAll('style, link[rel="stylesheet"]').forEach(e => e.remove());enjoy
>>103322072Share you claude with me first and I will
for fucks sakes WHY IS 265 NOT SUPPORTED
>>103321085>Chinese shit and TwitchNothing of value was gained.
>>103317251Google being forced to sell Chrome will actually be worse for Mozilla. They're under antitrust lawsuits for paying Mozilla and Apple to make Google the default search engine on their browsers. This Google deal is $510m out of their $593m revenue. They won't be totally fucked since they have a lot of savings and they'll sign deals with some other search engine but of course without the Google competition they won't get as much.
>>103321475It's about time Mozilla came up with a sustainable business model. I pay for Mozilla VPN to give them something but that's not going to net them $500m
>>103318780The interval between VP9 and H264 is smaller than the one between VP8 and VP9, so...
>>103297717It's except, not expect