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You have clearly never worked in retail. This is something I can clearly see some idiot do. The funny thing is that it's added after the first, meaning way too many people initially did not understand.
Almost there.
Im not sure if you are a roasty and made a freudian slip or if you just caught the dumb today.
yup. if you find mistakes, you can keep em'.
Did he really troon out tho

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why didn't he win?
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Hahaha, look at this retarded fat fuck.
hmm looks like it's all a wash. how confusing, i guess we'd better just support globohobo. remember to vote!!!
>It got 16.6% less Russian in a decade, that's like London tier replacement
London tier? That shit was just projection from their bot farms, London should be careful not to go Moscow tier.
Fat Dotpedo
Kim Jong Un really let himself go.

You can't do anything productive on a laptop, this is a fact.

If you don't have a monitor that is at least 23", a keyboard and a mouse it will be a pain to do anything that's not word processing.

I hate myself for not realizing this when I was younger. The shittiest desktop setup is miles better than the best laptop for non-slop activities.
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>I wrote a LLM in punch cards because I'm masochistic and retarded
>that means I'm superior to you
>everyone should use punchcards
I know right. Also use horizontal mice vertically because vertical mice are not vertical. You gotta think outside the box
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AND horizontal mice have lower ground clearance so you are more efficient by default when moving back and forth to your keyboard
He's not using a laptop, he's using a big monitor. So shut the fuck up, nigger.

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Do you guys want to read this and go through course notes together?
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>im already writing a compiler
>wait, it's commiting to reading a book and doing gay letter exchange with the /g/enteelmen
no thx!!! X3
Op come back please
Sorry I have intense urges to shoot myself throughout the day and have to lay down.

I was thinking we could all just read through it at our own speeds and help each other when we get stuck. Some of the math gets hard after the first few chapters. Maybe every Sunday morning we have a thread?
every man is alone in front of God.
help yourself.
heal yourself.
carry yourself.
(aka crack sum books ngga then come back to me)
We should hold hands while reading

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What's your preferred browser of choice that offers the smoothest web browsing experience? I have a laptop w/Windows 7 installed (got it secondhand. Pic related) and I was wondering what I could use instead of Chrome or Edge since support w/those has ended. I tried SeaMonkey a year or two ago when I first got it, but the YouTube's website was a bit jank on it. It's only now I'm revisiting this device so I figured I'd ask this time.
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Just think about what sites you're visiting. If it's too bloated use your phone.
Waterfox, supermium, or you can install Kernel extensions and run Chrome natively.
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You can use ikatube + mpv/vlc (or FreeTube 0.19.2 with invidious) for YouTube. I still stick with 115 LibreWolf, I won't install the other chrome forks as I don't want furry pornography in my system.
win7 ungoogled chromium from a couple months ago, with vkex injected to make it think it's on a win10 install

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>power draw of a human brain: 20W
>power draw of a 4090: 450W
AI is a pale imitation of God's creation

Let me guess, you "need" more?

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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>Their screen is either the worst or the best, no middle point decent
That's not been true for a few years, though it had been standard prior. They now usually offer excellent IPS and low-power panels in addition to OLED on their best models.
eBay got them T14 gen1 refurbed for under 300 bucks https://www.ebay.com/itm/166970709405
Should I pull the trigger?
If yours didn't come with it, find out what Thinkpad model came with that card and go download the W7 drivers from Lenovo.
so is the t14s snapdragon from now on? the fuck?

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I currently have a iPhone 11 and before that used the 2016 SE (my first iPhone was the 4S)

But I kinda wanna try switching to a Google Pixel for my next phone (in like 3 years maybe)

There isn’t really anything special anymore about iOS or an iPhone that would make me buy another one again

Anyone that has switched recently? I think Android is more fitting for me, since I don’t even use any other Apple products (I use Windows and Fedora on my laptop)
>discord color with contrast so shitty your eyes hurt just by trying to recognize those icon shapes
why are iTroons like this?
looks like iOS is the only major OS left which can't do partial updates lmao
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lmao even
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there was never anything special about iJeetphones
at this point they're running out of things to copy
Don't bother with Pixel for now, since they switched from Qualcomm to Samsung components the battery life is bad. This should change with Pixel 10 which should have fully in-house SoC, but nobody knows how good it will be.
A phone with Qualcomm SoC would be a good choice.

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Cameraphone edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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just realized that
mid range then i guess
Why are apple haters so obsessed with anal sex?
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Found a tutorial if a phone/manufacturer is made for sirs

Search market share of smartphones in a named country, then just compare it to japan or another tech-conservative country

have a good morning sirs
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Whats the lowest snapdragon for minimum switch emulation? What can be the lowest snap dragon something like yuzu and skyline can properly run? Im talking about games like the gen 8 pokemon games, mario kart or even something like Mario Odyssey or Persona 5. And by running properly I do not mean the smooth as butter kind of thing, something that can run it, frame drops and all, on a respectable fps count.
That image is worth keeping in mind next time someone here recommends you a Xiaomi/Poco/Redmi phone.

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I built this computer in 2013 and don't see any reason to build a new one anytime soon, but I'm also not an epic gamer with 3 monitors
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same, 2013
I don't know
Some parts of it come from my old laptop, some parts are not even a year old, some parts are from 2019

It's 1 to 11 years old

My pc has no age.
it's a laptop
well in any case the platform is what i was talking about. if he cant afford the platform upgrade he should just get another SSD for his current rig, no need to even replace the 120 unless its an nvme drive.
I have a 3060 12gb for training models but I also have a shitty old processor from 2014 so most newer games are bottlenecked from that, but I can’t really be bothered to replace the cpu because then I need to replace other things as well and it works fine.

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god i hate these things so fucking much

not exactly a hot take, i know. but it really is worth repeating how much smartphones suck ass (or anything branded as "smart"). i hate how everything needs an app now. wanna get deals at mcdonalds? get our app! wanna get coupons at LIDL? get our app! wanna do anything in the modern world? get the fucking app!

i also hate typing with these things. sooooo fucking slow i feel like a caveman.

but that's just my personal beef. the societal ramifications are obviously much greater. dating is a non-starter if you're a male who isn't a 8/10 (yes, there are exceptions - those prove the rule). normies have polluted the internet, which made it so everything is gay and PC and monetized. also with the advent of the cheap android smartphones, the entire third world can now enter once comfy white-only forums and enlighten us with their barely readable low IQ takes and opinions. easy internet access has also streamlined the process of applying for residency/asylum in the west, so now we have more brownoids in our physical proximity than ever before.
welcome to hellworld
are you going to make the best of the situation you find yourself in and find a way to turn it to your advantage?
or just give up?
I'm just going to pass on using a smartphone. I can't take that shit. I'll miss out on the conveniences and the cheap deals, but keep my sanity. And I'll avoid businesses that promote that kind of "bonus" system, unless they have a physical card alternative.
Especially when corporate tracking became also a form of social validation.
If anything the new internet is expelling the core users of 90/00's away, the non woke nerd.
Shitty take. Smart phones are awesome.

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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102405949

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic

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because just one image isn't enough to make a conclusion, to be sure something is worse than the other, it must be consistently worse, not just once I guess, nta btw
It's cool we are technically able to run PuLID on ComfyUi but, I'm seeing a requirements.txt + requirements_fp8.txt, I guess it's not working on GGUF quants right?
looks like anon did multiple tests https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102253191/#q102257955
still trying to figure out which xformers works with torch 2.3.1 tho
>still trying to figure out which xformers works with torch 2.3.1 tho
If I remember well, the newest version of torch and cuda, especially cuda 12.1 aren't compatible with xformers anymore
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doesn't seem to be working for me

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.

>Intel Raptor Lake / RPL Refresh
Instability reported with 13th and 14th gen, i5 K SKUs and above (incl non-K). Update BIOS and apply Intel Baseline settings. Avoid purchases.

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: i3 12100

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Two large rads should be enough honestly. More really won't bring your temps down a significant amount after a certain point.
Surprised people are still custom watercooling these days. Also what is going on with that loop mamagement?
all the benchmarks need to be rerun
Jensen is afraid that AI hype is going to fade and because cope frames is the only thing that holds Nvidia on top.
Why does everyone reccomend the Ryzen 5 5600X3D when its barely any different than most ryzen cpus besides the l3 cache? is it that signicant for cpu intensive games?
>nugames look so shit the only solution is to re-hallucinate them to look good frame by frame

Which is better, and why?

No "because it's not proprietary" arguments please. Functionality only.

Also, is the Plex Pass worth it?
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I guess that answers my question.
Yep, that's the difference between open source and a black box.

>Open source : We know there is some issues, we know there will be issues, the community is there to provide some patchs to the code.
>Black box : Move along, there's nothing to see, trust us, our code is the safest.
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Jellyfin is open source, Plex is not. Plex is owned and operated for profit by jews, Jellyfin is not.
Isn't there some plugin or addon for Jellyfin to have Plex like UI?
>95% of my time has been spent sorting out the rest of the arrs so that jellyseerr just works,
Any tutorial that has been helpful in that regard?

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