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/an/ - Animals & Nature

Displaying 66 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
4797506How can I ensure my cat lives to atleast 20? He's around 8-9 currently and is still very full o…[View]
4797223this a real animal? /tv/ is my main board[View]
4737564Any anteater chads here? What do you feed them? Any special needs?[View]
4784185It's How You Raise Them[View]
4796900Aw he's smiling :D[View]
4797496And so begins our nightly shenanigans[View]
4796105Are bloodhounds good police dogs?[View]
4778197I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorit…[View]
4793260I come from a typical white trash family and my mother has fed up an army of stray cats on the prope…[View]
4797248I just smacked a bee with my phone and it left a big stain of pollen on my screen, I was worried at …[View]
4797239Hello there fellow (and very real) /an/imals! What's shakin? Ate any human lately? Why are lion…[View]
4797025my kitten constantly has zoomies and seems to have unlimited energy. Do I need to get another kitten…[View]
4794404What's your guy's favorite animal youtuber?[View]
4796897Plantigrade vs Digitigrade: A grizzly bear can run around 40 MPH (so they say, IDK how precise of ex…[View]
4791110What kind of frog is this?: is it poisonous? can I touch it with my bare hands?[View]
4797137Psychopathy in bees??: I know this might sound a bit out there, but am in dire need of some advice. …[View]
4796658ITT: Post an animal based on the last letter of the previous post. Antelope.[View]
4795225Would you kill a giant hornet if it came to your backyard uninvited and you had fruit trees that nee…[View]
4796738Need help Identifying this plant. Is it some sort of Tulip?[View]
4797104Brian..... Barczyk?: no one has called me by that name for years[View]
4793960the most aesthetic cat breed[View]
4795288I bought some expensive ass raw food and my cat doesnt touch it at all and goes for the dry kibble, …[View]
4789585I just saw a possum actually play possum and get up from the middle of the road and skitter off into…[View]
4791699Why are whales such gigachads?[View]
4796365>>4795590 cunt you never lived near Puckapunyal[View]
4796008Orangutan legality: Is it legal to buy and keep an orangutan anywhere in the world, taking any moral…[View]
4793905Why do we even bother trying to save these incels?[View]
4796457Yacht sinks after being rammed by orcas in Strait of Gibraltar: A sailing yacht has sunk in Moroccan…[View]
4794422what's the proper way to relocate a parakeet on the loose in your home without scaring it too m…[View]
4796465What kind of mushrooms grow on dog shit and why do the dogs eat them?: Sometimes they eat their shit…[View]
4795996Meyer Lemon Tree Leaves: Need some help senpai... I have this 5-8 year old lemon tree that periodica…[View]
4796146>go outside >see rat on the table >doesnt see me in the dark >out of options >grab it…[View]
4792656You killed him… (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)[View]
4795420I want them back[View]
4794864What is it exactly that they think they're accomplishing? Are seals of the Phocini tribe (Pagop…[View]
4795499Why haven't Floridians domesticated the gators yet? The world's tropical people want them …[View]
4796213What is the simplest animal that has a distinct culture and society?[View]
4796088Why can't we do this to cows?[View]
4791839A fly got in and my cat can't even catch and kill it, what are cats good for[View]
4794174coping with pet loss: my adored and very special bearded dragon is leaving us. It hurts. >how do…[View]
4795699squirrels in my walls: squirrels have been a plague on my house for 2 years now the first year I cau…[View]
4785594What happend to her?[View]
4795790Inhaled Urushi today: Any cunts that ever breathed burnt poison ivy? Today I had to burn Urushi and …[View]
4794477I don’t really like ducks.[View]
4794533I sometimes see a cat walking around outside my house.[View]
4792268Toxo Thread: Only post in this thread if you know or suspect that your brain is infested by the para…[View]
4794663Disposable Animals: Starting with the obvious.[View]
4796095*sniff* so, hol'up. lemme get this as straight as an arrow you tried to shoot me down with *sip…[View]
4795417How smart are cephalopods really?: How do they compare against a dog? A parrot? An ape?[View]
4795873What is this?: Hello /an/ what is this snake and how close was I to death? Why do they keep trying t…[View]
4795541>be me >at work, day very slow >See a car stopped in the middle of the road from the window…[View]
4795642Anyone here successful with the nestboxes? i got 2 hanging right now, one of them very successful th…[View]
4795758Cat: Get some cats in your 4chan feed. My cat Yuna[View]
4795174Pablo's Hippos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacienda_Nápoles Escobar kept four hippos in a pr…[View]
4792013Do the other great apes embody the personality types of different humans? >chimps - aggressive ma…[View]
4795353can he be saved or is it over?: I'm a newfag at gardening and decided to plant sunflowers since…[View]
4795633I now have 4 little brown bats. How do i take care of them?: I got them from my male friend who simp…[View]
4795595how come owning a pet bear is illegal but you can own pitbulls[View]
4795219Hello everyone: new polaris out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zucot1Y7QmE Your thoughts?…[View]
4795241Post fatties[View]
4794298So should I worry about the talk of mass extinction of bugs, birds and other critters or is it just …[View]
4794515Them.: I found a fuck load of ants seeping into my backyard patio, idk why there where so many but t…[View]
4795273What is this?: These weird spots started showing up about 3 weeks ago. Is this fungal, mange, or som…[View]
4791307Are boars and warthogs just shitty discount elephants?: If you think about it... Both are herbivores…[View]

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