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Are these fine for cats? I hope it'll prevent my cat from killing birds, but does it cause any other discomfort to it?
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They're horrible for cats, they damage thier ears and lead to hearing loss
They've started killing humans, they're done for
You know what will prevent your cat from killing birds? Keeping it inside you fucker.
Nooo you can't let your animal see the sun that isn't ethical!
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Use this. It's literally so easy to actually be a responsible pet owner.

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Burt Ward, "Robin, the Boy Wonder"™ from the BATMAN TV series, wants your dog to live a healthy, happy, active life!
Cichlids are weird
Earlier today mine just decided to be depressed out of no where, wouldn't eat just stared at me and sat in a cave. I checked every inch to see if she was sick or something but couldn't find anything.
She's acting normal again but I'm wondering what set her off, sometimes they see shit outside the tank and just get scared for no reason I guess.
Any recommendations for planting a 6 gallon cube? I am going filterless, dirt substrate, the only inhabitants will be shrimp and snails.
I get Java ferns for free by taking them from my other tank, I was thinking Amazon swords would be a decent choice for root feeders as the leaves look fairly similar to the ferns. Petco only had a couple of very sad looking ones so whatever I get I'll be mail ordering, which broadens my options.
One of the small anubias strains. It's very slow growth. Good for a general coverage plant that rarely requires pruning even in a small tank like that.
where can i get this fish

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moved into an apartment but they dont allow dogs.
what are some low maintenance apartment friendly pets that you dont have to keep in a cage/tank?
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>most intelligent cat owner
Don’t reply to me twice maggot
Guinea pigs don't have to be caged indoors. They need their own space but it doesn't have to be a cage. You can keep indoor guinea pigs like indoor rabbits.
Now stop being obsessed with cats lmao.
>least seething retarded cat person
*People. Now go get a hobby.

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Realistically most ferals won't be able to get adopted out, especially as adults. Many of them are aggresive and don't like people. The best way to help them would be to build tiny houses in which they'd have beds, scratch posts, toys, etc and be sheltered from the elements. Then volunteers will be tasked to clean the homes periodically as well as feed them, vets will examine them as needed but otherwise they'll live independently in a colony with other ferals.
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trvthfvl post
this delusional tard still larping like hes the robin hood savior of his shithole neighborhood running around with a bow and arrow lmaooo
It's not abandoned, it will be loved and cared for by a community instead of just one owner, what's wrong with that?
Cute community
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I'd simply eat them.

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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Probably being restrained would freak it out more than the paddlin'.
You should be checking all your traps every day, no matter what type
I've never seen anyone wearing this in real life but if I did I would punch them in the face.
I have one and my cat enjoys it. Fuck you.
Your cat does not enjoy being in a bubble.

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>Be insane Japanese man who wants to become a dog
>Buy ultrarealistic dog costume for tens of thousands of dollars
>Travel to a dog park to interact with a real dog
>Real dog is terrified and barks at you nonstop
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Yea, it's called uncanny valley
Video link? This I gotta see
>insane Japanese man
That probably goes without saying on some level at this point
I assume it’s to sniff out frauds with extreme effectiveness so we don’t end up with some fucked up parasites that look like humans or something

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Everyone is talking about how breeder fucked up the back but what about the head? Look at pic related, that's almost greyhound level pointy.

And now they're all lazy droopy lip tall snout slobber machines.
The slim pointy snout looks so much cooler.
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There’s no reason this needed a whole new thread
Dog breeds are a slow motion train wreck that are painful to watch.
Doodles aren't a mixed breed, mongrel, or mutt. Note that these all mean the same thing.

At best, they're a crossbreed.
>two breeds being mixed together actually isn't a Mixed Breed because......BECAUSE IT JUST ISN'T OKAY???
Ok retard.
Simple litmus test. Which term better describes a Cockapoo? Mixed breed or cross breed?

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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he so real for this
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>I've seen some videos or stuff going around the web with wolves not being scared or not getting too territorial with human women. Is it true or is it just bs?
Dunno, I'm not a foid. IMO, Wolves are smart, they probably know that foids are less immediately dangerous. But I think that a lot of that might be that a foid has habituated the wolves in an area to humans and so the wolves are more used to a foid.

Have you taught your cat to play any musical instruments yet?

That sounds like something I could do if my livelihood depended on teaching my cats new things
This is proof of the high intelligence of cats

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>This box is made for me
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>Listen kid, I don't have much time. I have information about quality control issues at Boeing.

rip 2008-2024
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Rest in peace, sweet kitty.
A nice long healthy life I’m sure. RIP.
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Condolences, anon.
Thread theme

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how do I train my cat to attack intruders
Even if you could do that, your cat would get knocked out after one kick
i dont think so bub
Same way as you train a chihuahua or pomeranian, you don't
Wrong, it’s very easy for them to latch on and start going to town on your leg

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anything goes
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>Pongos use medicinal herbs to treat wounds
Why are they not considered better than chimps and bonobos at this point? They even show empathy to non-pongos, trying to help humans out of the water.
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The field is still a work in progress.
Consider the fact that up until the late 80s we had a completely filpped image of chimps and gorillas to reality.
A case od a gorilla saving a kid who fell down an enclosure helped put us on the right path.
Here goes nothing

beat up macaques, strangle macaques, throw macaques in the garbage can, tease macaques, bully macaques, drown macaques, lock macaques in small spaces, remove macaque's surrogate mother every second to make them spaz, lock macaques in a Cage, comfort macaques in said Cage and then removing your comforting hand to make them spaz and panic, Lynch macaques, trash up macaques, hang macaques with their pacifier, squeeze macaque tummies so that they gasp for air, remove macaques from their Natural habitat, make macaques do unnatural things, force macaques to stand on their legs damaging their spine, wrap macaques hands and feet so that they cant self comfort with thumb sucking, make macaques act likes humans and do human chores, slave macaques into coconut harvesting, use macaques as source of entertainment in morocco, Pakistan and Thailand, use macaques as literal toys, abuse macaques, pity macaques, torture macaques, make macaques terrified of you, mentally destroy macaques until they are left a broken, unrecognizable mess
Total anyotherprimate love, Total macaqueshit death (black crested macaques are excluded tho)

Is this edgy enough? Fellow monkey lovers?
Damn bro, I hate these little guys but I think you are off the deep end.
Did you take your medication today?

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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this is funny on such a fucked up level.. of all the fingers he could’ve bitten off he chose the most important and OP one. and the orangutan probably knows that too.
it's equally appropriate to say what we do is pongo behavior
I just came here after seeing this news
I mean... we've known about this behavior for years.
I don’t think that’s true at all.

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Your cat's affection may be partially attributed to the close human-animal bond, but part may be due to genetics. A study found that kittens with a friendly father grow up to be cats that are friendlier toward people compared to cats with a non-friendly father.
>a study in found
>nowhere in sight

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