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why do people go to such lengths to defend shitbulls
the skeem is the answer to your problem
Great lengths for great lows.
because once you accept that some behavioral traits are highly influenced by genetics it leads you to politically inconvenient conclusions.
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Sunken cost fallacies. They own one or know a relative/friend that does. For them to acknowledge that they are dangerous they would have to acknowledge that the one they know is and they are uncomfortable with the ramifications of that.

>It's an asexual half frog mutant born in a tube
>paleotards still seethe about the collar
It's fiction, deal with it already
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>the movie?
Aren't we talking about the books?
it's pretty much the same in this regard, isn't it? by the way, this is an example of sequential hermaphrodite. they're born female and become male when they get older. specifically, it's called proteroginism.
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how many velociraptors have they found in montana? You know, where Dr. Grant was digging "velociraptors" in the book?
Clearly most JP commentators have not read the fucking book. Crichton is EXTREMELY explicit about why he wrote the book the way he did. It's not a book about dinosaurs. It's a book about man's hubris.

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Does anybody else get ribberts in their dounstairs shitter?
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sweet, a free self-replenishing food source
no, bad chang
Pierre, in this case.
Crazy that the world is just collectively okay with Frances cannibalism.

Spinefags get all the attention despite making up only like 3% of all animals. This thread is dedicated to all of our favorite inverte-FRIENDS!
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Sounds like something a prey item would say.
> Marine invertebrates suffered the greatest losses during the P–Tr extinction. Evidence of this was found in samples from south China sections at the P–Tr boundary. Here, 286 out of 329 marine invertebrate genera disappear within the final two sedimentary zones containing conodonts from the Permian.
Reality says otherwise, cope.
Everytime the paradigm shifts, you will be the first ones to go
Whatever you say, morsel
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Your only use is to serve us as a host for easy food and transport, kneel.
I've eaten isopods before. No isopod has eaten me.

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Introspection edition
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Just wait till you get rats, or whatever weasel-type thing that killed my last chickens
Those would be pretty tiny mice but yes I guess they *could*
I've seen videos of chickens swallowing normal sized mice whole.
Rinnetraps flip and slide helped me enact the holocaust with the aid of a dog that fugged up a half dozen burrows. Also vole x might have killed a few.

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Imagine a show where joe rogan adopts a baby chimpanzee, teaches him MMA, releases him back into the wild and the cameraman just follows around a BJJ blackbelt ape
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he will understand if you reward him with chimpussy after successfully pumping iron (banana will also probably work)
that’s been happening for years dude
this post was made by a fairly insular sub-community on twitter (RW twitter) that are just as meme savy as you and I and probably post here too hence why they post it there
Rogan is cool but he says stupid shit a lot like thinking Mcgregor could beat Halthor in a fight so make it a comedy where he’s mostly the butt of the joke and it might work
They are of our incestuous sister clade, hardly similar in sensibilities/time lag to those that usually serve as the death knell
>Joe Rogan

No, 4chan memes don't die when they spread to social media anymore. reddit/twitter/facebook have been recycling wojaks for years.

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tell me about the tards
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what would be the damage wrought if you had one of these in your bloodstream?
each of their muscles are single cells.
overall their body consists of only around 1000 cells.
Why would that be nice

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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It’s hard to take good pics with aquarium lights unless you go hard on the white.
Correcting white balance on the phone gives mixed results.
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Idk what you're on about, white balance looks fine to me.
>heat wave
>max outside temp : 34C
>tank temp : 30C
>this is with 2 pc cooling fans blowing 24/7
I want to cry
I'd lend you my 1/16 if I could man, can you not get like a desk fan or something instead? Generic PC fans move very little air comparatively.
Ice that shit.

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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You aren't suppossed to go on ten hour death marches with the thing
lol fluffies
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Does Burt Ward's crazy ass dog food really makes you dog immortal?
Yes Yes

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Post some songs about animals.

I've listened to these two songs about every week for the past year because they remind me of my cat that died in December.

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SPELLLING - Emperor with an Egg
Really good penguin song

Two different songs both named and about cuckoos.
• Lemon Bucket Orkestra
• Abby the Spoon Lady (and some dude I couldn't give a halfpenny shit about, Les Blackwell)
Simon & Garfunkel – Who Will Love a Little Sparrow

Malvina Reynolds
• LittleRed Hen
• Says the Bee
• Rabbits Dance
• The Albatross
The Whale
• The Little Mouse

You might know her as the singer of the Weeds themesong, Little Boxes.

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This is a fish.
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Nta but have you ever heard of the tale about the carp and the waterfall
I don’t like where this is going…
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Imagine being able to eat the floor. How can carnivores ever compete?
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Imagine being able to eat your neighbor.
How can herbivores even compete?
Me too man. Epic yak
by eating them?
>have to spend 6 hours a day eating just to survive
>have to spend another 8 hours a day eating the food a second time because its so hard to digest
yeah sounds wonderful as opposed to
>let the Herbies do the hard part and then just eat the Herbies
i fucking kneel snakechad

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I'd personally put them pretty low.
I think out of hand we can dismiss the idea that there was ever a land animal that weighed over 200 tons, but the ocean holds many secrets.
Whether any of the incomplete ichthyosaurs we know from only sections of jawbones were as big as the blue whale is, they do prove that VERY large bony animals can fairly secret to our fossil hunters.
And that's only within the areas of Earth that we can search for fossils. All fossils hidden under the ocean bed or the ice caps of Antarctica (probably a majority of fossils on Earth) are complete secrets to modern man.
Not to mention animals who would not usually fossilized. If there existed a 500 ton Precambrian ocean worm, chances are we'd never get a fossil of it, at least not one big enough to prove the total size of the beast
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t. Inferior human roastoid
theres no way something like that existed
DAMN that boy thicc
there had to be some giga sea monster in the cretaceous period that mustve mogged the blue whale

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Does anyone else huff their cat? Why do they smell good?
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Brain damage ever since the day he was born
>shitty series is relevant again because of porn bait
My only wish in this life is to kill as many coomers as I can.
Dogs smell amazing. Like a meadow in the middle of a cedar grove.
Cats smell neutral at best. Like dirt.
What? If anything it’s more relevant than ever. And it’s still fun.
This is gigacope
human beings are so vile

>Casually is a living fossil
If Odonata are such successful predators, then how come no other insects have evolved a similar body plan? Have they just outcompeted everything that otherwise would have? The closest thing to an exception I can think of are antlions.
A bunch of robber flies are pretty similar
>have evolved a similar body plan?
Because that isn't how evolution works
The median phases are likely less fit in a present environment, thus aren't selected for

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