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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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He's busy playing Palworld with sexmods on his triple 4090 PC, losers.
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do you remember which one?
I really struggle to imagine what his everyday life is like. He'll do a review of the 3rd or 4th device in a week and say "yeah I'm finding that I really love to just pull this one out when I'm on the go and have a gaming session-", it's like, is this dude playing Celeste for 15 seconds in the grocery store checkout or what, how is he constantly having all these long involved "gaming session" periods to have serious longform opinions about this crap. Dude's wife will be like "Honey our baby has a fever, we need to take him to the doctor" and he'll be all "Hold on let me get check which of these devices is the most pocketable for our big trip to the clinic" while stuffing the charger for his Odin 2 in a backpack.
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>Obsessed by a e-celeb
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I would say that Fire Emblem Gaiden is so daunting that he has to have a device on him at all times, but his basic ass would probably say FE7 is the best.
I'm moreso talking shit.
>verification not required

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What happened to the stat growth from the last game?
Kinda disappointed they regressed the mechanics for the sequel.
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>Out of the old famicom rpgs its one of the most straightforward
That would be 3, which is also the only playable NES FF.
Yes you can play through FF2 without a guide but it will be miserable and tedious. Especially if you play it blind. No blind player will ever think about maxing out evasion to make regular battles a joke. So if you play the game normally you'll have to suffer status inducing bullshit and random bursts of damage.
FF2's battles are the main flaw, not just the dungeons. The battles are either way too tedious, or laughably easy, neither of which are fun. FF2 NES is better than FF1 NES, but 1 managed to fix all its flaws in the remakes while 2's main flaws are still present in its remakes.
>Especially if you play it blind. No blind player will ever think about maxing out evasion to make regular battles a joke.
I did. If you put a shield on (which makes sense) you're on your way to maxing evasion pretty quick. Its pretty obvious when you compare the tradeoff of putting some armor on that gives 4 defense or taking it off and gaining 20%+ evasion. You basically don't really get any armor in the game to begin with until the end.
2 is GARBAGE. It's for the best that they didn't try to repeat it.
If you play them then you're an even bigger loser.
That still brings in another flaw in which the game punishes the player for playing the wrong way. There's no obvious signs that equipping the best armor is bad until the late game starting with the Mysidian tower where the common imp enemies confuse you en masse. And Also the Death Rider in the last dungeon. It's just FF2's design philosopy, same with the dungeons. You have to take a leap of faith and hope you pick the good 50/50 odds of not fucking yourself over and having a terrible time with the game,
Second playthrough of the game, I equipped shields and maxed out my evasion stats. And battles turned into jokes. There's no in-between difficulty in the battles that make it actually fun like in 1 and 3.

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Whoever said this game is better than Ocarina is insane.
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Ocarina lets up patterns and resolves them inside and out of dungeons. It's a nice harmonic experience. Majora's Mask doesn't flow, the dungeons are full of noisy repetition and coarse patterns. No I can't prove it.
Play Tomb Raider and King's Field
I've never been more hyped for a game after OoT and MM was a disaster considering what it was following. People wanted OoT2 instead they got some weird side quest with none of the same characters. It starts off decently but by the time you get to the snow temple and you're rolling around like a goron it becomes apparent it's not as good as OoT at all. The soundtrack is a disaster too with only about two memorable songs. I appreciate they wanted to make all the areas sound depressing but it doesn't make for a very interesting soundtrack. Most of it sounds the same besides clocktown and the observatory. I don't think it's a bad a game by itself but compared to what it followed it's pretty shit
There a reason you samefag or end your last sentence without a period?
Only two of those are me. I don't samefag
have you tried slowing down the clock
you get more than enough time then

Which do you prefer?
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Yeah, Toy Story just has that classic 16-bit charm to it similar to Donkey Kong Country and Vectorman. Dare I say Clockwork Knight would look better if it was all 2D without the 2.5D stuff.
It's not even 16 bit charm. Toy Story pulled some outright technical wizardry at points to make certain parts of the game work. It's a ridiculously ambitious game for licensed shovel ware.
>this makes zoomers shit themselves with such force that they are propelled into outer space
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>Clockwork Knight feels like it's really underperforming as a "next gen" game and it doesn't have the aesthetic charm of something like Astal to make up for it.. Even the magazines at the time sort of dumped on it.

I only ever really completed ClockWork Knight 2, never really put much time into the first game. But Part 2 is basically like a continuation of the first game. I have played some Toy Story for the SNES and Genesis at different times. Probably Clockwork Knight (1) despite never completing it.

Interesting, Clockwork Knight came out in Dec 1994 in Japan, and 1995 in other parts of the world. Toy Story came out late 1995, the same month as the cinema debut of the movie. The 16bit games were released on-time with the movie. I never saw Toy Story in cinema (rental VHS). But it was a huge movie in 1995, especially for being hyped as the first CG film of its kind. Clockwork Knight was also inspired by the pre-hype of Toy Story, based on earlier trailers.

This didn't exactly age too well and should be left in 1994 where it belongs.
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Vine, Tiktok, Discord, Twitter shit.
Kids shit only got lamer.
Kill yourself cancerous subhuman
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why do you retards always interpret that word literally?
>What even exists nowadays

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Shatterhand for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
It's one of those rental fodder games that's just of, like, there and you don't remember much about it.
tried it out but it's pretty tricky. great game though, doesn't seem like an nes game at all.
Right game, wrong time
This was known as Tokkyuu Shirei: Solbrain in Japan and the cover art had some robot thing on it instead of the Stallone ripoff of the US cover. By Natsume.
Has one of the coolest intros of any NES game. Maybe one of the best in vidya.


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It says you should launder the cash you get but what you actually should do is buy anything and everything you can before doing so. It does boost your mindset tho if you have millions of dirty cash and you still decide to get into a gang fight lol.
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I checked tonight that the speedrun for this game used to be +6 hours which I already know but now it's 3 hours or so, I have yet to check what tricks were used. This game is pretty linear as fuck tho even if the whole world is free to explore from the start.

Another tip is go after the gangs which are skulls on the map, but that is luck based I guess because sometimes you get 15k loot from then and other times you get 1-5 million. I still prefer it to doing Felix quests but it's good if you have a silencer so cops show up later.
Also you don't have to get the fronts back if they get destroyed, you just have to repair them. If you are doing a distribution then it's usually not worth it to stay and defend any front rather than let them have it and just complete the rest of the route. At least only one of them can be attacked at one time.
I lost millions by not gitting gud enough and die during combat with lots of cash in hand, so I try to avoid that risk, specially if the cops get into it and fill the cop bar that instakills you.
I just played thru this game a couple of days ago and you almost never have to launder your money or save it to buy anything, you can just blow it to the exotics which are also not unlocked immediately but every time you level up the reputation. You are going to have to buy about 90% of them anyway to get the max reputation level, so just always buy buy buy all the stuff you don't even need. The game kind of tells this too, you are required to buy useless shit.

I only had to save up and launder some money to buy the last businesses in North Beach. Also, I feel like it's a part of almost any playhtru to overplay your hand and get your head blown off while having millions in your hand lol..
>early game activities
Come back here when you are at least half way through the game, newbie.
But I bet you will soon rage quit or start using cheats.

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>"This is the character! This is the character that is going to do it for Saturn!" - Steven Spielberg at CES Jan 1995
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For me it's Bug Too
The public's failure to do effective source checking before repeating information affects a lot more than journalism
So this is the power of the saturn, waow...
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post rare Bug!s

What went wrong?
>2d pinball
>at an arcade where you can play real pinball
that's what went wrong
Nothing, it sold fine for what it was. Fun gameplay, cute SFX, it's pretty great actually. Should try to track one down.

Anyway, it's time for Johnny Bazookatone.

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The man responsible for my childhood. I hope his dick got sucked every night.

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dkc 3's haters are full of shit. the game is far from being even bad
played it years ago and had lot of fun, the stages were unique (just like previous dkcs) but so were the bosses, way more challenging, and the bonus stages, way more fun. the extras were very cool, not only there was your typical extra world (and a hard one) but also there were these things called banana birds, all super fresh and cool. Collecting them all felt solemn
now I'm play the gba because I wanted to hear the new music, and fuck, it even has more mini-games and stuff than the snes version!!
both are gorgeous game, they offer more replayability, challenge, and aren't linear

there is literally nothing bad with this game. it is childish compared to the serious ones? perhaps, and it's also more fun, lively and charmful. that doesn't mean it doesn't have creepy, dark, majestic things
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Dog shit game with zero good levels.
replayed yoshi island years ago and god, there was a point where I just wanted it to be over. didn't bother to find secret shit, collect stuff or anything like that. I just wanted it to be over
seriously, the game fucking expects you to collect all 30 stars/flowers/whatever in one-go?? fuck them
The only thing I genuinely hate is having to rush through it to get the last bit of percentage. Forcing time trials as a condition for full completion is always a negative sticking point for me, even if the rest of the game is great.
ExoParadigmGamer. He's like a Zoomer that posts on /vr/ and respects the hobby.
Also he's niche e-celeb who reviews 'tendo games and partly to blame for fueling the "Banjo Tooie's too big" discourse.
>Bad music
>Missing sound effects
>Middling levels
>Ugly 3D and character designs
DKC3 is "okay".
It gets shit on because it's the inferior sequel of a nearly perfect game and was released on a console whose successor was already out.

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Why didn't they just use the controller pak for this?
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This is the bitch spelling.
Nobody knew about the cheat code riddles that unlocked all the eggs and ice key until the RareWitchProject.
Yeah, they could have done something like the Bomberman games. Have the main game save to the cartridge, and have the "character profile" optionally save to the pak. Once you unlocked the SnS menu, there could have been an option to save the items to the controller pak.
>Why didn't they just use the controller pak for this?
that's a really good question.
can multiple games access the same memory pak save?

the worst part was finding the codes for the other eggs before tooie arrived
so we had several unused eggs in bk1 that were never addressed

there's a chance they future proofed kazooie by adding the extra eggs that could be accessed by later rare titles.
at least coding-wise we know what what items the game looks for on boot and how to send them, which is neat.
theoretically if any beta build of tooie/dk64 drops in the correct range of time it was implemented, we can actually stop n swop.
>can multiple games access the same memory pak save?
Yes. Though I don't think any game ever took advantage of this. It is at least theoretically possible since many games have a controller pak menu which can read all the saves in the pak.

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>add extra 'X' and 'Y' buttons
>add a backlight
>add an actual sound chip
There, now it's perfect.
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>stylus was gay
You're gay.
>dual screen gimmick was gay
Etrian Odyssey disagrees.
>most primitive 3d graphics were gay
Low poly is the good shit, do you even /vr/?
>whole machine is ugly and awkward
Again, your mom.
>its also not retro
This is the only true/worthwhile thing you said.
>Dual screen ruins that handheld

Dual screens on a handheld was such a good gimmick that it endured for almost 20 years and convinced nintendo to ruin a home console by trying it there too.
Most good games let you play without it or it was minimally used.
A lot of lazy ports probably.
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>not retro
anon, it's 20 years old
Anon that's not how it works. Retro games refers to a specific era denoted by rapid technological advancement and game design philosophies, starting at the conception of games and ending with the Dreamcast. Anything after that is not retro.

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