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Beat MMX without leg upgrade. Frankly, it was not what I expected—I thought most difficulties would occur with platforming, but it was actually pretty easy; worst part was not being able to pick up most upgrades (until late) and avoiding bosses' attacks. I still have no idea how the hell you are supposed to fight Boomer and Octopus with no upgrades, their patterns seem almost random with no real easy way to avoid their attacks. Eagle was just stupid with no dash too, he blows you away half the time and then goes into dive attack that is barely avoidable without leg upgrade. Any tips appreciated.
Anyway, it was fresh to try this out, but I'd just prefer classic Mega Man at this point. At least it has challenging platforming and bosses have clear patterns.
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Yeah, I got game over in that stage, then I went back and got the armor upgrade and remaining heart tanks /sub tanks. I usually do fine on spider, but facing that fucker with no upgrades was eye opening. Still would be fine, if he didn't drop those small spiders that distract you and waste the charge shot.
As for the 2nd part of the level as a whole, I didn't use the chameleon weapon, just the homing rockets. They make it relatively easy.
I'm not bitching. There was simply one anon on this board who said that beating the game with no dash was something like the definitive experience. It was still interesting, but I just wouldn't say it was "definitive". A lot of bosses barely make sense with no dash. And the fact that the leg upgrade literally blocks the chill penguin stage is telling. Though you can tell a lot of pits on regular stages were placed with no leg upgrade in mind. Not on Sigma stage though.
Have you done no buster?
You mean no charge or just no boss weapons? With charge, it's just the way I play usually, it's not even much of a challenge, except for Sigma stage bosses. Regular bosses are easy as is, unlike MMX3.
I kind of want to try no heart/sub tank run, maybe no armor upgrade if I can manage it. Leg upgrade feels too essential, at least for buster only.
No buster? Wdym? Only boss weapons? Or did you mean buster only?

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I miss these lil discs like you wouldn't believe
>In sleeve and not in Jewel case
You can literally just download demos now and it's better. Tbh, most people just pirate before committing now so they are obsolete.
Why would anyone believe a mentally disturbed child trying too hard to fit in? Apply yourself.
Why, what range are you shooting from?
>these lil discs li
i burnt the GOG version of Neverwinter Nights 1 Diamond (not the bullshit remake with less content) onto 6 CDROMs, and the fanpatch too.

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Previous Thread: >>10899463

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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What does the mod look?
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>Cait Sith is still in the game
Alright, I'm downloading this.
Real Bout Fatal Fury for Mega Drive is going to be an official SNK release: https://x.com/danielmoura79/status/1791653856859885721
How do model and background.
>doesn't recognize a hex editor
You have to be at least 0x12 to post here.

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>becomes the best game of all time in your path
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i think he's full retarded console fan.
The gameplay was more diverse than some of the sequels and many modern games have. You could go thru the door, and either lockpick, hack or blow the door or find a key etc, you could go thru a window or roof by piling boxes, you could go thru a tunnel, you could swim to some locations, you could talk to a npc to find out a password. You sometimes make choices where a character lives or dies, tho if you are playing for the first time you didn't know there were choices most of the time, which makes it if you asked someone else then your playthrus would have been different.

I wasn't necessarily a fan of the original weapon balancing and some of the weapons were bugged to the point of being unusable as the aim would not be where you want it to be ever, so I just use a mod like GMDX9.
My favorite parts are the Tanker and the bomb disposal with Raiden. Tho when I play those parts with different difficulties I still have to hold a button for 5 minutes straight just to skip all the cutscenes and codecs every single time.

I dislike all the boss fights and don't really care for the sneaking parts in the middle parts of the game and there isn't that much sneaking in the 3rd act, just cutscenes and bosses and silliness.
honestly imsims are too in-depthly autistic for me. while the reboot/prequel probably did go too far in streamlining things, it was still more enjoyable overall.

honestly i feel the same way about bioshock re: system shock a move in the right direction, just going too far.
> bioshock


Why do so many zoomers view arcade as mindless quarter munchers when in reality they were the premium experience in terms of gameplay, challenge, replayability, and tech?
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>*elephant noises intensify*
>deeper game design
You would love modern games and >>>/v/
Cause they be broke af and mid on god
Because they were both of those things at the same time.
16 bit (and later 32 bit) consoles are /vr/ you moron. you should go back to >>>/readdit/.

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>find the switch
>push the boulder
>go refill your air
>fight against shitty westoid collision detection

Am I missing something? When does it get good?
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this game was literally inspired by the scientist trying to teach a dolphin to speak english and ended up jacking him off because she started thinking of him as her boyfriend
>game has a air meter
>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME
Dropped. It's already bad enough in the rare water level, nobody wants to deal with this constant annoyance.
yeah and her boss was swimming in a sensory deprivation tank high on ketamine, trying to telepathically connect with the dolphin
>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME

Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods than anyone else?
>reliable hardware without moving parts, early 90s models were actual clones of the Famicom and had FC style pads with rounder edges instead of the more angular NES ones
>Big library of games, maybe not the big games that required saving, like The Legend of Zelda, but on turn famiclones got a lot of japanese-only games
>Cheap as fuck and also multicarts
Basically famiclone kids got both, quality Japanese games, but at a very cheap cost, getting the best of both worlds of console gaming (good games) and british micros (cheap price).
You could argue modchipped PS1 or PS2 is better but
1) moving parts means less reliable hardware, especially if you weren't aware of putting the console upside-down technique in order for it to read discs
And 2) 100% ludo, no modern style games with movie stuff or urban simulators, just straight up games.
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I bought an NES with two controllers, a light gun, SMB2, SMB3, Zelda, and Duck Hunt all for $50 on ebay in 2005. And that wasn't even a particularly good deal, that was just the normal price at the time.
At the time at least loose carts were pretty cheap. By 2008 things were getting out of control.
I accept your concession
>I'm just going to point out you said "Chinese can read half of Jap"
That wasn't me. You can't even understand the concept of an anonymous board. Why would anyone believe you can understand a language.
>you made a reference to this being furigana
No I didn't. I made a reference to children having insufficient reading skills to read kanji. You can't even understand English well enough to comprehend a single sentence. Why would anyone believe you can understand a language.
rare but exists
theres some czech pce clone that was designed to look like a super famicom, the hucards are all cartridges

it looks much nicer on the box
>I blame AVGN for starting the whole "retro gaming" craze.
holy fucking zoomer

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The character known as Mai Shiranui
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She's pretty good and fun in '98.
>her boyfriend is waito piggu
What did they mean by this?
It means you gotta keep trying your meme better
we do a little trolling

SSX thread!
What's your own experience with the SSX? When did you first got one? What was your first game for the console? Fav games?
Model 1 or Model 2?
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sega lord x
It just adds a cool factor to it.
I'm gonna start calling the Game Boy and Game Gear the GBX ans GGX
I had the one with the pack in games (virtua fighter, virtua cop, daytona). and also had what I think was a pirated copy of C&C since it was a blank CD with C&C written in sharpie on it.

That's all I ever had for it. My dad got a playstation not long after which obviously was a lot better in terms of game selection.
At least calling the GCN the GCX would make more sense
Some ideas:

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ITT: systems with so many games that nobody will ever play them all.
I'll start:
the Commodore 64 : estimated 10,000 games and thats retail releases, the homebrew and amateur amount is impossible to say.
what systems can beat this amount /vr/?
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If you want hardware for retro gaming purposes you'd be better off with an Amiga. Smaller library but higher quality overall.
Also ignore these guys.
I built a DIY kit for fun, but I have no nostalgia for the C64. It's a neat system and I love 80s pcs but it has no value outside of nostalgia in terms of game quality. The software is a net time-capsule but besides nostalgia there really is no reason to get one.
you know, you're not required to play bad Euro games like Potty Pigeon and Flimbo's Quest, right? most of the actually worthwhile C64 games were NTSC ones.

Damn this bitch eats a lot
Stop posting your fetish
What emotion is this expression trying to convey?

I think bilinear filtering SUCKS
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All forms of anti aliasing suck. Why would you intentionally make your game blurry? Why are you staring at the edge of the table, anyway? Are you ok, anon?
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PS1 generally aged better than N64
and i mean PS1 without de-dither, correct perspective, uprendering, 32bit color, etc.
I usually do, but for some reason Half-Life is the one game that really looks good and natural with it
i honestly don't know how you'd think this. i hate 5th gen in general though

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was he drunk?
They will be puneeshed

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What are your favorite alternate designs for retro consoles/handhelds?
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Interesting, didn’t know that was a thing - did they put Japanese Net Yaroze games there?
every month the official PlayStation magazine came with a CD with demos and from 3 to 10 full net yaroze games, this was in 97/98/99

I'm an Europoor if that matters
That’s cool. Need to check out dumped demo ISOs someday, maybe there are some interesting unreleased games there. Were they just untranslated?
>Were they just untranslated?
That I don't remember.
And the games I remember 99% didn't have text, they were simple, like arkanoid, small top down racers where the cars were just shapes, stuff like that
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The last year a friend gave me his PSP MGS Peace Walker (cammo) Edition and his old 3DS Fire Emblem Awakening edition.

Hever had any of these consoles before (the normal ones) and I'm loving these.

(Pic is not mine but is the same model)

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I wanna dive into mecha games but I don't really know where to start. What are some good mecha games?
Pic somewhat related, just something I pulled from an /m/ thread.
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how can mecha be retro when their from the future
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>playing retro mech game
>"In the future year 200X"
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Mecommander 2 and Mechwarrior 4, before Bill Gate's corpo screwed it up with 5/MechAssault.
For me, it's front mission
I only played 1 and 3 tho

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