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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Post what you've acquired recently and why little paypiggies
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Does it use standard sawzall blades?
Sawzall, jigsaw, etc…
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The thing works like new, of course I cleaned re greased it. The cord is like new. I have 8 yr old saws the cords are toast. Planned obsolescence what a load of …
That cord comes in at a retarded angle, but they built in some nice strain relief.

That cord confounds me though. Don’t get tangled up
I dont use it I have all new 20v brushess Dewalt.
I collect old stuff

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>be journeyman union member.
>get paid prevailing wage to do relatively little work for the wage.
>single, no kids
>can easily pay all of my bills on unemployment insurance
>mfw I work as much or as little I want all year round
>will retire with a pension
>have healthcare as long as I am paying dues, doesn’t matter if im currently employed or not.
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>business owner gets to have entire departments to improve their negotiating ability (legal, hr)
>but YOU aren’t allowed to form your own pseudo legal and hr departments
unions end up being full of mongoliods, anyone with ambitious leaves.
Hickory dickory dock. Sucking the foreman's cock
One of my best bros is union electrician - kinda tempted to follow suit. He seems rather satisfied.

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>We're going to test that!
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Test subject #3, running without head on fire. 29.2 seconds, best yet.
only in hell
How long are gonna keep posting this stupid fucking thread?
>bitches about thread
>bumps thread
you were a bottle baby, weren't you?
You thought Cousin Eddie wasn’t real…

Damn it’s Sunday, what did he test today?

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Lads I'm a clueless shitposter boomer that through sheer persistence managed to pull a job interview next week for a plumber assistant position. How do I increase my chances of getting hired?
I'm a /fit/izen so I'm in pretty good shape and have a tiny bit of diy experience but that's it. Really shitty memory btw.
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learn the names of tools. it's only a few, but being able to grab the right thing when asked really helps.

also, when you're handing things, pay attention to WHAT the guy you're helping is doing and WHY he's doing it.
it does if there's pressure on the line.
the nile is downhill, it's just headed north downhill, because the elevated source is to the south and the sea is north. dumbass flat earth.
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Over three days...

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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E6000 is not cyanoacrylic so it won’t react with baking soda it will only make a gross mess.
If you ride it like a street bike, maintain it like a street bike.
>Any recommendations on the drywall compound?
I've always used whatever I was using on the normal taping and finishing steps.
Which reminds me. You need to tape the joint when you get it close to the finish level.
Has anybody done that before? What is the process like with insurance and registration for something that isn’t meant to be road legal in the first place?

Unless they sell some KX450 (R) for (Road Legal) so insurers are used to it and it’s like you just bought a different trim level.
Deciding on redoing a room in my basement that's 400 sqft~, and I need new flooring for it, its concrete underneath.

So why do vinyl planks cost the same as the roll on stick on vinyl shit? Wouldn't the planks be a much better value?

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I must be retarded. I cannot find a good guide on how to make a wall like picrel without the wood part. Specifically, a 2foot cobblestone retaining wall, utilizing mortar or cement. It won't be very load-bearing, 80% decoration 20% to create a clean terraced area.
I've looked up fieldstone, cobblestone, riverstone, and they all do psuedo-walls with fake thin rocks mortared onto wood.
Any advice, or should I just go with brick/timber/combination? Good stones are too expensive for me
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>2foot cobblestone retaining wall,
Going to be washed away in the heavy rain storm.
please dont follow this example its retarded and dangerous
the foundation strip should be wider than the wall. the purpose of a foundation is to spread load, it cant do that if its as narrow as the structure on top of it. it should be at least a foot wider. at least.
you dont need rebar. rebar supplies tensile strength where concrete lacks. the problem with it is it soaks up water and rusts, the rust makes it expand, the expansion cracks the concrete then it all falls down. romans didnt use rebar 2000 years ago some of their shit is still there. government puts rebar in highwar bridges to make construction economical, they have to be replaced every 20-30 years.
the wall in the video is retaining 3-4 ft of dirt. this should absolutely be designed by a competent engineer accounting for the type of soil and moisture and all kinds of shit you dont just throw shit up like this it will fall and kill someone.
guy is absolutely taking the piss lol laying maybe 4 or 5 stones a day must have taken years to do that. not ideal to over and over and over again work a new live edge into cured or green concrete so that thing is going to miss a huge amount of potential strength because of his laziness.
also note no drainiage. even a short wall put a french drain or something along the bottom so it can drain to the side if you dot want through drains.
dont build a stone wall onto asphault
if this is a serious concern then you really must start to take this project seriously.
just line up some ecoblocks and let your kid glue rocks to the front with a caulk gun of adhesive
that was one option with the stone glue+cut stones method. Looks clean but I'd rather go with timber at that point, it's half as expensive.
how so? is mortar/cement not waterproofable? How is england full of 500+ year old stone walls made with hundreds of different methods.
1 they are square stone not round cobbles
2 they arent retaining shit

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and now you know.
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>I got a warning for “trolling” for responding to a post that had nothing to do with the thread
yeah the irony about trolling is that 75% of threads on diy are troll threads but they are ok.
jannies just go after people they hate/topics they dislike. its one of the few perks of the job.
Job implies they get paid anon
If I give you a sloppy rim job, who gets paid?

My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
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Rough, you'll be fine but I hope she is able to power through for both of your sakes. Anything I was going to add has already been stated in this thread. Best of luck to you.
Since it's small, you can 3D scan it on a rotating table (best results), then print it in resin, then you can paint it so it looks more like a human hand.
Sorry you lost your daughter, I don't like kids, but I know how much it suck ass to lose someone you love.
Holy shit, all this bait in one post and everyone is just falling for it. You don't come here saying this crap, there's no reason to even say anything about losing a pregnancy. Fuck you and fuck your bait. You want to ask a question? Then ask. Saying that shit is literally worse than tripfagging. Bepis is a better human being than you are. Everyone let that sink in. Did everyone fucking forget where they are? Damn. And I've got 4 kids so don't even pull the, "Someday you'll understand" bullshit.

1/10 made me respond

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do you guise know if there's a very mild adhesive that could work well on fabrics?

I'm planning to make a cover for my new gaming chair and make it cat-proof with acquablock fabric. Underneath the cover fabric I'll use a d18 foam and nonwoven fabric, all sewn togheter properly, and what I'm asking if there's a way to glue the finished diy cover to the chair but with something very mild and possibly cleanable. What I'd like is to somehow glue togheter the nonwoven fabric to the gaming chair's fake leather kinda fabric (it's just that, but the manufacturer came up with a fancy name for it: everpro) in order to get into the seat's little grooves without much hassle and preferably with something that would never harden up and destroy any semblance of comfort to the contraptio or rip apart the og fabric if there's a need to replace the cover in the future.
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So, I found Aleene's tack it over and over that seemed to be perfect for what I needed. It's cheap, available everywhere... except i'm not in the us. In burguer moneys it goes for 5 bucks, but in hue moneys it's 148... or more (imported, of course). ffs.
So, I started to explore the wonderful and fucking limited world of removable adhesives, and I believe pic related could be used. I found another one from tekbond, but it looks like it's highly toxic.
I'll smuggle one up the prison pocket for ya bud.
mods? come on already.
i repot you.
do your fucking thing already you you bunch of cum guzzling kiddie diddling, mouth breathing bastards.

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Posted a week or two ago about getting some broken snap rings out, finally found the time to fuck with it again. One side popped right out with a pick, other side refuses to come out at best it just spins in the groove. Any ideas?
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The clip is broke you slobbering booger eating door knob licker
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this is so fucking pathetic all the anons posting should get a charity tax credit for their service
I've removed far more snap rings than you. Take it to someone not retarded like a machine shop for

or they may simply pry it out. Your ineptitude is not universal.

t.aircraft, vehicle, industrial and all sorts of other stuff mechanic wrenching longer than you've drawn breath.
put it up on your bridgeport like a real fucking man. and mill it out. oh thats right your stupid and poor.
Not the OP but my used pair from like 2000 and fuckall look exactly like that. I've never found a use for them.
Do the tips wear out or something? I've tried them on snaprings before and they're useless because they're like 5 times the size of the fucking E clip.

WHat musical instruments can I build especially on the cheap?
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*The rest
horns. You just have to buy (or turn) the mouthpiece, cut a piece of garden hose to the right length and (if you want them to be loud) stick a funnel in front. These are pretty popular with alphorn players because you can roll them up for easy transport.
First english description I could find:
ocean haro
pan drum
toungue drum
Seen videos of middle/high schoolers building electric guitars for pretty cheap as a STEM project. likely a simple kit available.

Suppose you have rooftop solar panels, but without storage batteries. That way you are supposed to just use the energy in the moment it's produced, or it gets sent back to the grid.
Basically I don't want to send anything back to the grid because fuck grid operators. I can already monitor the solar production and the current house electricity usage, so I know when I am "wasting" solar energy. When that happens I can setup an automation that trigger a relay to turn on something that uses that energy (which ideally also saves/generates money)
So anons have ideas about what the load can be?

>turn on the hot water tank
I already have a solar tank
>bitcoin miner
Initial cost is too high
>Charge stuff
But what. I don't have an EV
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AI art kills artist.

Many artists take commisions for as little as $10 a piece. Consider that the next time you need cheap art quickly.
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you throw them in the ocean, fucking duh

based and artist pilled. you want to tip my patreon?
The correct answer is to install solar panels and also bypass your meter, so you can explain to the power company why your usage is so low
You could run the fridge temperature a bit further down, closer to zero, and the freezer to as cold as possible.

>I already have a solar tank
You might want to heat that to 95°C to elimnate bacteria, especially legionella.
Im off grid. The answer is basically whatever you can find to put it into battery-wise, phones, batts for tools, charge up extra auto batts-

Then i put it all into heating or cooling/dehumidifying in summer.
I use a lava lamp and an ice maker as "heaters". I got the ice maker for free.

Other than that, appreciate being in a place of abundance

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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happy pascha, brothers
Christ is risen!
>aging that
lipstick on a pig desu
I'm mostly concerned about it not actually being done fermenting and exploding in the bottle
my local grocery store has about 2 dozen chinese and japanese crab apple trees in their boulevard. do you think they'd mind if some dumbass came and foraged all their fruits in the autumn. I highly doubt they mean for them to be anything but ornamental
You could easily ask the manager instead of being a nigger

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Is there any way to make your own A/C unit for a small room? I don't want to blow hundreds of dollars on one of these only to have it break after the warranty
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Man, Don't get this shit. It's really fucking noisy I can't stand it. Get a good pedestal fan and be done with it.
Get a 1000 l tank, fill it with water and cycle that through a car radiator during the day. At night, cycle the now warm tank water through a second radiator to cool it down. 1000 l water has an enormous thermal capacity.

Since you are in a humid climate, make sure you capture the condensate.
calls me lazy, comes to 4chan demanding detailed instructions on something YOU WILL NEVER DO.
so working for the money to buy stuff is lazy?
what if I value my time more than you? I'm lazy because I'd rather be spending my time on something I enjoy than trying to /diy/ some bullshit?
Ancient egyptians
>go outside and dig up some sand
>guys what sand should i use, what kind of jar would work best, how do i get to the beach without spending any money

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